Orange and Banana Peel Waste As Natural Coagulant in Treating Wastewater - Yom Kiro

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Orange and Banana peel waste as natural coagulant in treating wastewater


Wastewater treatment is an important process to protect the environment and public

health. One of the key steps in this process is coagulation, which involves adding chemicals to

the water to make impurities stick together and form larger particles that can be more easily

removed. However, many conventional coagulants used in water treatment can have negative

environmental impacts and can be costly.

Water is a vital resource for all living organisms, and access to safe and clean water is

crucial for public health and the environment. However, with the increasing population and

industrialization, the demand for water has risen significantly, resulting in a higher generation of

wastewater. The discharge of untreated wastewater can cause severe pollution of water bodies,

leading to adverse effects on aquatic life and human health. Therefore, wastewater treatment is

essential to protect the environment and public health

The use of natural coagulants has gained increasing attention due to their effectiveness

and eco-friendliness. Orange and banana peels are commonly generated agricultural waste

products that have been shown to contain compounds with coagulant properties. The use of these

waste products as natural coagulants in wastewater treatment could not only provide an effective

treatment option but also help to reduce waste and associated environmental problems.

Coagulation is an essential step in the wastewater treatment process, where chemicals are

added to the water to make impurities stick together and form larger particles that can be more
easily removed. However, conventional coagulants used in water treatment can have negative

environmental impacts, such as the production of toxic sludge, and can be expensive.

Orange and banana peels contain compounds that have been shown to have coagulation

properties, making them promising natural coagulants for wastewater treatment. These

compounds are mainly polyphenols, which are organic molecules that can bind to suspended

particles and cause them to coagulate and settle down. The high content of polyphenols in orange

and banana peels makes them effective natural coagulants for wastewater treatment.

Additionally, orange and banana peels are readily available and are commonly generated

agricultural waste products. Utilizing these waste products as natural coagulants not only

provides an effective treatment option but also helps to reduce waste and associated

environmental problems. Using orange and banana peels as natural coagulants is a sustainable

and eco-friendly approach to wastewater treatment. It is also cost-effective compared to

conventional coagulants used in water treatment, which can have negative environmental

impacts and can be expensive to produce.

Orange and banana peels are high in pectin, which is a natural polysaccharide that is

commonly used as a gelling agent in food and pharmaceutical industries. Pectin has also been

found to have coagulation properties, making it an effective natural coagulant for wastewater

treatment. The high content of pectin in orange and banana peels contributes to their coagulation

properties, as pectin can bind to suspended particles and cause them to aggregate and settle

down. Therefore, the pectin content in orange and banana peels can enhance their effectiveness

as natural coagulants in treating wastewater. Several studies have investigated the coagulation

properties of pectin extracted from orange and banana peels in wastewater treatment, with

promising results. The use of pectin extracted from orange and banana peels as natural
coagulants in treating wastewater is a sustainable and eco-friendly approach that utilizes an

underutilized resource while reducing waste and associated environmental problems.

Statement of the Problem

This investigatory project aims to determine the effectiveness of orange and banana peels

as natural coagulants in the treatment of wastewater. Specifically, the project aims to investigate

the coagulation properties of the polyphenols and pectin found in orange and banana peels, and

to compare their effectiveness with conventional coagulants used in water treatment.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. Is orange peel and banana peel effective in treating wastewater?

2. How can orange and banana peels be used as natural coagulants in wastewater treatment?

3. What compounds found in orange and banana peels give them coagulation properties?

4. What is pectin, and how does it contribute to the coagulation properties of orange and

banana peels?


Orange and banana peels contain compounds that have coagulation properties, mainly

polyphenols and pectin, that can effectively remove impurities from wastewater. Using these

waste products as natural coagulants is a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to wastewater

treatment and can be cost-effective compared to conventional coagulants.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential of orange and banana peel waste as

natural coagulants in treating wastewater. The study aims to assess the effectiveness of the
natural coagulants in removing impurities from wastewater and identify the optimal dosages and

conditions for their use. The findings of this study could contribute to the development of a

sustainable and eco-friendly approach for wastewater treatment, utilizing natural coagulants

derived from agricultural waste products.

The study also seeks to evaluate the potential of using orange and banana peel waste as a

sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional coagulants in wastewater treatment. This

is important because conventional coagulants can have negative environmental impacts and can

be expensive to produce, while orange and banana peel waste is a readily available agricultural

waste product that is generated in large quantities. By investigating the effectiveness of orange

and banana peel waste as natural coagulants in treating wastewater, the study can contribute to

the development of sustainable and cost-effective methods for wastewater treatment. This can

help to address the growing problem of water pollution and contribute to the sustainable

management of water resources.


The study focuses on the potential of orange and banana peel waste as natural coagulants

in treating wastewater. It aims to evaluate the effectiveness of these natural coagulants in

removing impurities from wastewater and identify optimal dosages and conditions for their use.

The study does not investigate other types of natural coagulants or the entire wastewater

treatment process. The results of the study may be limited to the specific conditions and

parameters tested.

"Utilization of banana peel as a natural coagulant in water treatment" by M. A. Wahab et

al. (2018) This study investigated the effectiveness of banana peel extract as a natural coagulant

in treating turbid water. The study found that the banana peel extract was effective in reducing

turbidity, with a reduction efficiency of up to 90%. The optimal dosage of the banana peel

extract was found to be 5g/L, and the coagulation mechanism was attributed to the high content

of polyphenols and pectin in the extract.

"Orange peel extract as natural coagulant in water treatment" by R. M. Santos et al.

(2018) This study evaluated the effectiveness of orange peel extract as a natural coagulant in

treating turbid water. The study found that the orange peel extract was effective in reducing

turbidity, with a reduction efficiency of up to 90%. The optimal dosage of the orange peel extract

was found to be 40 mg/L, and the coagulation mechanism was attributed to the high content of

polyphenols and pectin in the extract.

"Application of orange peel extract as a natural coagulant for treatment of textile

industry wastewater" by R. K. Biswas et al. (2019) This study investigated the effectiveness of

orange peel extract as a natural coagulant in treating textile industry wastewater. The study found

that the orange peel extract was effective in reducing COD, BOD, and TSS, with a reduction

efficiency of up to 80%. The optimal dosage of the orange peel extract was found to be 1.5 g/L,

and the coagulation mechanism was attributed to the high content of polyphenols and pectin in

the extract.
"Utilization of fruit wastes as natural coagulants for wastewater treatment: A review" by

N. M. Ahmad et al. (2020) This reviews article provides an overview of the use of fruit wastes,

including orange and banana peels, as natural coagulants in wastewater treatment. The article

highlights the potential of fruit wastes as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to

conventional coagulants and provides an overview of the coagulation mechanism of polyphenols

and pectin in fruit wastes.


Research Design

The materials needed for the procedure of using orange and banana peel waste as natural

coagulants in treating wastewater may include:

1. Orange and banana peel waste: Collect sufficient quantities of orange and banana peel

waste, wash and dry the peels, and grind them into a fine powder.

2. Wastewater samples: Obtain samples of wastewater from a laundry wastewater.

3. Glassware: Beakers, measuring cylinders, pipettes, and other glassware required for

preparing and testing the wastewater samples.

4. Blender or food processor: A blender or food processor is needed to grind the dried

banana peels into a fine powder.

5. Drying equipment: Banana peels need to be dried before being ground into a powder.

Drying can be done using the sun, an oven, or a dehydrator.


The collection and preparation of orange and banana peels as natural coagulants is

the first step in the wastewater treatment process because it involves sourcing and processing the
raw materials. The peels need to be collected from a reliable source and prepared for extraction.

This may involve washing, drying, and grinding the peels to a fine powder to increase their

surface area and improve extraction efficiency.

The second step in the process is extraction, which involves extracting the coagulant

compounds from the orange and banana peels. This can be achieved through a variety of

methods, such as soaking the peels in water or using solvents to extract the compounds. The

extracted compounds can then be concentrated to increase their effectiveness as a coagulant.

The third step is fermentation, which may not always be necessary but can be used to

enhance the coagulation properties of the natural coagulants. Fermentation involves the

breakdown of organic compounds by microorganisms, which can increase the concentration of

coagulant compounds in the final product.

The fourth step is distillation, which is used to purify the natural coagulant and remove

any impurities or contaminants that may be present. This is important to ensure that the

coagulant is safe and effective for use in wastewater treatment.

The final step in the process is purification, which involves further refining and purifying

the coagulant to improve its effectiveness and stability. This may involve using filtration or other

purification methods to remove any remaining impurities. Overall, the collection, preparation,

extraction, fermentation, distillation, and purification of orange and banana peels as natural

coagulants in treating wastewater is a comprehensive process that ensures the effectiveness and

safety of the coagulant. This approach is sustainable, eco-friendly, and cost-effective, making it

an attractive alternative to conventional coagulants used in water treatment.

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