Metabolism of Amino Acids

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Metabolism of Amino Acids

1. The body proteins are in a dynamic state (degradation and synthesis) and there
is an active amino acid pool (100 g) maintained for this purpose.
2. The amino acids undergo transamination and deamination to liberate ammonia
for the synthesis of urea, the end product of protein metabolism.
3. Besides being present as structural components of proteins, amino acids
participate in the formation of several biologically important compounds.
4. Glycine is involved in the synthesis of creatine, heme, purines, glutathione
5. Phenylalanine is hydroxylated to tyrosine, which is a precursor for the
production of skin pigment (melanin), catecholamines (dopamine,
epinephrine and norepinephrine) and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4).
6. Tryptophan is converted to NAD+ and NADP+, the coenzymes of niacin,
serotonin (a neurotransmitter) and melatonin.
7. The active methionine (SAM) is a donor of methyl group (transmethylation)
for the synthesis of many biological compounds (epinephrine, choline,
methylcytosine etc.).
8. Many amino acids contribute to onecarbon fragments (formyl, formimino,
methylene etc.) for participation in onecarbon metabolism—which is mostly
under the control of tetrahydrofolate.
9. The carbon skeleton of amino acids is involved either in the synthesis of
glucose (glycogenic) or fat (ketogenic), or both-glucose and fat.
10. Many inborn errors (mostly due to enzyme defects) in amino acid
metabolism have been identified. These include phenylketonuria (defect-
phenylalanine hydroxylase), albinism (defect-tyrosinase), maple syrup urine
disease (defect−α-keto acid dehydrogenase) etc.
The amino acids speak :
“We transaminate and deaminate to liberate ammonia;

That is detoxified in the liver to end product urea;

Greatly important to body are our nitrogen products;

Carbon skeleton is for glucose, fat or fuel.”

Proteins are the most abundant organic compounds and constitute a major
part of the body dry weight (10–12 kg in adults). They perform a wide variety of
static (structural) and dynamic (enzymes, hormones, clotting factors, receptors
etc.) functions. About half of the body protein (predominantly collagen) is
present in the supportive tissue (skeleton and connective) while the other half is
Proteins are nitrogen-containing macromolecules consisting of L-α-amino
acids as the repeating units. Of the 20 amino acids found in proteins, half can be
synthesized by the body (nonessential) while the rest have to be provided in the
diet (essential amino acids).
The proteins on degradation (proteolysis) release individual amino acids.
Amino acids are not just the structural components of proteins. Each one of the
20 naturally occurring amino acids undergoes its own metabolism and performs
specific functions. Some of the amino acids also serve as precursors for the
synthesis of many biologically important compounds (e.g. melanin, serotonin,
creatine etc.). Certain amino acids may directly act as neurotransmitters (e.g.
glycine aspartate, glutamate). Protein metabolism is more appropriately learnt
as metabolism of amino acids.
Amino acid pool
An adult has about 100 g of free amino acids which represent the amino acid
pool of the body. The amino acid pool may be an oversimplification of the facts,
since there is no single compartment—rather, several compartments exist.
Glutamate and glutamine together constitute about 50%, and essential amino
acids about 10% of the body pool (100 g). The concentration of intracellular
amino acids is always higher than the extracellular amino acids. Amino acids
enter the cells against a concentration gradient by active transport.
The amino acid pool of the body is maintained by the sources that contribute
(input) and the metabolic pathways that utilize (output) the amino acids

FIG. 15.1 Overview of body's amino acid pool—sources and utilization.

I Sources of amino acid pool

Turnover of body protein, intake of dietary protein and the synthesis of
nonessential amino acids contribute to the body amino acid pool.
(a) Protein turnover : The protein present in the body is in a dynamic state. It is
estimated that about 300–400 g of protein per day is constantly degraded and
synthesized which represents body protein turnover. There is a wide variation
in the turnover of individual proteins. For instance, the plasma proteins and
digestive enzymes are rapidly degraded, their half-lives being in hours or
days. The structural proteins (e.g. collagen) have long half-lives, often in
months and years.
Control of protein turnover : The turnover of the protein is influenced by
many factors. A small polypeptide called ubiquitin (mol. wt. 8,500) tags with
the proteins and facilitates degradation. Certain proteins with amino acid
sequence proline, glutamine (one letter code E), serine and threonine (PEST
sequence) are rapidly degraded.
(b) Dietary protein : There is a regular loss of nitrogen from the body due to
degradation of amino acids. In healthy adults, it is estimated that about 30–50
g of protein is lost everyday from the body. This amount of protein (30–50 g/
day) must, therefore, be supplied daily in the diet to maintain nitrogen
balance. The purpose of dietary protein is to supply amino acids (particularly
the essential ones) for the synthesis of proteins and other nitrogen
There is no storage form of amino acids as is the case for carbohydrates
(glycogen) and lipids (triacylglycerols). The excess intake of amino acids are
metabolized—oxidized to provide energy, converted to glucose or fat. The
amino groups are lost as urea and excreted. The protein consumption in
developed countries is much higher than the recommended dietary allowance
(i.e. 1g/kg body weight/day). The daily protein intake by an adult in most
countries is 40–100 g. Protein is digested by proteolytic enzymes to amino
acids which are absorbed in the intestine and enter the body pool of amino
(c) Synthesis of nonessential amino acids : Ten out of the 20 naturally
occurring amino acids can be synthesized by the body which contribute to the
amino acid pool.

II Utilization of amino acids from body pool

(a) Most of the body proteins (300-400 g/day) degraded are synthesized from the
amino acid pool. These include enzymes, hormones, immunoproteins,
contractile proteins etc.
(b) Many important nitrogenous compounds (porphyrins, purines, pyrimidines,
etc.) are produced from the amino acids. About 30 g of protein is daily
utilized for this purpose.
(c) Generally, about 10–15% of body energy requirements are met from the
amino acids.
(d) The amino acids are converted to carbohydrates and fats. This becomes
predominant when the protein consumption is in excess of the body

Metabolism of amino acids —general aspects

The amino acids undergo certain common reactions like transamination
followed by deamination for the liberation of ammonia. The amino group of the
amino acids is utilized for the formation of urea which is an excretory end
product of protein metabolism. The carbon skeleton of the amino acids is first
converted to keto acids (by transamination) which meet one or more of the
following fates.
1. Utilized to generate energy.
2. Used for the synthesis of glucose.
3. Diverted for the formation of fat or ketone bodies.
4. Involved in the production of nonessential amino acids.
A general picture of amino acid metabolism is depicted in Fig.15.2.
FIG. 15.2 An overview of amino acid metabolism.

The details of general and specific metabolic reactions of amino acids are
described in the following pages.

The transfer of an amino (−NH2) group from an amino acid to a keto acid is
known as transamination. This process involves the interconversion of a pair of
amino acids and a pair of keto acids, catalysed by a group of enzymes called
transaminases (recently, aminotransferases).

Salient features of transamination

1. All transaminases require pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), a coenzyme derived
from vitamin B6.
2. Specific transaminases exist for each pair of amino and keto acids. However,
only two— namely, aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase—make
a significant contribution for transamination.
3. There is no free NH3 liberated, only the transfer of amino group occurs.
4. Transamination is reversible (Fig.15.3).

FIG. 15.3 Transamination reaction.

5. Transamination is very important for the redistribution of amino groups and

production of nonessential amino acids, as per the requirement of the cell. It
involves both catabolism (degradation) and anabolism (synthesis) of amino
6. Transamination diverts the excess amino acids towards energy generation.
7. The amino acids undergo transamination to finally concentrate nitrogen in
glutamate. Glutamate is the only amino acid that undergoes oxidative
deamination to a significant extent to liberate free NH3 for urea synthesis.
8. All amino acids except lysine, threonine, proline and hydroxyproline
participate in transamination.
9. Transamination is not restricted to α-amino groups only. For instance, δ-
amino group of ornithine is transaminated.
10. Serum transaminases are important for diagnostic and prognostic purposes.
(Refer Chapter 6).

Mechanism of transamination
Transamination occurs in two stages (Fig.15.4)
FIG. 15.4 Mechanism of transamination—(A) Involvement of pyridoxal
phosphate (PLP) in the transfer of amino group, (B) Formation of enzyme-
PLP-Schiff base and amino acid-PLP-Schiff base.
Note that when the amino acid binds, enzyme separates.

1. Transfer of the amino group to the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate (bound to

the coenzyme) to form pyridoxamine phosphate.
2. The amino group of pyridoxamine phosphate is then transferred to a keto acid
to produce a new amino acid and the enzyme with PLP is regenerated.
All the transaminases require pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), a derivative of
vitamin B6. The aldehyde group of PLP is linked with ε-amino group of lysine
residue, at the active site of the enzyme forming a Schiff base (imine linkage).
When an amino acid (substrate) comes in contact with the enzyme, it displaces
lysine and a new Schiff base linkage is formed. The amino acid-PLP-Schiff base
tightly binds with the enzyme by noncovalent forces. Snell and Braustein
proposed a Ping Pong Bi Bi mechanism involving a series of intermediates
(aldimines and ketimines) in transamination reaction.

The removal of amino group from the amino acids as NH3 is deamination.
Transamination (discussed above) involves only the shuffling of amino groups
among the amino acids. On the other hand, deamination results in the liberation
of ammonia for urea synthesis. Simultaneously, the carbon skeleton of amino
acids is converted to keto acids. Deamination may be either oxidative or non-
Although transamination and deamination are separately discussed, they occur
simultaneously, often involving glutamate as the central molecule. For this
reason, some authors use the term transdeamination while describing the
reactions of transamination and deamination, particularly involving glutamate.

I Oxidative deamination
Oxidative deamination is the liberation of free ammonia from the amino group
of amino acids coupled with oxidation. This takes place mostly in liver and
kidney. The purpose of oxidative deamination is to provide NH3 for urea
synthesis and α-keto acids for a variety of reactions, including energy

Role of glutamate dehydrogenase

In the process of transamination, the amino groups of most amino acids are
transferred to α-ketoglutarate to produce glutamate. Thus, glutamate serves as a
‘collection centre’ for amino groups in the biological system. Glutamate rapidly
undergoes oxidative deamination, catalysed by glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH)
to liberate ammonia. This enzyme is unique in that it can utilize either NAD+ or
NADP+ as a coenzyme. Conversion of glutamate to α-ketoglutarate occurs
through the formation of an intermediate, α-iminoglutarate (Fig.15.5).

FIG. 15.5 Oxidation of glutamate by glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH).

Glutamate dehydrogenase catalysed reaction is important as it reversibly links

up glutamate metabolism with TCA cycle through α-ketoglutarate. GDH is
involved in both catabolic and anabolic reactions.

Regulation of GDH activity

Glutamate dehydrogenase is a zinc containing mitochondrial enzyme. It is a
complex enzyme consisting of six identical units with a molecular weight of
56,000 each. GDH is controlled by allosteric regulation. GTP and ATP inhibit—
whereas GDP and ADP activate—glutamate dehydrogenase. Steroid and thyroid
hormones inhibit GDH.
After ingestion of a protein-rich meal, liver glutamate level is elevated. It is
converted to α-ketoglutarate with liberation of NH3. Further, when the cellular
energy levels are low, the degradation of glutamate is increased to provide α-
ketoglutarate which enters TCA cycle to liberate energy.

Oxidative deamination by amino acid oxidases

L-Amino acid oxidase and D-amino acid oxidase are flavoproteins, possessing
FMN and FAD, respectively. They act on the corresponding amino acids (L or
D) to produce α-keto acids and NH3. In this reaction, oxygen is reduced to H2O2,
which is later decomposed by catalase (Fig.15.6).
FIG. 15.6 Oxidative deamination of amino acids.

The activity of L-amino acid oxidase is much low while that of D-amino acid
oxidase is high in tissues (mostly liver and kidney). L-Amino acid oxidase does
not act on glycine and dicarboxylic acids. This enzyme, due to its very low
activity, does not appear to play any significant role in the amino acid

Fate of D-amino acids

D-Amino acids are found in plants and microorganisms. They are, however, not
present in the mammalian proteins. But D-amino acids are regularly taken in the
diet and metabolized by the body. D-Amino acid oxidase converts them to the
respective α-keto acids by oxidative deamination. The α-keto acids so produced
undergo transamination to be converted to L-amino acids which participate in
various metabolisms. Keto acids may be oxidized to generate energy or serve as
precursors for glucose and fat synthesis. Thus, D-amino acid oxidase is
important as it initiates the first step for the conversion of unnatural D-amino
acids to L-amino acids in the body (Fig.15.7).
FIG. 15.7 Metabolic fate of D-amino acids.

II Non-oxidative deamination
Some of the amino acids can be deaminated to liberate NH3 without undergoing
(a) Amino acid dehydrases : Serine, threonine and homoserine are the hydroxy
amino acids. They undergo non-oxidative deamination catalysed by
PLPdependent dehydrases (dehydratases).

(b) Amino acid desulfhydrases : The sulfur amino acids, namely cysteine and
homocysteine, undergo deamination coupled with desulfhydration to give
keto acids.
(c) Deamination of histidine : The enzyme histidase acts on histidine to liberate
NH3 by a non-oxidative deamination process.

Metabolism of ammonia
Ammonia is constantly being liberated in the metabolism of amino acids
(mostly) and other nitrogenous compounds. At the physiological pH, ammonia
exists as ammonium ( ) ion.

I Formation of ammonia
The production of NH3 occurs from the amino acids (transamination and
deamination), biogenic amines, amino group of purines and pyrimidines and by
the action of intestinal bacteria (urease) on urea.

II Transport and storage of NH3

Despite a regular and constant production of NH3 from various tissues, its
concentration in the circulation is surprisingly low (normal plasma 10–20
mg/dl). This is mostly because the body has an efficient mechanism for NH3
transport and its immediate utilization for urea synthesis. The transport of
ammonia between various tissues and the liver mostly occurs in the form of
glutamine or alanine and not as free ammonia. Alanine is important for NH3
transport from muscle to liver by glucose-alanine cycle (Refer Fig.13.13).

Role of glutamine
Glutamine is a storehouse of NH3. It is present at the highest concentration (8
mg/dl in adults) in blood among the amino acids. Glutamine serves as a storage
and transport form of NH3. Its synthesis mostly occurs in liver, brain and muscle.
Ammonia is removed from the brain predominantly as glutamine. Glutamine is
freely diffusible in tissues, hence easily transported.
Glutamine synthetase (a mitochondrial enzyme) is responsible for the
synthesis of glutamine from glutamate and ammonia. This reaction is
unidirectional and requires ATP and Mg2+ ions.
Glutamine can be deaminated by hydrolysis to release ammonia by
glutaminase (Fig.15.8) an enzyme mostly found in kidney and intestinal cells.

FIG. 15.8 Synthesis of glutamine and its conversion to glutamate. (Note :

The reactions are independent and irreversible).

III Functions of ammonia

Ammonia is not just a waste product of nitrogen metabolism. It is involved
(directly or via glutamine) for the synthesis of many compounds in the body.
These include nonessential amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, amino sugars,
asparagine etc. Ammonium ions (NH4+) are very important to maintain acid-base
balance of the body.

IV. Disposal of ammonia

The organisms, during the course of evolution, have developed different
mechanisms for the disposal of ammonia from the body. The animals in this
regard are of three different types
(a) Ammoniotelic : The aquatic animals dispose off NH3 into the surrounding
(b) Uricotelic : Ammonia is converted mostly to uric acid e.g. reptiles and birds.
(c) Ureotelic : The mammals including man convert NH3 to urea. Urea is a non-
toxic and soluble compound, hence easily excreted.

V. Toxicity of ammonia
Even a marginal elevation in the blood ammonia concentration is harmful to the
brain. Ammonia, when it accumulates in the body, results in slurring of speech
and blurring of the vision and causes tremors. It may lead to coma and, finally,
death, if not corrected.

Elevation in blood NH3 level may be genetic or acquired. Impairment in urea
synthesis due to a defect in any one of the five enzymes is described in urea
synthesis. All these disorders lead to hyperammonemia and cause hepatic coma
and mental retardation. The acquired hyperammonemia may be due to hepatitis,
alcoholism etc. where the urea synthesis becomes defective, hence NH3

Explanation for NH3 toxicity

The reaction catalysed by glutamate dehydrogenase probably explains the toxic
affects of NH3 in brain

Accumulation of NH3 shifts the equilibrium to the right with more glutamate
formation, hence more utilization of α-ketoglutarate. α-Ketoglutarate is a key
intermediate in TCA cycle and its depleted levels impair the TCA cycle. The net
result is that production of energy (ATP) by the brain is reduced. The toxic
effects of NH3 on brain are, therefore, due to impairment in ATP formation.

Trapping and elimination of ammonia

When the plasma level of ammonia is highly elevated, intravenous
administration of sodium benzoate and phenyllactate is done. These compounds
can respectively condense with glycine and glutamate to form water soluble
products that can be easily excreted. By this way, ammonia can be trapped and
removed from the body. In some instances of toxic hyperammonemia,
hemodialysis may become necessary.

Urea cycle
Urea is the end product of protein metabolism (amino acid metabolism). The
nitrogen of amino acids, converted to ammonia (as described above), is toxic to
the body. It is converted to urea and detoxified. As such, urea accounts for 80–
90% of the nitrogen containing substances excreted in urine.
Urea is synthesized in liver and transported to kidneys for excretion in urine.
Urea cycle is the first metabolic cycle that was elucidated by Hans Krebs and
Kurt Henseleit (1932), hence it is known as Krebs-Henseleit cycle. The
individual reactions, however, were described in more detail later on by Ratner
and Cohen.
Urea has two amino (−NH2) groups, one derived from NH3 and the other
from aspartate. Carbon atom is supplied by CO2. Urea synthesis is a five-step
cyclic process, with five distinct enzymes. The first two enzymes are present in
mitochondria while the rest are localized in cytosol. The details of urea cycle are
described (Figs.15.9 and 15.10).

FIG. 15.9 Outline of urea cycle. (Note : In the synthesis of urea one
amino group comes from ammonium ion while the other is from aspartate;
carbon is derived from CO2. This is represented in colours.)

FIG. 15.10 Reactions of urea cycle (NAG—N-acetylglutamate; in the

formation of urea, one amino group is derived from free ammonium ion
while the other is from aspartate; carbon is obtained from CO2; *
mitochondrial enzymes, the rest of the enzymes are cytosomal).

1. Synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate : Carbamoyl phosphate synthase I (CPS

I) of mitochondria catalyses the condensation of ions with CO2 to form
carbamoyl phosphate. This step consumes two ATP and is irreversible, and
rate-limiting. CPS I requires N-acetylglutamate for its activity. Another
enzyme, carbamoyl phosphate synthase II (CPS II)— involved in pyrimidine
synthesis—is present in cytosol. It accepts amino group from glutamine and
does not require N-acetylglutamate for its activity.
2. Formation of citrulline : Citrulline is synthesized from carbamoyl phosphate
and ornithine by ornithine transcarbamoylase. Ornithine is regenerated and
used in urea cycle. Therefore, its role is comparable to that of oxaloacetate in
citric acid cycle. Ornithine and citrulline are basic amino acids. (They are
never found in protein structure due to lack of codons). Citrulline produced in
this reaction is transported to cytosol by a transporter system.
3. Synthesis of arginosuccinate : Arginosuccinate synthase condenses citrulline
with aspartate to produce arginosuccinate. The second amino group of urea is
incorporated in this reaction. This step requires ATP which is cleaved to
AMP and pyrophosphate (PPi). The latter is immediately broken down to
inorganic phosphate (Pi).
4. Cleavage of arginosuccinate : Arginosuccinase cleaves arginosuccinate to
give arginine and fumarate. Arginine is the immediate precursor for urea.
Fumarate liberated here provides a connecting link with TCA cycle,
gluconeogenesis etc.
5. Formation of urea : Arginase is the fifth and final enzyme that cleaves
arginine to yield urea and ornithine. Ornithine, so regenerated, enters
mitochondria for its reuse in the urea cycle. Arginase is activated by Co2+ and
Mn2+. Ornithine and lysine compete with arginine (competitive inhibition).
Arginase is mostly found in the liver, while the rest of the enzymes (four) of
urea cycle are also present in other tissues. For this reason, arginine synthesis
may occur to varying degrees in many tissues. But only the liver can
ultimately produce urea.

Overall reaction and energetics

The urea cycle is irreversible and consumes 4 ATP. Two ATP are utilized for the
synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate. One ATP is converted to AMP and PPi to
produce arginosuccinate which equals to 2 ATP. Hence 4 ATP are actually

Regulation of urea cycle

The first reaction catalysed by carbamoyl phosphate synthase I (CPS I) is rate-
limiting reaction or committed step in urea synthesis. CPS I is allosterically
activated by N-acetylglutamate (NAG). It is synthesized from glutamate and
acetyl CoA by synthase and degraded by a hydrolase (Fig.15.11).

FIG. 15.11 Formation and degradation of N-acetylglutamate.

The rate of urea synthesis in liver is correlated with the concentration of N-

acetylglutamate. High concentrations of arginine increase NAG. The
consumption of a protein-rich meal increases the level of NAG in liver, leading
to enhanced urea synthesis.
Carbamoyl phosphate synthase I and glutamate dehydrogenase are localized
in the mitochondria. They coordinate with each other in the formation of NH3,
and its utilization for the synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate. The remaining four
enzymes of urea cycle are mostly controlled by the concentration of their
respective substrates.

Disposal of urea
Urea produced in the liver freely diffuses and is transported in blood to kidneys,
and excreted. A small amount of urea enters the intestine where it is broken
down to CO2 and NH3 by the bacterial enzyme urease. This ammonia is either
lost in the feces or absorbed into the blood. In renal failure, the blood urea level
is elevated (uremia), resulting in diffusion of more urea into intestine and its
breakdown to NH3. Hyperammonemia (increased blood NH3) is commonly seen
in patients of kidney failure. For these patients, oral administration of antibiotics
(neomycin) to kill intestinal bacteria is advised.

Integration between urea cycle and TCA cycle

Urea cycle is linked with TCA cycle in three different ways (Fig.15.12). This is
regarded as bicyclic integration between the two cycles.

FIG. 15.12 Interrelation between urea and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle
(Depicted in blue colour).

1. The production of fumarate in urea cycle is the most important integrating

point with TCA cycle. Fumarate is converted to malate and then to
oxaloacetate in TCA cycle. Oxaloacetate undergoes transamination to
produce aspartate which enters urea cycle. Here, it combines with citrulline to
produce arginosuccinate. Oxaloacetate is an important metabolite which can
combine with acetyl CoA to form citrate and get finally oxidized.
Oxaloacetate can also serve as a precursor for the synthesis of glucose
2. ATP (12) are generated in the TCA cycle while ATP (4) are utilized for urea
3. Citric acid cycle is an important metabolic pathway for the complete oxidation
of various metabolites to CO2 and H2O. The CO2 liberated in TCA cycle (in
the mitochondria) can be utilized in urea cycle.

Metabolic disorders of urea cycle

Metabolic defects associated with each of the five enzymes of urea cycle have
been reported (Table 15.1). All the disorders invariably lead to a build-up in
blood ammonia (hyperammonemia), leading to toxicity. Other metabolites of
urea cycle also accumulate which, however, depends on the specific enzyme
defect. The clinical symptoms associated with defect in urea cycle enzymes
include vomiting, lethargy, irritability, ataxia and mental retardation.

Table 15.1
Metabolic defects in urea cycle

Defect Enzyme involved

Hyperammonemia type I Carbamoyl phosphate synthase I
Hyperammonemia type II Ornithine transcarbamoylase
Citrullinemia Arginosuccinate synthase
Arginosuccinic aciduria Arginosuccinase
Hyperargininemia Arginase

Blood urea—clinical importance

In healthy people, the normal blood urea concentration is 10-40 mg/dl. Higher
protein intake marginally increases blood urea level, however this is well within
normal range. About 15–30 g of urea (7–15 g nitrogen) is excreted in urine per
Blood urea estimation is widely used as a screening test for the evaluation of
kidney (renal) function. It is estimated in the laboratory either by urease method
or diacetyl monoxime (DAM) procedure. Elevation in blood urea may be
broadly classified into three categories.
1. Prerenal : This is associated with increased protein breakdown, leading to a
negative nitrogen balance, as observed after major surgery, prolonged fever,
diabetic coma, thyrotoxicosis etc. In leukemia and bleeding disorders also,
blood urea is elevated.
2. Renal : In renal disorders like acute glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis,
nephrosclerosis, polycystic kidney, blood urea is increased.
3. Post-renal : Whenever there is an obstruction in the urinary tract (e.g.
tumors, stones, enlargement of prostate gland etc.), blood urea is elevated.
This is due to increased reabsorption of urea from the renal tubules.
The term ‘uremia’ is used to indicate increased blood urea levels due to renal
failure. Azotemia represents an elevation in blood urea/ or other nitrogen
metabolites which may or may not be associated with renal diseases.

Non-protein nitrogen (NPN)

As is obvious from the name, the term NPN refers to all the nitrogen-containing
substances other than proteins. These include urea (most abundant), creatinine,
creatine, uric acid, peptides, amino acids etc. In healthy persons, NPN
concentration in blood is 20–40 mg/dl.
The molecular weight of urea is 60 and about half of it (28) is contributed by
the two nitrogen atoms. Thus, if blood urea concentration is 60 mg, then about
half of it—28 mg—is blood urea nitrogen (BUN). Therefore,

In some countries, estimations of BUN or NPN are used rather than blood
urea for assessing kidney function. The normal range for ratio of BUN to serum
creatinine is 10:1 to 15:1.

Metabolism of individual amino acids

In the preceding pages, the general aspects of amino acid metabolism have been
discussed. A summary of the biologically important or specialized products
obtained from or contributed by the amino acids is given in the Table 15.2. The
metabolism of individual amino acids with special emphasis on the specialized
products is described next.

Table 15.2
A summary of the specialized products formed/contributed by
amino acids

Amino acid Specialized product(s)

Glycine Creatine, glutathione, heme, purines, conjugated bile acids.
Tyrosine Thyroxine, triiodothyronine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, melanin.
Tryptophan NAD+, NADP+ (coenzymes of niacin), serotonin, melatonin.
Methionine Active methionine, creatine, epinephrine, polyamines.
Cysteine Glutathione, taurine, coenzyme A, active sulfate.
Histidine Histamine
Arginine Creatine, nitric oxide
Lysine Carnitine
Glutamate γ-Amino butyric acid, glutathione, γ-carboxyglutamate.
Glutamine Purines, pyrimidines, amino sugars.
Aspartate Purines, pyrimidines
Serine Phosphatidylserine, sphingomyelins, choline.
(β-Alanine Coenzyme A

Glycine (Gly, G) is a nonessential, optically inactive and glycogenic (precursor
for glucose) amino acid. It is indispensable for chicks. The outline of glycine
metabolism is depicted in Fig.15.13. Glycine is actively involved in the
synthesis of many specialized products (heme, purines, creatine etc.) in the body,
besides its incorporation into proteins, synthesis of serine and glucose and
participation in onecarbon metabolism. Glycine is the most abundant amino acid
normally excreted into urine (0.5–1.0 g/g creatinine).
FIG. 15.13 Overview of glycine metabolism.

Glycine in proteins
Glycine is one among the commonest amino acids found in protein structure.
Being small and non-polar, glycine is mostly present in the interior structure of
protein. Collagen contains very high (about 30%) content of glycine.

Synthesis of glycine
Glycine is synthesized from serine by the enzyme serine hydroxymethyl
transferase which is dependent on tetrahydrofolate (THF). Glycine can also be
obtained from threonine, catalysed by threonine aldolase. Glycine synthase can
convert a onecarbon unit (N5, N10-methylene THF), CO2 and NH3 to glycine.

Degradation of glycine
Glycine undergoes oxidative deamination by glycine synthase to liberate ,
5 10
CO2 and onecarbon fragment as N , N -methylene THF. This provides a major
route for glycine breakdown in mammals. Glycine synthase is a multienzyme
complex and requires PLP, NAD+ and THF for its activity. This reaction is
reversible and, therefore, glycine can be generated from onecarbon unit
(methylene fragment of THF).
Glycine is reversibly converted to serine by THF dependent serine
hydroxymethyl transferase. Pyruvate produced from serine by serine
dehydratase, serves as a precursor for glucose. Serine is degraded to glyoxylate
which undergoes transamination to give back glycine. Glyoxylate is also
converted to oxalate, an excretory product and formate which enters onecarbon
pool (Fig.15.14).

FIG. 15.14 Metabolism of glycine (THF–Tetrahydrofolate; PLP–Pyridoxal

phosphate; –Block in primary hyperoxaluria).

Synthesis of specialized products

1. Formation of purine ring : The entire molecule of glycine is utilized for the
formation of positions 4 and 5 of carbon and position 7 of nitrogen of purines.

2. Synthesis of glutathione : Glutathione is a tripeptide (γ-glutamyl-cysteinyl-

glycine) and requires three amino acids for its formation (Fig.15.15).

FIG. 15.15 Outline of glutathione synthesis.

3. Conjugation reactions : As a conjugating agent, glycine performs two

important functions
(a) The bile acids—cholic acid and chenodeoxy cholic acid—are conjugated
with glycine.
(b) Glycine is important for detoxification of benzoic acid (commonly used
as a food preservative) to hippuric acid.

4. Synthesis of heme : Glycine condenses with succinyl CoA to form δ-amino

levulinate which serves as a precursor for heme synthesis (details given in
porphyrin metabolism— Chapter 10).

5. Biosynthesis of creatine : Creatine is present in the tissues (muscle, brain,

blood etc.) as the high energy compound, phosphocreatine and as free
creatine. Three amino acids— glycine, arginine and methionine—are
required for creatine formation (Fig.15.16). The first reaction occurs in the
kidney. It involves the transfer of guanidino group of arginine to glycine,
catalysed by arginine-glycine transamidinase to produce guanidoacetate
(glycocyamine). S-Adenosylmethionine (active methionine) donates methyl
group to glycocyamine to produce creatine. This reaction occurs in liver.
Creatine is reversibly phosphorylated to phosphocreatine (creatine phosphate)
by creatine kinase. It is stored in muscle as high energy phosphate.
FIG. 15.16 Metabolism of creatine.

Creatinine is an anhydride of creatine. It is formed by spontaneous cyclization

of creatine or creatine phosphate. Creatinine is excreted in urine.

Creatine and creatinine—clinical importance

The normal concentrations of creatine and creatinine in human serum and urine
are as follows

Estimation of serum creatinine (along with blood urea) is used as a diagnostic

test to assess kidney function. Serum creatinine concentration is not influenced
by endogenous and exogenous factors, as is the case with urea. Hence, some
workers consider serum creatinine as a more reliable indicator of renal
The amount of creatinine excreted is proportional to total creatine phosphate
content of the body and, in turn, the muscle mass. The daily excretion of
creatinine is usually constant. Creatinine coefficient is defined as the mg of
creatinine and creatine (put together) excreted per kg body weight per day. For a
normal adult man, the value is 24–26 mg, while for a woman, it is 20–22 mg.
Increased output of creatine in urine is referred to as creatinuria. Creatinuria is
observed in muscular dystrophy, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, starvation

Metabolic disorders of glycine

1. Glycinuria : This is a rare disorder. Serum glycine concentration is normal,
but very high amount of it (normal 0.5–1 g/day) is excreted in urine. It is
believed that glycinuria is due to a defective renal reabsorption. Glycinuria is
characterized by increased tendency for the formation of oxalate renal stones.
However, urinary oxalate level is normal in these patients.
2. Primary hyperoxaluria : This disorder is characterized by increased urinary
oxalate resulting in oxalate stones. Deposition of oxalate (oxalosis) in various
tissues is observed. The urinary oxalate is of endogenous origin and not due
to dietary consumption of oxalate. Primary hyperoxaluria is due to a defect in
glycine transaminase coupled with impairment in glyoxalate oxidation to
It is now known that primary hyperoxaluria is mainly due to a defect in
protein targeting (i.e. defect in transport of protein from one compartment to
another). As a result, the enzyme glycine transaminase is found in mitochondria
instead of its normal distribution in peroxisomes.
In vitamin B6 deficiency, urinary oxalate is elevated which can be corrected
by B6 supplementation. However, B6 administration has no effect on endogenous

Phenylalanine and tyrosine

Phenylalanine (Phe, F) and tyrosine (Tyr, Y) are structurally related aromatic
amino acids. Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid while tyrosine is
nonessential. Besides its incorporation into proteins, the only function of
phenylalanine is its conversion to tyrosine. For this reason, ingestion of tyrosine
can reduce the dietary requirement of phenylalanine. This phenomenon is
referred to as ‘sparing action’ of tyrosine on phenylalanine.
The predominant metabolism of phenylalanine occurs through tyrosine.
Tyrosine is incorporated into proteins and is involved in the synthesis of a
variety of biologically important compounds—epinephrine, norepinephrine,
dopamine (catecholamines), thyroid hormones— and the pigment melanin
(Fig.15.17). During the course of degradation, phenylalanine and tyrosine are
converted to metabolites which can serve as precursors for the synthesis of
glucose and fat. Hence, these amino acids are both glucogenic and ketogenic.
Biochemists attach special significance to phenylalanine and tyrosine
metabolism for two reasons—synthesis of biologically important compounds
and the metabolic disorders due to enzyme defects.
FIG. 15.17 Overview of phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism (CNS–
Central nervous system; T3–Triiodothyronine).

Biomedical/clinical concepts
About 300–400 g of protein per day is constantly degraded and
synthesized in the human body.
The amino acids are mainly utilized for protein biosynthesis,
production of specialized products (creatine, porphyrin, amines,
purines, pyrimidines) and generation of energy.
Glutamate is the collection centre for the amino groups in the
biological system while glutamine is the storehouse of NH3. Free
NH3 can be liberated predominantly from glutamate.
Ammonia accumulation in blood is toxic to brain causing slurring
of speech, blurring of vision, tremors and even death. Mammals
convert NH3 to urea, a non-toxic excretory product. Metabolic
defects in urea cycle enzymes result in hyperammonemia.
Dietary consumption of a protein rich meal increases the level of
N-acetylglutamate in liver which enhances urea production.
Primary hyperoxaluria—a metabolic disorder due to a defect in
the enzyme glycine transaminase— is characterized by elevated
urinary oxalate and the formation of oxalate stones.
Blood urea estimation is commonly used to assess renal function.
Elevation of blood urea level (normal 10–40 mg/dl) is associated
with several disorders which may be prerenal (diabetic coma),
renal (acute glomerulonephritis) and post-renal (tumors or stones
in the urinary tract).
Estimation of serum creatinine (normal < 1 mg/dl) is considered
to be a more reliable indicator for the evaluation of kidney

Conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine

Under normal circumstances, the degradation of phenylalanine mostly occurs
through tyrosine. Phenylalanine is hydroxylated at para-position by
phenylalanine hydroxylase to produce tyrosine (phydroxy phenylalanine). This
is an irreversible reaction and requires the participation of a specific coenzyme
biopterin (containing pteridine ring) which is structurally related to folate. The
active form of biopterin is tetrahydrobiopterin (H4-biopterin). In the
phenylalanine hydroxylase reaction, tetrahydrobiopterin is oxidized to
dihydrobiopterin (H2-biopterin). Tetrahydrobiopterin is then regenerated by an
NADPH-dependent dihydrobiopterin reductase (Fig.15.18).

FIG. 15.18 Synthesis of tyrosine from phenylalanine ( —Block in


The enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase is present in the liver. In the

conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine, the reaction involves the incorporation
of one atom of molecular oxygen (O2) into the para position of phenylalanine
while the other atom of O2 is reduced to form water. It is the tetrahydrobiopterin
that supplies the reducing equivalents which, in turn, are provided by NADPH.
Due to a defect in phenylalanine hydroxylase, the conversion of phenylalanine
to tyrosine is blocked resulting in the disorder phenylketonuria (PKU).

Degradation of tyrosine (phenylalanine)

The metabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine is considered together. The
sequence of the reactions in the degradation of these amino acids, depicted in
Fig.15.19, is described hereunder

FIG. 15.19 Tyrosine metabolism—degradative pathway [αKG–α-

Ketoglutarate; Glu-Glutamate; The circled numbers indicate metabolic
defects (1) Phenylketonuria; (2) Tyrosinemia type II; (3) Neonatal
tyrosinemia; (4) Alkaptonuria; (5) and (6) Tyrosinosis (tyrosinemia, type I)].
1. As phenylalanine is converted to tyrosine (details in Fig.15.18), a single
pathway is responsible for the degradation of both these amino acids, which
occurs mostly in liver.
2. Tyrosine first undergoes transamination to give p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate.
This reaction is catalysed by tyrosine transaminase (PLP dependent).
3. p-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate hydroxylase (or dioxygenase) is a copper-
containing enzyme. It catalyses oxidative decarboxylation as well as
hydroxylation of the phenyl ring of p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate to produce
homogentisate. This reaction involves a shift in hydroxyl group from para
position to meta position, and incorporates a new hydroxyl group at para
position. This step in tyrosine metabolism requires ascorbic acid.
4. Homogentisate oxidase (iron metalloprotein) cleaves the benzene ring of
homogentisate to form 4-maleylacetoacetate. Molecular oxygen is required
for this reaction to break the aromatic ring.
5. Maleylacetoacetate undergoes isomerization to form 4-fumaryl acetoacetate
and this reaction is catalysed by maleylacetoacetate isomerase.
6. Fumaryl acetoacetase (fumaryl acetoacetate hydrolase) brings about the
hydrolysis of fumaryl acetoacetate to liberate fumarate and acetoacetate.
Fumarate is an intermediate of citric acid cycle and can also serve as precursor
for gluconeogenesis. Acetoacetate is a ketone body from which fat can be
synthesized. Phenylalanine and tyrosine are, therefore, both glucogenic and
The inborn errors of phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism are indicated in
Fig.15.19. Detailed information on these disorders is given later.

Synthesis of melanin
Melanin (Greek : melan—black) is the pigment of skin, hair and eye. The
synthesis of melanin occurs in melanosomes present in melanocytes, the
pigment-producing cells. Tyrosine is the precursor for melanin and only one
enzyme, namely tyrosinase (a copper-containing oxygenase), is involved in its
formation. Tyrosinase hydroxylates tyrosine to form 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine
(DOPA) (Fig.15.20). DOPA can act as a cofactor for tyrosinase. The next
reaction is also catalysed by tyrosinase in which DOPA is converted to
dopaquinone. It is believed that the subsequent couple of reactions occur
spontaneously, forming leucodopachrome followed by 5,6-dihydroxyindole. The
oxidation of 5, 6-dihydroxyindole to indole 5, 6-quinone is catalysed by
tyrosinase, and DOPA serves as a cofactor. This reaction, inhibited by tyrosine
regulates the synthesis of melanin. Melanochromes are formed from indole
quinone, which on polymerization are converted to black melanin.

FIG. 15.20 Metabolism of tyrosine—biosynthesis of melanin (Defect in

tyrosinase causes albinism).
Another pathway from dopaquinone is also identified. Cysteine condenses
with dopaquinone and in the next series of reactions results the synthesis of red
melanins. The structure of melanin pigments is not clearly known.

Melanin—the colour pigment

The skin colour of the individual is determined by the relative concentrations of
black and red melanins. This, in turn, is dependent on many factors, both genetic
and environmental. These include the activity of tyrosinase, the density of
melanocytes, availability of tyrosine etc.
The presence of moles on the body represents a localized severe
hyperpigmentation due to hyperactivity of melanocytes. On the other hand,
localized absence or degeneration of melanocytes results in white patches on the
skin commonly known as leucoderma. Greying of hair is due to lack of
melanocytes at hair roots. Albinism is an inborn error with generalized lack of
melanin synthesis (details described later).

Biosynthesis of thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones—thyroxine (tetraiodothyronine) and triiodothyronine—are
synthesized from the tyrosine residues of the protein thyroglobulin and activated
iodine (Fig.15.21). Iodination of tyrosine ring occurs to produce mono-and
diiodotyrosine from which triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) are
synthesized. The protein thyroglobulin undergoes proteolytic breakdown to
release the free hormones, T3 and T4.
FIG. 15.21 Metabolism of tyrosine-synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Biosynthesis of catecholamines
The name catechol refers to the dihydroxylated phenyl ring. The amine
derivatives of catechol are called catecholamines.
Tyrosine is the precursor for the synthesis of catecholamines, namely
dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline).
The conversion of tyrosine to catecholamines occurs in adrenal medulla and
central nervous system involving the following reactions (Fig.15.22).
FIG. 15.22 Metabolism of tyrosine-synthesis of catecholamines
(dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine; PLP–pyridoxal phosphate).

Tyrosine is hydroxylated to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) by tyrosine

hydroxylase. This enzyme catalyses the rate limiting reaction and requires
tetrahydrobiopterin as coenzyme (like phenylalanine hydroxylase). In contrast to
this enzyme, tyrosinase present in melanocytes converts tyrosine to DOPA.
Hence, two different enzyme systems exist to convert tyrosine to DOPA.
DOPA undergoes PLPdependent decarboxylation to give dopamine which, in
turn, is hydroxylated to produce norepinephrine. Methylation of norepinephrine
by S-adenosylmethionine gives epinephrine. The difference between epinephrine
and norepinephrine is only a methyl group (remember that norepinephrine has
no methyl group).
There exists tissue specificity in the formation of catecholamines. In adrenal
medulla, synthesis of the hormones, norepinephrine and epinephrine is
prominent. Norepinephrine is produced in certain areas of the brain while
dopamine is predominantly synthesized in substantia nigra and coeruleus of

Functions of catecholamines
Norepinephrine and epinephrine regulate carbohydrate and lipid metabolisms.
They stimulate the degradation of triacylglycerol and glycogen. They cause an
increase in the blood pressure. Dopamine and norepinephrine serve as
neurotransmitters in the brain and autonomous nervous system.

Dopamine and Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is a common disorder in many elderly people, with about 1%
of the population above 60 years being affected. It is characterized by muscular
rigidity, tremors, expressionless face, lethargy, involuntary movements etc.

Biochemical basis
The exact biochemical cause of this disorder has not been identified. Parkinson's
disease is, however, linked with a decreased production of dopamine. The
disease is due to degeneration of certain parts of the brain (substantia nigra and
locus coeruleus), leading to the impairment in the synthesis of dopamine.

Dopamine cannot enter the brain, hence its administration is of no use. DOPA
(levodopa or L-dopa) is used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. In the brain,
DOPA is decarboxylated to dopamine which alleviates the symptoms of this
disorder. Unfortunately, dopamine synthesis occurs in various other tissues and
results in side-effects such as nausea, vomiting, hypretension etc. Administration
of dopa analogs—that inhibit dopa decarboxylase (in various tissues) but not
enter brain (due to blood-brain barrier)—are found to be effective. Carbidopa
and γ-methyl-dopa (dopa analogs) are administered along with dopa for the
treatment of Parkinson's disease.

Disorders of tyrosine (phenylalanine)

Several enzyme defects in phenylalanine/ tyrosine degradation leading to
metabolic disorders are known. In Fig.15.19, the deficient enzymes and the
respective inborn errors are depicted and they are discussed here under.

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most common metabolic disorder in amino acid
metabolism. The incidence of PKU is 1 in 10,000 births. It is due to the
deficiency of the hepatic enzyme, phenylalanine hydroxylase, caused by an
autosomal recessive gene. In recent years, a variant of PKU—due to a defect in
dihydrobiopterin reductase (relatively less)—has been reported. This enzyme
deficiency impairs the synthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin required for the action of
phenylalanine hydroxylase (See Fig.15.18). The net outcome in PKU is that
phenylalanine is not converted to tyrosine.

Phenylalanine metabolism in PKU

Phenylketonuria primarily causes the accumulation of phenylalanine in tissues
and blood, and results in its increased excretion in urine. Due to disturbances in
the routine metabolism, phenylalanine is diverted to alternate pathways
(Fig.15.23), resulting in the excessive production of phenylpyruvate,
phenylacetate, phenyllactate and phenylglutamine. All these metabolites are
excreted in urine in high concentration in PKU. Phenylacetate gives the urine a
mousey odour.
FIG. 15.23 Metabolites that accumulate in phenylketonuria ( –Block in

The name phenylketonuria is coined due to the fact that the metabolite
phenylpyruvate is a keto acid (C6H5CH2−CO−COO−) excreted in urine in high

Clinical/biochemical manifestations of PKU

The disturbed metabolism of phenylalanine— resulting in the increased
concentration of phenylalanine and its metabolites in the body— causes many
clinical and biochemical manisfestations.
1. Effects on central nervous system : Mental retardation, failure to walk or
talk, failure of growth, seizures and tremor are the characteristic findings in
PKU. If untreated, the patients show very low IQ (below 50). The
biochemical basis of mental retardation in PKU is not well understood.
There are, however, many explanations offered
• Accumulation of phenylalanine in brain impairs the transport and
metabolism of other aromatic amino acids (tryptophan and tyrosine).
• The synthesis of serotonin (an excitatory neurotransmitter) from
tryptophan is insufficient. This is due to the competition of phenylalanine
and its metabolites with tryptophan that impairs the synthesis of serotonin.
• Defect in myelin formation is observed in PKU patients.
2. Effect on pigmentation : Melanin is the pigment synthesized from tyrosine
by tyrosinase.
Accumulation of phenylalanine competitively inhibits tyrosinase and impairs
melanin formation. The result is hypopigmentation that causes light skin colour,
fair hair, blue eyes etc.

Diagnosis of PKU
PKU is mostly detected by screening the newborn babies for the increased
plasma levels of phenylalanine (PKU, 20–65 mg/ dl; normal 1–2mg/dl). This is
usually carried out by Guthrie test, which is a bacterial (Bacillus subtilis)
bioassay for phenylalanine. The test is usually performed after the baby is fed
with breast milk for a couple of days by testing elevated levels of phenylalanine.
Phenylpyruvate in urine can be detected by ferric chloride test (a green colour is
obtained). This test is not specific, since many other compounds give a false
positive test. Prenatal diagnosis of PKU can also be done by using cultured
amniotic cells.

Treatment of PKU
The maintenance of plasma phenylalanine concentration within the normal
range is a challenging task in the treatment of PKU. This is done by selecting
foods with low phenylalanine content and/or feeding synthetic amino acid
preparations, low in phenylalanine. Dietary intake of phenylalanine should be
adjusted by measuring plasma levels. Early diagnosis (in the first couple of
months of baby's life) and treatment for 4–5 years can prevent the damage to
brain. However, the restriction to protein diet should be continued for many
more years in life. Since the amino acid tyrosine cannot be synthesized in PKU
patients, it becomes essential and should be provided in the diet in sufficient
In some seriously affected PKU patients, treatment includes administration of
5-hydroxytryptophan and dopa to restore the synthesis of serotonin and
catecholamines. PKU patients with tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency require
tetrahydrobiopterin supplementation.

Tyrosinemia type II
This disorder—also known as Richner-Hanhart syndrome, is due to a defect in
the enzyme tyrosine transaminase. The result is a blockade in the routine
degradative pathway of tyrosine. Accumulation and excretion of tyrosine and its
metabolites—namely p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate, p-hydroxyphenyllactate,
phydroxyphenylacetate, N-acetyltyrosine—and tyramine are observed.
Tyrosinemia type II is characterized by skin (dermatitis) and eye lesions and,
rarely, mental retardation. A disturbed self-coordination is seen in these patients.

Neonatal tyrosinemia
The absence of the enzyme p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase causes
neonatal tyrosinemia. This is mostly a temporary condition and usually responds
to ascorbic acid. It is explained that the substrate inhibition of the enzyme is
overcome by the presence of ascorbic acid.

Alkaptonuria (Black urine disease)

Alkaptonuria has great historical importance. It was first described by Lusitanus
in 1649 and characterized in 1859. Garrod conceived the idea of inborn errors of
metabolism from his observation on alkaptonuria. The prevalance of this
autosomal recessive disorder is 1 in 25,000.

Enzyme defect
The defective enzyme in alkaptonuria is homogentisate oxidase in tyrosine
metabolism (See Fig.15.19). Homogentisate accumulates in tissues and blood,
and is excreted into urine. Homogentisate, on standing, gets oxidized to the
corresponding quinones, which polymerize to give black or brown colour. For
this reason, the urine of alkaptonuric patients resembles coke in colour.

Biochemical manifestations
Homogentisate gets oxidized by polyphenol oxidase to benzoquinone acetate
which undergoes polymerization to produce a pigment called alkapton
(Fig.15.24). Alkapton deposition occurs in connective tissue, bones and various
organs (nose, ear etc.) resulting in a condition known as ochronosis. Many
alkaptonuric patients suffer from arthritis and this is believed to be due to the
deposition of pigment alkapton (in the joints), produced from homogentisate.
FIG. 15.24 Conversion of homogentisate to alkapton.

Change in colour of the urine on standing to brown or dark has been the simple
traditional method to identify alkaptonuria.
The urine gives a positive test with ferric chloride and silver nitrate. This is
due to the strong reducing activity of homogentisate. Benedict's test—employed
for the detection of glucose and other reducing sugars—is also positive with

Alkaptonuria is not a dangerous disorder and, therefore, does not require any
specific treatment. However, consumption of protein diet with relatively low
phenylalanine content is recommended.

Tyrosinosis or tyrosinemia type I

This is due to the deficiency of the enzymes fumarylacetoacetate hydroxylase
and/or maleylacetoacetate isomerase. Tyrosinosis is a rare but serious disorder.
It causes liver failure, rickets, renal tubular dysfunction and polyneuropathy.
Tyrosine, its metabolites and many other amino acids are excreted in urine.
In acute tyrosinosis, the infant exhibits diarrhea, vomiting, and ‘cabbage-like’
odor. Death may even occur due to liver failure within one year. For the
treatment, diets low in tyrosine, phenylalanine and methionine are

Albinism (Greek: albino—white) is an inborn error, due to the lack of synthesis
of the pigment melanin. It is an autosomal recessive disorder with a frequency
of 1 in 20,000.

Biochemical basis
The colour of skin and hair is controlled by a large number of genes. About 150
genes have been identified in mice. The melanin synthesis can be influenced by
a variety of factors. Many possible causes (rather explanations) for albinism
have been identified
1. Deficiency or lack of the enzyme tyrosinase.
2. Decrease in melanosomes of melanocytes.
3. Impairment in melanin polymerization.
4. Lack of protein matrix in melanosomes.
5. Limitation of substrate (tyrosine) availability.
6. Presence of inhibitors of tyrosinase.
The most common cause of albinism is a defect in tyrosinase, the enzyme
most responsible for the synthesis of melanin (See Fig.15.20).

Clinical manifestations
The most important function of melanin is the protection of the body from sun
radiation. Lack of melanin in albinos makes them sensitive to sunlight. Increased
susceptibility to skin cancer (carcinoma) is observed. Photophobia (intolerance
to light) is associated with lack of pigment in the eyes. However, there is no
impairment in the eyesight of albinos.

In some individuals, a reduced synthesis of melanin (instead of total lack) is
often observed. Hypopigmentation disorders may be either diffuse or localized.
A good example of diffuse hypopigmentation is oculocutaneous albinism
which is mostly due to mutations in the tyrosinase gene. The degree of
hypopigmentation depends on the type and severity of mutated genes.
Vitiligo and leukoderma are the important among the localized
hypopigmentation disorders. Vitiligo is an acquired progressive disease with loss
of pigmentation around mouth, nose, eyes and nipples. Leukoderma is
comparable with vitiligo, but lack of pigmentation usually begins with hands and
then spreads.
Greying of hair is due to lack of melanin synthesis which usually occurs as a
result of disappearance of melanocytes from the hair roots.

Tryptophan (Trp, W) was the first to be identified as an essential amino acid. It
contains an indole ring and chemically it is α-amino β-indole propionic acid.
Tryptophan is both glucogenic and ketogenic in nature. It is a precursor for the
synthesis of important compounds, namely NAD+ and NADP+ (coenzymes of
niacin), serotonin and melatonin (Fig.15.25).

FIG. 15.25 Overview of tryptophan metabolism.

The metabolism of tryptophan is divided into

I Kynurenine (kynurenine-anthranilate) pathway;
II Serotonin pathway.

I Kynurenine pathway
This pathway mostly occurs in liver leading to oxidation of tryptophan and the
synthesis of NAD+ and NADP+ (Fig.15.26).
FIG. 15.26 Metabolism of tryptophan-kynurenine pathway (PLP–Pyridoxal
phosphate; QPRT–Quinolinate phosphoribosyl transferase; PRPP–
Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate).

Tryptophan pyrrolase or oxygenase cleaves the five-membered ring of the

indole nucleus to produce formylkynurenine. Tryptophan pyrrolase is a
metalloprotein containing an iron porphyrin ring. It is a substrate inducible
enzyme and is controlled by feedback regulation (by NADPH and other niacin
derivatives). Tryptophan pyrrolase activity is also elevated by corticosteroids.
Formamidase hydrolyses formylkynurenine and liberates formate which enters
the one carbon pool. Kynurenine formed in this reaction is a branch point with
different fates. In the prominent pathway, kynurenine undergoes NADPH-
dependent hydroxylation to give 3-hydroxykynurenine.
Kynureninase, a pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)- dependent enzyme acts on the 3-
hydroxykynurenine and splits off alanine. Tryptophan is glucogenic, since
alanine is a good precursor for glucose. The enzyme kynureninase is very
sensitive to vitamin B6 deficiency. Due to the lack of PLP, kynureninase reaction
is blocked and 3-hydroxykynurenine is diverted to form xanthurenate. Elevated
excretion of xanthurenate serves as an indication of B6 deficiency.
Administration of isoniazid, an antituberculosis drug—induces B6 deficiency and
results in xanthurenate excretion in urine. Defects in the activity of kynureninase
(in B6 deficiency) cause reduced synthesis of NAD+ and NADP+ from
tryptophan. The symptoms of pellagra —observed in B6 deficiency—are
explained on this basis.
The enzyme kynurenine hydroxylase is inhibited by estrogen, hence women,
in general, are more susceptible to pellagra.
3-Hydroxyanthranilate is cleaved by an oxidase (Fe2+ dependent) to form an
unstable intermediate, 2-amino 3-carboxy muconate semialdehyde. This
compound has three fates.
1. It undergoes spontaneous cyclization to form quinolinate for NAD+ synthesis.
2. Picolinate carboxylase decarboxylates the intermediate which cyclizes to
produce picolinate. This enzyme competes with the formation of quinolinate.
High activity of picolinate carboxylase in some animals (e.g. cat) deprives
them of NAD+ synthesis from tryptophan. In other words, cat is exclusively
dependent on niacin for its coenzymes (NAD+, NADP+), since tryptophan
cannot serve as a precursor.
3. The intermediate undergoes decarboxylation, catalysed by amino
carboxysemialdehyde decarboxylase to produce 2-aminomuconate
semialdehyde that enters glutarate pathway. The semialdehyde is converted to
2-aminomuconate by a dehydrogenase. The aminomuconate, in a series of
reactions involving reduction, deamination, decarboxylation etc., is converted
to glutaryl CoA and finally to acety CoA. The latter is either completely
oxidized via TCA cycle or converted to fat (hence tryptophan is ketogenic).
NAD+ Pathway
Tryptophan is not a precursor for the synthesis of free niacin. Quinolinate
undergoes decarboxylation and is converted to nicotinate mononucleotide by the
enzyme quinolinate phosphoribosyl transferase (QPRT). The synthesis of NAD+
and NADP+ from nicotinate mononucleotide is similar to that from niacin as
described in vitamins (Refer Fig.7.21).

Conversion of tryptophan to indole acetate

Tryptophan undergoes deamination and decarboxylation to produce
indolepyruvate and tryptamine, respectively. Both these compounds are
converted to indoleacetate (Fig.15.27) and excreted in urine.
FIG. 15.27 Metabolism of tryptophan-serotonin and melatonin synthesis
(PLP–Pyridoxal phosphate; MAO–Monoamine oxidase).

II Serotonin pathway
Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) is a neurotransmitter, synthesized from
tryptophan. Normally, about 1% of the tryptophan is converted to serotonin. The
production of 5HT occurs in the target tissues.

Synthesis of serotonin
In mammals, the largest amount of serotonin is synthesized in the intestinal
cells. The formation of serotonin is comparable with the production of
catecholamines. Tryptophan is first hydroxylated at 5th carbon by tryptophan
hydroxylase. This enzyme requires tetrahydrobiopterin as a cofactor. 5-
Hydroxytryptophan is decarboxylated by aromatic amino acid decarboxylase
(PLPdependent) to give serotonin (Fig.15.27).
Platelets contain high concentration of 5HT, the significance of which is not
clear. As such, platelets cannot synthesize serotonin.

Degradation of serotonin
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) degrades serotonin to 5-hydroxyindoleacetate
(5HIA) which is excreted in urine.

Functions of serotonin
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter and performs a variety of functions.
1. Serotonin is a powerful vasoconstrictor and results in smooth muscle
contraction in bronchioles and arterioles.
2. It is closely involved in the regulation of cerebral activity (excitation).
3. Serotonin controls the behavioural patterns, sleep, blood pressure and body
4. Serotonin evokes the release of peptide hormones from gastrointestinal tract.
5. It is also necessary for the motility of GIT (peristalsis).

Serotonin and brain

The brain itself synthesizes 5HT which is in a bound form. The outside serotonin
cannot enter the brain due to blood-brain barrier. Primarily, serotonin is a
stimulator (excitation) of brain activity, hence its deficiency causes depression.
Serotonin level is decreased in psychosis patients.
Defects in monoamine oxidase gene (lowered MAO activity) are linked to
violent behaviour and slight mental retardation.

Effect of drugs on serotonin

The drug, iproniazid (isopropyl isonicotinyl hydrazine) inhibits MAO and
elevates serotonin levels, therefore, this drug is a psychic stimulant. On the other
hand, reserpine increases the degradation of serotonin, hence acts as a
depressant drug. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) competes with serotonin and,
therefore, acts as a depressant.

Malignant carcinoid syndrome

Serotonin is produced by argentaffin cells of gastrointestinal tract. When these
cells undergo uncontrolled growth, they develop into a tumor called malignant
carcinoid or argentaffinomas. The patients exhibit symptoms like respiratory
distress, sweating, hypertension etc.
Normally about 1% of the tryptophan is utilized for serotonin synthesis. In
case of carcinoid syndrome, very high amount (up to 60%) of tryptophan is
diverted for serotonin production. This disturbs the normal tryptophan
metabolism and impairs the synthesis of NAD+ and NADP+. Hence, the patients
of carcinoid syndrome develop symptoms of pellagra (niacin deficiency).
Further, negative nitrogen balance is also observed.

The excretion of 5-hydroxy indole acetate in urine is tremendously elevated
(upto 500mg/day against normal <5 mg/day) in carcinoid syndrome. The
estimation of 5 HIA in urine is used for the diagnosis of this disorder. In general,
urine concentration of 5 HIA above 25 mg/day should be viewed with caution as
it may be suggestive of carcinoid syndrome. Sufficient precaution should,
however, be taken for sample collection. During the course of urine collection,
the patients should not ingest certain foods (banana, tomato etc.) that increase
urine 5 HIA.

Melatonin is a hormone, mostly synthesized by the pineal gland. Serotonin—
produced from tryptophan—is acted upon by serotonin N-acetylase (the rate
limiting enzyme), to give N-acetylserotonin. The latter undergoes methylation,
S-adenosylmethionine being the methyl group donor to produce melatonin or N-
acetyl 5-methoxyserotonin (Fig.15.27). The synthesis and secretion of melatonin
from pineal gland is controlled by light.

Functions of melatonin
1. Melatonin is involved in circadian rhythms or diurnal variations (24 hr
cyclic process) of the body. It plays a significant role in sleep and wake
2. Melatonin inhibits the production of melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)
and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).
3. It has some inhibitory effect on ovarian functions.
4. Melatonin also performs a neurotransmitter function.

Hartnup's disease
This disorder was first described in the family of Hartnup, hence the name—
Hartnup's disease. It is a hereditary disorder of tryptophan metabolism. The
clinical symptoms include dermatitis, ataxia, mental retardation etc. Hartnup's
disease is characterized by low plasma levels of tryptophan and other neutral
amino acids and their elevated urinary excretion. Increased urinary output of
indoleacetic acid and indolepyruvic acid is also observed.
Pellagra-like symptoms are common in these patients. There is an impairment
in the synthesis of NAD+ and serotonin from tryptophan. Some authors (earlier)
attributed Hartnup's disease to a defect in the enzyme tryptophan pyrrolase. This,
however, does not appear to be true. Hartnup's disease is now believed to be due
to an impairment in the absorption and/or transport of tryptophan and other
neutral amino acids from the intestine, renal tubules and, probably brain. Some
more details on Hartnup's disease are given under digestion and absorption
(Chapter 8).

Sulfur amino acids

The sulfurcontaining amino acids are methionine, cysteine and cystine. Among
these, only methionine is essential. It serves as a precursor for the synthesis of
cysteine and cystine which are, therefore, nonessential. Cysteine can spare the
requirement of methionine in the diet. Cysteine and cystine are interconvertible.
Cystine is found exclusively in proteins. Methionine and cysteine, besides being
present in proteins, are involved in many important metabolic reactions
(Fig.15.28). Methionine is also required for the initiation of protein biosynthesis.
The sulfurcontaining amino acids are almost an exclusive dietary source of
sulfur to the body.
FIG. 15.28 Overview of the metabolism of sulfur amino acids.

Metabolism of methionine
Methionine (or sulfur amino acids) metabolism may be divided into three parts.
1. Utilization of methionine for transmethylation reactions.
2. Conversion of methionine to cysteine and cystine.
3. Degradation of cysteine and its conversion to specialized products.

The transfer of methyl group (−CH3) from active methionine to an acceptor is
known as transmethylation. Methionine has to be activated to S-
adenosylmethionine (SAM) or active methionine to donate the methyl group.

Synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine
The synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine occurs by the transfer of an adenosyl
group from ATP to sulfur atom of methionine (Fig.15.29). This reaction is
catalysed by methionine S-adenosyltransferase. The activation of methionine is
unique as the sulfur becomes a sulfonium atom (SAM is a sulfonium compound)
by the addition of a third carbon. This reaction is also unusual since all the three
phosphates of ATP are eliminated as pyrophosphates (PPi) and inorganic
phosphates (Pi). Three high energy phosphates (3 ATP) are consumed in the
formation of SAM.

FIG. 15.29 S-Adenosylmethionine cycle–synthesis, utilization and


Functions of S-adenosylmethionine
S-Adenosylmethionine is highly reactive due to the presence of a positive
charge. The enzymes involved in the transfer of methyl group are collectively
known as methyltransferases. S-Adenosylmethionine transfers the methyl group
to an acceptor and gets itself converted to S-adenosylhomocysteine. The loss of
free energy in this reaction makes the methyl transfer essentially irreversible. S-
Adenosylhomocysteine is hydrolysed to homocysteine and adenosine.
Homocysteine can be remethylated to methionine by N5-methyl tetrahydrofolate.
In this manner, methionine can be regenerated for reuse. It should be noted that
there is no net synthesis of methionine in the S-adenosyl-methionine cycle
(homocysteine, the precussor for methionine has to be derived from methionine).
Hence, methionine is an essential amino acid.
S-Adenosylmethionine (carbon fragment) is also involved in the synthesis of
polyamines (spermidine, spermine). The most important transmethylation
reactions are listed in Table 15.3.

Table 15.3
Transmethylation reactions

Significance of transmethylation
1. Transmethylation is of great biological significance since many compounds
become functionally active only after methylation.
2. Protein (amino acid residues) methylation helps to control protein turnover. In
general, methylation protects the proteins from immediate degradation.
3. In plants, S-adenosylmethionine is the precursor for the synthesis of a plant
hormone, ethylene, which regulates plant growth and development and is
involved in the ripening of fruits.

Synthesis of cysteine
Homocysteine formed from methionine is a precursor for the synthesis of
cysteine (Fig.15.30). Homocysteine condenses with serine to form cystathionine.
This reaction is catalysed by a PLPdependent cystathionine synthase. The
enzyme cystathioninase (PLPdependent) cleaves and deaminates cystathionine
to cysteine and α-ketobutyrate. The sum of the reactions catalysed by
cystathionine synthase and cystathioninase is a good example of
transsulfuration (transfer of sulfur from one compound to another). It should be
noted that only the sulfur atom of cysteine comes from homocysteine (originally
methionine) while the rest of the molecule is from serine.
FIG. 15.30 Synthesis of cysteine from methionine ( –For reactions of
methionine conversion to homocysteine see Fig. 15.29) ( –In cysteine
synthesis, only sulfur is obtained from homocysteine, the rest of the
molecule is from serine).

Homocysteine and heart attacks

Homocysteine is an intermediate in the synthesis of cysteine from methionine
(Fig.15.30), Elevation in plasma homocysteine (normal < 15 μmol/l) has been
implicated in coronary artery diseases, although the mechanism is not known. It
is believed that homocysteine reacts with collagen to produce reactive free
radicals, besides interfering with collagen cross links. Homocysteine is also
involved in the aggregation of LDL particles. All this leads to an increased
tendency for atherogenesis, and consequently heart complications.
Hyperhomocysteinemia in pregnancy increases the risk of neural tube defects
in fetus.
Supplementation of diet with folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 have some
beneficial affects in lowering plasma homocysteine levels (Refer Chapter 7).

Degradation of cysteine
Cystine and cysteine are interconvertible by an NAD+-dependent cystine
reductase. Cysteine on decarboxylation produces mercaptoethanolamine which
is involved in the biosynthesis of coenzyme A from the vitamin pantothenic acid.
The enzyme cysteine dioxygenase oxidizes cysteine to cysteine sulfinate
which, on further oxidation, is converted to cysteic acid. The latter undergoes
decarboxylation to produce taurine which conjugates with bile acids. Cysteic
acid can also be degraded to pyruvate, which is glycogenic (Fig.15.31).
FIG. 15.31 Metabolism of cysteine and cystine.

Cysteine sulfinate cleaves off alanine to produce sulfite which is converted to

sulfate and excreted in urine. Some amount of sulfate condenses with ATP to
form active sulfate or 3′-phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS). Active
sulfate (PAPS) is utilized for the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides (sulfation),
besides being used in detoxification. Sulfate is also a structural component of
some proteins, lipids etc.
Cysteine can be degraded by desulfhydrase to liberate sulfur (as H2S),
ammonia and pyruvate.
Cysteine is a component of tripeptide glutathione (synthesis described in
glycine metabolism).

Inborn errors of sulfur amino acid metabolism

Cystinuria (cystine-lysinuria)
Cystinuria is one of the most common inherited diseases with a frequency of 1
in 7,000. It is primarily characterized by increased excretion of cystine (25–40
times normal). Elevation in the urinary output of lysine, arginine and ornithine is
also observed. A specific carrier system exists in kidney tubules for the
reabsorption of amino acids, namely cysteine, ornithine, arginine and lysine
(remember COAL to recall). In cystinuria, this carrier system becomes defective
leading to the excretion of all these four amino acids in urine.
Cystine is relatively insoluble and increase in its concentration leads to
precipitation and formation of cystine stones in kidney and urinary tract.
Cystinuria is usually identified in the laboratory by cyanide nitroprusside test.
The treatment includes restricted ingestion of dietary cystine and high intake of

Cystinosis (cystine storage disease)

Cystine crystals are deposited in many tissues and organs of reticuloendothelial
system throughout the body. These include spleen, lymph nodes, liver, kidney,
bone marrow etc. A defect in the lysosomal function is said to be the primary
cause of this disorder. In fact, cystine accumulates in the lysosomes of various
tissues. Impairment in renal function is commonly seen in cystinosis. It is
characterized by generalized amino aciduria. The affected patients die usually
within 10 years, mostly due to renal failure. Although the underlying metabolic
defect in cystinosis is not clearly known, some authors attribute this to the defect
in the enzyme cystine reductase. This is, however, not accepted by others.

Homocystinurias are a group of metabolic disorders characterized by the
accumulation and increased urinary excretion of homocysteine and S-
adenosylmethionine. Plasma concentration of methionine is increased.
Homocystinuria type I has been more thoroughly investigated. It is due to a
defect in the enzyme cystathionine synthase. Accumulation of homocysteine
results in various complications—thrombosis, osteoporosis and, very often,
mental retardation. Further, the deficiency of cystathionine is associated with
damage to endothelial cells which might lead to atherosclerosis. Two forms of
type I homocystinurias are known, one of them can be corrected with vitamin B6
supplementation (B6 responsive) while the other does not respond to B6. The
treatment includes consumption of diet low in methionine and high in cystine.
The patients of homocystinuria have high levels of homocysteine, and usually
die of myocardial infarction, stroke, or pulmonary embolism.
The other homocystinurias are associated with enzyme defects (as stated
below) in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine by remethylation.

Homocystinuria II
N5-N10—Methylene THF reductase.

Homocystinuria III
N5-N10—Methyl THFhomocysteine methyltransferase. This is mostly due to
impairment in the synthesis of methylcobalamin.

Homocystinuria IV
N5—Methyl THF homocysteine methyl transferase. This is primarily due to a
defect in the intestinal absorption of vitamin B12.

Onecarbon metabolism
Amino acid metabolism is particularly important for the transfer or exchange of
onecarbon units. The following onecarbon fragments are encountered in the
biological reactions, which constitute onecarbon pool

Methyl (−CH3)

Hydroxymethyl (−CH2OH)
Methylene (=CH2)

Methenyl (−CH=)
Formyl (−CH=O)
Formimino (−CH=NH)
[Note : It may be stated here that CO2 is also a onecarbon unit. Carbon
dioxide is involved (carboxylation) in many biochemical reactions, which are
dependent on biotin. For instance, conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate in
gluconeogenesis. Most of the authors, however, ignore CO2 as onecarbon unit
and do not even consider it worth mentioning. This would be unfair to CO2!]
Tetrahydrofolate (THF) is a versatile coenzyme that actively participates in
onecarbon metabolism. With regard to the transfer of methyl groups from S-
adenosylmethionine, vitamin B12 is also involved besides THF.
The onecarbon unit covalently binds with THF at position N5 or N10 or on both
N5 and N10 of pteroyl structure of folate. The details of different onecarbon units
binding with THF and the structures of THF derivatives are given under vitamin-
folic acid (Chapter 7).
The onecarbon metabolism is rather complex, involving many reactions. For
the sake of better understanding, it is divided into generation and utilization of
onecarbon units, and the role of methionine and vitamin B12.

I Generation of onecarbon units

Many compounds (particularly amino acids) act as donors of onecarbon
1. The formate released from glycine and tryptophan metabolism combines with
THF to form N10-formyl THF.
2. Histidine contributes formimino fragment to produce N5-formimino THF.
3. When serine is converted to glycine, N5, N10-methylene THF is formed. This
is the most predominant entry of one carbon units into one carbon pool.
4. Choline and betaine contribute to the formation of N5-methyl THF.
The different derivatives of THF carrying onecarbon units are
interconvertible, and this is metabolically significant for the continuity of
onecarbon pool (Fig.15.32).
FIG. 15.32 Summary of onecarbon metabolism (THF–Tetrahydrofolate;
~CH3–Active methyl group).

II Utilization of onecarbon moieties

Onecarbon fragments from THF are used for the synthesis of a wide variety of
compounds. These include purines, formylmethionine tRNA (required for
initiation of protein synthesis), glycine, pyrimidine nucleotide (thymidylate) etc.

III Role of methionine and B12 in onecarbon metabolism

Methyl (−CH3) group is an important onecarbon unit. The role of active
methionine as methyl donor in transmethylation reactions is already described.
After the release of methyl group, methionine is converted to homocysteine. For
the regeneration of methionine, free homocysteine and N5-methyl THF are
required and this reaction is dependent on methylcobalamin (vitamin B12). The
onecarbon pool, under the control of THF, is linked with methionine metabolism
(transmethylation) through vitamin B12. Hence vitamin B12 is also involved in
onecarbon metabolism.

Branched chain amino acids

Valine, leucine and isoleucine are the branched chain and essential amino acids.
These three amino acids initially undergo a common pathway and then diverge
to result in different end products. Based on the products obtained from the
carbon skeleton, the branched chain amino acids are either glycogenic or

Valine – glycogenic
Leucine – ketogenic
Isoleucine – glycogenic and ketogenic.

The first three metabolic reactions are common to the branched chain amino
acids (Fig.15.33).
FIG. 15.33 Summary of branched chain amino acid metabolism ( –
Defect in α-keto acid dehydrogenase results in maple syrup urine disease;
HMG CoA– β-Hydroxy β-methyl-glutaryl CoA; Valine is glycogenic, leucine
is ketogenic, while isoleucine is both).

1. Transamination : The three amino acids undergo a reversible transamination

to form their respective keto acids.
2. Oxidative decarboxylation : α-Keto acid dehydrogenase is a complex
mitochondrial enzyme. It is comparable in function to pyruvate
dehydrogenase complex and employs 5 coenzymes—TPP, lipoamide, FAD,
coenzyme A and NAD+—for its action. α-Keto acid dehydrogenase catalyses
oxidative decarboxylation of the keto acids to the corresponding acyl CoA
thioesters. This is a regulatory enzyme in the catabolism of branched chain
amino acids.
3. Dehydrogenation : The dehydrogenation is similar to that in fatty acid
oxidation. FAD is the coenzyme and there is an incorporation of a double
bond. It is now believed that there are two enzymes responsible for
After the initial three common reactions, the metabolism of branched chain
amino acids diverges and takes independent routes. In a series of reactions that
follow, valine is converted to propionyl CoA, a precursor for glucose. Leucine
produces acetyl CoA and acetoacetate, the substrates for fatty acid synthesis.
Isoleucine is degraded to propionyl CoA and acetyl CoA. Thus, valine is
glycogenic and leucine is ketogenic while isoleucine is both glycogenic and

Metabolic defects of branched chain amino acids

1. Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) : This is a metabolic disorder of
branched chain amino acids. The urine of the affected individuals smells like
maple syrup or burnt sugar—hence the name.

Enzyme defect
Maple syrup urine disease is due to a defect in the enzyme branched chain α-
keto acid dehydrogenase. This causes a blockade in the conversion of α-keto
acids to the respective acyl CoA thioesters. The plasma and urine concentrations
of branched amino acids and their keto acids are highly elevated. This disease is
also known as branched chain ketonuria.

Biochemical complications and symptoms :

• Accumulation of branched chain amino acids causes an impairment in
transport and function of other amino acids.
• Protein biosynthesis is reduced.
• Branched chain amino acids competitively inhibit glutamate dehydrogenase.
• The disease results in acidosis, lethargy, convulsions, mental retardation,
coma and, finally, death within one year after birth.

Diagnosis and treatment

An early diagnosis by enzyme analysis—preferably within the first week of life
—is ideal. Estimation of urinary branched amino acids and keto acids will also
help in diagnosis.
The treatment is to feed a diet with low (or no) content of branched amino
acids. Mild variants of MSUD respond to high doses of thiamine. In severe cases
of MSUD, liver transplantation is required.
2. Intermittent branched chain ketonuria : This is a less severe variant form
of maple syrup urine disease. The enzyme defect is the same— α-keto acid
dehydrogenase. As such, there is an impairment and no total blockade in the
conversion of α-keto acids to their respective acyl CoA thioesters. The
symptoms are not as severe as in maple syrup urine disease. Careful diet
planning is adequate to ovecome this disorder.
3. Isovaleric acidemia : This is a specific inborn error of leucine metabolism. It
is due to a defect in the enzyme isovaleryl CoA dehydrogenase. The
conversion of isovaleryl CoA to methylcrotonyl CoA is impaired. The
excretion of isovalerate is high in urine. The affected individuals exhibit a
‘cheesy’ odor in the breath and body fluids. The symptoms include acidosis
and mild mental retardation.
4. Hypervalinemia : This inborn error is characterized by increased plasma
concentration of valine while leucine and isoleucine levels remain normal.
The transamination of valine alone is selectively impaired.

Histidine, proline and arginine

The metabolism of histidine, proline and arginine is considered together, as all
the three are converted to glutamate and metabolized (Fig.15.34).
FIG. 15.34 Metabolism of histidine, proline, arginine, glutamate and
glutamine (THF–Tetrahydrofolate; α-KG–α-Ketoglutarate; Glu–Glutamate).

The metabolism of histidine is important for the generation of onecarbon unit,
namely formimino group. The enzyme histidase acts on histidine to split off
ammonia. Urocanate formed in this reaction is acted upon by urocanase to
produce 4-imidazole 5-propionate. Imidazole ring of the product is cleaved by a
hydrolase to give N-formiminoglutamate (FIGLU). Tetrahydrofolate (THF)
takes up the formimino group to form N5-formimino THF, and glutamate is
liberated. Deficiency of folate blocks this reaction and causes elevated excretion
of FIGLU in urine. Histidine loading test is commonly employed to assess folate
Histidine, on decarboxylation, gives the corresponding amine—histamine.
Histamine regulates HCl secretion by gastric mucosa (Table 15.7). Excessive
production of histamine causes asthma and allergic reactions.

Table 15.4
Classification of amino acids based on the fate of carbon skeleton

Glycogenic (glucogenic) Glycogenic and ketogenic Ketogenic

Alanine Phenylalanine* Leucine*
Arginine* Isoleucine* Lysine*
Aspartate Tyrosine
Cysteine Tryptophan*
Methionine *
Threonine *
Essential amino acids; (Helpful tips to recall—ketogenic amino acids start with letter ‘L’; PITT for
glyco-and ketogenic amino acids; rest of the 20 amino acids are only glycogenic).

The frequency of histidinemia is 1 in 20,000. It is due to a defect in the enzyme
histidase. Histidinemia is characterized by elevated plasma histidine levels and
increased excretion of imidazole pyruvate and histidine in urine. Most of the
patients of histidinemia are mentally retarded and have defect in speech. No
treatment will improve the condition of the patients.

Proline is oxidized to pyrroline 5-carboxylate which undergoes a non-enzymatic
conversion to glutamate 5-semialdehyde. The latter is converted to glutamate
and then transaminated to α-ketoglutarate. The five carbons of proline are
converted to α-ketoglutarate.

Hyperprolinemia type I
It is due to a defect in the enzyme proline oxidase (proline dehydrogenase).
Another metabolic disorder—hyperprolinemia type II—associated with
hydroxyproline metabolism is also reported.

Arginine is cleaved by arginase to liberate urea and produce ornithine. Ornithine
undergoes transamination of δ-amino group to form glutamate γ-semialdehyde
which is converted to glutamate. Hyperargininemia is an inborn error in
arginine metabolism due to a defect in the enzyme arginase.

Nitric oxide (NO)

Arginine is the substrate for the production of nitric oxide (NO), a wonder
molecule with a wide range of functions. The enzyme nitric oxide synthase
(three isoenzymes known) cleaves the nitrogen from the guanidino group of
arginine to form NO. This reaction requires NADPH, FMN, FAD, heme and
tetrahydrobiopterin. NO has a very short half-life (about 5 seconds).

The occurrence of high concentrations of citrulline in human brain has been

known for several years. Only recently it is realized that the citrulline is formed
during the course of NO synthesis [Note : Nitric oxide (NO) should not be
confused with nitrous oxide (NO2)—laughing gas— used as an anesthetic].
Functions of NO
The role of nitric oxide as a therapeutic drug (in the form of nitroglycerine and
amyl nitrate) for the treatment of angina pectoris has been known since 1867.
However, it is only recently that in vivo production and the biological
importance of NO are recognized. In fact, the endothelium derived releasing
factor (EDRF) which causes smooth muscle relaxation is none other than a gas,
Nitric oxide acts as a mediator for several biological functions.
1. NO functions as a vasodilator and causes relaxation of smooth muscles.
2. It is a key molecule in the regulation of blood flow and the blood pressure
(inhibitors of NO synthesis markedly raise blood pressure).
3. NO acts as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation and adhesion.
4. It functions as a messenger molecule of the nervous system
5. NO mediates the bactericidal actions of macrophages.
6. It is involved in the erection of penis.

Mechanism of action
Nitric oxide promotes the synthesis of cGMP. It is believed that some of the
actions of NO are mediated through cGMP and protein kinase G.

It is a derivative of arginine produced in the brain. Agmatine possesses
antihypertensive properties.

Lysine is an essential amino acid. Cereal proteins are deficient in lysine. It does
not participate in transamination reactions. Some of the lysine residues in protein
structure are present as hydroxylysine, methyllysine or acetyllysine. ε-Amino
group of lysine, forming salt bridges is necessary for the maintenance of
structural conformation of protein.
Lysine is a ketogenic amino acid. The summary of lysine metabolism is
depicted in Fig.15.35.
FIG. 15.35 Summary of lysine metabolism.

Synthesis of carnitine
Some of the lysine residues in proteins are found in methylated form. The
methyl groups are obtained from active methionine (SAM). Such proteins on
degradation (by proteolysis) will release the methyllysines. The trimethyllysine
serves as a precursor for the synthesis of carnitine, a compound involved in the
transport of fatty acids to mitochondria for oxidation. It should be noted that free
lysine is not methylated, hence it will not be a substrate for carnitine formation.
Synthesis of carnitine from trimethyllysine is a 4-step reaction involving
oxidation, splitting off glycine residue, dehydrogenation and, finally, oxidation

FIG. 15.36 Synthesis of carnitine (α-KG—α-Ketoglutarate).

Biochemical importance of carnitine
Carnitine plays a key role in the fatty acid oxidation (Chapter 15).
Human requirements of carnitine are usually met with the endogeneous
biosynthesis and the dietary supply. Good sources of carnitine include meat, fish,
poultry and dairy products.
Some research findings suggest that carnitine supplementation has some
beneficial effects in the treatment of myocardial dysfunctions, AIDS, etc.

Glutamate and glutamine

Glutamate and glutamine are nonessential glycogenic amino acids. Both of them
play a predominant role in the amino acid metabolism, and are directly involved
in the final transfer of amino group for urea synthesis.
The amino acids—histidine, proline and arginine—are converted in their
metabolism to glutamate (See Fig.15.34). α-Ketoglutarate—an intermediate in
TCA cycle—serves as an immediate precursor for glutamate formation.
Glutamate—besides being converted to glutamine—is involved in the
synthesis of certain specialized products (Fig.15.37).
FIG. 15.37 Overview of glutamate and glutamine metabolism.

1. Glutathione is a tripeptide that contains glutamate. Its formation is described

under glycine metabolism.
2. N-Acetylglutamate is an allosteric regulator of carbamoyl phosphate synthase
I, the first enzyme in urea synthesis.
3. Glutamate is present in the clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X) as γ-
carboxyglutamate and is involved in coagulation.
4. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) : Glutamate is decarboxylated to GABA—
mostly in the brain. This is a sensitive and irreversible reaction, catalysed by a
pyridoxal phosphate-dependent glutamate decarboxylase.
GABA undergoes transamination followed by oxidation to form succinate
which enters TCA cycle (Fig.15.38). The reactions involving the fate of GABA
constitute a bypass route for glutamate to enter TCA cycle, which is known as
GABA shunt.
FIG. 15.38 Metabolism of γ-aminobutyric acid (PLP–Pyridoxal

Functions of GABA
It is one of the major inhibitory neurotransmitters in the brain. GABA regulates
the activity of neurons by discouraging the transmission signals. It is believed
that GABA opens chloride channels and increases the permeability of post-
synaptic membranes. Thus GABA functions as an inhibitory neurotransmitter.
Decreased GABA levels will cause convulsions.

Vitamin B6 deficiency and GABA

GABA synthesis requires pyridoxal phosphate, a coenzyme of vitamin B6. In B6
deficiency, the production of GABA is reduced. The result is neuronal
hyperexcitability, causing convulsions.

Glutamine is a versatile amino acid. Ammonia is temporarily stored in the form
of glutamine. Glutamine is freely diffusible and, hence, easily transported. The
synthesis and degradation of glutamine are described (See Fig.15.8).
Glutamine is the donor of nitrogen atoms for purine and pyrimidine synthesis.
It is the chief source of ammonia in kidneys. The NH3 production is elevated in
acidosis to maintain acid-base balance. Glutamine also takes part in
conjugation reactions.

Aspartate and asparagine

Both these amino acids are nonessential and glycogenic. Aspartate is formed
from oxaloacetate (an intermediate in TCA cycle) by transamination. Aspartate
transaminase (AST) is an important enzyme for the interconversion of glutamate
and aspartate.

The diagnostic importance of the enzyme AST has already been described
(Chapter 6). Aspartate has certain important functions (Fig.15.39).
FIG. 15.39 Overview of aspartate and asparagine metabolism.

1. It donates one amino group for the synthesis of urea (the other amino group in
urea directly comes from ammonia).
2. Aspartate forms a connecting link between urea cycle and TCA cycle (via
3. It is utilized for the synthesis of purines (N1 and NH2 at 6th position) and
pyrimidines (N3, C4 C5 and C6 atoms).
4. Malate-aspartate shuttle is important for the transfer of reducing equivalents
(NADH) from the cytosol to mitochondria (Refer Fig.11.13).
Asparagine is synthesized from aspartate by a synthetase in an irreversible
ATP-dependent reaction. Asparaginase hydrolyses asparagine and liberates
ammonia (Fig.15.40). These reactions are comparable to glutamine synthesis
and its breakdown.
FIG. 15.40 Synthesis of asparagine and its conversion to aspartate (Note
: The reactions are independent and irreversible).

The nonessential amino acid alanine performs two important functions in the
body— incorporation into proteins and participation in transamination and NH3
As already discussed, ammonia is toxic to the body, hence it cannot be
transported in free form. Glutamate and glutamine shoulder the major burden of
ammonia transport. Alanine is also important in this regard. In the peripheral
tissues (most predominantly—muscle), pyruvate produced in glycolysis gets
converted to alanine (by transamination) and is transported to liver. Pyruvate can
be regenerated from alanine in liver and the pyruvate so produced serves as a
precursor for glucose. Amino group is diverted for transamination or urea
formation. This is an alanine-pyruvate shuttle for carrying nitrogen to be
reutilized or converted to urea.
It is recently (2008) reported that people with higher levels of alanine in
urine have increased risk for higher blood pressure.
The amino acid β-alanine is a constituent of the vitamin pantothenic acid, and
thus the coenzyme A.

Serine is a nonessential glycogenic amino acid. As described in glycine
metabolism, serine and glycine are interconvertible. Serine can be synthesized
from the intermediates of glycolysis (3-phosphoglycerate). The metabolic
reactions of serine are described hereunder (Fig.15.41)
FIG. 15.41 Overview of serine metabolism.

1. Serine undergoes deamination to form pyruvate.

2. Serine is involved in onecarbon metabolism. It donates methylene (–CH2)

moiety to tetrahydrofolate (THF).

3. On decarboxylation (PLPdependent) serine forms ethanolamine which is the

precursor for choline synthesis.
4. Serine is utilized for the synthesis of cysteine (See Fig.15.30). It may be noted
that the entire cysteine molecule is derived from serine except the sulfur that
comes from homocysteine.
5. Serine is involved in the formation of selenocysteine, the 21st amino acid
found in certain proteins.
6. Serine directly participates in the synthesis of phospholipid-phosphatidyl
serine (details described in lipid metabolism, Chapter 14).
7. Serine is also involved in the synthesis of sphingomyelins and cephalins.
8. In the structure of proteins, serine (—OH group) serves as a carrier of
phosphate which is involved in the regulation of many enzyme activities.

Threonine is an essential hydroxy amino acid. It is glycogenic and does not
participate in transamination reactions. Threonine is often a carrier of phosphate
group in the protein structure. The outline of threonine metabolism is depicted in

FIG. 15.42 Overview of threonine metabolism.

Threonine undergoes deamination (by threonine dehydratase) to α-

ketobutyrate which is converted to propionyl CoA. Threonine can be cleaved to
glycine and acetaldehyde by serine hydroxymethyltransferase. Dehydrogenation
followed by decarboxylation of threonine results in aminoacetone which may be
converted to pyruvate or lactate.

Fate of carbon skeleton of amino acids

The metabolic reactions of individual amino acids are described above. After the
removal of amino groups, the carbon skeleton of amino acids is converted to
intermediates of TCA cycle or their precursors. The carbon skeleton finally has
one or more of the following fates
1. Oxidation via TCA cycle to produce energy (about 10–15% of body needs).
2. Synthesis of glucose.
3. Formation of lipids—fatty acids and ketone bodies.
4. Synthesis of nonessential amino acids.
The carbon skeletons of the 20 standard (or more) amino acids (or the amino
acids of proteins) are degraded to one of the following seven products
—pyruvate, α-ketoglutarate, succinyl CoA, fumarate, oxaloacetate, acetyl CoA
and acetoacetate. Some authors use the term amphibolic (Greek: amphiboles—
uncertain) intermediates to these compounds due to their multiple metabolic
The amino acids are classified into two groups, based on the nature of the
metabolic end products of carbon skeleton.
1. Glycogenic (glucogenic) amino acids : These are the amino acids whose
carbon skeleton is finally degraded to pyruvate or one of the intermediates of
TCA cycle (α-ketoglutarate, succinyl CoA, fumarate and oxaloacetate). These
intermediates serve as good substrates for gluconeogenesis leading to the
formation of glucose or glycogen.
2. Ketogenic amino acids : The amino acids whose carbon skeleton is
metabolized to acetyl CoA or acetoacetate can be converted to fat (i.e., fatty
acids or ketone bodies). Acetoacetate is a ketone body (besides acetone and β-
Some of the amino acids are both glycogenic and ketogenic since they serve
as precursors for glucose as well as fat.
The classification of amino acids (glycogenic, ketogenic, or both) is given in
Table 15.4. The various products obtained from the carbon skeleton of amino
acids and their connection with the citric acid cycle is depicted in Fig.15.43.
FIG. 15.43 Summary of the products formed from carbon skeleton of
amino acids (colour indication, Blue–glucogenic; Green shade–glucogenic
and ketogenic; Red–ketogenic).

The details on the formation of amphibolic intermediates by the degradation

of amino acids are given in the metabolism of respective amino acids. They are
summarized hereunder
• Pyruvate : Alanine, cysteine, glycine, hydroxyproline, serine and threonine.
• α-Ketoglutarate : Glutamine, glutamate, arginine, histidine and proline.
• Succinyl CoA : Isoleucine, methionine, threonine and valine.
• Fumarate : Phenylalanine and tyrosine.
• Oxaloacetate : Asparagine and aspartate.
• Acetyl CoA and acetoacetate : Phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan,
isoleucine, leucine and lysine.
Leucine and lysine are only ketogenic, since they produce acetoacetate or
acetyl CoA.

Biosynthesis of nonessential amino acids

Of the 20 amino acids, about half of them are nonessential in the diet, as they
can be synthesized in human body. This is carried out by the biosynthesis of
carbon skeleton, followed by the addition of amino group via transamination. In
the Table 15.5, the sources of carbon skeleton for the synthesis of nonessential
amino acids are given.
Table 15.5
The sources of carbon skeleton for the biosynthesis of nonessential
amino acids

Inborn errors of amino acid metabolism—a summary

Several inherited disorders are associated with amino acid metabolism. The
details of these metabolic disorders are described in the respective amino acids.
Table 15.6 gives a summary of the inborn errors of amino acid metabolism.

Table 15.6
Inborn errors of amino acid metabolism
Biomedical/clinical concepts
Melanin—the pigment of skin, hair and eyes—is produced from
tyrosine. Lack of melanin synthesis (mostly due to a deficiency of
tyrosinase) causes albinism.
Parkinson's disease—a common disorder of the elderly—is linked
with decreased synthesis of dopamine. It is characterized by
muscular rigidity, tremors, lethargy etc.
Phenylketonuria, due to a defect in the enzyme phenylalanine
hydroxylase, is characterized by failure of growth, seizures and
mental retardation (low IQ).
Alkaptonuria causes the accumulation of homogentisate which
undergoes oxidation followed by polymerization to produce the
pigment alkapton. Deposition of alkapton in connective tissue,
causes ochronosis which is associated with arthritis.
Serotonin, an excitatory neurotransmitter, is synthesized from
tryptophan. Psychic stimulant drugs (iproniazid) elevate serotonin
levels while depressant drugs (LSD) decrease.
Malignant carcinoid syndrome, a tumor of argentaffin cells of
gastrointestinal tract, is characterized by tremendously increased
production of serotonin. This disorder can be diagnosed by the
elevated levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetate in urine.
Melatonin, produced from serotonin, is involved in circadian
rhythms or diurnal variations, i.e., maintenance of body's
biological clock.
Homocysteine has been implicated as a risk factor in the onset of
coronary heart diseases.
Histidine loading test, characterized by elevated excretion of N-
formiminoglutamate (FIGLU) is commonly employed to assess
the deficiency of the vitamin, folic acid.
Nitric oxide (NO), synthesized from arginine, is involved in
several biological functions— vasodilation, platelet aggregation,
neurotransmission and bactericidal action. NO is used in the
treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), produced from glutamate, is an
inhibitory neurotransmitter. Low levels of GABA result in
The carbon skeleton of amino acids may be converted to glucose
(glycogenic) or fat (ketogenic), besides being responsible for the
synthesis of nonessential amino acids.
Polyamines (spermine, putrescine) are involved in the synthesis of
DNA, RNA and proteins and, thus, they are essential for cell
growth and differentiation.

Amino aciduria
The term amino aciduria is generally used to indicate the urinary excretion of
amino acids. It is frequently associated with defects in amino acid metabolism.
Most of the amino acidurias manifest in mental retardation.

Amino acids as neurotransmitters

A neurotransmitter is an extracellular massenger that can transmit an
extracellular message from a neuron to cells. Certain amino acids and or their
derivatives can serve as neurotransmitters e.g. glycine, glutamate, serononin,
GABA (Table 15.7)

Table 15.7
Amino acids and their derivatives as neurotransmitters

Amino acid/derivative Major function(s)

Glycine Inhibitory neurotransmitter in spinal cord

Glutamate Excitatory neurotransmitter
Dopamine Increases blood pressure
Norepinephrine and epinephrine Hormonal neurotransmitters, increase cardaic output and blood pressure
Serotonin Regulates cerebral activity and behaviour
γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) Inhibitory neurotransmitter in brain

Biogenic amines
In general, the decarboxylation of amino acids or their derivatives results in the
formation of amines.
A summary of the biogenic amines derived from different amino acids and
their major functions are given in Table 15.8.

Table 15.8
A summary of the biogenic amines and their functions

Polyamines (Greek: poly—many) possess multiple amino groups. Putrescine,
spermine and spermidine are the biologically important polyamines. Spermine
and spermidine were originally detected in human semen (sperms), hence they
are so named.

Ornithine and S-adenosylmethionine are the precursors for polyamine synthesis.
It should, however, be noted that only the four-carbon moiety of SAM (not the
methyl group) is involved in polyamine formation. Ornithine decarboxylase acts
on ornithine to split off CO2 and produce putrescine (Fig.15.44). The enzyme
ornithine decarboxylase has the shortest half-life (about 10 minutes) among the
known mammalian enzymes. It regulates polyamine synthesis. The activity of
this enzyme is increased by hormones like corticosteroids, testosterone and
growth hormone.

FIG. 15.44 Biosynthesis of polyamines—putrescine, spermidine and


Putrescine is converted to spermidine and then spermine with the involvement

of SAM. S-Adenosylmethionine is first decarboxylated to give decarboxylated
SAM. SAM decarboxylase is a rare example of an enzyme that does not require
pyridoxal phosphate as coenzyme. An amino acid residue bound to pyruvate is
believed to function as a cofactor. The propylamino group of decarboxylated
SAM is transferred to putrescine to give spermidine. Synthesis of spermine
requires one more molecule of decarboxylated SAM and this reaction is
catalysed by spermine synthase.

Degradation of polyamines
The enzyme polyamine oxidase (of liver peroxisomes) oxidizes spermine to
spermidine and then to putrescine. Spermidine and putrescine are excreted in
urine in a conjugated form, as acetylated derivatives. Some amount of putrescine
is also oxidized to NH3 and CO2.

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