Reflection (Labadan)

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Upon all the readings, from the reading materials being posted by the instructor, I have
acquired fresh knowledge which I can use I order to deal the issues with regards to history
mainly the MINSUPALA. In module 1, I have learned why was Mindanao State University
system created, how History 3 became a mandated course in MSU system and lastly what is the
purpose of studying History. I have understood in module 1 that it is all about how Mindanao
State University was created and how they illustrated very well so that we, the students should
know the history of MSU in MINSUPALA. Another thing is that, I’ve learned the purpose of
studying History 3, to help the students know how to deal the other native’s indigenous, to act as
one, act as family eventhough they have dissimilarities but if the respect will prevail everyone
have a unity be fulfilled. Nowadays, although we have different traditions, beliefs and cultures
but we should always bear in mind that we should help others and so that everyone should live
peacefully. As such in module 2, I’ve learned a lot also firstly it made me realized that the island
of Mindanao are being categorized. In module 2, I greatly understood and opens up my mind that
each places have its own tribe and its traditional homeland on how they being grouped or how
they became provinces. As we are all aware that each of us have a provinces where we lived in.
In every provinces we have our own different tribe such as subanen, lumads, muslims and many
more to include, in every tribe there are also different traditions and beliefs. To sum it up, all in
all I have learned a lot from the reading materials specifically module 1 and 2 it made me
realized that I, as a student taking the subject of History 3 must be thankful enough because it’s a
privileged and obligated to comprehend the past social experiences that shaped the current
realities of Mindanao and its peoples. In addition we filipino’s are proud to claim that the
Philippines is multicultural country. Learning this subject are very helpful for me to see a new
perspective of what is happening in the past and maybe someday I can contribute something
which relates to issues about history.

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