Road Safety Suggestion To Supreme Court Committee To Control Fatalities in India

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Road Accidents

How to reduce Deaths on Indian roads

Consultant Pediatric surgeon
Sarkar Hospital for Women & Children

Suggestion through power point presentation

before Road safety committee constituted by
Supreme Court of India during its meeting
On 14th November, 2014 at Vigyan Bhawan
members of committee are:
1.Hon'ble Mr. Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan [ Rtd Justice
supreme court
Chairman, Committee for study on Road Accidents
2.Mr S Sundar, former transport secretary
3.Dr Nishi Mittal, chief scientist in Central Road
Research Institute

We cannot avoid road traffic however big we

may be in our status in the country
- - - the price we are paying today for using our roads is
extremely high

Hazards on roads
Road accidents
Traffic Congestion & Traffic Jams
Vehicle induced Air pollution

Road Accidents: The biggest hazard!

Claimed 1,40,000 lives [2012-13] in India

World record of Highest deaths in road

accidents is to the credit of India !




No doubt govt is making tremendous efforts in terms of

expenditure/laws/planning to control road accidents in
India but somehow we are not getting desired results.
So there is a need to re-evaluate our policies in this
There could be many reasons for not getting desired
results. I have extensively researched this problems and
have found some important reasons for not getting
desired results.

How to Reduce fatalities on Indian roads?

In broad term reduction in fatalities can be

achieved by two ways
[A] By Preventing road accidents to occur
and if accidents occur
[B] By Better Post accident/crash management

Prevention of road accidents
Prevention is much more important than
the post-crash management

Why prevention is so important in our lives !

Some UNIVERSAL facts about results of Trauma care:

25-30% can be saved by SIMPLE trauma care

45-50% can be saved by ADVANCED trauma care
25- 30% injured CAN NOT be saved even by the best
available medical facility in the world !!
As impact of accident is so severe that death occurs on
the spot immediately or within few minutes before
medical help.

Prevention is the only answer for this group !!

Why prevention [cont. ] : esp. important in India

Lack of Proper Trauma care:
At present trauma care is in early stage in India and mainly
confined to big cities.
In smaller cities, though we have good surgical specialists,
however, a dedicated trauma team under one roof is missing

Mortality BEFORE Hospital Contact: 50-60%

Mortality AFTER Hospital Contact : 20-30%
India :
1 death out of 4-5
Developed country : 1 death out of 70

Trauma care
in India

I am due in 202@#??*

Why prevention [cont. ]

Prevention is much more cost effective

Fact : 70-80% trauma patients treated in private hospitals

In India only 3-5% population has medical insurance .

How to prevent Road Accidents?

In simple words: By eliminating or controlling
the factors that cause road accidents
So we have to quickly go through some important causes
of accidents. Unless we know the reasons properly and
clearly, we cannot treat this malady.


[1] Human Errors : responsible in 85-90% cases
[i.e. mistakes or wrong judgments of drivers or others]

[2] Vehicular Factors: in 3 - 4% only

[e.g. failure of brakes or steering, burst tyres, etc.

[3] Roads & Environmental Factors: in 4- 5%

[e.g. bad road surface, Steep curves, Sudden
narrowing poor visibility, rains, roadside objects, etc
Drivers fault is the single most important
factor responsible for accidents : Ministry of
Road Transport & Highways 20-October-2011:

Two Major Killers/Errors:

Over speeding & Overtaking
. . . responsible for 58.3% road accidents

17th March, 2014

Other Human Errors [cont.]

Fatigue or sleep[10%]:
Drunken driving [15%]
Driving against one way [20%]
Jumping signals [10-15%]

Erratic parking on Roads [18-20%]

Not using Safety measures e.g. helmet, seat belts

We frequently blame hardware or machine we are driving

in, but fact is that it is the software, the driver's brain that is
the real culprit behind majority of accidents.

This shows that general public is not very serious about

road accident in India.

There is something wrong with our attitude towards

road safety
It has been assumed that it is the job of authorities to
control road accidents and citizens have no significant
role to play.
It is true that citizens are suffering but they should
realize that they are an important cause for it so their
contribution is must.

So change in attitude is the real need of

time and a large number of fatalities can be
prevented if we concentrate on this single
factor of human error

i.e. 85-90% of 1.4 lakhs fatalities

How to change the attitude of the people

How to make people take road accidents

We need to act at THREE Levels

Present Drivers
or commuters



Next Generation
i.e. our children
[Future Drivers]

Target Society

[A] How to change attitude of Present Drivers

The solution in theory appears to be very simple
i.e. follow safety rules
BUT we hardly see any actual results on the roads.

[A] Some Compulsion

[B] A Strong Motivation

e.g. Penalty/Punishment

e. g: Education, Awareness

[A] Penalty/Punishment
Penalty is much more effective than educational

Education Program Vs Punishment

These traffic weeks or educational programs does increase
our knowledge but it does not mean - - -

But when the same policemen start issuing challans,

everybody behaves
Why we follow rules abroad and the same person . . . .

[punishment cont.]

[3] Safe roads: A Basic Right of other Commuters

Who Follow Traffic Rules
So education alone is insufficient to change
peoples attitude on roads unless strict penalties
are enforced simultaneously.
I strongly believe that for road safety in future we should
give more emphasis on it.
Secondly, this punishment drive should not remain
confined to metro cities only but should be implemented
at the country level.

Need to Extend area of traffic police:


Accidents are occurring on two areas

On Highways [40%]

Inside city

Role of Traffic Police? NO

At crossing
Role of Traffic Police? YES

In between crossings
Role of Traffic Police? NO

Esp. On Highways : for traffic offenders e.g.

[1] Reverse lane driving

It is surprising to know that incidences of head on

collisions is more or less the same in both divided and
single lane highways [around 20%].

[B] Erratic parking on Roads :

Irresponsibly parked vehicles on roads [trucks,
tractors, cars, etc] are the cause of accidents in 20-25%
of cases on highways.



[3] To intercept Drunken drivers [10-15%]:

23,979 died in 2012 due to drunken driving.

1. Ban on liquor shops on state & National highways

Licensing of liquor shops is covered under Excise Policy of
the States. [by Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, 10-Feb., 2014]
2. Consider ZERO BAC limit : insist for designated drivers

There are many countries that take this fact

seriously and do not allow drinking before driving or
follow a zero BAC limit .

Saudi Arabia







Czech Republic




Unfortunately, India is not one of them !

We can prevent 23,979 fatalities

[punishment cont.]
Types of mistakes by drivers/commuters on roads
There could be three kind of human errors on the roads
Type one:
Drivers make mistake but OTHERS on roads sufferer most of
the times e.g. Truck & Bus drivers and cars to some extend
Possible Reason: ? A feeling of security for accidents may be
responsible for careless driving
How to deal: They need more punishment

Type Two:
Commuters/drivers making mistake and they
THEMSELVES are the sufferers most of the times
e.g. Vulnerable Road Users :pedestrians,
motorized two wheelers, etc]
So VRUs suffer in both ways
Fact: 70% deaths belong to this group.
Thus this group needs maximum protection
How to deal: Mainly by education/awareness
Milder Punishment

[B] A Strong Motivation

Make them realize that Road accident is a disease or
health problem like Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, etc
To Prevent other Major Killers

Road Accidents

To Spend Money
Physical activities
Diet restriction


Just change our
attitude or Software

How to instill this knowledge in their minds?

[A] By Providing study Materials: e.g. Manual on road
safety to all drivers
It should be interesting and with practical information of
road safety like causes, prevention, tips on post crash
management like what to do what not to do.
To all drivers : four as well as two wheelers
in different languages.
It can be made available to all drivers [ In all languages]
Automobile companies
Traffic police
Motor Driving School

Through education and awareness programs we

should also try to clear some misconceptions about
road accidents that prevail in general public.
Like . . . .

Our Misconceptions.
My Vehicle is Strong !

We feel safer inside a car having a strong metallic body.

The type of colliding vehicle is not in

our hands.
It is not a bullfight where a matador
can choose the bull of his choice !

Depending on the size of the

colliding vehicle you may be
above or underneath the
colliding vehicle

TATA Safari

Chevrolet Cruz


Honda Accord
toyota qualis


Our Misconceptions .
Concerned Traffic Authorities are mainly Responsible for

In a majority of cases this is not so


Accidents are occurring on two areas

On Highways [40%]
NO Role
At crossing
Role : YES

Inside city

In between crossings
NO Role

Our misconceptions. : No one can change our

everyone has to die one day and in a manner predestined by

Our Misconceptions :
It is the price we pay for Technological Advancement
Automobile is a machine and it is a price ----

ELECTRICITY is the most widely used invention in society

but total deaths due to electrocution are 20 times less than
road accidents.

Our Misconceptions .
Sometimes you have to take risks

We feel it is okay to take a risk in some situations, e.g.

in order to catch a train, in a medical emergency, for an
exam or interview, etc.

How to change attitude [cont . . ]

[2] Help from Media

Support of media is critical for the success of all road
safety initiatives by government or NGOs
It can have a great impact on attitude of our society for
road safety esp. at country level

Print Media : Doing excellent job

Electronic : We expect to play more role

They discuss many small disasters more seriously in
terms of TIME and TRP.

Communal Violence

Murder Mysteries

Expectation from Media [esp. electronic]:

1. A half an hour program on road safety: Like that of
health and fitness programs, yoga, cookery,
2. Active group discussions: News on accidents should
not be confined as a bulletin of score related with number
of deaths, instead it should include from time to time an
active group discussions with people related with road
3. Media should highlight or give good coverage of news
of penalties. So that people have a feeling of being caught
or fear that they may be checked any where any time.

A person while driving a vehicle is more susceptible to
suggestions regarding the road safety.
So an FM radio can play an important role enlightening the
public regarding traffic safety.
Instead of simple advertisements, we should make some more
interesting programs on road safety.

Help From Censor Board

Scenes showing traffic offense or violation should be
banned in films and TV programs

- - - - - approx. 60,000 deaths occur every year due to

cell phone related distracted driving all over the world
[ a very conservative estimate !]

[B] How to change attitude of next generation?

Our children are tomorrows drivers

[A] Road traffic safety as subject in education system:

Education of traffic science is like a vaccine against
epidemic called road accidents.
It is the job of experts to decide how to spread this traffic
education into different classes from primary to university.
I think it deserves to be a fully-fledged subject in engineering
or some diploma course at university level

1. In Primary & middle School: curricula should include a

section on road safety. Children may also be taught
how to walk on and cross roads by giving examples.
By this age they start riding bicycles
2. In High School & 12th: Now traffic rules and the road
signs can be taught in greater detail. Principles of
accident prevention, basic life support and First-aid can
be incorporated in the school curriculum.
3. In Universities: Traffic Science has still not been
evolved as a subject for study at the university level. I
think it deserves to be a fully-fledged subject in

[B] More emphasis on Good Parenting

Parents should be a role model for their children.
Explain that all road users have equal rights on road.
Discourage for fake Driving Licenses

[C]. By giving presentation in schools on road safety

by some dedicated team on basics of road safety. once or
twice a year to different schools road safety.
Documentaries, Power point presentation, CDs

[D] Restriction or Ban on Automobile Road Shows

They should look like drivers and not as a stuntman of a circus

Emotional Compulsion : by Ad
Wives & children on special occasions,
instead of gifts, can ask for Commitments
like for speed limit, use of seat belt or helmet

The Protector
The God

The Deterrent
A family photo

Prevention Through Vehicular Factors

Ban on Metallic Bars or Stiff Bumpers:

Risky to both Driver as well as others on roads

Trucks to use under-run guards [metallic sheet around]

[As they are responsible in 65% of accidents on highways]

Tyre Bursts


Burning Car: A new kind of accident

- Seen in cars of all segments and companies
- Seen both on petrol/diesel and gas based cars
- Has been seen in brand new cars
- No report of official enquiry by automobile Co or by Govt. on it

Almost all carmakers, from Maruti Suzuki to

Hyundai and Honda, are in India without life-saving
features like airbags and ABS (anti-lock braking
system) though they include them in vehicles exported
even to smaller markets. In western markets, such a
compromise with safety would be unacceptable.

Indian car manufacturing companies are

under cloud on the Safety issue.
Dainik Jagran, 8th February, 2014 and 11th February,
A British Agency [NCAP] reported that all cars
having engine capacity below 1200 CC are unfit for
safety point of view and these cars are not subjected
to crash safety tests. On this safety issue, Indian
car manufacturing companies are under cloud.

Auto companies working on principles of self-regulation!

Toyota to recall 45,000 Innovas for faulty

airbags 10th April, 2014,
october 2012 :called back 74 lakh units
of Corolla and other models to fix faulty
power window switches.

Honda recalls 30k Brio, Amaze units 6th May,

New Delhi: Honda Cars India Ltd (HCIL) is
recalling over 30,000 units for a possible defect
in the brake system.

Need for Labs for Forensic Study in our country

to study accidents
to decide fault of manufacturers/ claims
Some provision for FIR for gross manufacturing
defects responsible for injury/deaths

Status of accidents in Metro Cities :

Study in 23 metro cites having better road infrastructure
and traffic management showed accident rate per lakh
population is almost double the national average.
[78 against national average of 42]

One more Fact about accidents in metro cities :

80% deaths belongs to Non Motorized Category [VRU]
Pedestrians Deaths : 46%
: 32%

Therefore: Modernization of roads is [1] not helping to control accidents

[2] ADVERSELY affecting safety of non-motorized category

Jun 24 2014 :

Why accidents rate in these cities is double as

compared to smaller or underprivileged cities??
A very high number of vehicles in these cities
[23.5%] which is double the national average
could be the reason for this.

Why there are more accidents even after road reforms:

Or how a high vehicular number adversely affects road
safety --

1.Vehicles move with a faster speed:

more serious injuries if accident occurs

2. Pedestrians has to cross a wider road

say 3-4 lanes

3. It is the pedestrians space that is

used for widening leaving no space or
footpaths are poorly maintained

4. Due to very high number of vehicles

there is a constant column of vehicle
giving no time or space to cross.

So there is a need to reduce vehicle number

in big cities

How to reduce number of vehicles in India

Broadly, there are two ways to control vehicles

Temporary reduction

Absolute Reduction

Public Transport System

[a] Direct measures:

Putting a cap on sell
Removing old vehicles

Promote Cycling
Restrict entry to congested zone
or congestion charges
Registration after parking proof
Better management of peak hours
traffic, e.g office, market, school,etc

[b] Indirect measures:

Strict Income tax regulation

One car to one person

Not to allow fuel-inefficient

Present status of actions for Temporary reduction

if we consider the status of public transport system which is
considered the best way to decongest roads allover world,
India,. In 1951 number of buses used to be 11.1% out of total
vehicles but today its number is 1.1% only and population has
gone from 54 crores to 121 crores.

Reports shows: this service is not satisfactory even in Delhi

6th August, 2014


This is status of Delhi, need not to comment on other cities

Now time has come when we need measures to
control absolute number of vehicles in India.

Methods to reduce absolute number of personal

cars :

Removing old vehicles

Putting a cap on sell
Strict Income tax regulation
One car to one person
Not to allow car/SUV unsafe for occupants

28th may, 2014

25th December,

How to Improve Post-Crash Management

Present Status
At present trauma care is in infancy in India. In a
country where health budget is 1-2% of GDP,
good trauma care on roads is a distant dream
for at least next 10-20 years.
In India, we have world class medical facilities for most
other diseases, though this quality care may not be
accessible to all.
However, trauma care for accident victims is still
not available to even those who can afford it on their

So let us consider what is the best trauma care we can

offer for accident victims in the present circumstances
in our country.

The trauma care for accidents victims can be

divided into two:
[1] Pre-hospital care and
[2] Treatment or care in hospitals.

[I] Pre-Hospital Trauma Care

What should we do at the accident site ??
Step 1: Rescue the injured from the accident site
To remove injured person trapped inside or under a
vehicle or lying on road so that much-needed first aid can
be given and also to prevent any further trauma by other
vehicles .

Who can do this rescue job?

This rescue work can be initiated by any one
not necessarily from a medical background like:
Other drivers
Dhaba/roadside restaurant owners

Villagers, etc.
We dont expect trained paramedics or an ambulance
immediately [within few minutes] so role of people just
mentioned or first responders, even if they are not
trained, cannot be overemphasized.

[2] Keep An Emergency Kit: Besides a first-aid kit and

tool kit, some more items may be of great help in such

Emergency light, Fire extinguisher,

flash light, extra batteries, etc.

Large screwdriver, pair of pliers,

rubber hammer

Pointed iron rod to unlock the jammed

door is especially helpful when it
catches fire or plunges into water

Step 2: Call for emergency help

Make a call for an ambulance or for patrolling or
local police and to relatives of the injured by
checking his identity.
In India, calling the police to accident site is
equally important as that of an ambulance. The reason
being the public reaction may be hysterical after accident,
so controlling the crowd becomes important in such

Step 3: First Aid

Till formally trained paramedical personnel
arrive, start providing some first aid:
The first hour after trauma is called golden hour. Even
in this golden hour it is the initial four to five minutes
[called platinum period] that are very critical

First Aid in the first hour after accident can increase

the survival chances by 70%
Training For CPR needed to
Roadside Dhaba owners

[II] Transportation of
Victim to Hospital
The next course of action is transport of victim from
accident site to an appropriate nearby hospital.

Primary Care

Secondary Care

Tertiary Care

Care inside ambulance

Paramedical staff can continue remaining part of the
resuscitation procedures or can administer other therapy
required .e.g. IV fluid line, oxygen, drugs, etc.
Sometimes owing to presence of a crowd, inadequate light
outside and better facilities inside van, you feel more
comfortable in giving first aid inside ambulance

During Transport
Be in touch with hospital
If the ambulance team is in contact with a hospital, it
can inform them well in advance about the specialists
who would be needed.
Even blood grouping can be done on the way so that
the particular blood group can be arranged in advance.

[A] Present status of Ambulance Services

The Training Status of Ambulance team
Currently, only 4% of ambulance personnel have proper
training for handling trauma victims.
Half of the ambulances serve only as transport vehicles
with only a driver and no paramedic staff.
It is really sad to find that the most unskilled

staff are given the job of handling the most

delicate task!

Staff may not be knowing what is happening in the patients cabin!

The Number of Ambulances:

The total number of ambulances is less than 20,000
They mainly belong to private hospitals or NGOs.
At present only 30% government hospitals have
The response time: Very Late, In India no one waits for an
That is why 30-35% victims die at crash site,
20-25% on the way to hospital. Thus, implementation of the
golden hour concept still appears a distant goal in India.
The Service: Even in metro, only 14% transported by an
The Need or patient load : With present death rate as 1.4
lakhs, there are around 7 lakh injured people needing treatment
annually in road accidents only.

Choose a correct destination

The pre-hospital care team should assess the
severity of injury properly so that they can
transfer the injured to an appropriate hospital
according to the level of care required.
In cases of serious or
multiple injuries , opt for a
higher centre even if it is
situated a little farther

Cases with simple

wounds or fractures or
condition is stable can
be taken to smaller

How to run or provide Trauma care in India

Need for an affordable, effective & well-organized
trauma care system to receive, stabilize and treat
all victims.
The trauma care at a national level can only be
provided through a big organization like:
[A] Chain of governments Trauma care centre

[B] Medical Insurance Co. through private


If run by Government : What should be the status

Whether to form a separate chain of trauma centers or
existing health services to be involved or upgraded?:

I believe a separate chain is essential and not be merged

with existing health system. Nothing is wrong if they are
located within premises of existing government hospital
complex. However, it should be totally independent in
terms of budget, power, transfer policy etc.
[1] Trauma care is an entirely different kind of health care
[2] The state-run health services in most parts of the
country are on the verge of failure already.
[3] If the defence services, ESI or railways can maintain
[4] At present, there are hundreds of health schemes

Are we prepared to deal with major disasters in cities?

Probably NOT

There is no clear-cut strategy or drill for management

of disasters.
Medical authorities in cities do not honestly evaluate their
capability to handle trauma care in terms of response time,
quality care in severe cases, and dealing with a sudden
load of victims.

[III] Treatment at hospital

[1] Primary or Emergency care
A large number of trauma victims can be saved by a timely and
correct emergency surgical intervention.
We cannot deny important role of many minor BUT extremely
useful procedures for saving trauma cases e.g.

[2] Specialized care

Planning ahead for danger can mean the

difference between life and death
Following precautions ensure better aid:
Keep vital information like name, address, important phone

numbers, readily available

Information of medical insurance [e.g. contact details of
insurer, hospitals on panel in that region, etc]
Blood groups, history of major illness and drugs being used for
it. Number of some ambulances and hospitals of that area, etc

Where to keep this information?

This information can be kept inside ones purse or along
with documents of vehicle or as sticker on dashboard or
in mobile phone
Any one including you, co-passengers or
rescuers can easily use it to provide medical treatment
within the golden hour.

[iii] How to change attitude of our Society

Some ground realities on present attitude

of society towards accident victims are
not good.

It is an irony that in India a severely injured

accident victim lying in a pool of blood fail to attract the
attention of even a single person among commuters or
spectators standing BARELY A FEW FEET AWAY.

On the contrary a struggling human life 100 FEET DEEP in

a bore well, may attract the attention of whole nation and
becomes a Breaking News

we dont see a worse example of discrepancy in attitude

of Indian society towards struggling human lives in
different disasters.
Our society is full of emotions BUT with discrimination !

We are not against this rescue business for bore

well tragedies as human life no doubt is very very
precious, regardless of resources or money involved.
we just want to stress that EVERY STRUGGLING
HUMAN LIFE is precious and all expect an equal
treatment in terms of attention, resources, budget, etc.
Thats all !

Though a large crowd gathers around the injured but it

is just out of curiosity to see how an injured looks like
or to see if the victim is related to them or not !

, I

Results of survey by WHO are very surprising:

In majority of cases [90%], relatively less well off
people [auto & taxi drivers, poor pedestrians, etc] have
shifted the victims to hospitals.
Instead of passing on every blame to govt, the so called
civil society should also introspect !

Yes, they may have a poor traffic sense

BUT, generally they are the first ones to
rush to your help!
Jun 28 2014 :
The Times of India

Why have we become like this??

Let us find an answer - -

WHY this APATHY ??

Some of the answers from this uncaring class are:
[1] Legal hassles? At least after supreme courts order, we should not
use this reason as cover

[2] Busy? Have no time? Probably this class believes time is money
[3] Car seats may be spoiled? Some of them love the materialistic
things more than humanity

Should we believe that education makes our brains better at the cost of
our hearts? Or it makes us more practical and less emotional in making
day to day decisions.

Instead of passing on every blame to the government, the so

called civil society should also introspect!

We should start some awards for
peoples who are coming forwards to rescue.
For 10-20 awards like that of bravery, etc

Dont think only a few people cannot make a change !

Each one of us can!

Very soon others will follow you and - - - - very soon it will become a culture in society to
help such victims

Accidents are a health emergency where society has THE

GREATEST ROLE TO PLAY as victims are totally dependent on
passers by.
Reason being:
[1] Victim is helpless BUT not necessarily poor: He
may be rich and able to afford expensive treatment,
but here he is totally at your mercy. The injured
person may be alone or unconscious and may not be
in a position to call relatives or use money.
[2] He needs some initial help just to start
once his relatives arrive and take over he is
not going to become a liability. Once we shift
the victim to hospital, our involvement is over.

Helping road accident victims is different from other

social works

Other Social Work

of charity.
you never expect any thing in
return except blessings.

Helping Accident Victims


your contribution will not
only help others but you
yourself may require such

Dont think that this may never happen to us

Nobody knows who will fall victim to accidents next.
Who knows whether at the time of accident you are the victim or
the rescuer?

Society needs to play bigger role for trauma care

in India:
Considering poor trauma care in India, there is a
tremendous scope for various charitable
organizations to help accident victims

This is a country
Where a millionaire can buy an IPL
cricket team at 3300 crores within 3
This is a country
where the rich do not hesitate to
donate bags of gold and
jewellery for construction of a
This is a country
Where a person lives in the most
expensive house of the world

Rs. 200 crores donated

within 2 hours for a temple

It would be much better if this class also comes

forward for construction of trauma hospitals.

Building hospitals is in no way

less than sponsoring a temple

Reason being that in India, even in DELHI it took 23 years

for the government to start a trauma centre [JPN Apex
Trauma Center, 1984 to 2007 ]

On the other hand Assembly complex buildings

get ready within one year !!

We have to learn some more ways to worship God !

Earning the blessings of God through serving crying
helpless humanity is true worship !

Need for a National Programme for Road

Road accidents is a disease in an epidemic form
and requires an aggressive National Program like that of
Polio, Tuberculosis, AIDS deserve a special attention or
priority .

1st Tuberculosis 3,50,000 Deaths/year

2nd AIDS
1,50,00,000 Deaths/year
3rd Road Accidents 1,40,000 Deaths/year

It is not necessary we should look for all new
suggestions. It is quite possible that the suggestions /
laws/ guidelines already existing there but there is need to
reinvent or re evaluate them and implement with stronger
will, faith and intensity.
The two most urgent issues that need to be addressed :
1. Change in the attitude of citizens, society and the next
2. Traffic science as a subject in schools
3. Extend role of traffic police
4. Better role of Ambulance care.
5. . Road safety manuals with vehicles
6. Role of electronic media
7. address alarming number of vehicles in big cities.



Traffic Authorities


Thank You

Jai Hind!

Thank You

Road accidents is a disease in an epidemic form and requires
an aggressive National Program like that of Polio, Tuberculosis,
It is not necessary we should look for all new suggestions.
It is quite possible that the suggestions/ laws/ guidelines
already existing there but there is need to reinvent or
reassess them and implement with stronger will, faith and
The two most urgent issues that need to be addressed are:
1. Change in the attitude of citizens, society and the next
2. Alarming number of vehicles in India.

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