Project Unilever

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Canteen Ordering System



Project Submitted by – K V

Submitted to - Simplilearn
Table of Contents

1. Identifying stakeholders

2. Identify the problem statement

3. Identify objectives of the new Canteen Ordering System.

4. Future process map

5. use case diagram (UML) or context diagram

6. Main Features

7. In-scope and out-of-scope items

8. Activity diagram

9. ER diagram

10. business Functional and Non-Functional requirements. 

11. Draw wireframes or mock screen

Catering Industry


ACTOR Action
Employee/ ● I would like to select food from various available dishes.
● I want to order food online and to be delivered at my
workstation in order to save time waiting in queue and to
utilize it for productivity.
● I want to see the whole menu for the today along with price of
each dishes so that I can select as per my preference.

Canteen ● I can download or print a list of all order so that quantity of

Manager food to be prepared can be predicted.
● I can see the details of workstation and floor to plan the food
● I can get the data of most of least ordered food to plan for

Delivery Boy ● Delivery person can get a list of all floor and workstation where
food deliver is requested.

● Once food is delivered delivery boy can mark the order as

delivered on website.

Payroll ● Employee wise list of all items order in a given period.

● List of employee enrolling and un-registering the canteen
ordering system.

● Employee wise total of food items in local currency which

needs to be deducted from respective employee’s salary.

Management ● Data of all employees enrolled for this system along with their
work station / floor details

● Data of most or least ordered dishes in a specific time period.

● Can access the feedback submitted by employee about canteen

ordering system.
● Detailed MIS of all food items, total payment done, mostly
order dish, least order dish, wastage etc.

Major Value
Major Interests
improved employee
productivity; cost
savings and reduced
wastage, Reduced
Canteen manpower
Strong Commitment
cost savings must
exceed development
and usage costs
Canteen Staff
more efficient use of
staff time throughout
the day; higher
customer satisfaction
concern about
downsizing; receptive
job preservation
training for staff in
Internet usage
needed; delivery staff
better food selection;
time savings;
strong enthusiasm,
simplicity of use;
reliability of delivery;
availability of food
Social value of eating
lunches together may
no benefit; needs to
set up payroll
registration scheme
recognizes the value
to the company and
minimal changes in
current payroll
Will it require payroll
software changes
increased sales;
reduction in food
wastage; efficiencies
Simple to operate;
concern about
resources for
delivering meals
might not have staff
and capacity to
handle order levels;
Computer literacy
Stakeholder Major Value Attitudes Interest Constraints
Management improved strong cost savings none
employee Commitment must exceed
productivity; cost development
savings and and usage costs

cost savings and
Canteen Staff more efficient concern about job preservation training for staff
Canteen Staff use of staff time downsizing; in Internet
Canteen Staff throughout the receptive usage needed;
Canteen Staff day; higher delivery staff
customer needed
Employee better food strong simplicity of Social value of
selection; time enthusiasm, use; reliability of eating lunches
savings; delivery; together may
convenience availability of hamper
food choices
Payroll Dept no benefit; recognizes the minimal changes Will it require
needs to set up value to the in current payroll software
payroll company and payroll changes
deduction employees applications
Canteen increased sales; Receptive Simple to might not have
Manager reduction in operate; staff and
food wastage; concern about capacity to
efficiencies resources for handle order
delivering meals levels; Computer
literacy required

Problem Definition and Solution

Most employees would prefer to take their lunch between 12 noon to 1 pm. This led to a huge
rush in the canteen during lunch hours resulting in employees wasting a lot of time waiting for
tables to be vacant. 
Management calculated that it took around 60 minutes for employees to go and come back from
lunch. Almost 30-35 minutes were wasted in waiting in a queue to collect their food and get a
table to sit and eat. However, the time spent eating was barely 10-15 minutes. The remaining 10
minutes were spent reaching and coming back from the canteen using the elevators. 
Employees don’t always get their choice of food they want because the canteen runs out of
certain items. The canteen wastes a significant quantity of food by throwing away what is not
Many employees have requested a system that would permit a canteen user to order meals
online, to be delivered to their work location at a specified time and date.
Canteen: Monthly Food wastage. Overcrowded Canteen. Inability to offer wide variety of
menu choices. Shortage of dishes on any given day.
CUSTOMER: Wastage of time. Unavailability of dishes, choices of food is limited, shortage of
dishes if you are late for lunch, Time flexibility
Solution: To create the Canteen Ordering System so that employee can order food online
instead of waiting in long queue. Order should be delivered at their respective work stations and
Payment will be deducted from their salary as per total order in a given period.

Advantages of the Canteen Ordering System:

A system would save considerable time to those employees who use the service.
It would increase the chance of them getting the food items they prefer.
This would improve both their quality of work life and their productivity.
The food wastage will be reduced.
This will reduce the cost.


Business Objective 1:
Reduce canteen food wastage by a minimum of 30% within 6 months following first release.
Scale: Value of food thrown away each month by examining the canteen inventory 
Previous - 25% wasted
Must plan for: Less than 15%

Business Objective 2:
Reduce canteen operating costs by 15% within 12 months, following initial release.

Business Objective 3:
Increase average effective work time by 30 minutes per employee per day, within 3 months.

Business Objective 4:
By making the ordering process automated and by delivering the food to the user's workstation,
the canteen will be able to operate with lesser manpower.

Existing System

Currently Unilever has no online system or website therefore each employee has to be in
queue for ordering the food. That takes time and waste lot of production of every employee.
It also increases food wastage as some of the dish get ordered less.

Proposed System

Unilever wants to develop a website so that employee can order food online and get it
delivered to their work station.

Characteristics of new features are as below -

User friendly interface
Enrolment through Salary deduction acceptance
Ease of choice of Menu
Can order more than one or a variety
Can submit one or multiple order
Can view previous order details including total costs
Choice of eating at workstation or Canteen
Management can control offers can be made easily over the Portal offering employees an
improved experience
Enable cut off at selected time 11:00

Future State Diagram:-

Scope using use case diagram (UML)

Here is use case diagram including all the actors and processes for an end to end process of the
Scope using context diagram

Here is the scope using Context diagram.

Features to be developed

1. To develop a website that can accept online orders for food.

2. Allow user to register and opt-in for payroll deduction
3. Allow user to provide workstation detail to deliver-in the food
4. Allow user to place, modify the order but once placed it will not be cancelled.
5. Allow user to submit feedback about their orders.
6. Allow canteen management to get a list of all orders, delivery details.
7. System should be able to generate various reports like, most or least ordered
dishes, wastages, cost/revenue details.
8. Employee details who registered or un-registered for the online system.
9. MIS for payroll team.

In Scope

● Online food ordering system is for Unilever British employees in London.

● Website should accept registration, payroll deduction, placing the order, modification of
order, capturing details of workstation for the delivery.
● System should be able to generate list of order along with delivery details so canteen
admin can prepare the food.
● Payroll deduction details should be sent to payroll team directly.
● System should be able to provide inventory and wastage details.
● Management should be able to derive cost/profit based on report provided by system.
● Delivery boy should be able to mark order as closed after delivery is made.

Out of Scope

● Order and deliver food on behalf of colleague.

● Editing of order before the cut off time.
● Dynamic price of dishes based on demand and supply of specific dishes.
● System release for other location at first round.

Activity Diagram for the System:

ER Diagram for the System:

Preconditions and Triggers: Example

1. User should be able to register using employee id and can opt for salary deduction from
payroll system
2. User should be able to place, edit or cancel the order
3. Canteen Manager should be able to view all orders
4. Order placing should be done instantly
5. Admin should be able to get a list of all order and dishes at 11 AM
6. Delivery boy should be able to get list of workstations along with orders

1. Employee want a system to order food online rather then waiting in log queue
2. Canteen admin wants summery of all ordered food
3. Delivery boy want list of workstation and orders.

Basic Flow

Employee register on website and enrol for payroll deduction, once register employee can login
and place, edit order before 11, after 11am order can’t be placed or cancelled.
Admin gets list of all orders and start preparation. Once prepared handover orders to delivery
boy along with workstation details. After delivery of food order can be closed.

Data Elements

Canteen admin
Order details

After Error, what happens?

Contact system support or raise a ticket

Business Requirements:

Business Objective 1:
 Reduce canteen food wastage by a minimum of 30% within 6 months following first
 Scale: Value of food thrown away each month by examining the canteen inventory 
 Previous - 25% wasted
 Must plan for: Less than 15%

Business Objective 2:
 Reduce canteen operating costs by 15% within 12 months, following initial release.
Business Objective 3:
 Increase average effective work time by 30 minutes per employee per day, within 3
Business Objective 4:
 By making the ordering process automated and by delivering the food to the user's
workstation, the canteen will be able to operate with lesser manpower.

Functional Requirements

● Employee should be able to register using employee id.

● Once register employee should be able to opt for payroll deduction.

● Now employee can place order, edit or modify order on website before the canteen

● Once order is placed work station address needs to be updated.

● Canteen admin should be able to assign role to different users based on their
position like manager, chef, delivery boy, employee.

● Roles should have access only to respective modules:

Canteen Manager Role – Amend Menus, create a variety of lists of Orders including
for Delivery Boy

User Role – Select a Menu and place an order. Provide feedback on the order. View
past orders, accept/deselect salary deduction option

Delivery Boy Role – View a list of Orders as defined by the Canteen Manager. Update
an order to indicate delivered.

Management Role – Generate Reports, have the capacity to have them send in email.

 Admin of Website should be able to update the menu on website.

 Details of inventory should be available to canteen management; record of wastage
should be recorded.
 50% of table should be kept for the employee waiting in canteen.

Non-functional Requirements
 Website should alert user to change password after every 30 day.
 Feedback and transaction details should be available.
 Website should be user using intranet only.
 Website should be able to product order history to users.
 Website should be simple and easy to use and instant ordering is possible.
 Website should be able to take a load of 15oo users at a time.
System Requirement:

 Website to be created using Java platform.

 Website should run on windows and Mac PC.

 The screens should be self-explanatory and very user friendly. Management would not
want employees not ordering from the system as they cannot understand the screens
and data fields on screen.

Java platform to be used to have low maintenance and low-cost platform.

WireFrame or Mock Screen

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