Omar - Raven Questions

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The following story is from Strength and Struggle: Perspectives from First Nations, Inuit, and

Metis Peoples of Canada

“A Raven Flies South” by Gord Bruyere - page 21

A Raven Flies South (S+S).pdf

Ms. Bigham’s impressions - super short, evocative+intimate view of a young boy’s view of his

After reading the story together and discussing it as a class, please answer the following

1. Bruyere uses very descriptive language and imagery in this story. Imagery is a
description that appeals to the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste).
Find and quote two different examples of imagery which you appreciated.
Explain how each example helped you understand one of the following:

Quote 1: Colony Farm is still purple before dawn but the frost on the brown grasses and
bare trees is already visible:

Response 1

With the example of imagery pointing out that the location of the narrative was taking
place during a chilly winter since frost is present in the countryside, it gives me a better
idea to comprehend where the setting of the story was taking place. With the imagery
emphasising the colour of the sky and the brightness of the backdrop, we also have a
more in-depth grasp of the atmosphere that “rave” might be feeling in that moment.

Quote 2: Today is even better because he can step on to frozen puddles and hear the
sounds of crunch and crash:

Response 2:

Ice, which is typically found in the winter or in the late autumn, is linked with frozen
puddles. Snow is typically present throughout the winter months, allowing us to assume
that the crunch and crash sounds are coming from the snow, which is another aspect of
winter. This illustration of imagery talks about walking on frozen puddles and hearing the
cracks which means that the lake isn’t fully frozen to the point that it is rigid solid ice
which makes me immediately think about early winter.
2. There are three characters in the story: Raven, Kooks, and Raven’s Mom.
Describe the emotional state or mindset of each one based on your reading of the whole

In the short story, the mother of the character Raven alludes to evidence indicating that
she is a residential school survivor and that this is the source of her ongoing anguish.
Due to the trauma of the residential school, her opinions diverge from those of Raven's
grandmother. Being christian, always being sad and on top of all, being alcoholic, means
that Raven's mother is unable to care of her kids. While Raven's mother had her culture
taken away from her and was coerced into becoming a Christian in an effort to eradicate
her indigenous culture, Raven's grandma is attempting to teach him about his culture.

How did you reach these conclusions?

3. : Raven ponders the teachings he has received from his grandmother/kookum and his
a) In your opinion, how does Raven respond to the teachings? Is he accepting of
the differences? Conflicted? Use an example(s) from the story to support your

I think that he is starting to understand the situation that he is placed in because

he says “my mom was a christian, and what’s wrong with that? Maybe that’s what
had to do with why she is always sad”. He is just thinking about it, but soon when
he grows up a little more, would come back to that idea and figure out that he
was right. And since his grandmother is from aboriginal roots, she dosen’t agree
with his mom being christian and tries to protect him from that culture.

b) Can you relate to learning various world views from family, friends, or media? If
so, how do/did you respond?
No, because all my family members (mom and dad side) have the same world
view and are from the same tribe in morocco thus there was no conflicts for me
while growing up. Compared to Raven who’s mom is christian and his grandma

4. Raven hears his grandmother’s voice several times in the story.

Why do you think the author Bruyere chose not to include the mother’s voice in the story?

- I think that we have his grandmother’s voice because she might be the bigger part of his
life rather than his mom. In other words, author Bruyere chose not to include the
mother's voice in the story because the grandmother takes the position of the mother in
the story. Or it is because his mom is christian and, as we can telll , first nations and
christianism don’t have a great relation with eachother, thus wanted to emphasize his
grandmother’s point of view primarily.

Class notes:
- time/when

How the story makes a reader/you feel


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