United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
group 6
Presented by:
April Bonilla Walters.
Geannina Mata Ulloa.
Reychell López Bosques.
Scotland England
The smallest territory
of the United Kingdom
located on the island
of Great Britain.
Divided into six citys, a
capital very famous
for the pier and the
oldest language in
Harle ch
Conw y
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Cae Be
Wales offers great
natural attractions
and many sites to
enrich the
knowledge of its
The rugby, a
sport of
Is not so
famous but
welsh food is
very diversed
United kingdom
Scotland England
Scotland is a country that is located in the northern part of the United Kingdom.
Despite being part of the UK, it has its own distinct culture and history. In addition
to this, the Scottish government has its own parliament and has power over
certain policy areas, such as education and healthcare. Scotland also has its own
flag, national anthem and sports teams, which are separate from the rest of the
Every August, the best pipers from all over the world gather in Glasgow for the world
championship. The competition lasts a week and presents the best bagpipers of the
moment. Also some legends say that the bagpipes were used in battles to generate panic
among the enemies. Scotland is a country with a great variety of culture and traditions
that remain to this day.
"Scotland and its legends"
he famous Loch Ness has been the attraction of many tourists due to the famous legend
of the "Loch Ness Monster". This legend begins to emerge around the year 1868 when an
article published that year in the Inverness Courier was the first to talk about the
existence of a huge creature or fish in the depths of the waters, years later in 1930
the Northern Chronicle newspaper published a news headlined “A strange experience in
Loch Ness” in which he told the story of two fishermen who claimed to have seen an
animal that produced a large whirlpool near Tore Point. To date it has not been proven
if the creature nicknamed "Nessi" is real or not, this famous legend is one of the
reasons why many tourists visit Scotland.
"Tourist attractions" "Edinburgh Castle"
Other reasons why Scotland attracts many
tourists is the Edinburgh Castle, this is a
historic fort found in Castle Rock. The
castle has played an important role in the
country's history and has been a royal
residence, military fortress and tourist
attraction throughout its existence.
Thousands of visitors come to explore the
castle's various exhibits, including the
scottish crown jewels and the stone of
destiny. The stone of destiny is a block of
sandstone that was used in the coronation of
Scottish Monarchs. The stone has been the
subject of various legends and myths,
including the belief that it was the stone
Jacob laid his head on in the bible, the stone
was stolen from Westminster Abbey in 1950
by a group of scottish nationalists and
returned to Scotland in 1996. Today, the
Stone of destiny is on display in the castle's
crown room. "Stone of destiny"
United kingdom
Scotland England
England is one of the four countries that are part of the United
Kingdom. The inhabitants of this country occupy 85% of the total of
the United Kingdom. England with an area of 130,395 km2 and is
located in the southern and central part of Great Britain, an island
that together with Scotland, Wales and other 100 small islands are
part of the United Kingdom.
North Ireland
Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. The country is known for its Norman castles,
glacial valleys and mountains, Celtic and Christian monuments and coastal links golf
courses. In the capital, Belfast, there are the political murals of the 20th century
"Troubles" conflict and the Titanic Quarter, showcasing the converted shipyards where the
famous ship was built, and the contemporary Titanic Belfas museum.
Finally, it was possible to observe the great cultural and traditional difference
that these UK countries have and how each one has its cultural essence that
captivates many tourists and the reasons that make them visit each of these
The United Kingdom is a nation of traditions that has since royalty and beautiful
architecture to incredible landscapes and biodiversity. It is a home of ancient
civilizations and great culture, literature and art that has passed throught
important generations for history.
Thank you for
your time!
Sincerely: Team 6