Overview of Current Compressed Air Energy Storage Proje - 2021 - Renewable and S
Overview of Current Compressed Air Energy Storage Proje - 2021 - Renewable and S
Overview of Current Compressed Air Energy Storage Proje - 2021 - Renewable and S
Keywords: Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is an established and evolving technology for providing large-scale, long-
Compressed air energy storage term electricity storage that can aid electrical power systems achieve the goal of decarbonisation. CAES facilities
Underground energy storage often utilise large underground storage caverns to ensure high capacity systems. This results in the need of lo
Renewable energy
cations with suitable geological features to develop a CAES plant. This paper examines recent and ongoing large-
United Kingdom
scale CAES projects and presents candidate methods of storing high pressure air using underground features. An
Solar power assessment of the overall potential for CAES in India is presented by examining its geological features and lo
Wind power cations with the greatest potential for CAES plants are determined. This is combined with an analysis of the
renewable electricity generation potential in India to identify candidate areas for renewable generation and
CAES integrated systems. Up to 1.05% of Indian land area is deemed suitable for CAES plant development and if
fully utilised would be sufficient to meet the energy storage needs of India, however, practically a very small
fraction of the total suitable land that could be developed so other competing energy storage technologies should
be considered. Conversely, the UK possesses a very good potential for CAES, enough to greatly exceed necessary
energy storage, owing to the abundance of salt beds not present in India. For CAES to garner serious consider
ation in India, aquifer storage based CAES needs to be demonstrated.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Wang).
Received 1 September 2020; Received in revised form 20 December 2020; Accepted 2 January 2021
Available online 9 January 2021
1364-0321/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M. King et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110705
long duration energy storage, it will be difficult to achieve the net zero heat must be rejected cooling the air and energy is lost. Conversely heat
emission goal. This paper is to examine and compare the potential ca must then be added to the system at the expansion stage to account for
pacity of CAES in India and the UK. this. I-CAES systems aim to achieve slow compression and expansion
such that these processes occur at a constant temperature. This requires
2. Compressed air energy storage and current technology continuous heat transfer during the compression and expansion stages
development but could result in considerably higher round trip efficiencies and
additionally removes the requirement of a secondary TES. The most
CAES has been implemented at the grid level for over 40 years [6]. demonstrated methods of achieving the necessary slow expansion and
The complete cycle of conventional-CAES operation (diabatic-CAES, compression are through the use of liquid pistons or hydraulic pumps
D-CAES) is comprised of two processes, the charging and discharging [22,23].
processes. During the charging process, electricity from the grid is used CAES possesses numerous advantages over competing large scale
to power a motor, which drives a turbine or series of turbines, com energy storage systems, excelling in technology lifetime, energy storage
pressing air into a large underground cavern as the heat of compression duration, possessing negligible self-discharge, as well as being scalable
is rejected to the environment [7]. Later, during the discharging process, in terms of capacities and power output. Albawab et al. compared
the high pressure air from the storage cavern is mixed with gas and alternative large-scale energy storage technologies across a wide range
combusted to drive a turbine or series of turbines. This work is used to of factors to determine the overall sustainability of the competing
drive an electrical generator with the produced electricity supplied to technologies with CAES outperforming the other candidates [24].
the grid or consumers. Two such CAES facilities are operational at Moreover, under current conditions in the United States market, CAES
present, the Huntorf plant, in Germany, constructed in 1978, and the has been shown to be the most economically attractive grid-integrated
McIntosh plant, Alabama, USA, operational from 1991 [8]. Foley & energy storage technology, along with PHS, both in terms of cost per
Lobera have presented the detailed technical characteristics regarding kW and cost per kWh [25].
these two operational CAES facilities [9], with the key technical pa However, aside from the relatively low efficiencies when compared
rameters summarised in Table 1. to other established energy storage technologies, the greatest limitation
A typical configuration of conventional D-CAES systems are given in of CAES as a large scale energy storage technology is the low energy
Fig. 1. The fuel input requirement in conventional CAES during the storage density. CAES energy density is typically in the order of 3–6
discharging phase is a necessity owing to heat that is rejected during the Whl− 1, which is comparable to PHS systems, typically 1–2 Whl− 1 [10]
compression stage. This means overall efficiencies of traditional D-CAES but is an order of magnitude smaller than existing energy storage
are relatively low and is one of the main constraints of CAES as a storage technologies that are beginning to be implemented at the grid level,
option. Efficiencies of D-CAES systems can be improved significantly particularly electrochemical batteries possessing energy storage den
with the integration of recuperators, as in the McIntosh plant, in which sities of 50–90 Whl− 1 for Pb-Acid [26] or 200–400 Whl− 1 for Li-Ion [27].
the hot exhaust gas during the compression stage is directed to preheat Owing to the low energy storage densities, large storage volumes are
the pressurised air from the cavern prior to the expansion stage [15]. required to create systems with large capacities. At present, the most
This greatly reduces the thermal energy input required and results in viable option for constructing chambers with sufficient volumes is the
improved efficiencies with less fuel consumption [10]. use of underground storage caverns. Although over-ground manufac
A progression of the use of recuperators is the emergence of tured storage vessels can be used for the implementation of small scale
Advanced Adiabatic CAES (AA-CAES). In AA-CAES systems, heat CAES with very high pressures [28] or for demonstration plants, these
rejected during the compression stages is stored in a thermal energy above-ground tanks cannot currently compete with underground
store (TES) and used to heat the compressed air before expansion. methods in terms of storage volumes. The use of underground storage
Therefore AA-CAES systems can achieve higher system efficiencies, up also provides the benefits of isolation from external influences, with the
to 80% expected to be achievable [16,17] with no external heat from the only surface features being connecting valves, and much lower specific
combustion of a fuel. TES are the limiting factor in the progression of costs for storage capacity when compared to the use of above-ground
AA-CAES because of the high temperatures that are generated during tanks [29]. Therefore, the availability of suitable geographic features
compression, which is difficult to store [18]. Thermal energy is tradi for the formation and locations of underground storage caverns are the
tionally stored in the form of sensible heat or latent heat: Sensible heat major constraint to the rate of adoption of CAES as a bulk energy storage
stores are a mature technology and economically attractive but latent technology.
heat technologies can store higher temperatures and achieve better
system efficiencies [19]. There are examples of attempts to integrate
chemical and thermochemical heat storage into CAES systems, though at 2.1. Overview of major CAES projects
present these are economically unattractive with the current state of
technology [20]. As a long-established large-scale energy storage technology there has
Though the majority of current research is focussed on improving been continued interest in the development of CAES since its first
AA-CAES systems, a competing approach to improve round trip effi demonstration. Consequently, there have been numerous major CAES
ciencies of conventional CAES facilities is the development of projects, commercial or demonstrations in recent years, which are given
isothermal-CAES (I-CAES) [21]. When traditional turbomachinery is in Table 2.
employed for compressing air to high pressures, very high temperatures
are achieved and as a result the air cannot be practicably stored, thus • The Norton CAES facility was a proposed CAES project of up to 2700
MW, planned to be developed in Norton, Iowa, specifically for the
Table 1
Key technical characteristics of current conventional CAES facilities.
CAES Facility Operator Year Deliverable Power Discharge Time Efficiency Pressure Cavern Type References
Operational [MW] [hr] [%] [bar]
M. King et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110705
purpose of integrating wind power generation [30]. Initially the use underground salt caverns with gas as the heat source at the expan
of an aquifer air store was proposed but later plans were adapted into sion stage. The proposed system power is 324 MW, deliverable for up
repurposing a disused limestone mine owing to overestimation of the to 48 h. At the time of writing, the facility is fully permitted and
air store size. The project suffered set-backs for a number of years construction ready and planned to be operational by 2022.
and was finally discontinued in 2012. Regarding innovations, the • One upcoming large-scale conventional CAES project is the
Norton project did not advance CAES technology significantly as all Advanced Underground CAES facility from PG&E planned for San
planned implementations of technologies were pre-established, key Joaquin County, California. The facility is expected to be capable of
lessons were learnt however, in regards to the management and delivering 300 MW, though no estimate for total capacity is provided
economics of large scale energy storage developments [31]. at this stage as the plant is going to utilise a depleted gas reservoir
• Another long planned commercial CAES project that has ultimately and capacity estimates need to be evaluated. The project is to be
been abandoned, was a plant in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. conducted in three stages, initially only the first stage has secured
The facility was again planned to utilise conventional D-CAES funding, which will involve determining reservoir feasibility, eco
methods as well as employing a salt cavern as the air store. Designed nomic viability and environmental impacts. At the completion of
to deliver 330 MW for up to 6 h, the project was awarded €90 m from phase one the project will be reassessed to determine if the project is
EU funding, though the company, Gaelectric, went into liquidation to continue [37].
in 2017 and no buyer was found [32] with the planning application
subsequently withdrawn and no substantial developments arising In contrast to the implementation of existing CAES technologies in
from the project. new plants, novel CAES methods are being developed and tested:
• Between 2010 and 2012, the New York State Energy Research and
Development Authority (NYSERDA) aimed to achieve a 130 • Hydrostor are a promising company that have demonstrated a
MW–210 MW CAES facility in upstate New York, dubbed the Seneca unique type of CAES at the grid level. A commercial reference facility
CAES Project. The site was deemed to be feasible because of the local in Goderich, Canada became operational in 2019, rated at 1.75 MW
salt mining operations and on-site high-pressure natural gas pipeline [38]. Air is stored in a specially excavated underground cavern that
that could be directly used in the D-CAES plant [33]. The initial plan can be partially flooded by a surface water reservoir. This ensures
was comprised of 3 phases. Phase 1 involved siting, design, financials constant air pressure throughout the process as the chamber volume
and filings. Phase 2 was to be construction and Phase 3 was to be can vary in size through the partial flooding. Additionally, the heat of
commercial demonstration and performance reporting. However, a compression is captured, stored and later reinjected making the
number of factors led to increased projected necessary investment system a demonstration of adiabatic CAES. The technology is
which resulted in the project ultimately being discontinued at the approximately 60% efficient in its current state. Additionally,
end of the first phase, citing lack of economic incentive [34]. Hydrostor are in the process of developing a similar plant in
• The ADELE project, based in Staβfurt, Germany, aimed to be the first Strathalbyn, Australia referred to as the Angas facility. Expected to
large commercial demonstration of AA-CAES technology at the grid become operational by the end 2020, the Angas plant will operate
level. As with the previous CAES projects, salt caverns were planned with the same adiabatic, constant pressure from hydrostatic pressure
to be used as the underground air store, but with the addition of a balancing that the Goderich plant operates from but will differ as the
large sensible heat store to capture and reinject the heat of plan is to repurpose a zinc mine in contrast to specifically drilling a
compression. The project was designed to deliver 200 MW up to 5 h chamber for storage. The plant is designed to deliver 5 MW for 2 h
with a 70% round trip efficiency. The project was placed on hold in [39]. For the two projects, Hydrostor currently quotes a value of
2016 citing uncertain business conditions and no further updates $150/kWh – $300/kWh of storage for their CAES technology [40],
have been published [35]. this is more expensive than conventional CAES systems estimated at
• The Bethel Energy Centre is a commissioned CAES facility in approximate $50/kWh though is still one of the most favourable
Anderson County, Texas [36] developed by APEX CAES. The project energy storage solutions in terms of cost [14].
is planned to incorporate conventional D-CAES technology, utilising
M. King et al.
Table 2
Major recent CAES projects.
Project Name Location CAES Technology Project Project Status Years Active Power Capacity Efficiency Air Storage Storage Method Reference
Purpose [MW] [MWh] [%] Pressure
Norton CAES plant Norton, Ohio, Conventional diabatic, gas fuelled Commercial Not realised 2001–2013 800–2700 – – 55–110 Aquifer storage/ [49,50]
USA repurposed
limestone mine
GAELECTRIC Northern Islandmagee, Co Conventional diabatic, gas fuelled Commercial Not realised 2008–2019 200 1980 – – Solution mined [32,51]
Ireland Antrim, (charge) salt cavern
UK 330
Seneca CAES Project Reading, New Conventional diabatic, gas fuelled Demonstration Not realised 2010–2012 130–210 2000 – – Solution mined [33,34]
York, salt cavern
SustainX Smart Grid Seabrook, New Isothermal, innovative water-foam Demonstration Discontinued 2013–2015 2.2 (charge) 1 54 12–207 Above ground [41]
Programme Hampshire, mixture employed to ensure 1.65 pressure vessels
USA constant heat transfer during (discharge)
compression and expansion
ADELE project Staβfurt, Adiabatic, sensible heat store Commercial Discontinued 2010–2016 200 1000 70 100 Solution mined [32,35,
Germany salt caverns 52]
TICC-500 Tsinghua Adiabatic, sensible heat store Demonstration Active 2014 – 0.5 0.5 33 30–110 Overground [35,53]
University, present storage tank
Chinese Academy of Bijie City, Guizhou, Adiabatic, sensible heat store Demonstration Active 2017 – 2.8 (charge) 40 62.3 70 Overground [48]
Sciences, CAES China present 10 storage tanks
demonstration plant (discharge)
Pilot scale Gotthard base Adiabatic, sensible heat/combined Demonstration Active 2017 – 0.7 – 63–74 8 Previously [43,44]
demonstration of AA- tunnel, Biasca, sensible-latent heat store present excavated unlined
CAES Switzerland rock cavern
Zhongyan Jintan CAES Jintan, Jiangsu, Adiabatic, sensible heat store Commercial Commissioned 2017 – 50–60 200–300 – – Solution mined [46,47]
China present salt cavern
Goderich A-CAES Goderich, Ontario, Adiabatic, cavern flooded and Commercial Active 2019 – 2.2 (charge) 7 >60 – Specifically mined [38,40]
facility Canada hydrostatic pressure used for present 1.75 cavern
• The only megawatt-scale demonstration of isothermal CAES in 3. Underground compressed air energy storage and capacity
recent years has been from SustainX. The company designed and analysis
tested a 1.5 MW commercial scale prototype of a novel isothermal
CAES system. The processes were based upon the compression and 3.1. Geological suitability for underground compressed air energy storage
expansion of a foam-air mixture to facilitate fast heat transfer and
maintain constant temperature throughout [41]. The system realised Underground formations have long been utilised for the storage of
round trip efficiencies of 54% a significant improvement upon natural gas because very large volumes and therefore storage capacities
D-CAES. A limitation of the scalability of the prototype is that can be reached. The underground structures employed for gas storage
specially constructed above-ground air vessels were used as the can be adapted for several energy-carrying fluids and are increasingly
storage medium and it is unclear whether this technology could be being considered to use for the storage of air in large-scale CAES sys
adapted to be integrated with larger unground storage methods. This tems. A number of underground structures and techniques as shown in
is compounded also because SustainX has subsequently been ac Fig. 2 can be employed for storage, with main considerations high
quired by GeneralCompression who and have divested in research in lighted in the section.
above ground CAES solutions with the future of this technology Both commercial CAES facilities currently in operation utilise solu
being unclear [42]. tion mined salt caverns for the air storage. Salt deposits can be multiple
• A pilot plant for an AA-CAES system is has been demonstrated by of kilometres thick so provide the opportunity for engineering deep,
ALACAES near Biasca, Switzerland [43]. The system uses an exca very large volume caverns. Salt cavern walls also possess moderately
vated mountain tunnel and the focus of the research is the best high strength and are usually more uniform in properties than other rock
integration of TES with CAES to create efficient AA-CAES. Thus far, types [56], as well as maintaining a self-repairing property, where the
efficiencies of 63–74% have been achieved [44] although the system material can flow plastically to seal fractures preventing further crack
can only operate at low pressures in the range of 1–8 bar, the tech propagation [57], therefore salt caverns can remain stable for very long
nology in this form is far from commercialisation [45]. geological periods. Additionally, salt cavern storage requires signifi
• Construction has begun on a large-scale adiabatic CAES facility in cantly less base gas (the residual gas that must remain in the cavern
Jintan, China. A collaboration between Tsinghua University and upon discharging) than other mediums, particularly porous rock geol
Zhongyan Jintan Company, the project hopes to achieve a 50 MW to ogies [58]. Salt caverns are therefore best suited to the flexible operation
60 MW AA-CAES plant, requiring no external fuel input. The project and regular cycling that CAES plants operate under, providing higher
aims to reduce solar curtailment in Jiangsu province. The facility will flexibility with respect to turnover frequency with high injection and
employ an existing salt cavern remaining for previous solution withdrawal rates [59]. Moreover, for salt caverns, exploratory work is
mining operations [46,47]. typically lesser and therefore lower cost owing to existing knowledge of
• A final example of an AA-CAES demonstration is by the Chinese the salt structures because of prior prospecting for hydrocarbon re
Academy of Sciences in Bijie City, Guizhou province. A 10 MW sys sources [29]. A drawback of employing salt caverns is that the solution
tem has been constructed by incorporating a network of above- mining process is reliant on the local availability of a large amount of
ground storage tanks, chargeable to 70 bar, and a 22 MWh sensible water for the extraction of the rock salt [60], though the obtained salt
heat store such that the whole system can store up to 40 MWh of could provide an additional significant revenue stream in addition to the
electricity. At the time of writing, the system is still subject to further storage plant operation [57], provided that there exists the ability to
development [48]. refine the obtained brine into rock salt at a facility nearby.
In addition to salt deposits, aquifers and porous rock formations have
Collating the recent major CAES developments, it is evident that become a standard for storing natural gas worldwide, accounting for
there are challenges in getting the technology to market as a commercial 13% of underground natural gas storage globally [29], where the prin
operation. A number of well-planned and advanced projects have been ciples can be easily configured for the storage of high pressure air. An
stalled and ultimately failed such as the ADELE and Norton projects. artificial gas field is formed by injecting high pressure gas into the
Failures are predominantly attributable to economic factors. The more permeable rock displacing the water and creating a variable volume gas
promising AA-CAES technologies that are expected to become opera store. A number of additional geological criteria must be met, with a
tional in the coming years are still far from the scale of conventional gas- suitable cap rock and surrounding rock to form a closure. Specific
fired CAES plants. aquifer characteristics are also less widely known than salt formations
and all of the factors result in aquifer storage being currently the most
expensive form of natural gas storage available to the industry [58] and
would therefore be an expensive method of underground storage in
large CAES systems. Additionally, the injection of air into porous for
mations may change the existing cap rock properties and may impact the
Fig. 2. Types of underground energy storage chambers. 1 - Salt cavern, typically solution mined from a salt deposit, 2 - Aquifer storage, the air is injected into a
permeable rock displacing water and capped by a cap rock, 3 - Lined rock cavern, a specifically excavated chamber then lined with a material to ensure hermeticity, 4
- Depleted gas reservoir, reservoir previously used for gas tapping or storage, can be permeable or semi-permeable rock type.
M. King et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110705
operation and security of the whole system without thorough prior pilot plant. Preliminary work has modelled the impact on the tunnels
consideration [61]. Moreover, aquifer stores require significantly more walls of cyclic loading from the injection of high pressure air and in
base gas remaining after discharging further limiting the utility of this dicates that the existing infrastructure is sufficient to withstand the
form of storage, typically between 50% and 80% cushion gas in contrast imposed conditions [71]. The adaptation of existing shafts in previously
to salt caverns requiring 20% [62]. Li et al. have proposed attempting to used coal mines do however pose the risk of the combustion of
identify locations with aquifers and a significant geothermal resource. It remaining coal seams with high temperatures, thus shafts would have to
is suggested that this could improve the efficiency of the full system by be adequately sealed and assessed to ensure safe operation and feasi
maintaining or increasing the air temperature within the cavern, as it bility [29] or exploration of underground mines from differing
receives heat from the surroundings [63]. A novel well bore is suggested resources.
as the method of extracting the geothermal energy and preliminary
modelling has been conducted. Determining suitable locations with this 3.2. Potential assessment for underground CAES
additional constraint would add complexity to the planning process
however. In addition, modelling of the operation cycle of an aquifer 3.2.1. Methodology
based CAES plant has been conducted, indicating the feasibility of There have been a limited number of previous attempts to assess the
operating such a facility on a daily, weekly or monthly cycle [64]. potential and suitability of specific locations for underground CAES
A relatively new development to the underground energy storage storage [72–74], but these do not regard all forms of possible under
industry is the consideration of hard rock geology lined caverns (Lined ground CAES technologies and have not allowed for a quantitative
Rock Caverns – LRC). In principle, caverns can be excavated to large analysis. A methodology for assessing the geological suitability of an
volumes and lined with concrete and steel to ensure no permeability. A area for the underground CAES has been developed by Aghahosseini &
single natural gas storage plant has demonstrated the feasibility of this Breyer [13], with three geological criteria under consideration to
type of storage in Grängesberg, Sweden with pressures or 500 bar ach determine an area’s suitability. Firstly, the identification of hard or
ieved [65]. The achievable pressures could significantly exceed those of porous rock geologies: with data obtained from the Global Lithological
salt cavern storage, with current CAES facilities operate in the 45–80 bar Map (GLiM) [75], four rock classifications were mapped: Mixed sedi
range [9]. Similar storage capacities could therefore be achieved even mentary, carbonate sedimentary, acid plutonic rocks and siliciclastic
with the smaller chamber volumes. A small scale test compressed air sedimentary, these rock types have been demonstrated to be preferred
LRC facility has demonstrated 87 bar for the investigation of wall per for underground gas and air storage when combined with aquifers,
formance and deformation [66]. The greatest potential for LRC for CAES natural gas reservoirs or excavated to form caverns, as discussed in the
is therefore for locations where other geographic features are not pre previous section. Secondly, geological and mineral maps for Indian
sent. Capital costs of forming caverns in hard rock geologies are states [76] were gathered and used to identify salt deposits, in the form
currently significantly greater than in salt geologies, potentially being of halite or potash beds, and then were additionally mapped. It was
15 times greater [67], though specific costs will vary each proposed found that the Indian salt reserves are concentrated in the north-west of
location and depend heavily on the local lithological features. Zhou et al. the country, although the general availability of salt resources was very
have developed a modelling methodology for determining the degra limited when compared to other world regions. Thirdly, large aquifer
dation and damage to the cavern wall of a LRC over numerous air in systems were identified and mapped. The identified aquifer systems
jection cycles [68]. were composed predominantly of two subsystems, the Indus Basin
Aside from utilising naturally occurring geological features, there is aquifer and the Ganges-Brahmaputra aquifer [77]. ArcGIS was used to
also great potential for the repurposing of existing underground infra map and process the results. Data relating to operating and disused oil
structure left as a remnant of resource extraction or natural gas stores for and gas reservoirs and coal mines were not obtained for this analysis and
the storage of compressed air. At present, the most prominent method of focus was given to natural geological features. The mapped results of
gas storage is using depleted oil or gas reservoirs, accounting for 81% of these three criteria are presented in Fig. 3.
total underground natural gas storage [29]. As these reservoirs previ Areas possessing at least two of these geological features were clas
ously contained oil or gas, the characteristics of the reservoirs, in terms sified as being highly suitable for large scale underground CAES. In
of porosity and permeability, already meet the requirements for high practice, it is possible that an area possessing only one of these features
pressure air storage [58] and it is likely that the structure and geologies would be sufficient for the formation of a large storage cavern i.e. salt
of the depleted reservoirs are known owing to the surveying and pro deposits or some hard rock geologies, however, regions with two fea
specting prior to and during the extraction of the depleted resource. This tures present would identify the most suitable areas for CAES imple
is the method of air storage to be implemented in the planned PG&E mentation. Therefore, the final classification generates the total suitable
CAES facility in San Joaquin, California [37]. The use of natural gas surface area for CAES underground storage within India. Moreover,
reservoirs can be seen as a viable candidate for the storage of com further constraints were enforced by removing urban areas, roads,
pressed air particularly in Europe as the demand for natural gas is pre railways, national parks, other restricted land for construction, areas
dicted to stagnate or decrease in the coming decades [69] with a number with elevation greater than 1500 m and lakes. Furthermore, this study
of existing reservoirs expected to be decommissioned. solely considers CAES for use in mainland India, although there are some
In addition to the exploitation of depleted reservoirs, oil and gas suitable geological features present in India’s island territories, their
wells, the reuse of disused mines has been considered for use within potential for the formation of CAES caverns and their integration with
CAES systems and natural gas storage [70]. Many depleted coal mines renewable electricity generation are not assessed here.
possess large pre-excavated volumes therefore has the potential to In addition to the determination of the overall CAES potential in
significantly reduce the initial capital investment required. Additionally, India, the potential for renewable electricity generation is estimated, to
closed coal mines are typically located locally to existing thermal power assess the benefit that CAES can provide to renewable electricity gen
plants, therefore existing infrastructure could be utilised in adapting eration technologies. Renewable generation can benefit from having the
these systems into CAES facilities. The storage of natural gas and CO2 energy storage local to the site or entirely integrated, reducing trans
has been demonstrated in abandoned mines, but as with depleted oil and mission costs and losses, therefore resulting in higher round trip effi
gas reservoirs, never with a CAES system, although the previously dis ciencies. Contiguous Indian land area was divided into a grid of 1◦
cussed Angas CAES facility expected to be operational by 2022 aims to intervals of latitude and longitude and the annual capacity factor for a
demonstrate the reuse of mineshafts for CAES by repurposing a disused power plant (both wind and solar) placed at the centre of the grid cells
zinc mine [39]. There are plans to adapt a network of tunnels from a was calculated, this is given in (1). Data for the calculation of the Solar
previously used coal mine in northern Spain into a small-scale A-CAES Annual Capacity Factor (ACFs), was obtained from Renewables Ninja
M. King et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110705
Fig. 3. Left: Areas with one of the four identified geology types (Mixed sedimentary, carbonate sedimentary, acid plutonic and siliciclastic sedimentary), these areas
are distributed evenly across the nation. Middle: Salt deposits mapped for India, very few salt resources available, with the largest located in the north-west of the
country. Right: Large aquifer systems mapped for India, primarily covering the north composed of the Indus Basin and Ganges-Brahmaputra aquifer.
[78], which gives hourly solar data with the power output of the solar where Es,w is the annual energy generated by the assumed solar or wind
PV plant determined considering a monocrystalline solar PV module of plant for the centre of the grid cells and Ps,w is the rated power of the
385 W possessing a temperature coefficient of power of − 0.39% per solar or wind generation. This capacity factor is then used as a method of
degree Celsius [79]. The data used for the computation of the Wind ranking the potential for both forms of renewable generation within
Annual Capacity Factor (ACFw) was obtained from Soda Pro [80] and India.
modelled for a Suzlon S111 2.1 MW wind turbine at a hub height of 90 m The available area suitable for underground CAES was additionally
[81]. This turbine was employed in the assessment as it is a large-scale compartmentalised into the same 1◦ by 1◦ grid cells. The cell areas
Indian manufacturer and supplier of wind turbines. suitable for CAES were then min-max normalised to rank the locations in
terms for CAES suitability availability, as were the capacity factors for
ACFs,w = (1) solar and wind generation. The three normalised factors are then
365 × 24 × Ps,w
multiplied together to provide a CAES-solar integration potential score
M. King et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110705
(CAESSIS), CAES-wind integration potential score (CAESWIS) and overall the states of Rajasthan and Punjab. For wind generation, the highest
CAES-renewable integration potential score (CAESRIS) as in (2), (3) and potentials are in the western states of Gujarat and Rajasthan and across
(4). These scores are between 0 and 1 and can be used for a direct the south-central states of Karnataka and Maharashtra. In general, there
comparison. is not good coincidence between areas of both high solar and wind po
tential, though Gujrat and some areas of Rajasthan do show promise of
high levels of generation from both renewable resources.
Of the 357 grid cells that India has been divided into, 31 contain
suitable geographic criteria for underground CAES development. These
CAESRIS = AFCAES × ACFs × ACFw (4) are ranked in Table 4 along with the normalised factors for wind and
solar generation. From the analysis, the states of Madhya Pradesh and
3.2.2. Feasible CAES storage capacity in India Uttar Pradesh are identified as the locations where renewable genera
Applying the methodology presented in Section 3.2.1, the regions tion could most benefit from integration with CAES owing to the good
suitable for underground CAES in India are identified and presented in renewable potential and wide availability of CAES suitable land. Further
Fig. 4. Total land area with the geological potential for underground detailed investigation should be conducted with a focus on these two
CAES is determined to be 34,400 km2, with the greatest density of CAES states to determining the viability of underground CAES systems in these
suitability across central-northern states of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar regions.
Pradesh. A small area of CAES suitable land is identified in the west of The state of Gujarat possesses very good solar and wind power
Gujarat and additional clusters of land in Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab. generation potential but possesses minimal geological potential for the
There is some suitability for CAES in the east of the country in West construction of underground CAES, therefore in this area particularly
Bengal and Assam. renewables should be developed and integrated with more appropriate
The total land area of India is approximately 3.29 × 106 km2, energy storage technologies.
therefore this analysis concludes that 1.05% of land would be deemed
suitable for the installation of a large scale CAES facility. Taking as 3.2.3. Feasible CAES storage capacity in the UK
sumptions that all of the determined CAES suitable land could accom The availability of CAES suitable features in the UK is substantially
modate CAES plants with similar energy density characteristics to the different to that of India. The UK is a much smaller country by area and
Huntorf and McIntosh plants and a constant energy storage density population and possesses a wide abundance of salt deposits these can be
(regardless of the implementable storage type at a particular location), observed in Fig. 6. The Cheshire Basin in north-west England contains
an estimate for the total capacity of CAES in India can be determined. numerous large salt beds. Historically, caverns have been formed from
The number of possible caverns is calculated from determining the these beds and used to storage natural gas, and because of the wide
amount of Huntorf caverns that would fit in the total above ground availability and previous usage, much attention has been directed at
surface area deemed suitable for CAES. Note the Huntorf storage facility adapting this geological resource for CAES. If all of the existing salt
is comprised of two storage caverns, but parameters are only taken for caverns present in the Cheshire Basin were converted to the storage of
one of these for this analysis. With the number of possible caverns air then 725 GWh of capacity would be achieved, 26 times greater than
determined an estimate of an upper limit of the cavern volumes can be the UK’s current pumped hydro capacity [86]. Taking all the salt beds
given. Results are contained in Table 3. present in the Cheshire Basin as a whole, it has been estimated that it is
Total electricity demand in India is estimated at 109 MWh annually abundant enough to form up to 100 caverns, providing capacity for 2.53
[82], therefore the total underground CAES energy storage capacity TWh of storage with an output power of up to 40 TW [87], this would
potential stands at approximately 10 times greater than annual demand greatly exceed daily average demand of the UK grid. It will almost
if all available land were utilised for this underground storage of air. certainly be cheaper to repurpose the existing gas facilities to CAES
Thus, although it can be concluded that there is sufficient geological storage as the UK decarbonises than it will to construct new salt caverns.
resource to meet India’s energy storage requirements, it is highly un In addition to the use of salt caverns for CAES, there exists great po
likely that CAES alone will be a sufficient technology in its current form. tential for the UK’s saline aquifer resources to be employed. There is
Utilisation of all potential land is likely to be very small (much less than sufficient capacity for 96 TWh using the saline aquifers [88], although
1% of available) thus a variety of differing energy storage systems these will prove more difficult to harness and their use relies upon less
should be examined for the Indian situation. India’s suitable land area established technologies than salt deposit storage. In the near future, it is
for CAES also ranks very low when compared to other nations [13] recommended that the salt deposits should therefore be targeted for the
predominantly owing to the lack of availability of salt deposits. As such development of CAES in the UK, prioritising existing infrastructure from
it is very unlikely that sufficient CAES plants can be constructed at an previous gas stores.
economically viable price to totally meet India’s energy storage re
quirements, unless there are substantial advancements and demon 4. Concluding remarks
strated CAES facilities utilising storage mediums other than salt caverns.
Fig. 5 displays the distributions of the potential for solar and wind Compressed air energy storage is a large-scale energy storage tech
generation across India. When considering electricity generation from nology that will assist in the implementation of renewable energy in
solar, there is greatest potential in the north-west of the country across future electrical networks, with excellent storage duration, capacity and
power. The reliance of CAES on underground formations for storage is a
major limitation to the rate of adoption of the technology. Several
Table 3 candidate methods for using underground formations for CAES have
Total CAES capacity in India. been discussed and can be drawn from specially constructed features to
the repurposing of existing infrastructure. Presently salt caverns show
Constant Value
the most promise as these have been demonstrated for use in gas and
Total suitable area for CAES 34,400 km2
CAES storage and are abundant in many locations. An assessment of the
Huntorf cavern surface area occupied 0.00125 km2 [13]
Number of possible caverns 2.75 × 107 potential for underground compressed air energy storage has been
Volume of Huntorf cavern 141,000 m3 [84] conducted for India by collating geological characteristics local to each
Total available volume for CAES caverns 3.88 × 1012 m3 region and integrating the potential for renewable electricity genera
CAES energy storage density 0.003 MWh∙m− [85] tion. India has great potential for solar generation, particularly in the
Total potential for CAES in India 11.6 × 109 MWh
northwest of the country and a lesser potential for wind generation. The
M. King et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110705
Fig. 5. Left: Solar capacity factor distribution for India. Right: Wind capacity factor distribution for India [83].
Fig. 6. UK salt deposits. Operational and planned natural gas storage sites that have the potential to be converted to CAES storage [89].
total land area suitable for underground air storage has been evaluated only a very minor fraction of this land could practicably be used. The
to be 34,400 km2 or approximately 1.05% of total land area. It is sug regions of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have been identified as
gested that this resource is sufficient to meet India’s electricity storage the areas with the greatest potential for the development of CAES
requirements solely with CAES though this scenario is highly unlikely as technologies to support renewable generation. To improve the
M. King et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110705
assessment, details pertaining to the gas reservoirs and stores for India Bhakar: Writing - review & editing, Supervision. Jyotirmay Mathur:
should be obtained and integrated with the analysis, as should large Writing - review & editing, Supervision. Jihong Wang: Conceptualiza
mines be identified, as both features can be repurposed for underground tion, Writing - review & editing, Supervision.
CAES. Moreover, the differences in energy storage density of the varying
underground energy storage methods can be factored into the analysis,
as CAES systems utilising different geological formations do not operate Declaration of competing interest
with the same characteristics. The identification of candidate locations
with the highlighted regions can be undertaken to assess the suitability The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
and the feasibility of a plant can be investigated. The lack of salt caverns interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
in India is likely to be a major constraint in the development of CAES in the work reported in this paper.
India until the technology has been proven with a different air storage
medium. The UK situation for CAES is widely different with large salt Acknowledgements
deposits with sufficient capacity to meet energy demand if fully utilised.
The authors would like to thank the funding support from Engi
CRediT authorship contribution statement neering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) UK with the
grant numbers of EP/P003605/1 (Joint UK–India Clean Energy Centre
Marcus King: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Re (JUICE)) and EP/S0326dd/1 Supergen Storage Network plus, DST India,
sources, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft. Anjali Jain: Investi grant number DST/RCUK/JVCCE/2015/02 (UK-India Clean Energy
gation, Formal analysis, Resources, Writing - review & editing. Rohit Research Institute) and the Warwick EPSRC DTA PhD scholarship.
Table 4
Results of analysis of CAES and renewable electricity integration in India (by 1◦ grid cells)
State Local Local CAES Annual Annual Normalised Normalised Normalised Solar- Wind- Potential
Latitude Longitude Suitable Capacity Capacity Area Factor Solar Factor Wind Factor CAES CAES Factor
[◦ N] [◦ E] Area Factor Factor Factor Factor
[km2] (Solar) (Wind)
Madhya 26.5 78.5 4974.9 0.193 0.090 1.00 0.94 0.18 0.935 0.185 0.173
Uttar 25.5 78.5 4139.7 0.194 0.105 0.83 0.94 0.22 0.780 0.179 0.168
Uttar 25.5 79.5 3809.4 0.189 0.094 0.77 0.91 0.19 0.700 0.148 0.136
Uttar 25.5 83.5 3597.6 0.182 0.094 0.72 0.88 0.19 0.637 0.140 0.123
Uttar 25.5 82.5 2599.2 0.183 0.098 0.52 0.88 0.20 0.462 0.105 0.093
Uttar 25.5 81.5 2678.0 0.185 0.091 0.54 0.90 0.19 0.483 0.101 0.090
Uttar 25.5 80.5 1680.7 0.186 0.091 0.34 0.90 0.19 0.304 0.063 0.057
West Bengal 23.5 87.5 928.3 0.175 0.088 0.19 0.85 0.18 0.158 0.034 0.028
Jharkhand 22.5 86.5 1090.8 0.174 0.068 0.22 0.84 0.14 0.185 0.031 0.026
Madhya 25.5 77.5 448.4 0.197 0.131 0.09 0.95 0.27 0.085 0.024 0.023
Uttarakhand 29.5 79.5 568.6 0.204 0.068 0.11 0.99 0.14 0.081 0.016 0.016
Uttar 26.5 79.5 442.6 0.189 0.090 0.09 0.92 0.18 0.113 0.016 0.015
Jharkhand 24.5 87.5 419.5 0.177 0.087 0.08 0.85 0.18 0.072 0.015 0.013
Rajasthan 29.5 74.5 370.6 0.197 0.073 0.07 0.95 0.15 0.071 0.011 0.011
Jammu and 32.5 75.5 394.0 0.193 0.052 0.08 0.93 0.11 0.074 0.008 0.008
Punjab 33.5 73.8 323.7 0.202 0.056 0.06 0.98 0.11 0.041 0.008 0.007
Rajasthan 26.5 77.5 186.0 0.194 0.100 0.04 0.94 0.21 0.035 0.008 0.007
Jharkhand 24.5 83.5 229.3 0.186 0.082 0.05 0.90 0.17 0.063 0.007 0.007
Jammu and 32.8 74.7 303.7 0.193 0.040 0.06 0.94 0.08 0.057 0.005 0.005
Punjab 30.5 74.5 228.1 0.191 0.051 0.05 0.93 0.10 0.042 0.005 0.004
Gujarat 23.6 68.7 12.2 0.201 0.487 0.00 0.97 1.00 0.002 0.002 0.002
Tripura 23.6 91.6 242.0 0.176 0.018 0.05 0.85 0.04 0.041 0.002 0.002
Rajasthan 29.4 73.6 38.3 0.198 0.083 0.01 0.96 0.17 0.475 0.001 0.001
Nagaland 26.5 94.5 2814.6 0.173 0.001 0.57 0.84 0.00 0.007 0.001 0.001
Jammu and 33.5 74.5 7.5 0.207 0.069 0.00 1.00 0.14 0.019 0.000 0.000
Assam 27.5 94.5 126.0 0.160 0.003 0.02 0.78 0.01 0.001 0.000 0.000
Meghalaya 25.5 92.5 23.9 0.182 0.008 0.00 0.88 0.02 0.004 0.000 0.000
Nagaland 25.5 93.5 476.9 0.185 0.000 0.10 0.90 0.00 0.086 0.000 0.000
Assam 27.5 95.5 36.1 0.163 0.000 0.01 0.79 0.00 0.033 0.000 0.000
Punjab 30.5 76.5 2.1 0.192 0.081 0.00 0.93 0.17 0.005 0.000 0.000
Jammu and 33.0 73.9 31.5 0.000 0.000 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
Nagaland 26.7 95.2 203.0 0.169 0.000 0.04 0.82 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
M. King et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110705
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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Volume 140, Issue , April 2021, Page
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2021.110760
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 140 (2021) 110760
The authors regret that incorrect information has been presented in point description of the PG&E project is corrected to:
the paper:
In Section 2.1 and Table 2, the Norton CAES plant storage method • Another proposed large-scale conventional CAES project was the
should be given as “Repurposed limestone mine”, there should be no Advanced Underground CAES facility from PG&E planned for San
reference to aquifer storage as this was not considered for Norton. The Joaquin County, California [37]. The facility aimed to deliver 300
first bullet point in Section 2.1 should read: MW and utilise a depleted gas reservoir. The project was outlined for
three phases, although concluded at the end of the first because of
• The Norton CAES facility was a proposed project of up to 2700 MW, uncompetitive economic conditions [91]. However, the project
planned to be developed in Norton, Ohio repurposing a disused demonstrated the feasibility of using depleted natural gas reservoirs
limestone mine as the storage method. The project suffered set-backs for CAES systems.
for a number of years and was finally discontinued in 2013 [49] [90].
In Section 3.1, paragraph 5, when referencing the PG&E CAES
with the addition of references. project, “is” is corrected to “was” to indicate the project is discontinued.
In Table 2, Feicheng A-CAES plant storage method should state A corrected version of Table 2 is presented here.
“Solution mined salt cavern” with no reference to repurposed “coal mine The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused to
caverns”. the editors and readers.
In Section 2.1 and Table 2, PG&E Advanced Underground CAES was Table 2. Major recent CAES projects.
discontinued in 2018. The Project Status and Years Active should be
amended to “Not realised” and “2010–2018” respectively. The bullet
Norton CAES plant Norton, Ohio, Conventional diabatic, gas fuelled Commercial Not realised 2001–2013 800–2700 – – 55–110 Repurposed [49] [90]
USA limestone mine
GAELECTRIC Northern Islandmagee, Co Conventional diabatic, gas fuelled Commercial Not realised 2008–2019 200 (charge) 1980 – – Solution mined salt [51] [32]
Ireland Antrim, 330 cavern
UK (discharge)
Seneca CAES Project Reading, New York, Conventional diabatic, gas fuelled Demonstration Not realised 2010–2012 130–210 2000 – – Solution mined salt [34] [33]
USA cavern
SustainX Smart Grid Seabrook, New Isothermal, innovative water-foam mixture Demonstration Discontinued 2013–2015 2.2 (charge) 1 54 12–207 Above ground [41]
Programme Hampshire, employed to ensure constant heat transfer 1.65 pressure vessels
USA during compression and expansion (discharge)
ADELE project Staβfurt, Adiabatic, sensible heat store Commercial Discontinued 2010–2016 200 1000 70 100 Solution mined salt [35] [32]
Germany caverns [52]
PG&E Advanced San Joaquin County, Conventional diabatic, gas fuelled Commercial Not realised 2010–2018 300 – – – Depleted natural gas [37] [32]
Underground CAES California, USA store [91]
TICC-500 Tsinghua University, Adiabatic, sensible heat store Demonstration Active 2014 – 0.5 0.5 33 30–110 Overground storage [53] [35]
China present tank
Chinese Academy of Bijie City, Guizhou, Adiabatic, sensible heat store Demonstration Active 2017 – 2.8 (charge) 40 62.3 70 Overground storage [48]
References les/2013/10/ohio-board-revokes-approval-for-2700-mw-compressed-air-project.
html. [Accessed 19 January 2021].
[91] Pacific Gas, Electric Company. Technical Feasibility of Compressed Air Energy
[90] TransmissionHub. “Ohio board revokes approval for 2,700-MW compressed air
Storage (CAES) Utilizing a Porous Rock Reservoir. 2018. Final Report. DOE-PGE-
project,” 09 10 2013 [Online]. Available: https://www.transmissionhub.com/artic
00198-1," San Francisco.