Technical Words in KiSwahili
Technical Words in KiSwahili
Technical Words in KiSwahili
Rocha Chimerah
Mwanahija Juma
Consolata Mushi
Kithaka wa Mberia
Alfred Mtwali
Kimani Njogu
Salome Nduku
Rayya Timmamy
Rachael Ndichu-Ngugi
Duncan Ogweno
Coordinated by Nanjala Nyabola
Assisted by Eunice Njomo
Designed by Kedolwa Waziri
a. A procedure for solving a mathematical
problem (as of finding the greatest common
divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently
involves repetition of an operation broadly: a step-
by-step procedure for solving a problem or
accomplishing some end. The rules used by a
computer to sort through a mathematical
2. Upendeleo wa Alogaridhimu (n)
a. Hurejelea makosa ya utaratibu na yanayoweza
kurudiwa katika mfumo wa kompyuta ambayo
huzalisha matokeo yasiyo na usawa, kama vile
kunufaisha kikundi kimoja cha watumiaji zaidi ya
kingine. Upendeleo unaweza kujitokeza kwa sababu
nyingi, kama vile muundo wa alogaridhimu au
matumizi yasiyonuiwa au yasiyotarajiwa au maamuzi
yanayohusiana na jinsi data ilivyoainishwa, kukusanywa,
kuchaguliwa au kutumiwa kufundisha alogaridhimu.
Mifano ya upendeleo wa alogaridhimu ni pamoja na
kutafsiri maneno yanayotaja jinsia kama ya kiume kama
chaguo msingi, au kupatia matamshi ya chuki
kipaumbele cha juu kuliko habari kwenye mitandao ya
Algorithmic Bias
b. Describes systematic and repeatable errors in a
computer system that create unfair outcomes,
such as privileging one arbitrary group of users
over others. Bias can emerge due to many factors,
including but not limited to the design of the
algorithm or the unintended or unanticipated use
or decisions relating to the way data is coded,
collected, selected or used to train the algorithm.
Examples of algorithmic bias include translating
gender neutral pronouns as masculine by default,
or promoting hate speech over news in social
media networks.
3. Uchanganuzi
a. Mchakato wa kuchambua data ya msingi ili kupata
maana yake. Uchambuzi makini na kamili wa data kwa
kutumia kielelezo, kwa kawaida hufanywa na
kompyuta; habari inayotokana na uchambuzi huu.
b. The process of analysing raw data in order to
make sense of that information. A careful
and complete analysis of data using a model,
usually performed by a computer; information
resulting from this analysis.
4. Ufiche
a. Hali ya kubaki bila kukujulikana na watu wengine
walio wengi. Ufiche mtandaoni ni hali ya kuficha data
yako ya kibinafsi, kama vile mahali ulipo, anwani yako
ya IP, n.k. ili isionekane na tovuti unazotumia au
watumiaji wengine.
b. The state of remaining unknown to most other
people. Online anonymity refers to hiding your
personal data like your location, IP address, etc.
from the websites you use or from other users.
5. Akili unde/ Utafiti wa Akili Unde (n)
a. Utafiti na ukuzaji wa mifumo ya kompyuta
ambayo inaweza kuiga tabia za binadamu
mwenye umaizi.
Artificial intelligence
b. The study and development of computer
systems that can copy intelligent human
6. Mtambowavu/ mitambowavu (n)
a. Programu ya kompyuta inayotekeleza kazi za
kiotomatiki kwenye wavuti, kama vile kudumisha
uwepo kwenye mitandao ya kijamii.
b. A computer program that runs automated
tasks over the internet like maintaining a
presence on social media.
7. Uwandaraia (n)
a. Uwandaraia ni mazingira ya kisiasa, ya utungaji sheria,
ya kijamii na ya kiuchumi yanayowawezesha raia
kujumuika, kushiriki masilahi yao na masuala
yanayowatatiza na kutenda kibinafsi na kwa pamoja
kushawishi na kuelekeza uundaji wa sera. Uwandaraia
huhimiza watu kuzingatia mitazamo mbalimbali,
ambayo wakati mwingine hukinzana.
Civic space
b. Civic space is the political, legislative, social and
economic environment which enables citizens to
come together, share their interests and concerns
and act individually and collectively to influence
and shape the policy-making. Civic space
encourages people to pursue multiple, at times
competing, points of view.
8. Idhini ya Creative Commons (n)
a. Leseni mbalimbali zinazowawezesha watu
kushiriki kazi zao za hakimiliki ili ziweze
kunakiliwa, kuhaririwa, kuendelezwa, n.k., huku
wakibaki na hakimiliki ya kazi ya asili (mara nyingi
hutumiwa kwa kumtambua mwenye hakimiliki).
Creative Commons
b. A set of various licenses that allow people to
share their copyrighted work to be copied,
edited, built upon, etc., while retaining the
copyright to the original work (often used
9. Ukatili mtandaoni (n)
a. Shughuli ya kutumia ujumbe kwenye mitandao ya
kijamii, barua pepe, ujumbe mfupi, n.k. kumtisha au
kumfadhaisha mtu.
b. The activity of using messages on social media,
emails, text messages, etc. to frighten or upset
10. Ulinzi mtandaoni (n)
a. Ulinzi mtandaoni ni shughuli za kulinda mitandao,
vifaa na data dhidi ya ufikiaji usioruhusiwa au dhidi ya
matumizi yaliyo kinyume cha sheria. Vilevile ni mbinu
za kuhakikisha usiri, ukamilifu na upatikanaji wa habari.
Cyber security
b. Cybersecurity is the act of protecting networks,
devices, and data from unauthorized
access or criminal use and the practice of
ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of information.
11. Usalama mtandaoni (n)
a. Hatua za kujaribu kuwa salama mtandaoni na
vitendo vya kuongeza ufahamu wa mtumiaji
kuhusu hatari zilizopo kwa usalama wake binafsi
na kwa habari za kibinafsi na miliki inayohusiana
na matumizi ya intaneti, pamoja na juhudi za
kujilinda dhidi ya uhalifu wa kompyuta.
Digital/ Internet safety
b. The Act of trying to be safe on the internet and
is the act of maximizing a user's awareness of
personal safety and security risks to private
information and property associated with using
the internet, and self-protection from computer
12. Data (n)
a. Ukweli au habari, haswa inapochunguzwa na
kutumiwa kubainisha mambo au kufanya maamuzi.
b. Facts or information, especially when examined
and used to find out things or to make decisions.
13. Faragha data (n)
a. Faragha data au faragha ya habari ni tawi la ulinzi wa
data linalohusika na utunzaji mzuri wa data - idhini,
ilani na masharti ya kisheria. Hususan, masuala ya
faragha data mara nyingi yanahusu ikiwa data
inashirikiwa au jinsi inavyoshirikiwa na wengine.
Data privacy
b. Data privacy or information privacy is a branch
of data security concerned with the proper
handling of data – consent, notice, and regulatory
obligations. More specifically, practical data
privacy concerns often revolve around whether or
how data is shared with third parties.
14. Ulinzi data (n)
a. Udhibiti wa kisheria unaolinda faragha ya
habari iliyohifadhiwa kwenye kompyuta na
kuweka mipaka ya wanaoweza kuisoma au
Data Protection
b. Legal controls that keep information stored on
computers private and that limit who can read it
or use it.
15. Kuchunga data (n)
a. Mchakato ambao kwa kawaida hufanyika kiotomatiki
ambapo teknolojia huchukua data kutoka programu au
tovuti fulani kwa matumizi mabalimbali; matokeo ya
mchakato huu kwa kwa kawaida huwa mkusanyiko wa
data inayoweza kuchambuliwa.
Data Scraping
b. A usually automated process where a
technology takes data from a particular program
or websites for a variety of uses that usually results
in aggregation for analysis.
16. Limbiko data (n)
a. Limbiko data ni mkusanyiko wa data ilyopangwa kwa
utaratibu na ambayo kwa ujumla inahusishwa na kazi
ya kipekee.
Data Set
b. A dataset is a structured collection of data
generally associated with a unique body of work.
17. Hifadhidata (n)
a. Hifadhidata ni mkusanyiko wa data iliyohifadhiwa
kama limbiko data nyingi. Limbiko data hizo kwa
ujumla huhifadhiwa na kupatikana kielektroniki
kwenye mfumo wa kompyuta unaoruhusu data
kufikiwa, kubadilishwa na kusasishwa kwa urahisi.
b. A database is an organized collection of data
stored as multiple datasets. Those datasets are
generally stored and accessed electronically from
a computer system that allows the data to be
easily accessed, manipulated, and updated.
18. Ughushi mbizi (n)
a. Media ya kubuniwa ambapo taswira ya mtu aliye
katika picha au video ya asili hubadilishwa na kuwekwa
taswira ya mtu mwingine, iliyoundwa kwa ufunzaji wa
kina wa kompyuta na Akili Unde.
b. Synthetic media in which a person in an
existing image or video is replaced with someone
else's likeness, created by deep learning and AI.
19. Utambulisho dijitali (n)
a. Ni jumla ya habari mtandaoni kuhusu mtu binafsi,
shirika au kifaa cha kielektroniki.
Digital identity
b. Is the body of information about an individual,
organization or electronic device that exists
20. Umaizi dijitali (n)
a. Umaizi dijitali ni uwezo wa kutumia teknolojia ya
habari na mawasiliano kupata, kutathmini, kuzalishaa
na kutoa habari; huhitaji ujuzi wa utambuzi na wa
Digital literacy
b. Digital literacy is the ability to use information
and communication technologies to find,
evaluate, create, and communicate information,
requiring both cognitive and technical skills.
21. Taarifa Potoshi (n)
a. Habari ya uongo inayotolewa kwa makusudi.
b. False information that is given deliberately.
22. Ufichuzi Harabu (n)
a. Kitendo cha kufichua hadharani habari za kibinafsi
zilizokuwa za faragha hapo awali kuhusu mtu au
shirika; kwa kawaida hufanyika mtandaoni.
b. The act of publicly revealing previously private
personal information about an individual or
organization, usually through the Internet.
23. Ufichamishaji Kamili (n)
a. Ulinzi wa data inayotumwa kupitia majukwaa dijitali
ili iweze kusomwa na mtumaji na mpokeaji tu, hususan
kuzuia mmiliki wa jukwaa asisome habari hizo na pia
wengine wasiweze kuziingilia na kuzisoma.
End-to-End Encryption
b. The protection of data sent over digital
platforms so that only the sender and the receiver
can read it, particularly excluding the owner of the
platform but also third party interference from
reading the information.
24. Uhuru wa Kutangamana (n)
a. Haki ya kukutana na watu na kuunda mashirika bila
kuhitaji idhini kutoka kwa serikali.
Freedom of Association
b. The right to meet people and to form
organizations without needing permission from
the government.
25. Uhuru wa Kunena (n)
a. Nguvu au haki ya mtu kutoa maoni bila udhibiti,
kizuizi au adhabu ya kisheria.
Freedom of Expression
b. The power or right to express one's opinions
without censorship, restraint, or legal penalty.
26. Uhuru wa maoni (n)
a. Haki ya kutoa maoni yoyote kwa umma bila udhibiti
au kizuizi kutoka kwa serikali. Pia huitwa uhuru wa
Freedom of Opinion
b. The right to express any opinion in public
without censorship or restraint by the
government. Also called free speech.
27. Unyanyasaji (n)
a. Kitendo cha kumkasirisha au kumfadhaisha mtu kwa
kumshinikiza au kwa kumsema au kumfanyia mabaya.
b. The act of annoying or worrying somebody by
putting pressure on them or saying or doing
unpleasant things to them.
28. Wizi wa utambulisho (n)
a. Wizi wa utambulisho hufanyika mtu anapoiba taarifa
zako za kibinafsi kwa madhumuni ya kufanya ulaghai.
Mwizi wa utambulisho anaweza kutumia taarifa zako
kuomba mkopo, kutuma ripoti za kodi au kupata
huduma za matibabu. Vitendo hivi vinaweza kuharibu
hadhi yako ya kupata mikopo na kukugharimu wakati
na pesa kurejesha jina lako zuri.
Identity Theft
b. Identity (ID) theft happens when someone
steals your personal information to commit fraud.
The identity thief may use your information to
apply for credit, file taxes, or get medical services.
These acts can damage your credit status, and
cost you time and money to restore your good
29. Uchochezi (n)
a. Kitendo cha kumhimiza mtu afanye jambo la vurugu,
lililo kinyume cha sheria au baya.
b. The act of encouraging somebody to do
something violent, illegal or unpleasant.
30. Milki Dhihini (n)
a. Wazo, muundo au kitu kama hicho ambacho mtu
amekiunda na ambacho sheria inazuia watu wengine
Intellectual Property
b. An idea, a design, etc. that somebody has
created and that the law prevents other people
from copying.
31. Taarifa harabu (n)
a. Habari ambayo ina msingi wa ukweli, inayotumiwa
kudhuru mtu, shirika au nchi.
b. Information that is based on reality, used to
inflict harm on a person, organization or country.
32. Taarifa Potofu (n) (Kutoa taarifa potofu (k)
a. Habari zisizo sahihi juu ya jambo fulani; kitendo cha
kutoa habari hizo zisizo sahihi.
b. The act of giving wrong information about
something; the wrong information that is given.
33. Usawa wa Mtandao (n)
a. Kanuni ya kuwa watoa huduma za mtandao
wanapaswa kuruhusu ufikiaji wa tovuti na programu
zote bila kujaribu kuzuia au kukuza tovuti au bidhaa
Net Neutrality
b. The principle that internet service providers
should allow access to all websites and programs
without trying to block or promote particular sites
or products.
34. Mtandao (n)
a. Kikundi cha watu, kampuni, n.k. kinachohusiana kwa
karibu na ambacho hubadilishana habari na mambo
b. A closely connected group of people,
companies, etc. that exchange information, etc.
35. Usawa Mtandaoni (n)
a. Kanuni ya kuhakikisha kwamba kila mtu anaweza
kupata intaneti bora bila kuzingatia utambulisho wake
wala mahali alipo.
Network Equality
b. A situation in which everyone has reasonable
access to quality internet without respect to
whom and where they are.
36. Ufikivu Huria (n/kv)
a. Ukweli wa jambo kupatikana kwa mtu yeyote
ambaye anautaka.
Open access
b. The fact of something being available to anyone
who wants it.
37. Programu Huria (n/kv)
a. Hutumika kueleza programu ambayo misimbo
chanzo yake inapatikana kwa mtu yeyote bila malipo.
Open Source
b. Used to describe software for which the original
source code is made available to anyone for free.
38. Ubashiri/Bashara (n)
a. Taarifa inayosema kile unachofikiri kitatokea; kitendo
cha kutoa taarifa hiyo.
b. A statement that says what you think will
happen; the act of making such a statement.
39. Kanuni
a. Sheria rasmi iliyotolewa na serikali au mamlaka
b. An official rule made by a government or some
other authority.
40. Ugono Kisasi (n)
a. Picha au video za mtu zinazoonyesha uchi au za
kingono zilizochapishwa kwenye wavuti, mara nyingi
huchapishwa na mtu aliyekuwa na uhusiano wa ngono
naye hapo zamani, bila idhini ya mhusika na ili kumtesa
au kumwaibisha.
Revenge Pornography
b. Revealing or sexually explicit images or videos
of a person posted on the internet, typically by a
former sexual partner, without the consent of the
subject and in order to cause them distress or
41. Mitandao ya Kijamii (n)
a. Tovuti na programu zinazotumiwa kwa mawasiliano
na maingiliano ya kijamii.
Social Media
b. Websites and software programs used for social
42. Udukizi (n)
a. Ufuatiliaji wa tabia, shughuli au habari kwa kusudi la
kukusanya taarifa, kushawishi, kusimamia au kuelekeza.
Hii inaweza kujumuisha uchunguzi kutoka mbali
kupitia vifaa vya kielektroniki, kama vile kamera za
CCTV au kunyaka taarifa inayosambazwa kielektroniki,
kama vile data inayopita mtandaoni. Inaweza pia
kujumuisha njia rahisi za kiufundi, kama vile wanadamu
kukusanya taarifa za kijasusi na kuiba barua za posta.
b. Monitoring of behaviour, activities, or
information for the purpose of information
gathering, influencing, managing or directing. This
can include observation from a distance by means
of electronic equipment, such as closed-circuit
television (CCTV), or interception of electronically
transmitted information, such as Internet traffic.
It can also include simple technical methods, such as
human intelligence gathering and postal
43. Ukeraji Mtandaoni (n)
a. Kuandika ujumbe wa uongo au wa kuchukiza kwenye
mtandao ili kuwakasirisha wengine.
b. To write false or offensive messages on the
internet in order to make other people angry.
44. Wavuti
a. Mtandao wa kompyuta wa mwawasiliano yenye
taarifa mbali mbali za kimataifa.
b. The global system of interconnected computer
networks that uses the Internet protocol suite to
communicate between networks and devices.
45. Nukuu (n) /Unukuzi (kt)
a. Mchakato wa kubadilisha maudhui ya sauti kwenye
matangazo ya runinga au wavuti, filamu, video, CD-
ROM, DVD, tukio linalotangazwa moja kwa moja au kazi
zingine zilizotayarishwa kuwa maandishi na kuonyesha
maandishi hayo kwenye skrini, kiwambo au mfumo
mwingine wa onyesho.
b. The process of converting the audio content of
a television broadcast, webcast, film, video, CD-
ROM, DVD, live event, or other productions into
text and displaying the text on a screen, monitor,
or other visual display system.
46. Kisoma kiwambo (n)
a. Kisoma kiwambo ni aina ya teknolojia saidizi ambayo
hutoa maandishi na picha kama matamshi au breli.
Visoma kiwambo ni muhimu sana kwa watu wenye
ulemavu wa kutoona na huwasaidia watu wenye
matatizo ya kuona, wasiojua kusoma na kuandika
au wenye ulemavu wa kujifunza.
Screen Reader
b. A screen reader is a form of assistive technology
(AT) that renders text and image content as
speech or braille output. Screen readers are
essential to people who are blind, and are useful
to people who are visually impaired, illiterate, or
have a learningdisability.
47. Mnemba (kv)
a. Kuwa au kuigwa kwenye kompyuta au mtandao wa
kompyuta, -a kutokea au kuishi mtandaoni kimsingi.
b. Being on or simulated on a computer or
computer network, occurring or existing primarily
48. Usimbaji Fiche (n)
a. Mchakato wa kuvuruga au kufumba data ili iweze
kusomwa tu na mtu aliye na njia ya kuirudisha katika
hali yake ya asili.
b. Encryption is the process of scrambling or
enciphering data so it can be read only by
someone with the means to return it to its original
49. Kikuza Kiwambo (n)
a. Kikuza kiwambo ni programu inayoingiliana na picha
inayotolewa na kompyuta na kuonyesha maudhui
yaliyoongezwa ukubwa kwenye kiwambo. Kwa
kupanua sehemu ya kiwambo (au kiwambo chote),
watu wenye matatizo ya kuona wanaweza kuona
maneno na picha vizuri zaidi.
Screen Magnification software
b. A screen magnifier is software that interfaces
with a computer's graphical output to present
enlarged screen content. By enlarging part (or all)
of a screen, people with visual impairments can
better see words and images.
50. Onyesho la Breli (n)
a. Maonyesho ya Breli huwezesha ufikiaji wa habari
kwenye kiwambo cha kompyuta kwa kuinua na
kushusha mipangilio tofauti ya pini kwenye nukta
nundu za breli kielektroniki.
Braille Display
b. Braille displays provide access to information
on a computer screen for visually impaired
people by electronically raising and lowering
different combinations of pins in braille cells.
51. Vifaa Mbadala vya Kuingiza Data (n)
a. Vifaa mbadala vya kuingiza data ni maunzi au
programu zinazowawezesha watumiaji walio na aina
mbalimbali za ulemavu kutumia kompyuta kwa njia
tofauti. Vifaa mbadala vya kuingiza data humwezesha
mtu mwenye ulemavu kutumia kompyuta kwa njia
yoyote inayomfaa zaidi, kama vile kwa kutumia miguu,
kichwa, jicho, mdomo, pumzi, kidole gumba au kidole
Alternate Input Devices
b. Alternative input devices are hardware or
software solutions that allow users with a variety
of disabilities or impairments to access a
computer in a different way. Alternative input
devices allow the user to access a computer in
whatever way works best for them such as using
his/her feet, head, eye, mouth, breath, thumb, or a
single finger.
52. Nyongezo kicharazio (n)
a. Programu au vifaa vinavyoongezwa kwenye
vicharazio vya kompyuta ili kuvifanya viweze kutumika
na watu wenye ulemavu.
Keyboard enhancements
b. Software or hardware that is added to
computer keyboards in order to make them
accessible to persons with disabilities.