Quasi-Normal Modes and Gravitational Wave Astronomy: The Date of Receipt and Acceptance Should Be Inserted Later

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Valeria Ferrari · Leonardo Gualtieri

Quasi-Normal Modes and Gravitational

Wave Astronomy
arXiv:0709.0657v2 [gr-qc] 11 Jan 2008

the date of receipt and acceptance should be inserted later

Abstract We review the main results obtained in the literature on quasi-

normal modes of compact stars and black holes, in the light of recent exciting
developments of gravitational wave detectors. Quasi-normal modes are a fun-
damental feature of the gravitational signal emitted by compact objects in
many astrophysical processes; we will show that their eigenfrequencies en-
code interesting information on the nature and on the inner structure of the
emitting source and we will discuss whether we are ready for a gravitational
wave asteroseismology.

1 Introduction

In the past four years the sensitivity of the gravitational wave (GW) detectors
LIGO and Virgo has been improved at a formidable rate [1]. LIGO’s noise
curve has been lowered by about three orders of magnitude and now the
detectors are operating at the design sensitivity. Similar progresses have been
achieved by Virgo, although some effort remains to be done to reach the
planned sensitivity at low frequencies (∼ (10 − 40) Hz). In any event, these
detectors are now in a position to take data good enough to start making
science: a supernova exploding in the local group of nearby galaxies would
not be missed, as well as the coalescence of compact bodies, neutron stars or
black holes, with total mass smaller than about 100 M⊙ , out to a distance
of the orders of few Megaparsecs (these estimates are only indicative, since
they are continuously updated as the detector sensitivities are improved).
The detection of gravitational signals will allow to test the predictions of the
theoretical work that has been done over the years to construct waveforms
and energy spectra, and to extract distinctive features which could be traced
back to the nature and to the structure of the source. An important piece
Dipartimento di Fisica “G. Marconi”, Sapienza Università di Roma and INFN,
Sezione Roma 1, P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy

of information is provided by the frequencies at which a compact object

oscillates and emits gravitational waves, i.e the quasi-normal mode (QNM)
frequencies. In this paper we shall discuss the pulsation properties of black
holes and neutron stars, focussing in particular on the information they carry
about the emitting source.
Accounts on quasi-normal modes of stars and black holes can also be
found in [2] and [3].

2 Do black holes oscillate?

According to General Relativity, quasi-normal modes are the proper modes

at which a black hole, or a star, oscillates when excited by a non radial
perturbation. They are said quasi-normal, in contrast to the normal modes
of Newtonian gravity, because they are damped by the emission of gravita-
tional waves; as a consequence, the corresponding eigenfrequencies are com-
plex. That a star can oscillate is, in some sense, obvious because a star is
a ball of fluid 1 ; however, when the idea that also black holes possess some
proper modes of vibration was firstly proposed, it raised considerable sur-
prise. Indeed, a black hole is not a material object, it is a singularity hidden
by a horizon: how can it possibly oscillate? In order to understand how this
bizarre behaviour was discovered, we need to go back to half a century ago
and to the early theory of black hole perturbations.

2.1 Schwarzschild perturbations are described by two wave equations

In 1957 T. Regge and J.A. Wheeler [6] showed that the equations describing
the perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole can be separated if the per-
turbed metric tensor is expanded in tensorial spherical harmonics. They also
showed that the relevant equations split into two decoupled sets belonging
to different parity — (−1)ℓ (even or polar) and (−1)ℓ+1 (odd or axial) —
and that, by a suitable choice of the gauge and by Fourier-expanding the per-
turbed functions, the equations for the radial part of the axial perturbations
of a Schwarzschild black hole can be reduced to a single Schroedinger-like
wave equation with a potential barrier, for a suitably defined function Zℓ− :
d2 Zℓ−
+ [ω 2 − Vℓ− (r)]Zℓ− = 0, (1)
1 2M r
Vℓ− (r) = 1− [ℓ(ℓ + 1)r − 6M ] , r∗ = r + 2M log( − 1). (2)
r3 r 2M
This equation is known as the Regge-Wheeler equation. A similar result
was obtained later in 1970 by F. Zerilli [7], who showed that also the polar
The study of stellar oscillations started at the beginning of the past century,
when Shapley [4] (1914) and Eddington [5] (1918) suggested that the variability
observed in some stars is due to periodic pulsations.

equations can be reduced to the wave equation (1) for a suitably defined
function Zℓ+ , and with a different potential barrier
2(r − 2M )
Vℓ+ (r) = [n2 (n + 1)r3 + 3M n2 r2 + 9M 2 nr + 9M 3 ] , (3)
r4 (nr + 3M )2

where n = 12 (ℓ−1)(ℓ+2). If the perturbation is excited by a source, on the left-

hand side there will be a forcing term obtained from the harmonic expansion
of the stress-energy tensor of the exciting source. The wave equations for the
axial and polar perturbations describe the way in which a non rotating black
hole reacts to an external perturbation, and the gravitational signal emitted
by the perturbed black hole can be calculated in terms of the two functions
Zℓ− and Zℓ+ as follows:

Z − (r, ω) X ℓm (θ, φ)
Z iω(t−r∗ ) X  
1 e +
h+ (t, r, θ, φ) = Zℓm (r, ω)W ℓm (θ, φ) − ℓm dω
2π r iω sin θ
Z iω(t−r∗ ) X  −
X lm (θ, φ) Zℓm

1 e + (r, ω) ℓm
h× (t, r, θ, φ) = Zℓm (r, ω) + W (θ, φ) dω
2π r sin θ iω
+ ×
where h , h are the two polarizations of the gravitational wave in the
transverse-traceless gauge (see [8], Chapter 35), and
ℓm 2 1
W (θ, φ) = ∂θ − cot θ∂θ − ∂φ Y ℓm (θ, φ)
sin2 θ
X ℓm (θ, φ) = 2 (∂θφ − cot θ∂φ ) Y ℓm (θ, φ) (5)
where Y ℓm are scalar spherical harmonics. Note that, since we are considering
perturbations of a spherically symmetric spacetime, Zℓm coincides with Zℓ±
for any value of m.

2.2 Quasi-normal modes of a Schwarzschild black hole

In 1970 Vishveshwara [9] pointed out that equation (1) for the functions
Zℓ− and Zℓ+ allows complex frequency solutions which satisfy the following
boundary conditions
Zℓ → eiωr∗ , r∗ → −∞,
Zℓ → e−iωr∗ , r∗ → +∞;

the former represents a pure ingoing wave, since nothing can escape from a
black hole horizon, the latter represents a pure outgoing wave at radial infin-
ity and corresponds to the requirement that no radiation is incoming from
infinity. This idea was confirmed by Press [10] who found, by integrating the
wave equation numerically, that an arbitrary initial perturbation decays as a
pure frequency mode. However, only in 1975 Chandrasekhar and Detweiler

[11] actually computed the discrete eigenfrequencies of these modes and clar-
ified their nature. Quoting Chandrasekhar from its book The Mathematical
Theory of Black Holes [12]:
“.. we may expect on general grounds that any initial perturbation will,
during its last stages, decay in a manner characteristic of the black hole
and independently of the original cause. In other words, we may expect that
during the very last stages, the black hole will emit gravitational waves with
frequencies and rates of damping, characteristic of itself, in the manner of
a bell sounding its last dying pure note. These considerations underlie the
formulation of the concept of the quasi-normal modes of a black hole.”
A Schwarzschild black hole is characterized by only one parameter, its
mass M ; consequently, the QNM frequencies depend only on M . In Table 1
we show the values of the complex characteristic frequencies of the first four
QNMs of a Schwarzschild black hole, respectively for ℓ = 2 and ℓ = 3.
In order to find the true pulsation frequency, ν, and the damping time, τ ,

Table 1 The lowest QNM frequencies of a Schwarzschild black hole for ℓ = 2

and ℓ = 3. They are the same both for the polar and for the axial perturbations,
i.e. the two potential barriers (2) and (3) are isospectral.

M ω0 + iM ωi M ω0 + iM ωi
ℓ=2 0.3737+i0.0890 ℓ=3 0.5994+i0.0927
0.3467+i0.2739 0.5826+i0.2813
0.3011+i0.4783 0.5517+i0.4791
0.2515+i0.7051 0.5120+i0.6903

from the values given in Table 1, we proceed as follows. Let us assume that
the black hole mass is M = nM⊙ , (M⊙ = 1.48 · 105 cm); converting to
physical unities we find
c 32.26 nM⊙ n · 0.4937 · 10−5
ν= = (M ω0 ) kHz, τ= = s.
2πn · M⊙ (M ω0 ) n (M ωi )c (M ωi )
Using these expressions we can check whether a gravitational signal emitted
by an oscillating black hole falls within the bandwidth of the ground based
interferometers Virgo/LIGO or within that of the space based interferometer
LISA. Virgo/LIGO bandwidth extends over a range of frequencies which
goes from about 10-40 Hz, up to few kHz. Thus, these detectors will be able
to detect the signal emitted by an oscillating black hole (if it is sufficiently
strong) with mass ranging within
∼M <
10 M⊙ < ∼ 10 M⊙ ,
corresponding to the frequency range ν ∈ [12 Hz, 1.2 kHz]; LISA will be
sensitive to the frequency region ν ∈ [10−4 , 10−1 ] Hz, and will see oscillating
black holes with mass
1.2 · 105 M⊙ <
∼M <
∼ 1.2 · 10 M⊙ .

For instance, LISA will be able to detect signals emitted by the oscillations
of the massive black hole at the center of our Galaxy SGR A*, the mass of
which is M = (3.7 ± 0.2) · 106 M⊙ [13].
While the frequencies of the lowest modes are rather easy to compute,
great care must be used to determine the entire spectrum. Many different
methods have been used to this purpose. For instance, a WKB approximation
and a higher order WKB approach have been used to find the lowest [14] and
the higher mode frequencies [15], respectively. In addition, new approaches
have been developed to study the QNM spectrum, as the continued frac-
tion method (developed for Kerr black holes in [16]) and the phase-integral
method [17]. Using these approaches, it has been found [18] that, for any
value of the harmonic index ℓ, as the order n of the mode increases, the real
part of a mode frequency approaches a non zero limiting value. Furthermore,
an analytical expression has been found for the imaginary part of the fre-
quency, valid in the limit n → ∞. We also mention that an exact, analytical
solution of the Regge-Wheeler equation has recently been found in terms of
the Heun functions. QNM eigenfrequencies can be computed in terms of this
solution, by solving numerically a boundary value problem [19].

2.3 The quasi-normal modes of a Kerr black hole

After 1975 the study of black hole perturbations follows along two princi-
pal avenues. One studies directly the perturbations of the metric tensor via
Einstein’s equations linearized about a given background. The other studies
the perturbations of Weyl’s and Ricci’s scalars using the Newman-Penrose
formalism. Using this latter approach in 1972 Teukolsky [20] was able to
decouple and separate the equations governing the perturbations of a Kerr
black hole, and to reduce them to a single master equation for the radial part
of the perturbation Rℓm :

∆Rℓm,rr + 2(s + 1)(r − M )Rℓm,r + V (r)Rℓm = 0

1 2
+ a2 )2 ω 2 − 4aM rmω +a2 m2 + 2is(am(r − M )

Vℓm (r, ω) = ∆ (r

 −M ω(r2 − a2 )) r + 2isωr − a2 ω 2 − Aℓm

∆ = r2 − 2M r + a2 .

The angular part, Sℓm , satisfies the equations of the oblate spheroidal har-
( h 2
[(1 − u2 )Sℓm,u ],u + a2 ω 2 u2 − 2amωsu + s + Aℓm − (m+su)
1−u2 Sℓm = 0, (8)
u = cos θ,

and the complete wavefunction is

∞ ℓ
ψs (t, r, θ, ϕ) = eiωt eimϕ Sℓm (u)Rℓm (r)dω. (9)

ℓ=|s| m=−ℓ

In these equations s is the spin-weight parameter s = 0, ±1, ±2, for scalar,

electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations, respectively 2 , and Aℓm is
a separation constant.
It is interesting to note that, unlike the potential barrier of a Schwarzschild
black hole, which is real and independent of the harmonic index m and of
the frequency, the potential barrier of a Kerr black hole is complex, and it
depends on m and on the frequency ω.
An interesting phenomenon occurs when electromagnetic or gravitational
waves are scattered by Kerr’s potential barrier Vℓm (r, ω); if the incident wave
has a frequency in the range
0 < ω < ωc where ωc = , m > 0, (10)
2M r+
the reflection coefficient associated to V (r) exceeds unity [21,22]. This phe-
nomenon is called superradiance, and it is the analogue, in the domain of
wave propagation, of Penrose’s process in the domain of particle creation.
The quasi-normal frequencies of a Kerr black hole have been computed by
Detweiler [23], and subsequently by Leaver [16], Seidel & Iyer [24], Kokkotas
[25] and Onozawa [26]. Since rotation removes the degeneracy presented by
Schwarzschild’s modes, there is a set of eigenmodes for any assigned value of
the harmonic indexes ℓ and m. The calculations show that when the black
hole angular momentum a increases, the real part of the complex eigenfre-
quencies is bounded, but the imaginary part is not. Moreover, when a Kerr
black hole becomes “extreme”, i.e. when a → M, highly damped mode-
frequencies converge to the purely real value of the critical frequency below
which superradiant scattering occurs, ωc = 2M . In this context, an in-
teresting result was obtained by Detweiler in 1977 [23]. He found that when
a → M, the imaginary part of the mode-frequencies tends to zero. If excited,
these modes would set the black hole into an oscillation that would never de-
cay, suggesting that extreme Kerr black holes are “marginally unstable”. It
was subsequently shown by B. Mashoon and one of the authors that when
a → M the amplitude of the “unstable” modes tends to zero, and conse-
quently quasi-normal modes belonging to real frequency cannot exist in the
ordinary regime [27].
As for a Schwarzschild black hole, in the n → ∞ limit the imaginary
part of the mode frequencies has an analytical expression which has been
determined in [28].

2.4 Excitation of black hole quasi-normal modes

Black holes quasi-normal modes are excited in many astrophysical processes,

and are a fundamental feature of the gravitational signal. Therefore they
are of utmost importance for the data analysis of gravitational wave experi-
ments. The first simulation of black hole oscillations excited by an external
+ and − indicate the ingoing and outgoing radiative part of the considered
field. For example s = +2 corresponds to ψ2 = Ψ0 , and s = −2 to ψ−2 = Ψ4 ,
where Ψ0 and Ψ4 are the Weyl scalars.

source dates back to 1971: in [29] a Schwarzschild black hole was perturbed
by a radially infalling point-like body, with a mass much smaller than the
black hole mass. The energy spectrum of the emitted signal was computed
by solving the Zerilli equation with a source describing the infalling particle.
The waveform was explicitly computed in [30], and it was shown that, after
a transient, the signal exhibits a ringing tail, which can be fitted by a com-
bination of quasi-normal modes. In Figure 1, we show the gravitational wave
amplitude r · h(t − r∗ ) emitted in the considered process, and the analytical
fit with the first two ℓ = 2 quasi-normal modes belonging to the frequencies
M ω1 = 0.37 + i0.09 and M ω2 = 0.35 + i0.27. The fit becomes more accurate
if higher order modes are taken into account, but the main contribution is
due to ω1 and ω2 .





-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40

Fig. 1 The gravitational signal emitted when a Schwarzschild black hole is per-
turbed by a radially infalling particle (solid line); the analytical fit (dashed line)
has been obtained using a linear combination of the first two ℓ = 2 black hole
quasi-normal modes.

The perturbation induced on a Schwarzschild black hole by extended

sources made up of pressureless matter was studied in [31]. It was shown
that in this case modes are also excited, but to a smaller extent with respect
to the pointlike source, due to interference effects (see also [32,33]). In the
case of matter orbiting around a black hole, the excitation of the QNMs is in
general even smaller. Indeed, modes are significantly excited only if matter
reaches r . 4M , i.e., if it crosses the potential barrier Vℓ± (r); however, this
is not possible if matter moves on a stable orbit, for which r ≥ 6M [34].
Although these studies refer to very idealised situations, they have been
very useful because they showed that quasi-normal modes can be excited, and
because they provided a first understanding of the mechanisms underlying

the mode excitation. However, astrophysical phenomena are much more com-
plicate, and only recently major advances in numerical techniques allowed the
modelling of more realistic processes involving black holes.
Black hole coalescence is probably the most violent process occurring in
the universe (after the big bang), and it is expected to be the most power-
ful source of gravitational waves to be detected by interferometric detectors
Virgo and LIGO.


UTB (s00)
Pretorius (d16)
r ψ4 Mf

-250 -200 -150 -100
-100 -50 0 50

Fig. 2 Gravitational radiation waveform emitted by two coalescing black holes

(courtesy of the authors).

Such phenomena are very difficult to simulate numerically, because the

topology of the spacetime changes during the process. After nearly 15 years
of efforts, this problem has been solved very recently by three groups [35],
who found, independently, the same results [36]. In their simulations, two
Schwarzschild black holes coalesce, merge and produce a single Kerr black
hole. The emitted gravitational signal computed in [36] is shown in Figure 2:
after a short merger phase the waveform is clearly dominated by the quasi-
normal mode oscillations. This important feature is also exhibited by the
signal emitted in the coalescence of rotating black holes [37].
Quasi-normal modes excitation has also been shown to give a strong con-
tribution to the signal emitted after the core collapse of a rotating neutron
star to a Kerr black hole [38]. Moreover, in [39] the gravitational emission of
a black hole perturbed by a thick, oscillating accretion disk has been studied;
in a subsequent paper [40] it has been shown that if the disk is extremely
dense, black hole oscillations can be excited, even though, due to the sym-
metry of the source, only by a small amount. All numerical simulations of
astrophysical processes in which QNMs are excited show that the leading
contribution belong to the lowest frequency, ℓ = 2 mode.
To conclude this Section, we should at least mention that there are also
theoretical studies [41],[42] on the “excitability” of the quasi-normal modes.
The main result of these studies is that a measure of the relative QNM
excitation, independent of the particular astrophysical process, is encoded

in the poles of the Green’s functions associated to the Zerilli and Regge-
Wheeler equations. This information, combined with the knowledge of the
exciting source, allows to determine the quasi-normal mode content of the
gravitational signal.

2.5 Other issues on quasi-normal modes

2.5.1 Completeness

The quasi-normal modes of a Schwarzschild black hole do not form a complete

basis for black hole perturbations. As shown by Leaver [41], this is due to
a branch cut in the Green’s functions associated to the Zerilli and Regge-
Wheeler equations. Consequently, a general perturbation cannot be written
as a combination of quasi-normal modes. In particular, it exhibit a power-law
tail ∼ t−2ℓ−2 [43].

2.5.2 Stability

The stability of the Schwarzschild spacetime has been proved by Vishvesh-

wara [44] and Wald [45]. Vishveshvara showed that the imaginary part, ωi ,
of the QNM frequency is always positive, and Wald proved that since ωi is
always positive, all perturbations remain bounded.
The stability of Kerr black holes is still an open issue. The main problem
arises because of the existence of the ergoregion, where a perturbation can
grow indefinitely even though the energy remains finite. However, there are
indications that also Kerr black holes are stable [46].

2.5.3 Applications in string theory and in loop quantum gravity

In recent years, it has been suggested that black hole QNM’s may play a role
in string theory and loop quantum gravity. In 2000 Horowitz and Hubeny [47]
proposed that the study of the black hole QNM’s in anti-de Sitter spacetime
could be useful to determine some properties of conformal field theories. Their
conjecture is deeply rooted in string theory and in the so-called “AdS-CFT
correspondence”. Stimulated by this work, many authors computed the QNM
eigenfrequencies in anti-de Sitter spacetime [48] (see also [49]). It is worth
reminding that anti-de Sitter solution of Einstein’s equations describes a
universe with a negative cosmological constant; therefore these black holes
should not be considered as astrophysical objects.
In 2003 Dreyer and Motl [50] suggested that, in the asymptotic limit
n → ∞, black hole quasi-normal modes would allow to fix the value of the
“Immirzi parameter”, which is a key parameter in loop quantum gravity.
Following this proposal, studies of the asymptotic limit of QNM [18], [28]
have further been developed [51].
More generally, inspired by these consideration in the contexts of string
theory and loop quantum gravity, in recent years many authors have com-
puted the eigenfrequencies of black hole quasi-normal modes in various back-

ground spacetimes, both in four dimensions and for higher dimensional space-
times [52].

3 Stellar pulsations

Stellar pulsations are a very well known phenomenon in astronomy, since they
underlay a variety of astrophysical processes. For instance, they are observed
in the Sun, and a branch of solar sciences, named helioseismology, uses the
information encoded in the pulsation frequencies to investigate the internal
structure of our star and the physical processes that occur in the interior.
Non radial pulsations are associated to gravitational wave emission and, as
we shall see, the mode frequencies carry interesting information on the inner
structure of the emitting sources. Thus, if in the future GW-detectors will
be able to catch the gravitational signals emitted by pulsating stars, a new
branch of astrophysics will develop, the gravitational wave asteroseismology.
This will allow us to investigate the interior of neutron stars, where densities
and pressures are so extreme that they are unreachable by high energy exper-
iments on Earth. But before discussing how the equation of state (EOS) of
matter affects quasi-normal mode frequencies, let us preliminarily show the
equations we need to solve to determine these frequencies. We shall discuss
only pulsations of a non rotating star, i.e. of stars which are described by
static, spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein’s equations. The rotating
case is much more complicate, and an exhaustive description of the prob-
lems that arise when one is looking for the quasi-normal mode frequencies is
beyond the scope of this paper (see, for instance, [53] and references therein).

3.1 Stellar perturbations of a non rotating star

The equations governing the adiabatic perturbations of a spherical star in

general relativity have been derived within different approaches by many
authors [54]-[60]. Here we shall show, as an example, the basic equations of
the theory of stellar perturbations as developed in [55] (see also [56] for a
complete account of the theory). We start with the metric appropriate to
describe a static, spherical background
ds2 = e2ν (dt)2 − e2ψ dϕ − e2µ2 (dr)2 − e2µ3 (dθ)2 . (11)
where e2ψ = r2 , e2µ3 = r2 sin θ, and ν(r) and µ2 (r) have to be found by
solving the TOV equations of stellar structure (see for instance [8]), for an
assigned equation of state. Matter in the star is assumed to be a perfect fluid,
with stress-energy tensor
T µν = (ǫ + p)uµ uν − pg µν ,
where ǫ(r) and p(r) are the fluid energy-density and the pressure, and uµ are
the components of the four-velocity of a generic fluid element. Axisymmetric
perturbations of the spacetime (11) can be described by the line-element
ds2 = e2ν (dt)2 − e2ψ (dϕ − q2 dr2 − q3 dθ − ωdt)2 − e2µ2 (dr)2 − e2µ3 (dθ)2 . (12)

In eq. (12) there are seven unknown functions, i.e. one more than needed,
but the extra degree of freedom disappears when the boundary conditions of
the problem are fixed. As a consequence of a generic perturbation, the metric
functions, (ν, ψ, µ2 , µ3 , ω, q2 , q3 ), and the fluid variables, (ǫ, p, uα ), change by
a small amount with respect to their unperturbed values, which we assume
to be known; for instance ν −→ ν + δν, ǫ −→ ǫ + δǫ, and similarly for the
remaining variables. At the same time, each element of fluid undergoes an
infinitesimal displacement from its equilibrium position, which is described
by the lagrangian displacement ξ. All perturbed quantities are functions of
t, r and θ. If we now write Einstein’s equations supplemented by the hy-
drodynamical equations and the conservation of baryon number, expand all
tensors in tensorial spherical harmonics and Fourier-expand the time depen-
dent quantities, we find that, as for black holes, the perturbed equations
decouple into two sets, the polar and the axial, with a major difference: the
polar equations couple the thermodynamical variables to the metric variables.
Conversely the axial perturbations do not induce fluid motion except for a
stationary rotation; however, we shall see that the fluid plays a role, because
it shapes the potential barrier associated to the spacetime curvature.

3.1.1 The equations for the polar perturbations

The explicit expressions of the functions that describe the polar perturba-
tions, expanded in harmonics and Fourier-expanded are
δν = Nℓ (r)Pℓ (cos θ)eiωt δµ2 = Lℓ (r)Pℓ (cos θ)eiωt (13)
δµ3 = [Tℓ (r)Pℓ + Vℓ (r)Pℓ,θ,θ ]eiωt δψ = [Tℓ (r)Pℓ + Vℓ (r)Pℓ,θ cot θ]eiωt ,
δp = Πℓ (r)Pℓ (cos θ)eiωt 2(ǫ + p)eν+µ2 ξr (r, θ)eiωt = Uℓ (r)Pℓ eiωt
δǫ = Eℓ (r)Pℓ (cos θ)eiωt 2(ǫ + p)eν+µ3 ξθ (r, θ)eiωt = Wℓ (r)Pℓ,θ eiωt ,
where Pℓ (cos θ) are Legendre’s polynomials and ω is the frequency. After
separating the variables the relevant Einstein’s equations become

Xℓ,r,r + 2r + ν,r − µ2,r Xℓ,r + rn2 e2µ2 (Nℓ + Lℓ ) + ω 2 e2(µ2 −ν) Xℓ = 0,

2 n 2µ2
− 1)(Nℓ + Lℓ ) + r(ν,r − µ2,r )Xℓ,r + ω 2 e2(µ2 −ν) rXℓ ,

 (r Gℓ ),r = nν,r (Nℓ − Lℓ ) + r (e

1 2µ2 2
 −ν,r Nℓ,r = −Gℓ + ν,r [Xℓ,r + νn ,r (Nℓ − Lℓ )] + r 2 (e − 1)(Nℓ − rXℓ,r − ro Gℓ )

2µ2 1 2 2(µ2 −ν) r 1
 −e (ǫ + p)Nℓ + 2 ω e Nℓ + Lℓ + n Gℓ + n [rXℓ,r + (2n + 1)Xℓ ] ,

Lℓ,r (1 − D) + Lℓ r − ν,r − r + hν,r D + Xℓ,r + Xℓ r1 − ν,r + DN
  2  1
i ℓ,r +

 +Nℓ Dν,r − D − F + 1 + Eν,r Nℓ − Lℓ + r2 Gℓ + 1 (rXℓ,r + Xℓ ) = 0,

r r n n

 A = 21 ω 2 e−2ν , Q = (ǫ+p)γp ,

(ǫ+p) ∂p e−2µ2 ν,r
γ = p ∂ǫ entropy=const , B= 2(ǫ+p) (ǫ,r − Qp,r ),

A ω 2 e−2ν (ǫ+p) (15)
 D = 1 − 2(A+B) =1− ω 2 e−2ν (ǫ+p)+e−2µ2 ν,r (ǫ,r −Qp,r )

 E = D(Q − 1) − Q,
 F = ǫ,r −Qp,r = 2[ǫ,r −Qp,r ](ǫ+p)


2(A+B) 2ω 2 e−2ν (ǫ+p)+e−2µ2 ν,r (ǫ,r −Qp,r )

and Vℓ and Tℓ have been replaced by Xℓ and Gℓ defined as

 Xℓ = nVℓ
Gℓ = ν,r [ n+1 Xℓ − Tℓ ],r + r12 (e2µ2 − 1)[n(Nℓ + Tℓ ) + Nℓ ]
 + ν,r (N +nL ) − e2µ2 (ǫ + p)N 1 2 2(µ2 −ν)
[Lℓ − Tℓ + 2n+1
r ℓ ℓ ℓ + 2ω e n Xℓ ].
Equations (14) are valid in general, also for non-barotropic equations of state.
It should be noted that although eqs. (14) describe stellar perturbations
inside the star, they are written for the variables (X, G, N, L) which are
metric perturbations. However, the motion of the fluid is excited by the
perturbation and it can be shown that, once equations (14) have been solved,
the fluid variables, (Π, E, U, W ), can be obtained in terms of the metric
functions using the following equations
Wℓ = Tℓ − Vℓ + Lℓ ,
1 e−2µ2
Πℓ = − ω 2 e−2ν Wℓ − (ǫ + p)Nℓ , Eℓ = QΠℓ + (ǫ,r − Qp,r )Uℓ ,
2 2(ǫ + p)
[(ω 2 e−2ν Wℓ ),r + (Q + 1)ν,r (ω 2 e−2ν Wℓ ) + 2(ǫ,r − Qp,r )Nℓ ](ǫ + p)
Uℓ = .
[ω 2 e−2ν (ǫ + p) + e−2µ2 ν,r (ǫ,r − Qp,r )]
This fact is remarkable: it shows that all information on the dynamical be-
haviour of a star is encoded in the gravitational field. Thus, if one is interested
exclusively in the study of the emitted gravitational radiation, one can solve
the system (14) disregarding the fluid variables 3 .
Equations (14) have to be integrated for assigned values of the frequency
from r = 0, where all functions must be regular, up to the stellar surface.
There, the spacetime becomes vacuum and spherically symmetric, and the
perturbed metric functions and their first derivatives have to be matched
continuously with the Zerilli function that describes the polar perturbations
of a Schwarzschild spacetime; its expression in terms of the metric functions
is r
Zℓ+ (r) = (3M Xℓ (r)/n − rLℓ (r)) (17)
nr + 3M
(for a detailed discussion of the boundary conditions see refs. [55] and [56]).

3.1.2 A Schroedinger equation for the axial perturbations

The equations for the axial perturbations are much simpler than the polar
ones. Their radial behaviour is completely described by a function Zℓ− (r),
which satisfies the following Schroedinger-like equation
d2 Zℓ−
+ [ω 2 − Vℓ− (r)]Zℓ− = 0, (18)
where r∗ = 0 e−ν+µ2 dr (ν and µ2 are unperturbed metric functions), and
Vℓ− (r) = ℓ(ℓ + 1)r + r3 [ǫ(r) − p(r)] − 6m(r) .

After these equations were derived, R.Ipser and R.H.Price showed that they
can be reduced to a fourth-order system [61].

The function Zℓ− (r) is a combination of the axial, metric perturbations

e3ψ+ν−µ2 −µ3 (δq2,θ − δq3,r ) = rZℓ− (r)Cℓ+2
(θ), (20)
and Cℓ+22
(θ) are Gegenbauer’s polynomials [55].
Outside the star ǫ and p vanish and Vℓ− (r) reduces to the Regge-Wheeler
potential barrier (2). From these equations we see that unlike the polar per-
turbations, the axial perturbations, which do not have a Newtonian counter-
part, are not coupled to fluid motion. In addition, the shape of the potential
(19) depends on ǫ(r) and p(r), i.e. on the radial profile of the energy-density
and of the pressure inside the star, in the equilibrium configuration.

3.2 Quasi-normal modes of stars

The quasi-normal modes are solutions of the axial and polar equations that
satisfy the following boundary conditions. As for black holes, at radial infinity
the solution must behave as a pure outgoing wave
Zℓ± → e−iωt , r∗ → +∞. (21)
In addition, all perturbed functions must be regular at r = 0 and have to
match continuously the exterior perturbation on the stellar surface. For the
axial perturbations the matching condition is automatically satisfied, because
eq. (18) reduces to the Regge-Wheeler equation for r ≥ R, where R is the
stellar radius.
Stars possess many different classes of modes. The axial quasi-normal
modes are pure spacetime modes and do not exist in Newtonian gravity.
They are named w-modes and are highly damped, i.e. the imaginary part
of the frequency is comparable to the real part [62] and consequently the
damping times are small. If the star is extremely compact, the potential (19)
inside the star becomes a well, while in the exterior it remains a barrier. If the
well is deep enough, it allows for the existence of one or more slowly damped
quasi-normal modes, or s-modes; they are also said trapped modes because,
due to the slow damping, they are effectively trapped by the potential barrier,
and no much radiation can leak out of the star when these modes are excited
It is interesting to compare the eigenfrequencies of the axial modes of stars
and black holes, since they are both pure spacetime modes. As an example,
in table 2 we show the frequencies and the damping times of the first four
ℓ = 2, axial modes for a homogeneous star with mass M = 1.35M⊙ and
increasing compactness, and for a non rotating black hole with the same
mass. It should be mentioned that the w-mode frequencies depend upon the
equation of state of matter in the inner core of the star and, as shown in [64],
if detected they would allow to discriminate between the models underlying
different equations of state. Until very recently, the common belief was that
w-modes are unlikely to be excited in astrophysical processes. However in
2005 it has been shown that, in the collapse of a neutron star to a black hole,
w-modes are excited soon before the black hole forms. Thus, the gravitational

Table 2 The characteristic frequencies and damping times of the axial quasi-
normal modes of a homogeneous star of mass M = 1.35 M⊙ . The data are tabulated
for increasing values of the stellar compactness M
; they are compared to those of
a non rotating black hole with the same mass. We tabulate the first four values of
the frequency (in kHz) and of the damping time (in s) for ℓ = 2. ν s and τ s refer
to the trapped modes associated to the potential well inside the star (see text), ν w
and τ w refer to the axial w-modes, and ν BH and τ BH to the black hole

νs τs νw τw ν BH τ BH
0.4167 8.6293 1.52 · 10−3 11.1738 1.70 · 10−4 8.9300 7.49 · 10−5
– – 14.2757 8.03 · 10−5 8.2848 2.43 · 10−5

– – 18.2232 5.70 · 10−5 7.1952 1.39 · 10−5

– – 22.6669 4.88 · 10−5 6.0099 0.95 · 10−5
0.4386 4.4333 10.8 10.4128 5.45 · 10−4
6.0168 2.50 · 10−1 11.9074 2.91 · 10−4
7.5462 1.44 · 10−2 13.4813 2.07 · 10−4
8.9891 1.83 · 10−3 15.1428 1.67 · 10−4
0.4425 2.6041 5.38 · 103 10.7852 7.60 · 10−4
3.5427 1.69 · 102 11.6922 5.34 · 10−4
4.4802 1.22 · 101 12.6138 4.22 · 10−4
5.4127 1.37 · 10−1 13.5512 3.56 · 10−4

signal emitted in this process contains both the frequency of the w-modes of
the collapsing star, and those of the quasi-normal modes of the newly born
black hole [38].
The polar modes are classified following a scheme, introduced by Cowl-
ing in Newtonian gravity in 1942 [65], based on the restoring force which
prevails when the generic fluid element is displaced from the equilibrium
position. They are said g-modes, or gravity modes, if the restoring force is
due to buoyancy, and p-modes if it is due to pressure gradients. The mode
frequencies are ordered as follows

..ωgn < .. < ωg1 < ωf < ωp1 < .. < ωpn ..

and are separated by the frequency of the fundamental mode (f -mode), which
has an intermediate character between g− and p− modes. In addition, gen-
eral relativity predicts the existence of polar w-modes, that are very weakly
coupled to fluid motion and are similar to the axial w-modes [66]. Their
frequencies are typically higher than those of the fluid modes (g, f and p).
The relevance of the different modes to gravitational wave emission de-
pends on several factors, first of all on the amount of energy which can be
stored into a given mode. Moreover, it depends on the presence of other dis-
sipative processes that may compete with GW-emission in removing energy
from the star; for instance, neutrino diffusion or viscosity, if the oscillating

star is a newly born, hot neutron star. Last, but not least, of crucial impor-
tance are the values of the mode frequencies: for instance the w-modes of
neutron stars have typical frequencies of the order of 10 kHz or higher, far
too high to be detectable by ground based interferometers in their present
or advanced configuration.
Numerical simulations of the most energetic astrophysical processes, like
core collapse to a neutron star (NS) or binary coalescence leading to NS
formation, indicate that the mode which is most excited is the fundamental
mode. For this reason we will now focus on this mode, discussing the infor-
mation the f -mode frequency, νf , carries on the inner structure of neutron
It is worth mentioning that typical values of f -mode damping times are
of the order of a few tenths of seconds; consequently, the excitation of the
f -mode would appear, in the Fourier transform of the gravitational signal,
as a sharp peak. Therefore, the f -mode frequency could, in principle, be
extracted from the detector noise by an appropriate data analysis (provided
νf falls in the detection bandwidth of some GW-detector).
From Newtonian gravity we know that the νf scales with the average
M 1/2

density of the star νf ∼ R 3 ; as shown in [67,68], where νf has been
computed for a variety of equations of state proposed to describe matter in
a NS, a similar scaling law holds also in general relativity.
At densities exceeding the equilibrium density of nuclear matter, ρ0 =
2.67 × 1014 g/cm3 , the fluid in the inner core of a NS is basically a gas of
interacting nucleons. The equations of state proposed in the literature to de-
scribe this kind of matter are derived within two main, different approaches:
nonrelativistic nuclear many-body theory (NMBT) and relativistic mean field
theory (RMFT); we will now show how different ways of modeling hadronic
interactions affect the pulsation properties of the star. In what follows we
shall summarize the main results of a study we have done in [68], where we
have selected a restricted number of EOS obtained within the NMBT and
the RMFT approach. To describe the inner and outer crust of the NS, we
have used the Baym-Pethick-Sutherland EOS [69] and the Pethick-Ravenhall-
Lorenz EOS [70], respectively.
The EOS we choose to describe NS matter at ρ > ρ0 , are the following.
For the NMBT approach we select two groups of EOS: Group I, named
(APR1 , APR2 , APRB200 , APRB120 ), and Group II, named (BBS1 ,
BBS2 ), respectively. In both cases matter is composed of neutrons, protons,
electrons and muons in weak equilibrium, and the dynamics is described by
a non-relativistic Hamiltonian which includes phenomenological potentials
that describe two- and three-nucleon interactions. The potential are obtained
from fits of existing scattering data. For all EOS the two-body potential is
v18 , whereas the three-body potential is Urbana IX for Group I, and Urbana
VII for Group II.
A first major difference between the two groups is that in Group I
the ground state energy is calculated using variational techniques [71,72],
whereas in Group II is calculated using G-matrix perturbation theory [73].
There are also differences among the EOS in each group:

– Group I
APR2 is an improved version of the APR1 model. In APR1 nucleon-
nucleon potentials describe interactions between nucleons in their center
of mass frame, in which the total momentum P vanishes. In the APR2 the
two-nucleon potential is modified including relativistic corrections which
arise from the boost to a frame in which P 6= 0, up to order P2 /m2 .
These corrections are necessary to use the nucleon-nucleon potential in
a locally inertial frame associated to the star. As a consequence of this
change, the three-body potential also needs to be modified in a consistent
The EOS APRB200 and APRB120 are the same as APR2 up to ∼ 4ρ0 ,
but at higher density there is a phase of deconfined quark matter de-
scribed within the MIT bag model. The mass of the strange quark is
assumed to be ms = 150 MeV, the coupling constant describing quarks
interaction is set to αs = 0.5, and the value of the bag constant is 200
MeV/fm3 for APRB200 and 120 MeV/fm3 for APRB120 . We will dis-
cuss in some more detail quark matter in the next section. The phase
transition from nuclear matter to quark matter is described requiring the
fulfillment of Gibbs conditions, leading to the formation of a mixed phase,
and neglecting surface and Coulomb effects [71,74]. Thus, these stars are
hybrid stars.
– Group II
The main difference between the equations of state BBS1 and BBS2 is
that in BBS2 strange heavy baryons (Σ − and Λ0 ) are allowed to form in
the core. Neither BBS1 nor BBS2 include relativistic corrections.
As representative of the RMFT, we choose the EOS named G240 . Matter
composition includes leptons and the complete octet of baryons (nucleons,
Σ 0,± , Λ0 and Ξ ± ). Hadron dynamics is described in terms of exchange of
one scalar and two vector mesons. It should be reminded that in this case,
the EOS is obtained within the mean field approximation [75].
For any of the above EOS we have solved the TOV equations for different
values of the central density, finding the equilibrium configurations. Then, for
each EOS and for each equilibrium model, we have solved the equations of
stellar perturbations finding the f -mode frequency, νf . The results are shown
in Fig. 3 where we plot νf as a function of the mass, up to the maximum mass
allowed by each EOS. From this picture we learn the following. Comparing
the values of νf for APR1 and APR2 we immediately see that the relativistic
corrections and the associated redefinition of the three-body potential, which
improve the Hamiltonian of APR2 with respect to APR1 , play a relevant
role, leading to a systematic difference of about 150 Hz in the mode fre-
quency. Conversely, the presence of quark matter in the star inner core (EOS
APRB200 and APRB120 ) does not seem to significantly affect the pulsation
properties of the star. We also see that the frequencies corresponding to the
BBS1 and APR1 models, which are very close at M < ∼ 1.4 M⊙ , diverge for
larger masses. This behavior can be traced back to the different treatments
of three-nucleon interactions, whose role in shaping the EOS becomes more
and more important as the star mass (and central density) increases: while
the variational approach of ref. [71] used to derive the EOS APR1 naturally

f-mode frequency




νf ( KHz )


1.8 APR2
1.7 APRB120
1.6 BBS2
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
Fig. 3 The frequency of the fundamental mode is plotted as a function of the mass
of the star for the selected EOS (see text).

allows for inclusion of the three-nucleon potential appearing in the Hamil-

tonian, in G-matrix perturbation theory used to derive the EOS BBS1 the
three-body potential has to be replaced with an effective two-nucleon poten-
tial, obtained by averaging over the position of the third particle [76].
The transition to hyperonic matter, predicted by the BBS2 model, pro-
duces a considerable softening of the EOS, and leads to stable NS configura-
tions of very low mass (= 1.218 M⊙ ). As a consequence of the softening of
the EOS, the average density increases and so does the f -mode frequency,
which is significantly higher than that obtained for other EOS for the same
It is also interesting to compare the f -mode frequencies corresponding
to models BBS2 (derived within the RMFT approach) and G240 (derived
using the NMBT approach), as they both predict the occurrence of heavy
strange baryons, but are obtained from different theoretical approaches. The
behavior of νf shown in Fig. 3 directly reflects the relations between mass and
central density; indeed, for a given mass, larger central density correspond
to smaller radii, and therefore to larger average density. Consequently, we
can say that higher frequencies correspond to larger central densities ρc . For
example, the NS configurations of mass 1.2 M⊙ correspond to ρc ∼ 7 · 1014
g/cm3 for G240 , and to a larger central density, ρc ∼ 2 · 1015 g/cm3 for
BBS2 . On the other hand, the G240 model requires a central density of ∼
2.5·1015 g/cm3 to reach a mass of ∼ 1.55 M⊙ and a value of νf equal to
that of the BBS2 model.
From the above discussion we see that the frequency of the fundamen-
tal mode carries interesting information on the different ways of modeling
hadronic interactions.

3.3 Can a star be made of quarks?

Another interesting possibility is that a compact star is a strange star, namely

one that, except for a thin outer crust, is entirely made of a degenerate gas
of up, down and strange quarks. That such stars may exist, was suggested by
Witten many years ago [77]; since then, from time to time the observation
of a very compact (or what seems to be a very compact) object revives the
question whether strange stars can actually exist. Thus, it is interesting to
see whether gravitational waves would be able to provide an answer to this
question. For this reason in [78] we computed the f -mode eigenfrequency
of strange stars, modeled using the MIT bag model [79]. It may be noted
that, due to the complexity of the fundamental theory of strong interactions
between quarks (Quantum Chromo-Dynamics, or QCD), theoretical studies
of strange stars are necessarily based on models, and the MIT bag model
is one of the most used in the literature. According to such model, quarks
occur in color neutral clusters confined to a finite region of space – the bag
– the volume of which is limited by the pressure of the QCD vacuum (the
bag constant B); in addition, the residual interactions between quarks are
assumed to be weak, and therefore are treated in low order perturbation
theory in the color coupling constant αs . Thus, the parameters of the model
are the masses of up, down and strange quarks, αs and the bag constant B.
From the Particle Data Book we learn that the mass of the up and down
quarks are of the order of few MeV, negligible with respect to that of the
strange quark, the value of which is in the ranges (80 − 155) MeV. The value
of the coupling constant αs is constrained by the results of hadron collision
experiments to range within (0.4 − 0.6).
In early applications of the MIT bag model B, αs and ms were adjusted
to fit the measured properties of light hadrons (spectra, magnetic moments
and charge radii). According to these studies B was shown to range from
57.5 MeV/fm3 [80] to 351.7 MeV/fm3 [81]; however, the requirement that
strange quark matter be absolutely stable at zero temperature and pressure
implies that B cannot exceed the maximum value Bmax ≈ 95 MeV/fm3 [82].
For values of B exceeding Bmax , a star entirely made of deconfined quarks
is not stable, and quark matter can only occupy a fraction of the available
volume as in the models APRB200 and APRB120 considered above. Thus, if
we want to study bare strange stars we need to restrict the values of B in the
range ∈ (57 − 95) MeV/fm3 . In our analysis we have systematically explored
the following range of parameters

ms ∈ (80 − 155) MeV, αs ∈ (0.4 − 0.6), B ∈ (57 − 95) MeV/fm3 ,

computing the corresponding stellar configurations up to the maximum mass,
and the corresponding f -mode frequencies. The results are summarized in
figure 4. There we plot νf as a function of the mass of the star, both for
strange stars and for the neutron/hybrid stars described in the previous
section. The shaded region covers the range of parameters of the MIT bag
model (22).
From figure 4 we can extract the following information. First of all strange
stars cannot emit gravitational waves with νf . 1.7 kHz, for any value of the

Neutron stars APRB200
+ BBS1
2.8 BBS2
Strange stars G240
νf ( kHz )





0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
Fig. 4 The frequency of the fundamental mode is plotted as a function of the
mass of the star, for neutron/hybrid stars (continuous lines) and for strange stars
modeled using the MIT bag model, spanning the set of parameters indicated in
(22) (dashed region).

mass in the range we consider. Note that 1.8 M⊙ is the maximum mass above
which no stable strange star can exist. There is a small range of frequency
where neutron/hybrid stars are indistinguishable from strange stars; however,
there is a large frequency region where only strange stars can emit. For
instance if M = 1.4 M⊙ , a signal with νf & 2 kHz would belong to a strange
star. Even if we do not know the mass of the star (as it is often the case for
isolated pulsars) the knowledge of νf allows to gain information about the
source nature; indeed, if νf & 2.2 kHz, apart from a very narrow region of
masses where stars with hyperons would emit (EOS BBS2 and G240 ), we
can reasonably exclude that the signal is emitted by a neutron star.
In addition, it is possible to show that if a signal emitted by an oscillating
strange star would be detected, since νf is an increasing function of the bag
constant B it would be possible to set constraints on B much more stringent
than those provided by the available experimental data [78].

4 Are we ready for gravitational wave asteroseismology?

In this section we want to discuss whether we are in a position to establish

what is (or are) the equation(s) of state appropriate to describe matter at
supranuclear densities, using gravitational wave signals. This is of course a
fundamental question, because the energies prevailing in the inner core of
neutron stars are unaccessible to high energy experiments on Earth.
The answer is, unfortunately, negative, essentially for two reasons. The
first is that ground based interferometers do not have, at present, sufficiently

high sensitivity at frequencies in the range ∼ 1.5 − 3 kHz, typical for νf . Fea-
sibility studies of interferometric, high frequency detectors have been consid-
ered in recent years [83], and high frequency, wide-band, resonant detectors
are under study [84]; however, if we restrict to Virgo or LIGO in their present
configuration, to detect a signal emitted by a NS pulsating in the f -mode in
our Galaxy, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 5, the energy stored into the mode
should be Ef −mode ∼ 6 · 10−7 M⊙ c2 . In order to understand whether it is
plausible that the fundamental mode is excited to such an extent, we can refer
either to the results of numerical simulations, or to astrophysical data. Nu-
merical simulations of gravitational collapse show that the amount of energy
released in gravitational waves is in the range EGW tot ∼ [10−9 − 10−6 ] M⊙ c2
[85]. Although computed waveforms show that the f -mode is excited, at
present there is no conclusive indication on the fraction of EGW tot which
may go into that mode, since it depends on the initial conditions and on the
physical assumptions that are made in modeling the collapse. Just to men-
tion one, usually numerical simulations assume axisymmetric collapse, but
in the non axisymmetric case energy released in GWs may be higher.
Thus, we can only say that Ef −mode ∼ 6 · 10−7 M⊙ c2 is not totally
unreasonable. Unfortunately, gravitational collapse is a rare event (about 3
events every hundred years, per galaxy), and if we restrict to our Galaxy
chances to detect one in our lifetime are not too high.
The f -mode may also be excited in a cold, old neutron star as a conse-
quence of a glitch. Glitches are sudden changes in the rotation frequency of
the neutron star crust. They are observed in many pulsars and are thought
to be related to quakes occurring in the solid structures such as the crust,
the superfluid vortices and, perhaps, the lattice of quark matter in the stellar
core [86,87,88]. The rotational energy released in a glitch is ∆E ≈ IΩ∆Ω,
where I is the moment of inertia of the star, and typical spin variations are
∆Ω/Ω ≈ 10−6 −10−8 . For the glitches observed in the Crab and Vela pulsars
observations give ∆E ≃ 2 · 10−13 M⊙ c2 and ∆E ≃ 3 · 10−12 M⊙ c2 , respec-
tively. As before, we do not know which fraction of ∆E goes in the f -mode
excitation; in any event being ∆E so small, we can conclude that there is
no hope to detect anything like this with the detectors that are actually in
The second reason why we are far from being able to infer the EOS of
matter in the inner core of a NS using gravitational waves, is that the EOS
proposed in the literature only loosely constrain the dynamics of nuclear
matter. This statement can be made more clear by the following example.
Since from Newtonian gravity we know that νf scales as the square root
of the average density, we expect a similar relationqto hold also in general
relativity. Indeed, a linear relation between νf and R 3 has been obtained

in [67], fitting the data referring to stars modeled with a large set of EOS. In
[68] a similar fit has been found using the same EOS considered in previous
sections; since the two fits are similar, in what follows we shall explicitly use
our fit:
νf = a + b , a = 0.79 ± 0.09, b = 33 ± 2, (23)

where a is in kHz and b in km·kHz. The fit is plotted in figure 5 versus R 3,

together with the f -mode frequencies corresponding to the stellar models

considered in figure 3. Similarly, the first p-mode frequency can be fitted as

f-mode frequency



νf ( KHz )


2 Fit
1.8 APRB120
1.6 BBS1
0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065
3 1/2 -1
(M/R ) (Km )
Fig. 5 The frequency of the fundamental mode is plotted as a function of the
square root of the average density for the EOS considered in this paper. We also
plot the fit given in eq. (23)

a function of the stellar compactness M/R as follows

1 M
νp1 = a+b , a = −1.5 ± 0.8, b = 79 ± 4, (24)

where a and b are in km·kHz. In these fits, frequencies are expressed in kHz,
masses and radii in km.
Let us now consider a star belonging to the EOS APR2 , with mass
M = 1.4 M⊙ and radius R = 11.58 km. Let us assume that, as a consequence
of some astrophysical process, both the fundamental mode and the first p-
mode are excited and that the emitted gravitational wave has been detected.
With the detected values of νf and νp1 (which we know to be νf = 1.983 kHz,
νp = 6.164 kHz) we could plot the fits (23) and (24) in the (R, M )-plane,
and we would find what is shown in figure 6: the two curves intersect in a
point which corresponds to M = 1.30 M⊙ , R = 11.36 km; consequently, we
would be able to estimate the values of the mass and of the radius with an
error of 7% and 2%, respectively. This would be great, but unfortunately,
the fit comes with error bars. If, for instance we plot the curve referring to
the f -mode, and we show the entire region where the parameters a and b
can vary (the dashed region in figure 7), we see that the error bar induces a





R (km)



9 −− νf

8 −− νp1

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Fig. 6 The fits (23) and (24) are plotted in the R − M -plane, assuming the mode
frequencies νf = 1.983 kHz and νp = 6.164 kHz have been identified in a detected
signal. The black dot corresponds to the true values of the mass and radius of the
emitting star.

very large error on R; so large indeed that, even knowing the mass, we would
estimate R with an error of the order of 18%.
Therefore, for the time being, we can only say that gravitational wave
asteroseismology will become possible when GW-detectors will become more
sensitive to the high frequency region, and when nuclear matter studies will
put tighter constraints on the parameters that characterize the equation of
state of superdense matter.
Since science always looks forward for expanding the horizon of knowl-
edge, we are confident that one day this will be possible.


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13 R= 12.75 km


R (km)

R= 10.65 km

8 ∆R/R ≈ 18 %

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
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