Heforshe Alliance: Impact Report 2022
Heforshe Alliance: Impact Report 2022
Heforshe Alliance: Impact Report 2022
Impact Report
1. Foreword by UN Women Executive Director 04
3. Executive Summary 08
4. Global Problem 10
7. What is HeForShe? 20
9. Notes 94
00 01
02 03
underpinning these negative behaviours.
A key strength of the HeForShe Alliance is its
role as a platform for recommitment to 3.–Take responsibility for sharing your
concerted action. Through HeForShe, men platform: The HeForShe Alliance is ideally
mobilize to tackle the obstacles that block positioned to proactively share the spaces
the realization of women’s and girls’ full legal created by patriarchy and accelerate girls’
rights, exerting their agency and
and women’s participation and leadership.
responsibilities in achieving gender equality The challenges and opportunities in doing
and economic and political equality. Those so include leading by example, engaging
efforts have a crucial role to play in driving more men and boys in this collective
change. Together with men and boys around endeavour and being innovative in how to
the world, UN Women can intensify its challenge the gender imbalance in daily life.
impact and ensure that the wait for gender These actions will enable the Alliance to be a
equality is much shorter than current powerful force for fundamental change.
assessments would suggest. This requires
three specific areas of focus from us: I recognize and appreciate the
accomplishments set out in this report and
look forward to expanding the inspiration,
impact and actions of the HeForShe
movement. With our allies and partners, male
and female, HeForShe will continue to break
down barriers to gender equality, expand
opportunities and increase freedoms for
women in all their diversity. Achieving full
gender equality requires a profound shift in
individual attitudes and behaviours and it
must include social progress for all groups in
society. We must leave no one behind in our
work. Once we are able to do this – together
– we will have more peaceful, just and
sustainable societies.
04 05
transformative action to address gender barriers to the realization of human rights for
inequality. We know that achieving gender all, regardless of gender or sexual identity.
equality and women’s empowerment is a Addressing these challenges requires
complex socioeconomic and political courage of conviction, action and leadership.
process and we are committed to taking the That is what we as Champions in the
action needed to drive this forward within HeForShe Alliance have undertaken to bring.
our institutions and communities.
This year’s report – our first one together –
presents the change that is happening and
the positive impact we are supporting for
women and girls around the world. We
recognize the role of male allyship in
catalysing change but also the crucial role of
the women working with us to effect change
and their invaluable and complex
understanding of the psychological,
emotional and cultural reasons why their
communities operate the way they do.
Communities are more likely to accept
information and advice when it comes from
someone who understands them and that
they know and trust. Beneficiaries, therefore,
are our Champions too because they have
the trust of their communities and act upon it.
power to turn the dream of an equal future
into reality.
06 07
As the world emerges from the COVID-19 solutions for the next generation and their
pandemic, it is increasingly clear that the experiences underscore the need for a holistic
expected recovery has not materialized. Globally, approach to drive change.
women, who were disproportionately affected
by the pandemic, have not regained This report highlights the importance of
pre-pandemic levels of employment and income, engaging men and boys as allies of change and
and this is even more marked for those profiles regional programmatic approaches and
belonging to vulnerable groups. The slight focuses. For example, it reflects the need for
improvement in closing the gender gap men’s greater involvement in household work
worldwide is dwarfed by the staggering statistic and caregiving and women’s greater
that gender equality, at current rates of progress, involvement in paid work outside the home in
it would take nearly 300 years. Worryingly, Arab states; the need for the promotion of
economic upheavals and climate-related “positive masculinities” in the Asia Pacific region;
challenges mean that gender equality may and the interrelation of multiple objectives, such
recede even further into the future as progress as ending violence against women and
slows, or potentially stall. preventing HIV, in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Women’s leadership at Head of State and chief It also describes some of the lessons drawn from
executive levels remains stubbornly low at interventions, including the need to understand
around 15%. On the economic empowerment that male engagement is a means and not an end
front, 2.4 billion women of working age are not in itself, the need to create spaces and processes
afforded equal opportunity and earn 77 cents for for men and boys to question what it means to be
every dollar earned by men. And, as the world a man and the need to focus on organizational
increasingly shifts towards the digital economy, and policy change in relation to issues such as
women and girls have fallen behind, hampered the care economy.
by gender stereotypes and norms that prevent
them from pursuing opportunities in Science, This report provides an overview of HeForShe,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics its genesis and impact. For example, at the level
(STEM). of previous HeForShe Heads of State
Champions, it details efforts including
Both underpinning this inequality and intensified ground-breaking legislation, such as Iceland’s
by it, violence against women and girls remains a 2018 Equal Pay Certification and Malawi’s
huge factor hindering women’s life chances. constitutional change raising the marriage age to
Based on current statistics, the situation as 18 years. From Private Sector Champions,
regards to violence against women remains dire, highlights include supporting women
meaning that governments are a long way from micro-entrepreneurs and the promotion of
achieving global targets. Worldwide, one in three climate-smart agriculture. And at the community
women has experienced physical or sexual level, it reports on the results of
violence by an intimate partner or non-partner community-driven action by thousands of men
and reports suggest as many as 50 per cent of from around the world to tackle violence against
women feel unsafe walking alone at night. Given women in communities and on campuses.
the stigmatized nature of gender-based
violence, it is very likely that these statistics This report also documents the value of allyship
significantly understate the problem. in accelerating progress. HeForShe Alliance
Champions are pushing forward efforts that
The focus of this report is the important role that bring about real change, putting the experiences
men can play in helping to overcome these of women and girls at the centre of their
challenges. Critical to this is the importance of initiatives and holding themselves to account.
men understanding male privilege, the They are delivering programmes to increase the
advantage it accords them in society and the representation of women in technical roles and
negative implications it has for women and girls. leadership, to close the gender pay gap, to
This report highlights the need for men to address and eliminate sexism and misogyny in
actively commit to change in the institutions they workplace contexts and to promote a culture
lead and the positive impact they have when they that moves the needle toward gender parity.
do so.
The report concludes with powerful and
HeForShe Champions have developed proven inspiring stories of the impact of the work of
solutions to address current levels of gender HeForShe Champions from the women who
inequality in society, in the workplace and at have experienced the change in their lives this
home. They also point the way to further potential work can foster.
08 09
According to UN Women it will take nearly
Without concerted efforts to change this
reality, no one alive today will live to
experience gender equality.
During 2022, the ongoing consequences of
the COVID-19 pandemic, related economic
upheavals, and the far-reaching impact of
climate change and war have served to
underscore the need for concerted actions
at all levels to foster and advance progress
towards gender equality.
and private sectors is essential to achieve
gender equality. In 2022, women comprised
just 14% of Heads of State and/or
Government.2 Although equitable hiring is on
the rise, in the private sector, only 15% of
Fortune 500 CEOs were female identifying.3
In senior business roles, the glass ceiling
remains intact – only 1 in 3
managers/supervisors are women.4
10 11
Violence against women and girls is a The pandemic has also accelerated the
violation of human rights with devastating rapid shift to a digital economy. However,
immediate and long-term consequences. It women and girls have not been well
is experienced in different forms and settings equipped to take advantage of this. Inherent
and with varying frequency and severity but biased gender norms and stereotypes have
remains an underlying constant globally. It is hindered women’s and girls’ career and
estimated that almost one in three women employment opportunities in the STEM field.
and girls have been subjected to physical Young women outnumber young men in
and/or sexual intimate partner violence, tertiary education, yet globally make up just
According to the World Economic Forum, it non-partner sexual violence or both at least 19.9 per cent of science and engineering
will take 132 years to close the gender gap once in their lifetime. One woman or girl is professionals.
worldwide. killed by someone in her own family every 11
minutes and 50 per cent of women feel Women and girls have led global efforts to
unsafe walking alone at night in urban areas.8 address gender inequality, but it is clear that
gender equality is not just about women and
Globally more than 86% of all Heads of Emerging data from a new UN Women study girls. To achieve gender equality requires the
Government and 85% Fortune 500 CEOs confirms that the COVID-19 pandemic has collective effort of allies, champions and
are male. resulted in a shadow pandemic of violence supporters, and men and boys and people of
against women and girls. Socio-economic all genders have an important role to play.
1 IN 3
stressors, such as unemployment, and
external stressors, such as food insecurity, Men dominate power in social, economic
1 in 3 women have experienced physical or have a significant impact, not only on and political spheres, a factor that underpins
sexual violence in their lifetime. experiences of violence or feelings of safety discrimination against women and
but also on women’s well-being overall.9 One gender-based violence. In efforts to promote
in two women report that they or a woman women’s empowerment and gender
they know experienced violence following equality it is important to engage men and
Women hold only 18% of qualified coaching the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and for them to understand male privilege and
positions and 9% of senior coaching seven in 10 women believe domestic how it accords them advantages in politics,
positions in sport. violence has increased since the society and the workplace and how this
pandemic.10 leads to restriction of women’s and girls’
1 IN 3
rights, access to empowerment
Since the onset of COVID-19, more people opportunities and resources.
The glass ceiling remains intact: only 1 in have spent more time in the home,
every 3 managers/supervisors is a woman. multiplying household chores and care The active support of men in the institutions
responsibilities. Available data from 38 they lead – whether that be in government,
countries overwhelmingly confirm that both academia, the private sector or in
women and men have increased their communities – for a change in the harmful
unpaid workloads, but women are still doing social norms and cultural narratives that
50% of women in the world feel unsafe the lion’s share with women taking on a inform attitudes and behaviours and are
walking alone at night in urban areas. greater intensity of care-related tasks than reflected in policies and practices is a vital
men, further undermining their economic element in ensuring women and girls can
empowerment.11 enjoy their human rights to achieve their full
potential. HeForShe is focused on driving
We live in a world where 2.4 billion women of forward this change.
working age are not afforded equal
economic opportunity.5 This is compounded
by the fact that women on average earn 20
per cent less than men.6 Women’s labour
force participation in 2022 is projected to
remain below pre-pandemic levels in 169
countries and territories (50.8 per cent,
compared to 51.8 per cent in 2019) and the
gender gap is expected to widen in 114
countries and areas compared to 2019.7
12 13
solutions across a range of issues, including:
ending violence against women, eliminating
child and forced marriage, equal pay for
work of equal value, gender parity in staff
and leadership, supporting survivors of
domestic violence and abuse, challenging
gender stereotypes through gender neutral
policies, promoting success for women in
STEM and mobilizing young leaders to
become agents of change for gender
Champions is working on generating new
solutions to add to the largest collection of
publicly available solutions on gender
14 15
The need to engage men and boys on The study also highlights that the use of the
gender equality and the empowerment of term “engaging men” is itself often unclear as
women is as urgent as ever today. The to the specific goal, giving the impression
experience of the COVID-19 pandemic that “engaging men” is the goal, rather than a
revealed in many ways the fragility of strategy to achieve gender equality. The
progress on gender equality and the scale of study recommended a shift of narrative to
the challenges that remain. Longer-term transforming patriarchal masculinities, as
trends, including attacks on feminist civil this provides both purpose and process and
society and women’s political participation focuses the work on overcoming systems,
as well as a rising authoritarianism and ideologies and institutions that create and
militarism, threaten the gains made by perpetuate them, thereby enabling deep and
women’s movements worldwide. lasting change.13
From its inception, UN Women understood The following examples illustrate the work of
the need to mobilize all sectors of society in UN Women in different parts of the world,
order to achieve the goal of gender equality, addressing what are similar underlying
including the importance of working with challenges with varying approaches in order
men and boys as allies and agents of change. to respond to specific contexts.
This is reflected in the current UN Women
Strategic Plan (2022-2025) which identifies In countries such as Jordan, the State of
‘’positive social norms, including the Palestine and Tunisia in the Arab
engagement of men and boys” as a key states/North Africa region, women’s
result area required to enable the enrolment in all levels of education is high.
achievement of lasting change in the lives of Nevertheless, patriarchal and social norms in
women and girls. the region continue to limit women’s rights
and freedom. Women’s participation in the
UN Women’s work on engaging men and labour market remains one of the lowest in
boys is anchored in the belief that achieving the world. Decision-making positions, at the
gender equality is about transforming household community levels as well as
unequal power relations between men and within institutions of political and economic
women. However, a recent UN Women study power remain dominated by men. Violence
notes that work with men and boys on against women and girls is widespread with
gender equality has not paid sufficient research indicating that 37 per cent of Arab
attention to increasing the accountability of women have experienced some form of
men in positions of political, economic and violence in their lifetime. Early marriage also
social power.12 The study points out that the remains a concern, with 14 per cent of Arab
focus has concentrated on men and boys at girls being married before the age of 18.14
the individual and community level, rather
than addressing the broader structures of Some key interventions by UN Women in
power within which individuals and collaboration with Equimundo (formely
relationships operate. Indeed, holding Promundo) in the region include the
leaders accountable for commitments to International Men and Gender Equality
change such “broader structures” is a central Survey (IMAGES), implemented in Egypt,
focus of the Generation Equality Action Lebanon, Morocco and the State of
Coalition on Feminist Movements and Palestine. This was the largest multi-country
16 17
One of the main findings of the IMAGES actors working to engage men and boys, One of the high-profile initiatives to engage •–Create spaces and processes for men
study was that men’s greater involvement in which brings opportunities but also complex men and boys has been the HeForShe and boys to question masculinities; when it
household work and caregiving and coordination challenges. Taverns. This has been adapted into a comes to specific gender equality work with
women’s greater involvement in paid work community-level model with multiple men and boys, it is important to create
outside the home were both linked to more The Latin America and the Caribbean region approaches and activities, including a spaces and processes for men and boys to
gender equitable attitudes toward women’s has particularly high rates of violence against network of community conversations and reflect on and discuss the harms of
rights. This emphasis on fatherhood and the women and girls and structural problems, HeForShe advocates embedded as patriarchal masculinities.
gendered division of labour within the care such as inequality, poverty, low foreign direct community agents of change. The HeForShe
economy informed the design of UN investment and low productivity, which Taverns emerged against a background of a •–Stay focused on the end goal of gender
Women’s Men and Women for Gender persist and hinder sustained growth. These community affected by high unemployment equality; male engagement must be
Equality (MWGE) regional programme with structural issues accentuated the negative due to mine closures, illegal alcohol understood as a means and not an end in
the overall goal of creating communities effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the production and alcohol abuse, high itself. The focus of any gender equality work
where men and women are able to exercise region.17 prevalence of gender-based violence and with men and boys must be on the long-term
their rights and opportunities equally. The low health-seeking behaviour among men. goal of enhancing women’s empowerment
programme aims specifically to contribute A significant focus of gender equality work Taverns were identified as spaces where and rights and transforming the patriarchal
to: 1) Creating communities that have more with men and boys in this region has been men could be reached to work on these masculinities that inhibit progress toward
gender equitable attitudes and behaviours; violence against women and girls. Some of problems and supported as well as to be this goal.
2) Integrating and promoting the interventions have focused on sexual places where there could be regular
gender-responsive practices in key regional harassment in public spaces, particularly dialogues and activities with men and •–Change the narrative from engaging
and national institutions (governments, targeting young and migrant women. In women focused on gender equality and men and boys to transforming patriarchal
academia, faith-based institutions and the Mexico, as part of the Safe Cities and Safe preventing gender-based violence and HIV masculinities; linked to above, work should
media) and regional networks; and 3) Public Spaces for Women and Girls infection. The HeForShe Tavern initiative has focus on overcoming systems, ideologies
Advocating for and supporting the drafting, initiatives, UN Women worked with both the grown to over 200 taverns in Klerksdorp and and institutions that uphold patriarchy. This
revision and/or approval of laws, policies and local government in Mexico City and the to over 500 taverns in four other provinces. involves addressing ideas and practices of
strategies that promote gender equality. private sector to develop the #NoEsDeH patriarchal masculinities that serve to
Hombres (It’s not manly) communications Inspired by HeForShe Taverns and maintain gender inequalities and power
In the Asia-Pacific region, men continue to campaign, launched in 2017 in the Mexico community advocates, young women imbalances which are expressed in attitudes
dominate political decision making. The City public transport system, which carries organized themselves as the Young Women and behaviours (individually), in policies and
average proportion of seats held by women up to 5.5 million passengers per day. An for Life Movement, a rights-based women’s practices (institutionally) and in social norms
in national parliaments in the region has evaluation of the campaign noted some organization.20 The Movement has and cultural narratives (ideologically).
increased since 2000, but progress remains positive impacts. For example, 39 per cent of thousands of young women members
uneven across countries.15 In relation to men exposed to the campaign said they across five provinces and has been •–Highlight men’s accountability as
violence against women, a study conducted would now respond actively to instances of instrumental in ensuring young women leaders in social, economic and political
by UN Women with more than 10,000 men sexual harassment; 29 per cent said that they survivors of violence have access to justice, life; this relates to the concern that the focus
and 3,000 women in nine sites across six respected women more and would avoid in some cases protesting at local police of work has been on the individual and
countries in the region (Bangladesh, engaging in sexual harassment; and 25 per stations to demand justice with the support community levels rather than addressing the
Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Papua New cent considered that it was useful to instil of male community advocates. These broader structures of patriarchy within which
Guinea and Sri Lanka) found that men’s use gender equality values in sons and community advocates have also partnered individuals and relationships operate. This
of violence against intimate female partners daughters. Nevertheless, as these numbers with HIV counselling and testing clinics calls for holding leaders accountable for
was pervasive, albeit with variations in suggest, there is still much more work to do.18 across participating districts, reaching 100 commitments within the broader structures
prevalence.16 clinics in the five provinces, and facilitated that perpetuate patriarchy.
Countries in the East and Southern Africa outreach HIV testing at community and
In the region, a focus on promoting “positive region have constitutions guaranteeing church events as well as developing a referral •–Focus on change at the organizational
masculinities” has characterized much of UN equality and election laws that provide for system to encourage men’s uptake of HIV and policy levels; programmes should
Women’s male-focused gender equality affirmative action measures to increase testing. In relation to the impact of HeForShe complement current efforts by focusing
work, engaging adolescents to challenge women’s political participation, yet female Taverns, periodic surveys carried out to more on the organizational level and policy
traditional notions of masculinity, training parliamentary representation varies assess change found that “the HeForShe and legislative frameworks. A potential
peer educators on “positive masculinity” and dramatically across the region, between 64 programme has been having a marked starting point is a focus on the impact of
pursuing partnerships with faith-based per cent and 1.82 per cent.19 In this region, effect on men’s perceptions towards rape, patriarchal masculinities on the care
institutions, university students and women one of the most common areas of focus has when considered at a larger scale across economy and on institutional norms and
rights organizations. Particularly notable is been on preventing and responding to four communities, as opposed to at a smaller cultures that condone violence or promote
UN Women’s work on organizational violence against women and girls, including scale in each individual community”.21 inequitable gender norms, especially given
accountability in Fiji. The focus of the work reducing harmful practices, with addressing the significant gender differences in
ensures that the expansion of gender HIV also a common theme. Many The following sets out some of the key women’s burden of unpaid (and low paid)
equality work with men and boys across the programmes combine multiple objectives, lessons learned that have emerged from UN care work in both domestic and institutional
region is closely accountable to ongoing such as ending violence against women, HIV Women work on engaging men and boys. settings.
work by women’s rights organizations. Part prevention and sexual and reproductive These include the need to:
of the rationale for this emphasis on health and rights work.
accountability was the proliferation of new
18 19
Created by the United Nations Entity for •–Constitution on Child Age and Marriage
Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Age to 18 years enacted in Malawi – since
Women (UN Women), the HeForShe 2015 more than 20,000 child marriages have
solidarity movement for gender equality been annulled, reducing child marriage by 8
provides a systematic approach and per cent to 42 per cent, a key indicator on
targeted platform on which men and boys gender-based violence, girls’ education and
can engage and become change agents maternal and child mortality rates.
towards the achievement of gender equality.
Achieving gender equality in our lifetimes Private Sector Commitments On
requires an innovative, inclusive approach Economic Empowerment:
that both recognizes men and boys as
partners for women’s rights and • Supporting Women Micro-entrepreneurs
acknowledges the ways in which they in South Africa – more than 1,500 women
benefit from this equality. have been empowered by Women Owned
Micro-Enterprises (AWOME) on
HeForShe invites men and boys to build on micro-enterprises with business
the work of the women’s movement as equal management and life skills and it is hoped
partners, crafting and implementing a 10,000 will be reached by 2030.
shared vision of gender equality that will
benefit all of humanity. •–Climate-smart Agriculture in Senegal –
the programme promotes women's
Since its launch in 2014, HeForShe has been economic empowerment through
working with hundreds of thousands of men climate-smart agriculture and supports
from around the world including Heads of women to enter high value-added value
State, CEOs and global luminaries from all chains (for example, shea butter, rice and
walks of life, spearheading transformative market gardening) and helps them identify
change across countries, companies, farming techniques and seed varieties that
campuses and communities and inspiring are more resilient to climate change. The
many others to follow suit. As a result, more programme has benefitted more than
than 30 solutions on gender equality have 30,000 Senegalese women farmers.
been developed with the leadership of
Heads of State and CEOs. A solution is a Community-driven Action:
jointly developed tangible and measurable
commitment that accelerates a targeted •–250 HeForShe University Students’
area of a Champion’s gender equality effort. Associations – research indicates that this
The progress of implementing the
generation sees equality as a fundamental
commitment is documented and reported right and since the launch of HeForShe, over
each year. At the end of the five-year 250 HeForShe student associations have
timeframe, it is shared as a proven solution. emerged in universities around the world,
addressing issues of sexual misconduct and
Below are some of the commitments that violence.
have been implemented by previous
champions, highlighting the impact in the •–HeForShe Parliaments – the European
lives on women and girls across the world. parliament and the parliaments of Bhutan,
Botswana and Zambia have held
Heads of State Commitments discussions on male allyship with members
On Legislation: of parliament declaring themselves as
HeForShe Advocates.
•–Achieving Equal Pay Through Legislative
Measures in Iceland – The Equal Pay •–HeForShe in Sport – HeForShe has been
Certification law, adopted in 2018, requires working with the Georgia, Fiji and Samoa
companies and institutions with 25 or more rugby unions and has also partnered in other
employees to undergo an audit to ensure sports, such as the Indian Wells tournament
that they offer equal pay for work of equal in partnership with BNP Paribas and
value, based on the implementation of an Fenerbahçe Sports Club from Turkey, to
Icelandic Equal Pay Standard. support women’s empowerment.
20 21
HeForShe In 2022
Economic Empowerment
During 2022 male allies and Champions Women’s economic empowerment is key in
focused on increasing opportunities for realizing women’s rights and closing gender
women in various aspects in their gaps in the world of work. One Champion,
respective institutions. for example, focused on promoting women’s
economic empowerment by ensuring that
Leadership procurement processes demonstrate
diversity and gender balance as well as
Alliance Champions led the promotion of promoting entrepreneurship in solar energy
women’s leadership representation, in rural areas. As a result, women are now
focusing on areas of onboarding/hiring, able to engage in business, future-proof
development, retention and promotion and their communities and actively engage in the
countering sexism and misogyny. Coupled local economies.
with this, some partners endeavoured to
benchmark women’s progress in the Violence Against Women & Girls
HeForShe has spearheaded global advocacy workplace by involving women in generating
campaigns engaging Champions to amplify data and evidence to inform One Alliance Champion focused on setting
reach and spread the message in a contextual decision-making. out a standard-setting domestic violence
way to global audiences. policy, covering a wide range of workplace
Some Champions focused on the promotion issues such as security and other measures
#MorePowerfulTogether #IDo Campaign of women in technical roles through talent for employees at risk of, experiencing or
development and succession programmes survivors of domestic violence and abuse.
This campaign invited landmarks around the The focus of this new campaign was moving in STEM and the digital economy, thus This initiative ensure that survivors have
world, most notably the Empire State Building in away from awareness and into an era of action. widening the talent pool for the future. Other access to the tools and resources and
New York City, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the The #IDo campaign empowered men to do opportunities included the promotion of workplace support need to overcome
CN Tower in Toronto, to turn off half their lights to more and celebrated those that do. It sought to women in creative roles by providing access situations of domestic violence.
demonstrate the power lost when women are support male allyship and make it easier for men and enhancing career development and
underrepresented from society, economies and to act in support of gender equality by outlining sponsorship, including creating an enabling Inclusion of Minorities
communities. steps on how they can help end gender environment for working mothers to
discrimination around the world. successfully pursue their career paths. Champions working in support of the
#HeForSheAtHome principle of leaving no one behind focused
#IWD2022 HeForShe Campaign As a result, women across the Alliance on promoting women and
This campaign highlighted the unfair burden on member organizations can leverage under-represented minority communities in
women for care work and work in the home, The UN Women theme for #IWD2022 was opportunities to hone their skills, grow their their global power structures and initiatives.
which during COVID-19 pandemic became “Gender equality today for a sustainable confidence, further their careers and shape This included, for example, engaging in
increasingly apparent. #HeForSheAtHome tomorrow”. Building on this, HeForShe and inform decisions. wider partnerships to identify highly qualified
encouraged men to do their equal share and in implemented an advocacy campaign to drive and diverse candidates for senior and board
India alone generated over 1 billion views on awareness about climate action and the need for level employment. Champions also invested
TikTok. More than 200 men and celebrities from men to be active allies in efforts for gender in upskilling their workforce by developing
all four corners of the world contributed to the equality. The content reached a collective 6 creative ways to recognize learning in the
campaign including heads of UN agencies, million followers with 1 million impressions across areas of belonging and inclusive leadership,
country ambassadors, actors, musicians and all social media channels. embedding common Environmental and
Olympic athletes. Social Governance standards and providing
stakeholders with reliable information on
which to evaluate business performance.
22 23
28 De Beers Group > 50 HSBC > 70 MTN Group >
Bruce Cleaver Michael Roberts Ralph Mupita
CEO CEO of US and Americas Group President & Chief Executive Officer
32 DP World > 54 INSEAD > 74 Nasdaq >
Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem Ilian Mihov John Zecca
Group Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Dean Executive Vice President, Chief Legal
& Regulatory Officer
38 Havas Group > 58 International Rescue Committee >
Yannick Bolloré David Miliband 78 One Young World >
Chairman and CEO President & CEO Kate Robertson & David Jones
42 HCLTech > 62 International Tennis Federation >
C Vijayakumar David Haggerty 82 PwC >
CEO & Managing Director President Bob Moritz
Global Chairman
46 Howard University > 66 McKinsey & Company >
Wayne A. I. Frederick Bob Sternfels 86 UK Policing >
President Global Managing Partner Carl Foulkes
Chief Constable of North Wales Police
90 Vodafone >
Nick Read
Group CEO
24 25
Staff Data
STEM scholarships provided to
women in Canada
Women and girls empowered to participate
in digital economy through digital skills and
400.000 18
The data below represent the overall average knowledge programmes
of the Alliance partners. It marks the first year
in the Alliance and the baseline to be reported
on over the five-year reporting period.
532 180.000
42% 58% 32% 68%
+500 +30.000
beneficiaries tackle domestic violence in 11 territories
26 27
HeForShe Champion
Bruce Cleaver
The below is De Beers Group data for 2021, "We proudly continue to pursue gender To achieve gender parity across the
highlighting the per centage of male and female parity and stand with women in our workforce by 2030, including a focus on
staff in various categories. This will serve as the workforce as we know this is business critical increasing the representation of women in
baseline over the five-year reporting period. for De Beers, and the only way we can technical roles and leadership, and
access the full talent pool to maximize our promoting a culture that enables our journey
potential. In the past few years, we have to gender parity, through:
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent made significant strides in increasing the
representation of women in leadership roles. •–Clear definitions for technical roles and a
To increase representation of women across target to double the representation of
our whole workforce, we are now building on women in STEM roles by 2030
this momentum with a dedicated focus on
increasing the representation of women in •–Talent development and succession
27% 73% 32% 68% technical and STEM roles, an area in which programmes
women remain underrepresented globally.
•–Training and awareness activities to
Our HeForShe commitment has proven encourage dialogue and challenge
particularly meaningful for a traditionally stereotypes
Female Male Female Male male dominated industry like mining, as male
allies are playing an important role in •–Regular impact reviews based on metrics
effecting systemic change. However, while and ongoing workforce feedback, to shape
Leadership Appointments there have been significant strides forward, our approach
we know that achieving our goals for gender
parity requires ongoing dedication and •–Promotion of and access to STEM careers
focus, and we remain committed to this and education, including in trades
45% 55%
Female Male
Who Is This
Supporting Women in STEM and
Leadership - Workforce:
Story About?
•–Increased representation of women in
Recipients of De Beers’ Scholarships for women senior management from 14% in 2017 to 31%
studying STEM at university in Canada in 2021
"Linking up and meeting other women in Having started in social work, Jenna wanted to Support Women in STEM and Leadership -
STEM is a really cool opportunity. Just find a way to bridge the gap between the Community:
knowing that there are these other women medical and the mental health field and so
paving the way and even experiencing maybe decided to change careers. “That's kind of what •–Engaged more than 2,300 girls on STEM in
some of the same silencing and learning to got me into STEM. I was a single woman looking Botswana, Namibia and South Africa since
find your voice." for any kind of support that I could. And that's 2018 in partnership with WomEng
what brought me to De Beers. You know, just
- Jenna Lyons having the opportunity was so great. And then… •–Engaged 210 undergraduates on building
linking up and meeting other women in STEM is a STEM careers, leadership and innovation
really cool opportunity, just knowing that there skills and wellness in Botswana, Namibia and
At De Beers, we’ve been working to remove are these other women paving the way and even South Africa in partnership with WomEng
financial barriers and encourage more women to experiencing maybe some of the same silencing
consider studying STEM to help create a more and learning to find your voice.” •–Provided 74 STEM scholarships to women
diverse talent pool for the future. So far, in in Canada since 2018 in partnership with
partnership with UN Women and Scholarships With support from her scholarship, Jenna is now HeForShe
Canada, we’ve provided over 70 scholarships for studying psychiatric nursing, with the aim of
women studying STEM subjects at university in getting work experience at the Royal Canadian •–Provided funding for up to 30 girls and
Canada, as a part of our wider goal to engage Mounted Police, as a crisis team nurse their caregivers from First Nation
10,000 girls in STEM by 2030. One of these responding to mental health calls in the communities around our operations to
scholars is Jenna Lyons, who is studying at community. Jenna is also advocating for other attend summer science camps; 18 girls
MacEwan University in Canada. “I grew up in a women to consider STEM: “I would encourage attended the University of Waterloo’s Impact
rural northern community in Alberta. The women coming into STEM to reflect, plan and Summer Camp between 2018 and 2019
educational availability and opportunity – and take on whichever career you're choosing. Know (2020 onwards the camp impacted by
the social constructs and economic status – I that we're still going to battle the social construct Covid-19 restrictions)
think really impacts the ability for women to that may make you second guess your true
come into STEM. Specifically, as you get more calling. But know that you can do what you set •–Supported over 1,800 women
north and more isolated, that opportunity isn't your mind to. I would suggest setting one goal at entrepreneurs to build their businesses since
there.” a time and chip away at whatever that dream 2018 in partnership with UN Women
might be. Work hard and allow yourself to fail
because it's going to happen. Learn lessons, get
back to the grind – because we as women do
have a valuable and unique presence in STEM.”
Data HeForShe Champion Commitment
The below is DP World data for 2021, highlighting
Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem Description
the per centage of male and female staff in Group Chairman & CEO
various categories. This will serve as the baseline "Not only is gender equality a fundamental
over the five-year reporting period. •–Increase female representation across the
right for all, but it is also essential for group to 20% by 2025.
economic prosperity. Societies that value
women and men as equals are safer and •–Introduce the requirement for shortlisted
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent healthier, and businesses are more candidates (band 4+) to include at least 1
profitable. Everyone benefits from gender female representative to proceed to the
equality. interview stage.
To achieve this, we need more male allies to •–Invest in getting more women on the board
14% 86% 11% 89% support the change. As a HeForShe through our “Women on Board” initiative.
Champion, I will work with the growing
private sector and UN Women’s HeForShe •–Progress across all Women’s
Alliance to be a leading voice in the MENA Empowerment Principles and report publicly
region and to ensure we as a company are on this annually.
Female Male Female Male doing our part."
32 DP WORLD 33
Who Is This
•–10 Solar Mamas from rural communities in
Senegal have qualified as solar energy and
maintenance technicians.
34 DP WORLD 35
•–Upon completion, the Solar Mamas ranked •–Households equipped with solar systems
the course with an average 5/5, indicating as part of the project will achieve savings of
their satisfaction with the experience and about 30% on their domestic budget, which
that they would recommend the training to represents a massive saving for them.
•–The 532 households that were solar
•–At their graduation ceremony, the Solar electrified translates to about 6,000 direct
Mamas were each presented with a light that beneficiaries, who will have access to solar
symbolized the light they have not only electricity, along with all the positive impacts
mastered but also become in this world, directly associated with regards to health,
along with cinq cent mille francs CFA (USD $ education and security that will come from
800) in cash prize. stable access to energy.
•–In each of the Solar Mama’s villages, a solar •–Black carbon emissions due to kerosene
committee, or Village Electricity and Energy burning inside the households will drop to
Committee (VEEC) was constituted. The zero (0%), as each equipped household
election and constitution of the VEEC was benefits from LED lamps, provided as part of
done in consultation with the communities, the Solar Home Lighting System (SHLS).
and though a democratic process. The
VEEC includes at least: a President, a •–The emission of at least 7 tonnes of CO2 eq
Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an per year could be avoided due to the
Auditor, and two advisers. It must be abandonment of kerosene use by the 532
composed by a majority of women to ensure households of direct beneficiaries
fair gender balancing. Usually, a VEEC is participating in the project, plus the amount
composed of 4 women and 3 men or 3 of CO2 eq per year avoided in households.
women and 2 men.
•–The Government of Senegal has made
•–Regular follow-up meetings will be power sector development a key
maintained by training centre staff as part of component of its Plan Sénégal Emergent,
a program and in order to better contribute which aims to make the country an emerging
accurate M&E data. So far, 2 support visits economy by 2025. Priorities include
have taken place after the Solar Mamas electricity access in rural areas. Senegal
return, during which the impressively Electricity access is at 88% in urban areas,
excellent installations they had made were while rural areas are still limited to 38%, so
observed, and general support for further the success of the BCI program represents a
undertakings was provided. huge step forward in this regard.
Data HeForShe Champion Commitment
The below is Havas Group data for 2021,
Yannick Bolloré Description
highlighting the per centage of male and female Chairman & CEO
staff in various categories. This will serve as the "Without question, women bring unique
baseline over the five-year reporting period. Our commitment is to increase the total
ideas and valuable perspectives to the number of women in our creative
creative field. In committing to women in departments from 42% to parity by 2025,
creative leadership at Havas, we are with a specific focus on improving
Overall Company Board ensuring that we continue to inspire, grow representation in senior creative roles. To do
and support our women… making way for an this, I appointed a Women’s Creative
equitable next generation of leaders. We Leadership Council who is advising me on
hope our efforts are a catalyst for other the key issues for us to address and together
creative industries to do the same." we are building a plan of action toward
58% 42% 40% 60% improvement and representation of women
in creative. Our plans also include changing
our recruitment efforts to provide more
industry access to women creatives,
enhancing career development and
Female Male Female Male sponsorship for women in creative roles and
creating more education and awareness
training for agency leadership. Finally, we are
New Hires also working to evolve the working
environment in creative departments so that
it better enables working mothers to
successfully pursue their career paths.
64% 36%
Female Male
Who Is This
Havas’ commitment to women has yielded
the following results:
Story About?
•–From 42-45% increase of women in
Rucha Patil Raikar creative roles
Principal Writer, Havas SO, London, UK
•–53% women in management compared to
"As a rising woman in creative, I have been Rucha Patil Raikar is a rising creative leader from 42% in 2020
able to transfer from Mumbai to London to Havas Life Sorento in Mumbai, India. In March
continue my path to leadership. This was 2020, she was selected for Femmes Forward
made possible in part due to Havas’ HeForShe FRIDA, a special program providing women in
Commitment and my involvement in the Creative Director roles the chance to learn about
Femmes Forward FRIDA program, which themselves as leaders, gain confidence and
helped grow my confidence and connect me inspiration, and build a plan towards
with a network of inspiring women. I have advancement. At the end of 2021, Rucha learned
renewed aspirations toward becoming a she and her husband would be transferring to
creative leader, and I feel my future is very London, UK, for his job. With renewed
bright." confidence from FRIDA, Rucha had brave
conversations with her leaders and
- Rucha Patil Raikar communicated her aspiration to continue her
growth at Havas in the UK.
Aided by her leaders at Havas in India, Rucha
was matched with a role in our London office and
thus retained as a creative talent. She has since
joined Havas SO in the UK as Principal Writer and
continued her participation in FRIDA by
attending Cannes Lions in 2022. During Cannes,
she was paired with a male Chief Creative Officer
for inspiration and mentorship and made strong
connections with several women Chief Creative
Officers from within Havas.
Data HeForShe Champion Commitment
The below is HCLTech data for 2021, highlighting
C Vijayakumar Description
the per centage of male and female staff in CEO & Managing Director
various categories. This will serve as the baseline "We joined the HeForShe Initiative to
over the five-year reporting period. HCLTech is committed to achieving gender
demonstrate our commitment to gender parity in recruitment across the organization
equality. In 2021, we embarked upon a globally by 2025. We are also working
five-year journey to accelerate progress through sports sponsorships to achieve the
Overall Company Board towards gender equality." collective goals of the HeForShe alliance in
achieving a gender equal world.
Female Male
42 HCLTech 43
Who Is This
A badminton prodigy, 18-year-old Jerlin won
three gold medals at the 2022 Deaflympics
Story About? in Brazil while representing India. She also
won six gold medals at the Asia Pacific Youth
Jerlin Anika Badminton Championships and Asia Pacific
A badminton prodigy and how a sports Deaf Badminton Championships in Thailand
program can change lives this year. Jerlin also won one gold, two silver,
and one bronze at the World Deaf
"We are delighted at Jerlin’s achievements. Jerlin Anika has become India’s first woman Badminton Championships 2019 in China.
She is a youth icon and an inspiration for Deaflympian to receive the Arjuna Award for her
millions of young people, particularly girls and achievements in badminton. She received the
differently abled children, to break barriers prestigious honor from the Hon’ble President of
and prove their mettle in sports and other India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu.
fields. At the HCL Foundation, we are proud to
have been part of this wonderful journey. We Since 2019, Jerlin has been supported by the
wish Jerlin a successful future and may she HCL Foundation, through ‘The Sports for
continue to bring glory to India." Change’ initiative. The HCL Foundation spotted
this exceptional talent at the Avvai Corporation
- Dr. Nidhi Pundhir Girls Higher Secondary School which is a part of
Vice President, Global Corporate Social the HCL Foundation’s ‘My School Programme’.
Responsibility and the HCL Foundation She was identified as a Sports Scholar through
the initiative based on her exceptional abilities in
badminton. Since then, the HCL Foundation has
supported Jerlin for her nutrition, sports
equipment and travel needs.
HeForShe Champion Commitment
Wayne A. I. Frederick Description
"Advancing the rights of women is not just a As an institution of higher education with a
gender issue – it is a social imperative. If predominately female student body, Howard
Data women are not given opportunities to has a greater opportunity and responsibility
to cultivate opportunities for aspiring and
succeed and reach the highest limits of their
The below is Howard University data for 2021, potential, our society will fall short of its current women leaders. We are creating
highlighting the per centage of male and female capacity to serve all people. Men have a educational programs with diverse
staff in various categories. This will serve as the responsibility to advocate for gender stakeholders to understand the primary
baseline over the five-year reporting period. equality because the future of our society issues obstructing gender equality while
depends on it." also generating the solutions to overcome
Senior Leadership Tenured Professors them. We are leveraging our standing as a
preeminent HBCU to mobilize our
communities throughout the United States
and African diaspora to take a stand and take
31% 69% 42% 58% action on this issue.
Who Is This
From October 2021 to April 2022, the Center
for Women, Gender, and Global Leadership
Story About? hosted four events organized along the
theme of gender equality, gender awareness
Josephine Jarpa Dawuni, Esq., Ph.D and gender inclusion. These events were
Founding Director of the Howard University Center held on campus and virtually and between
for Women, Gender, and Global Leadership 60 and150 people attended each one.
Several male students showed interest in
"The Center for Women, Gender, and Global As the first HBCU to become a gender equality volunteering at the Center’s next HeForShe
Leadership is a culmination of Howard’s champion, Howard University organized the events.
longstanding advocacy for women’s rights. HBCU Gender Equality Summit in February
From its founding in 1867, a Howard education 2022. Dr. Dawuni invited the presidents of other
was accessible to all people, including HBCUs to raise awareness about the role of men
women. Now, the University has created a in the fight for gender equality. This was also an
center dedicated to enhancing opportunities opportunity for other presidents to learn from
for women across the globe, individuals who Howard and implement a system that will allow
universally bear an undue share of social women to reach senior leadership positions like
responsibilities while being denied the rights their male counterparts. At the end of the
needed to care for themselves. It is the Summit, other HBCU presidents welcomed the
greatest privilege of my career to bring this idea of holding the event at their universities in
center to fruition and to spearhead the the next coming years.
tremendous impact that this institution will
undoubtedly realize." Last summer, the Center for Women, Gender,
and Global Leadership commissioned a
- Josephine Jarpa Dawuni, Esq., Ph.D research project, the Women at Howard Project,
that looked into the disaggregated data based
on gender in all schools and departments
throughout the University. This unprecedented
initiative aims to highlight the areas where the
glass ceiling has to break for women to reach top
positions as tenured faculty. With these efforts,
we are confident that there is an increased
awareness of gender equality on campus.
Data HeForShe Champion Commitment
The below is HSBC data for 2021, highlighting the
Michael Roberts Description
per centage of male and female staff in various CEO US and Americas
categories. This will serve as the baseline over the "As we work toward our shared goal of
five-year reporting period. HSBC commits to increasing female senior
gender equity, support from male allies is leadership to 35% by 2025, focusing on
necessary to accelerate tangible results. I’m areas of onboarding/hiring, development,
energized by the efforts of our Balance retention and promotion. In addition to
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent* employee resource group to drive progress increasing the percentage of women in top
toward the commitments HSBC has made to leadership positions, HSBC has committed
improve gender diversity, including the goal to publish our gender pay gap annually in the
to see 35% of women in senior leadership US and be a thought leader in this space.
globally by 2025. We’re proud to work
49% 51% 29% 71% alongside other global leaders in the
HeForShe Alliance to use our collective
strength to create a more equitable world."
44% 56%
Female Male
50 HSBC 51
Who Is This
Networkship@HSBC program results:
Data HeForShe Champion Commitment
The below is INSEAD data for 2021, highlighting the
Ilian Mihov Description
per centage of male and female staff in various Dean
categories. This will serve as the baseline over the
five-year reporting period. "Men have created and currently dominate The INSEAD HeForShe commitment
the current system of gender imbalance so involves an organisation-wide movement
it’s up to men to help play a role in fixing the where senior level male allies – including the
Board Senior Leadership system." Chairman and Deans – work in consultation
with the INSEAD Gender Initiative and
women leaders on a number of targets,
including having a gender balanced board
by 2023, increasing representation of
45% 55% 27% 73% women students in our MBA and MIM
programmes, attracting and retaining more
women faculty and working with global
industry and academic partners to continue
Female Male Female Male our pathbreaking research on gender issues,
to identify effective interventions in different
Staff & Faculty global settings.
Staff & Faculty Permanent & Fixed Term Contracts
Degree Programme
MBA & MIM Students
37% 63%
Female Male
54 INSEAD 55
Who Is This
Some results from the Gender and the
Future of Work Alumni Survey:
Story About?
•–Women were more likely than men (5.6%
Therese Joson vs 3.6%) to have their jobs cut during
MBA’22J COVID-19 due to budget cuts.
Recipient of the Bischoff Family Endowed Eager to expand her knowledge and •–Women were more likely to scale back or
Scholarship which aims to support future opportunities to make a difference, Therese was quit their jobs due to increased family care
participants from southern Africa and drawn to INSEAD, one of the world’s leading than men (6.4% vs 3.7%).
South-East Asia who demonstrate both merit business schools, and its culture of diversity and
and financial need belief in "Business as a Force for Good". When •–Whilst men and women were equally
she was admitted to the MBA Class of July 2022, called upon to fulfil extra work, the type of
she was ecstatic, but anxious about the costs work varied drastically. Men were more likely
"Being awarded the Bischoff Scholarship was involved, especially with the added pressure to be involved in direct crisis management,
a dream come true. Not only was I accepted brought about by the pandemic. whereas women were called upon in a more
into one of the best business schools, I also secondary capacity, such as covering for a
had support from someone halfway across Ultimately, she was awarded the Bischoff Family sick colleague.
the world who believed in me and believed in Endowed Scholarship, which aims to support
transforming healthcare. The scholarship participants from southern Africa and
shaped my INSEAD experience. It became South-East Asia who demonstrate both merit
part of my identity and served as my North and financial need. While not aimed solely at
Star towards building a legacy of 'giving back' women, scholarships such as this one allows
while at INSEAD and after." INSEAD to admit talented young women such as
Therese, who are determined to make a positive
- Therese Joson difference in the world.
Therese Joson, from the Philippines, was raised While studying at INSEAD, Therese embraced
in a small family where making a positive the idea of paying it forward and helped raise
difference in the community was part of funds for a scholar from the MBA Class of July
everyday life. As a child, she spent her free time 2023 through the INSEAD Robin Hood
helping her father in his medical clinic, where she Scholarship. She also was part of the Healthcare
witnessed the inequalities that exist in Club leadership team through which she
healthcare, especially for the underprivileged. connected healthcare enthusiasts to companies
This experience led Therese to pursue a path of and leaders in the field. Through the INSEAD
social impact, specifically focused on how to use network, she secured an internship with a
technology and business to democratize Singaporean healthcare start-up that uses
opportunities and quality-of-life for those who technology and machine learning to lower
need it most. healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes.
Today, she is still with that start-up – MiyaHealth –
as Group Corporate Development Manager.
HeForShe Champion Commitment
David Miliband
President & CEO
"Achieving gender equality is an all-society In 2019, the IRC announced our ambition to
endeavour that requires tackling the become a feminist humanitarian
underlying structural and systemic organization. What we meant by that was
inequalities." that we’d centralize women’s and girls’
experiences in all that we do – whether that is
(Originally from a piece authored by David our Women’s Protection and Empowerment
Miliband with Ambassador Geraldine Byrne work, Education efforts, or Health – and that
Nason ahead of the Generation Equality we’d work harder to understand not only
Forum) how women’s and girls’ experiences of
Data conflict and crisis are different, but how
power in their communities and in the
The below is International Rescue Committee data for humanitarian system intersect to impact the
2021, highlighting the per centage of male and female outcomes of our programming.
staff in various categories. This will serve as the
baseline over the five-year reporting period. As part of that ambition and our HeForShe
efforts, the IRC has committed to do more
both internally and externally. Internally, we
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent believe that our leadership must be as
diverse as the people we serve and we are
holding ourselves to account for that by
committing that 50% of our global and
regional senior leaders identify as
races/ethnicities under-represented in
48% 52% 59% 41% global power structures by 2025. Externally,
we commit that 25% of our funding will go to
local organizations and at least half of those
will be women-led.
Female Male Female Male
Who Is This
To create long-term, sustainable change, These are just a few examples of
the IRC has been undertaking change on a organization-wide efforts. Each technical
Story About? large scale: unit, our policy and advocacy teams and our
country offices are also all working on ways
The importance of our HeForShe commitments •–Our guiding Strategy document uses the to not only achieve our HeForShe
go beyond individual stories because we know question “why not partner?” as the central commitments, but to go beyond them and
and believe that long-term, sustainable impact tenent and starting point for all our work. exceed the standards we’ve set for
on an organization the size of IRC comes for Before we engage in activities, we call on our ourselves. The HeForShe effort has spurred
policy and culture change; we must work so that staff to ask “why not partner?” so that we multiple conversations within the
individual stories of achievement in gender have to provide a rationale for why the IRC organization about our responsibility to
equality become the norm. should go it alone instead of a rationale for tangibly change the worlds in which we exist
why we would partner. This may seem like a so that women and girls are heard,
The hundreds of participants in Women@Work Participation in Women@Work groups has small shift, but for an implementing empowered, safe, healthy, educated and can
groups – which are leading the organization to a profound impacts on staff members’ leadership organization like the IRC it is actually a major live with the dignity each human deserves.
more gender equal, safe and respectful place for capacity and belief in their own ability to make one that will help us achieve our goal.
women to work by addressing the change within a large organization by pushing A few examples of IRC’s progress in terms
gender-specific challenges that hinder women’s for gender equality at the policy and personal •–We have undertaken an extensive review of quantitative results and efforts, in 2021,
full participation – have collectively changed level. For example, our colleague from Ethiopia of how we work with partners, particularly IRC:
country-office policies, created daycares for shared a story of when she worked with looking at the ease of partnerships and how
staffs’ children, started collective savings recruiters to overcome bias against a pregnant funding flows through IRC, and we’ve done •–Grew representation of national women
programs to assist staff to operate small woman applying to work at the IRC: so led by an organization from the Global staff in country management roles by 10%
businesses out of their homes, conducted South. The recommendations from the and 2% respectively
unconscious bias trainings and more. The impact “When I was medical director in a health center, review are now being taken up by the
on how staff see themselves and their role in the the recruiting team informed me that they organization. •–Increased funding delivered through
IRC can be profound, as can the sense of wanted to pass on to a second competent partners as a percentage of total spending
community that Women@Work groups candidate, their justification was that the first •–We have transitioned from having a by 50% (comparted to the same period in
engender. candidate was pregnant, so she would deliver Gender Equality Unit to having a Gender FY2020)
soon and be on maternity leave. Using the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Unit and
authority I had that time, I influenced them to hire have grown that team and increased its •–Completed 40 trainings for 410 staff on
"For me, feminist leadership is when anyone, her irrespective of her physiological condition operating budget. inclusive brand guidelines to ensure IRC’s
irrespective of gender, working to end social and later they all witnessed her potential and her public presence better reflects the people
injustice with a strong gender lens and professional discipline. Understanding the we serve
consideration of other intersectional factors to existence of such kinds of biases in the
ensure Gender Equality, Diversity and workplace, raising awareness during team •–Developed a plan to invest in high-potential
Inclusion in everyday activities. It is a way of meetings, and ongoing follow-up, staff started to staff who share identities that are
practicing our power in a way that ensures normalize recruiting pregnant women and avoid under-represented in senior leadership
equality and justice for all. It is about judging staff based on factors like personal or levels through a “Talent Dialogues” program
re-thinking our power for positive social and group characteristics or psychological or for which 4 pilots are planned
gender transformation." physical conditions.”
- Netsanet Kidane
HeForShe Champion Commitment
David Haggerty
"To be successful in achieving cultural
GOAL 1. On the court: Equal number of
change across our international organisation playing opportunities for women
and ensuring a sustainable, lasting impact,
men play a vital role in this transition and The ITF’s World Tennis Tour is the pathway
must lead by example. Male allyship, for talented young players and where most
encouraging talented women, providing a top players begin their professional career.
pathway for them to progress and rise to The Tour is the main artery for successful
greatness, is essential. Leaders have long players to rise and play in the Olympics,
championed men to develop to their full Grand Slams, Davis Cup, Billie Jean King Cup
potential and we must make sure that we and the ATP/WTA Tours. Historically, the
Data give that same opportunity and support to
the talented women we are fortunate to have
pathway opportunities for women were half
compared with those for men.
in our global organisation."
The below is International Tennis Federation data for
2021, highlighting the per centage of male and female The ITF has invested in increasing the
staff in various categories. This will serve as the number of women’s tournaments to offer an
baseline over the five-year reporting period. equal number of playing opportunities for
men and women. In 2022 alone, a US$1m
investment resulted in more competitive
opportunities for women at this emerging
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent level and narrowed the gap from 1:2 to 1:1.5.
We are confident we will close this gap by
2026, providing equal opportunities and
career paths for women and men.
46% 54% 42% 58% GOAL 2. Off the court: Increased number
of women in high-level decision-making
roles in Leadership, Officiating & Coaching
Who Is This
Gaone’s Officiating achievements since
attending the ITF Advantage All seminar in
Story About? 2019:
HeForShe Champion Commitment
Bob Sternfels Description
Global Managing Partner
"“To get to a world where gender parity McKinsey is committed to achieving gender
becomes the norm, we have to invest in parity across our global organization by
Data organizational changes that sit at the core of
what we do, not just changes around the
2026, which will also be our Firm’s 100th
anniversary. To get there, we are pushing
margins. The good news is that, largely, we forward on efforts to attract, retain and
The below is McKinsey & Company data for 2021, know what we need to do – now it’s a matter support the advancement of all women at
submitted August 2022, highlighting the per centage of of relentless execution.”" our Firm. We are also continuing our
male and female staff in various categories. This will serve commitment to research and benchmark
as the baseline over the five-year reporting period. women’s progress in the workplace,
specifically seeking to expand our research
to include women around the globe.
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent
*Shareholders Council: This body, which is comprised of the Managing Partner plus
Senior Partners who are elected by their peers, functions effectively as the Firm’s board
of directors.
Who Is This
•–The European pilot of the parental leave
and re-boarding support program in place
Story About? since 2019, has had significant impact,
including increased retention of new
Cristina Alonso mothers by 15+%.
Partner, Madrid Office, McKinsey & Company
•–Since its introduction in 2019, over 500
"I wouldn’t be at McKinsey today without its coming back from your first child, this is the consultant mothers have been supported by
parental leave benefits and step by step moment when you decide the type of mother the program – pre leave, and during their
reboarding process. As a mother of two you want to be, the type of wife, and the type of return phase.
children, coming back to work took a lot of professional. You put in a lot of thought on the
adjustment and rethinking of priorities. sacrifices you are willing to make, and the •–75% of working mothers felt supported
McKinsey’s parental leave and re-boarding moments you do not want to miss. Having before, and after leave.
support program puts in place the official professional support during this crucial moment
mechanisms to make sure you have the in my life helped me define my career path. •–80% of those who used program
support needed to come back at your own components reported that they found them
pace to make you succeed during the entire The program also allows you to choose your first to be very helpful or helpful.
process and beyond.” engagement carefully when you come back. The
key people involved (responsible partner in the
- Cristina Alonso engagement, office manager, Professional
Development team, etc.) officially signed a plan
we put together to make it work. This plan
Simply put, I wouldn’t be at McKinsey today, and included commitments to flexibility, regular
most certainly not a Partner, if the program hadn’t touch points to review progress, meaningfully
been in place when I came back from maternity re-establishing my presence to my clients, and it
after my first child. I was one of the first was reinforced to the team that I was during an
employees in the program and I am incredibly adjustment period looking for my new balance.
thankful that McKinsey decided to focus on Making it an “official” process got everyone more
helping employees – of all genders – committed and supportive than I ever expected.
successfully return from parental leave.
I was not good about asking for help, now with
One of the most important components of the two kids in a dual career household I’ve learned,
program, was one I didn’t even think I needed, and I encourage women to take all the help they
but the coaching sessions with a professional can get. McKinsey’s parental leave and
coach were extremely helpful. When you come re-boarding support program puts all the
back after becoming a parent you need to adjust mechanisms in place to give you the support you
the way you work, the way you ask for help, the need before you even realize you need it.
way you organize your time, you need to learn
how to rethink your priorities every day. Specially
Data HeForShe Champion Commitment
The below is MTN Group data for 2021, highlighting
Ralph Mupita Description
the per centage of male and female staff in various Group President & CEO
categories. This will serve as the baseline over the "At MTN, we are clear that a diverse and
five-year reporting period. We have three priorities that we are focused
inclusive culture will be critical to our success on. Firstly, to achieve gender equity by no
and sustainability. Partnering with the later than 2030, with a target of 50% women
HeForShe Alliance will help us accelerate in the workforce, from a 2021 base of 39%.
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent our efforts to create an environment where Our efforts on gender equity extend to the
women thrive and have a deep sense of executive leadership groups and the boards
belonging within MTN and broader society. within our governance structures. Secondly,
higher representation of women within
For MTN, gender equality is not only a moral technology roles, with a goal of at least 30%
39% 61% 26% 74% imperative, but a business imperative too by 2030, off an existing base of 17%. Thirdly,
and that is why the company recognises that to close the gender pay gaps we have across
it cannot reach a sustainable future without our businesses.
the empowerment of women and girls and
the commitment of all stakeholders, MTN’s approach to gender equality is not
Female Male Female Male including men and boys, to achieving this only about the women in the business but
goal." about the girls and women in broader
society. Working with UN Women, MTN will
Board New Hires develop and upskill women and girls to
ensure they can actively participate in the
Digital Economy.
Who Is This
At MTN, our workforce gender diversity and
inclusion strategy comprises various
Story About? strategic measures and associated
indicators which enable us to remain
Ms. Mapula Bodibe transparent and accountable on gender
Chief Executive Officer, MTN Rwanda equality commitments.
"Women need allies who see us for who we As I moved into more senior positions, I also As at year ending 31 December 2021, key
are, recognise the impact we make, stand in gained from MTN’s leadership programmes progress achievements are:
our corner when it matters and give us the which further enhanced my capabilities. While
platform to be equal. Allyship is a silent but technical skills are important, servant leadership •–Women in the workforce and in leadership
powerful tool that can empower lives. I was was an art that shaped how I see people and the improved by year ending 2021, standing at
fortunate to have several male sponsors world today. Over the years, I’ve worked across 39% and 27% respectively.
during my 17-year career at MTN – I various leadership roles in MTN including Chief
experienced the power of HeForShe." Marketing Officer in Uganda, General Manager •–Improving inclusion of women in
for Consumer in South Africa and now in technology is a critical commitment.
- Ms. Mapula Bodibe Rwanda where I will serve as CEO. I’ve worked Representation of women in tech at year
very hard, learnt constantly, adapted fast and ending 2021, stood at 17.5%
As an avid technology consumer and analytics grew more resilient over the years while
enthusiast, I started my career in the Fast-Moving experiencing various life stages as a wife, a •–Our marquee leadership programme for
Consumer Goods sector before I moved to mother and a leader. women (Rising Leaders programme) was
telecommunications, joining MTN in South Africa delivered across 18 countries in Africa and
in 2005. My passion for customers, together with My career was supported by several leaders the Middle East. In 2021, over 250 MTN
the immense potential of the ICT sector made who were more my allies than they were line Women from diverse fields, countries and
MTN my home for the past 17 years. I was hired managers. They encouraged me to be true to regions successfully graduated from our
by Donovan Smith (General Manager, Consumer myself and gave me the support structure I leadership development programme.
Business at MTN) who gave me my first exposure needed to grow and flourish within MTN.
to the Telecoms industry. Leaders like Donovan Smith; Serame Taukobong •–We empowered over 3.2 million women
and Brian Gouldie (former CMOs of MTN South and girls by investing in programmes that
Donovan also guided my progression to senior Africa); and Karel Pienaar and Godfrey Motsa ensure girls, female youth and women have
levels and sponsored me to take over his (former CEOs of MTN South Africa) constantly the necessary digital skills and knowledge to
position, upon his departure from the reinforced courage, created visibility and actively participate within the digital
organization. exposure, openly recognized the impact I made economy.
and put their professional capital on the line to
support my career. I went above and beyond
working with them because I knew I could trust
them and that they would make a meaningful
contribution to our shared success.
Data HeForShe Champion Commitment
The below is Nasdaq data for 2021, highlighting the
John Zecca Description
per centage of male and female staff in various Executive Vice President, Chief
categories. This will serve as the baseline over the Legal & Regulatory Officer
five-year reporting period.
"Men are important allies to advancing Nasdaq is committed to supporting
gender equality because they have the initiatives and programs that advance and
ability to influence their peers to be more support women and under-represented
Overall Company Board inclusive and supportive of gender equity. minority communities. We continue to
We need male allies to advocate for equality provide support through our Purpose Group,
because they have access to and authority which comprises the company’s
within spaces where other males may not be philanthropic, community outreach,
inclined to be allies." corporate sustainability, and employee
36% 64% 36% 64% volunteerism programs to leverage Nasdaq’s
unique place at the centre of capital creation,
markets and technology. Nasdaq Corporate
Platforms launched the Board Recruitment
and Composition planning initiative,
Female Male Female Male establishing relationships with a number of
organizations to support Nasdaq-listed
companies in their search for high-qualified,
New Hires diverse, and board ready candidates;
working together to advance Diversity In
Your Company’s Boardroom.
42% 58%
Female Male
74 NASDAQ 75
Who Is This
John Zecca's Business Unit is making great
strides in achieving gender parity; his
Story About? business unit is composed of 48% women.
In the United States, 49% of these women
Amma Anaman identify as an underrepresented minority.
Managing Director and Associate General
Counsel, US Listings and Structured Products at
Nasdaq, New York, USA I’ve felt empowered and supported by John
since my interview and throughout my career
here. John has trusted me to lead significant
"John proactively makes sure that I have a legal and policy initiatives, such as our board
seat at the table where important decisions diversity proposal, our response to the SEC’s
are being made. His confidence in me makes proposed climate change disclosures, and our
me feel trusted and energized, but most ESG reporting. By doing this, he’s given me the
importantly, it makes me feel like my work is ability to develop excellent relationships with
aligned with Nasdaq’s broader purpose to other senior executives, including Adena
champion inclusive growth and prosperity. In Friedman, our President and CEO. Not only is
my time working with him, John has showed John committed to supporting my growth and
me that he had a bigger vision for me and my professional development within Nasdaq, but
career than I ever did for myself." also outside of Nasdaq. John has helped me to
become a better leader and speaker by seeking
- Amma Anaman out public speaking engagements for me, which
have helped me to build my confidence and
The first time I met John was in my final round expand my network outside of Nasdaq.
interview for my first position at Nasdaq. Having Moreover, he fully supported me relocating from
a high-level executive like John on my panel of Rockville to New York so that I could work more
interviewers made me feel that Nasdaq was closely with key players in our World
confident in my abilities and track record, even Headquarters, including Adena.
before I started working here.
In general, I think what makes John a great
After that interview, John and I met at an SEC intersectional ally is his leadership style, which is
Roundtable, with my first assignment being to incredibly humble. John’s mantra is that a leader
take notes on the meeting and provide a should “take none of the credit and all of the
summary to the executive team. My summary blame for their team.” He leads with integrity and
must have been well received, because after that is interested in hearing the broader perspectives
John asked me to cover more SEC meetings, of everyone on our team, even if they are
and then to draft comment letters on SEC relatively junior. John uses his position to elevate
proposals, join calls with the SEC, and regularly the ideas of others, including my own. I truly feel
present to our executive team. John also started John is committed to making sure my voice is
trusting me to prep him for meetings with heard in rooms in which women, especially
regulators, reporters, and listed companies, now women of color, historically have not had access.
he even feels confident enough to delegate I think this is why John makes a great HeForShe
some of these meetings to me. Champion.
HeForShe Champion Commitment
Kate Robertson & David Jones Description
"Gender equality has never been more As the global community for young leaders
critical: we will not achieve progress in areas and an expert in the field of events, One
Data such a climate change, health equity,
education, or peace and security unless we
Young World has committed to utilising its
purchasing power to promote gender
can be sure that every woman and girl is able equality. We pledge that when tendering for
The below is One Young World data for 2021, to live up to her full potential. Men are services, we will make a mandatory
highlighting the per centage of male and female staff essential partners in this fight. At One Young requirement for suppliers to demonstrate
in various categories. This will serve as the baseline World, we develop young leaders who are the diversity – and specifically the gender
over the five-year reporting period. taking action to solve the world’s biggest balance – of the teams they propose to
challenges. All of our community – men and deliver services to us. Our hope is that by
women – are tasked to work towards a more including this requirement in our process,
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent gender-equal world. We are proud to be suppliers will make a greater effort to
HeForShe Champions and empower the promote gender equality and diversity on
next generation of male allies to step up and their teams.
take action on SDG 5."
Additionally, we have introduced
63% 37% 50% 50% sector-leading internal policies on
menopause; miscarriage and neonatal
death; and domestic violence – offering
grants to anyone fleeing an abusive
Female Male Female Male
Who Is This
Our employee numbers do not lend
themselves to quantitative analysis for this
Story About? purpose.
"Being asked to look at intersectionality as As the female CEO of the events business
part of a tender process is a very effective way charged with delivering the 2023 Belfast
to drive change in an industry. Whilst the Summit, I’m hugely grateful for the One Young
events industry as a whole has a high World team for the commitment they made
representation of women, it is important to through their involvement in the HeForShe
take a truly intersectional approach to avoid initiative.
box-ticking or tokenism. One Young World is
truly using the power of procurement to drive It clearly mandates what’s expected, not just
change which, in turn, empowers my from those within our own business, but also
company to demand more from our own from those we partner with. Changing the
suppliers when it comes to expecting diverse, procurement approach might seem like a small
inclusive and equitable teams to be put step, but it will have a significant knock-on effect
forward for projects. We have also started an to increase diversity in the wider events industry.
internship scheme which aims to reach out to
less represented groups in the events The response from our partners has been hugely
industry." positive and recognised as an important
statement – not just about our culture, but the
value we place on women’s experiences.
Whenever you go to a conference or festival,
you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s one team
running everything – from security and catering,
to production and sound. The reality couldn’t be
further from the truth, with a network of
contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers all
coming together to deliver something that’s
greater than the sum of its parts.
Data HeForShe Champion Commitment
The below is PwC data for 2021, highlighting the
Bob Moritz Description
per centage of male and female staff in various Global Chairman
categories. This will serve as the baseline over the "This year we launched our new global At PwC, as part of the HeForShe Alliance
five-year reporting period. Inclusion First strategy. This is our we are committed to:
commitment to do more to positively
advance inclusion and diversity both within •–Exploring the development of an internal
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent PwC and beyond. We know that engaging badge to recognise learning in the areas of
men to be activists and disruptors to make belonging and inclusive leadership
change for the benefit of others is hugely
important. This is why we’re proud to be an PwC is committed to the extensive upskilling
inaugural member of the HeForShe Alliance, of our people globally to be inclusive leaders
48% 52% 22% 78% through which we will continue to foster male for a shifting world and exploring
allyship and inclusive leadership skills within opportunities to bring this learning to an
PwC, whilst advocating for gender equality external audience in future years.
in the world."
•–Embedding common ESG standards to
Female Male Female Male aid companies around the globe in their
sustainable value creation
82 PwC 83
Who Is This
•–Over 30,000 people from over 100
extensive resources to the development of our countries have already started their
Story About? Inclusive Mindset knowledge badge; because
inclusive leaders bring out the best in diverse
Inclusive Mindset learning journey, of
whom 8,401 learners have already
Dion Shango teams to deliver impact and value whilst completed the learning*
CEO for PwC’s Africa Central and Southern fostering an environment of psychological safety,
Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa (Dion is also belonging and allyship for our community of •–Of those who have completed or are
a member of PwC’s Global Inclusion & Diversity solvers. currently engaged in the learning 1,748 are
Council) PwC partners*
Over the past year I have championed the “As an international woman with a non-visible
development of this internal badge and its disability working with a regional mandate •–Inclusive Mindset has been receiving
"For me personally, inclusion and diversity release to the PwC Network. I got to watch an across a region as diverse as the Middle East,
really mean that I get to contribute towards exceptional feedback:
inspiring team of different subject matter inclusion has always been a cause that is
the building of a better world. As a father of specialists come together to develop this highly close to my heart. This is one of the many
two daughters and one son I want to be -–92% said this learning enhanced their
innovative 10-hour self-paced digital global reasons why I am proud to have earned my ability to practice more inclusive behaviours
confident that the world that they grow up in learning experience which first became available Inclusive Mindset badge.
will present them with equal opportunities in their day-to-day interactions*
to our member firms in October 2021.
regardless of whether they are male or This powerful learning has educated me on
female. I believe we all have a role to play in -–92% said this learning will help strengthen
This pioneering learning pathway brings what it means to be holistically inclusive the culture of inclusion and belonging at
order to create a more inclusive and equal together an array of state-of-the-art learning across all dimensions of diversity. It gave me
world." PwC*
mediums such as videos, assessments, a better understanding of the impact of
simulations and interactive discussions. It unconscious biases, privilege, •–While we can’t point to a direct causal
- Dion Shango centres on key I&D constructs such as micro-inequities and the power of inclusive, link, during the first year of Inclusive
micro-inequities, unconscious bias, societal empathetic and allyship behaviours. I can Mindset roll-out we have seen our key
Last year was an exciting year for PwC and for systemic advantage, intersectionality and key also visibly see the difference in the everyday people score indicators significantly
me, as we saw the dual introduction of our human skills such as empathy, curiosity, allyship behaviours of people all around me who are increase:
ambitious new global business strategy ‘The and intentional networking as we help our embarking on this learning journey. I can see
New Equation’ and our new global Diversity, people explore the key skills essential to their mindset shifting and people are -–”I feel like I belong at PwC.” - 78% (+5
Inclusion, Equity and Belonging strategy; our practising everyday inclusive behaviours and interacting with me and each other in a more points)**
‘Inclusion First strategy’. As a member of the leadership skills. Personally, the learning has inclusive and authentic way.
Global Inclusion & Diversity Council it was broadened my knowledge on I&D and given me -–”The leaders I work with actively build a
exciting to endorse our new Inclusion First the opportunity to identify areas where I can be a This learning is enhancing PwC’s inclusive diverse and inclusive work environment.” -
strategy as a critical enabler of The New more inclusive leader and male ally. culture through championing more allyship, 80% (+6 points)**
Equation and as an action plan to be more, do inclusion, and equity for women and
more and to affect more Inclusion & Diversity My focus for the year ahead is to encourage our underrepresented groups to prosper. I am so * Inclusive Mindset data points all relate to period up to 31 August 2022
(I&D) change at PwC and beyond. leadership across the network to adopt this pleased to be part of PwC’s wider journey to ** Data source: PwC Global People Survey 2022
learning and further scale our levels of learner fostering a workforce where everyone can
In particular it was a privilege to be the I&D engagement with Inclusive Mindset. I am also thrive, be their authentic selves and fulfil their
Council member leadership sponsor of our excited to sponsor the development of a potential. I truly believe it has made me a
Inclusive Leadership upskilling strategy because subsequent badge, our Inclusive Culture skill better person both personally and
increasing the diversity of our workforce and badge to further strengthen our Inclusive professionally, and it has made PwC a better
making sure that our people are inclusive leaders Leadership upskilling agenda. I am truly excited place for me and my colleagues.”
for a shifting world are paramount to the success about the impact this will have both on our
of both strategies. This is why we committed people and for our people, people like Mariya Ali. - Mariya Ali, Manager, PwC Middle East
Data HeForShe Champion Commitment
The below is UK Policing data for 2021, highlighting
Carl Foulkes Description
the per centage of male and female staff in various Chief Constable
categories. This will serve as the baseline over the "Male allies recognise that there is a gender
five-year reporting period. UK policing has made three clear
imbalance within policing and the commitments towards gender equality. The
communities we serve; they take action to first is to address the gender imbalances of
address inequalities through their everyday middle management teams. The second is
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent actions and amplify underrepresented to address and remove the sexism and
voices. Our network of male HeForShe allies misogyny, where it exists, in police culture.
are key to removing the sexism and Lastly, UK policing has committed to sharing
misogyny, where it exists, in police culture." annual gender equality information, this
takes the form of an annual report produced
33% 67% 27% 73% every November.
Who Is This
The HeForShe Development Programme is
being evaluated by the University of Sussex
Story About? and will be provided to all UK police forces as
best practice. A key benefit of the
Phoebe Murphy programme is that it has been provided
Personal Assistant to the Deputy Chief in-house, mostly using existing resources,
Constable, Sussex Police, Lewes, England allowing costs to be minimal and providing
the potential for many women to benefit.
"This programme has given me the Phoebe was one of 40 women selected for the Even before the end of the course, eight
confidence to strive towards my professional programme. The programme lasted for one year women (20%) had successfully pursued
goals and speak up in spaces where women and consisted of six modules, with additional new career opportunities that they would
can feel small. I have put myself forward for opening and closing events. Each module was otherwise not have taken without the
every opportunity given to me through this designed to inspire the women on the increased confidence they had gained.
experience and used the tools I’ve been programme, allowing them to reflect on their
taught to scope these out for myself. I’ve skills and experience and put them outside their
come out the other side with a promotion, an comfort zone to demonstrate how much they
improved network of connections internally can achieve. Multiple speakers supported each
and externally and a newfound module, providing lived experiences of being a
self-assurance." senior woman in policing.
Data HeForShe Champion Commitment
The below is Vodafone data for 2021, highlighting
Nick Read Description
the per centage of male and female staff in various Group CEO
categories. This will serve as the baseline over the "We all have a responsibility to end domestic
five-year reporting period. Vodafone’s global domestic violence and
violence and abuse. At Vodafone we want to abuse policy sets out a comprehensive
do more, going beyond our company range of workplace support, security and
policies and support for our employees, to other measures for employees at risk of,
Overall Company Top Six Per Cent being active allies working to change experiencing, and survivors of domestic
attitudes and behaviours in society to stop violence and abuse. Vodafone is committed
abuse." to building upon this policy with additional
tools, research, awareness and leadership
strategies to help ensure the safety of
40% 60% 32% 68% employees globally and help end the cycle of
Further research commissioned by
Vodafone Foundation into the
effectiveness of the policy in November
2021 revealed that:
•–Despite the increase in domestic abuse,
only 16% of those surveyed said their
workplace had a policy to support survivors.
10 ibid 20 UN Women, “In South Africa, young women
leading HIV and violence prevention say men’s
11 UN Women, Whose time to care? Unpaid care and involvement is key”, https://www.unwomen.org/
domestic work during COVID-19, https://data. en/news/stories/2020/11/feature-south-africa-yo
unwomen.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/Whos ung-women-lead-hiv-and-violence-prevention
21 UN Women’s Gender Equality work with men and
boys 2021
94 95
96 97