Atlib '18

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3+17 ×10−5=¿
a) 88
8. The number 0.0328 in standard form is
b) 100
a) 3.28 ×10−4
c) 168
d) 195 b) 3.28 ×10−3
2. Which of the following represent c) 3.28 ×10−2
number greater than -6 but less than or d) 3.28 ×102
equal to 2? 9. The number 0.08952 rounded off to 2
a) { x :−6> x ≤ 2 } significant figure is
b) { x :−6 ≥ x ≥ 2 } a) 0.09
c) { x :−6< x ≤ 2 } b) 0.009
d) { x−:6 ≤ x ≤ 2 } c) 0.089
d) 0.090
3. If P ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, Q = {1, 3, 5, 4, 9} and
10. 0.05 kg =
R = {9, 3, 4, 2, 5}, then P ∩Q∩ R=¿
a) 0.00005 g
a) {1, 3}
b) 0.5 g
b) {1, 3, 5}
c) 5 g
c) {3, 4}
d) 50 g
d) {3, 4, 5}
4. The domain of the relation{(1,3), 11. 3 ( 2 x −2 y ) +2 ( x−4 y )=¿
(2, 6), (-3, 7), (-4, -5) is a) 4 x+19 y
a) {1, 2,-3,-4} b) 4 x−10 y
b) {1, 2, 7, -5} c) 8 x−10 y
c) {-5, 3, 6, 7} d) −11 xy
d) {-3, 3, 2,-4} 12. Which of the following illustrates the
5. The equation of the line which passes associative property of addition
through the points (0, -4) and has a a) 8+ ( 3+ 5 )=( 8+3 )+ 5
gradient 0.5 is b) 8+5=5+8
a) y=0.5 x−4 c) 8 ( 3+5 ) =8 ×3+8 × 5
b) y=−0.5 x −4 d) 8+ (−8 )=0
c) y=0.5 x + 4 13. Which of the following is not a prime
d) y=−0.5 x + 4 number?
6. If f ( z )=z +3 , then f −1 ( z ) =¿ a) 11
a) z +3 b) 21
b) 3−z c) 31
c) z−3 d) 41
d) −z−3 14. Which of the following is the Highest
7. If Common Factor of 18 and 24?
f ( x )=x 2 +2 x+5∧g ( x ) =x−2 ,the fg ( x )=¿ a) 3
b) 6
a) x 2−2 x+5
c) 8
b) x 2+ 2 x +6
d) 12
c) x 2+ 2 x +2
d) x 2+ 2 x +4
15. I am thinking of a number x, what c) meter
algebraic expression represent eight d) kilogram
less than twice a number?
a) 2 x−8 22. The length of an arc which subtends an
b) 2 x+ 8 angle of 600 at the center of a circle
c) 8−2 x with radius 9 cm is
d) 2(8−x) a) π cm
16. If x=−2∧ y=3 then x−3 y =¿ b) 2 π cm
a) −13 c) 3 π cm
b) −¿11 d) 6 π cm
c) −¿9 23. Which statement is true for a reflection
d) 7 in the mirror line y=−x
17. ( 3 x 2 ) = a) y coordinates changes sign
b) both x and y coordinates change
a) 9 x 5
b) 9 x 6
c) x coordinate changes sign
c) 27 x 5 d) both x and y coordinated changes
d) 27 x 6 in sign and position.
18. 3 ( 2 x −3 y )−2 (2 x−2 y )=¿ 24. In the diagram below, a plane travel
a) 2 x−13 y from point A on a bearing of 1500, to a
b) 12 x−9 y point B, 10 km from A. How far east is
c) 10 x−5 y A from B?
d) 2 x−5 y
19. Of the following fractions, the best
approximation to is
3 a) 10 cos 600
3 b) 10 sin 300
2 c) 10 sin 600
20. A cube has a volume of 125 cm3. What d) 10 tan 300
is the area of one of its face? 25. A circular hole with diameter 6cm is cut
a) 5 cm2 out from a from circular piece of
b) 25 cm2 cardboard with a diameter of 12 cm.
c) 150 cm2 The area of the remaining cardboard is?
d) 300 cm2 a) 6 π
21. In the SI system , the basic unit b) 27 π
measurement for mass is c) 36 π
a) pound d) 108 π
b) tonne
26. The radius of a spherical balloon
increases from 7 cm to 14 cm when air
is pumped into the balloon. The ratio of 30. A bag contains 8 mangoes and n
the surface area of the original balloon oranges. The probability of choosing a
to the inflated one is 2
mango from the bag is . The number
a) 1:2 3
b) 1:3 of oranges is
c) 1:4 a) 156
d) 1:5 b) 12
27. Enviornmental tax and custom duty is c) 8
calculated as follow: d) 4
Enviornmental tax 10% of value 31. Which of the following is irrational?
Custom duty 40% of value π
What is the total paid on a shipment of 3
flour valued at $50000? b) √ 9
a) $5000 c) sin 300
b) $15000 d) √ 3
c) $50000 32. If tan angle A is
d) $75000 8
28. The marked price of a television was ∧angle A is reflex , then sin angle A=¿ ¿
$2800.A man bought the television set −15
making a deposit of $120 and paying a)
$168 monthly for one year. How much −8
did the man saved if he had bought the b)
television set for cash? 8
a) $656 c)
b) $664 d) −¿
c) $784 15
d) $2136 e)
29. A bag has 10 marbles of which half are 33. The point (3, 2) is reflected in the line l
green. Two marbles are chosen without to produce an image (7, 2). The
replacement. The probability that both equation of the line l is
are green is a) X = 2
1 b) Y =2
5 c) X = 5
2 d) Y = 5
9 34. In a cyclic quadrilateral, two opposite
1 angles are in the ratio 2:3. The size of
4 the smaller of these angles is
1 a) 300
2 b) 360
c) 600 a) 0.56
d) 720 b) 5.6
35. The number of axes of symmetry in a c) 56
square is d) 560
a) 2 40. In a regular octagon, the size of each
b) 3 exterior angle is
c) 4 1
a) 22
d) 6 2
b) 45 0
c) 90 0
d) 1350

41. The radius of a circular lake is 77 m.

The circumference of the lake is
a) 484 m
b) 400 m
c) 318 m
d) 242 m
42. A plane is travelling on a bearing of
2140. This direction lies between
36. In the figure above , not drawn to
a) South and west
scale , the triangle XYZ is isosceles with
b) North and west
XY = YZ= 8 cm. the area of triangle XYZ
c) North and east
d) South and east
a) 16 √ 3 cm 2
b) 32 √ 3 cm 2
c) 36 √ 3 cm 2
d) 46cm2
37. A cuboid of base 6 cm by 8 cm has the
same volume as a cube of side 12 cm.
The height of the cuboid is
a) 12 cm
b) 24 cm 43. The diagram shows a chord AB drawn
c) 36 cm on a circle, center O. D is a point on the
d) 48 cm circumference and angle OAB is 300.
38. The line 2 y=2 x+ 8cuts the x-axis at A The size of angle ADB is
and the a) 900
y - axis at B . The area of triangle OAB is b) 1200
a) 4 square units c) 1400
b) 8 square units d) 1800
c) 16 square units
d) 32 square units
39. A container hold 56000 cm3 of water.
This volume expressed in liters is
44. A plane leaves V at 14:00 hrs. and a) 8
arrives at W at 17:30 hrs. The distance b) 7
between V and W is 1925 km. The c) 6
average speed of travel is d) 5
a) 550 kmh−1
b) 600 kmh−1
c) 625 kmh−1
d) 650 kmh−1
45. The point P (-2,-4) is rotated through
1800 about O to P’. The coordinates of
P’ are
a) (-2, 4)
b) (2,-4)
c) (4,2)
d) (2, 4)

49. The figure shows a solid, right, circular

46. A truck left a town V at 09:00hrs and cylinder of a base r and height h. Its
travelled to a town W, 225km away, total surface area is given by
travelling at an average speed of 60 a) πr 2 h
kmh-1. The time of arrival at town W b) 2 πrh
c) 2 πrh+π r 2
a) 12:45hrs
d) 2 πrh+2 π r 2
b) 13:00hrs
c) 13:15hrs
d) 13:25hrs

47. The figure shows a right circular

cylinder of radius, r =4cm. If the volume 50. The figure shows a pyramid with square
of the cylinder is 256 π cm 3, the height base, and side a and height h. The
is volume is
a) 8 cm 1 2 2
a) a h
b) 12 cm 4
c) 16 cm 1 2
b) a h
d) 24 cm 2
48. In a regular polygon of n sides, each 1 2
c) a h
exterior angle is 720. The value of n is 3
1 2
d) ah

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