Extending The Technology Acceptance Model For Use of E-Learning Systems by Digital Learners
Extending The Technology Acceptance Model For Use of E-Learning Systems by Digital Learners
Extending The Technology Acceptance Model For Use of E-Learning Systems by Digital Learners
Received October 16, 2018, accepted November 5, 2018, date of publication November 26, 2018,
date of current version December 19, 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2881384
strong inclination toward the use of mobile devices and social II. RELATED WORK
networks [7]. Therefore, the question of technology accep- Rapid advancements in ICT are resulting in the massive
tance by digital natives or learners requires the incorporation integration of smartphone applications and social networks
of a host of individually related influential factors relevant to into the personal and professional lives of users of these tech-
this generation of technology. nologies. With the development of technology, various mod-
The objectives of this research study are to develop and els for technology-acceptance behaviors started to emerge.
present a model of e-learning system adoption based on Users’ acceptance of these technologies and resulting mod-
the technology-acceptance model (TAM) and subsequent els and theories of technology acceptance have been widely
research experiences gathered from different variants of the explored [10]–[13]. Table 1 provides a summary of various
model. We explore and develop relationships between the models that have been proposed in literature. The external
perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) factors proposed and considered significant in influencing BI
of the e-learning system in the presence of certain influ- to use technology systems are also provided. Most of these
encing factors, including learners’ self-efficacy, enjoyment, models are targeted toward the use of information systems in
perception of external control, subjective norm, result demon- various contexts and indicate the importance of research on
strability and system accessibility. After a review of the BI to use these systems.
literature relevant to these internal and external variables,
an extension to the TAM model is proposed to study the TABLE 1. Models and theories of technology acceptance.
behavioral intention (BI) of students toward the adoption of
e-learning systems by students. The hypothesized relation-
ships are analyzed and conclusions are drawn based on the
To the best of our knowledge, research that links tech-
nology acceptance behavior with characteristics of digital
natives or learners is lacking. Although many previous studies
have explored and extended TAM, it has primarily been used
on the basis of frequently occurring external variables in
literature [8]. Hence, some of these studies have reported
insignificant relationships between external variables and the
use of technology considering that the proposed models have
been tested on samples comprising digital natives [9]. These
facts provide the motivation for this research and highlight
a need for re-investigating external factors and relationships
among TAM variables. Our research contribution culminates
in an extended TAM in which external factors relevant to
digital natives are proposed. Frequently studied external fac-
tors in the past such as computer anxiety, experience, and
self-efficacy are questioned for relevance to digital natives,
resulting in our proposed model that has better explanatory
power compared with previous models wherein these vari-
ables were included. Moreover, the external factor of attitude
toward using technology was initially removed from TAM
and its successor models because of its nonsignificant effects
on TAM relationships. However, attitude toward technology
has been reinstated in our proposed model with noteworthy
research findings.
This paper is organized as follows. The next section intro-
duces the work related to various models and theories of The development of new theoretical research frameworks
technology acceptance. An overview of technology accep- have mostly relied on TAM and its variants as it became
tance specifically for learning in higher education institutes the most widely studied model. This model is supported by
is described in Section III. Section IV gives an account of the abundant empirical data collected and analyzed in various
external variables and presents the proposed extended model contexts. The key variables frequently used in the mentioned
for technology acceptance for e-learning systems. Section V models can be identified as PU (performance expectancy),
mentions the research methodology, and Section VI pro- PEOU (effort expectancy), subjective norm (social influ-
vides the results of the measurement and structural models. ence), enjoyment, and attitude toward the use of technology.
Section VII discusses the results, and Section VIII concludes The next section discusses the application of TAM to the
the paper with implications of the research. acceptance of e-learning systems in higher education.
the theory of planned behavior, TAM-2, and UTAUT models, E. PERCEPTION OF EXTERNAL CONTROL (PEC)
as evident in Table 1. In the case of e-learning, it is about External control is defined as the extent to which a person
how a student’s inclination to use e-learning is influenced trusts that relevant technical resources exist in an organization
by the opinions of friends and faculty members in an edu- to support system utilization for performing tasks [20]. PEC
cational context. Subjective norm can be the extent to which has been alternatively called facilitating conditions because
a student feels the environment and peer pressure to practice complex systems require organizational support for their suc-
e-learning [35]. People who are valued commonly influence a cessful implementation. The same has been considered as
person in real life; likewise, if beliefs can be used as an argu- an important external factor in previous research, leading
ment in favor of e-learning adoption, then a student would to increased levels of user acceptance of new systems [19],
definitely give importance to such beliefs and render them [20], [46]. Moreover, during the development of TAM-3,
useful for adoption. Subjective norm then acts like an intrin- PEC has been identified as a determinant of the PEOU of
sic motivator to influence students to use e-learning [36]. an e-learning system [21]. In a previous research on testing
A student is more likely to develop affirmative beliefs about TAM-3 in Saudi Arabia to ascertain learner intentions of
technology-based learning and its applications in real life if using the e-learning system, facilitating conditions or percep-
he or she would be positively influenced by those close to tions of external control have been determined to have the
him or her. Considering that peer and instructor influences strongest effect on the PEOU [28]. This finding suggests that
exist in local culture, SN is included in the model and the the beliefs of an individual about the presence of necessary
following hypothesis is proposed. resources and technical or organizational support enable the
[H2] A positive relationship exists between SN and the PU use of the system. For these reasons, we decided to include
of an e-learning system. this variable in the proposed model. The related hypothesis is
stated as follows.
C. ENJOYMENT (ENJ) [H5] A positive relationship exists between PEC and the
Enjoyment in the context of technology-based systems is PEOU of an e-learning system.
related to the activity of using these systems and perceiving
them to be agreeable and pleasing on their own [25]. Multiple F. SYSTEM ACCESSIBILITY (SYSACC)
studies involving research on multimedia e-learning sys- System accessibility simply implies that an accessible system
tems, web-based training, and learning systems have shown a can be used more conveniently and frequently than a system
strong positive relationship between the enjoyment and PU of that is inaccessible and provides barriers in its use [24].
these learning systems, thereby increasing students’ intention Problems such as the unavailability of appropriate technical
to use these systems [28], [37]–[40]. Moreover, a significant infrastructure and slow speed internet connections hinder
positive relationship has been found between enjoyment and system accessibility. Students tend not to use online learning
PU in 100% of studies proposing the GETAMEL model [8]. materials when issues of network connection, internet speed,
Thus, this external variable is considered a strong candidate and access reliability exist [47], [48]. Accordingly, these tech-
for inclusion in the hypothesized model of this study, and the nical aspects of accessibility become critical success factors
following hypothesis is proposed. that determine the usability of an online-learning system.
[H3] A positive relationship exists between ENJ and the System accessibility has been considered as a significant
PEOU of an e-learning system. external factor in other studies that had based their research
model on TAM to predict the adoption and use of e-learning
D. SELF-EFFICACY (SE) systems [24], [36], [49], [50]. Given that poorly accessible
Self-efficacy is used as a common external factor of TAM systems may not be usable even in the presence of favorable
in a large number of studies. Computer self-efficacy (CSE) attitude and intention to use, this variable is included in the
is defined as one’s belief about his/her ability to accomplish proposed model along with the following hypothesis to be
a particular task using a computer [41]. Computer literacy tested.
and computer anxiety are related in the sense that they can [H6] A positive relationship exists between SYSACC and
affect users’ self-efficacy. Higher computer anxiety may the PEOU of an e-learning system.
result in poor performance and will negatively influence
the use of computers because these are avoided by peo- G. ADDITIONAL HYPOTHESES
ple who consider them too complex and believe that they Apart from the six external variables discussed earlier, addi-
cannot use them [42]. This finding suggests that students tional paths exist between the key constructs of TAM (Fig. 1),
who have higher e-learning self-efficacy are more likely to which need to be tested for significance after the inclusion of
use e-learning and computer-supported education [43]–[45]. these external variables. Thus, the following five additional
Thus, the following hypothesis is proposed. hypotheses are proposed.
[H4] A positive relationship exists between SE and the [H7] A positive relationship exists between the PEOU and
PEOU of an e-learning system. PU of an e-learning system.
[H8] A positive relationship exists between the PEOU of the most common disciplines in undergraduate education
and ATT toward an e-learning system. in Pakistan. Demographic details of participants and their
[H9] A positive relationship exists between the PU of and e-learning experiences were gathered in addition to informa-
ATT toward an e-learning system. tion about constructs of the research model. The approach
[H10] A positive relationship exists between the PU of and used for research constituted two steps. First, the measure-
BI toward an e-learning system. ment model was validated by confirmatory factor analysis
[H11] A positive relationship exists between the ATT and (CFA). Second, a structural model and path analysis were
BI toward an e-learning system. used to explore the relationships among the constructs to
perform hypothesis testing. The software used for statistical
V. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY analysis were IBM SPSS version 24 and AMOS [51], [52]
This study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional
design to investigate the relationships among the constructs B. DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS
of the proposed research model. The development of research A total of 479 responses were collected. Among them,
instruments involved 10 constructs adapted from previously 437 were considered usable after thorough data screening,
validated instruments used in similar contexts. Table 2 which included the removal of un-engaged responses and
contains references to previous research from where the multivariate outliers. The sample consisted of 76% males
questionnaire items for each of these constructs were adopted. and 24% females. About 87% of the students had their own
Each construct had multiple items measured using the five- PC/laptop. More than 50% of the students had computer
point Likert scale ranging from (1) strongly disagree to experience of over 7 years, and only about 15% students had
(5) strongly agree. computer experience of less than 3 years. About 50% of the
students stated that they used the internet for over 14 hours
TABLE 2. Convergent validity and reliability of constructs. per week for learning activities. The most common way of
learning outside the classroom was using YouTube videos and
from related lectures of other universities offered at websites
such as Coursera. From the demographic data, we concluded
that these students were thoroughly experienced in using
computers and the internet for learning purposes, and that
computer anxiety was not an issue worth exploring in this
The measurement model was tested using AMOS 24 software
by conducting CFA with maximum likelihood estimates.
Validity and reliability of the constructs were checked first.
Composite reliability (CR) values should be >0.70, and aver-
age variance extracted (AVE) values should be >0.50 for con-
vergent validity [55]. Reliability of the research instrument
was determined by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient method
and should be >0.70 for acceptability [56]. Table 2 shows
that CR values are all >0.75 and AVE values are all >0.5,
indicating that all constructs have no issues related to con-
A. SAMPLING AND PROCEDURE vergent validity and reliability of scale. Measurement model
Data was collected from undergraduate students of twelve fit indices are provided in Table 3, in which a combination
universities in the Islamabad/Rawalpindi region and divided of absolute and incremental fit indices are shown. These
into two strata (public and private sector institutions). are the most frequently reported indices in literature related
Students studying computer science, management science, to structural equation modeling (SEM) [56]. The model-fit
and engineering disciplines were included as these were indices given in Table 3 are found to be within the required
TABLE 3. Model fit measures. measurement model. Structural model GOF closer to mea-
surement model-fit values are desirable and suggest a better
fit. Table 3 provides model-fit indices for the hypothesized
structural model.
The standardized coefficients are reported in Table 4, along
with the results of hypothesis testing. The structural model
with path coefficients are presented in Fig. 2. The fit indices
for the hypothesized model suggest adequate fit as the GOF
statistics for the model are well within the acceptable limits
of a good model fit.
The structural model attempted to identify dependence rela-
tionships among the model constructs, as the relationships are
assigned from one construct to another based on the research
model that has been proposed. A two-step approach was used
to assess the structural model as suggested by [58]. First,
goodness-of-fit (GOF) indices for the structural model are
evaluated, after which standardized parameter estimates are
used to justify the causal relationships and test the proposed
The first step requires testing of the overall model GOF
and assessing it using a similar criterion as done for the
C. COMPARISON WITH COMPETING MODEL habits of students to the extensive use of social networks
Based on the results of hypothesis testing, a competing model and multimedia systems for communication. Hence, they also
is considered for comparison purposes. The idea was to enjoy using these systems for learning at their own pace
identify the effect of model relationships with the variable and in their own time because multimedia e-learning systems
SE removed from the model. This model called Model-A provide students with a gratifying learning experience. This
contains all original constructs except for SE given the non- experience increases their motivation to learn even outside the
significant effect of SE on the PEOU. Model-fit measures formal classroom setting.
for our proposed extended TAM and Model-A are provided SE does not have a significant relationship with the PEOU
in Table 5 for comparison. contrary to previous research findings [28], [44].
Table 5 shows that the competing model with SE removed This finding is unexpected as it appears to contradict com-
results in a better model as evident from model-fit measures. mon belief that individuals with higher levels of computer
An interesting observation is that model R2 dropped by 1% SE are bound to be confident about their use of computer
only in the model without SE, indicating negligible reduction systems and can overcome any difficulty related to com-
in model explanatory power. puter use. Some previous studies as highlighted by [8] have
reported similar findings [35], [64], [65]. The most likely
VII. DISCUSSION explanation of this inconsistency is the fact that students in
This study aims to determine the relationship between pro- these studies have higher levels of computer experience and
posed external factors and the BI toward using e-learning efficacy. Results of the competing model without SE also
platforms in education as explained by their PU and PEOU. indicate that this construct does not affect BI toward using
Table 4 shows support for most of the proposed hypotheses. technology. Students who are digital natives and proficient
The results of the proposed model’s GOF measures confirm in using internet resources have a higher SE by default.
that the proposed model can adequately represent the col- Therefore, this construct does not contribute significantly as a
lected data and help understand the BI of digital learners determinant for the PEOU, neither does it significantly affect
toward using e-learning systems. The significance of each of BI when removed from the model. However, these findings
the model constructs as determined by hypothesis testing is may be substantiated by undertaking additional research in
then discussed. diverse contexts and with different student experience levels
RES had significant positive influence on PU as with technology.
hypothesized, which was consistent with previous studies The PEC positively affects PEOU of the e-learning system.
[28], [59], [60]. The tangibility of outcome or results of This construct is important as it relates to the availability of
using e-learning systems seem to appear significant to under- necessary technical infrastructure in the organization to sup-
graduate students who recognize that learning from internet port use of the system. Even if students strongly intend to use
resources can increase their learning and enables them to bet- e-learning systems, their BI is affected by the strong or poor
ter understand the course material. This finding also suggests availability of the necessary technical and support features of
that digital learners tend to go for technological resources for the system. This finding is also consistent with past studies
learning when they can evidently benefit from these resources [21], [28], [60].
by investing their time in learning from their use. SYSACC has a positive effect on the PEOU of an
The role of SN as an extrinsic motivational factor affecting e-learning system. This finding is consistent with past studies
student attitude and BI toward using e-learning has been pre- [66], [67]. With the advent of new technologies and learn-
viously established [9], [24], [28], [61]. Peers and instructors ing opportunities available, system accessibility to learners
are in a position to shape and influence student perceptions also requires the availability of asynchronous communication
to adopt e-learning systems. Moreover, social pressure and between learners and instructors, discussion fora, evaluation
influence of important persons in one’s life are prevalent fac- mechanisms, and system-support mechanisms for students.
tors in the Pakistani society, wherein individuals feel obliged The availability of mobile devices with students and the
to act upon or even change their behavior, opinion, and atti- provision of Wi-Fi services in university campuses is signif-
tude under the influence of those who they feel are important icantly increasing easy and quick access to information.
in their lives. PEOU does not have a significant relationship with
The positive effect of ENJ on PEOU is consistent with PU contrary to previous findings [8], [9]. A recent study
many past reports [9], [37], [62], [63]. The reason for the using GETAMEL to study e-learning adoption in Azerbaijan
significance of this construct is the relationship of the current showed that PEOU had a non-significant effect on the
PU [68]. About 70% of the students in this study had com- computer anxiety and experience, which are tested and found
puter and mobile related experience of over 3 years and were significant in other models such as GETAMEL, previously
proficient in using technological resources for e-learning. seem to be of little relevance with changed characteristics of
In the present research, students are also experienced in the students in the present age. Given that learning technologies
use of computers and the internet. Given that PEOU reflects keep evolving and newer ways to deliver learning content are
how users assess their ease of use of e-learning and deals bound to emerge, continuous research is required to update
with the intrinsic motivational aspect of using information the TAM. The proposed model is a step in that direction and is
technology [69], students with higher experience levels of expected to generate additional research in different contexts.
using computers have other reasons (e.g., enjoyment, and
result demonstrability) to use e-learning systems. For these VIII. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS
students or digital natives, using technology is a current way The deployment and use of e-learning systems in Pakistani
of life. universities is increasing, and students are expected to use
We observed that PEOU had a significant positive effect them in their courses. An extended TAM model for the
on ATT; however, the path from the PU to ATT was found adoption of technology for e-learning is proposed with fac-
to be non-significant. These findings are consistent with tors considered relevant to digital learners in a developing
previous ones from studies involving the attitude construct country. Subjective norm, perception of external control, sys-
[24], [70], [71]. Students finding e-learning systems easy to tem accessibility, enjoyment, and result demonstrability have
use have a favorable attitude toward using the system. a significant positive influence on using e-learning systems.
The PU is also found to have a significant positive affect Learners’ self-efficacy does not seem to influence the use
on BI. This path has been found to be significant in many of these systems by digital learners. Computer experience
previous studies as it is one of the key paths in the original and anxiety are not relevant to digital natives. Students are
TAM and has been a part of many extended TAM-based likely to use the e-learning systems if they have complete
models [8], [68], [70]. This finding shows that without any access, can see tangible results of use, are socially influenced
attitude formation, a system perceived useful can find a strong appropriately, and enjoy using these for a perceived benefit
BI toward using it. Useful implications for educators can be in fulfilling their academic needs. The role of ‘‘attitude’’
providing assistance to learners and emphasizing the effec- construct is re-established, and its importance is thus justi-
tiveness and usefulness of e-learning systems to increase their fied. This rationale explains the selection and testing of the
usage. Moreover, information and training sessions can help external/behavioral variables in the proposed model.
students understand how they could improve their learning in The practical implications of this research are relevant to
academic courses by using online resources. administration and faculty as well in addition to students.
This research has found attitude to be a significant predic- University administration can invest in relevant technical
tor of BI toward using e-learning. Some studies had removed infrastructure to enable successful implementation of
ATT from the model because of its weak role between inter- e-learning systems in academic programs. The use of mobile
construct relationships [40], [72]. However, the present study technologies is rendering e-learning systems convenient to
finds significant roles of the ATT construct, i.e., its effect on use and promotes collaborative learning. Faculty can prepare
BI is greater than that of PU, consistent with previous studies course material and assignments to enable personal mobile
[73], [74]. These findings suggest that a student’s attitude is devices to expand student engagement by exploring blended
a strong predictor of BI toward using the system with the fact learning opportunities. Research on technology acceptance
that students find this system easy to use. However, system for e-learning in the Pakistani higher education context is
usefulness does not affect student attitude toward it, thereby lacking, and this study helps shape similar studies undertaken
highlighting the importance of student attitude in Pakistani in other developing countries.
higher education. BI toward using the e-learning system is In the dynamic technical and academic learning scenarios,
more strongly affected by positive attitude toward the system no model can be the ultimate explanation of ground reality.
than by the usefulness of the system. Thus, students with a Hence, the present study is also limited in the sense that it
positive attitude toward e-learning systems are more likely can generate extensive results based on additional dimensions
to use them. Hence, course leaders and instructors need to being added to explain student BI and participation. Further
shape student attitudes and improve their engagement and research can be undertaken to study other external factors
desirability to use the system apart from merely proving that in different contexts and cultures in developed countries as
the system is useful for their studies and learning. well. The mediating and moderating effects on the BI toward
The key contribution of this research is an adaptation of technology adoption also warrants further analysis to study
TAM that explains the BI toward using e-learning systems user acceptance of e-learning.
by adding attitude and eliminating experience and computer
anxiety constructs, which do not apply to digital natives. The REFERENCES
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