Triangulation and Trilateration
Triangulation and Trilateration
Triangulation and Trilateration
Definition of terms:
• Triangulation – a method for extending horizontal control for topographic and similar surveys
in which require observations of triangular figures whose angles are measured and whose
sides are determined by trigonometric computations.
• Triangulation System – consist of series of triangles in which one or more sides of each
triangle are also sides of adjacent triangles.
• Triangulation Stations – are the vertices of the triangles in a triangulation system.
• Base Line – one of the lines in a triangulation system whose length is precisely measured and
its true direction determined by astronomical observations. It is usually locates at the
beginning of the triangulation system and its length is used as the basis for computing the
lengths of other lines of the system.
• Check base – one of the lines in a triangulation system whose length is also precisely
measured and may be located at regular intervals or at the end of the triangulation system. It
serves as a check for triangulation computations involving lengths of lines.
• Trilateration – a method used for horizontal control surveys which is based exclusively on
measured horizontal distances. It consists of a series of joined or overlapping triangles where
sides are measured and the angles are computed.
• Horizontal Control Surveys – are surveys made to establish geodetic latitudes and
longitudes, and plane rectangular coordinates of a fundamental network of reference
• Vertical Control Surveys – are surveys usually run by barometric, trigonometric or differential
leveling to establish elevations for a network of monuments called bench marks.
• Least Squares Method – a method of adjustment used in triangulation systems and other
types of traverse surveys. It is based on the theory of probability and is used to
simultaneously adjust the angular and linear measurements to make the sum of the squares
of the residuals a minimum.
• Station adjustment – an approximate adjustment used in triangulation systems of lower
orders of precision. It is sometimes referred to as local adjustment. Its objective is to make
the sum of the angles above each triangulation station equal to 360 degrees.
• Figure Adjustment – in this adjustment the objective is to make the sum of the three angles
in each triangles within a triangulation system equal to 180 degrees. The adjustment is an
approximate method used in most low order triangulation systems.
• It is based on the trigonometric proposition that if one side and the three angles of a
triangle are known, the remaining sides can be competed.
• Triangulation utilizes geometric figures composed of triangles.
• The survey station are points on the ground which defined the vertices of triangle
forming parts of quadrilaterals or chains of triangles.
• Horizontal angles and a limited number of sides are measured. By using the measured
angles and baseline lengths, triangles are solved trigonometrically and positions of
stations calculated.
• If the direction of one side is known, the directions of the remaining sides can be
• In triangulation a large number of inherent checks and closure conditions are available
which help detect blunders and errors in field data and increase the possibility of
attaining a high standard of accuracy.
Triangulation System
• Consists of a network of connected triangles which adjoin or overlap each other.
• There are different geometric figure arrangements used to form triangulation
systems which can be used for a particular survey. Four of the commonly used
types include:
Simple and rapid
Economical method
Least accurate method
No. of base lines must be introduced
•Chain of Quadrilaterals
•The chain of quadrilaterals is the most commonly used triangulation system. It is best adapted to
long and narrow surveys where a high degree of precision is required.
•The best quadrilateral is square
•Best suited for hilly areas
Most accurate system as the number of checks are more
•Chain of Polygons
•`This triangulation system is composed of a group of triangles having within it a station which is at a
vertex common to all triangles.
•When areas are very wide in proportion to their lengths are to be surveyed then pentagonal or
hexagonal figures may be economical.
•These may or may not have a central station
This is also more accurate as the desired number of checks are more
Choice of Figures
• It is important and very essential that only well-shaped figures be used in
triangulation systems since the errors in measurement of lines and angles,
no matter how small, will affect the computed values.
• The ideal shaped triangle is equilateral and the ideal shaped quadrilateral
is a perfect square.
Adjustments of a Chain Triangles
1. Methods of least squares
-is the most frequently used estimation procedure.
-complex, lengthy computations
2. Approximate Method
-simple and convenient method used for adjusting the angles and sides of the
triangulation system which are of lower orders of precision
a. Station Adjustment
b. Figure Adjustment
2. Strength of figure
• 1 Sample Problem with a complete solution