20742B Setupguide

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Course 20742B: Identity with

Windows Server 2016

Microsoft Hyper-V Classroom Setup Guide

Microsoft Labs Online 1
Digital courseware 2
Introducing Microsoft Hyper-V 2
Windows 10 virtual machine activation 3
Windows Server 2016 virtual machine activation 4
Setup overview 4
Classroom requirements 4
Hardware 4
Software 5
Classroom configuration 5
Instructor computer checklist 6
Instructor computer setup 7
1. Install the Hyper-V server role 8
2. Install the virtual machine files 9
3. Create virtual switches 11
4. Create a setup share 11
5. Copy the virtual machine files to the student computer 11
6. Configure the MT17B-WS2016-NAT virtual machine 12
7. Run the VM-Pre-Import script 12
8. Import the virtual machines on the instructor computer 13
9. Configure the virtual machines on the instructor computer13
10. Install the PowerPoint slides 15
Student computer checklist 16
Student computer setup 16
1. Install the Hyper-V Server role 16
2. Install the base image and virtual machine files 16
Appendix A: Keyboard layout 17
Appendix B: Activating the Windows 10 virtual machine 18
To configure the MT17B-WS2016-NAT virtual machine 19
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Product Number: 20742B

Version 1.2
Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 1

Microsoft Labs Online

Microsoft Labs Online (online or hosted labs) are available for this and other
Microsoft Official Courseware (MOC) courses. This provides an alternative to the
lab setup and configuration that is outlined in this document, where the course
virtual machines are accessed on Microsoft Learning’s hosted lab platform, rather
than on physical local machines.

Requirement for accessing hosted labs

Hosted labs still require that each student have a host computer to access the
course lab environment, but the host computer does not need to meet the same
specifications as when the virtual machines are running locally.
The general requirements for student machines are as follows:
• A valid operating system such as Windows 7 or newer
• Microsoft Internet Explorer, or another supported web browser
• Internet access
You should refer to your individual hosting provider for more specific details.
In addition, there may be some variations in steps for labs that are run in a
hosted environment as opposed to a local environment. Details of any variations
in lab steps can be found in the Lab Notes on the hosted lab platform.
If you are using hosted labs instead of on-premises labs, become familiar with
how to access and configure the labs. Ensure that you are ready to demonstrate
their use to students when starting the class, and that everything is in place for
students to have a smooth experience.
You can purchase Microsoft Labs Online for use during course delivery at the
same time you order the course materials.

Note: Some labs may not be available on the Microsoft Labs Online platform
due to specific requirements in the lab steps, such as labs with a “boot to vhd”
or "native boot" requirement. Therefore, you should evaluate the labs in your
course before deciding whether to use local labs or Microsoft Labs Online labs.
2 Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016

Digital courseware
If you are using digital courseware via the Skillpipe reader from Arvato, if the
course contains a “boot to vhd” or “native boot” scenario in some or all of the
labs, students will not be able to view the online courseware content and lab
steps in the Skillpipe reader while their host machine is offline. In this particular
scenario, use one of the following options:
1. Have two network interface cards (NICs) in the host machines.
2. Print out the Lab steps for the particular module.
3. Ask student who have their own devices to bring them to the class.
4. Configure two virtual machines prior to the class to allow access to the
content offline.
Depending on your particular situation, consider implementing one of the above
options. Further details and considerations for these workarounds and options
are available on the Born To Learn website at http://borntolearn.mslearn.net, and
have also been sent out via partner and Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)

Important: Additional virtual machine configuration may be required.

Therefore, you should allow enough time to assess your situation and make
appropriate decisions.

Introducing Microsoft Hyper-V

Note: This setup requires Windows Server 2016 with Hyper-V. To import virtual
machines successfully to Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V in you will have to run
the VM-Pre-Import scripts, which will link the differencing drives to the Base
and Middle-Tier images in the D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning
\20742\Drives\VirtualMachineName\Virtual Hard Disks\ folders.

This learning product is designed using Microsoft® Hyper-V running on

Windows Server 2016 RTM. Hyper-V is a virtualization technology that allows a
single computer to act as a host for one or more virtual machines. The virtual
machines use a set of virtual devices that might or might not map to the physical
hardware of the host computer.
The software that is installed onto the virtual machine is unmodified, full-version,
retail software that operates exactly as it does when it is installed onto physical
Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 3

The following definitions will help you with the remainder of this document:
• Hyper-V: Hyper-V is a server application that enables users to run a broad
range of operating systems simultaneously on a single physical server.
• Host Computer: The physical computer onto which an operating system and
the Hyper-V server role have been installed.
• Host operating system: The operating system that is running on the physical
computer. For this course, the only supported host operating system is
Windows Server 2016.
• Virtual machine: The computer that is running inside Hyper-V. In this
document, “Hyper-V” refers to the application running on the host, while
“virtual machine” refers to the guest operating system and any software that
is running inside the Hyper-V application.
• Guest operating system: The operating system that is running inside the
virtual machine.

Note: Pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE while working with a virtual machine will

display the Windows Security page for the host operating system. To close the
page, press the ESC key. To access the Windows Security page for a guest
operating system, press CTRL+ALT+END. Other than this difference, software
on a virtual machine behaves as it would behave on a physical computer.

You can configure virtual machines to communicate with the host computer,
other virtual machines on the same host computer, other host computers, virtual
machines on other host computers, other physical computers on the network, or
any combination thereof.
The setup instructions that you will follow as part of this classroom setup guide
will configure Hyper-V and the virtual machines that run on the host. Changing
any of the configuration settings might render the labs for this learning product

Windows 10 virtual machine activation

The virtual machines that you use in this course utilize the Windows 10 operating
system, which you must activate. For detailed instructions, refer to “Configure the
virtual machines on the instructor computer” in this document.
For more information about this requirement, and for steps about how to obtain
product keys for activation, refer to “Product Key Distribution for Activation of
Windows” (for MOC lab virtual machines only) at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink
4 Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2016 virtual machine activation

You do not require a product key to activate the server virtual machines because
they are pre-keyed and can be activated automatically by placing them online or
activating them over the phone. Once that initial 180-day activation period has
expired, you can obtain a second 180-day activation period by running slmgr
rearm, restarting, and then activating the virtual machine as outlined earlier.
You can obtain additional context and details on activation states from the Born
To Learn website at: http://aka.ms/moclabkey.

Setup overview
The host computers must be set up with Windows Server 2016 and must be
running on 64-bit hardware. For more information on the supported hardware for
Hyper-V, please see the follow web site: http://www.microsoft.com/hyper-v.
For the purposes of this learning product, it is not necessary for the host
computers to be able to communicate with another network. However, allowing
them to communicate with each other is recommended to make setup easier.
The setup procedures below assume that the host computers can communicate
with each other for setup purposes. You should note the administrator’s user
name and password for the host computers and provide this information to the

Classroom requirements
This learning product requires a classroom with a minimum of one computer for
the instructor and one for each student. Before class begins, use the following
information and instructions to install and configure all computers.

The classroom computers require the following hardware and software
Hardware Level 8
• Processor*: 2.8 GHz 64-bit processor (multi-core) or better
• AMD:
• AMD Virtualization (AMD-V)
• Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) - nested page tables
• Hardware-enforced Data Execution Prevention (DEP) must be
available and enabled (NX Bit)
• Supports TPM 2.0 or greater
Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 5

• Intel:
• Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel VT)
• Supports Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) – Extended
Page Table (EPT)
• Hardware-enforced Data Execution Prevention (DEP) must be
available and enabled (XD bit)
• Supports TPM 2.0 or greater
• Hard Disk: 500GB SSD System Drive
• RAM: 32 GB minimum
• Network adapter
• Monitor: Dual monitors supporting 1440X900 minimum resolution
• Mouse or compatible pointing device
• Sound card with headsets
In addition, the instructor computer must:
• Be connected to a projection display device that supports SVGA 1024
x 768 pixels, 16 bit colors.
• Have a sound card with amplified speakers.
*Note: To determine what features your processor supports, download
Coreinfo from http://aka.ms/Gkfypu

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 or newer is required for the host computer
only. Note, PowerPoint is not included in the Training Materials.

Classroom configuration
Each classroom computer will serve as the host for several virtual machines that
will run in Hyper-V. Domain or workgroup membership for the host computer
does not matter, nor does the network configuration of the host computers. After
completing setup, the host computer will be running the initial release of
Windows Server 2016 and will be configured to run several virtual machines
running Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10.
Estimated time to set up the classroom: 240 minutes
6 Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016

Instructor computer checklist

 1. Install the Hyper-V Server role
 2. Install the virtual machine files
 3. Create virtual switches
 4. Create a setup share
 5. Copy the virtual machine files to the student computer
 6. Configure the MT17B-WS2016-NAT virtual machine
 7. Run the VM-Pre-Import script
 8. Import the virtual machines on the instructor computer
 9. Configure the virtual machines on the instructor computer
 10. Install the PowerPoint slides
Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 7

Instructor computer setup

Use the instructions in the following section to set up the classroom manually.
Before starting the instructor computer installation, a supported operating
system and Office Power Point 2007 (or newer) must be installed on the

Important: The operating systems installed on the virtual machines in this

learning product have not been activated, and each virtual machine is in the
Notification state.

As stated earlier, you must activate the Windows 10 client virtual machines for
each of the steps outlined below. However, you do not need to activate the
Windows Server 2016 virtual machines, but you will, at a minimum, need to
apply a grace period by running slmgr –rearm at the administrative command
prompt and then restarting. This gives a ten-day grace period before the virtual
machine returns to the notification mode and subsequent hourly shutdowns.
You can view the number of rearms available in the virtual machines by running
the command slmgr -dlv. If you require an extended period, you can activate
the server virtual machines for 180 days.

You do not require a product key to activate the server virtual machines
because they are pre-keyed and can be activated automatically by placing them
online or activating them over the phone. Once that initial 180-day activation
period has expired, you can obtain a second 180-day activation period by
running slmgr -rearm, restarting, and then activating the virtual machine as
outlined earlier.

You can obtain additional context and details on activation states from the
Born To Learn website at:

In addition, when the virtual machine starts for the first time you might be
prompted to restart the computer. This is because of the hardware differences
on the host computer. You can restart the computer, or you can click Restart
Later to close the message.
8 Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016

1. Install the Hyper-V server role

In this task, you will install the Hyper-V server role on the Windows Server 2016
host computer.

Important: If Hyper-V is installed already, you can skip this procedure.

1. In the Server Manager console, on the Manage menu, click Add Roles and
2. On the Before you begin page of the Add Roles and Features Wizard, click
3. On the Select installation type page, select Role-based or feature-based
installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select destination server page, ensure that the local computer is
selected, and then click Next.
5. On the Select Server Roles page, select Hyper-V.
6. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box, click Add Features.
7. On the Select Server Roles page of the Add Roles and Features Wizard, click
8. On the Select features page, click Next.
9. On the Hyper-V page, click Next.
10. On the Create Virtual Switches page, verify that no selections have been made,
and then click Next.
11. On the Virtual Machine Migration page, click Next.
12. On the Default Stores page, review the location of Default Stores, and then
click Next.
13. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, select Restart the destination
server automatically if required.
14. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box, review the message about
automatic restarts, and then click Yes.
15. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, click Install.
16. Ensure that you restart the machine.
17. After the final restart, sign in using the administrator credentials.
Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 9

2. Install the virtual machine files

After installing the Hyper-V server role, you will need to complete the following
steps to copy the base images, middle tiers, and virtual machine files to the
server, and then configure the virtual machines.
Extract the course images
To extract the base images:
1. From the courseware source files location, double-click
2. In the Official Microsoft Learning Product License Terms window, click
Accept to indicate that you accept the terms in the license agreement.
3. In the WinRAR self-extracting archive window, in the Destination folder
text box, ensure that C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\Base is listed,
and then click Extract. Wait while the base virtual hard disk file is extracted.
This might take a few minutes.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the following base drives:
• Base17B-W10-1607-Office2016.part01.exe

To extract the middle tier images:

1. From the courseware source files location, double-click
2. In the Official Microsoft Learning Product License Terms window, click
Accept to indicate that you accept the terms in the license agreement.
3. In the WinRAR self-extracting archive window, in the Destination folder
text box, ensure that C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\Base\Drives is
listed, and then click Extract.
Wait while the middle tier virtual hard disk file is extracted. This might take a
few minutes.

To extract the virtual machines (if required for disk space, you can extract the
course-specific files to a different drive providing the base images and the middle
tiers are located in the default path):
1. From the courseware source files location, double-click
2. In the Official Microsoft Learning Product License Terms window, click
Accept to indicate that you accept the terms in the license agreement.
10 Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016

3. In the WinRAR self-extracting archive window, in the Destination folder

text box, ensure that D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives is
listed, and then click Extract.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the following virtual machines:
• 20742B-LON-CL1.part001.exe
• 20742B-LON-CL2.part001.exe
• 20742B-LON-SVR1.part001.exe
• 20742B-LON-SVR2.part001.exe
• 20742B-CA-SVR1.part001.exe
• 20742B-scripts.exe
• 20742B-TOR-DC1.part001.exe
• 20742B-TREY-DC1.part001.exe

Note: After extracting all of the classroom files, you should have the files in the
following table installed.

File In folder
Base17C-WS16-1607.vhd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\Base
Base17B-W10-1607-Office2016.vhd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\Base
MT17A-LON-DC1.vhd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\Base\Drives
VM-Pre-Import-20742B.ps1 D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives\
20742B_ImportVirtualMachines.ps1 D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives\
CreateVirtualSwitches.ps1 D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives\
TakeVMSnapshot.ps1 D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives\
20742B-LON-DC1.vhd D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives
20742B-LON-DC1-Allfiles.vhd \20742B-LON-DC1\Virtual Hard Disks

D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives

\20742B-LON-CL1\Virtual Hard Disks
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives
\20742B-LON-CL2\Virtual Hard Disks
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives
\20742B-LON-SVR1\Virtual Hard Disks
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives
\20742B-LON-SVR2\Virtual Hard Disks
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives
\20742B-CA-SVR1\Virtual Hard Disks
Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 11

File In folder
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives
\20742B-TREY-DC1\Virtual Hard Disks
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives
\20742B-TOR-DC1\Virtual Hard Disks

3. Create virtual switches

This section creates the virtual switches for this learning product.
1. Browse to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives\.
2. Right-click CreateVirtualSwitches.ps1, and then click Run with PowerShell.
3. Press Y, and then press Enter.
4. Start Hyper-V Manager, and then click Virtual Switch Manager.
5. In the Virtual Switches area of the Virtual Switch Manager dialog box,
verify the following virtual switches, and then click Cancel:
• Name: Private Network

4. Create a setup share

In this task, you will share virtual machine files for copying to student computers.
1. Share the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\Base folder using a share
name of Base_Drives.
2. Share the D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives folder using
a share name of 20742B_Drives.

Note: For information about how to set up a share in Windows Server 2016,
see the topic “Share a Resource” in Windows Help and Support.

5. Copy the virtual machine files to the student

Note: You must perform the file copy prior to importing the virtual machines.
Once you import the virtual machines, you will not be able to import them

1. From the student computer, copy all of the files from the Base_Drives share
on the instructor computer to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\Base.
12 Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016

2. Copy all of the files from the 20742B_Drives share on the instructor
computer to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives.

Note: Ensure that all files are successfully copied:

D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742 and all included folders and files

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\Base

3. Ensure that you have copied the files using a permission-retaining software
such as RoboCopy or XCopy.
4. Verify that all permissions have been retained by looking at the directories
above and ensuring that they are not set to Read-Only.
5. Add the virtual machines to the Hyper-V management console. For detailed
instructions see Instructor Computer Setup in this document.

6. Configure the MT17B-WS2016-NAT virtual

MT17B-WS2016-NAT is used for activation and for Internet access when needed
for specific labs.
1. Set up the MT17B-WS2016-NAT virtual machine. The MT17B-WS2016-NAT
virtual machine and its related Setup guide can be downloaded from the MCT
Download Center in the Base Virtual Hard Disks – Mid-Tiers (ENGLISH)
folder. Please refer to the MT17B-WS2016-NAT classroom setup guide for
general setup instructions.
2. Shut down MT17B-WS2016-NAT.
3. Create a checkpoint named StartingImage for MT17B-WS2016-NAT.
4. Restart MT17B-WS2016-NAT to provide Internet access.

7. Run the VM-Pre-Import script

In this task, you will run the VM-Pre-Import-20742B.ps1 file. This script will
create links to the base and mid-tier images in the import folder which are
necessary for importing each virtual machine.
1. Browse to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives\.
2. Right-click VM-Pre-Import-20742B.ps1, and then click Run with
3. Press Y, and then press Enter if prompted.
Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 13

4. At the On which disk drive are the base images extracted prompt, type the
appropriate drive letter to which the base images are extracted, and then
press Enter.
5. At the On which disk drive are the course images extracted prompt, type
the appropriate drive letter to which the course images are extracted, and
then press Enter.

8. Import the virtual machines on the instructor

1. Browse to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives\.
2. Right-click D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives
\20742B_ImportVirtualMachines.ps1, and then click Run with PowerShell.
Press Y, and then press Enter if prompted.
3. At the On which disk drive are the course virtual machines extracted
prompt, type the appropriate drive letter to which the course images are
extracted, and then press Enter.

9. Configure the virtual machines on the instructor

1. Open Hyper-V Manager, right-click 20742B-LON-DC1, and then click Start.
2. Right-click 20742B-LON-DC1, and then click Connect. Verify that the
computer starts.
3. Sign in as Adatum\Administrator using a password of Pa55w.rd.
4. Open an administrative command prompt, type slmgr –rearm, and then
restart the computer.
5. After the computer restarts, sign in as Adatum\Administrator using a
password of Pa55w.rd.
(Keep LON-DC1 running as you complete the tasks for the remaining virtual
machines. When you are finished shut down the domain controllers and
continue to step 14.)
6. In Hyper-V Manager, right-click 20742B-LON-CL1, and then click Start.
7. Right-click 20742B-LON-CL1, and then click Connect. Verify that the
computer starts.
8. For Windows Server 2016: Open an administrative command prompt, type
slmgr –rearm, and then restart the computer.
14 Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016

9. After the computer restarts, sign in as Adatum\Administrator using a

password of Pa55w.rd.
10. For Windows 10: Information about activation and steps about how to
obtain product keys for activation can be found on the Born To Learn website
at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=270851, and in Appendix B.
11. Only for 20742B-LON-CL1 and 20742B-LON-CL2 virtual machines:
i. From the Start screen, type cmd.
ii. Right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
iii. At the command prompt, type the following commands in order. This will
rearm Office 2016:
CD \
CD C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16
cscript ospp.vbs /rearm

12. Shut down the virtual machine.

13. Repeat steps 6-12 for the following virtual machines:
• 20742B-LON-CL2
• 20742B-LON-SVR1
• 20742B-LON-SVR2
• 20742B-CA-SVR1 (Sign in as Administrator with the password of
• 20742B-TREY-DC1 (Sign in as TreyResearch\Administrator with the
password of Pa55w.rd)
• 20742B-TOR-DC1
14. Browse to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742\Drives.
15. Right-click TakeVMSnapshot.ps1, and then click Run with PowerShell.
16. Press Y, and then press Enter if prompted.
17. At the What do you want to call the Snapshot prompt, type
StartingImage, and then press Enter.
Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 15

10. Install the PowerPoint slides

• Install the PowerPoint slides for the learning product by extracting the files
included in 20742B-ENU-PowerPoint.exe.
16 Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016

Student computer checklist

 1. Install the Hyper-V Server role
 2. Install the base image and virtual machine files

Student computer setup

Use the instructions in the following section to set up the classroom manually.
Before starting the student computer installation, you must install a supported
operating system on the computer. You can review the supported systems list at

Caution: These instructions assume network connectivity between the

instructor computer and the student computers. If you do not have
connectivity, Microsoft Learning recommends copying the activated virtual
machines to the student computers by means of a manually created DVD or
USB drive.

1. Install the Hyper-V Server role

Note: If Hyper-V is installed already, you can skip this procedure.

For detailed instructions, see Instructor Computer Setup in this document.

2. Install the base image and virtual machine files

Note: Ensure that all extracted courseware virtual machine files were copied
successfully from the Instructor computer during the Instructor Computer setup

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20742 and all included folders and files

D:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\Base

1. Verify that all permissions have been retained by looking at the directories
above and ensuring they are not set to Read Only.
2. Run the scripts. For detailed instructions, see the Instructor Computer
setup instructions in this document.
3. Add the virtual machines to the Hyper-V management console. For
detailed instructions, see Instructor Computer Setup in this document.
Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 17

Appendix A: Keyboard layout

The virtual machines were developed using the English (United States) layout
shown below.

If your physical keyboard does not match the above layout, you might need to
refer to the above layout for the character positions used to sign in. For future
sign-ins and usage throughout the labs, you might want to install your keyboard
layout in the virtual machine.
18 Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016

Appendix B: Activating the Windows 10

virtual machine
Obtaining product keys for activation
To receive product keys that you will use to activate the Windows 10 virtual
machines accompanying this course, follow the guidelines described at:

Activating a Windows 10 virtual machine

You must first ensure that the MT17B-WS2016-NAT virtual machine and any
domain controller (if required for the course) have been started, and that the
MT17B-WS2016-NAT virtual machine has Internet connectivity. Then, perform
the following steps to activate the Windows 10 virtual machine:
1. On the Windows start page, type cmd.
2. Right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as Administrator.
3. If prompted, click Yes in the User Account Control dialog box.
4. At the command prompt, type slmgr /ipk <product key>, and then press
5. Click OK in the dialog box.
6. At the command prompt, type slmgr /ato, and then press Enter.

Note: In order for you to activate the virtual machine successfully, the virtual
machine must have Internet connectivity.

7. In the dialog box, click OK.

Note: The Windows 10 client virtual machines will need Internet access to allow
activation. This is provided through the MT17B-WS2016-NAT virtual machine.
The virtual machine and associated Setup guide is available from the MCT
Download Center. High-level details are included below.
Course 20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 19

To configure the MT17B-WS2016-NAT virtual

MT17B-WS2016-NAT is used for activation and for Internet access when needed
for specific labs.
1. Set up the MT17B-WS2016-NAT virtual machine. The MT17B-WS2016-NAT
virtual machine and its related Setup guide can be downloaded from the MCT
Download Center in the Base Virtual Hard Disks – Mid-Tiers (ENGLISH)
folder. Please refer to the MT17B-WS2016-NAT classroom setup guide for
general setup instructions.
2. Shut down MT17B-WS2016-NAT.
3. Create a checkpoint named StartingImage for MT17B-WS2016-NAT.
4. Restart MT17B-WS2016-NAT to provide Internet access.

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