Environmental and Social Management System: Adani Green Energy Limited Rev.: 1.0 Date: 28 May 2019
Environmental and Social Management System: Adani Green Energy Limited Rev.: 1.0 Date: 28 May 2019
Environmental and Social Management System: Adani Green Energy Limited Rev.: 1.0 Date: 28 May 2019
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Adani Green Energy Limited
ESMS Plan May 2019, Rev. 1.0
1. Environmental and Social Management System Description 6
1.1. General Requirements 6
1.2. ESMS Documentation 9
1.3. Change Management 13
2. Policy 13
3. Identification of Risk and Impacts 14
3.1. Legal and Other Requirements 14
3.2. Social and Environmental Aspects and Impacts, Risk Assessment, and Risk Management
Planning 14
3.3. Occupational Health and Safety Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk
Management Planning 14
4. Management Programs 15
4.1. Environmental, Social, and Health & Safety (ESHS) Objectives and Targets 15
4.2. ESHS Performance Improvement Management Program/Management Plans 15
4.3. Operational Controls 15
4.3.1. Operational Planning Process 15
4.3.2. Management of Social and Environmental Impacts 16
4.3.3. Control of Contractor Operations 16
5. Organizational Capacity and Competency 16
5.1. Structure and Responsibility 16
5.2. Training, Awareness, and Competence 18
6. Emergency Preparedness and Response 19
7. Monitoring and Review 20
7.1. ESMS Records 20
7.2. Monitoring and Measurement 20
7.2.1. ESMS Monitoring 20
7.2.2. Regulatory Compliance Verification Audits 21
7.2.3. ESHS Performance Measurements 21
7.3. Non-conformance Reporting, Corrective and Preventive Action 21
7.4. Internal ESMS Audits 22
7.5. Management Review 22
8. Stakeholder Engagement 23
8.1. Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Planning 23
8.2. Disclosure of Information 24
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8.3. Informed Consultation and Participation 24
8.4. Indigenous Peoples 24
8.5. Private Sector Responsibilities under Government-Led Stakeholder engagement 24
9. External Communications and Grievance Mechanisms 24
9.1. External Communications 24
10. Ongoing Reporting to Affected Communities 25
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ESMS Plan May 2019, Rev. 1.0
Glossary of terms
AOP Annual Operation Plan
BMP Best Management Practice
CEO Chief Executive Officer
COO Chief Operating Officer
CPAR Corrective/Preventive Action Request
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
DPR Detailed Project Report
EHS Environmental, Health and Safety
EPC Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
E&S Environmental and Social
ESDD Environmental and Social Due Diligence
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
ESHS Environmental, Social, Health, and Safety
ESMS Environmental and Social Management System
GIIP Good International Industry Practice
HSE Health, Safety, and Environment
IFC International Finance Corporation
AGEL Adani Green Energy Limited
OHS Occupational Health and Safety
PS Performance Standards
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
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ESMS Plan May 2019, Rev. 1.0
1. Environmental and Social Management System Description
1.1. General Requirements
In keeping with the requirements of International Finance Corporate (IFC) Performance
Standard 1, “Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts” (PS
1), Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL) has established an Environmental and Social
Management System (ESMS) for its business activities. The ESMS is embodied in this ESMS
Plan and a series of supporting Management Plans and Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs).
These documents will be activated and periodically updated at appropriate points to ensure
that the ESMS remains responsive to changing environmental, human health and safety, and
other social management needs, as well as provide a level of detail that is commensurate with
available resources and the nature of the activities being conducted. Collectively, the ESMS
Plan and its supporting documents constitute a flexible management approach that is based
directly on PS 1 and can readily accommodate the changing needs of the Project. This ESMS
Plan and its supporting documents consort existing Health, Safety, & Environmental
Management System of AGEL.
The ESMS Plan will apply over the entire project life cycle and associated activities, which is
generally defined as three sequential phases:
A. Construction and development of renewable energy project and electric power transmission
B. Renewable energy project operations
C. Renewable energy project decommissioning, site restoration and closure
As noted in Table 1, in addition to the requirements of PS 1, ESMS Plan contents also consider
applicable elements of:
Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2015. ISO 14001 is considered as a GIIP only. References to this
standard should not be construed as a commitment to undertake third-party certification.
3ISO 45001:2018, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements with Guidance for Use;
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2018. ISO 45001 is considered as a BMP for OHS
program management, as well as for its structural and contextual compatibility with PS-1 and ISO 14001. References to
this standard should not be construed as a commitment to undertake third-party certification.
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Corresponding ISO Corresponding
ESMS Plan Applicable IFC Performance
14001:2015 ISO 45001:2018
Sections/Subsections Standard 1 requirements
requirements requirements
1.2. ESMS Requirements, item 5, Page.
4.4 4.4
Documentation 7
1.3. Change Requirements, item 5, Page.
4.4 4.4
Management 7
Requirements, item 6, Page.
2.0. Policy 5.2 5.2, 10.3
3.0. Identification of Risk and Impacts
3.1. Legal & Other Requirements, item 7, Page.
6.1.3 6.1.3
Requirements 7-8
3.2. Social and
Environmental Aspects,
Requirements, items 7-12,
Risk Assessment, and 6.1.2 6.1.2
Page. 7-9
Risk Management
3.3. Occupational
Health and Safety
Hazard Identification, Requirements, items 7-12,
N/A 6.1.2, 6.1.4
Risk Assessment, and Page. 7-9
Risk Management
4.0. Management Programs
4.1. Environmental,
Social, and Health & Requirements, items 13-16,
6.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.2 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.2
Safety (ESHS) Page. 9-10
Objectives and Targets
4.2. ESHS Performance
Requirements, items 13-16,
Management 10.3 10.3
Page. 9-10
4.3. Operational Controls
4.3.1. Operational Requirements, items 13-16,
8.1 8.1
Planning Process Page. 9-10
4.3.2. Management of
Requirements, items 13-16,
Social and 8.1 N/A
Page. 9-10
Environmental Impacts
Social and Environmental
4.3.3. Control of Management System,
8.1 8.1.4
Contractor Operations Element (14), “Management
Program”, Page. 9-10
5.0. Organizational Capacity and Competency
5.1. Structure and Requirements, items 17-19.
5.3 5.3, 7.1
Responsibility Page. 10-11
5.2. Training, Awareness Requirements, items 17-19.
7.2, 7.3 7.2, 7.3
and Competence Page. 10-11
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Corresponding ISO Corresponding
ESMS Plan Applicable IFC Performance
14001:2015 ISO 45001:2018
Sections/Subsections Standard 1 requirements
requirements requirements
6.0. Emergency
Requirements, items 20-21.
Preparedness and 8.2 8.2
Page. 11
7.0. Monitoring and Review
Requirements, items 14, 24.
7.1. ESMS Records 7.5.3 7.5.3
Page. 9, 12
7.2. Monitoring and Measurement
Requirements, items 22-24,
7.2.1. ESMS Monitoring 9.1, 9.1.1 9.1.1
Page. 11-12
7.2.2. Regulatory
Requirements, items 22-24,
Compliance Verification 9.1.2 9.1.1
Page. 11-12
7.2.3. ESHS
Requirements, items 22-24,
Performance 9.1.1 9.1.1
Page. 11-12
7.3. Non-conformance
Requirements, items 22-24,
Reporting, Corrective 10.2 10.2
Page. 11-12
and Preventive Action
7.4. Internal ESMS Requirements, items 22-24,
9.2.1, 9.2.2 9.2.1, 9.2.2
Audits Page. 11-12
7.5. Management Requirements, items 22-24,
9.3 9.3, 10.1, 10.3
Review Page. 11-12
8.0. Stakeholder Engagement
8.1. Stakeholder
Requirements, items 26-28,
Analysis and 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3
Page. 13
Engagement Planning
8.2. Disclosure of Requirements, items 29,
7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3
Information Page. 13
8.3. Informed
Requirements, items 30,
Consultation and 7.4 7.4
Page. 13
Requirements, items 32,
8.4. Indigenous Peoples 7.4.3 7.4.3
Page. 14
8.5. Private Sector
Responsibilities under
Requirements, items 33,
Government-Led 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 7.4.3 6.2.2, 7.4.3
Page. 14
9.0. External Communications and Grievance Mechanisms
9.1. External Requirements, items 34,
7.4.3 7.4.3
Communications Page. 15
9.2. Grievance
Requirements, items 35,
Mechanisms to 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.2 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.2
Page. 15
Affected Communities
10.0. Ongoing
Requirements, items 36,
Reporting to Affected 7.4.3 7.4.3
Page. 15
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ESMS Plan May 2019, Rev. 1.0
1.2. ESMS Documentation
The overall hierarchy of documents that comprise the ESMS is depicted in Figure 1.
• The highest-tier document in the ESMS is represented by this ESMS Plan, which
describes the overall structure, requirements, and content of the management system,
as well as the organizational structure, key management responsibilities, and the
specific functions fulfilled by other categories of system documents. Unless noted
otherwise, the ESMS Plan and its supporting documents are intended to apply only to
the areas, facilities, and activities that constitute the AGEL Project. These are expected
to include:
The ESMS Plan will be periodically reviewed and updated in response to the changes that
will occur in various phases of the Projects life cycle. It is the primary reference for the
overall design and contents of the ESMS and is meant to serve as a key communication tool
in the presentation of the ESMS to lenders, regulatory authorities, and other external
The ESMS Plan will be supported by a suite of Management Plans, which are focused on the
management or mitigation of the specific environmental and social issues or impacts
generally associated with one or more phases of the Project. Management Plan content will
depend in significant part on the design assumptions and details contained in and the
results of the Updated Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report and/or other
modes of project information.
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A general list of the Management Plans likely to be required over all phases of the Projects
and their general applicability over the life of the projects is presented in Table 2. The
general scope and purpose of each Management Plan are briefly summarized as follows:
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ESMS Plan May 2019, Rev. 1.0
construction and operations, and provides specific strategies and procedures to minimize
the risk.
It should be noted that development and finalization of all Management Plan substantially
depend on details that will be finalized in project DPR/ESIA Reports/business terms with
regulatory authorities/ financial institutions as well as the availability of staffing,
appropriate resources. Advance implementation of preliminary versions of selected
Management Plans and/or SOPs may be authorized in response to specific project needs
directed by the Head - EHS, Manager - EHS and/or Corporate Social Expert, as noted in
Section 5.1.
The ESMS Plan and the various Management Plans will be supported by a suite of Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs). SOPs are written specifically to guide AGEL workers and
(when invoked by contract, all or in part) contractor personnel in the day-to-day
performance of specific field or office activities required by the upper-tier plans. SOPs will
be developed with a level of detail commensurate with the phase of the project, the
complexity of the task, current staffing levels, and the capabilities and experience of the
workforce. SOPs may support one or several Management Plans and one or several Project
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Additional SOPs required for the long-term implementation of the ESMS Plan and
Management Plans may also be developed and issued at any time in accordance with
AGEL.PROCEDURE.01, “Document and Record Control.”
2. Policy
The AGEL policies are defined consecutively as Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C,
Appendix D, Appendix E, Appendix F and consist of:
The Head – EHS, Manager – EHS and Corporate Social Expert have key roles in ensuring proper
policy implementation at all levels of the organization, through the administration of this ESMS
Plan and the various monitoring measures described herein. Taken in combination, these
policies emphasize open communication and consideration of the social and environmental
interests of affected communities and residents, regulatory authorities, the AGEL workforce,
and other stakeholders. The suitability and effectiveness of these policy statements will be
evaluated at least annually as part of the management review process described in Section 7.5.
Policy contents will also be communicated to the Project workforce through periodic human
resources, social, environmental, and OHS awareness training (see Section 5.2), and by
distribution and posting of the policy documents in key locations at AGEL’s headquarter
locations in Ahmedabad, the project sites, and other facility locations.
Project contractors will also be advised on applicable policy requirements (including but not
limited up to offering accidental insurance, medical fitness test at the time of employee joining,
providing applicable PPE’s, etc.) through their individual procurement documents, as noted in
Section 4.3.3. Copies of these policies will also be distributed in response to specific requests
for information, or as may otherwise be directed by Project management.
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3. Identification of Risk and Impacts
3.1. Legal and Other Requirements
The AGEL will maintain the understanding of the full scope of legal and regulatory requirements
that apply to all phases of the project life cycle, as well as any associated planning, operating,
monitoring, or reporting requirements. Prior to the initiation of the construction phase of the
project, however, procedure AGEL.PROCEDURE.11, “Identification of Legal and Other
Requirements” will be implemented in order to provide guidance for routinely integrating
required permitting actions into the advance planning and scheduling of construction, and
operations activities, as well as new (if any) activities that may be initiated in those phases. This
understanding will be considered in the risk and impact evaluation process described in Section
3.2. AGEL.PROCEDURE.11 will also provide for the development and regular update of a Project-
specific register of regulatory requirements that is based on the regulatory setting defined in
the project planning document, as well as other voluntary lender and industry-specific standards
that AGEL may choose to adopt for the Projects (e.g., applicable IFC performance standards and
industry-specific guidelines). AGEL.PROCEDURE.11 will also require that the Project establish
and maintain access to appropriate information sources as the means to identify new or
modified regulatory requirements or changes that may affect any phase of Project operations.
As noted in Section 7.2.2, after the initiation of the construction phase, the Project’s regulatory
compliance status will be subject to an internal verification audit on at least on a half-yearly
basis. Any compliance issues that may be detected in the verification audit process will be
formally resolved in accordance with AGEL.PROCEDURE.03, “Identification of Non-
conformances and Respective Action”
3.2. Social and Environmental Aspects and Impacts, Risk Assessment, and Risk Management
Initial identification of the social and environmental aspects and potential impacts associated
with renewable energy facility development, operations, decommissioning and closure
operations will be documented separately for each project activity. The potential environmental
and social impacts that will be identified through the ESIA’s or any other source of records will
be reflected in the Management Plans, listed in Table 2 and described in greater detail in Section
The social and environmental impacts so identified will be summarized and documented in a
project-specific list or register, which will be evaluated on at least on a half-yearly basis. The
input provided by local/external stakeholders will also be identified and specifically considered
in the evaluation of social and environmental aspects and impacts. Any necessary changes in
the aspects/impacts register will be reflected in appropriate modification or additions to the
Project’s Management Plans or other performance improvement measures, as discussed in
Section 4.3.
3.3. Occupational Health and Safety Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk
Management Planning
As noted in Table 3, AGEL having a group of OHS-related SOPs to address predicted hazards and
OHS risks. Work area-specific risks that will need to be addressed as the Project progresses will
be evaluated and documented in a periodically updated register of risks and mitigation
measures, in accordance with AGEL.PROCEDURE.10, “Recognition and Reporting of Incidents,
Illness and Safety Hazards.” The results of this periodic evaluation will form the basis of the
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OHS component of an ongoing performance improvement program, which will be implemented
at the start of major construction and is further described in Section 4. In the meantime,
hazards or unsafe conditions that may be observed will be documented and reported as noted
in AGEL.PROCEDURE.10, “Recognition and Reporting of Incidents, Illness and Safety Hazards”
and will be investigated and considered, as appropriate, in updates or additions to affected
Management Plans. Should additional SOPs be required to address newly observed conditions
or other Management Plan needs, they will be developed in accordance with
AGEL.PROCEDURE.01, “Document and Record Control.”
4. Management Programs
4.1. Environmental, Social, and Health & Safety (ESHS) Objectives and Targets
At the start of the construction phase of the Projects and on at least an annual basis thereafter,
performance objectives and targets will be set in an effort to further minimize or mitigate the
environmental and social impacts described in Section 3.2, as well as any identified OHS hazards
and risks as discussed in Section 3.3, over and above the measures that may already be in effect
in existing Management Plans or SOPs.
4.3.Operational Controls
4.3.1. Operational Planning Process
Prior to the operational phase of the Project, AGEL will establish and begin to implement an
Annual Operation Plan (AOP) under the direction of the Head - Projects. The AOP will address
the general scope of the anticipated renewable energy project’s operations over the next
planning year. AOP preparers will specifically consider the impacts and management and
mitigation measures noted in the project ESIA/ESDD/Any document containing relevant
information and the performance improvement plans discussed in Section 4.2. The draft
document will be submitted for evaluation by the Project Manager to the Head – Projects, Head
- EHS and other management staff in order to ensure that regulatory and stakeholder issues
and general feedback on environmental, social, and OHS performance are properly considered
in the long-range planning of renewable energy project operations, as well as any extension (if
any) operations. When approved, the AOP will form the general framework within which
monthly and weekly operational planning meetings will be conducted. Operational instructions
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will typically be generated as the output of such meetings and distributed to supervisory and
other personnel as necessary to guide ongoing renewable energy project’s operations.
The specific environmental impacts associated with any field investigation or construction
activity that involves a surface disturbance will be identified, documented, and appropriately
mitigated. Field activities near any significant find shall be set back at least 10 meters unless
other setback considerations are directed by regulatory authorities. Also, as discussed in
Section 3.2, at the start of the construction phase, the Project will also commence an annual
evaluation of the OHS hazards and risks associated with its operations, in accordance with
procedure AGEL.PROCEDURE.16, “Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.” The results of
this evaluation may prompt OHS performance improvements as described in Section 4.2, or
updates or additions to the SOPs or Management Plans listed previously. Hazardous or unsafe
conditions that may be observed in the course of the Project are to be documented in
accordance with AGEL.PROCEDURE.10, “Recognition and Reporting of Incidents, Illness and
Safety Hazards” investigated, and, if appropriate, also considered in updates or additions to the
Management Plans and/or SOPs. Additional procedural controls may be established for newly
observed conditions, as appropriate, in accordance with AGEL.PROCEDURE.01, “Document and
Record Control.”
All AGEL employees, contractors, subcontractor are individually and collectively responsible for:
• Working safely, within the guidelines and requirements established by this ESMS Plan, its
supporting Management Plans and SOPs;
• supporting the environmental, social, and OHS policies established for the AGEL Project (see
Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix E) in the day to day performance of their work;
• Notify their supervisors, the Engineers, or the Environmental, Health, and Safety Officers (EHS
Coordinator) of any observed spills, equipment malfunctions, unsafe or unhealthy situations,
improper environmental practices, worsening trends, or other issues that could represent
nonconformance with the requirements this ESMS Plan or its supporting Management Plans or
Other specific responsibilities associated with the key positions noted in Figure 2 are
summarized as follows:
• Head - EHS: The AGEL’s EHS head, has overall responsibility for successful completion
of Project activities, operations in the manner described in this ESMS Plan and the
supporting Management Plans and SOPs described herein. The Head - EHS also
assumes a lead role in the investigation and resolution of any community relations issues
that may occur in the course of the Project.
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• Project Manager: The Project Manager is responsible for overseeing day-to-day
clearance and/or construction/operation activities. These duties include the review of
construction reports to monitor progress and issues encountered, and in assisting the
Environmental and Health and Safety Coordinators in the timely resolution of any
observed health, safety, and environmental (HSE) issues.
• Manager - EHS: The Manager - EHS is responsible for the administration of AGEL’s ESMS
management system and will participate in the review, approval, and as necessary,
update or modification of this ESMS Plan and supporting Management Plans and SOPs
in response to changing project conditions. The Manager - EHS will also provide
management support to the Engineers and the EHS Coordinator as necessary to ensure
proper implementation of ESMS planning requirements.
• Corporate Social Expert: The Corporate Social Expert in coordination with Head – EHS,
Manager – EHS, will be responsible to develop/revise and to avail the Stakeholder and
Community Relation Management Plan to the site management. He/she will be
responsible for working with the project development and land procurement teams to
act as an interface between the project and affected communities. He/she will Work in
coordination with the Head – EHS, Manager – EHS, Site EHS Coordinator/s to ensure
effective engagement and consultation with people living/working close to or within the
project area and wider affected communities. He/she will be working with the project
management to maintain good community relations and address community concerns
as they arise and agree with measures to respond to grievances in liaison with the wider
project team and grievance committee.
• EHS Coordinator: The EHS Coordinator will be responsible for the regular monitoring of
project activities to ensure continuing compliance with this ESMS Plan; see Section 7.0.
The EHS Coordinator will provide input to periodic EHS monitoring reports, and may also
conduct focused inspections of specific environmental or social/community relations
issues at the request of the Project Manager and/ or Stakeholder Relationship Officer.
• Engineer: The Engineers will be responsible for their reporting authorities for assisting
in special environmental tasks, as well as the regular monitoring of project activities to
ensure continuing compliance with this ESMS Plan. Special assignments may include
advising the construction team on applicable World Bank/ IFC requirements, best
management practices for stockpiling of topsoil and erosion control, reviewing
engineering designs for environmental compliance, and monitoring resolution of
corrective actions from ESHS audits. The Engineer may provide input to periodic EHS
monitoring reports.
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• AGEL’s community relations and IMS policies and commitments (see Section 2.0);
• AGEL’s human resources framework policy and associated disciplinary procedures (see
Appendices B, C);
• the primary social and environmental aspects of the project activity, their significant impacts,
and the measures that must be employed to manage or mitigate such impacts;
• the primary workplace OHS hazards likely to be encountered, and how to avoid such hazards or
mitigate their risks or effects (the risk register developed under AGEL.PROCEDURE.16, “Hazard
Identification and Risk Assessment” will help in this regard); and
• any significant regulatory or community stakeholder concerns that must be considered in day-
to-day operations (see the complaint records required by AGEL.PROCEDURE.05).
Refresher training will be provided to all staff on at least an annual basis. Additional training in
the specific requirements of the plans and procedures that support the ESMS will be provided,
as appropriate for individual work assignments. Specific training requirements applicable to
suppliers or contractors will be defined within the context of their individual contracts or
purchase orders as discussed in Section 4.3.3. All site visitors will be escorted and required to
complete an ESMS briefing on arrival at any project site.
The Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan will be developed in conjunction with the
other Management Plans developed for specific construction, operation and
decommissioning/closure phase activities (see Section 4.2), and will be reviewed and updated,
as appropriate, on at least an annual basis. The Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
will identify key emergency-related roles and responsibilities and will provide direction on
required responses to operational or environmental emergencies. The Emergency Preparedness
and Response Plan will also be supported by several key SOPs, including:
The Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan will also contain requirements for periodic
tests and drills to ensure that necessary response actions are understood by AGEL’s designated
site rescue team, other project staff, contractors, and, as appropriate for the given location,
community emergency response personnel. In addition to the emergency notification
requirements addressed in the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan, the circumstances
and response actions associated with any significant spills, releases, accidents, near-misses, or
other emergency situations for which the AGEL’s Project Activity has direct responsibility will
be documented and investigated, and appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be
taken in conformance with Section 7.3 and AGEL.PROCEDURE.03, “Identification of
Nonconformances and Respective Action.” Preventive actions in such cases will require a
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mandatory review of the adequacy and effectiveness of the Emergency Preparedness and
Response Plan and its supporting procedures, and subsequent updates as warranted by the
results of the review.
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7.2.2. Regulatory Compliance Verification Audits
No later than one year after the commencement of the construction phase (and annually
thereafter), the Manager – EHS will request a detailed verification of Project compliance
with applicable regulations. Audits may be conducted by AGEL personnel or qualified
contractors, subject to functional independence, training, and qualification requirements.
The current versions of the regulatory requirements list developed in accordance with
Section 3.1 will be used as a primary reference for the audit, and audit results will be
considered in any subsequent updates. Any non-conformances will be promptly
documented and resolved as required by Section 7.3 and AGEL.PROCEDURE.03,
“Identification of Non- conformances and Respective Action.”
• are contrary to AGEL’s IMS and Community Relations Policy commitments (see Section 2.0 and
Appendix E);
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• can be classified as accidents or significant near-misses;
• violate a legal or regulatory requirement, or represent a worsening condition that could result
in a violation if not corrected;
• could potentially result in negative environmental or social impacts; or
• represent a lack of conformance with this ESMS Plan or its supporting Management Plans and
• open and closed CPARs generated from the reporting of environmental, social, or OHS-
related non-conformances, periodic regulatory compliance audits, monitoring trends or
results, internal ESMS audits, or inspections or evaluations that may have been conducted
by regulatory agencies, lending institutions, or other external organizations;
• known or potential environmental and social issues and the concerns of interested parties,
as documented in current communication logs and supporting correspondence (see
Sections 8 and 9 and Appendix E, “Human Rights and Community Relations Policy”);
• the current version of the AOP that addresses the projected scope of the next year’s
development and/or operations (see Section 4.3.1);
• environmental, social, and OHS performance monitoring results, or other reports or
information collected to assess progress towards the completion of specific mitigation
measures or performance improvement actions;
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• reports from previous management reviews conducted in accordance with this Section; and
• other pertinent information
This information will be evaluated against the requirements of the current versions of AGEL
policy documents (see Appendix A, B, C, D, and E) and the current regulatory requirements
register (see Section 3.1). Any anticipated changes in regulatory compliance requirements,
facility changes, organizational changes, or new directives that potentially affect the company's
environmental, social, and/or OHS management practices will also be considered.
The management review will be documented in report format, and, as appropriate, will include
specific recommendations for ESMS improvements, the update of the AOP, external sharing or
publication of annual monitoring report results, or other appropriate management actions. It
will be presented to AGEL’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for final review and approval.
Recommended performance improvement tasks will be documented that address any required
ESMS Plan, Management Plan, or SOP updates; policy modifications; external communications;
or other appropriate improvement actions.
8. Stakeholder Engagement
8.1. Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Planning
AGEL, wherever do it's business activities, will ensure;
• continuous engagement and consultation with the various stakeholder groups; and
• sponsorship of appropriately beneficial community development projects.
AGEL will carry these themes forward through its “Stakeholder and Community Engagement
Strategy”, which will be managed within the context of this ESMS.
The strategy will be applicable during all the phases of the project activity. General protocols
for documenting and managing complaints from external stakeholders will be managed in
accordance with AGEL.PROCEDURE.05, “Grievance Management”, in order to ensure that any
external stakeholder complaints or inquiries detected are documented and brought to the
attention of management and properly considered as the Stakeholder and Community
Engagement Strategy/Management Plan.
Several SOPs will also be used in support of the ‘Stakeholder and Community Engagement
Strategy/Management Plan’ and ‘Visitor Management Plan’; these may include:
• AGEL.PROCEDURE.15, “Site Security”, which addresses general site security issues, as well
as appropriate actions to be taken in direct encounters with individuals or groups engaged
in any disturbance or other activities that may occur throughout the project’s life cycle;
• AGEL.POLICY.04, “Stakeholder and Community Engagement Strategy”, which may be
invoked as the means of communicating specific health and safety concerns associated
with Project activities; and
AGEL.PROCEDURE.10, “Recognition and Reporting of Incidents, Illness and Safety Hazards”, which
will include guidance on reporting the proximity of planned activities to indigenous groups, or other
inhabitants or transients encountered in the Project area.
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Adani Green Energy Limited
ESMS Plan May 2019, Rev. 1.0
8.2.Disclosure of Information
As noted in Section 8.1, AGEL having a comprehensive “Stakeholder and Community
Engagement Strategy” that contains the social management themes reflected in the
January 1, 2012 version of PS 1 (IFC, 2012), including specific requirements for the disclosure
of Project information. Should individuals be directly encountered in the field,
AGEL.PROCEDURE.15, “Site Security” requires that all such contacts be documented and
appropriate hazard avoidance measures are implemented.
As also noted in Sections 8.1 and 9.1, a comprehensive Stakeholder and Community
Engagement Strategy will be implemented on every site prior to the start of major
construction activity. The Community Engagement Strategy will incorporate
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AGEL.PROCEDURE.05, “Grievance Management” for the management of all external
communications with affected communities, including those that constitute actual
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Adani Green Energy Limited
ESMS Plan May 2019, Rev. 1.0