Exonerations in The United States 1989 Through 2003: Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

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Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

Volume 95
Article 5
Issue 2 Winter

Winter 2005

Exonerations in the United States 1989 through

Samuel R. Gross

Kristen Jacoby

Daniel J. Matheson

Nicholas Montgomery

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Recommended Citation
Samuel R. Gross, Kristen Jacoby, Daniel J. Matheson, Nicholas Montgomery, Exonerations in the United States 1989 through 2003, 95
J. Crim. L. & Criminology 523 (2004-2005)

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1989 THROUGH 2003


On August 14, 1989, the Cook County Circuit Court in Chicago, Illi-
nois, vacated Gary Dotson's 1979 rape conviction and dismissed the
charges. 1 Mr. Dotson-who had spent ten years in and out of prison and on
parole for this conviction-was not the first innocent prisoner to be exoner-
ated and released in America. But his case was a breakthrough nonetheless:
he was the first who was cleared by DNA identification technology. It was
the beginning of a revolution in the American criminal justice system. Un-
til then, exonerations of falsely convicted defendants were seen as aberra-
tional. Since 1989, these once-rare events have become disturbingly com-
This is a report on a study of exonerations in the United States from
1989 through 2003. We discuss all exonerations that we have been able to
locate that occurred in that fifteen-year period, and that resulted from inves-

* Thomas & Mabel Long Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School
([email protected]). The authors thank Phoebe C. Ellsworth and James S. Liebman, for
valuable comments on earlier drafts, and Joanne L.Werdel for excellent research assistance.
We are also grateful to the many people-too many to name-who drew our attention to ex-
onerations we would otherwise have missed. Our work depended on their assistance. The
research for this study was supported by a grant from The Gideon Project of the Open Soci-
ety Institute.
University of Michigan Law School, J.D. candidate, May 2005; Wellesley College,
B.A., 1997.
*..Associate, King & Spalding LLP, Washington, D.C.; University of
Michigan Law
School, J.D., May 2004.
1 University of Michigan Department of Economics and Ford School of Public Policy,
Ph.D. candidate, 2007.
tt Research Biostatistician, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, The Chil-
dren's Hospital of Philadelphia; University of Michigan School of Public Health, MPH,
1998, Ph.D., 2004.
1 Rob Warden, Center on Wrongful Convictions, The Rape That Wasn t: The FirstDNA
Exoneration in Illinois, availableat http://www.law.northwestem.edu/depts/clinic/wrongful/
exonerations/Dotson.htm (last visited Jan. 11, 2005).
GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

tigations into the particular cases of the exonerated individuals. Overall, we

found 340 exonerations, 327 men and 13 women; 2 144 of them were
cleared by DNA evidence, 196 by other means. With a handful of excep-
tions, they had been in prison for years. More than half had served terms of
ten years or more; 80% had been imprisoned for at least five years. As a
group, they had spent more than 3400 years in prison for crimes for which
they should never have been convicted-an average of more than ten years
each. 3
As we use the term, "exoneration" is an official act declaring a defen-
dant not guilty of a crime for which he or she had previously been con-
victed. The exonerations we have studied occurred in four ways: (1) In
forty-two cases governors (or other appropriate executive officers) issued
pardons based on evidence of the defendants' innocence. (2) In 263 cases
criminal charges were dismissed by courts after new evidence of innocence
emerged, such as DNA. (3) In thirty-one cases the defendants were acquit-
ted at a retrial on the basis of evidence that they had no role in the crimes
for which they were originally convicted. 4 (4) In four cases, states posthu-
mously acknowledged the innocence of defendants who had already died in
prison: Frank Lee Smith, exonerated in Florida in 2000; Louis Greco and
Henry Tameleo, exonerated in Massachusetts in 2002; and John Jeffers, ex-
onerated in Indiana in 2002. 5

2 Because men make up over 96% of the total, we generally refer to exonerated defen-
dants using male pronouns.
3 This is a conservative estimate of the direct consequences of these wrongful convic-
tions. We have not counted time spent in custody before conviction. Nor have we included
time spent on probation or parole, or time on bail or other forms of supervised release pend-
ing trial, retrial, or dismissal, even though all of these statuses involve restrictions on lib-
erty-some mild, some onerous.
4 We have excluded any case in which a dismissal or an acquittal appears to have
based on a decision that while the defendant was not guilty of the charges in the original
conviction, he did play a role in the crime and may be guilty of some lesser crime that is
based on the same conduct. For our purposes, a defendant who is acquitted of murder on
retrial, but convicted of involuntary manslaughter, has not been exonerated. We have also
excluded any case in which a dismissal was entered in the absence of strong evidence of fac-
tual innocence, or in which--despite such evidence-there was unexplained physical evi-
dence of the defendant's guilt.
5 See Sydney P. Freedberg, He Didn'tDo It, ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, Jan. 7,
2001, at 1A
(discussing Frank Lee Smith); J.M. Lawrence, Ex-ProsecutorApologizes to Salvati, Limone,
BOSTON HERALD, May 12, 2002, at 6; Ralph Ranalli, CongressionalProbe; FBI Used Hit
Man as Informant Transcripts Reveal Bureau Recruited Killer Despite Past, BOSTON GLOBE,
Dec. 4, 2002, at A30 (discussing Louis Greco and Henry Tameleo); Jon Yates & Kevin
Lynch, Confession Leads to 2 Arrests in '75 Killing; Man Convicted in Indiana Case Died in
Prison,CHI. TRIB., Aug. 29, 2002, at 1 (discussing John Jeffers).

This is the most comprehensive compilation of exonerations avail-

able,6 but it is not exhaustive. The criminal justice system in the United
States is notoriously fragmented-it is administered by fifty separate states
(plus the federal government and the District of Columbia) and by more
than 3000 separate counties, with thousands of administratively separate
trial courts and prosecuting authorities. There is no national registry of ex-
onerations, or any simple way to tell from official records which dismissals,
pardons, etc., are based on innocence. As a result, we learned about many
of the cases in our database from media reports. But the media inevitably
miss some cases-and we, no doubt, have missed some cases that were re-
In the great majority of these cases there was, at the end of the day, no
dispute about the innocence of the exonerated defendants. This is not sur-
prising. Our legal system places great weight on the finality of criminal
convictions. Courts and prosecutors are exceedingly reluctant to reverse
judgments or reconsider closed cases; when they do-and it's rare-it's
usually because of a compelling showing of error. Even so, some state offi-
cials continue to express doubts about the innocence of exonerated defen-
dants, sometimes in the face of extraordinary evidence. Two brief exam-

When Charles Fain was exonerated by DNA in Idaho in 2001, af-

ter eighteen years on death row for a rape murder, the original

6 Most of the exonerations we include in this database are listed on one or more of the
websites that are maintained by three organizations: The Death Penalty Information Center,
at http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org; the Innocence Project at Cardozo Law School, at
http://www.innocenceproject.org; and the Center on Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern
University Law School, at http://www.law.northwestern.edu/depts/clinic/wrongful. We have
gathered additional information on most of the cases from these three lists, reviewed them
carefully, and excluded some cases that do not meet our own criteria for an exoneration.
7 An earlier version of this paper was released in April 2004, listing a total of 328 exon-
erations. See Samuel R. Gross, Exonerations in the United States, 1989 Through 2003 (April
9, 2004) (early unpublished manuscript, at http://www.law.umich.edu/newsandinfo/ exon-
erations-in-us.pdf). After that report was released we learned of about fifteen additional ex-
onerations between 1989 and 2003, mostly by way of e-mails from individuals who con-
tacted us about cases we had missed. We have also excluded three cases we listed in the
initial report because additional information revealed that the defendants had not been "ex-
onerated" as we define the term: Edward Ryder in Pennsylvania in 1996, and Dennis Hal-
stead and John Restivo in New York in 2003. Halstead and Restivo were removed from the
list because it remains theoretically possible that charges will be retried. See Chan Lam,
1984 Teen Homicide; HairMay Play a Role in Case, NEWSDAY, Dec. 5, 2004, at A53. More
likely they will be added to the list of exonerees in 2005 or 2006 rather than 2003. See infra
note 32 and accompanying text for a discussion of the delays that often slow down the proc-
ess of exoneration.
GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

prosecutor in the case said, "It

doesn't really change my opinion
that much that Fain's guilty."

On December 8, 1995, at the request of the prosecution, the

DuPage County, Illinois, Circuit Court dismissed all charges
against Alejandro Hernandez, who had spent eleven and one-half
years in prison for an abduction, rape and murder in which he had
no role. By that time DNA tests and a confession had established
that the real criminal was an imprisoned serial rapist and murderer
by the name of Brian Dugan; a police officer who provided cru-
cial evidence had admitted to perjury; and Hernandez's co-
defendant, Rolando Cruz, was acquitted by a judge who was
harshly critical of the investigation and prosecution of the case.
Nonetheless, when Hernandez was released, the prosecutor said:
"The action I have taken 9today is neither a vindication nor an ac-
quittal of the defendant."
Needless to say, we are in no position to reach an independent judg-
ment on the factual innocence of each defendant in our data. That is not our
purpose in this report. Instead, we look at overall patterns in the exonera-
tions that have accumulated in the past fifteen years and hope to learn

8 Raymond Bonner, Death Row Inmate is Freed After DNA Test Clears Him, N.Y.
TIMES, Aug. 24, 2001, at A11. This is hardly the only example of prosecutors and police
officers refusing, against all logic, to believe that a defendant they once charged and prose-
cuted could possibly be innocent. In 1993, in Baltimore County, Maryland, Kirk Bloods-
worth became the first defendant in the United States who had been sentenced to death to be
exonerated by DNA evidence. Nine years later, the chief prosecutor of the county said that
the police "still believe [Bloodsworth] did it" and that she herself was "not sure." Lori
Montgomery, EliminatingQuestions ofLife or Death; Prosecutor'sPolicy Raises Questions
in Md., WASH. POST, May 20, 2002, at Bl. More than a decade after Bloodsworth was re-
leased, the police finally, after inexplicable delays, used the DNA evidence at their disposal
to identify the real killer, a Maryland prisoner serving a forty-five-year sentence for bur-
glary, attempted rape and assault with intent to murder. Susan Levine, Ex-Death Row In-
mate Hears Hoped-for Words: We Found Killer, WASH. POST, Sep. 6, 2003, at Al. In 2000,
Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore pardoned Earl Washington after DNA tests cleared Wash-
ington of a rape murder for which he had been sentenced to death and implicated a convicted
serial rapist, Kenneth Tinsley. The Governor ordered a new investigation; four years later,
nothing had happened in that investigation and the law enforcement officers involved con-
tinued to consider Washington a suspect. By then, new DNA tests, commissioned by Wash-
ington's attorneys over the state's objections, conclusively confirmed Tinsley's guilt and re-
confirmed Washington's innocence. Maria Glod, Lawyers Say DNA ClearsEx-Va. Death
Row Inmate; State Defends Testing by Forensic Lab, WASH. POST, Apr. 6, 2004, at B 1;
Frank Green, Justice Undone in 1982 Killing; Victim's HusbandBlasts Lack of Progress
After Washington's Pardon,RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH, Mar. 31, 2004, at B 1.
9 Jeffrey Bils & Ted Gregory, "I Just Want To Go Home "; A Nightmare Ends, One
tinues in Nicarico Case, CHI. TRIB., Dec. 9, 1995, at 1.

something about the causes of false convictions, and about the operation of
our criminal justice system in general. It is possible that a few of the hun-
dreds of exonerated defendants we have studied were involved in the crimes
for which they were convicted, despite our efforts to exclude such cases.
On the other hand, it is certain-this is the clearest implication of our
study-that many defendants who are not on this list, no doubt thousands,
have been falsely convicted of serious crimes but have not been exonerated.


The rate of exonerations has increased sharply over the fifteen-year pe-
riod of this study, from an average of twelve a year from 1989 through
1994, to an average of forty-two a year since 2000. The highest yearly total
was forty-four, in 2002 and again in 2003. See Figure 1.10
The number of DNA exonerations has increased across this period,
from one or two a year in 1989 to 1991, to an average of six a year from
1992 through 1995, to an average of twenty a year since 2000. Non-DNA
exonerations were less rare initially, and remained relatively stable through
the 1990s, averaging about ten a year. Their numbers have increased rap-
idly in the last several years, averaging twenty-three a year since 2000.

10 The numbers of exonerations by year, and by basis, are:

Basis 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total
DNA 2 1 2 6 4 7 7 13 9 4 10 17 24 21 17 144
Other 9 8 14 8 8 5 13 9 10 9 13 21 19 23 27 195
TotalIt 9 16 14 12 12 20 22 19 13 23 38 43 44 44 340
GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

This rapid increase in reported exonerations probably reflects the com-

bined effects of three interrelated trends. First, the growing availability and
sophistication of DNA identification technology has, of course, produced an
increase in DNA exonerations over time. Second, the singular importance
of the DNA revolution has made exonerations increasingly newsworthy; as
a result, we are probably aware of a higher proportion of the exonerations
that occurred in 2003 than in 1989. And third, this increase in attention has

Figure 1: Exonerations By Year, 1989-2003



x 20 No-O


0 1!
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

in turn led to a substantial increase in the number of false convictions that

in fact do come to light and end in exonerations, by DNA or other means.
More resources are devoted to the problem-there are now, for example,
forty-one Innocence Projects in thirty-one states' '-and judges, prosecutors,
defense lawyers, and police officers have all become more aware of the
danger of false convictions.



Ninety-six percent of the known exonerations of individual defendants

since 1989 were either for murder-60% (205/345)12--or for rape or sexual

I These figures were calculated from a list available at The Innocence Project, Other
Projects by State, at http://www.innocenceproject.org/about/other_projects.php (last visited
Jan. 11, 2005).
12 This number includes three defendants who were convicted of manslaughter.

assault-36% (121/340). Most of the remaining fourteen cases were crimes

of violence-six robberies, two attempted murders, a kidnapping and an as-
sault-plus a larceny, a gun possession case and two drug cases. 13 See Ta-
ble 1.
Table 1
Exonerations by Crime andBasis

Murder 205 (60%) 39 166
Death Sentences 74 (22%) 13 61
Other Murder Cases 131 (39%) 26 105
Rape 121 (36%) 105 16
Other Crimes of Violence 11 (3%) 0 11
Drug and Property Crime 3 (1%) 0 3
TOTAL 340 (101%) 144 196

* The total adds up to 101% because of rounding error.

This highly skewed distribution tells us a great deal about the relation-
ship between exonerations-those erroneous convictions that are discov-
ered and remedied, at least in part-and the larger group of all false convic-
tions, the vast majority of which are never discovered. We consider that
relationship by examining the two major categories of crimes for which ex-
onerations are comparatively common.




At the end of 2001, about 118,000 prisoners in state prisons were serv-
ing sentences for rape and sexual assault, less than 10% of the total prison
population. There were also over 155,000 prisoners who had been con-
victed of robbery, nearly 119,000 who were in prison for assault, more than
27,000 for other violent felonies, and over 600,000 for property, drug and

13 We coded cases with multiple charges by the most serious crime for which the defen-
dant was convicted, on the following descending scale: murder, rape, other violent crimes,
non-violent crimes. For example, if the exonerated defendant was convicted of murder and
rape, we classified the exoneration as a murder; if he was convicted of robbery and rape, we
classified it as a rape.
GROSS ET AL. [Vol. 95

public order offenses. 14 Why are 90% of the exonerations for non-
homicidal crimes concentrated among the rape cases?
The comparison between rape and robbery is particularly telling.
Robbery and rape are both crimes of violence in which the perpetrator is of-
ten a stranger to the victim. As a result, robberies and rapes alike are sus-
ceptible to the well-known dangers of eyewitness misidentification. In fact,
there is every reason to believe that misidentifications in robberies outnum-
ber those in rapes, by a lot:

(1) Robberies are more numerous than rapes. In 2002, for exam-
ple, the FBI estimates that 95,136 forcible rapes and 420,637 rob-
beries were reported to police departments in the United States,
leading to 20,126 arrests for rape and 77,342 arrests for robbery.' 5
(2) Eyewitness misidentification is almost entirely restricted to
crimes committed by strangers, which includes 16
about three quar-
ters of robberies, but only a third of rapes.

(3) The nature of the crime of rape is such that the victim usually
spends a considerable amount of time in close physical proximity
to the criminal; robberies are frequently quick, and may involve
less immediate physical contact.

In 1987, a detailed study analyzed all known cases of eyewitness mis-

identification in the United States from 1900 through 1983, 136 in all.
That study found that misidentifications in robberies outnumbered those in
rapes by more than two to one; in fact, robberies accounted for more than
half of all known cases of proven misidentifications. The pattern in our
study could hardly be more different. We have 121 exonerations in rape
cases; in 88% of them (107/121) the defendant was the victim of eyewitness
misidentification. But we have only six robbery exonerations, all of which
include eyewitness misidentifications. What changed? The answer is obvi-

10 tbl.15 (2003).

REPORTS 66 tbl.1, 244 tbl.38 (2002). The arrest figures are limited to the agencies participat-
ing in the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
17 Samuel R. Gross, Loss of Innocence: Eyewitness Identification and Proofof Guilt, 16
J. LEGAL STUD. 395, 413 (1987). The misidentifications in that study did not all involve
convictions. They were unevenly spread across the twentieth century, with the largest num-
ber-thirty-six-in the decade of 1970-79.

ous: DNA. In 1987, the first DNA exoneration in the country was two
years in the future. Since 1989, however, 87% of exonerated rape defen-
dants were cleared by DNA evidence. Only 19% of murder exonerations
included DNA evidence (and none of the other non-rape exonerations), and
all but a couple of those murders also included rape as well.
The implication is clear. If we had a technique for detecting false con-
victions in robberies that was comparable to DNA identification for rapes,
robbery exonerations would greatly outnumber rape exonerations, and the
total number of falsely convicted defendants who were exonerated would be
several times what we report. And even among rape cases, DNA is only
useful if testable samples of biological evidence were preserved and can be
found, which is not always true.
In short, the clearest and most important lesson from the recent spike
in rape exonerations is that the false convictions that come to light are the
tip of an iceberg. Beneath the surface there are other undetected miscar-
riages of justice in rape cases without testable DNA, and a much larger
group of undetected false convictions in robberies and other serious crimes
of violence for which DNA identification is useless.


What about exonerations that are not based on DNA? In 2001, about
13% of state prisoners were serving sentences for murder or non-negligent
manslaughter, 18 but 85% of non-DNA exonerations (166/196) are found
among this group. For prisoners under sentence of death the contrast is
even more stark. The death-row population in America peaked in 2001, at
about a quarter of 1% of the American prison population'9-and yet sev-
enty-four exonerations in the past fifteen years, 22% of the total, were
drawn from this tiny sliver of the prison population. What accounts for this
enormous over-representation of murder defendants, and especially death-
row inmates, among those who are exonerated?
There are only two possible explanations:

One possibility is thatfalse convictions are not more likely to oc-

cur in murder and death penalty cases, but only more likely to be
discovered because of the comparatively high level of attention
that is devoted to reviewing those cases after conviction. This is
18 HARRISON & BECK, supra note 14, at 10 tbl.15.
19 There were 3,577 prisoners on American death rows at the end of 2001, THOMAS P.
(2003); there were approximately 1,404,032 prisoners in federal and state adult correctional
facilities. HARRISON & BECK, supra note 14, at 3 tbl.3.
GROSS ET AL. [Vol. 95

no doubt true, at least in part. Because of the seriousness of their

consequences, murder convictions-and especially death sen-
tences-are reviewed more carefully than other criminal convic-
tions. In 1999, for example, Dennis Fritz was exonerated by
DNA evidence and released from a life sentence for a rape murder
he did not commit. But he was exonerated as a by-product of an
intensive investigation that led to the exoneration of his co-
defendant, Ron Williamson, who had been sentenced to death. If
Williamson had not been sentenced to death, Fritz would probably
be in prison to this day.2 °
But could this be the entire explanation? Could it be that false
convictions in capital cases really are no more common than in
other cases? If that were the whole story it would mean that if we
reviewed prison sentences with the same level of care that we de-
vote to death sentences, there would have been over 29,000 non-
death row exonerations in the past fifteen years rather than the
266 that have in fact occurred-including more than 3,700 exon-
erations in non-capital murder cases alone. 2 1 This is a shocking
On the other hand, if this first explanation is not the whole story,
that inescapably means that false convictions are more likely to
occur in murder cases, and much more likely in death penalty
cases, than in other criminal prosecutions. There are several rea-
sons (apart from the evidence presented here) to believe that this
too is almost certainly true: the extraordinary pressure to secure
convictions for heinous crimes; the difficulty of investigating
many homicides because, by definition, the victims are unavail-
able; extreme incentives for the real killers to frame innocent fall
guys when they are facing the possibility of execution. 22 What-


21 There were 3,577 prisoners on American death rows at the end of 2001. See supra
note 19. The seventy-four death-row exonerations since 1989 amount to 2.07% of that popu-
lation. There were a total of 1,404,032 inmates in American prisons at the end of 2001, see
supra note 19; if exonerations from that population had occurred at the same rate as on death
row, there would have been 29,046 non-death row exonerations since 1989. (If we restrict
our focus to prisoners who were convicted of murder, the expected number of exonerations
would be 13% of that total or about 3,776.) This is a conservative estimate, since death-
sentenced defendants spend more time in prison than the average inmate and therefore are an
even smaller proportion of the total population of defendants who are convicted of felonies
and pass through prisons in any given time period.
22 See Samuel R. Gross, Lost Lives: Miscarriagesof Justice in CapitalCases, 61 LAW &
CONTEMP. PROBS. 123, 129-33 (1998). It is also true, of course, that capital defendants, on

ever the causes, this is a terrible prospect: that we are most likely
to convict innocent defendants in those cases in which their very
lives are at stake.
Considering the huge discrepancies between the exoneration rates for
death sentences, for other murder convictions, and for criminal convictions
generally, the truth is probably a combination of these two appalling possi-
bilities: We are both much more likely to convict innocent defendants of
murder-and especially capital murder-than of other crimes, and a large
number of false convictions in non-capital cases are never discovered be-
cause nobody ever seriously investigates the possibility of error.


We have only counted individual defendants who were exonerated-
those whose convictions were nullified by official acts by governors, courts
or prosecutors because of compelling evidence that they were not guilty of
crimes for which they had been convicted. Several categories of falsely
convicted defendants are entirely missing from this count.

(a) Mass Exonerations

Our data include only defendants who were exonerated because of evi-
dence of innocence that focused on their individual cases. We have not in-
cluded data from mass exonerations of innocent defendants who were
falsely convicted as a result of large scale patterns of police perjury and cor-
In September 1999, Officer Rafael Perez, who was awaiting re-
trial on charges of stealing six pounds of impounded cocaine,
made a deal with his prosecutors: a five year sentence in return
for information on the criminal activities of officers in the
CRASH ("Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums") unit
of the Rampart division of the Los Angeles Police Department.
Over the next nine months Perez revealed that he and other Ram-

average, get more resources for their defense at trial than other defendants. But even under
the best of circumstances, good defense work will catch some but not all of the errors made
in police investigations, and while capital defendants may receive better defense than other
defendants, on average, "better" does not necessarily mean "good," and many capital defen-
dants get abysmal defense attorneys. The net effect appears to be that many more errors are
generated in the initial investigations of capital cases, and that good defense work catches
some but by no means all of these excess errors. See id. at 148-49. See generally James S.
Liebman, The Overproduction of Death, 100 COLUM. L. REv. 2030 (2000) (procedural in-
centives lead to high number of death sentences and high proportion of legal error among
GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

part CRASH officers had routinely lied in arrest reports, shot and
killed or wounded unarmed suspects and innocent bystanders,
planted guns on suspects after shooting them, fabricated evidence,
and framed innocent defendants. In the aftermath of this scandal,
at least 100 criminal defendants who had been framed by Rampart
CRASH officers-and possibly as many as 150-had their con-
victions vacated and dismissed by Los Angeles County judges in
late 1999 and 2000. The great majority were young Hispanic men
who had pled guilty to false felony gun or drug charges.23
In 1999 and 2000, thirty-nine defendants were convicted of drug
offenses in Tulia, Texas, on the uncorroborated word of a single
dishonest undercover narcotics agent. In 2003, thirty-five of them
were pardoned when it was shown that the undercover officer had
systematically lied about these cases, and charged the defendants
with drug sales that had never occurred. (The remaining four
Tulia defendants were not eligible for pardons because their con-
victions had been dismissed,24
or because they were also impris-
oned on unrelated charges.)
The Rampart and Tulia scandals are not the only mass exonerations in
the United States in the past fifteen years. After we released our initial re-
port, in April of 2004, we heard about the Dallas Sheetrock Scandal that

23 For an in-depth look at the Rampart scandal, including links to official reports and re-
views and a summary of the scandal's aftermath, see Frontline:L.A.P.D. Blues (PBS televi-
sion broadcast, May 15, 2001) (transcript available at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/
frontline/shows/lapd/bare.html). See also Lou Cannon, One Bad Cop, N.Y. TIMES, Oct. 1,
2000, § 6 (Magazine), at 32; Scott Glover & Matt Lait, Lack of Funds Stalls RampartProbe;
The LAPD Seeks PrivateDonationsSo That an Independent Panel Can Begin Investigating
the Department'sHandling of the Scandal, L.A. TIMES, Nov. 6, 2003, at B 1 ($42 million in
settlements paid out in civil settlements); Anna Gorman, For Some, It's Too Late to Over-
turn Convictions: Judges Are Refusing to Review Cases Involving Tainted Officers iflnmate
Is No Longer in Custody, L.A. TIMES, May 19, 2002, at BI (nearly 150 convictions over-
turned); David P. Leonard, Policing the Criminal Justice System: Different Worlds, Different
Realities, 34 LoY. L.A. L. REV. 863, 872-79 (2001) (Rampart residents overwhelmingly La-
tino); Stephen Yagman, Bada Bing, L.A. City Hall Has a Rico Ring, L.A. TIMES, Apr. 25,
2001, at B9 (more than 110 convictions overturned); RAMPART INDEPENDENT REVIEW PANEL,
24 See Polly Ross Hughes, Perry Pardons 35 in Tulia Sting, Hous. CHRON., Aug. 23,
2003, at Al; Adam Liptak, $5 Million Settlement Ends Case of Tainted Texas Sting, N.Y.
TIMES, Mar. 11, 2004, at A14; Laura Parker, Texas Scandal Throws Doubt on Anti-Drug
Task Forces, USA TODAY, Mar. 31, 2004, at 3A. Details on the numbers of the Tulia defen-
dants and their outcomes of their cases were provided by Ms. Vanita Gupta, a lawyer for the
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, who represented them in the proceeding that
led to their exoneration.

came to light in January of 2002: at least eighty defendants in Dallas,

Texas, were falsely charged with possession of quantities of "cocaine" that
turned out, when finally analyzed, to consist of powered gypsum, the pri-
mary constituent of the building product Sheetrock.25 Most of the Sheet-
rock cases were dismissed before trial, but some innocent defendants had
pled guilty and were in prison or had been deported to Mexico. We have
probably missed other similar corrupt schemes that have come to light, and
certainly some that have not.
The Rampart and Tulia cases are exonerations in every sense of the
word. We do not include them here because the processes that produced the
false convictions and the mass exonerations in these singular episodes are
fundamentally different from those in the individual cases on which we fo-
cus, and mixing them in- 135 cases or more-would distort the patterns we
can observe. However, by the same token, these extraordinary exonerations
provide a glimpse into a more general category of false convictions that is
missing from our data-as we will see.

(b) ComparativelyLight Sentences

With a handful of exceptions, everyone on our list of exonerees was
sentenced to death or to a long term of imprisonment.26 Ninety-three per-
cent were sentenced to ten years in prison or more; 77% were sentenced to
at least twenty-five years; 27 more than half were sentenced to life impris-
onment or to death. This is a highly atypical group. Most criminal defen-
dants are convicted (if at all) of misdemeanors; and of those who are con-
victed of felonies, most are sentenced to probation or to months in jail
rather than to years in prison.
Exonerations are the end products of a lot of work, usually over a long
period. The average time from conviction to exoneration is more than
eleven years. A falsely convicted defendant who has served his time for
burglary and been released has little incentive to invest years of his life
keeping the case alive in the hope of clearing his name-and if he wanted
to, he'd probably have a hard time finding anybody to help. Our data re-

25 See Mark Donald, Dirty or Duped?: Who's to Blamefor the Fake-DrugScandal Rock-
ing Dallas Police? Virtually Everyone, DALLAS OBSERVER, May 2, 2002, available at
www.dallasobserver.com/issues/2002-05-02/news/feature.html.; Paul Duggan, "Sheetrock
Scandal" Hits Dallas Police,WASH. POST, Jan. 18, 2002, at A12.
26 In one of the murder exonerations and four of the rape cases the defendants were ex-
onerated before they were sentenced; one additional rape defendant was sentenced to proba-
tion only.
27 About half of the sentences-other than death or life imprisonment-included a
maximum and a minimum, e.g., "10 to 25 years." In those cases, we have reported the mini-
GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

flect this: nobody, it seems, seriously pursues exonerations for defendants

who are falsely convicted of shop lifting, misdemeanor assault, drug pos-
session, or routine felonies-auto thefts or run-of-the-mill burglaries-and
sentenced to probation, a $2000 fine,
or even six months in the county jail
or eighteen months in state prison.
But obviously such errors occur. It is well known, for example, that
many defendants who can't afford bail plead guilty in return for short sen-
tences, often probation and credit for time served, rather than stay in jail for
months and then go to trial and risk much more severe punishment if con-
victed. 29 This is one facet of a system in which about 90% of defendants
who are convicted plead guilty rather than go to trial.3 ° Some defendants
who accept these deals are innocent, possibly in numbers that dwarf false
convictions in the less common but more serious violent felonies, but they
are almost never exonerated-at least not in individual cases.
Only twenty of the exonerees in our database pled guilty, less than six
percent of the total: fifteen innocent murder defendants and four innocent
rape defendants who took deals that included long prison terms in order to
avoid the risk of life imprisonment or the death penalty, and one innocent
defendant pled guilty to gun possession to avoid life imprisonment as a ha-
bitual criminal. By contrast, thirty-one of the thirty-nine Tulia defendants
pled guilty to drug offenses they did not commit, as did the majority of the
100 or more exonerated defendants in the Rampart scandal in Los Angeles.
Most of the Rampart and Tulia defendants had been released by the time
they were exonerated, two to four years after conviction. 3 1 They were ex-
onerated because the false convictions in their cases were produced by sys-
tematic programs of police perjury that were uncovered as part of large

28 The case of Robert Farnsworth, Jr., who was exonerated in Michigan in 2000, is an
exception that illustrates this rule. Farnsworth was arrested for grand larceny and confessed
under police pressure after a cash deposit bag belonging to his employer went missing. He
immediately recanted his confession and claimed that he had placed the bag in a night de-
posit box at the company's bank, but a jury convicted him and he was sentenced to a six-
month suspended sentence and three years probation. Ordinarily, that would have been the
end of the story. By a fluke, another cash bag deposited in the same night drop box was lost
almost a year after the first, and the owner of the business in question knew the bank presi-
dent and asked him to have the drop box opened and inspected-and both cash bags were
found stuck in the mechanism (plus a third that hadn't been missed). See Bank Finds Lost
Cash Stuck in Vault, Ex-Wendy's Manager Convicted of Stealing is Vindicated, DETROIT
FREE PRESS, Mar. 13, 2000.
29 See, e.g., Barbara Taylor, Trapped on Rikers Island,N.Y. TIMES, Sept. 7, 1996, at 21.
30 In 1998, for example, 90% of those convicted of violent felonies in large urban coun-

ties pled guilty. For all felonies, 96% of those convicted pled guilty. BRIAN A. REAVES,
24 tbl.23 (2001) (figures recalculated).
31 See supranotes 23 and 24.

scale investigations. If these same defendants had been falsely convicted of

the same crimes by mistake-or even because of unsystematic acts of de-
liberate dishonesty-we would never have known.

(c) Innocent Defendants Who Have Not Been Exonerated

(i) Pending cases

Some falsely convicted defendants have not been exonerated-at least
not yet-because government officials are dragging their feet. On March
12, 2003, for example, Josiah Sutton was released from prison in Texas af-
ter DNA tests cleared him of a rape conviction for which he had served four
and one-half years of a twenty-five-year sentence. Over a year later, Sutton
remained free on bail, with his case theoretically pending, because the
Houston District Attorney, who agrees that Sutton should be pardoned,
won't say that the pardon should be "based on innocence"-apparently be-
cause that classification would subject the state to liability for Sutton's
wrongful imprisonment.3 2 Although there was no doubt that Sutton was
falsely convicted, he was not exonerated by the end of 2003 and is not in-
cluded in this study.33

(ii) Pleas of guilty or no contest

Sometimes a defendant who has protested his innocence for years, and
who had obtained a reversal of his conviction, accepts an offer from the
state to plead guilty to a lesser crime and go free immediately, rather than
stay in jail and risk a re-trial that could result in another false conviction.
For example, in 1978 Curtis McGhee was convicted of murder in Council
Bluffs, Iowa, on the basis of a confession from a supposed accomplice. In
February, 2003, the Iowa Supreme Court reversed the convictions because
the police had concealed the fact that they had questioned another suspect
who was seen near the scene of the crime, and who failed a polygraph test.
By then the confessor, and all other key prosecution witnesses, had recanted
their testimony. McGhee was offered a deal: plead guilty to second degree
murder and go free; he decided to play it safe, took the deal, and was re-

32 Mary Ann Fergus, Josiah Sutton Still Waits for Legal Exoneration, Hous. CHRON.,
Mar. 7, 2004, available at http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/pagel/2435555.
33 Sutton was finally pardoned on May 14, 2004. Roma Khanna, PerrySigns Pardonfor
Sutton; Man Convicted on Faulty DNA May Be Entitled to $100,000, Hous. CHRON., May
14, 2004, at Al; see also supra note 7 (discussing the cases of Dennis Halstead and John
GROSS ET AL. [Vol. 95

leased.3 4 We have not included McGhee in our data, nor any other defen-
dant who pled guilty in order to be released, regardless of the evidence of
the defendant's innocence. We are examining exonerations, and the final
official act in such a case is not an exoneration but a conviction, however
nominal or misleading. 35 (We have included McGhee's co-defendant, Terry
Harrington, who refused to take a similar deal, and got a dismissal after the
state's star witness at the original trial recanted once more.)

(iii) Inexplicable failures to exonerate

In some cases there is no rational explanation for the fact that an inno-
cent defendant has not been exonerated. There is no doubt, for example,
that Victoria Banks was falsely convicted of manslaughter in 2001. She is a
mentally retarded woman who confessed to killing her newborn baby; but
there is no physical evidence that the baby ever existed, and medical tests
confirm that she had a tubal ligation that was intact throughout the relevant
period, making pregnancy impossible. But Ms. Banks-who confessed to
her imaginary crime and pled guilty to manslaughter after being charged
with capital murder--does not dispute her guilt, and the state of Alabama,
to its shame, continues to imprison this mentally deficient and delusional
woman for manslaughter as well as unrelated charges. One of her two co-
defendants-who is also mentally retarded-was exonerated and released in
2003 after three and half years in prison; a second retarded co-defendant
had her sentence reduced and was released in 2002.36

34 Mark Siebert, Case Dismissed Against Man Who Served 25 Years, DES MOINES REG.,
Oct. 25, 2003, at IA, available at http://www.truthinjustice.org/Harrington.htm.
35 For these purposes, a plea of "no contest" (or "nolo contendere") is equivalent to a
guilty plea. McGhee himself entered an Alford plea, which means that he was allowed to
deny participation in the crime and state that he was pleading guilty, despite that denial, to
avoid the risk of trial. All the same, that plea-like any other plea of guilty or no contest-
was the basis of a judgment of conviction, which is not an official exoneration.
We have included three cases in which the exonerated defendant did plead guilty or no
contest, but to a charge that is factually distinct from the crime for which he was originally
convicted. Medell Banks, for example, was charged with capital murder and pled guilty to
manslaughter in Alabama. He was released in 2003, after homicide charges were dropped
because of incontrovertible evidence that the supposed victim-a newborn infant who had
never been seen, alive or dead, by any trustworthy witness-could not have existed: the os-
tensible mother, Mr. Banks's wife Victoria, had a tubal ligation that made pregnancy impos-
sible. See infra text accompanying note 36. In the process, Mr. Banks agreed to plead guilty
to a misdemeanor, tampering with evidence. Carla Crowder, Accused in Killing of Newborn
Who Likely Never Existed, Choctaw County Man Makes Plea Deal, BIRMINGHAM NEWS, Jan.
11, 2003, at 1A. Since that charge (whether true or false) involved conduct totally distinct
from the original homicide charge, we count his case as an exoneration.
36 See id.

(iv) The childcare sex abuse and satanic ritual cases

Finally, in one major set of false conviction cases the patterns of injus-
tice are so complex and murky that we can hardly ever say that specific de-
fendants were "exonerated," even though there is no doubt that most were
falsely convicted. We're referring here to the epidemic of child sex abuse
prosecutions that swept across the country in the late 1980s and early
1990s, focusing especially on childcare 37
centers, and frequently including
allegations of bizarre satanic rituals.
In almost all of the exoneration cases that we consider in this report
there is no question that the murder, rape or other crime did occur. The
problem is that someone other than the defendant did it. In these mass child
molestation prosecutions the identity of the perpetrators is not an issue. The
question, rather, is: Did the crimes really happen at all?
In many of these child-molestation cases, the accusations were bizarre
if not impossible on their face. Some children at the Little Rascals Day
Care Center in Edenton, North Carolina, for example, said that they had
seen babies killed at the daycare center, children taken out on boats and
thrown overboard to feed sharks, and children taken to outer space in a hot
air balloon.38 In Kern County, California, children described mass orgies
with as many as fourteen adults who forced groups of children to inhale
eighteen-inch lines of cocaine or heroin, gave them injections with syringes
that left large bruises, and hung the children from hooks as the adults re-
peatedly sodomized them. 39 Needless to say, no physical evidence ever cor-
roborated any of these unlikely claims. In other cases, the accusations were
merely implausible, and appear to be have been generated by over-eager
prosecutors and therapists who demanded that the young children they ex-
amined tell them that they had been molested, and would not take No for an
Overall, more than 150 defendants were initially charged in at least ten
major child sex abuse and satanic ritual prosecutions across the country,

37 For a comprehensive analysis of several of the major childcare and satanic ritual abuse
cases and the phenomenon of allegations of ritual abuse generally, see DEBBIE NATHAN &
38 See Frontline: Innocence Lost (PBS television broadcast, May 27, 1997) (tapes, tran-
scripts and additional information, including subsequent developments, available at
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages /frontline/shows/innocence/).
39 See NATHAN & SNEDEKER, supra note 37, at 95-96; see also People v. Pitts, 273 Cal.
Rptr. 757, 774-86 (Cal. Ct. App. 1990); John Johnson, "Kids Don't Lie": Faith in This As-
sumption Led to Dozens of Unjust Molestation Convictions in Bakersfield; Today One Man
Remains in Prison Even After Four of His Original Accusers Said He Never Touched Them,
L.A. TIMES, Aug. 10, 2003, § 9 (Magazine), at 16.
GROSS ET AL. [Vol. 95

from 1984 to 1995, and at least seventy-two were convicted. It is clear that
the great majority were totally innocent; almost all were eventually released
by one means or another before they completed their terms. 40 It is possible,
however, that some of these defendants did commit some acts of sexual mo-
lestation, incidents that later grew into implausible and impossible allega-
tions as the children were interviewed repeatedly by prosecutors and thera-
pists. We have included only one of these cases in our database, a case in
which we know that all of the supposed victims now say that they were
never molested in the first place-that the crime never occurred. Other-
wise, none of the wrongfully convicted victims of this terrible episode in
American legal history are included on this list because they have not been
officially exonerated.

40 In the largest set of ritual sex abuse cases, the Kern County sex abuse rings prosecu-
tions, at least eighteen of the twenty-six convicted defendants have had their convictions re-
versed and the charges dismissed-in at least seven cases, for gross prosecutorial miscon-
duct. Prosecutors declined to retry the cases in which convictions were reversed. The Kern
County defendants, who had been sentenced to as many as 100 years in prison, served be-
tween three and fifteen years. John Stoll is one of the very last defendants to remain in
prison, and by all accounts, the person who has served the longest time of all those convicted
in ritual sex abuse cases across the country; he received a hearing in February 2004, to de-
termine whether he should receive a new trial. Four of the six children, now adults, who tes-
tified against him, now say the abuse never happened. A fifth has no memory either way.
See John Johnson, New HearingIs Granted in ChildAbuse Conviction, L.A. TIMEs, Dec. 2 1,
2003, at B6; Kern County Justice; A Tragic Chapter in Our Justice System Closes with the
Release of Four Peoplefrom Prison 14 Years After Being Convicted of Child Molestation,
FRESNO BEE, Aug. 16, 1996, at B4; Tom Kertscher, Molestation Hysteria Left Sad Legacy;
Painful Lessons Learned in Overzealous Kern County Prosecutions,FRESNO BEE, Sept. 10,
1995 (Telegraph), at Al.
In fact, nearly all of those initially convicted in the childcare and ritual sex abuse cases
have since been reversed, and prosecutors have declined to retry defendants in almost every
case. See Frontline: Innocence Lost, supra note 38 (all charges against Bob Kelly, the last
remaining defendant in the Little Rascals case, were dropped in 1999) (supplemental infor-
mation available at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/innocence/etc/ chronol-
ogy.html); id. (conviction of Kelly Michaels, a twenty-three year old day care worker,
charged with 115 counts of child sexual abuse overturned in 1993) (supplemental informa-
tion available at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/innocence/etco-
ther.html#3); Update on the Wenatchee, Washington, Child Abuse Case (National Public
Radio broadcast, Aug. 2, 2001) (of the eighteen individuals convicted, all have had their
convictions overturned); When Children Accuse, Who to Believe? (ABC News Broadcast,
Jan. 28, 1999) (across the country, at least 140 people-about three-quarters of the accused
in wave of ritual sex abuse cases-have been acquitted, had their convictions overturned or
charges against them dropped).


The exonerations we found occurred in thirty-eight states and the Dis-

trict of Columbia, but the top four states-Illinois, New York, Texas and
California-account for more than 40% of the total (144 of 340), and the
top ten (those four plus Florida, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Pennsylvania,
Oklahoma and Missouri) include two thirds (226/340). See Table 2.

Table 2
Exonerationsby State

Number of
Rank State Exonerations
I Illinois 54
2 New York 35
3 Texas 28
4 California 27
5 Louisiana 17
6 Massachusetts 16
7 Florida 15
8 Pennsylvania 13
9 Oklahoma 11
10 Missouri 10

This ranking corresponds in part to the sizes of state populations. The

five most populous states-California, Texas, New York, Florida and Illi-
nois, in that order-include five of the seven with the largest numbers of
recent exonerations. These numbers may also be influenced by the use of
the death penalty; all but two of the top ten states have-or, in the case of
Illinois, recently had-large death row populations. It is also probably no
coincidence that the two leading exoneration states, Illinois and New York,
are home to the two largest and best established organizations in the United
States that work to identify false convictions and obtain exonerations-The
Center on Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern University Law School in
Chicago, and The Innocence Project at Cardozo Law School in New York
City; that these two states were the first to authorize post-conviction DNA
testing for inmates; 41 and that both include major metropolitan media mar-
kets in which the issue of wrongful conviction has received extensive cov-

41 BARRY SCHECK ET AL., supra note 20, at 360.

GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95


One way to think of false convictions is as a species of accidents. Like

many accidents, they are caused by a mix of carelessness, misconduct, and
bad luck. We don't claim to be able to describe with any precision the
causal mechanisms that produce these tragic errors, but even with the lim-
ited information at our disposal, some basic patterns are apparent.


The most common cause of wrongful convictions is eyewitness mis-
identification. This is not news. It was first shown in 1932 by Professor
Edwin Borchard in his classic book Convicting the Innocent,42 and it is ap-
parent again in our data: In 64% of these exonerations (219/340), at least
one eyewitness misidentified the defendant. The pattern, however, is heav-
ily lopsided. Almost 90% of the rape cases (107/121), but only half of the
homicides (102/205), included at least one eyewitness misidentification.
The gap in the frequency of misidentification reflects a fundamental
difference between police investigations of rapes and of homicides. In a
non-homicidal rape there is always a surviving witness-the victim-and
she is usually able to attempt to identify the criminal. As a result, almost all
the false rape convictions that led to exonerations involved mistakes that
occurred in that identification process. A murder, on the other hand, fre-
quently leaves no surviving eyewitness, which forces the police to search
for other types of evidence--evidence that is usually more difficult to ob-
tain than eyewitness identifications.
Because the stakes in murder cases are so high, the police invest far
more resources in investigating them than they devote to other crimes of
violence.43 This is as it should be. The main effect is that the clearance rate
for murders is higher than for other crimes-killers are more likely than
rapists to be caught and brought to justice. 44 These same high stakes, how-
ever, can also produce false evidence. The real perpetrator is at far greater
risk, and far more motivated to frame an innocent person to deflect atten-
tion, for a murder than for a rape-particularly if he might be sentenced to
death. Co-defendants, accomplices, jail house snitches and other police in-
formants, can all hope for substantial rewards if they provide critical evi-
dence in a murder case--even false evidence--especially if the police are


43 Gross, supra note 22, at 138.
44 For example, the FBI estimates that in 2002 the clearance rate for reported murders in
the United States was 64%, for reported rapes 45%, for reported burglaries 13%, and for re-
2002, UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS 222 fig.3.1 (2003).

desperate for leads.4 5 The police themselves may be tempted to cut comers
and falsify evidence to convict a person they believe committed a terrible
murder.4 6
In 71% of the rape exonerations the victims and all other eyewitnesses
who testified were strangers to the falsely convicted defendant. By con-
trast, 85% of exonerated murder defendants knew the victim, or at least one
supposed eyewitness, before the crime. The central problem in most rape
investigations that go wrong is the mistaken identification of a defendant
who is otherwise unknown to those involved. The common problem in the
investigations of the murder cases we studied is deliberately false evidence
implicating an innocent defendant with a known relationship to the victim
or the lying witness.
An eyewitness misidentification by a stranger is easy to spot, once you
know that the person identified is innocent. Detecting a deliberate lie is
harder; there may be no simple way to tell if a statement was false, and if so
whether the falsehood was intentional. As a result, our information on per-
jury understates the extent of the problem. Even so, known perjury is a
surprisingly common feature of the trials that led to the convictions of these
exonerated defendants.
In at least sixty of the 340 exonerations, the defendant was deliberately
falsely accused at trial by someone who claimed to have witnessed the
crime: a supposed victim, participant, or eyewitness. About a quarter of
these false accusations (14/60) occurred in rape cases; in each, the false ac-
cuser was a complaining witness who lied about the occurrence of the
crime. Almost three-quarters of the exonerated defendants who were
falsely accused were convicted of murder (44/60). In two cases the false
accusers were surviving victims; most of the rest were (or claimed to be)
participants in the crimes. In other words, deliberate false accusations were
a major cause of misidentification in murder exonerations. In 43% of the
murder exonerations in which the defendant was misidentified by one or
more eyewitnesses (44/102), we also have information that at least one of
those witnesses misidentified the defendant deliberately.
In five of the exonerations that we have studied there are reports of
perjury by police officers. In an additional twenty-four we have similar in-
formation on perjury by forensic scientists testifying for the government. In
at least seventeen exoneration cases the real criminal lied under oath to get
the defendant convicted; in at least ninety-seven cases a civilian witness
who did not claim to be directly involved in the crime committed perjury-

45 Gross, supra note 22, at 138.

46 Id. at 133-35.
GROSS ET AL. [Vol. 95

usually a jailhouse snitch or another witness who stood to gain from the
false testimony.
Overall, in 43% of all exonerations (146/340) at least one sort of per-
jury is reported-including 56% of murder exonerations (114/205), and
25% of rape exonerations (30/121). See Table 3.

Table 3
Causes of False Convictionsfor Exonerations in Murder andRape Cases*

Murder Rape
(205) (121)
Eyewitness Mis-
identification 50% 88%
Reported Perjury 56% 25%
False Confession 20% 7%

The columns add up to more than 100% because some false convictions had multiple


In fifty-one of the 340 exonerations between 1989 and 2004-15/--
the defendants confessed to crimes they had not committed. In most of
these cases it is apparent that the false confessions were coerced by the po-
lice.47 One defendant falsely confessed to larceny; nine falsely confessed to
rape; and forty-one-80%-falsely confessed to murder. See Table 3.
Twenty percent of murder exonerations involve false confessions, but only
7% of rape exonerations, and that comparison understates the difference.
Five of the false confessions in rape exonerations-more than half of the
total-were in the Central Park jogger case in New York City in 1989. But
when those confessions were taken the investigation was being treated as a
homicide because the victim was in a coma from her injuries and was ex-
pected to die.
False confessions don't come cheap. They are usually the product of
long, intensive interrogations that eventually frighten or deceive or break
the will of a suspect to the point where he will admit to a terrible crime that
he did not commit. Some of these interrogations stretch over days and in-
volve relays of police interrogators. Not surprisingly, this expensive proce-

47 In over half the false confessions (28/51) coercion is apparent from the record we
have; in about 10% (5/51) it appears that the false confession was volunteered; and in about
a third (18/51) we have too little information to say.

dure is generally reserved for the most serious cases where there is no other
evidence sufficient to convict-which usually means a murder with no sur-
viving eyewitnesses.
False confessions are heavily concentrated among the most vulnerable
groups of innocent defendants. 48 Thirty-three of the exonerated defendants
were under eighteen at the time of the crimes for which they were con-
victed, and fourteen of these innocent juveniles falsely confessed-42%,
compared to 13% of older exonerees. Among the youngest of these juve-
nile exonerees-those aged twelve to fifteen-69% (9/13) confessed to
homicides (and one rape) that they did not commit.
False confessions are even more prevalent among exonerees with men-
tal disabilities.49 Our data indicate that sixteen of the 340 exonerees were
mentally retarded; 69% of them-over two thirds-falsely confessed. An-
other ten exonerees appear to have been suffering from mental illnesses;
seven of them falsely confessed. Among all other exonerees (some of who
may also have suffered from mental disabilities of which we are unaware)
the false confession rate was 11% (33/313). Overall, 55% of all the false
confessions we found were from defendants who were under eighteen, or
mentally disabled, or both. Among adult exonerees without known mental
disabilities, the false confession rate was 8% (23/272). See Table 4.

Table 4
False Confessions by Age and Mental Disability

Age and Mental Status of Proportion Who

the Exonerated Defendants Falsely Confessed
Juveniles - under 18 at time
of crime (33) 42%
12-15 year olds (13) 69%
16-17 year olds (20) 25%
Mentally III or
Mentally Retarded (26) 69%
Adults Without Known
Mental Disabilities (272) 8%

False confessions have more impact on false convictions than their

numbers suggest, since quite often they implicate other innocent people in
addition to the confessor. Terry Harrington, a seventeen-year old African
48 Steven A. Drizin & Richard A. Leo, The Problem of False Confessions in the Post-
DNA World, 82 N.C. L. REv. 891, 963 (2004).
49 See id. at 971.
GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

American charged with killing a white retired police captain, did not con-
fess to murder in Iowa in 1978-but his sixteen-year-old friend Kevin
Hughes did, and that confession, which was later repeatedly retracted, led to
false murder convictions for Harrington and his co-defendant Curtis
McGhee. Hughes was never prosecuted.50 Similarly, in 1978 Paula Gray, a
seventeen-year-old borderline retarded girl, falsely confessed to participat-
ing in a double murder and rape in Chicago, and implicated four innocent
men. After she recanted, she was prosecuted for rape, murder and perjury,
and sentenced to fifty years in prison. The four men she named were also
all convicted, and two were sentenced to death. All five were exonerated
after DNA testing cleared the men of the rape; the real killers have since
been identified, linked to the rape by DNA, and confessed.5 And in 1988
in Austin, Texas, Christopher Ochoa falsely confessed to rape and murder
in order to avoid the threat of the death penalty-and along the way falsely
implicated his friend, Richard Danzinger; both were sentenced to life in
prison, and both were exonerated by DNA in 2001, three years after the real
criminal sent a letter to Governor Bush confessing to these same crimes.



Over two-thirds of the exonerated defendants we studied were minori-
ties, 55% African Americans and 13% Hispanics. Sadly, this is not alto-
gether surprising; blacks and Hispanics comprise about 62% of all Ameri-
can prisoners. But only part of this pattern can be explained by the
pervasive over representation of minorities in general, and African Ameri-
cans in particular, among those arrested and imprisoned for serious crimes.
At of the end of 2002, 35% of state prisoners serving sentences for
murder were white, 48% were black and 17% were Hispanic. 3 The propor-
tions of exonerations in murder cases are very similar: 34% whites, 50%
Blacks and 16% Hispanics.

50 See Siebert, supra note 34, at IA.

51 Laura Sullivan, Three Students Track Down Killers, BALT. SUN, June 27, 1999, at 1C.
52 John Cloud, GuardingDeath's Door, TIME, July 14, 2003, at 46; Judge Frees Wrongly
Convicted Man, UNITED PRESS INT'L, Jan. 16, 2001; Henry Weinstein, DNA Testing Clears
Texas Murderer and 'Accomplice', L.A. TIMES, Oct. 14, 2000, at A10. (In 2003, Ochoa was
awarded a scholarship to the University of Wisconsin Law School. See Louie Gilot, Law
School Offers Grant to Falsely Imprisoned, EL PAso TIMES, May 30, 2003, at lB.
Danzinger, tragically, received permanent disabling brain injuries as a result of an attack by
another inmate in prison.)
53 Recalculated from HARRISON & BECK, supra note 14, at 10 tbl.15.

For rape, however, the story is different. A majority of rape prisoners

in 2002 were white, 58%; only 29% were black; and 13% were Hispanic.
But for rape exonerations the proportions are reversed: almost two thirds of
the defendants are black, 64%; only 28% are white; and 7% are Hispanic.
See Table 5.

Table 5
Race of ExoneratedDefendants, by Crime
Murder Rape All Cases
(193) (107) (311)
White 34% 28% 32%
Black 50% 64% 55%
Hispanic 16% 7% 13%
Other 1% 0% 1%
TOTAL* 101% 99% 101%

* The totals may not add up to 100% because of rounding error.

Why are blacks so greatly over-represented among those defendants

who were falsely convicted of rape and then exonerated, mostly by DNA?
The key is probably the race of the victims. We know the race of the victim
for 75% of the sixty-nine rape exonerations with black defendants, and in
75% of those cases the victim was white. (We see a similar pattern, on a
smaller scale for Hispanic exonerees: we know the race of the victim for
seven of the eight who were falsely convicted of rape, and in four of those
cases the victim was white.) Most women who are raped are victimized by
members of their own racial or ethnic groups. Inter-racial rape is uncom-
mon, and rapes of white women by black men in particular account for well
under 10% of all rapes.5 5 But among rape exonerations for which we know

54 Id. The proportion of whites is slightly higher among those arrested for rape-63% in
JUSTICE STATISTICS 356 tbl.4.10 (2002), available at http://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/
pdf/section4.pdf (statistics recalculated).
55 Black offenders accounted for an average of approximately 10% of all rapes and sex-
ual assaults of white victims between 1996 and 2002. BUREAU OF JUSTICE STATISTICS, U.S.
http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/cvusst.htm (based on the National Criminal Victimiza-
tion Survey; the statistic fluctuates from year to year because for each year it is extrapolated
from a sample of ten or fewer survey responses). Another Bureau of Justice Statistics
study-based on the National Incident-Based Reporting System, reports that in 88% of rapes
the victim and the offender are of the same race, and that the victims of rape are approxi-
GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

the race of both parties, almost exactly half (39/80) involve a black man
who was falsely convicted of raping a white woman.
There are many possible explanations for this disturbing pattern. Of
all the problems that plague the American system of criminal justice, few
are as incendiary as the relationship between race and rape. Nobody would
be surprised to find that bias and discrimination continue to play a role in
rape prosecutions. Still, the most obvious explanation for this racial dispar-
ity is probably also the most powerful: the perils of cross-racial identifica-
tion. Virtually all of the inter-racial rape convictions in our data were
based, at least in part, on eyewitness misidentifications, 56 and one of the
strongest findings of systematic studies of eyewitness evidence is that white
Americans are much more likely to mistake one black57
person for another
than to do the same for members of their own race.


The juveniles on our list of exonerated defendants are overwhelmingly
members of minority groups. Over ninety percent of exonerated defendants
who were under eighteen at the time of arrest were black or Hispanic.
There are virtually no non-Hispanic white juveniles among the exonerated

mately evenly divided between whites and blacks. LAWRENCE A GREENFIELD, BUREAU OF
ASSAULT: SEX OFFENSES AND OFFENDERS 11 (1997), available at http://www.rainn.org/
Linked%20files/soo.pdf. It follows that the proportion of all rapes that have white victims
and black offenders is about 5-6%.
56 Consider the case of Ronald Cotton, a black man, who was convicted of raping Jenni-

fer Thompson, a white woman in 1985, in Burlington, North Carolina. Thompson was the
only eyewitness at the trial, and by all accounts she was very effective. She was absolutely
confident of her identification, in part because she spent a considerable amount of time with
the rapist and was determined to observe him closely so that she would be able to identify
him later on. She was equally confident when Cotton was retried 1987, convicted again, and
sentenced a second time to life in prison. Even so, she was wrong. Cotton was pardoned in
1995 after DNA tests proved that he was innocent, and that the real rapist was a different
black man, who was in prison on other charges. What makes the case most remarkable is
what happened after the exoneration. Ms. Thompson went to great lengths to make amends
to Mr. Cotton, and to speak out and publicize the case and the terrible mistake she had made,
so others could learn from it-which is why she is identified here by name. See Helen
O'Neill, The Perfect Witness, WASH. POST, Mar. 4, 2001, at F1. See generally EDWARD
57 Christian A. Meissner & John C. Brigham, Thirty Years of Investigatingthe Own-Race
Bias in Memory for Faces: A Meta-Analytic Review, 7 PSYCHOL., PUB. POL. & L. 3-35

defendants we have studied-three out of 340, less than 1% of the total.

See Table 6.

Table 6
Juvenile Exonerations by Race and Crime

Juvenile Murder Juvenile Rape All Juvenile

Exonerations Exonerations Exonerations
(23) (7) (32)
White 13% 0% 9%
Black 78% 86% 78%
Hispanic 9% 14% 13%
TOTAL 100% 100% 100%

As we have seen, minorities, and African Americans in particular, are

over-represented among all exonerations, especially the rape cases. Even
so, white defendants account for 34% of all murder exonerations and 28%
of all rape exonerations-but only 1% ofjuvenile murder exonerations, and
not a singlejuvenile rape exoneration. A majority of the teenagers arrested
for these two crimes are white-62% of juvenile rape arrests in 2002, and
46% of juvenile murder arrests58-and yet white juveniles are all but en-
tirely absent from our list of exonerees. Why?
In part, this disparity reflects general racial patterns in juvenile justice
in America. Many juveniles who are arrested are not prosecuted at all but
returned to the custody of their parents or guardians for less formal disci-
pline; among those who are prosecuted, only a small fraction are treated as
adults and punished accordingly. The juvenile exonerees in our data are all
drawn from the small group of juvenile suspects who are prosecuted as
adults and sentenced to long terms in prison--or, in three cases, to death.
Race plays a major role at each stage of the sorting process that produces
this rarified group.
For example, although only 27% of alljuveniles arrestedin the United
States in 1990, 1992 and 1994 were black, 59 a Department of Justice study

58 FED. BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, supra note 15, at 252 tbl.43.

59 This statistic reflects the average of the numbers reported by the FBI in its annual
Crime in the United States, Uniform Crime Reports for 1990, 1992 and 1994. See FED.
UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS 192-93 tbl.38 (1990). These three years were used to be consis-
GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

found that 41% of defendants in juvenile courts in those three years were
black, and 67% of juveniles prosecuted as adults were black.60 In other
words, white teenagers who are arrested by the police are less likely than
blacks to be prosecuted in juvenile court, and much less likely to be prose-
cuted in felony court as adults.
All but one of the juvenile exonerees in our database were convicted,
as adults, of rape or murder. For these two extremely serious crimes, the
racial winnowing of juvenile offenders is severe. In 1990-94, 59% of mur-
der defendants injuvenile court were white and 36% were black; but among
juvenile murder defendants who were tried as adults the proportions were
more than reversed: 69% were black and only 25% were white. 6 1 For rape,
the proportion of blacks went from 44% of juveniles arrested,62 to 53% of
those prosecuted for rape in juvenile court, to 72% of juvenile rape defen-
dants prosecuted as adults.6 3 There are, no doubt, false convictions among
the cases that remain in juvenile court, and a substantial proportion of them
may involve white defendants. Like other false convictions with compara-
tively light sentences, these are errors that are unlikely to ever be corrected
by formal exoneration. None appear in this database.
Even so, 25% of juvenile murder defendants prosecuted in adult courts
in the early 1990s were white, as were 28% of juvenile rape defendants -
but only 9% of juvenile exonerees. The disparity could be due to chance;
the number of cases is not large. It could also be due to systematic racial
differences in the process of investigation. Black juvenile rape defendants,
like all black rape defendants, face a special danger of cross-racial misiden-
tification. In many of the juvenile murder exonerations (and in some of the
rapes) the primary evidence against the defendant was a false confession.
Eight-five percent of the juvenile exonerees who falsely confessed were Af-
rican American (11/13). It may be that police officers are more likely to
use coercive interrogation tactics on black juveniles than on white juve-
niles-that would explain the high proportion of blacks among the innocent

tent with the sample in a 1998 Bureau of Justice Statistics report on juvenile defendants in
criminal courts. See FED. BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, supra note 15, at 252 tbl.43.


available at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/jfdcc98.htm. Data for the report were
combined from the Bureau of Justice Statistics's 1990, 1992, and 1994 State Court Process-
ing Statistics project.
61 See id.
62 See sources cited supranote 59.
63 See supra note 60.
64 See id.

juveniles who falsely confessed-but there is no way to tell directly from

these data.
The broad picture, however, is no mystery. We have a dual system of
juvenile justice in this country, one track for white adolescents, a separate
and unequal one for black adolescents. The sharp racial differences in ex-
onerations of falsely convicted juvenile defendants are just one manifesta-
tion of that racial divide.


We can't come close to estimating the number of false convictions that
occur in the United States, but the accumulating mass of exonerations gives
us a glimpse of what we're missing. We have located 340 exonerations
from 1989 through 2003, not counting hundreds of additional exonerated
defendants in the Tulia and Rampart scandals and other mass exonerations,
or more than seventy convicted childcare sex abuse defendants. Almost all
the individual exonerations that we know about are clustered in two crimes,
rape and murder. They are surrounded by widening circles of categories of
cases with false convictions that have not been detected: rape convictions
that have not been reexamined with DNA evidence; robberies, for which
DNA identification is useless; murder cases that are ignored because the de-
fendants were not sentenced to death; assault and drug convictions that are
forgotten entirely. Any plausible guess at the total number of miscarriages
of justice in America in the last fifteen years must be in the thousands, per-
haps tens of thousands.
We can see some clear patterns in those false convictions that have
come to light: who was convicted, and why. For rape the dominant prob-
lem is eyewitness misidentification-and cross-racial misidentification in
particular, which accounts for the extraordinary number of false rape con-
victions with black defendants and white victims. For murder, the leading
cause of the false convictions we know about is perjury-including perjury
by supposed participants or eyewitnesses to the crime who knew the inno-
cent defendants in advance. False confessions also played a large role in
the murder convictions that led to exonerations, primarily among two par-
ticularly vulnerable groups of innocent defendants: juveniles, and those
who are mentally retarded or mentally ill. Almost all the juvenile exonerees
who falsely confessed are African American. In fact, one of our most star-
tling findings is that over 90% of all exonerated juvenile defendants are
black or Hispanic, an extreme disparity that, sadly, is of a piece with racial
disparities in our juvenile justice system in general.
The death penalty runs through this story as a major theme. Death
sentences provide a window on the underlying rate of false convictions, one
GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

of two such windows. Rapes are vastly over represented among exonera-
tions because DNA identification enables us to detect errors in rape convic-
tions that were obtained before that technology became available. Death
sentences are over represented-by an even greater margin-in part be-
cause we work hard to detect and correct errors in judgments that could lead
to the execution of innocent defendants. That poses a terrible question:
How many additional hundreds or thousands of false convictions would we
have discovered if we had worked just as hard to find them among non-
capital murders, or among non-homicidal felonies?
The extraordinary rate of exoneration of death-sentenced defendants
also raises deep questions about the accuracy of our system for determining
guilt in capital cases. Exonerations from death row are more than twenty-
five times more frequent than exonerations for other prisoners convicted of
murder, and more than 100 times more frequent than for all imprisoned fel-
ons. This huge discrepancy must mean that false convictions are more
likely for death sentences than for all murder cases, and much likely than
among felony convictions generally-an unavoidable and extremely dis-
turbing conclusion.
Finally, the frequency of exonerations from death row is a chilling re-
minder of the consequences of these false convictions. If we managed to
identify and release 75% of innocent death-row inmates before they were
put to death, then we also executed twenty-five innocent defendants from
1989 through 2003. If, somehow, we have caught 90% of false capital con-
victions, than we only executed eight innocent defendants in that fifteen-
year period. Is it conceivable that a system that produces all these horren-
dous errors in the first place could also detect and correct 90% of those er-
rors, after the fact? And considering the number of mistakes in capital tri-
als, even an unlikely 90% exoneration rate would be disturbingly low.
Worse yet, the high rate of death-row exoneration is limited to defen-
dants who have been sentenced to death. Approximately half of all defen-
dants who are convicted at capital trials are sentenced to life imprisonment
instead; and of those who are sentenced to death most are resentenced to
life imprisonment at some point in the process of review; about 40% have
their convictions or sentences reversed on their first appeal, and most of
them are ultimately resentenced to life. 65 In other words, the bulk of de-
fendants at capital trials are subject to the frightening risk of error that
plagues capital prosecutions-they are as likely as other capital defendants
to be convicted of murders they did not commit-but they get little or none

65 Andrew Gelman, James S. Liebman, Valerie West, & Alexander Kiss, A Broken Sys-
tem: The Persistent Patterns of Reversals of Death Sentences in the United States, 1 J.
EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUD. 209, 214 (2004).

of the special care that is devoted to re-examining death sentences after

conviction. In all likelihood, the great majority of innocent defendants who
are convicted of capital murder are neither executed nor exonerated but sen-
tenced to prison for life, and then forgotten.
554 GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95




(Exonerations based on DNA Evidence marked by *)

ALABAMA Jeffrey Modahl, 1999

Walter, McMillian, 1993 Elmer Pratt, 1999
Randall Padgett, 1997 Herman Atkins, 2000*
Michael Pardue, 1997 Arthur Carmona, 2000
Dale Mahan, 1998* David Quindt, 2000
Ronnie Mahan, 1998* Oscar Lee Morris, 2000
Gary Drinkard, 2001 DeWayne McKinnery, 2000
Medell Banks, 2003 Albert Johnson, 2002*
Gloria Killian, 2002
ARIZONA Kevin Baruxes, 2002
Jimmy Lee Mathers, 1990 Leonary McSherry, 2002*
Ray Girdler, Jr., 1991 Ronald Reno, 2002
James Robison, 1993 Antoine Goff, 2003
Robert Charles Cruz, 1995 Jason Kindle, 2003
Larry Youngblood, 2000* Glen Nickerson, 2003
Ray Krone, 2002* John Tennison, 2003
Quedillis Ricardo Walker, 2003
Patrick Croy, 1990 COLORADO
Clarence Chance, 1992 Alarico Joe "Rico" Medina, 1995
Melvin Mikes, 1992
Benny Powell, 1992 CONNECTICUT
Mark Diaz Bravo, 1993* Rickey Hammond, 1992*
Frederick Daye, 1994* Lawrence J. Miller, Jr., 1997
Thomas Merrill, 1995 Mark Reid, 2003*
George Franklin, 1996
Troy Lee Jones, 1996 Edward Green, 1990*
GROSS ET AL. [Vol. 95

Anthony Bragdon, 2003 Ronnie Bullock, 1994*

Joseph Burrows, 1994
FLORIDA Terry Nelson, 1994
Robert Cox, 1989 Rolando Cruz, 1995*
James Richardson, 1989 Alejandro Hemandez, 1995*
Derrick Robinson, 1991 Lionel Lane, 1995
Bradley P. Scott, 1991 James Newsome, 1995
John Purvis, 1993 Kenneth Adams, 1996*
Andrew Golden, 1994 Ralph Frye, 1996
Thomas E. Smolka, 1995 Gary Gauger, 1996
Robert Hayes, 1997 Verneal Jimerson, 1996*
Joseph Nahume Green, 2000 Richard Johnson, 1996*
Frank Lee Smith, 2000* Carl Lawson, 1996
Joaquin Jose Martinez, 2001 Willie Rainge, 1996*
Jerry Frank Townsend, 2001 * Dennis Williams, 1996*
Juan Roberto Melendez, 2002 Donald Reynolds, 1997*
Tim Brown, 2003 Billy Wardell, 1997*
Rudolph Holten, 2003 David Gray, 1999*
Ronald Jones, 1999*
GEORGIA Anthony Porter, 1999
Gary Nelson, 1991 Steven Smith, 1999
Terry Lee Wanzer, 1991 John Willis, 1999*
Calvin Johnson, 1999* Xavier Catron, 2000
Douglas Echols, 2002* Algie Crivens, 2000
Samuel Scott, 2002* Steve Manning, 2000
Marcellius Bradford, 2001 *
IDAHO Miguel Castillo, 2001
Charles Fain, 2001 * Calvin Ollins, 2001*
Larry Ollins, 2001*
ILLINOIS Omar Saunders, 2001 *
Robert Brown, 1989 Rodney Woidtke, 2001
Gary Dotson, 1989* Omar Aguirre, 2002
Elton Houston, 1989 Alejandro Dominguez, 2002*
Rogelio Arroyo, 1991 Robert Gayol, 2002
Isauro Sanchez, 1991 Paula Gray, 2002*
Ignacio Varela, 1991 Luis Ortiz, 2002
Joaquin Verla, 1991 Edar Duarte Santos, 2002
David Dowaliby, 1992 Michael Evans, 2003*
Steven Linscott, 1992* Madison Hobley, 2003

Dana Holland, 2003* Gene Bibbins, 2003*

Stanley Howard, 2003 Gregory Bright, 2003
Leroy Orange, 2003 John Thompson, 2003
Aaron Patterson, 2003 Earl Truvia, 2003
Paul Terry, 2003* Calvin Willis, 2003*
Franklin Thompson, 2003 Douglas Dilosa, 2003

Charles Smith, 1991 Harold Sullivan, 1989
James Cameron, 1993 Louis Santos, 1990
Dwayne Scruggs, 1993* Marvin Mitchell, 1997*
Jerry Watkins, 2000* Donnell Johnson, 2000
Richard Alexander, 2001 * Neil Miller, 2000*
Larry Mayes, 2001* Marion Passley, 2000
John Jeffers, 2002 Eric Sarsfield, 2000*
Ulysses Rodriguez Charles, 2001*
IOWA Angel Hernandez, 2001 *
Terry Harrington, 2003 Peter Limone, 2001
Joseph Salvati, 2001
KANSAS Louis Greco, 2002
Joe Jones, 1992* Henry Tameleo, 2002
Eddie James Lowery, 2003* Kenneth Waters, 2001*
Shawn Drumgold, 2003
KENTUCKY Dennis Maher, 2003*
William Gregory, 2000*
Larry Osborne, 2002 MARYLAND
Kirk Bloodsworth, 1993*
LOUISIANA Anthony Gray, 1999*
Isaac Knapper, 1991 Michael Austin, 2002
Gerald Burge, 1992 Bernard Webster, 2002*
Roland Gibson, 1993
Hayes Williams, 1997 MICHIGAN
Curtis Kyles, 1998 Robert Farnsworth, Jr., 2000
Clyde Charles, 1999* Dwight Love, 2001
John Thompson, 1999 Eddie Joe Lloyd, 2002*
Shareef Cousin, 1999 Kenneth Wyniemko, 2003*
Albert Burrell, 2000
Michael Graham, 2000
Dwight LaBran, 2001
GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

MINNESOTA Earl Berryman, 1997

Richard Paul Dziubak, 1989 Vincent James Landano, 1998
Keith Bullock, 1992 McKinley Cromedy, 2000*
David B. Sutherlin, 2002* John Dixon, 2001*
Clarence Moore, 2001
Patricia Stallings, 1991 NEVADA
Johnny Lee Wilson, 1995 Roberto Miranda, 1996
Steven Toney, 1996* Jack Ray Broam, 1998
Clarence R. Dexter, Jr., 1999 Jay Cee Manning, 1998
Ellen Reasonover, 1999
Eric Clemmons, 2000 NEW YORK
Armand Villasana, 2000* Charles Dabbs, 1991*
Larry Johnson, 2002* Leonard Callace, 1992*
Joseph Amrine, 2003 Shirley Kinge, 1992
Lonnie Erby, 2003* Kerry Kotler, 1992*
Terry Chalmers, 1995*
MISSISSIPPI Milton Lantigua, 1996
Sabrina Butler, 1995 Victor Ortiz, 1996*
Clarence Braunskill, 1997
MONTANA Jeffrey Blake, 1998
Chester Bauer, 1997* Luis Kevin Rojas, 1998
Jimmy Ray Bromgard, 2002* Betty Tyson, 1998
Paul D. Kordonowy, 2003* Collin Woodley, 1998
Warith Habib Abdal, 1999*
NORTH CAROLINA Gerald Harris, 2000
Timothy Hennis, 1989 Timothy Crosby, 2000
Ronald Cotton, 1995* John Duval, 2000
Keith Brown, 1997* Lee Long, 2000
Alfred Rivera, 1999 James O'Donnell, 2000*
Lesley Jean, 2001* Anthony Faison, 2001
Terence Garner, 2002 Ruben Montalvo, 2001
Jose Morales, 2001
NEBRASKA Charles Shepard, 2001
Jeremy Sheets, 2001 Colin Warner, 2001
Lamont Branch, 2002
NEW JERSEY Lazaro Burt, 2002
Damaso Vega, 1989 Hector Gonzalez, 2002*
David Shepard, 1994* Sami Leka, 2002

Angelo Martinez, 2002 PENNSYLVANIA

Antron McCray, 2002* Matthew Connor, 1990
Kevin Richardson, 2002* Bruce Nelson, 1991 *
Yusef Salaam, 2002* Jerry Pacek, 1991
Raymond Santana, 2002* Jay C. Smith, 1992
Kharey Wise, 2002* Dale Brison, 1994*
Michael Mercer, 2003* Vincent Moto, 1996*
Diomedes Polonia, 2003 Willie Nesmith, 2000*
William Nieves, 2000
OHIO Edward Baker, 2002
Dale Johnston, 1990 Steven Crawford, 2002
Brian Piszczek, 1994* Bruce Godschalk, 2002*
Walter Smith, 1996* Thomas Kimbell, Jr., 2002
Danny Brown, 2001 * Nicholas Yarris, 2003*
Anthony Green, 2001*
Jimmy Williams, 2001 RHODE ISLAND
Timothy Howard, 2003 Paul Courteau, 1999
Gary Lamar James, 2003 Jeffrey Scott Hornoff, 2003


Gregory Wilhoit, 1993 Perry Mitchell, 1998*
Adolph Munson, 1995 Warren Douglas Manning, 1999
Thomas Webb, 1996*
Timothy Durham, 1997* TENNESSEE
Robert Lee Miller, Jr., 1998* Ronnie Marshall, 1996
Dennis Fritz, 1999* Robert Spurlock, 1996
Ronald Williamson, 1999* Clark McMillan, 2002*
Jeffrey Pierce, 2001 *
Arvin McGee, 2002* TEXAS
David Johns Bryson, 2003* Randall Dale Adams, 1989
Calvin Lee Scott, 2003* Clarence Brandley, 1990
Joyce Ann Brown, 1990
OREGON John Skelton, 1990
Santiago Ventura Morales, 1991 Muneer Deeb, 1993
Christopher Boots, 1995 Frederico Macias, 1993
Laverne Pavlinac, 1995 Gilbert Alejandro, 1994*
Eric Proctor, 1995 Debbie Loveless, 1994
John Sosnovske, 1995 John Miller, 1994
Pamela Sue Reser, 2002 Kevin Byrd, 1997*
560 GROSS ETAL. [Vol. 95

Ricardo Aldape Guerra, 1997 Mike Piaskowski, 2001

Ben Salazar, 1997* Steven Avery, 2003*
Susie Mowbray, 1998 Eugene Glenn, 2003
Jason Barber, 2000
A.B. Butler, 2000* WEST VIRGINIA
Roy Criner, 2000* Glen Dale Woodall, 1992*
Ronnie Mark Gariepy, 2000 Dewey Davis, 1995*
Carlos Lavernia, 2000* Gerald Davis, 1995*
Anthony Robinson, 2000* William O'Dell Harris, 1995*
Richard Danziger, 2001 * James Richardson, 1999*
Lacresha Murray, 2001 Larry Holdren, 2001 *
Christopher Ochoa, 2001 *
David Shawn Pope, 2001 *
Victor Larue Thomas, 2001 *
Calvin Washington, 2001 *
Mark Webb, 2001 *
Joe Sidney Williams, 2001*
Wesley Tuley, 2002

David Vasquez, 1989*
Walter Snyder, 1993*
Edward Honaker, 1994*
Troy Webb, 1996*
Earl Washington, 2000*
Marvin Anderson, 2001 *
Jeffrey Cox, 2001
Julius Earl Ruffin, 2003*

Benjamin Harris, 1997
Mark Clark, 1999
Jeff Schmieder, 1999
Ross Sorrels, 2003

Frederic Saecker, 1996*
Anthony Hicks, 1997*
Cornelius Reed, 1997

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