Brainstorming For Researchtopics: Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

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MODULE 1 8. It should be specific, not general.

9. It should consider the training and personal qualifications of the researcher. PURPOSE OF THE STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM:
BRAINSTORMING FOR RESEARCHTOPICS 10.It should consider the availability of data involved in the study and the • To describe the substantive focus of the research study
RESEARCH is a process of investigating and experimenting to discover, interpret and
methods and techniques to be employed in gathering them. • To frame it as
revise facts and theories or apply them practically. It involves collecting information
11.It should consider the availability of effective instruments for gathering the • A larger theoretical policy
about a particular subject and can provide solutions to world problems while
enhancing the knowledge of researchers. Research introduces new ideas, identifies
data and their treatment. • A practical problem and thereby, develop its significance
12.It should consider the financial capacity of the researcher to support the • To pose initial research questions
problems and appropriate solutions, and helps develop knowledge in a field or study.
project. • To forecast the literature to be discussed in the second section and
It also informs action, proves theories, and increases public awareness. Ultimately,
13.It should consider the time factor involved in the undertaking. • To discuss the limitations of the study.
research serves as a tool for building knowledge and facilitating new learning.

Involves processes, feelings, and motives Aims to characterize trends and
MODULE 2 who will benefit from it. It should clearly state the specific contributions of the
(the why’s and the how’s) and produce patterns
indepth and holistic data A RESEARCH PROBLEM is a statement about an area of concern, a condition
to be improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists The SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF A STUDY establish the boundaries and limitations
Usually concerned with generating Usually starts with neither a theory
in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for of the research, making it more manageable. Delimitation can be based on factors
hypothesis from data rather than testing a nor hypothesis about the relationship
meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation. It is typically posed such as location, age, population size, and other characteristics. It also acknowledges
hypothesis between two or more variables
in the form of a question. the constraints and weaknesses of the study that are beyond the control of the
Uses either unstructured or semi- Uses structured research instruments researcher.
structured instruments like questionnaires or schedules
Uses small sample sizes chosen purposely Uses large sample sizes that are A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK is an analytical tool used to provide an overall picture
and organize ideas in different categories of work. It helps to make conceptual and The GLOSSARY OF RESEARCH TERMS is a resource designed to aid in the
representatives of the population comprehension and evaluation of scholarly research in the social sciences by defining
theoretical distinctions, and strong frameworks capture and apprehend something
Has high validity Has high output replicability commonly used terms and concepts.
real in an easy-to-remember way. Theoretical and conceptual frameworks provide
Used to gain greater understanding of Used to gain greater understanding of Types and Functions
evidence of academic standards and procedures, validate the authenticity of the
individual differences in terms of feelings, group similarities • CONCEPTUAL DEFINITION - refers to the dictionary meaning.
study, and propose explanations for the study's relevance and how the researcher
motives and experiences • OPERATIONAL DEFINITION - the meaning of the concept or terms as used in a
expects to fill the gap in the literature.
Uses more flexible processes Uses structured processes particular study.
Methods include field research, case Methods include census, survey, HOW TO CREATE A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
study and secondary analysis experiments and secondary analysis Creating a conceptual framework is similar to making a recipe or blueprint for


conducting research in a thesis. It not only outlines the plan for the research but also MODULE 3
positions the work within the larger field of research. READING ON RELATED STUDIES
• FOCUS. An ill-structured problem demands consideration of diverse perspectives. • CONDUCT A LITERATURE REVIEW - A literature review is essential to refine your
• DECIDE ON A TOPIC. Think-aloud, asks probing questions, monitors and REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE is a major component of a research paper that gives
argument or hypothesis and place your work in the larger field of study. It gathers an overview of writings related to a specific topic. Choosing the right sources for the
encourages participants to decide a topic. relevant research to advance the field and should be included in the conceptual literature review is crucial for producing a quality research paper. After selecting the
• UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM. This will include clarifications of misconceptions framework. research topic and crafting the introduction, the next step is to write the Review of
and possibilities. • CREATE A FLOW CHART - Conceptual frameworks are visual tools that help readers Related Literature by considering the sources that will be used as bases for the
• DESIGN ON THE PROBLEM. This is the final stage done to address problems within understand the research's course. They can be presented in various ways, such as contents of the chapter. RRL sources are commonly classified into two major types;
manageable scales and extend their learning pathways. flow charts, mind maps, or diagrams. The framework should showcase the namely:
variables that influence each component of the research. • PRIMARY SOURCE - publications or writings wherein a researcher reports the
BRAINSTORMING is a technique for generating ideas by asking questions and • WRITE A NARRATIVE - Conceptual frameworks can be presented as a narrative results of his studies. Example: Monthly, quarterly or annual journals.
understanding the interests of those involved in a particular issue. It helps to develop without a diagram. The narrative should recap variables, explain the methodology,
concepts and focus techniques, and the resulting ideas can be visualized for • SECONDARY SOURCE - publications or writings wherein a certain author describes
and explore how variables may change the hypothesis. Bolded headers should the work of another author. Example: Textbooks, encyclopedias, yearbooks as
interpretation. separate sections of the narrative for visual organization. If a diagram is used, a much as possible, use the primary sources to avoid tampering and
narrative should provide more in-depth information. miscommunications on the data.
The following are the things that may be considered before starting the • RETURN AND REVISE - During research, the conceptual framework may need to be
research activity: revised if new variables or research challenges arise. Hypotheses may be proven
1. A problem that is most interesting to you In identifying a possible source of your RRL, you can refer to the following
incorrect or additional research may be discovered. The framework should be characteristics below:
2. Existing problems in the class/school/campus which one may want to solve reviewed and revised if necessary.
3. Existing needs of the community or society 1. The sources that you should use must be updated and reliable.
4. Area of interest, specialization or event from related fields 2. It must be as fair and objective as possible.
A RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS is important for all research, whether qualitative or 3. It must be relevant to your topic.
5. Prevailing theories and philosophy quantitative. Developing a testable hypothesis requires skill and careful attention to 4. It must provide accurately and enough information on your topic.
research methods. The hypothesis predicts the relationship between two variables in
1. It should be something new or different from what has already been written CITATION is important in research to inform readers that information came from a
about. specific source. There are two ways to cite sources: in-text citation and referencing
A PROBLEM STATEMENT should be written. It should be brief and specific and can be list. Proper citation is necessary to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original
2. It must be original. a few sentences or paragraphs in length. The statement should address the
3. It should be significant to the field of study or discipline. author.
importance of the research and how the problem will be addressed. The goal is not to A. The IN-TEXT citation refers to all of the citations that can be found in all of the
4. It must necessarily arouse intellectual curiosity. find a conclusive solution but to propose more effective approaches to understanding
5. It should be of researcher’s interest. chapters in your research paper. The commonly used information in this
the problem. Common phrases to start a problem statement include "The aim of this manner of citation is the following:
6. It should be a modest one for a beginner to be carried out within a limited study is to determine," "This project aims to explore," or "I aim to investigate."
period of time. 1. Author’s name
7. It should be clear, not ambiguous. 2. Date of the publication of the source


3. The page number where you found the information common goal. It binds different experts together through values such as taken part in the study.
accountability, cooperation, coordination, respect, and fairness.
B. REFERENCING LIST refers to the bibliography and/or references of your STATISTICS
research paper. This holds the summary of the information of all of your - a branch of mathematics that deals with the analysis and interpretation of
sources. Information needed in making the referencing list involves the 8 PRINCIPLES OF ETHICS numerical data in terms of samples and populations.
following: 1. HONESTY - researchers must be transparent in citing sources and intellectual
1. Author’s name property. SAMPLING PROCEDURE
2. Date of the publication of the source 2. OBJECTIVITY - researchers must avoid bias in all aspects of the research. - method in identifying part of the respondents of
3. The page number where you found the information 3. Integrity- the researcher must ensure consistency with the promised research the study.
4. Publisher plan.
5. Place of Publishing 4. CAREFULNESS - the study must be conducted with precision and free from Sampling Methods:
6. Volume carelessness or negligence. a. RANDOM SAMPLING is a technique that uses randomization to make sure that
7. Edition 5. OPENNESS - researchers must be open to suggestions and constructive criticism. every element of the population gets an equal chance to be part of the selected
8. Other relevant information 6. RESPECT FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY - proper citation and giving credit to the sample.
owner should be observed. b. STRATIFIED SAMPLING is a technique that divides the elements of the population
In the in-text- citation of related literature, three (3) guidelines should be considered, 7. TRUSTWORTHINESS - data should be used according to its proper usage and into small subgroups (strata) based on the similarity in such a way that the elements
namely: confidentiality must be maintained. within the group are homogeneous and heterogeneous among the other subgroups
a. BY AUTHOR OR WRITER 8. SOCIAL AND LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY - researchers must follow rules, policies, and formed.
b. BY TOPIC regulations set by the institution or organization. c. CONVENIENCE SAMPLING where the samples are selected based on availability.
c. CHRONOLOGICAL MEANS OF CITATION. d. PURPOSIVE SAMPLING is based on the intention or the purpose of the study.
The STRUCTURE OF A LITERATURE REVIEW depends on the research type and area, e. QUOTA SAMPLING, this type of sampling depends on some pre-set standard. It
To ensure proper citation of sources, it is important to follow the correct citation style. and should include topic areas, controversial issues, and questions with varying selects the representative sample from the population.
There are three common citation styles: APA, MLA, and CMS. These styles specify the themes. Linking words should be used to combine information, while contrasting f. REFERRAL/SNOWBALL SAMPLING is used in situations where the population is
format of the information needed for citation and will be discussed in more detail phrases can highlight differences. A good literature review is FOCUSED, CONCISE, completely unknown and rare.
later. LOGICAL, DEVELOPED, INTEGRATIVE, and CURRENT. Writing should be formal, clear,
• AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (APA) citation style is commonly used in and objective, while respecting other authors' works.
social science-related researches. It follows an author-date format, where the MODULE 5
author's surname and the year of publishing are needed for in-text citation. The
format varies for different authors and their number. MODULE 4 DATA ANALYSIS is the process of simplifying complex data into a meaningful story and
• MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION (MLA) citation style is commonly used in
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY interpreting it to arrive at an insight. It involves organizing, summarizing, categorizing,
research papers related to liberal arts and humanities. It follows an author-page
The RESEARCH DESIGN states to the whole approach that you decide on to add the and finding patterns and themes to identify and link ideas. Although it can be tasking
format, where the author's surname and the page number are required for in-text
different components of the study coherently and logically, thereby, ensuring you will and time-consuming, the end result is clear, well-structured, and meaningful data.
citation. MLA has different formats for various types of sources, including books,
effectively addess the research problem; it consitutes the blueprint for the collection,
journal articles, and online sources.
meausrement, and analysis of data. Note that your research problem determines the DATA ANALYSIS IN QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH
• CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE (CMS) is a citation style that presents two basic
type of design you should use. QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS usually involves texts, phrases, images, objects, and
documentation systems:
A. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: A systematic subjective approach used to describe life sometimes symbols. While QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS involves numbers and
- notes and bibliography and
experiences and give them meaning. To gain insight; explore the depth, richness, and statistics. Statistical analysis is the core of quantitative analysis. It deals with basic
- author-date. The use of the two documentation systems differs from the
complexity inherent in the phenomenon. calculations including average and median to more sophisticated analyzes like
subject matter and the sources cited
• ETHNOGRAPHY - you immerse yourself in the target participants’ environment to correlations and regressions.
understand the goals, cultures, challenges, motivations, and themes that emerge.
SYNTHESIS is the combination of information and discussion from relevant sources. It
• NARRATIVE - weaves together a sequence of events, usually from just one or two
involves extracting important information, finding similarities and differences, and
individuals to form a cohesive story.
instilling the importance of this information in your research study. There are two
• PHENOMENOLOGICAL - is an appropriate qualitative method when you want to
ways to present your synthesis: explanatory or argument synthesis.
describe an event, activity, or phenomenon.
- EXPLANATORY SYNTHESIS deals with presenting the information through
explanations and presents it objectively. • CASE STUDY - a way of explaining an organization, entity, company, or event which
- ARGUMENT SYNTHESIS, on the other hand, enables a researcher to present involves a deep understanding through multiple types of data sources.
his/her point of view from a certain topic in a logical manner. Information that is B. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH: An objective, systematic empirical investigation of
written using an argument synthesis is usually debatable. observable phenomena through the use of computational techniques. It highlights
numerical analysis of data hoping that the numbers yield unbiased results that can
The REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE IS COMPOSED of three main sections: be generalized to some larger population and explain a particular observation.
INTRODUCTION, MAIN BODY, and CONCLUSION. The introduction provides an • SURVEY RESEARCH - uses interviews, questionnaires, and sampling polls to get a
overview of the topic, while the body presents all the relevant information in a logical sense of behavior with intense precision.
manner, based on the objectives of the study. The conclusion summarizes the overall • CORRELATIONAL RESEARCH - tests for the relationships between two variables.
state of knowledge about the topic and shows the significance of the research study. • CAUSAL-COMPARATIVE - research looks to uncover a cause-and-effect relationship.
In-text citation must be used correctly throughout the paper. This research is not conducted between the two groups on each other.
• EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH - is guided specifically by a hypothesis.
ETHICS in research refers to the application of moral standards and principles in any
research undertaking. It plays a crucial role in keeping researchers from committing POPULATION
misconduct and protecting the rights of human and animal respondents. Ethics also - refers to a total number of people who serve as
promote essential values that help researchers work harmoniously towards a subjects or respondents of the study.
- Persons who have been invited to participate in a particular study and have

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