06.04. Lesson AboutLake

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«Жамбыл облысы әкімдігі білім бөлімінің Әлихан Бөкейханов атындағы №1 гимназиясы»

коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

Коммунальное государственное учреждение «Гимназия №1 имени Алихана Бокейханова отдела
образования акимата Жамбылской области»
Municipal State Institution «Gymnasium No. 1 named after Alikhan Bokeikhanov of the Department of
Education of the Akimat of Zhambyl region»

Қысқа мерзімді жоспар / Краткосрочный план / Short-term lesson plan

Subject Module 7. Travel and Tourism
Teacher’s name Nursalamova G. N.
Trainee Teacher’s name Ushkempirova A. A.
Date 06/04/2023
Grade 9 “Ә” “Б” Number Present: Number Absent:
Student’s Book "English Plus Grade 9 for Kazakhstan" ОӘК (авторлары: бен Ветц, Диана Пай,
Excel 9 for Kazakhstan (Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Bob Obee, 2017)
Theme of the lesson 137 Niagara waterfalls.

Learning objectives evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others use feedback to set personal learning objectives; develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing
Lesson Objectives  Determine and use the appropriate style and register in writing
 Consider different perspectives on the world orally or in a written form
 Organize sentences, paragraphs and ideas logically using a variety of linking
 Cooperate with the peers and shares opinions;
steps / Teacher’s activities Assessment Resources
T: Good morning! Asking the date
and day of the week. At the
Learners write organization
Revision today`s date in moment Teacher
Aim: Revise the previous term’s copybook. tries to award
materials active Learners.
Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind
before starting new theme.
«The praise»
Beginning method is used
Speaking: Cards
3 min to evaluate
Discussion Questions Interactive board
Learners share
1. What interesting facts do you Learners with
their opinions.
know about waterfall? phrases like:
2. Where is the Niagara fall located? “Good job!
3. What was interesting to you from
the previous lesson about Niagara Well done!
4. Do you know any other amazing You care!”
landscapes in your country?

Teacher explains the new words from Learners write the

today`s topic. new theme in
Main part their copybooks. Descriptor: https://youtu.be/
Cove - a curved part of a coast that
partly encloses an area of water; a - writes down
small bay; new words with
their meaning;
Loch - in Scotland, a lake or inlet of
the sea or ocean; - completes the
activity using
Causeway - is a raised road that Audio
crosses a body of water or very low, the new words; DVD player
wet ground. - listens and Posters
checks their
Falls - often used in place names to
mean a very wide waterfall, often answers.
Learners listen to
made of many separate waterfalls. the audio and
check answers. Awesome!
Lake -
Good job!
Cave Well done!
Now label the pictures. Use: Cove,
loch, causeway, falls, lake, cave. Total: 2 points Cards,
Then we will check listening the Markers,
audio. Speakers

Learners gives an
Teacher asks: answer to the Self-assessment
- Have you ever visited a beautiful
places or a nature of your country?
- Where is Toraigyr lake?
- Do you know the legend of the Descriptor:
Lake Toraigyr? Learners read the - reads the text
text for a given correctly;
minute. - uses
READING PART vocabulary and
- discusses the
text with their
Learners writes Kazakhstan 9
down the given You are on the grade
words and their mark!!! Student`s Book
meaning. Good sport!!!

Total: 2 points
Teacher introduces new
Legend; Dense; Crystal-clear;
Nomad; Wander; Avoid; Fierce;
Region; Get rid of something;
Honour; Battle; Defeat; Wounded;
Read again and for questions 1-3,
choose the correct answer A, B or
1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. to retell an old Kazakh folk tale;
B. to explain how the rocks around
Lake Toraigyr formed
Student`s book
C. to describe the features of - completes the
Bayanaul National Park task;
Learners do this Cards
2. What does the writer say about - reads the text
task in their
Toraigyr lake? again and
answers the
A. It was discovered by questions;
Sultanmahmut Toraygirov. - discusses the
B. Sultanmahmut Toraygirov wrote a answers with
story about it. their classmates.
C. It is the third- largest lake in You tried hard!
Kazakhstan You are
3. Why could no one defeat the treasure!
Total: 3 points
A. They could not cross the lake to
reach it.
B. The dragon never slept
C. They could not find the place
where it slept.

HW. SPEAKING. Describe a

Landscape in your country.

You should say:

 Where the landscape is?
HW is explained
 How people can get there?
by teacher HW useful link
 What special things that
foreigners would like to
 Explain why it is an
interesting place for
international tourists?

"Traffic light" method was used as Learners use their

a reflection. stickers to show Self-assessment
their knowledge
T asks Ss to choose one of the traffic according to the Paper
light colors, determining your lesson.
End Stickers
opinion about the work in the You have Poster
learning process. Green- I figured it out!
understood Fabulous!
T asks Ss to use color stickers to Remarkable!
show how much they know. Yellow-I have
some questions

Red-I need a

Aim: To know
how many
Learners got the

Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give Assessment – how are you
more support? How do you plan to planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
challenge the more able learners? learning?
Body language, gestures, hand claps “Blob tree”, self-assessment, Masks are worn, keep the
group assessment, individually distance

Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
Were the lesson objectives/learning relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings? What changes did I
make from my plan and why?

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