The Effectiveness of Beeswax As Hydrophobic Coating For Paper Bags

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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty
of the Laboratory Junior High School
Mindanao State University- Buug Campus
Datu Panas, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Subject
Science Research II


April 2023



Plastic bags have found commercial use due to its various features such as

high durability, non-corrosiveness, and lightweight. Plastic bags have been

increasingly common in recent decades, particularly as a packaging material. Plastic

bags are used huge global hazard because they are non-biodegradable (Knoblauch,

J.A., 2009).

Plastic bags are produced from petroleum. The petroleum is extracted to

create a plastic bag and the burning of this oil produces greenhouse gases which lead

to greenhouse effect which causes the Earth to absorb Sun’s energy and increase in

overall temperature (Greenhouse, 2018).

Plastic bags, in addition to harming the environment, may also kill animals,

particularly marine life (UNEP, 2015). An estimated 8 million plastic bags are floating

in the ocean. Each year, 700 million marine animals are harmed and 100 million

mammals are killed as a result of plastic bags being ingested (Hean, C., 2017).

Approximately 500 billion plastic bags are used around the world every year

(Early, S., 2018). The authority is functioning out to reduce the impact of plastic bag

on the environment particularly in the market. Everyone should shoulder some of the

responsibility for this challenge which ultimately detriment us. Plastic packs are
tremendously prominent with both merchandisers just as shoppers since they are

reasonable, solid, quill light and practical. Despite the fact that they are one of the

cutting-edge accommodations that we appear to be not able to manage without, they

are responsible for causing contamination, slaughtering innocent lives, and causing

damage to valuable resources of the Earth (Staff, 2018).

Accordingly, the government implemented “no to single-use plastic” in that

way they can reduce the unsafe impacts of plastic on our environment. They suggest

paper bags as an alternative packaging. In Pagadian City, the use of plastic bags is

prohibited in accordance to City Ordinance No. 2016-365 Article IV Section 9 which

states the prohibition of the use of plastic bags on dry goods to all business

establishments, however, business establishments selling wet goods shall only use

plastic bags as primary packaging material.

Paper bags have great advantages, it helps to create a more sustainable

environment for they are natural and biodegradable. But the paper bag tear easily and

disintegrate when wet.

Beeswax is the wax produced by Apis mellifera, the western honeybee

and has proven to be effective in the hydrophobic treatment of wood as well as to

reduce fungal decay. (R. Nemeth,, 2015).

Beeswax has been gaining popularity with its diverse use especially in the

cosmetic and beauty industry. Beeswax is the substance that forms the structure of a

honeycomb; the bees secrete wax to build the honeycombs where to store honey.

Among all the many properties of it is its rich hydrophobic protective properties.
Thus, in this context, the researchers thought of producing a new face of

paper bags using beeswax as a waterproof coating.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to produce a paper bag that is waterproof using beeswax as

hydrophobic coating. Specifically, it aimed to:

1. How effective is the beeswax as a hydrophobic coating for paper bags?

2. Why the need to utilize paper bags out of beeswax as hydrophobic coating?


Can beeswax be a hydrophobic coating for paper bags.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will focus only on beeswax using it as a hydrophobic coating to

waterproof paper bags. The researcher used specific apparatuses for the process

involved in the study and for the safety of the researcher during the conduct of the

research. Furthermore, the researchers’ knowledge and resources’ availability in the

market delimit the study.

Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and

knowledge regarding the chosen topic and will be great benefit to the following:

Consumers. The outcome of this study could greatly aid consumers especially when

they buy wet goods from the market. It eliminates the risk of groceries being scattered

to the ground because of a destroyed wet paper bag.

Retailers. The result of this study would be a great innovation to business

establishments especially selling wet goods as it would attract more customers and

lessen expenses for plastic bags as primary packing.

Environment. This study would greatly benefit the environment by helping decrease

environmental pollution as it lessens the consumption of plastic.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally.

Beeswax It is a substance that is secreted by honeybees and is used by them for

constructing the honeycomb, which is a dull, typically yellow solid that is plastic when

warm, and that is composed primarily of a mixture of esters, hydrocarbons, and fatty


Coating It is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object.

Hydrophobic It is a non-polar and a property of substance that repels water.

Paper bag It is a packaging made of paper for holding costumer’s purchases.

Plastic bag It is a bag made of thin plastic materials. It is a flexible container with a

single opening.

Submerge It means to descend below the surface of an area of water.

Waterproof It means impervious to water and is covered or treated with a material

to prevent permeation by water.



Related Literature

Beeswax is a natural, renewable product. Beeswax is a natural wax produced by

honey bees in the genus Apis. The honeycomb was melted after the honey is removed.

Beeswax is a natural glazing agent that can be used in food to prevent water loss and

provide protection during storage. It is often used to prevent water loss and retard

shrinkage and spoilage of fruit and cheese. Refined beeswax coating is a natural

alternative to plastic envelopes that does not harm the environment. It is also a barrier

to photo oxidation. Beeswax is also one of the most effective materials employed to

decrease water vapor permeability of edible films due to its high hydrophobicity and

solid state at room temperature.

Beeswax has historical uses. Using high-temperature gas chromatography and

mass spectrometry patterns in extracts of ancient pottery, it has been determined that

beeswax was harvested and used by Neolithic peoples (Roffet-Salque et al., 2015).

Beeswax is a complex chemical mixture secreted by the abdominal wax glands of

honeybees (Fratini et al., 2016; Bogdanvov, 2016). Bees, between 12–18 days of age

(postemergence), secrete beeswax as a liquid which hardens on contact with air.

Beeswax is used to make the foundation and honeycomb hexagonal cells used for

raising the brood and storage of honey and pollen (Bogdanvov, 2016). The wax cells

are used to cradle larvae, and are storage cells for pollen and honey, and the entire wax
foundation supports the mass of working bees. In beekeeping, the foundations

generally are provided upon which bees build wax hexagonal cells. Wax is strong, for

example, approximately 100 g of wax is used to construct all the cells in one

Langstroth deep frame. The chemistry of wax varies between genera and species of

bees. It is estimated that beeswax from A. mellifera consists of over 300 different

compounds (Aguilar et al., 2007). The major groups of compounds found in beeswax

are alkanes, free fatty acids, monoesters, diesters, and hydroxy-monoesters. Fatty

alcohols and hydroxy-diesters are minor constituents. Beeswax is purified by different

methods; these include hot water extraction, steam extraction, and centrifugation.

Beeswax obtained by pressure filtration is referred to as yellow beeswax and bleached

beeswax is identified as white beeswax (Aguilar et al., 2007).

This chapter discusses different bee products such as venom, wax, brood,

propolis, and jelly. Honey and beeswax are the main bee products used by humans.

Bee venom is a secretion from the venom glands of the worker or queen of a species

of honey bee (Apis); it is not produced by stingless bees (Meliponinae). The main

components of commercial freeze-dried venom from Apis mellifera worker bees

include 15% to 17% enzymes, including phospholipase and hyaluronidase; 48% to

58% small proteins, including especially mellitin; 3% physiologically active amines,

including histamine; 0.8% to 1.0% amino acids, and numerous minor components.

Bee brood is a useful source of protein to hunter gatherers in many parts of Asia and

Africa, and honey bee larvae have now been produced commercially and marketed

either raw or cooked. Beeswax is secreted by workers of most Apidae, who use it to

build combs of cells in their nests, for rearing brood and for storing food. Propolis is
the material that honey bees and some other bees can collect from living plants, which

they use alone or with beeswax in the construction and adaptation of their nests. Royal

jelly is secreted by the hypopharyngeal gland located below the pharynx in the head of

young worker honey bees.

Morton (1994) states that beeswax-colophony blend is mainly used as a sealant

mixture for preserving applications. The beeswax itself, however, has had a long way

in history taking part in conservation process including mummification. In his

research, this blend was used as a protective coating for drinking water distribution

tanks. Initially, a layer with 400μm thickness was applied on a sand blasted mild steel

plate. The long-term electrochemical behavior of the coating was investigated by open

circuit potential (OCP) and electrochemical microbiological characteristics of the

coating, microbial and chemical examinations were performed on drinking water

samples that had been contact with the coating. Furthermore, its behavior in an up-

flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASBR) in waste water treatment plant was

investigated using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique. Regarding the

consistency of experimental results, it was concluded that this proposed recyclable

blend could be considered as a novel green organic coating and also a good corrosion

barrier even in aggressive environments.

Beeswax is a food grade wax with a white color when it is freshly prepared.

Later the color changes into yellow because of the presence of propolis and pollen

colorants. The typical odor of beeswax depends on the honey, bees, propolis, and

pollen. Beeswax is crystalline in form and it mainly depends on the storage. Along

with the crystallization, the elasticity and stiffness of the wax also increases during
storage. The important quality of beeswax is its hardness. At low temperatures the

beeswax exhibits higher rates of elasticity. The heating process changes the physical

properties of beeswax. Shrinkage of heated beeswax occurs by 10% upon cooling.

When the beeswax is heated at the temperature of 30–35°C, it attains the properties of

plastics. Beeswax is insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents, such as ether,

acetone, xylol, benzene, chloroform, and tetrachloromethane. In order to completely

dissolve the beeswax, the temperature must be increased beyond its melting point

(Stefan, 2009).

Beeswax is a naturally occurring wax produced in the bee’s hives by

honeybees A. mellifera. Glands under the abdomen of the bees secrete this wax and it

is used to build the honey comb. There are eight glands in the bee abdominal segment

(4–7) of female worker bees that produce the wax. The wax is recovered as a by-

product when honey is harvested and refined. Beeswax is used for the making of wax

foundations, and commercially beeswax has many applications, including candle

making, metal castings, and modeling, in cosmetics, food processing, industrial

technology, textiles, varnishes, and polishes [48]. The detection of adulteration on

commercial Spanish beeswax showed that these were mainly paraffins, cow tallow,

stearic acid, and carnauba wax.

The related literature showed that beeswax is rich with various properties,

among it is its hydrophobic property which can be used to waterproof paper. Plastic

bags has been one of the most problematic concerns and has been a threat to the

mother nature. The paper bags will be used as a substitute to plastic bags and the

researchers will use beeswax as a hydrophobic coating to waterproof the paper bags.
Related Studies

In this study “Biodegradable foam tray based on sago starchwith beeswax as

coating agent” by Nanik Hendrawati, Agung Ari Wibowo, Rosita Dwi Chrisnandari,

and Robiatul Adawiyah. Biodegradable foam is an original packaging as a styrofoam

alternative. Sago starch is used to produce biodegradable foam because of its huge

amount, low-cost, and high biodegradability. Starch as a prospectus foam material is

sensitive to water due to its hydrophilic properties. Thus, improvement is necessary to

boost its water resistance capability. Coating the foam with a hydrophobic material

prevents water contact with the starch. In this work, Beeswax was used as a coating

agent due to its hydrophobicity. The purpose of this work to determine the

concentration and time of beeswax coating on the mechanical properties of

biodegradable foam. Beeswax was varied at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10% wt concentration

with coating duration process for 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 seconds. Biodegradable

foam was produced by baking process at 80 C for 1 hour 20 minutes. The results

showed that the beeswax coating process increases the water resistance, although it

does not significantly affect the tensile strength. Beeswax addition as much as 4% wt.

for 150 seconds had improved the biodegradable foam properties as much as 1.92%,

73% in 28 days, and 0.09 MPa for water absorption capability, biodegradability, and

tensile strength, respectively.

In this study “Enhanced water vapour barrier and grease resistance of paper

bilayer-coated with chitosan and beeswax” by Weiwei Zhang, Huining Xiao, and

Liying Qian. According to them, in order to overcome the deficiencies of single layer
coating, bilayer coated papers were prepared by two separate coating procedures using

various combinations of proteins or polysaccharides with beeswax. Among those

combinations, chitosan–beeswax bilayer coated paper showed the best water vapour

barrier property. It was observed that as the concentration of chitosan solution

increased from 1.0 to 3.0 wt%, its water vapour transport rate (WVTR) decreased

from 171.6 to 52.8 g/m2/d but using reduced beeswax coating weight (from 10.1 to

4.9 g/m2). It also displayed an enhanced performance of grease resistance. Scanning

electron microscopy (SEM) showed that beeswax layer was fitted to chitosan layer so

closely that these two layers are indistinguishable. Confocal laser scanning microscope

(CLSM) further confirmed the existence of an integrated chitosan film between

beeswax layer and paper base and a thin composite layer consisting of chitosan and


In this study “The effect of beeswax and chitosan concentrations as

superhydrophobic coating on wound dressing” by Inggit Kresna Maharsih, Fadhil

Muhammad Tarmidzi, Riza Alviany, Mela Aurelia, and Sisca Ardelia Putri. One of

the factors that caused the wound dressing to be wet is water permeability through

wound dressing pores. A wet wound dressing must be replaced frequently in order to

prevent infection. On the other side, the recurring replacement of wound dressing

increases the amount of infectious waste. As a consequence, one of wound dressing

called Hypafix is coated with the beeswax-chitosan mixture to obtain a waterproof

ability by a facile method. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of

concentrations of beeswax and chitosan solutions as a superhydrophobic coating

material on Hypafix and analyze the waterproof characteristics. There are two models
of research, beeswax concentration (0, 0.25, 0.5, 2, 2.5%wt/v) with constant

concentration of chitosan 0.5%wt/v, and chitosan concentration (0, 0.25, 0.5, 2,

2.5%wt/v) with fixed concentration of beeswax 0.5%wt/v. The contact angle (θ),

hysteresis, morphology of film, and functional group analysis were characterized. The

results showed that the contact angle was significantly increased with increasing

beeswax and chitosan concentrations but decreased at a concentration of 3%wt/v. The

lowest hysteresis of the sample was successfully obtained at 1.3° with θ~151.2° using

beeswax/chitosan concentration of (2.5 : 0.5) %wt/v. Scanning Electron Microscope

(SEM) showed that the film covered the gauze fibers. Hence the surface was rougher

and also increased contact angle as explained in Cassie-Baxter Theory. Furthermore,

FTIR indicated that the layers formed on the fibre by both beeswax and chitosan

compounds, while they contributed to the Hypafix surface superhydrophobicity in

beeswax and chitosan optimum concentrations.

In this study “Novel composite foam made from starch and water hyacinth with

beeswax coating for food packaging applications” by Sukaree Chaireh, Pawarisa

Ngasatool, Kaewta Kaewtatip. A novel composite foam was prepared from native

cassava starch and water hyacinth (WH) by baking in a hot mold. The effects of WH

powder content (0, 3, 5, 7 or 10 wt%, dry starch basis) on the properties of the starch

foam were investigated. A starch foam formulation with 5 wt% WH powder exhibited

the highest flexural stress at maximum load (3.42 MPa), the highest flexural strain

(extension) at maximum load (3.52%), the highest modulus (232.00 MPa), the lowest

moisture content (6.77%) and the most uniform cell size distribution (0.44 ± 0.09

mm). Moreover, mechanical properties of starch foam with 5 wt% WH powder were
better than the same properties of some commercial foams. After being coated with

beeswax, the starch foams retained their shape after immersion in distilled water and

their water solubility was significantly reduced. Results indicated that a starch foam/5

wt% WH composite with beeswax coating was a biodegradable foam that could

possibly replace commercial non-degradable foam.

In this study “Effect of starch-beeswax coatings on quality parameters of

blackberries (Rubus spp.)” by Alfonso Pérez-Gallardo, Blanca García-Almendárez,

Gustavo Barbosa-Cánovas, Diana Pimentel-González, LR Reyes-González, Carlos

Regalado. Novel porous oil-water separation material with super-hydrophobicity and

super-oleophilicity prepared from beeswax, lignin, and cotton Yuqing Zhang, Yiwen

Zhang, Qiping Cao, Chunyu Wang, Chao Yang, Yao Li, Jinghui Zhou Science of the

Total Environment 706, 135807, 2020 The traditional fluorinated porous material with

super-hydrophobicity and super-oleophilicity is an effective strategy for oil-water

separation. However, in recent years, fluorinated materials have been classified as

“Emerging Environmental Pollutants” by U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

because of difficult degradation and bio-accumulation. It is unacceptable to introduce

new pollutants while solving environmental disasters. Therefore, it is great

requirement to explore a low-cost, environmentally friendly, and renewable technique

for the fabrication of novel porous materials with super-hydrophobicity and super-

oleophilicity to separate oil-water mixtures. In this work, renewable beeswax, lignin,

and cotton have been chosen to prepare the biomass-based porous materials with

super-hydrophobicity and super-oleophilicity for oil-water separation. The mixture of

beeswax and lignin is modified on the surface of cotton to obtain the biomass-based
porous materials with super-hydrophobicity and super-oleophilicity. The beeswax and

lignin provide low surface energy and micro/nanoscale structures, respectively. The

introduction of lignin effectively improves the thermal stability of the porous

materials. The apparent contact angle still remains to be above 150° after a long-time

heating. The porous materials effectively separate oil-water mixtures and have good

absorption effect for heavy oil (density greater than water). Moreover, the porous

materials are easily recyclable after reactivation. This strategy of preparing oil-water

separation materials from renewable natural polymers not only helps to clean the

environment, but also helps to recover valuable oil. View at Cited

by 59 Related articles All 6 versions Effect of starch-beeswax

coatings on quality parameters of blackberries (Rubus spp.) Alfonso Pérez-Gallardo,

Blanca García-Almendárez, Gustavo Barbosa-Cánovas, Diana Pimentel-González, LR

Reyes-González, Carlos Regalado Journal of Food Science and Technology 52, 5601-

5610, 2015 There is increased interest in berry fruits due to health benefits, and

maintenance of fruit quality for longer periods of time has been a priority. We

previously found that starch based coatings applied on raspberries was associated to

volatile compounds production due to anoxic conditions. The objective of this work

was to design more hydrophobic coatings with reduced thickness. A starch-beeswax

dispersion containing 2 % (w/v) modified tapioca starch added with either 0.5 or 1.0

% (w/v) beeswax microparticles was produced, and used for spray coating freshly

harvested blackberries (Rubus spp.). Coatings were air dried, packed in plastic trays

and stored up to 16 days at 4 °C and 88 % relative humidity. Storage quality

parameters such as hardness, respiration rate, anthocyanins content, total phenols,

color changes and weight loss were evaluated. We did not find Interactions among

coating ingredients, and incorporation of beeswax reduced moisture transfer rate.

Coatings did not occlude the stomata and apparently did not over-hydrate the cuticle.

This characteristic allowed appropriate gas exchange (O2 and CO2), and reduced

accumulation of volatile compounds associated to fermentative metabolism.

Respiration rates were 4.207 ± 0.157, 4.557 ± 0.220 and 4.780 ± 0.050 mmol CO2

kg−1 h−1 for control, 0.5 and 1 % of wax content in coatings, respectively. However,

ethylene production increased throughout storage time along with beeswax

concentration, indicating stressful conditions for the fruit. This trend appears to be

related with changes in total phenols and anthocyanins during storage. Edible coatings

based on starch and hydrophobic particles should be reformulated to maintain quality

of stored berry fruits.



This study focused on beeswax as the subject for the experiment. The

following materials were used in the conduct of the experiment:

Research Design

In this study, we used qualitative research and descriptive approach since this

is the most appropriate method to determine the effectiveness of beeswax as

hydrophobic coating for paper bags.


Beeswax Portable Stove Tong Metal Bowl

Ladle Paper Bag Cooking Pot Cloth

Research Locale
This study was conducted at Bliss, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay. This place

was selected in knowing the effectiveness of beeswax as a hydrophobic coating for

paper bags. The researchers make sure the location where the experiment is conducted

is secure and sanitary.

Data Gathering Procedure

The required materials for the experiment were then obtained by the

researchers. The honeycomb was wrapped in fabric as the researchers boiled some

water. We immerse the cloth with the honeycomb inside in the boiling liquid. The

beeswax was then extracted from the cloth by the researchers by using a ladle. After

that, we put it away to chill. The researchers then seized the beeswax that has

solidified above the water.


Waterproofing paper bag procedure:

Step 1: Prepare the materials needed for the experiment.

Step 2: Place the beeswax in a metal bowl above the cooking pot and melt over low


Step 3: Using a ladle, slowly scoop out the melted beeswax and apply it on the paper


Step 4: Let the paper bag cool.

Step 5: Apply melted beeswax inside the part of the paper bag using again the ladle.

Step 6: Allow the paper bag to cool and set aside to be used.


Results and Discussion

This chapter presented, analyzed and interpreted the data.

Q1. How effective is the beeswax as a hydrophobic coating for paper bags?

Time No. of Coats Result

5 min 1 Nothing changed

10 min 1 Nothing changed

15 min 1 Nothing changed

When the researchers submerged the coated paper bags in the water, the outcome of

the experiment is that the paper bags did not tear.

If you submerge the coated paper bag in the water within 5 min, 10 min, and 15 min

there is no difference between the unsubmerged paper bag and the submerged paper


Q2. Why the need to utilize paper bags out of beeswax as hydrophobic coating?
We use paper bag instead of plastic bags because they have more uses and are better

for the environment. Paper bags have a flaw that easily disintegrate when wet and are

also fragile. This is why we coated the paper bags with beeswax to create a paper bag

that will not tear apart easily


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

The primary goal of this research is to save the environment from pollution, so

the researchers are using beeswax, which is produced naturally by honey bees of the

genus Apis. The researchers also use paper bags because they are natural and

biodegradable, which benefits the environment.

Instead of using plastic bags when purchasing an item from the market, we

can use coated paper bags. Because plastic bags are non- biodegradable, they pose a

significant global risk. Paper bags and beeswax are the main components of this study.

On the surface of the paper bags, the researchers applied a single coat of melted wax.

The researchers conducted an experiment to determine the efficacy of the coated bags.

The researcher submerged the coated paper bag in the water for 5 minutes, 10 minutes,

15 minutes, and nothing happened on the paper bags while they were submerged.

After being submerged in water, there is no difference between the uncoated and
coated paper bags. When we compared the two, we notice that the submerged paper

bag has no visible tears and is in good condition.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions.

Q1: How effective is the beeswax as a hydrophobic coating for paper bags?

Q2: Why the need to utilize paper bags out of beeswax as hydrophobic coating?

The coated paper bags were submerged in water by the researchers, and after 5,

10, and 15 minutes, the researchers discovered that there was no difference between

the submerged and unsubmerged bags in terms of the paper bags' ability to withstand


Although more versatile and environmentally friendly, paper bags are brittle.

Because of this, the researchers treated the paper bags in beeswax to make them less

likely to rip.


Based on the result of the study that was shown in chapter 4, the researchers came

up to the conclusion of accepting the hypothesis.


Based on the conclusion of the study, the followings are recommended:

1. To prevent the beeswax coating from flaking off, avoid applying a heavy

coating to the paper bags surface.

2. You can use this product in replacement for disposable shopping bag while

purchasing wet goods.


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