2 Flash4 Extra Grammar 4

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Extra Grammar • 4

Present simple (affirmative)

1 Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. I __________________ (get up) at 7:30 in the morning.

2. He _________________ (have) breakfast at 8:00 am.
3. We _________________ (walk) to school together at 8:15 am.
4. They __________________ (eat) lunch at 12:30 pm.
5. She __________________ (do) her homework after school.
6. You __________________ (watch) TV every evening.

2 Read the email and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the present simple.

Hi Andrew,
How are you? This is my daily routine. Every morning I 1) __________ (get) up at 7 o’clock. I
2) __________ (take) a shower. After that, I 3) __________ (walk) to school with my friend
Connor. After school, I 4) __________ (do) my homework and Connor 5) ___________ (go)
to football practice. In the evening, my family and I 6) __________ (have) dinner and then we
7) __________ (watch) TV. At 9:00 pm, I 8) __________ (go) to bed. What about you?
Write back soon,

Object personal pronouns

3 Fill in the gaps with the correct object personal pronoun.

1. Simon goes to tennis practice with _________ (we) on Wednesdays.

2. Rosie walks to school with _________ (I) every day.
3. His sister helps ____________ (he) do his homework.
4. Jenny is my best friend. I go out with __________ (she) every Friday.

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct object personal pronoun.

1. A: That is my sister! 3. A: Ben and Jessica are my cousins.

B: What’s __________ name? B: Can I come and meet __________ ?
2. A: My friend Bill is in your class. 4. A: He plays tennis every day.
B: Yes, I know __________ . B: Yes, he’s really good at __________.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Flash Klasa 4

Extra Grammar • 4

Adverbs of frequency

5 Fill in the gaps with the correct adverb of frequency.

1. She _____________ brushes her teeth in the morning. (100%)

2. He ______________ chats online with his friends. (50%)
3. They ______________ walk to school at 8:00 am. (75%)
4. I ________________ watch television in the evening. (25%)

6 Use the prompts to write a full sentence as in the example.

1. Sandra/always/get up/7 am/.

Sandra always gets up at 7 am.________________________________________
2. we/never/have dinner/in the afternoon/.
3. Julia/sometimes/take a shower/at night/.
4. Ted and I/often/play video games/after school/.

Prepositions of time (at, on, in)

7 Circle the correct preposition of time.

1. I go to basketball practice on / in Fridays.

2. My birthday is at / in November.
3. George plays video games in / at the evening.
4. You watch TV at / on the weekend.
5. They finish school at / on 3:30 pm.

8 Fill in the gaps with at, in or on.

1. I go to school ______ the autumn. 4. We eat lunch ______ noon.

2. Lyn finishes school ______ 3:00 pm. 5. Christmas is ______ December.
3. Oli’s birthday is ______ 8th July. 6. I go to the park ______ Saturdays.

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