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Ingles I

Final Project: Tower

Grupo “G”: Luca Dilda, Leonardo Ruiz

 General Information:

The tower crane is a machine designed to load and unload different materials.
This load is distributed through the use of a hook and tackle that remains suspended
thanks to the use of a cable. They are secured to the ground within the structure,
where space around the building is limited.
The Towers cranes are used to construct airports, hospitals, malls; in short,
they are used to build big constructions, where big weights are moved. They can
load, unload and transfer big weights to places where a person cannot reach.

 Features:

The horizontal truss girder is called the boom and the vertical column is
called the tower. The tower crane is a modern balancing crane. This is attached to the
ground (or to some attached structure). Due to the reach and height that they can
develop, they are widely used in the construction of tall structures.

 Parts of a Tower Crane:

o MAST: It is a metal lattice structure with a normally square section, whose

main mission is to provide the tower crane with sufficient height.
o JIB: It is a metal lattice structure with a normally triangular section, whose
main mission is to provide the crane with the necessary radius or reach.
o COUNTERJIB: The length ranges between 30 and 35% of the length of the
jib. At the end of the counterjib, the counterweights are placed. It is attached
to the mast in the area opposite the junction with the arrow.
o COUNTERWEIGHT: They are precast concrete structures that are placed to
stabilize the weight and inertia
produced in the crane shaft.
o BALLAST: It can be formed by a
buried footing or by several pieces of
precast concrete at the base of the
o CABLES AND HOOKS: The lifting
cable is one of the most delicate parts
of the crane and, in order to perform
properly, it must be used and
maintained correctly. The cable is made
of many braided wires.
o OPERATOR´S CAB: They protect the operator from possible accidents.
From here, the operator can control the tower crane.
o TROLLEY: The trolley is the piece that moves back and forward through the
jib. It has a pulley system that allows the hook to travel up and down the
o BASE: the base is responsible for holding all the tower cranes; they are
normally made of concrete, providing rigidity to the crane. Also, some bases
can be mobile, with a track and steel wheels.

The Tower Crane is mostly made of steel. This is an alloy of iron and carbon,
this provide more resistance to heavy weights. For structures that do not require
very high strength, the tower crane is made of carbon-steel.

 Specifications:

A typical tower crane has a maximum height of 265 feet (80 meters) without
support, with a maximum reach of 230 feet (70 meters). The maximum load the
crane can lift is 18 tons (39,690 pounds). The closer the load is to the center of
rotation, the more safely the crane can lift the weight.
The next’s specifications charts, show the information about the towers
cranes of different characteristics:

Height under hook max.: 47,40 m Height under hook max.: 86,9 m
Max load capacity: 5000 kg Max load capacity: 20000 kg
Max reach: 50 m Max reach: 81,50 m
Load capacity for max 1300 kg Load capacity for max 4000 kg
reach: reach:

Height under hook max.: 80 m Height under hook max.: 88,40 m

Max load capacity: 40000 kg Max load capacity: 40000 kg
Max reach: 80 m Max reach: 80 m
Load capacity for max 5800 kg Load capacity for max 11500 kg
reach: reach:

Height under hook max.: 79 m Height under hook max.: 73,80 m

Max load capacity: 40000 kg Max load capacity: 60000 kg
Max reach: 81 m Max reach: 80 m
Load capacity for max 12500 kg Load capacity for max 32000 kg
reach: reach:
 Process:

Next we will see the steps that the crane operator performs when
transporting a load to a building.

At first, a crane is used to load the materials to the truck to be able to

transport it to the job site. Then when the truck is on the job site the operator begins
to lower the hook until it reaches the height of the truck to hook the load. Once the
load is attached to the hook, the operator begins to slowly raise the load to avoid
accidents. Once the hook is at the desired height the operator begins to approach the
roof of the building horizontally. Finally, when the load is in the building, it is untied
and the hook is removed to hook the next load. These steps are repeated as many
times as necessary.

 Origins:

To start talking about the first tower cranes,

we must know the history of cranes in general. The
first cranes were composed of simple mechanisms,
counterweights and pulleys and were powered by
animals or people. These were designed and used by
the ancient Greek empire, where the first indications
date from 5th century. These were used to build
temples, replacing the ramps, beacause it allowed
them to lift between 15 and 20 tons. The first
mechanical exercises performed in writing were done by Aristoteles ( 384-322 b.C).

These cranes were adopted by the Romans, who later developed

improvements and new cranes, intended for different types of constructions. Among
them were tripasto, pentapasto and polipasto.

At the end of the high middle ages (approx. 10th century), manuscripts were
found with sketchs from tower cranes, formed by a column and an upper beam in
projecting. In the first half of the 20th century, these began to be produced, because
they were suitable for the narrow streets of the European cities. The rise of the tower
cranes was marked by the first company to manufacture them, it was
Maschinenfabrik Julius Wolf & Co. Which introduced them in 1908 and were
specifically designed in the construction of buildings, with electic motors and more
advanced cable and pulley sistems. Few changes have been made to date, added
security systems and hydraulic systems.
 Future developments:

The IntSite company will develop a new system for handling tower cranes
with artificial intelligence. This new technology will allow jobs to be carried out
more quickly and effectively. It will also provide more safety to the crane operator.
This system will use artificial vision technology, machine learning and deep learning.

The idea is to improve the crane by adding software with devices that
calibrate and program the operation before carrying out a job. Using the autonomous
mode, this will transport the materials from one place to another obtaining an
improvement in time since the computer will see the objects around it calculating the
closest route.

The Institute of Software Technologies will begin to create smaller-scale

simulations in order to detect objects and work area learning so that once in progress,
it can move autonomously around the work. It should be noted that each machinery
will have its own operator, as the system could fail.

Another innovation that is being studied for the future, the posibility that the
crane will use solar energy to power the electric motors responsible for driving the
cables and the crane's movements. This technology is under study by The Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, since, in it implementation, the solar panels
should produce approximately 200kW / h for each electric motor, knowing that a
domestic solar panel produces 1kW / h.

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