Bhagwat Gita Chapter 1
Bhagwat Gita Chapter 1
Bhagwat Gita Chapter 1
1.1 Place of Bhagavata in the Religious Traditions of India
based on the actual problems of life. However, as Sanskrit was the language
of the intelligentsia who had dominated and monopolized education and
higher learning, the common mass had little scope to reap the benefit from
that. This status of Sanskrit or the Devabhasa (language of the Gods), as it
was called, remained strong in many parts of India including Orissa, a state
situated on the eastern coast. This imposing status of Sanskrit continued in
Orissa till the rise of Panchasakha Movement3 in the 15th century.4
1.6 Methodology
Methods of study in the field of educational research can be
broadly divided into two, viz. qualitative methods and quantitative
methods. Whereas rationalistic studies are conducted through qualitative
methods, empirical studies are conducted through quantitative
methods.11 Philosophical inquiry is more rational than empirical. Hence,