Policy Brief Regarding Social Distancing

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Policy Brief regarding social distancing

Executive Summary

Ever since the onset of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic, there have been various policy
briefs regarding social distance and mask wearing in high-income countries. But these
documents do not consider the unique characteristics of the Philippines. This brief will focus on
suggestions to policymakers regarding the Philippine context. These include social distancing
and mask wearing policies on multiple levels, from households to larger communities.


Social distancing refers to the act of maintaining distance between people in order to mitigate the
spread of the disease. This is due to the fact that the disease spreads mainly among people who
are in close contact for a period of time. It is a key measure to help control the spread of
COVID-19.1 Thus, governments have encouraged people to stay at home and avoid large groups
of people during the pandemic.

In the case of the Philippines, there will be factors to consider when implementing nationwide
social distancing policies. There are low-income areas which have households that often contain
large groups of people leading to overcrowding.2 This results in frequent and close contact
between potential carriers and vulnerable groups of people such as the medically concerned, the
young and elderly. Access to necessities such as water and food. And inability to earn income at
home. Thus, social distancing policies may deem difficult to fully implement, but regardless
measures still need to be done.

Furthermore, it is necessary to slow the spread of the virus in order for the state to better prepare
for the influx of patients. And actions done to slow the spread may also be done in conjunction
with social programs that help vulnerable communities.

Social distancing and mask wearing in the Philippines

On an international level, the World Health Organization has recommended people to maintain a
distance of at least one meter or three feet between themselves and others, especially those who
are coughing or sneezing.3 This has been adapted and maintained by the Philippine government.4
Regardless, certain States recommend two meters or six feet.

Pearce, Katie. “What Is Social Distancing and How Can It Slow the Spread of COVID-19?” The Hub, March 13, 2020.
Cahapay, Michael Bobias. “Social Distancing Practices of Residents in a Philippine Region with Low Risk of COVID-19
Infection.” European Journal of Environment and Public Health 4, no. 2 (2020). https://doi.org/10.29333/ejeph/8455.
“Advice for the Public on COVID-19.” World Health Organization. World Health Organization. Accessed January 11, 2021.
“Philippines' Duterte Keeps One Meter Social Distancing Rule.” U.S. News & World Report. U.S. News & World Report.
Accessed January 11, 2021.
To date, the Philippines has taken measures to encourage social distancing. Such as the
Memorandum from the Executive Secretary On Stringent Social Distancing Measures and
Further Guidelines for the Management of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Situation.
That of which has suspended all classes and school activities, and implemented measures to
ensure students stay at home during the period of quarantine. Mass gatherings have also been
prohibited, barring essential gatherings relating to work and religious activities. Measures
regarding quarantine have also been set, with most areas now under general community
quarantine. Working arrangements have also been set, with arrangements regarding workload
and work from home. The government also implored private companies to be flexible regarding
the work arrangements in consideration of workers. And travel to and from areas within and
outside the country have been regulated and monitored.5

Finally regarding the response of the general public, a study was conducted in Region XII.
Wherein it was concluded that, as far as the participants of the study were concerned, a majority
observe different social distancing practices.6 In general, people have practiced the recommended
distance; expressed reminders to other people; selected certain time when doing certain
activities; chosen certain areas to perform errands in order to limit contact; greeted without
physical contact; preferred online activities; avoided touching objects in public places; utilized
masks and alcohol; and generally stayed at home.7 While the study only factored in a small
population, it is still relevant to consider.

Recommendation 1: Extend the recommended distance of 1 meter and practice more

measures within enclosed buildings.

The all encompassing recommendation of a 1-meter social distance rule is not in compliance
with regards to exhalations and indoor air. It would seem that such rules paint an over-simplistic
image of viral transmission. As this does not account for the distance of exhaled air and the size
of airborne droplets. Smaller droplets that carry the disease may reach up to 8 meters
concentrated in exhaled air from infected individuals, even without ventilation or airflow.8
Although studies are still underway regarding the spread of the disease at this distance.

Regardless, extended social distancing should be considered along with other measures to reduce
transmission. Such measures include air hygiene, involving in part maximizing and adapting
ventilation to specific indoor spaces. Indoor areas of large activities should be required to also
disinfect the system using ‘fogging’ techniques. 9

Recommendation 2: Provide guidance on social distancing in the household level

“Memorandum from the Executive Secretary On Stringent Social Distancing Measures and Further Guidelines for the
Management of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Situation: GOVPH.” Official Gazette of the Republic of the
Philippines, March 13, 2020.
Cahapay, Michael Bobias. “Social Distancing Practices of Residents in a Philippine Region with Low Risk of COVID-19
Infection.” European Journal of Environment and Public Health 4, no. 2 (2020). https://doi.org/10.29333/ejeph/8455.
“What Is the Evidence to Support the 2-Metre Social Distancing Rule to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission?” The Centre for
Evidence-Based Medicine, June 25, 2020.
“Air Hygiene.” Concept. Accessed January 11, 2021. http://www.conceptenvironmental.co.uk/air-hygiene/.
Adding to general provisions on social distancing, there also needs to be certain guidelines at the
lowest level of the community. A level that potentially includes households that often contain
large groups of people leading to overcrowding. Such guidelines may include discouraging
households from sharing cutlery, eating from the same plate, and or sharing certain hygiene
related items. Also encouraging the production of traditional soaps, and other hygiene products.
Finally, create content in local languages to explain how to practice certain protocols during this

Recommendation 3: Localization of social distancing practices

The government and its policy makers should consider which local practices may support
positive health outcomes, and which may also inadvertently make social distancing and other
protective measures more difficult to implement. These include but are not limited to literacy
rates, phone penetration, mobile money adaptation, and access to necessities.

Policy makes need to consider the barriers or enablers when implementing public health

● Awareness: Citizens may potentially be unaware of the severity of COVID-19 or that

asymptomatic carriers can spread the virus. They may also be unaware of policies
regarding hygiene and social distancing
● Traditional practices: In certain rural communities, there may be pre-existing traditional
or religious protocols regarding the disease. This in turn may be helpful or potentially
hinder efforts in implementing protective measures
● Access to necessities: Certain communities may not have access to running water or
hygiene supplies
● Access to communication devices: Generally, most households have access to phones
and information technology, thus policy makers may use this when spreading information
regarding practices during pandemic. Or even help maintain relations with the general
populace and maintain trust and solidarity with the government.
● Social Resilience: Communities with experiences regarding outbreaks or events such
typhoons and earthquakes may be taken into account.
● Agricultural communities: There are various communities within the Philippines which
are primarily agricultural. Thus, the state needs to consider implementing social
distancing guidelines while continuing production
● Government Institutions: Weak government institutions may obstruct the credibility and
efficiency regarding implementation of social distancing policies. While strong
institutions may garner support from the general populace.

Recommendation 4: Strategic communication with the public

Government officials should in large comply with the policies and measures implemented
towards the general populace. In states where leaders have not acted as role models for the
general populace, has had citizens hesitant or even acted in animosity regarding following social
distancing precautions or even failing to grasp how severe the situation is.10

In addition, officials should identify and partner with public figures and influencers in order to
efficiently spread key information. Public figures such as traditional leaders and respected
figures which include religious leaders, local public figures, celebrities, acclaimed scientists, and
athletes to spread messages. This is as the public is generally more receptive to comply with
recommendations from people that they respect and trust.

Finally and most importantly, it is imperative for police and security forces to foster and maintain
good relations with the public. As the main goal of such enforcement is to educate the populace
rather than incite distrust or fear. Repression destroys public confidence and trust which may
lead to dissent regarding implementation of social distancing measures


While plenty has been accomplished and done regarding the implementation of social distancing
policies, The government still has areas upon which they can improve upon to better combat the
ongoing pandemic. It is in the best interest to enact more robust measures, especially considering
how society will continue to function under this new normal.

Colla, Marcus. “Good Government, Bad Government: The Politics of Public Health.” The Interpreter. The Interpreter, March
29, 2020. https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/debate/good-government-bad-government-politics-public-health.

“Advice for the Public on COVID-19.” World Health Organization. World Health Organization. Accessed January 11,
2021. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public.

“Air Hygiene.” Concept. Accessed January 11, 2021. http://www.conceptenvironmental.co.uk/air-hygiene/.

Cahapay, Michael Bobias. “Social Distancing Practices of Residents in a Philippine Region with Low Risk of
COVID-19 Infection.” European Journal of Environment and Public Health 4, no. 2 (2020).

Colla, Marcus. “Good Government, Bad Government: The Politics of Public Health.” The Interpreter. The Interpreter,
March 29, 2020.

“Memorandum from the Executive Secretary On Stringent Social Distancing Measures and Further Guidelines for the
Management of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Situation: GOVPH.” Official Gazette of the Republic of the
Philippines, March 13, 2020.

Pearce, Katie. “What Is Social Distancing and How Can It Slow the Spread of COVID-19?” The Hub, March 13, 2020.

“Philippines' Duterte Keeps One Meter Social Distancing Rule.” U.S. News & World Report. U.S. News &
World Report. Accessed January 11, 2021.

Verani, Andre, Catherine Clodfelter, Akshara Menon, Jennifer Chevinsky, Kerton Victory, and Avi Hakim. “Social
Distancing Policies in 22 African Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Desk Review.” Pan African Medical
Journal 37 (2020). https://doi.org/10.11604/pamj.supp.2020.37.1.27026.

“What Is the Evidence to Support the 2-Metre Social Distancing Rule to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission?” The
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, June 25, 2020.

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