Perceptions of Higher Education Students Towards E-Learning and Face-to-Face Learning in Pakistani Context
Perceptions of Higher Education Students Towards E-Learning and Face-to-Face Learning in Pakistani Context
Perceptions of Higher Education Students Towards E-Learning and Face-to-Face Learning in Pakistani Context
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- In general, education at all levels is oriented With an innovative advancement, students now require
towards the future; students must adapt to a dynamic and quality projects that they may access at any time and from any
swiftly changing environment. These days, student-focused location. As a result of these requests, e-learning has become a
approaches to education are gaining popularity, and realistic and appealing option for professionals, and other such
Pakistan is no exception. The purpose of this study was to populations. Besides from flexibility and availability,
determine how students in higher education perceive e- numerous other claimed value advantages, including as
learning and face-to-face learning. Using empirical program selection and time efficiency, have raised the appeal
statistical techniques, the data was collected, normalized, of e-learning (Wladis, Conway, & Hachey, 2015). On the
and analyzed. As a representative sample, 202 students other hand, traditional approach is a well-known teaching
were included in this study. The researcher created the medium wherein an instructional methods and Organization
instrument to assess students' perceptions of e-learning has been refined over time. Face-to-face training has some
and face-to-face learning in higher education. SPSS advantages that online instruction does not. (Xu & Jaggars,
(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was utilized to 2013).
analyse the data. In comparison to e-learning, students
have a favorable opinion of face-to-face learning, In the last ten years, there has been emotional growth and
according to the findings. It was determined that there is diverse advantages when it comes to using e-learning in
no significant difference between male and female pupils' teaching (Allen, 2017). A massive number of pupils are
perceptions overall. Additionally, there is no significant attending their classes online, prompting educators to create
difference based on location. To gain a deeper online courses to improve teaching and learning effectiveness
comprehension of the phenomenon, it is suggested that a (Evans, 2014). Several studies have shown that e-learning can
qualitative approach be adopted. Future research may improve student collaboration, improve communication
either confirm or refute the results of this study. quality, and enhance online intelligence.
Keywords:- Higher Education Students, Perception, E- Due to various technological developments, "Digital
Learning, f2f Learning tools like as WebCT, eCollege, and Blackboard" (Halawi,
McCarthy, & Pires, 2009) are used in online learning
I. INTRODUCTION programs. In light to technical, sociological, and economic
developments, schools and the number of online course
As COVID-19 spread around the world, numerous offerings at colleges has grown at an exponential rate. over the
nations asked for the closure of all educational institutions. All last decade (Ozerbas, Erdogan, & Society, 2016)
educational institutions were forced to close in order to protect
their pupils from the virus. The coronavirus impeded the Most of the overall assistance opt for synchronous and
development of e-learning, but few institutions in developing asynchronous internet teaching techniques: coordination of
nations are adequately prepared to teach online effectively, as activities is where offers courses at a pre-planned time as part
the transition from face-to-face to online learning was a of splendidly having to learn courses, whereas the
significant one. Traditionally, face-to-face learning was nontraditional approach refers to the workforce attempting to
considered superior to e-learning. It is primarily due to the provide the course without the students' participation. There is
need for social presence, social cooperation, and student no interaction between the professor and the students.
This study is aimed at investigating the higher education
students’ perception regarding e-learning and face-to-face
learning in Pakistani context. This study findings may help to
validate the existing literature.
15 75 49.09 17.363
Note: N = 202
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