Application For Household Support Grant
Application For Household Support Grant
Application For Household Support Grant
The information provided when you apply for a Household Support Grant and
other information provided in support of your application, will be held by the
London Borough of Hounslow in compliance with the General Data Protection Act
2018. It will be used for the purpose of processing the request for an application
for a crisis payment and verifying an application has not been made for
assistance from another Local Authority.
The London Borough of Hounslow is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the
information provided on your application for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other
bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds. Personal data will otherwise not be disclosed to third parties.
You will need to provide evidence of details given in your application. These
must be proof of all income, a most recent bank statement, copies of utility
bills (if required) and utility top up details.
We will reject applications where the necessary supporting documents are
not included.
Part 1 About you – MUST BE COMPLETED
Name and address
Date of birth:
Have you made a previous application within the last 12 months? No Yes
Do you have anyone else that lives with you or in your property?
Please use a separate sheet of paper if you need to tell us about anyone else who lives with you.
For us to be able to consider your application you MUST tell us in detail about:
Washing machine
You must provide proof of your household income. We will reject applications where the
necessary supporting evidence is not included
Name of person Self-Employed/ Amount paid How often and last How many hours
working Employed date of payment do you work a
(Name of Employer) (weekly/monthly) week
Please provide details of all accounts you and your partner hold. Please include any details of accounts held in a child’s
Name of account holder Type of Account Amount in account Can you access this
Current/Savings/Investment money?
Total: £
Please provide details in the box below of any shares, bonds or investments you or your partner hold (this includes
any property, apart from where you live)
Is there any other money you or your partner could use ? No Yes
Part 6 Please complete this section, if you are completing the form on behalf of someone
Are you requesting a grant or loan on behalf of someone else? No Yes
Please provide your details below:
Other Names:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
The London Borough of Hounslow may use contact details in order to contact customers about
London Borough of Hounslow initiatives or to consult about its services, but only if consent has
been given for us to do so. If you do not want us to contact, you for these purposes please tick
the box.
Full Name:
Signature: Date: