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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-11 Issue-2, December 2021

Flexible Active Power Control Strategy for

Photovoltaic System Based on Current Limiting
Control Method
E. Sarathchandra Reddy, Ch. Chengaiah

Abstract: India is country with abundant solar energy As the penetration level increases we need to address issues
availability. The annual solar energy output exceeds the total like voltage fluctuations, frequency changes etc. proper
energy output of India's non renewable energy sources. As mitigations methods should be implemented instead of
increasing installation of renewable energy sources into the grid.
The fluctuations of power based on operating climate conditions updating the existing system[3] as it is very costly. The rapid
like solar insulation and temperature is highly depends as it is not growth of solar energy installations will inject intermittent
possible to limit such installations with time the penetration level power which makes the grid extremely distributed. This make
of renewable sources will increase to meet demand with green necessity to limit such installations which is against the
energy. This paper proposed a flexibly power point tracking national interest on renewable energy so need to control
(FPPT) control of active power in photovoltaic system to achieve active power flexibly to ensure optimal integration of PV
reserve capacity with Power Limiting Control (PLC) which will
provide high stability to existing system without overloading it system to existing grid. If it is possible to control power
thus a proper integration to the grid and to mitigate adverse output from PV system instantaneously the issues which
negative effects of high level integrations are possible with mentioned above can tackle to great extent so as to ensure a
modified grid codes in stand of replacement of existing grid. smooth integration of PV system into grid by controlling
Matlab/Simulink software package is used to make the model and power flexibly has to be implemented. If any fall in grid
effectiveness of the propose system is tested with Simulink frequency because of over loading PV systems have to inject
required power instantaneously to maintain grid frequency so
Keywords: Flexible Power Point Tracking, Maximum Power
it is clear that for grid connected renewable energy sources it
Point Tracking, Photovoltaic, Perturb and Observe, Power
Limiting Control. is required to adopt various control functions to regulate their
power outputs instead of only extracting maximum energy by
I. INTRODUCTION using energy storage systems it is possible to control power.
As storage system can absorb and release energy based on
In the developing countries industrialization and
demand but the problem is initial cost and maintenance cost
of energy storage system is very high this is big disadvantage.
manufacturing and automobiles become major driving forces Instead of changing old controllers with new controllers
to done research on clean and renewable energy in order to FPPT method is simply adopted by updating the existing grid
reduce global worming effect as well as carbon dioxide. codes for MPPT to make the system further grid friendly. To
Control techniques are generally used to increase power meet the potential challenges many countries such as
output from PV system in order to utilize available energy in Denmark, Germany, etc. modernised their existing grid codes
most effective manner. However the amount of power [4-5].The paper ordered as follows. Section 2 deals with PV
production of PV system during the MPPT operation depends characteristics and DCDC boost converter, the conventional
on climate conditions if once operating point reached to MPP P&O MPPT control techniques for deriving the maximum
there no further flexibility to control and as penetration level power point (MPP). Section 3 deals with proposed FPPT
of PV system increases in grid there are many adverse effects controlling strategy. In section 4 deals with simulation results
on stability and power quality[1-2]. Sudden change in of MPPT and FPPT. In the last section, a inference is drawn
environment conditions like passing clouds can cause wild as FPPT is preferred grid friendly approach.
fluctuations of voltage and all PV systems are operating at
MPP point then there is no flexibility of frequency control by II.SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND MODELLING
adjusting power outputs.
A. Modelling of Photovoltaic System
Manuscript received on December 16, 2021. The modelling of PV system is a significant feature to label
Revised Manuscript received on December 18, 2021. performance of the PV systems [6] given a mathematical
Manuscript published on December 30, 2021.
* Correspondence Author prototypical defining PV module characteristics in series and
E. Sarath Chandra Reddy*, Research Scholar, Department of Electrical parallel combination of equivalent circuit as shown in a
and Electronics Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University College of Figure 1 for the equivalent PV array, the output current in
Engineering, Tirupati (A.P) India. E-mail: [email protected]
Ch. Chengaiah, Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics
terms of voltage is expressed given by Equation 1.
Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University College of Engineering, Tirupati The total count of modules which are in series and parallel
(A.P) India. E-mail: [email protected] can be selected based on power requirements.
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.B96681211221 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B9668.1211221 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org 37 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Flexible Active Power Control Strategy for Photovoltaic System Based on Current Limiting Control
Where Vdc= DC output voltage
Vpv = PV output voltage
D = duty cycle

Where = Photovoltaic array current

= Current in each parallel module

Np = Number of modules in parallel
Ns = Number of modules in series Figure 3 DC-DC Boost Converter
K = Boltzmann’s constant The controller produces a PWM signal that will be amplified
T= cell temperature
by gate driver system to control the switching process.
C. Maximum Power Point Tracking System
The efficiency of solar modules is less its very much
required to abstract maximum available power from panel for
every PV panel there exist a single point where possible
power extraction is maximum (MPP).power available at MPP
is depends on solar insulation and terminal voltage of panel
is highly temperature dependent since solar insulation and
temperature are varying continues throughout the day so a
Figure 1 PV Array equivalent circuit good tracing mechanism of MPP is required to efficiently
Voltage and Power characteristics equivalent PV array are harvest available power. Various MPPT methods are
shown in Figure 2 however in order to get 100KW of total presented in literature [7, 10]. Figure 4 shows power
power 10 series and 47 parallel modules per string was variations with respect to voltage, unique MPP point,
Considered to generate 100KW power output when full constant current region and constant voltage region. kyny
irradiation available which will be discussed in subsequent
sections of this paper.

Figure 4 Power-Voltage (P-V) Characteristics

In the literature several MPPT techniques Amongst all the
MPPT methods, Perturb & Observe (P&O) most frequently
used [12] less cost simple construction makes P&O
Figure 2 Voltage and Power characteristics PV
Algorithm more popular it just measure voltage (Vpv) and
current (Ipv) from panel and calculate power and perturb the
B. DC-DC Boost Converter voltage in required direction with small change in duty cycle
As output voltage of PV module is fluctuating in nature as until it reach MPP. Finally MPPT algorithms trace the
it required to maintain constant input voltage to inverter so it voltage and current of the PV array and then regulate the duty
is mandatory to add intermediate interfacing stage and as ratio for the DC-DC converter.
efficiency of PV cell is less so as to track MPP point is
required to extract maximum available power from PV III. FLEXIBLE POWER POINT TRACKING
module and is very much necessary which can be processed PROPOSED CURRENT LIMITING SCHEME
through a DC-DC converter which is shown in Figure 3 by
As installation of renewable energy sources which are
properly selecting the filter inductor (L) and filter capacitor
highly fluctuating in nature which are integrated to old
(C) boost converter output (Vdc ) is maintained constant and
existing grid leads to large power fluctuations old existing
continuous the output voltage is given by Equation 2 The
grid need to cope up with these fluctuations.
duty ratio is used to regulate the voltage ratio between the
input and output.

Vdc = (2)

Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.B96681211221 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B9668.1211221 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org 38 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-11 Issue-2, December 2021

The fluctuations in power is because of environmental right side of the MPP point is far greater Thus, the power
conditions like change in solar irradiance current grid codes fluctuation in the steady state will be greater after. The PV
do not allow active contribution of the PV system for grid system is fixed at operate point FPP2 there will be enormous
regulation [13-14] which forced us to bound such oscillation means lower accurateness, increased power losses
installations Though, additional increment of the penetration but operating the PV system at FPP1 gives a relatively less
level of renewable energy systems is needed by utmost steady output voltage[22, 23] it will out comes in low input
countries supposing to meet their national green power plans voltage for the DC-DC converter. The principle of operation
[15]. One of the best solutions is to control active power is stated in Equation 3.
flexibly which becoming compulsory task for the PV system Ppv = Pmppt when Ppv < Plimit
demand us to make sure appropriate incorporation of PV
Ppv = Plimit when Ppv > Plimit (3)
systems into the grid. Instead of replacing old existing system
and the grid reinforcement measures if the obtainable power The block diagram of proposed system with MPPT controller
of PV systems shell be flexibly controlled then easy is presented in Figure 6 which consist of DC-DC converter,
incorporation of PV systems into the grid is possible. MPPT block PI controller and a comparator , V ref will be
Flexible active power governing mechanism of PV system generated by MPPT block and error will be feed to a PI
can be realized by power limiting control (PLC)[17,18]. In controller which will compare with a triangular carrier signal
PLC total amount of the power abstraction of the PV systems to generate required duty cycle by controlling IGBT .
is restricted to a assured level so that controller will control
greatest power that can be pumped by the PV system is within
the capacity of grid. This permits further more PV systems to
be coupled to the power grid instead of replacing old existing
grid. As the system with storage can charge and discharge
energy based on load requirements. In this method the energy
Storage system can also deliver the active power while the
PV production is not available However, the initial
investment on the energy storage systems is a main factor to
be considered for this methodology. In addition, as aging of
energy storage devices (e.g., batteries) may also increases
Figure 6 Block diagram of model with MPPT
problems concerning the operating costs for maintenance and
control technique.
also reliability of the complete system may effected with
aging [16,17]. In fact, it is possible to control power Extracted PV power will be limited to certain value can be
extraction from the PV system in a flexibly way by the controlled by controlling the output current of PV array after
control of power converters, particularly in two stage a careful observation on PV array characteristics Vpv
configuration PV systems with DC-DC converters which dependence on solar irradiation is very small but Ipv highly
allow the power control flexibility and the PV power which sensitive to solar irradiation (i.e. directly proportional ) by
is extracted should be reduced as it monitored by active this observation limiting the PV output current to a required
power reference It means that the MPPT controller have to be reference level in a operating region which is on the right
side of the MPP (i.e. FPP2) can effectually restrict the power
changed during the operation, The operating point of the PV
output of PV array . The output current of PV module is
system when tracking the FPP point will be located away
limited by saturation as shown in block diagram in Figure 7
from the maximum power point (MPP) this solution is the saturation level is based on selective grid requirements.
reflected as a cost-effective one so realized active power
flexible control of PV systems without additional hardware
implementations [18, 19] this method is named as flexible
power point tracking (FPPT).

Figure 7 Block diagram of proposed current limiting

controller for FPPT
The strategy based on PLC through the current limiting
technique was realized here as shown in Fig8.by
implementing this controller to existing MPPT we can limit
Figure 5 Power-Voltage Characteristic of PV at FPPT the output power to Plimit. Ilimit can be calculated by
equation 4.
In FPPT there will be two different operating points FPP1
and FPP2 as shown in Figure 5.The dual operational points
will exhibits dissimilar dynamics [20.21], on which PV
systems are controlled to operate. Relating the two possible
operating points, the inclination of the P-V typical curves at
Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.B96681211221 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B9668.1211221 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org 39 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Flexible Active Power Control Strategy for Photovoltaic System Based on Current Limiting Control

Ilimit= (4)
P-V paths with the announced PLC based current controller
method are shown in FIGURE 8 with 80% of the rated the
power limit.

Figure10 Simulation results of MPPT with varying

Figure 8 PLC based current controller with power limit The reference voltage of 700V is achieved at output of DC-
of 80%. DC boost converter as shown in Figure11 Which will be
converted to three phase AC by a VSI in next stage. Though
I. SIMULATION RESULTS OF MPPT AND there is fall in irradiation at 0.2 seconds but variation at output
FPPT voltage of DC-DC converter is very small so controller
maintaining required proper DC voltage irrespective of
The proposed model was simulated in
disturbances on PV modules.
Matlab/Simulink environment. The specifications of the
detailed model which is used for simulation are shown in
Table I.
1 Rated Power 100KW
2 DC-DC Converter Inductance 1.45mH
3 DC-DC Converter Capacitance 3200uF
4 Switching Frequency 5kHZ
5 DC link Voltage reference 700V
series modules 10
parallel strings 47
7 Open Circuit Voltage of each module 36.3V Figure 11 Simulation results of PV voltage and DC link
8 Short circuit current of each moduel(Isc) 7.84A
Voltage with MPPT
After simulating proposed model with FPPT operation at
After simulating proposed model with MPPT operation it 80% limit we had detected that the output of the PV panel
had been witnessed that the PV array output always attempts constantly attempts toward extraction 80% of extreme
to reach Maximum power that can be extracted from the PV available power from the PV array subjected to irradiation
panel subjected to irradiation available with oscillations available with oscillations around FPP point as shown in
around MPP point as shown in Figure 9. Figure 12. Though available Irradiation 1 KW/M which can
Irradiation which is available is 1 KW/M which will generate a power of 100 KW as per modules still amount of
generate a power of 100 KW as per modules arrangement as power which is available at module is only 80KW which is
mentioned in Table I. shown in FIGURE 10.

Figure 9 Simulation results of MPPT with 1 KW/M Figure 12 Simulation results of proposed FPPT at
irradiation 1KW/M2 irradiation

As irradiation varies because of passing clouds for a small

duration from 0.2 seconds to 0.25 seconds it can be
understood that the power extraction from PV modules also
reduced proportionally which can be seen in the Figure 10.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.B96681211221 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B9668.1211221 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org 40 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-11 Issue-2, December 2021

this reserve capacity we can increase inertia of whole system

to regulate the frequency variations grid voltage fluctuations,
mitigate grid power quality issues and also enable grid
friendly systems.

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Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.B96681211221 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B9668.1211221 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org 41 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
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E.Sarath Chandra Reddy has got B.tech degree in Electrical
and Electronics from JNTU Anantapur, AP in 2012. He got
M.Tech degree in power electronics from NIT Tiruchirappalli
in 2015. His area of interests are Power Electronics,
renewable energy sources, DC-DC converters. Presently he is
a Full time Research Scholar in Department of EEE, S.V.U College of
Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, AP, India. E-mail id:
[email protected]

Dr. Ch. Chengaiah received B. Tech degree in Electrical and

Electronics Engineering from S.V.U College of Engineering,
Tirupati, AP in 1999. He got M. E degree in Power Systems
from National Institute of Technology (REC), Tiruchirapalli,
TN in 2000 and he received Ph.D degree in Power Systems
Operation and Control from Sri Venkateswara University in
2013. Presently he is serving as Professor & Head, Department of EEE, Sri
Venkateswara University, Tirupati, AP, India. He has a teaching experience
of 20 years. He has completed 3 funded research projects and organised
national and international workshops & conferences and also he has
published several articles in reputed journals. His areas of Interest are Power
Systems Operation and Control, FACTS, Photovoltaic systems, Electric
Vehicles. E-mail id: [email protected]

Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.B96681211221 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B9668.1211221 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org 42 © Copyright: All rights reserved.

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