Multimodal Text

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Multimodal Text
It is a combination of the prefix multi-meaning “many” and modal-an adjective form of the “mode”. Mode means
a way of things.
It combines two or more communication modes such as written language, spoken language, visual which can
be in a form of still and moving images, audio, gestural, and spatial to create meaning.
The texts that you encounter today use signs and symbols to communicate information such as letters and words,
drawings, pictures, videos, audio sounds, music, facial gestures, and design of space.\

Picture Books

Graphic Novels





Digital Slide Presentation






Ballet Dance

Modes refers to the method of communication being employed to communicate meaning. It can be linguistic, visual,
auditory, gestural, or spatial.

Elements of Multimodal

1. Linguistic
This includes word choice (vocabulary), structure, organization of sentences into sentences and paragraphs,
grammar of oral/ written language.
Writers use words to communicate. It refers to the written or spoken words.
Linguistic is probably the most widely used mode, because it can be both read and heard, on both paper and
Examples are quotes and speeches.

2. Visual
This mode includes images, characters, color, style, size, and perspective.
The visual mode helps writers communicate meaning in a way that can be seen by the audience.
Sometimes people must see to believe, and visuals can be helpful and even persuasive.
Examples are symbols, video films, film promotions, cartoons, advertisements and etc.

3. Audio/ Aural
It includes music, sound effects, ambient noises, volume, pitch, and rhythm.
Sound catches people’s attention, and writers use the aural mode to bring their words to life. It communicates
meaning through sound.
Example is the recording of a song.

4. Gestural
Non-verbal expressions such as movement, facial expression, hand and body language, and interaction between
It communicates meaning through movement.
Example is declamation contest.

5. Spatial
Proximity, direction, position of layout, organization of objects in space or environment.
Writers use the spatial mode of communication in the physical layout and organization of a text.
It refers to the arrangement of elements in space. It involves the organization of items and the physical closeness
between people and objects.
Example is a brochure, and how it is folded and organized, proximity, direction, position of layout, and
organization of objects in space.

Types of Multimodal Text

Multimodal texts can be delivered in various media or technologies. It can be live, paper or digital electronic.

1. Printed or Paper Multimodal Text

Picture books, text books, graphic novels, comics, and posters.
It conveys meaning to the reader through varying combinations of visual, written, linguistics, and spatial.

2. Digital Multimodal Text

Film, animation, slide shows, e-posters, digital stories, podcasts, and web pages.
It conveys meaning through combinations of written and spoken language, visual (still and moving image), audio,
gestural, and spatial.

3. Live
Dance, performance, and oral storytelling.

It conveys meaning through combinations of various modes such as gestural, spatial, audio, and oral language.

Why is multimodal text important?

1. It improves your comprehension. The use of multiple modes of communication helps you understand information
better and effectively.

2. It increases your motivation and interaction. The use of images, graphics, films and other multimodal text that your
teacher use in presenting your lesson activate your interest and engage you in activities.

3. It allows you to express your creativity by navigating multiple modes. It encourages you to create and express
your learning creatively. It can also pave a way in enhancing your passion in other disciplines such as Arts and ICT.

(Learning Task)

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