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Flying Operations


NOTICE: This publication is available digitally on the AFDPO WWW site at:

OPR: HQ AFFSA/XOF (Maj Robinson) Certified by: HQ USAF/XOO

(Maj Gen Walter E. Buchanan III)
Supersedes AFM 51-12, Volume 2, Pages: 85
3 February 1992 Distribution: F

This handbook familiarizes the aircrew member with weather services, charts and codes. Serves as a text
for undergraduate pilot and navigator training, all USAF instrument refresher training and flight instruc-
tion programs and various individual flying training programs. It is issued to each flying unit and to each
instructor and student involved in Undergraduate Pilot Training and other aircrew training courses.

This revision aligns the handbook with AFH 11-203, Volume 1.

Chapter 1— Air Force Weather 6

1.1. Introduction. ............................................................................................................... 6
Figure 1.1. Air Force Weather Insignia. ...................................................................................... 6
1.2. AFW Organization. .................................................................................................... 6
1.3. Strategic Level. .......................................................................................................... 6
Figure 1.2. UHF Impacts Forecast. ............................................................................................. 7
Figure 1.3. Sample Climatology Product. ................................................................................... 8
1.4. Operational Level. ..................................................................................................... 8
Figure 1.4. 11 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of 611 AOG. .................................... 9
Figure 1.5. 15 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of AMC TACC. ............................... 9
Figure 1.6. 17 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of 502 AOG. .................................... 10
Figure 1.7. 20 OWS AOR Under Command and control of 605 AOG. ..................................... 10
Figure 1.8. 25 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of 12 AF. .......................................... 11
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16 MAY 2002 N/A -
Weather For Aircrews - Air Force Handbook 11-203, Volume 2 5b. GRANT NUMBER






Secretary Of The Air Force Washington, DC




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The original document contains color images.


UU 85
unclassified unclassified unclassified

Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18
2 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 1.9. 26 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of 8 AF. ............................................ 12
Figure 1.10. 28 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of 9 AF. ............................................ 12
Figure 1.11. 607 WS AOR Under Command and Control of 607 ASOG. ................................... 13
Figure 1.12. AFWA AOR Under Command and Control of AF/XO. .......................................... 13
Figure 1.13. USAFE OWS AOR Under Command and Control of USAFE/DO. ........................ 14
1.5. Tactical Level. ........................................................................................................... 15
1.6. OWS-CWT-Aircrew Interface. .................................................................................. 15

Chapter 2— Graphic Charts 16

2.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................... 16
2.2. Standard Weather Symbols ........................................................................................ 16
Figure 2.1. Recommended Line Types and Colors for Commonly Used Isopleths. ................... 16
Figure 2.2. Standard Shading and Color Fill for Bounded Areas of Weather. ........................... 16
Figure 2.3. Symbols for Frontal Zones and Other Weather Features. ........................................ 19
Figure 2.4. Standard Criteria and Shading for Military Weather Advisory (MWA) Products. .. 20
Figure 2.5. Sample Wind Plots. ................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2.6. Station Model. ........................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2.7. Basic Weather Symbols. ........................................................................................... 22
Figure 2.8. Sky Condition Symbols. ............................................................................................ 23
2.3. AFWA Graphic Products ........................................................................................... 23
Figure 2.9. 30,000 ft Winds. ........................................................................................................ 24
Figure 2.10. CONUS MWA Thunderstorm Chart. ....................................................................... 25
2.4. OWS Graphic Products. ............................................................................................. 25
Figure 2.11. OWS Websites. ......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2.12. Sample of OWS Graphic Products. .......................................................................... 26
Figure 2.13. Surface Map From 15 OWS. .................................................................................... 27
Figure 2.14. SWA HWD From 28 OWS. ..................................................................................... 28
Figure 2.15. Thunderstorm Forecast From USAFE OWS. ........................................................... 29
2.5. Graphics Availability. ................................................................................................ 29

Chapter 3— Text Products 30

3.1. METAR Code. ........................................................................................................... 30
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 3

Figure 3.1. Common ICAO Prefixes. .......................................................................................... 30

Figure 3.2. Weather Obscurations. .............................................................................................. 33
3.2. Aerodrome Forecast (TAF). ...................................................................................... 35
Figure 3.3. Icing Codes. .............................................................................................................. 39
Figure 3.4. Turbulence Codes. .................................................................................................... 40
3.3. Pilot Reports. ............................................................................................................. 41
3.4. AFWA Text Products. ............................................................................................... 42
3.5. OWS Text Products. .................................................................................................. 43
3.6. Civil Weather Advisories. .......................................................................................... 43
3.7. Aircraft Reports (AIREP). ......................................................................................... 45

Chapter 4— Meteorological Satellites And Imagery 46

4.1. Meteorological Satellites (METSAT). ....................................................................... 46
4.2. Imagery Types. .......................................................................................................... 46
Figure 4.1. Visible Imagery. Sunset near Hawaii showing the Terminator (day-night line). ..... 47
Figure 4.2. IR Imagery. IR is not light dependent (no terminator seen) and low (warmer) clouds are not
as bright as visual imagery. ...................................................................................... 47
Figure 4.3. MSI. Shows low clouds as yellow and high clouds as blue. .................................... 48
Figure 4.4. Microwave Imagery. Shows low (warmer) clouds as bright white. ......................... 48
Figure 4.5. Color Enhanced IR. ................................................................................................... 49
Figure 4.6. Water Vapor. ............................................................................................................. 49

Chapter 5— Ground Weather Radar and Products 50

5.1. Ground Weather Radars. ............................................................................................ 50
5.2. Product Display. ......................................................................................................... 50
5.3. Reflectivity Products. ................................................................................................. 50
Figure 5.1. Doppler Base Reflectivity. ........................................................................................ 51
Figure 5.2. Doppler Composite Reflectivity (Same Time and Location as Figure 5.1.). .......... 51
Figure 5.3. Multiple Radar Composites, European Conventional From NAMIS (Top),
CONUS Doppler (Bottom). ...................................................................................... 52
Figure 5.4. Radar Data Contours. ................................................................................................ 53
Figure 5.5. Radar Summary Data Symbols. ................................................................................ 54
5.4. Velocity Products. ...................................................................................................... 54
4 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 5.6. Base Velocity With Speed In kts. ............................................................................. 55

Figure 5.7. VAD Wind Profile. ................................................................................................... 56
5.5. Severe Weather Signatures. ....................................................................................... 56
Figure 5.8. Squall Line. ............................................................................................................... 57
Figure 5.9. Time-Lapse Sequence of a Microburst. .................................................................... 58
5.6. Non-Precipitation Phenomenon. ................................................................................ 58

Chapter 6— Lightning Detection Products 59

6.1. Lightning Detection Products .................................................................................... 59
Figure 6.1. Lightning Display. DTG: 21 Jun 2000/1723Z. ......................................................... 59
Figure 6.2. NWS Color Code And Strike Type Legend For Figure 6.1. ................................... 60
Figure 6.3. European Lightning Detection Product. ................................................................... 60

Chapter 7— Special Support Products 61

7.1. Special Support Product Types .................................................................................. 61
7.2. Space Support. ........................................................................................................... 61
Figure 7.1. Space Weather Effects on Magnetosphere and Ionosphere. ..................................... 61
Figure 7.2. Sample of Space Weather Warning Types. .............................................................. 62
Figure 7.3. Sample Solar and Lunar Data. .................................................................................. 62
Figure 7.4. Space Impacts. .......................................................................................................... 63
7.3. Tactical Decision Aids (TDAs). ................................................................................ 63
7.4. Volcanic Eruption Alerts. .......................................................................................... 64
Figure 7.5. Sample Text Volcano Alert. ..................................................................................... 64
7.5. Computer Flight Plans (CFP). ................................................................................... 64
Figure 7.6. Volcano Ash Alert At One (Top) and Six (Bottom) Hours After Eruption ............. 65
Figure 7.7. Volcano Ash Alert 8-Panel Forecast ........................................................................ 66
7.6. Blowing Dust Imagery. .............................................................................................. 67
Figure 7.8. Sample Dust Event Imagery ..................................................................................... 67
7.7. Snow Coverage/Depth Analysis. ............................................................................... 68
Figure 7.9. Snow Analysis Example. .......................................................................................... 68

Chapter 8— Weather Briefings 69

8.1. Weather ...................................................................................................................... 69
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 5

8.2. Requesting Weather Briefings. .................................................................................. 69

8.3. Mission Planning Forecast (MPF). ............................................................................ 70
8.4. Mission Execution Forecast (MEF). .......................................................................... 70
Figure 8.1. Take-off and Arrival Weather. .................................................................................. 70
Figure 8.2. Enroute Weather. ...................................................................................................... 71
8.5. DD Form 175-1, Flight Weather Briefing ................................................................. 71
8.6. Post-Mission Debrief. ................................................................................................ 73
Figure 8.3. Sample DD Form 175-1. ........................................................................................... 74

Chapter 9— Aviation Weather Services 75

9.1. Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS). .................................................... 75
9.2. Pilot-to-Metro Service Voice (PMSV). ..................................................................... 75
9.3. Flight Service Station (FSS). ..................................................................................... 75
9.4. FAA Telephone Services. .......................................................................................... 75
9.5. VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR). ........................................................................ 76
9.6. Non-Directional Beacon (NDB). ............................................................................... 76




Attachment 4— MILLIBARS TO INCHES 85

6 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Chapter 1


1.1. Introduction. Weather and warfare have been linked together throughout world history. The atmo-
sphere has the ability to either enhance or reduce the performance of aircraft systems. To effectively
accomplish the Air Force mission, and maintain the advantage “over” the battlefield, aircrews must have
a thorough awareness and understanding of the air or space environment in which they operate. The goal
of Air Force Weather (AFW) is to provide the Department of Defense (DoD) the knowledge needed to
“exploit the weather for battle.” Vast amount of weather information is available to you from various pro-
viders via web technology, but the timeliness and reliability can’t be guaranteed. Any attempt to capture
all of the private sector-information services would be beyond the scope of this publication. Therefore,
this text will summarize Air Force and civil government services, charts, and weather codes.

Figure 1.1. Air Force Weather Insignia.

Air Force Weather Mission Statement: “Deliver the highest quality mission-tailored weather and space
environment information, products, and services to our nations combat forces, anytime, anyplace… mud
to sun.”

1.2. AFW Organization. AFW services and support are organized under the functional management of
the Directorate of Weather, Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations, Headquarters United
States Air Force (HQ USAF/XOW). AFW operates through a three-tier organizational structure corre-
sponding to the three levels of military operations - strategic, operational and tactical.

1.3. Strategic Level. AFW’s strategic weather units are centers of expertise in providing strategic-level
terrestrial and space weather products and support necessary to conduct military operations. The Air
Force Weather Agency (AFWA) is the principal strategic weather center, and it also provides select oper-
ational and tactical-level support to special operations. Space support is provided primarily by the Space
Operations Cell (AFWA/SPACEWOC). Finally, The Air Force Combat Climatology Center (AFCCC)
provides centralized climatological data services.
1.3.1. Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA). AFWA, located at Offutt AFB, Nebraska, produces
mission-tailored, global weather products and services 24 hours a day to meet the requirements of the
DoD. AFWA provides regional, theater-scale meteorological model outputs to operational and tacti-
cal-level weather units. AFWA services include meteorological satellite imagery meteorological guid-
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 7

ance, aviation, automated flight planning, exercise and special mission support and computations for
ballistic missile systems as well as the collection and dissemination of environmental data.
1.3.2. The Space Operations Cell. AFWA/SPACEWOC, located at Offutt AFB, Nebraska, provides
space environmental support for worldwide operations. Space Weather (SW) includes the study of
solar storms, geomagnetic storms, and ionospheric disturbances. SW agencies process data from
ground and space-based sensor networks, analyze models, and forecast the space environment. They
provide alerts, warnings, and assessments for operational impacts. Systems routinely supported
include satellite vehicle and payload operations, ground and satellite-based communications, naviga-
tion, surveillance and weapon system radars, as well as high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and the
Space Shuttle. They predict solar weather effects on ultra-high frequency (UHF)(Figure 1.2.), radar,
and Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation signals. To receive space weather data, submit your
request for support through your local supporting Combat Weather Team (CWT) or Operational
Weather Squadron (OWS).

Figure 1.2. UHF Impacts Forecast.

Ionospheric Conditions Impacting High Frequency (HF)
Conuniuiications and Otlier HF Applications
Far^i^asl Valid: 25/1800Z - 26/OOOOZ Jufy 01

Marginal Hi- operations

Additional Cotnments:
■^^^I^^....^^^^ Severely degraded HF operations
Foracaster: Stew^rtJGreen AFWA-XOGS DSN 272-S087 COM (402) 232-8087

1.3.3. The Air Force Combat Climatology Center (AFCCC). The Air Force Combat Climatology
Center (AFCCC), located in Asheville, NC, collects worldwide climatological data to create products
that provide critical information based on past weather (Figure 1.3.). Examples of climatological
products include typical target weather conditions, frequency of weather limitations at deployed loca-
tions, weather limitations on weapon system employment, and crosswind studies. Military planners
use this information to maximize the advantage of the weather to the warfighter and minimize the
impact of adverse conditions on friendly operations. Coordinate with your local CWT or OWS to
request AFCCC support.
8 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 1.3. Sample Climatology Product.

Mean Number of Days in January at (OOZ)

with Ceiling or Visibility at or below 500ft or 0.5mi
■ 26-31
■ 21-25
■ 16-20
□ 11-15
□ 6-10
□ 0-5

Period of Record - 1973-1995, Data Source - DATSAV2, Actual conditions-will vary in complex terrain
Produced by Air Force Combat Cllmatolcgy Center, Scott Air Force Base, DSN 576-4024

1.4. Operational Level. AFW’s Operational Weather Squadrons (OWSs) are theater or regional centers.
Eight OWSs provide operational-level support to CWTs, units assigned within, or deployed to, its theater
Commander-in-Chief (CINC) geographic Areas of Responsibility (AOR). Staff Weather Officers (SWOs)
assigned to USAF Major Commands (MAJCOMs), USA Major Commands (MACOMs), and Unified
Commands provide direct support to these Headquarters and oversee AFW support to the Command’s
forces. OWS support includes: regional and theater scale battlespace forecasts, drop and landing-zone/
range/air refueling/target forecasts, mission executive level briefings, weather watches, warnings, and
forecast advisories, and Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAFs) for each base within their region. The
OWS provides briefing support to transient aircrews or aircrews not collocated with a CWT. OWS loca-
tions and AORs are shown in Figure 1.4. through Figure 1.13. OWS Phone numbers are in the DoD FLIP
Supplement and Flight Information Handbook.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 9

Figure 1.4. 11 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of 611 AOG.

Figure 1.5. 15 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of AMC TACC.
10 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 1.6. 17 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of 502 AOG.

Figure 1.7. 20 OWS AOR Under Command and control of 605 AOG.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 11

Figure 1.8. 25 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of 12 AF.

12 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 1.9. 26 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of 8 AF.

Figure 1.10. 28 OWS AOR Under Command and Control of 9 AF.

AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 13

Figure 1.11. 607 WS AOR Under Command and Control of 607 ASOG.

Figure 1.12. AFWA AOR Under Command and Control of AF/XO.

14 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 1.13. USAFE OWS AOR Under Command and Control of USAFE/DO.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 15

1.5. Tactical Level. AFW support to operational USAF and USA field units is organized for tactical,
mission-specific operations. A Combat Weather Team (CWT) is a generic term used to describe a weather
team providing mission tailored products and services to a supported unit. CWTs are normally organized
as Weather Flights (WF) under Operations Support Squadrons (OSS) for USAF operations, or may be
organized as Detachments (Det) or Combat Weather Squadrons (CWS) under Air Support Operations
Groups (ASOG) for USA operations. CWTs deploy with operational warfighters as required. The CWT is
the cornerstone of support to operational field unit mission. It is likely your interactions will be limited to
contact with the CWT and OWS. CWTs provide aircrew and flight safety briefings, Pilot-to-Metro Ser-
vice (PMSV) support, mission-tailored products (Mission Execution Forecasts (MEF)), MISSION-
WATCH (monitors supported customer’s flying areas, routes, and missions), METWATCH (monitors
OWS produced forecasts, issues “observed” weather advisories and warnings), surface observations, Tac-
tical Decision Aids (TDAs), and Integrated Weather and Environment Decision Aid (IWEDA) to predict
go/no go weather thresholds. Other responsibilities include resource protection for DoD personnel and
assets by keeping commanders abreast of weather watches, warnings and advisories. Briefers provide tai-
lored aircrew briefings for each phase of flight. Briefings are available in-person, via telephone or in some
circumstances closed circuit monitor. Most CWTs do not maintain a continuous 24-hour briefing and
forecasting service. If weather services are unavailable at your location, contact the regional OWS or
MAJCOM approved source.
1.5.1. Air National Guard (ANG) and Air Reserve Component (ARC) Weather. T h e s e
resources primarily support Air Force and Army wartime deployment and employment requirements.
Selected ARC resources will support rotational (i.e., Aerospace Expeditionary Force (AEF)) taskings
on a volunteer basis and sustainment missions as requirements dictate. To the maximum extent possi-
ble, ARC personnel will train with and support their wartime units.

1.6. OWS-CWT-Aircrew Interface. The continuous interface between the OWS, CWT, and aircrew is
essential for mission support improvement and mission success. OWSs create products and monitor
weather for its CINC’s AOR. Thus, OWS technicians develop long-term weather knowledge for the
AOR. This improves theater forecast quality and mission support. One example of OWS-CWT interface
occurs during the forecast (TAF) process. OWSs’ coordinate forecast content with the local CWT before
issuing the TAF for the CWT’s base. CWTs monitor the TAF and notify the OWS when conditions are
met requiring a TAF amendment. Deployed CWTs will use the AOR OWS for support. Thus, an aircrew
deployed within its CINC’s AOR is serviced by the same OWS and/or CWT as home base. If your
assigned CWT is not deployed with you, it still must arrange your TDY weather support. OWSs will sup-
port aircrews in their AOR when no CWT is assigned or available.
1.6.1. CWT-Aircrew Interface. CWT-aircrew interface enhances mission support. CWTs work with
aircrews to learn aircraft capabilities, mission profiles and tactics. This ensures CWTs understand mis-
sion impacts. CWTs use this information to determine the best mission support products. CWTs can
show you how these products are used to create MEFs resulting in a more knowledgeable aircrew.
Post-mission feedback of the weather encountered vice the MEF allows CWTs to evaluate effective-
ness. CWTs use this to adjust future MEFs resulting in improved mission support.
16 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Chapter 2


2.1. Overview. Graphic charts are produced by multiple sources within both the military and civilian
arena. Thus, details for the variety of charts is beyond the scope of this publication. This is to give a
broad-brush description of some of the symbols and products you will encounter. Most civilian and all
military units producing graphic products will use standard weather symbols, line types, color representa-
tions, and isopleths. No product will provide all the needed operational information. Use products in com-
bination and with weather technician input.

2.2. Standard Weather Symbols . These representations, symbols, and isopleths commonly used are
defined in MIL-STD-2525B, Common Warfighting Symbology. Figure 2.1. depicts lines and colors for
isopleths. Figure 2.2. shows shading and color fill for bounded areas of specific weather parameters. Fig-
ure 2.3. shows fronts and other weather features. Figure 2.4. depicts criteria and shading for USAF pro-
duced Military Weather Advisory (MWA) products.

Figure 2.1. Recommended Line Types and Colors for Commonly Used Isopleths.

Figure 2.2. Standard Shading and Color Fill for Bounded Areas of Weather.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 17

Figure 2.2 Continued.

18 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 2.2 Continued.

2.2.1. Fronts. “Pips” indicate front type and point toward the movement direction. Pips on both sides
identify a stationary front and suggest little or no movement (Figure 2.3.).
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 19

Figure 2.3. Symbols for Frontal Zones and Other Weather Features.

IteiD Symbt^
(BLUE) Cold front at the surface
Cold front abo\'e the surface
Cold frx)nt frx)ntogenesis (developing)
Cold front fronloK'sis (dissipation)
(RED) \\"arm front at the surface
\^"arm front above the surface ^^ y^^

Warm front frontogencsis (developing)

Wann front fixmtolysis (dbsipation)
(PURPLE) Occhided front at the surface
Quasi-slationarv' front at the surface
Quasi-stationar>' frxmt above the surfece -/-^ y-^.

Quasi-stationarv occhided front at the surface

Quasi-stationar\' occluded fit^nt above the surface -^^
Jet Stream Max Wind Line ►
Asis of troi^h
Axis of ridge AW>«^^^A
(BLUE) Highs H
(RFD) Lows L
20 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 2.4. Standard Criteria and Shading for Military Weather Advisory (MWA) Products.

Thunderstorm COVERAGE: Total Area Effected (TAA). Implied 1-hour maximum coverage.

Geographical Blocks Coverage Standard

Coverage of Effected on Contraction on
Area in AOR (TAA) DD Form 175-1 MWA
01-24% 01-02% Isolated ISOLD
25-49% 03-15% Few FEW
50-74% 16-45% Scattered SCT
75-100% 46-100% Numerous NMRS

2.2.2. Winds. Wind information plotted uses the “Shaft-Barb-Pennant” method (Figure 2.5.). The
FROM direction which the wind is blowing is represented by the “shaft” or a line. The wind speed is
represented by the barb or pennant. A short barb represents 5 knots and a long barb represents 10
knots. Pennants are 50-knot winds. Wind directions are plotted to the nearest 10 degrees relative to
true north.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 21

Figure 2.5. Sample Wind Plots.

2.2.3. Station Symbols. Station Symbols provide a detailed graphic representation of present
weather at individual stations to include cloud type, sky coverage, sea-level pressure (mb), 3-hour
barometric change, pressure, present weather, past 6-hour weather, temperature, dew point, visibility
(sm), wind speed (kts) and direction. Weather stations commonly use software packages to filter the
various elements on the station model to make the symbol less cluttered and easier to read. This capa-
bility also provides elements that are relevant to the user. A complete station model is below (Figure

Figure 2.6. Station Model.

22 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

2.2.4. Weather Symbols. Weather Symbols provide a detailed graphic representation of weather
types (Figure 2.7.).

Figure 2.7. Basic Weather Symbols.

r <= $ ^
Smoke (Brown) Haze (Browii) Blowing Dust/Sand (Brown) Dust Storm'Sand Storm (Brov%Ti) Fog (Yellow)

<; r^ K
Lightuiug, \'isible (Red) Thunderstorm (Red) Thunderstorm with Rainshower (Red)

Thunderstorm with Snowshower (Red)
Thunderstorm with Rain and Snow Mixed (Red)

Thunderstorm with Hail (Red) Blowing Snow (Green) Snow, light (Green) Rain and Snow Mixed (Green)

Drizzle, light (Green) Rain, light (Green) Freezing Drizzle (Red) Freezing Rain (Red)
Note: Drizzle, Rain, Snow intensities are depicted by multiple symbols (Light (2), Moderate (3), Hea'iy {4))
• :^ ^ A
V ^ V V
Rain Showers (Green) Showers of Rain and Snow Mixed (Green) Snow Shower (Green) Hail Shower (Red)

Ice Pellets (Red) Tropical Cyclone N. Hemisphere (Red) Tropical Storm S. Hemisphere (Red)

Clear icing, light (Brown) Mixed icing, light (Brown) Rime icing, light (Brown)
Note: Icing intensities are depicted bv multiple lines in symbols (Light (1)« Moderate (2), Severe (3))

A y^ j^
Turbulence, light (Blue) TurbulencSj moderate (Blue) Turbulence, severe (Blue)
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 23

2.2.5. Sky Cover. Shaded circles depict sky cover (Figure 2.8.). Cloud base or heights are depicted
in hundreds of feet AGL. Ceiling height is entered with broken or overcast sky cover. Sky cover with-
out a height entry is shown by an “X”. A height entry for an obscured sky is the vertical visibility. No
height is entered for a partially obscured sky with no cloud layer above.

Figure 2.8. Sky Condition Symbols.

Skv Condition Coverage Symbol

Clear 0/8
Few 1/8-2/8
Scattered 3/8 - 4/8
Broken 5/8-7/8

Overcast 8/8

2.3. AFWA Graphic Products . AFWA generates a variety of graphic products. AFWA will also com-
bine and integrate OWS products to develop seamless, hemispheric products. A complete list and all
AFWA forecaster-machine products can be found on the Joint Air Force and Army Weather Information
Network (JAAWIN) at: Examples of AFWA Graphics are shown in Figure
2.9. - Figure 2.10.
24 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 2.9. 30,000 ft Winds.

\v "^ —

30000 Ft MSL Ninds (KTS)

2.3.1. Military Weather Advisory. The Military Weather Advisory (MWA) (Figure 2.10.) is a
graphic depicting possible adverse weather and is updated every 6-8 hours. Use the contents of this
advisory strictly as a preflight aid to identify areas of severe weather. Figure 2.4. shows the key for
hazards forecasted. Hazard areas are enclosed by solid lines and identified by block letters. Always
reference the MWA before every flight!! Always receive periodic updates from enroute advisory ser-
vices (i.e., PMSV, ATC, etc.).
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 25

Figure 2.10. CONUS MWA Thunderstorm Chart.

2.4. OWS Graphic Products. OWSs will develop graphic products (Sample products Figure 2.13. to
Figure 2.15.) to support operations in its AOR (Sample list in Figure 2.12.). Complete OWS product lists
26 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

are displayed on its web page. If you do not have CWT support, contact the OWS. To find your AOR’s
OWS use paragraph 1.4. and Figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11. OWS Websites.


11 OWS Elmendorf AFB, AK
15 OWS Scott AFB, IL
17 OWS Hickam AFB, HI Not Available at print time
20 OWS Yokota AB, Japan
25 OWS Davis-Monthan, AFB, AZ
26 OWS Barksdale, AFB, LA
28 OWS Shaw AFB, SC
USAFE Sembach AB, GE

NOTE: Websites subject to change, see Flight Information Handbook for current data.

Figure 2.12. Sample of OWS Graphic Products.

Product Weather Parameters Threshold Values

Theater Icing Forecast Icing outside thunderstorms. Rime, Clear (CLR) - Light (LGT).
Time Phased (TP) mixed (MXD) icing (surface - 50,000 ft MSL to - Moderate (MDT).
12/18/24/30/36/48 the nearest 1000 ft). - Severe (SVR).
- Height of Freezing Level.
Theater Turbulence Turbulence. Mechanical, Mountain Wave (MTN - Moderate (MDT).
Forecast - TP WV), Clear Air (CAT) turbulence (surface – - Severe (SVR).
12/18/24/30/36/48 50,000 ft MSL to the nearest 1000 ft). - Extreme (EXTRM).
Horizontal Weather Ceiling and Visibility < 3000/5 (USAF alt required).
Depiction (HWD) - < 1500/3 (USAF IFR).
Point in Time (PIT)
Theater Surface Pressure centers and values, fronts, troughs, As displayed. Fronts maintained as long as
Pressure, Fronts and Tropical cyclone positions air mass discontinuity exists.
Weather Forecast - Sensible weather
PIT 12/18/24/30/36/48
Theater Cloud Cloud ceilings (low, middle, and high clouds Broken (BKN) or Overcast (OVC) Cloud
Forecast - PIT between 5,000 and Tropopause cover.
12/18/24/30/36/48 (about 55,000 ft MSL).
Theater Theater scale activity See Figure 2.4.
Forecast - TP
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 27

2.4.1. Surface Graphics. OWSs continuously create surface weather graphics for its AOR (Figure
2.13.). These will depict frontal positions, locations of pressure system centers and precipitation areas,
type and intensity. These are made available to all CWTs supporting AOR military operations. In trop-
ical regions, streamlines are used in place of isobars and circulation centers instead of pressure cen-
ters. CWTs visually integrate real-time surface weather observations, radar, satellite imagery and
other data with AFWA and OWS surface analyses.

Figure 2.13. Surface Map From 15 OWS.

^ Thuntorslonn ** Snon «*■ fieez'ngPdn

\7 nan Shoher 7 Smw Stwnr

t^ FrvQilna Btlatv

mw Riin RalTkiViOVf MU
A mpaHKt
28 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 2.14. SWA HWD From 28 OWS.

AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 29

Figure 2.15. Thunderstorm Forecast From USAFE OWS.

2.5. Graphics Availability. All OWSs will produce a suite of “standard products” analogous to the pre-
vious examples, and each OWS may produce other mission specific products. OCONUS data unavailabil-
ity may limit creation of some products. Once you arrive at a new location, contact the CWT to find out
what products are available for your AOR. CWTs can provide information on the types of products avail-
able, production and amendment cycles, and answers on product information displayed.
2.5.1. Other Graphic Websites. There is a multitude of civilian-created weather products available
on the Internet. Descriptions and addresses are well beyond the scope of this handbook. If you can’t
use a CWT or OWS web site and must use a civilian site, ensure it is MAJCOM approved before pro-
ceeding. You should contact your CWT or OWS for verbal information to support the data from what-
ever site you’re using.
30 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Chapter 3


3.1. METAR Code. Aviation Routine Weather Reports (METAR) is the observation code used to report
meteorological data. Full code details are found in AFMAN 15-111, Surface Weather Observations. Ele-
ments within the METAR report include: wind, visibility, runway visual range, present weather, sky con-
dition, temperature, dew point, and altimeter setting. Plain language information (Remarks) may be
appended to the report. METAR was adopted by international agreement for worldwide use, but each
country can modify the code (i.e. use meters vice miles).
3.1.1. Report Type . METAR is a scheduled observation taken between 55-59 minutes past the hour
(a.k.a. hourly observation). SPECI (Special Report) is an unscheduled observation taken when a pre-
defined condition criteria change occurs. “Local” Observations are taken for condition change signif-
icant to a given airfield’s operations. Locals are not disseminated outside of the local base.
METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005
01/M01 A2984 RMK SLP034

SPECI KBLV 011715Z 25015G30KT 210V290 3SM BKN015 01/M01 A2984 RMK SLP034
3.1.2. Location. 4-character identifier; KBLV (Scott AFB) is the location/station. The first letter
identifies the area (Figure 3.1.). A worldwide identifier list is in Location Indicators (International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)).
METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005
01/M01 A2984 RMK SLP034

Figure 3.1. Common ICAO Prefixes.

Prefix Geographic Region Examples

L Mediterranean/South Europe LIYW (Aviano AB, Italy)
P Pacific PGUA (Anderson AB, Guam)
M Mexico, West Caribbean MMAA (Acapulco, Mexico)
E Northern Europe EGUN (RAF Mildenhall, UK)
T East Caribbean TJNR (Roosevelt Roads NAS, PR)
S South America SLLP (La Paz, Bolivia)
O Southwest Asia OERY (Riyadh AB, Saudi Arabia)
R Far East RKSO AB (Osan AB, South Korea)
B Greenland BIKF (NAS Keflavik, Iceland)
C Canada CYYR (Goose Bay, Canada)
H East Africa HDAM (Djibouti, Djibouti)
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 31

3.1.3. Date and Time of Issuance. The 7-character group after the identifier is the date and time of
issuance. The first two digits are the date; the last four digits are time (UTC).
Example: 01 is the date of the month, 1657 is the time, “Z” is the time designator.
METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005 01/
M01 A2984 RMK SLP034

3.1.4. ASOS Designators and Correction Modifiers. AUTO refers to an observation taken from an
unattended Automated Surface Observation System (ASOS). AO1 is an ASOS without a rain vice
snow discriminator. AO2 is an ASOS with a rain vice snow discriminator. COR is an observation cor-
rected for an error. Disregard the previous transmission.

METAR KSTL 011657Z AUTO 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN 005 01/M01
A2984 RMK AO2 SLP034
METAR KBLV 011657Z COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN 005 01/M01
A2984 RMK SLP034

3.1.5. Wind Speed and Direction. Reported wind direction is in magnetic north because runways
and aircraft instruments are oriented toward magnetic north. Winds transmitted long-line are reported
in knots (kts) and true direction. The wind will be reported as prevailing, gust, or squall. Prevailing
(sustained) is the most common and is the average direction/speed over the 2 minutes (10 mins OCO-
NUS) immediately preceding the observation. Gusts are a sudden, brief increase in speed (with a vari-
ation of 10 knots or more between peaks and lulls) during the 10 minutes immediately preceding the
observation. A squall is characterized by a very large variation of wind speed. It is often accompanied
by a shower or thunderstorm. The term “squall’ is used when the speed increases by at least 16 knots
and is sustained at 22 knots or more for at least 1 minute. The first three wind group digits will be the
true (from) direction to the nearest 10 degrees and the next two digits are speed. If winds are gusting,
the next two or three digits immediately following the letter “G” will be the gust speed or peak wind

Example: The 25015G30KT group is the wind direction and speed. Therefore, 250 degrees is the
direction (true), 15 kts is the sustained wind speed and 30 kts is the gust.
METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005 01/
M01 A2984 RMK SLP034

3.1.6. Wind Variability. Wind variability is reported if the direction varies by 60 degrees and speeds
greater than 6 kts. This group has the direction extremes, separated by “V.”

Example: 210 and 290 are the two directional limits.

METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005 01/
M01 A2984 RMK SLP034
32 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

3.1.7. Visibility. Prevailing visibility is the greatest horizontal visibility observed throughout at least
half the horizon circle, and is not necessarily continuous. Sector visibility is reported in Remarks, if it
differs from the prevailing and is less than 3 miles. Overseas locations will report visibilities in meters
vice statute miles. The largest reportable metric value is 9999. This equates to visibility which is
greater than 9000 meters (7 statute miles or greater).
Example: 3/8SM (statute miles) is the prevailing visibility. See Attachment 2 for Statute Miles to
Meters Conversion Chart
METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005 01/
M01 A2984 RMK SLP034

3.1.8. Runway Visual Range. Runway Visual Range (RVR) is reported when the prevailing visibil-
ity is one statute mile or less and/or the RVR for the designated runway is 6,000 feet/1830 meters or
less. Based on a ten-minute average, RVR follows the visibility and begins with “R.” Locations with-
out ten-minute average capability will use a one-minute average to report locally and RVRNO lon-
gline. The runway heading will follow the “R,” thus, “32L” represents runway 32-Left (C-Center,
R-Right). The last four digits report the visibility in feet (meters used overseas).
Example: RVR reads “runway visual range for 32 Left is 1,000 ft.”

METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005 01/
M01 A2984 RMK SLP034
Examples of RVR code:

M0600FT RVR is less than 600 feet. (M=less than)

P6000FT RVR is greater than 6,000 feet. (P = greater than)
R06L2000V4000FT Indicates variable, if the RVR is variable between two thresholds.
R06L/2000V4000FT is RVR for 6 Left is variable between 2,000 and 4,000 feet.
3.1.9. Type of Weather. If there is any precipitation or obstruction to visibility, it will be found in the
group of data following the visibility. The absence of weather or an obscuration group indicates that
neither phenomenon has occurred at the time of the observation. In this example, “FG” represents
“Fog.” To define a weather group, look for these key elements (one or more may be omitted): intensity
(symbol preceding the code), proximity, descriptor, precipitation description, obscuration (other than
precipitation), and other. See Weather and Obscuration Conversion Table (Figure 3.2.).

METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005 01/
M01 A2984 RMK SLP034
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 33

Figure 3.2. Weather Obscurations.

Step 1: Intensity Step 3: Description Step 4: Precipitation Step 5: Obscuration to Visibility Step 6: Other
(preceding group)
Light (-) MI Shallow DZ Drizzle FG Fog (vsby <= 5/8 mile PO dust/sand
Moderate PR Partial (covering RA Rain BR Mist (vsby>= 5/8 mile) SQ Squalls
only part of the sky
No sign
Heavy (+) SN Snow FU Smoke FC Funnel cloud
(S) ex. Tornado or
+ can also mean BC Patches SG Snow Grains VA Volcanic Ash SS Sandstorm
" a well developed
dust/sand storm,
whirl, dust devil
tornado or
DR Low Drifting IC Ice Crystals DU Dust DS Dust Storm
BL Blowing PL Ice Pellets SA Sand DS Dust Storm
SH Showers GR Hail (>5 mm or .2") HZ Haze
Step 2: Proximity TS Thunderstorm GS Small hail (<5 mm or .2") PY Spray
In the Vicinity FZ Freezing UP Unknown Precipitation
VC (10 NM) (ASOS only)

TSRA - -RA FG - light rain, BLPY -blowing spray VCSH - showers in the vicinity FZDZ - freezing
thunderstorm, fog drizzle
moderate rain
+SN - heavy snow BR HZ - mist, haze BCFG - patchy fog +DRSN - heavy snow, drifting BCFG - patchy
(vis >= 5/8 mi.) fog
34 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

3.1.10. Clouds. Clouds are reported in eighths for coverage and hundreds of feet AGL for heights.
Automated systems do not report cloud bases above 12,000 feet.
Sky coverage (eighths) (NOTE: * Denotes a “Ceiling”):

SKC 0 (Sky clear, NOTE: ASOS will use CLR for no clouds below 12,000 ft)
FEW Trace-2
SCT 3-4
* BKN 5-7
* OVC 8
TCU Towering Cumulus present
CB Cumulonimbus/thunderstorm present
*VV Vertical Visibility (indefinite ceiling)

Example: BKN005 represents a BROKEN ceiling at 500 feet AGL.

METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005 01/
M01 A2984 RMK SLP034
3.1.11. Temperature and Dew Point. After sky condition is the temperature and dew point (Cel-
sius). These affect runway length needed and helicopter power settings.
Example: The first two digits 01 are the temperature and the second two digits or M01 or -1C are the dew
point. An “M” in the field means “minus” or below zero. See Attachment 3 to convert from Celsius to
METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005 01/
M01 A2984 RMK SLP034
3.1.12. Altimeter Setting. Altimeter setting is a 5-character group after the temperature/dew point.
Starts with “A” and is in hundredths of an inch of mercury (U.S.).
Example: A2984 represents 29.84 inches of mercury. International locations may report altimeter settings
in hectopascals or millibars. Attachment 4 has conversions from inches.
METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005 01/
M01 A2984 RMK SLP034
3.1.13. Remarks. Remarks (RMK) may be encoded in plain language and will contain any supple-
mentary data. Caution: Do not confuse METAR RMK 5xxxx (3 hr pressure tendency) or 6xxxx (6-hr
precipitation amounts) with the TAF 5xxxx (turbulence) and 6xxxx (icing).
Example: The remark SLP is the sea level pressure in millibars (hectopascals) to the nearest tenth. Place
a “10” or “9” before the group and a decimal before the last digit (use 10 if the 3 digit value is 400 or less).
The group in the example would read “1003.4 millibars.”
METAR KBLV 011657Z AUTO/COR 25015G30KT 210V290 3/8SM R32L/1000FT FG BKN005 01/
M01 A2984 RMK SLP034
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 35

3.2. Aerodrome Forecast (TAF). Forecasts advise of expected conditions, hazardous weather and assist
in determining mission fuel needs. The TAF is a forecast for a particular terminal covering a period of
time up to 24 hours. A TAF contains a forecast of wind, prevailing visibility, precipitation and/or obstruc-
tion to visibility, sky coverage (eighths), icing, turbulence, minimum altimeter setting and pertinent plain
language remarks. Full code details can be found in AFMAN 15-124, Meteorological Codes. OWSs are
primarily responsible for AOR airfield TAFs. If National Weather Service or indigenous weather service
issues a TAF meeting supported unit requirements, an OWS TAF is not issued.
3.2.1. Type of Report. TAF is an airport forecast for a specific period (usually 24 hours). AMD
(Amended TAF) is issued and supersedes the previous TAF because the TAF is no longer representa-
tive of the current or expected weather. Below, the TAF was amended at 1820Z. COR (Corrected
TAF) is a TAF that has been corrected and supersedes previous TAFs. The AMD was corrected at
1825Z. Refer to the time in the last text line for the current forecast.
KBLV AMD 051812 VRB15G30KT 0800 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 29008KT 1600 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS VCTS
BECMG 1920 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
AMD 1820.

BECMG 1819 29008KT 1600 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS VCTS
BECMG 1920 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
AMD COR 1825.
3.2.2. Location. The 4-character ICAO is the location. KBLV (Scott AFB, IL) is the location.
KBLV 051212 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2960INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2959INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
3.2.3. Forecast Date and Valid Times. In a civilian TAF (KSTL), the next two groupings following
the identifier are the date/time the forecast was prepared (05 is the date, and 1130Z is the issuance
time) and the forecast valid times (from 5/12Z to 6/12Z). In a military TAF (KBLV), the group fol-
lowing the ICAO identifier will be the preparation date (time is omitted) and valid times of the fore-
cast (from 5/06Z to 6/06Z).
36 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

KSTL 051130Z 051212 14008KT 5SM BR BKN030 WS010/18025KT
TEMPO 1316 1 1/2 SM BR FM 1600 16010KT P6SM NSW SKC BECMG 2224 20013G20KT 4SM
SHRA OVC020 PROB40 0006 2SM TSRA OVC008CB BECMG 0608 21015KT P6SM NSW SCT040

KBLV 050606 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2960INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2959INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
3.2.4. Change Groups. The type of change and times expected are encoded with TEMPO, FM and
BECMG. TEMPO 1316 is a “Temporary condition between 13Z and 16Z.” FM is “from” and
indicates a rapid change, and supersedes the previous line conditions. FM 1600 is read “From 16Z.”
BECMG represents “becoming” or a “gradual change” in the predominant condition by the end time
listed. BECMG 2224 is “Becoming from 22Z to 24Z.” PROB40 (civilian use only) represents a
40% probability of associated weather conditions occurring. PROB40 0006 2SM TSRA
0VCOO8CB is read “40% probability between 00Z and 06Z of 800 overcast cumulonimbus clouds,
visibility 2 statute miles in moderate thunderstorms.”
KSTL 051130Z 051212 14008KT 5SM BR BKN030 WS010/18025KT TEMPO 1316 1 1/2 SM BR FM
1600 16010KT P6SM NSW SKC BECMG 2224 20013G20 KT 4SM SHRA OVC020 PROB40 0006
3.2.5. Wind Speed and Direction. After valid time is forecast wind direction/speed. The first three
digits are the true direction to the nearest 10 degrees. The last two digits are the sustained speed in
knots (KT). Internationally, winds may be kilometers per hour (KMH) or meters per second (MPS).
Gusts are depicted by “G.” VRB are winds with variable directions: that can’t be forecasted with con-
fidence due to thunderstorms, are less than 6 kts, or varying for more than 60 degrees. The latter has a
group depicting the direction range (i.e. 210V300)

Example: 14005KT, 16010KT, VRB15G30KT, 29008KT, 31012G22KT and 30008KT are the direc-
tion and speed groups. In the first group, 140 degrees (true) is the direction, 05 kts is speed. VRB are
winds with variable directions (thunderstorms) at 15KT, with 30 KT Gusts.
KBLV 051212 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2960INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2959INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 37

3.2.6. Forecast Visibility. Military and overseas locations forecast visibilities in meters (the group
after the winds). 9999 is the maximum value forecasted and indicates visibility greater than 9000
meters (7 statute miles or greater). Overseas locations may use “CAVOK” (ceiling and visibility OK).
This indicates no significant weather, visibility is 10 km or greater and ceilings greater than 5,000 ft.
Civilian CONUS TAFs use statute miles (SM).

Example: Military - 8000, 3200, 1600, 3200 and 9999 are the visibilities in meters.
KBLV 051212 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2960INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2959INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z

Example: Civilian CONUS - 5SM, 1-1/2SM, P6SM, 4SM, 2SM and P6SM are the forecast visibilities
in statute miles. P means plus 6SM or unrestricted visibility.
KSTL 051130Z 051212 14008KT 5SM BR BKN030 WS010/18025KT
TEMPO 1316 1 1/2 SM BR FM 1600 16010KT P6SM NSW SKC BECMG 2224 20013G20 KT 4SM
3.2.7. Forecast Weather. Forecast weather is found in the group following the visibility. Absence of
a weather group indicates that no weather is expected during the forecast period.

Example: BR is Mist, -SHRA is Lt Rain Showers, TSRA is Thunderstorms with moderate Rain,
-RA is Light Rain, and NSW (no significant weather) is used to indicate the weather listed in the pre-
vious group is no longer expected to occur. NSW does NOT indicate the absence of clouds or hazards
pertinent to your aircraft type. See Figure 3.2. for full decode list.
KBLV 051212 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2960INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2959INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 510004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
38 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

3.2.8. Clouds. Forecast cloud coverage in eights and height in hundreds of feet.

Sky coverage (eighths) (NOTE: * Denotes a “Ceiling”):

SKC Sky clear
FEW Trace-2
SCT 3-4
* BKN 5-7
* OVC 8
CB Cumulonimbus/thunderstorm
* VV Vertical Visibility (indefinite ceiling)

Example: FEW030, OVC020, BKN008CB, OVC030, SCT040 and SKC is 3,000 Few, 2,000 Over-
cast, 800 Broken (Cumulonimbus Clouds), 4,000 Scattered and Sky Clear.
KBLV 051212 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2960INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2959INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
3.2.9. Icing Conditions. The icing group is for surface up to 10,000 ft, non-thunderstorm associated,
and is prefixed with a 6. To decode (Figure 3.3.):

1. Look for the icing designator “6” that follows the cloud group (6 2 0 3 0 4).
2. The next digit will determine the icing type and intensity (6 2 0 3 0 4).
3. Next three digits determine the base of the icing layer in hundreds of feet (6 2 0 3 0 4).
4. The next digit determines thickness in thousands of feet (6 2 0 3 0 4), add to base to determine icing
conditions top. Example: Light icing in cloud (RIME), 3,000 - 7,000 ft.
KBLV 051212 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2960INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2959INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 39

Figure 3.3. Icing Codes.

Icing Intensity
Code Decode
0 Trace or none
1 Light icing (mixed)
2 Light icing in cloud (RIME)
3 Light icing in precipitation (clear)
4 Moderate icing (mixed)
5 Moderate icing in cloud (RIME)
6 Moderate icing in precipitation (clear)
7 Severe icing (mixed)
8 Severe icing in cloud (RIME)
9 Severe icing in precipitation (clear)

3.2.10. Turbulence Conditions. The turbulence group is for surface up to 10,000 ft, non-thunder-
storm associated, CAT II aircraft, and is prefixed with a 5. To decode (Figure 3.4.):

1. The turbulence designator “5” that follows the cloud or icing group (5 2 0 0 0 4).
2. Next digit determines the intensity (5 2 0 0 0 4).
3. Next three digits determine the base limit of the layer in hundreds of feet (5 2 0 0 0 4).
4. The last digit will determine the thickness in thousands of feet (5 2 0 0 0 4), add this value to the base
height to determine the top limit of the turbulence conditions. Below, the turbulence forecast is occasional
moderate turbulence in clear air from surface to 4,000 feet.

KBLV 051212 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2960INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2959INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
40 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 3.4. Turbulence Codes.

Turbulence Intensity
Code Decode
0 Trace
1 Light turbulence
2 Moderate turbulence in clear air occasional
3 Moderate turbulence in clear air frequent
4 Moderate turbulence in cloud occasional
5 Moderate turbulence in cloud frequent
6 Severe turbulence in clear air occasional
7 Severe turbulence in clear air frequent
8 Severe turbulence in cloud occasional
9 Severe turbulence in cloud frequent
X Extreme turbulence

3.2.11. Lowest Altimeter Setting. Forecast minimum altimeter settings are only found in military
forecasts. These begin with QNH (minimum) and end with INS (inches).
Example: QNH2958INS, QNH2952INS and QNH2950INS are read as minimum altimeter setting of
29.58, 29.52 and 29.50 inches of mercury, respectively. Internationally, some countries use hectopascals
or millibars (Q1016) to measure pressure. See Attachment 4 for conversions.

KBLV 051212 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2958INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2958INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2952INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
3.2.12. Forecast Wind Shear. Wind shear is included if non-convective low level winds (up to 2,000
feet above ground level (AGL)) will change in speed and/or direction and result in shear. Wind shear
is encoded with the contraction, WS, followed by a 3-digit height, slant character “/,” and winds at the
height indicated. The remark WSCONDS is used to indicate potential wind shear when there is not
enough information available to reliably predict the exact height, direction and speed of the wind
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 41

Example: WS010/18040KT is wind shear at 010 (1,000 feet above the ground), 180 degrees true direc-
tion at 040KT (40 knots).

KBLV 051212 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2960INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2959INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z
3.2.13. Temperatures. Forecast temperatures are routinely found only in military TAFs. Forecast
temperatures are found on the first or last line (depending on MAJCOM requirements) following the
minimum altimeter and begin with the designator “T.”

Example: Minimum temperature for this period of time (12Z to 12Z) is minus 1 or -1 °C and will occur
at 11Z. The maximum temperature is 8°C and will occur at 18Z.
KBLV 051212 14005KT 8000 BR FEW030 QNH2960INS WS010/18040KT
BECMG 1314 16010KT 3200 -SHRA OVC020 QNH2959INS
TEMPO 1416 VRB15G30KT 1600 TSRA BKN008CB OVC020
BECMG 1617 29008KT 3200 -RA OVC030 620304 QNH2958INS
BECMG 1819 31012G22KT 9999 NSW SCT040 520004 QNH2952INS
BECMG 2021 30008KT 9999 SKC QNH2950INS TM01/11Z 08/18Z

3.3. Pilot Reports. A Pilot Report (PIREP) is an aircrew report of weather conditions at altitude. The
Flight Information Handbook has the format for transmittal by aircrews. PIREPs are extremely important
to operations. Airborne crews can see a broader horizon and experience phenomena, which may be hidden
from the ground observer’s view. For example, cloud bases and tops, turbulence and icing may only be
evident to airborne crew. While ground observations contain valuable information, they may not meet the
need for information on weather conditions at altitude. Weather technicians use PIREPs to service other
aircrews and to aid forecasting. PIREPs are transmitted over selected navigational aids and weather data
nets. Air traffic controllers will relay PIREPs to other affected aircrews and weather technicians.
3.3.1. PIREP Text. The format includes a “message type” (UUA: urgent; UA: routine) and text
element indicators preceding data groups. Indicators consist of a slash (/), two letters, and a space
(except for “FL” which is not followed by a space. Aircraft position is relative to an ICAO, omnirange
transmitter TACAN, VORTAC, or VOR, with a six digit group giving the relative bearing (first three
digits) and distance (last three digits) from the omnirange. “DURGC” (during climb) or “DURGD”
(during descent) indicates PIREPS received by aircraft taking-off or landing. Full code details can be
found in AFMAN 15-124, Meteorological Codes.
42 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

/OV Indicates aircraft position, time of observation, and altitude
/TM Time of observation (Z)
/FL Altitude (flight level)
/TP Type of aircraft
/SK Sky cover
/WX Visibility and weather (visibility to nearest mile)
/TA Temperature (C)
/WV Wind direction and speed (six digits)
/TB Turbulence (includes intensity, type, and altitude)
/IC Icing (includes intensity, type, and altitude)
/RM Remarks clarifying coded elements and adds significant data
UUA’s are issued for:
A. Hail (GR or GS)
B. Low-Level Wind Shear (LLWS)
C. Severe icing
D. Severe or extreme turbulence, including Clear Air Turbulence (CAT)
E. Tornado, funnel cloud, or waterspout (FC).
F. Volcanic Eruption and/or Ash (VA), in the air or on the ground.
G. Any condition that, in the judgment of the person entering the PIREP into the system, would present an
extreme hazard to flight.

Example: Regular PIREP from 315 degrees and 45 miles from Scott AFB, 2224Z, at an unknown flight
level. Aircraft is a C-9, observed a broken line of thunderstorms aligned north to south with occasional
lightning from cloud to cloud and from cloud to ground. Cloud bases are at 3,000 ft, unknown total sky
cover and cloud tops at 34,500 ft.

030 UNKN 345.

3.4. AFWA Text Products. AFWA generates a variety of mission support alphanumeric text products.
Any required code break-down is readily available. AFWA has text products (e.g., observations, TAFs,
discussions) from other weather sources available on its web page. AFWA text products are on JAAWIN
(See Para 2.3. for address).
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 43

3.5. OWS Text Products. OWS created text products to support AOR operations will be displayed on its
web page (See Para 2.4. or FIH for addresses). Any required code break-down is readily available. Some
OWSs may convert text bulletins into graphic depictions.

3.6. Civil Weather Advisories. Civil weather advisories may be available via CWT, OWS, or AFWA
web pages. These are issued at very high frequency omni-directional range (VOR) facilities. Contact the
CWT, OWS, or nearest civilian Flight Service Station (FSS) to determine whether the advisory is perti-
nent to your flight. Advisories include: Severe Weather Forecast Alert (AWW), Significant Meteorologi-
cal Reports (SIGMET) and Airman’s Meteorological Information (AIRMET).
3.6.1. Severe Weather Forecast Alert (AWW). AWW is a preliminary message used to alert airmen
that a Severe Weather Bulletin (WW) is being issued. AWW defines an area of possible severe thun-
derstorms or tornado activity.

Example: MKC AWW 655 WW 279 SEVERE TSTM NY PA NJ 1630Z-1700Z. 70 STATUTE MILES
3.6.2. Significant Meteorological Event (SIGMET). SIGMETs are issued for observed or forecast
non-thunderstorm related hazards:

1. Severe or extreme turbulence and CAT not associated with thunderstorms.

2. Severe icing not associated with thunderstorms
3. Dust storms, sandstorms or volcanic ash lowering visibilities to less than three miles
4. Volcanic eruption Convective SIGMET. Convective SIGMETs (WST) are issued by time and region, and
are associated with thunderstorms. WSTs are issued hourly as required. They are valid for two
hours or until superseded. Bulletins consist of an observation and/or a forecast. WSTs cover one of
three areas: Eastern (E), Central (C), and Western (W), defined by longitudinal boundaries of 87
and 107 degrees West. Hourly, an Outlook is issued for each region. The Outlook is a 2-6 hour
projected thunderstorm activity discussion listed at the end of the WST and is updated as required.
WSTs are issued for:

1. Severe thunderstorm with surface winds greater than or equal to 50 knots

2. Hail greater than or equal to3/4 inches in diameter
3. Tornados
4. Embedded thunderstorms
5. A line of thunderstorms
6. Thunderstorms greater than or equal to VIP 4 (see Figure 5.4.) affecting 40% or more of a 3,000
square mile area
44 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

WSUS42 KMKC 201852
MKCW WST 201855

OUTLOOK VALID 202055-210055

3.6.3. Airmen’s Meteorological Information (AIRMET). AIRMETs amend area forecasts con-
cerning weather phenomena which are of operational interest and potentially hazardous to aircraft
having limited capability. AIRMETs concern weather of less severity than that covered by SIGMETs.
AIRMETS affect at least a 3,000 square mile area. Large regions mean only a small part of the area
could be affected at any given time. AIRMETs are designated:

Sierra Bulletin (reserved for IFR and mountain obscuration)

1. Ceilings less than 1000 feet and /or visibility less than 3 miles affecting over 50% of the area
2. Extensive mountain obscuration

Tango Bulletin (reserved for wind related phenomena)

1. Moderate turbulence
2. Sustained surface winds of 30 knots or more

Zulu Bulletin (reserved for icing and freezing level data)

1. Moderate icing
2. Freezing levels

DFWT WA 201445
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 45

3.7. Aircraft Reports (AIREP). An AIREP is an automatic in-flight report generated at routine intervals
along a route. This report relays information on flight level, winds, and any flight hazards encountered.
Usually, these reports are generated during international, over-the-water flights.

UANT11 KAWN 201800 RTD02
UAL97 3230N 09010W 1840 F350 M// ////// TB LGT-MOD CHOP;
(Flight Number, Lat/Long, Time (Zulu), Flight Level, Temperature, Remarks)
46 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Chapter 4


4.1. Meteorological Satellites (METSAT). The types of meteorological satellites are the polar orbiter
and the geostationary (equator) orbiter. Polar orbiters circle the earth crossing each pole with an orbit
height near 1,000 NM. Each completes passes over same point every 12-hours. As the earth rotates below,
the satellite completes one photo strip, which can be stitched together to form a composite photo. Thus,
the user often sees a zig-zag pattern in the photo. Geostationary satellites are located approximately
22,300 NM above the Earth with an orbit timed with the rotation of the Earth keeping it fixed over the
same point. This characteristic allows imagery sequencing by time to provide an animation of the imagery
(or loop). METSAT imagery analysis may reveal many atmospheric phenomena: cloud top heights, thun-
derstorms, turbulence, jet stream, fog, and terrain features. Although satellite imagery is a common
resource used for preflight planning, many variables can cause misinterpretation of photo features. An in
depth interpretation instruction is beyond this handbook’s scope. You must consult trained technicians to
receive a reliable analysis.

4.2. Imagery Types. The types of satellite imagery used are visible, infrared, multi-spectral, microwave
imagery, and water vapor.
4.2.1. Visible Satellite Imagery. Visible satellite sensors scan visible light within the same range as
the human eye. Thus, visible imagery is the same as a photograph (Figure 4.1.).
4.2.2. Infrared Satellite Imagery (IR). Infrared sensors detect radiation dependent upon the temper-
ature of the emitting object. Think of infrared satellite data as a picture of contrasting temperatures
(Figure 4.2.). Standard infrared pictures show coldest temperatures as white (such as cirrus cloud
tops) and warmest (such as land and water) as black. Each gray shade is a temperature range. Some
imagery may be color enhanced (Figure 4.5.). Small temperature differentials between over-lapping
elements make analysis difficult (i.e. warm stratus cloud tops and fog over warm land/water, or cold
stratus clouds over snow-covered terrain).
4.2.3. Multi-spectral Imagery (MSI). MSI combines Visual and IR into a color enhanced 3-dimen-
sional image (Figure 4.3.) used to discriminate between low-mid and high-level clouds, and fog.
4.2.4. Microwave Imagery (MI). MI is used to see through cirrus to detect lower clouds, calculate
ocean surface winds, rain rates, snow coverage/depth and soil moisture. MI can produce radar-like
images of weather systems, such as severe storms and hurricanes (Figure 4.4.).
4.2.5. Water Vapor Imagery (WV). WV is sensitive to water vapor and detects radiation dependent
upon the temperature of the emitting object (Figure 4.6.). WV can detect moisture movement into (or
out) of a region well before clouds form, and moderate to heavy turbulence and icing.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 47

Figure 4.1. Visible Imagery. Sunset near Hawaii showing the Terminator (day-night line).

Figure 4.2. IR Imagery. IR is not light dependent (no terminator seen) and low (warmer) clouds
are not as bright as visual imagery.
48 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 4.3. MSI. Shows low clouds as yellow and high clouds as blue.

Figure 4.4. Microwave Imagery. Shows low (warmer) clouds as bright white.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 49

Figure 4.5. Color Enhanced IR.

Figure 4.6. Water Vapor.

50 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Chapter 5


5.1. Ground Weather Radars. Conventional and Doppler radars are used for weather detection. Con-
ventional radars produce reflectivity products. Doppler radars (a.k.a. Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD))
produce reflectivity and velocity products. Multiple web sources provide radar data, but your primary
source should be your CWT or OWS for data and interpretation.
5.1.1. Availability. Radar coverage is very limited OCONUS. Contact your CWT to find radar avail-
ability for operations. NEXRAD provides near blanket coverage in CONUS. Only a few OCONUS
NEXRADs exist. NEXRAD capable stations are listed in the en route supplements. Stations with a
Pilot to Metro Service Voice (PMSV) and radar collocated can provide real time reports to aircrews.
Technicians can advise you of location, movement, and intensity but cannot vector aircraft.

5.2. Product Display. Product displays will vary depending on radar type and data processing source.
Individual radars use an azimuthal color display, usually with a small area map (248 nm maximum
radius). The center is usually the radar location. Displays will differ for 32, 128, or 248 nm ranges as the
range markers and relative echo location will be closer or further from the center. Multiple radar compos-
ite displays combine data from large area to provide a big picture look. These combine data onto large
area maps (i.e. CONUS). Single and multiple radar products will use the same background to display a
variety of information. It is crucial to read the Product Legend to identify data displayed.

5.3. Reflectivity Products. Reflectivity products from both radars types are analogous. The two main
categories of reflectivity products are the base and the composite product.
5.3.1. Base Reflectivity. Base Reflectivity depicts echoes (objects illuminated by the radar beam)
from a single scan (Figure 5.1.). Echo strength is measured in decibels (DBZ). Products may group
DBZs into 1-6 VIP levels or even converted to rainfall rates. The Product Legend color bar indicates
the associated strength levels. Stronger levels farther down the scale should be avoided. Radars can
display an image using different elevation angles, which effects presentation. Each elevation angle
provides a different view of the echo. Greater angles give higher views but have decreased horizontal
sensing range. Reflectivity time-lapse loops are excellent tools for determining storm movement and
intensity changes.
5.3.2. Composite Reflectivity. A single radar Composite Reflectivity product (Figure 5.2.) is pro-
duced from data collected from all elevation scans and depicts the maximum reflectivity (highest
DBZ) over any given point. The Base and Composite Reflectivity imagery have similar appearances
(See Figure 5.1. and Figure 5.2., from the same radar during the same time). Multiple radar displays
use single radar composite reflectivity information to build large-scale area images. The largest value
over a point scanned by at least two radars is displayed. Figure 5.3. shows multiple radar composite
displays from conventional (data is converted to rainfall rates) and Doppler (radar composite reflec-
tivity data is converted and grouped into 1-6 VIP levels) radars.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 51

Figure 5.1. Doppler Base Reflectivity.

Figure 5.2. Doppler Composite Reflectivity (Same Time and Location as Figure 5.1.).
52 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 5.3. Multiple Radar Composites, European Conventional From NAMIS (Top),
CONUS Doppler (Bottom).
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 53

5.3.3. Radar Summary Data . Radar data may be displayed with composite images or as a graphic
chart (Figure 5.3.). Data may include movement, intensity, tops of echoes (precipitation), or other sig-
nificant data. Arrows depict movement with associated speed in knots. DBZs or VIPs depict intensity.
For some graphics, contour shaded areas depict intensity (See Figure 5.4. for interpretation). Radar
determined echo tops and bases are included when available, but actual cloud tops may be higher.
Other significant data includes precipitation type, severe weather data, and descriptive symbols (Fig-
ure 5.5.).

Figure 5.4. Radar Data Contours.

54 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 5.5. Radar Summary Data Symbols.

5.4. Velocity Products. Velocity products are only available from a Doppler radar, thus, these are limited
OCONUS. Base Velocity (Figure 5.6.) can provide wind location and speed, windshear, and microburst
activity. These depict negative values as inbound winds and positive values as outbound winds relative to
the radar. Match Product Legend colors and associated numerical value to find speed. Velocity Azimuth
Display (VAD) Wind Profile (Figure 5.7.) depicts a time-lapse image of the vertical wind profile at the
radar site. Winds are shown in 1,000 ft MSL increments. Wind speed and direction at any given level are
depicted by the standard arrow and barb format (See Figure 2.5.). The color of the wind barb is a measure
of data reliability based on the Route Mean Square (RMS) derived during data processing. The lower the
RMS, the more reliable the data. RMS values greater than 16 are not displayed and depicted by a ND.
Note: ND does not mean winds are not present at a given level.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 55

Figure 5.6. Base Velocity With Speed In kts.

56 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 5.7. VAD Wind Profile.

5.5. Severe Weather Signatures. Radars can identify several severe weather signatures. Some examples
are: hail (reflectivity values over 55 DBZ), squall lines, or microbursts.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 57

5.5.1. Squall Line. Squall lines (Figure 5.8.) are identified by a line of high reflectivities.

Figure 5.8. Squall Line.

e« ei 99 03 29
124 Ml 34 HN iei

|S«l FT e4'43']2U
n»E a ' I L





5.5.2. Microbursts. Microbursts are short in duration and small in size relative to thunderstorm com-
plexes, but they may have 100 kts of wind and severe downdrafts which can greatly impact takeoffs
and landings. Microbursts are best detected by velocity products (Figure 5.9.). Due to the shallow
vertical extent, microbursts are seen at low levels and usually not detected beyond 20 nm from the
radar. Microbursts are seen as a matched strong flow to and from the radar.
58 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 5.9. Time-Lapse Sequence of a Microburst.



^"^ MCOt A - II
J^ «ft>[- 2911

135S FT
nOO£ A H

'^f^lJS'i FT >7';?/43H
,iooe 0 n

JRDA hOUN 35/14/09M

1255 FT 97.?7'43ll

^6MFT 33 Kfl
t ^> I /
U'l' »-tNtlJNb
( I I'll 1

iHir CRPOP Aeec

if^^ e.*=^ y€i ■O- y ^34 KH 1 <kll «LL

efi ft. f**» ' ■ ^ f «a ft; ao ?■? 48 i-'l^ ►I < j"'
■ . 1 —
■, Jt'_-

5.6. Non-Precipitation Phenomenon. Radar sensitivity allows technicians to see non-precipitation ech-
oes such as birds and insects, solar effects, and smoke plumes. Always verify the data viewed with a cer-
tified weather technician.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 59

Chapter 6


6.1. Lightning Detection Products . Lightning detection products are available for CONUS (Figure
6.1.), but may be limited for OCONUS (Figure 6.3.) operations. These products provide an indication of
thunderstorms that have recently discharged lightning, but are not the only data to identify thunderstorms.
They should be used in conjunction with other data.
6.1.1. Display Animations And Colors. Lightning product animations present a movie of lighting
strikes over a region. Always double-check the legend for increment of time used. Some use
color-codes vice animation. For example, NWS (Figure 6.1.) presents 30-minutes of strike data
grouped into 6-minute groups, for five groupings from oldest to newest. Colors range from green (old-
est strike occurrence) to red (latest strike occurrence). It also differentiates ground-to-cloud strikes
using colored circles and cloud-to-ground strikes using hatches (Figure 6.2.). Technology is not yet
available for cloud-to-cloud discharges. Figure 6.3. uses Red to Gray color codes for time, but does
not distinguish strike type.

Figure 6.1. Lightning Display. DTG: 21 Jun 2000/1723Z.

60 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 6.2. NWS Color Code And Strike Type Legend For Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.3. European Lightning Detection Product.

AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 61

Chapter 7


7.1. Special Support Product Types . Weather technicians can provide a broad variety of special sup-
port products. Products used for any given mission depend on the aircraft type and mission profile.
Low-level tactical airlift missions require different products than fighter missions using precision-guided
munitions (PGMs) to strike a target. Examples of special support products are: Space Support, Tactical
Decision Aids (TDAs), Volcano eruptions, Computer Flight Plans (CFPs), blowing dust imagery, and
snow coverage/depth. Space Support (including Solar and Lunar data) and Volcano products can be found
on OWS or AFWA web pages. CFPs can be requested by following your MAJCOM’s directives. TDAs
are usually classified and may be available over the secure web. CWTs can provide an in-depth orienta-
tion to the specific special support products used for your wing’s mission and how to acquire them.

7.2. Space Support. AFWA produces multiple text and graphic Space Support products. A complete list
is available on the AFWA web page. AFMAN 15-135, Combat Weather Team Operations, includes
detailed information on space weather effects. Space Support products are for the region from the upper
atmosphere to the Sun. Most important to the aircrew will be the space effects on the Ionosphere. These
can impact radio, Global Positioning Satellite (GPS), and missile warning operations (Figure 7.1.).

Figure 7.1. Space Weather Effects on Magnetosphere and Ionosphere.

Region Timescales Examples of Space Importance to Military

of Features Weather Features Operations
Important to AFW
Magnetosphere - Minutes to months. Radiation Belts, Electrical Region of most satellite orbits, effects
Currents, Earth’s Magnetic Field radio propagation.
(geomagnetic field),
Measured along Geomagnetic storms.
earth-sun line: 10
times radius of
earth (10 Re)
towards the sun &
1000 Re behind the
Ionosphere - Seasonal & daily Ionized Layer (D- E- F1, & F-2 Region effects radio propagation, satellite
variations Regions), Aurora, Ionospheric com, GPS receivers, missile warning,
Disturbances. space surveillance and space track radars.
- Minutes to days.
50 km - 1000 km +
- Dramatic variations
resulting from increased
solar activity.

7.2.1. Space Weather Warnings. AFWA Space Operations Center prepares many alerts, warnings
and advisories (Figure 7.2.) that are used to provide resource protection for valuable satellite assets.
OWSs or CWTs do not have the capability to produce these products, but can assist with product inter-
62 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 7.2. Sample of Space Weather Warning Types.

Warning/Advisory Criteria Desired Lead-Time

Short Wave Fade - Expect HF radio blackouts up to - None. Issued when observed.
specified frequency and duration on
sunlight side of the Earth.
X-Ray Flare Event - Issued when solar radio bursts exceed - None. Issued when observed.
5000 solar flux units.

7.2.2. Space Text Products. AFWA currently produces over 40 space text bulletins. Also readily
available on AFWA and OWS web pages is solar and lunar data (Figure 7.3.) which can be used for a
variety of missions including Night Vision Goggle (NVG) operations.

Figure 7.3. Sample Solar and Lunar Data.

Scotia, Schenectady County, New York (longitude W74.0, latitude N42.8):

Friday 23 March 2001 Eastern Standard Time

Begin civil twilight 5:26 a.m.
Sunrise 5:54 a.m.
Sun transit 12:03 p.m.
Sunset 6:12 p.m.
End civil twilight 6:41 p.m.

Moonset 3:50 p.m. preceding day
Moonrise 5:41 a.m.
Moon transit 11:12 a.m.
Moonset 4:51 p.m.
Moonrise 6:06 a.m. on following day

Moon Phase: waning crescent with 2% of the Moon’s visible disk illuminated.

7.2.3. Space Graphic Products. Space graphic products provide global visual depictions of the
space impacts on operations. Graphics include analysis and forecast of the effects on UHF (Figure
1.2.), HF, and high altitude operations (Figure 7.4.). Space products can be used to make aircrews
aware of potential impacts to communications or GPS. Furthermore, space products can be tailored to
a specific operation.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 63

Figure 7.4. Space Impacts.

l^a&d: 25/1800Z HIFLfER Ste-wart/Qreen


1 20 1 BO 240 360

7.3. Tactical Decision Aids (TDAs). CWTs and occasionally OWSs use TDAs to translate weather
parameters into mission impact descriptions (e.g., stoplight charts or go/no go charts), or compute weapon
system acquisition and lock on ranges, illumination levels, and temperature contrasts between the target
and background. TDAs range from simple look-up tables and graphs to complex software programs. Air-
crews and Intelligence interface with the CWT is essential to obtain the necessary mission and target data
required to generate TDAs. TDAs may be used in mission planning to assist weapon system choice based
on weather impacts and/or as part of the Army’s Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) process
to gain situational awareness of the battlefield. TDA output is often classified because it discloses details
of the mission or performance of the weapon system. TDAs used by CWTs and other weather units are
discussed in paragraphs 7.3.1. - 7.3.4.
7.3.1. Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Operations Weather Software (NOWS). N O WS cal cu l at es
sunrise/set, moonrise/set, and illumination levels for NVG operations. NOWS includes atmo-
sphere-induced effects on illumination. It offers decision aids tailored for routes and areas.
7.3.2. Target Acquisition Weather Software (TAWS). TAWS computes detection and lock-on
ranges for various PGMs and temperature contrasts between the target and background. TAWS is used
to provide target acquisition information for operations employing infrared and television (IR/TV)
weapons systems.
64 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

7.3.3. Infrared Target/Scene Simulation Software (IRTSS). This is the full-physics TDA capabil-
ity, including scene rendering and fly-throughs. Weather strategic centers and OWSs will provide
IRTSS support to CWTs for mission planning and execution purposes upon request.
7.3.4. Integrated Weather Effects Decision Aid (IWEDA). This is a rule-based application to pro-
vide critical friendly and threat weapon systems performance impacts (both positive and negative)
required for Army (and some Air Force) mission planning and execution.

7.4. Volcanic Eruption Alerts. The effects from a volcanic eruption can greatly impact operations and
damage aircraft. Volcano eruption data is available on AFWA and OWS web pages. The data may be text
(Figure 7.5.), animated graphics (Figure 7.6.) or 8-panel (Figure 7.7.).

Figure 7.5. Sample Text Volcano Alert.


1. MT ETNA,ITALY 3744N 1500E






7.5. Computer Flight Plans (CFP). The Tanker Airlift Control Center provides CFPs for operations.
Given the departure time, altitude and true airspeed, the computer "flies" the route and provides winds,
temperatures and pressures encountered. It also determines the ground speed, heading, wind factor, and
fuel load. Follow MAJCOM directives to obtain a CFP.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 65

Figure 7.6. Volcano Ash Alert At One (Top) and Six (Bottom) Hours After Eruption
ETNH [37 73 N .'IS.OO EJ IIH ajQgPjJioJ< IhMaBDrriBiaGMTjDD
2C01 03r3O6 6OUTG
tvn a 0 7 IP

2Ce 1 03 23 0* » UTC pi OOhrj hii ig io £9 n

ETMA (37 73 M .'IB.QO Ej

2C01 03 73 06 60 UTC
ivn a e 7 la

2001 03 23 11 50 UTC pD OOhi? UiID 10 £1 n

66 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 7.7. Volcano Ash Alert 8-Panel Forecast



IMMFT loggrFT DOZ 1 ■ Jll L 01
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 67

7.6. Blowing Dust Imagery. Blowing dust can impact operations. Imagery (Figure 7.8.) is updated as
events occur. Regions available are Africa, Mid East, and E, SW, & Central Asia.

Figure 7.8. Sample Dust Event Imagery

/-^J: J ■'-IJ!

,^^v^ V

68 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

7.7. Snow Coverage/Depth Analysis. Imagery (Figure 7.9.) is used for trafficability estimates.

Figure 7.9. Snow Analysis Example.

AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 69

Chapter 8


8.1. Weather Briefings. Weather briefings are a three-phase process including the planning, mission
execution, and post-mission debrief. Your CWT is the primary point of contact for briefings and all oper-
ational weather support. If you are not at home base, your CWT should have arranged support with
another CWT or OWS. OWSs will support transient aircrews or aircrews without CWT support. Briefings
are obtained in-person, via telephone, or on-line depending on the situation. Always obtain a mental pic-
ture of the weather. Ask yourself, How will weather affect my flight? Understanding weather’s opera-
tional impacts is essential to mission success, especially if emergency actions are required. Spend the time
needed to gather data, especially when adverse weather is a factor. Extra time spent with the CWT, the
OWS, or MAJCOM-approved web sites, forming a mental picture of the weather could be vital to a suc-
cessful mission. Never hesitate to ask about any item you believe needs clarification.
8.1.1. Web-based Aircrew Briefing Terminals. Web-based programs utilizing Program Generation
Scheduler/Server (PGSS) capabilities provide flight weather data. This program is intended for DoD
aviator use. It is not intended to replace the weather person. Aircrews using this program should call a
weather facility to obtain additional information, clarify the products, or to ask questions. Briefing ter-
minals provide the standard weather alphanumeric, graphics, satellite, and radar information. This
includes airfield observations, forecasts, winds, weather hazards, pilot reports, and current weather
warnings. CWTs and OWSs provide access information and procedures to supported units. CWTs
include information on how to access and use web-based PGSS systems in the Instrument Refresher
Course (IRC) and can provide additional training to local customers upon request.

8.2. Requesting Weather Briefings. A unit flight scheduler will usually notify the CWT of all planned
flights. If your flight is not scheduled with the CWT, provide upcoming flight notification by website,
phone, or other locally established procedures. Transient or aircrews without CWT support should request
OWS support on-line or by phone if web access is not available. OWSs need a minimum of two hours
notification to prepare a weather briefing. You should never leave your home base without knowing
whom to contact for weather support and updates while in transient status. Military weather briefing facil-
ities and phone numbers are listed in the back of the IFR supplement and are available at the CWT. When
requesting a briefing be prepared to provide as much information as possible. At a minimum include:

A. Your name (Always identify yourself as a crew member)

B. Aircraft identification/type
C. Enroute plan (stops, low levels, landing zones, targets, ranges, etc)
D. Proposed altitude
E. Estimated time of departure/return
F. Time enroute to destination
G. Alternates required
70 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

8.3. Mission Planning Forecast (MPF). Whenever possible, you should request a Mission Planning
Forecast (MPF). Ideally the MPF request is made a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Outline mission
parameters to the CWT. This will allow the CWT to select the best weather products to support the mis-
sion and allows them to begin monitoring your specific operational areas. Furthermore, this process
allows the CWT to efficiently prepare your actual mission briefing, the Mission Execution Forecast
(MEF). The MPF will contain a general synopsis of take-off, enroute profile (targets, landing zones, etc.)
and recovery phases. MPF results may directly effect your final mission profile decisions (types of PGMs,
refueling altitudes, etc.) including the go/no-go decision. Once your final mission parameters are set
based on the MPF, you will order a MEF.

8.4. Mission Execution Forecast (MEF). CWTs prepare and brief MEFs to aircrews and the Supervisor
of Flying (SOF). DD Form 175-1, Flight Weather Briefing, is the standard MEF tool, but the MEF may
take other forms. MEFs can be stand-alone flimsies for local flying, a customized weather depiction for a
specific mission (e.g., ARs, DZs, Low-levels), customer-specific visualizations, etc. CWTs use TAFs as
general guidance for MEF takeoff, landing, and alternate airfield information. The MEF takes into
account takeoff and landing weather thresholds for specific aircraft, pilot category or mission. CWTs use
OWS-generated Military Operating Area Forecasts (MOAFs) to help create mission-specific (refueling,
drop/landing zone, etc.) MEFs coordinate MEF production times, delivery method, etc., with your local
8.4.1. MEF Content. Mission parameters, the weather situation, and published Air Force guidance
drive MEF content. Figure 8.1. and Figure 8.2. show typical items covered in a MEF.

Figure 8.1. Take-off and Arrival Weather.

Weather Element Additional Information

Clouds Bases and tops of layers
Visibility Obstructions to visibility, if any
Precipitation Type and Intensity
Freezing Level
Surface Temperature
Surface Winds Departure and recovery
Climb Winds
Hazards Thunderstorms, icing, turbulence, freezing
precipitation, crosswinds, low-level wind shear, and
any other factor producing a negative impact based
upon your experience level and aircraft type.
Condition of Runway As determined by Base/Post Operations
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 71

Figure 8.2. Enroute Weather.

Weather Element Additional Information

CloudsIncludes bases, tops, type and amount of
each cloud layer
Enroute WindsClimb-out and descent
Visibility at altitude Includes in and out of cloud
Freezing level Departure and recovery
Temperature and Winds
HazardsThunderstorms, icing, turbulence,
freezing precipitation, crosswinds and any other
factor producing a negative impact based upon
your experience level and aircraft type.

8.5. DD Form 175-1, Flight Weather Briefing . The DD Form 175-1 (Figure 8.3.), Flight Weather
Briefing is the standard briefing form. Whether you receive a verbal or written briefing, it will contain
this form’s data. Some blocks may not be completed or extra data may be included. The following dis-
cusses the form. All time entries are in Zulu (Z). All heights are in hundreds of feet AGL/MSL. All winds
are entered in tens of degrees and speed in knots.

Section I: Mission Takeoff Data:

1. Date
2. Aircraft type/no (Aircraft type and identification, i.e. radio call sign, mission number or last three
digits of tail number)
3. Dep pt./ETD (departure ICAO and estimated time of departure)
4. Runway temperature and dew point (°C, unless otherwise requested)
5. Temperature deviation (°C, unless other requested)
6. Pressure altitude/density altitude
7. Surface wind (Magnetic direction for local and true direction for remote locations)
8. Climb winds (Entered in true direction)
9. Local weather advisory (Weather warnings or advisories valid for ETD +/- 1 hour)
10. RCR (Latest reported Runway Conditions Reading (RCR) for departure)
11. Remarks/Takeoff Alt. Forecast (Any remark on weather affecting take-off and climb (i.e., inver-
sions, icing and turbulence))
72 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Section II: En Route Data (25 miles of either side and 5000 Ft vertically of flight path)

1. Flight Level (entered in three digits)

2. Flight level winds and temperature
3. Clouds at flight level (Appropriate block will be checked)
4. Minimum visibility at flight level outside of clouds (statute miles and will include the phenomenon
that will lower the visibility)
5. Minimum ceiling and location (hundreds of feet and geographical location)
6. Maximum cloud tops and location (location and excluding of thunderstorm tops)
7. Minimum freezing level and location
8. Thunderstorms (height of thunderstorm tops, coverage percentage, and applicable weather watches/
weather warnings , or other data source)
9. Turbulence (geographic location, levels, intensity)
10. Icing (geographic location, area, levels, intensity, advisory identification number (usually date time
11. Precipitation (geographic location, levels, intensity, identification number of bulletin (usually date/
time group))

Section III: Destination Data

1. Terminal forecasts (Destination and alternate)

2. Cloud layers
3. Visibility/Weather
4. Surface Wind (True direction provided for off-station and magnetic for local)
5. Altimeter (The lowest altimeter setting expected during the valid period)
6. Valid Time (Forecast will be valid through +/- 1 hour of ETA)
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 73

Section IV: Comments Remarks

1. Briefed on latest RCR for Destination and Alternate
2. PIREP (PMSV frequency annotated)
3. Remarks (May include any other significant data)
4. Data for which there was insufficient space in other blocks
5. Comments and remarks (on terminal forecasts)
6. Icing and turbulence (destination descent (enter location, type, intensity and level))
7. Specialized remarks (for low level areas, air refueling or gunnery/bombing ranges)
8. Transient aircrew weather support contact information

Section V: Briefing Record

1. Weather briefed at (Time briefing was completed)

2. Flimsy/briefing number (Briefing package, flimsy or CFP identification)
3. Forecaster’s signature or initials (Name of the forecaster providing the briefing)
4. Void Time (Army and Navy use only)
5. Extended to weather (Army and Navy use only)
6. Weather re-briefed time
7. Forecasters initials
8. Name and grade of person receiving briefing

8.6. Post-Mission Debrief. Beyond pre-mission interface with the CWT, the post-mission debrief is the
best way an aircrew can influence and improve weather support. Aircrew provided feedback of actual
weather encountered vice the MEF, helps the CWT evaluate the MEF process and improve support and
product accuracy. Debriefings can be made in person, via telephone, by locally established procedures, or
on-line (where available).
74 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Figure 8.3. Sample DD Form 175-1.

AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 75

Chapter 9


9.1. Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS). Most high-density military and civil airfields
broadcast recorded weather for takeoff, approach, and landing on ATIS. Terminal IAPs, enroute charts
and the Enroute Supplement list radio frequencies.

9.2. Pilot-to-Metro Service Voice (PMSV). Use PMSV to update latest weather. The FIH has PMSV
facility locations, frequencies, and instructions. CWTs will support all PMSV contacts. CWTs monitoring
common frequencies may respond if an aircrew is not answered by their CWT or OWS after two calls.
OWSs provide support when a CWT is off-duty or unable to respond. OWS will support aircrews unable
to contact their home station CWT or another OWS. Only qualified personnel will respond. Trainees may
respond with proper supervision. Individuals not qualified to make forecasts will identify themselves as a
weather apprentice, and may only relay data. If a forecast or forecast interpretation is required and a qual-
ified technician is unavailable, the apprentice will refer you to the nearest forecasting service facillity.
Weather personnel will not vector aircraft.

9.3. Flight Service Station (FSS). The FSS functions as a weather service and ATC facility. FSS facili-
ties are found in the IFR supplement or on navigation charts. The FSS provides briefings, observations
and broadcasts weather. FSS technicians can translate weather codes and graphics, but can’t make fore-
casts. At selected locations, Enroute Flight Advisory Service (EFAS or Flight Watch) is available for
non-routine weather data. FSS provide Standard, Abbreviated and Outlook Briefings. Standard Briefings
are complete and include winds aloft, departure, enroute, and destination weather. Abbreviated Briefings
are updates to a previous briefing. For an Abbreviated Briefing, be specific about the previous informa-
tion received to include the source, date and time group, so the FSS can limit the information to what you
have not received. Outlook Briefings are used for planning when departure is over six hours away.

9.4. FAA Telephone Services. The FAA maintains sources for telphone information:
1. 1-800-WX-BRIEF. Available 24 hours a day by FSS. Local numbers are found in the Airport/
Facility Directory (A/FD) under "FAA and NWS Telephone Numbers." Also check under U.S.
government, Department of Transportation, FAA, or NWS.
2. Telephone Information Briefing Service (TIBS) provides continuous, updated recordings for local
3. Direct User Access System (DUATS) provides data and VFR/IFR file plan capability.
76 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

9.5. VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR). Certain VORs transmit weather data, PIREPs, and NOT-
AMs. Radio code "AB" indicates FAA operated VORs providing continuous recorded broadcasts.
Request weather on VHF frequency 122.1, and FSS personnel will broadcast data over the VOR.

9.6. Non-Directional Beacon (NDB). NDBs with radio code SABH or HSAW transmit transcribed con-
tinuous data (route forecasts and observations) for selected civilian airports.


DCS/Air and Space Operations
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 77

Attachment 1


Airman Information Manual, USDOT, FAA, February 2000
AETC Student Guide, P-V4A-A-WX-SG, Pilot Training, Aviation Weather
AETC Student Guide, Lesson AX0903-Weather Services 1
AFMAN 15-111, Surface Weather Observations, Sept 2000
AFI 15-128, Aerospace Weather Operations - Roles and Responsibilities, 3 Nov 2000
AFMAN 15-129, Aerospace Weather Operations - Processes and Procedures, 8 Nov 2000
AFMAN 15-124, Meteorological Codes, 1 Nov 1998
AFMAN 15-135, Combat Weather Team Operations, 12 Jun 2001
AFPAM 11-238, Aircrew Quick Reference to the METAR/TAF Codes, 1 Nov 2000
AWS TN-88/001, Satellite Interpretation for Forecasters
AWS/FM-300/005 Single Station Analysis and Forecasting
MIL-STD-2525B, Common Warfighting Symbology
NOTAM and Weather Contractions Translator, January 1999
QTP TW 1W0X1, Air Force Weather Qualification Training Package, Weather Radar Trainee Workbook,
31 Jul 99
The GOES User’s Guide

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ADIZ—Air Defense Identification Zone
AEF —Aerospace Expeditionary Force
AFCCC—Air Force Combat Climatology Center
AFW—Air Force Weather
AFWA—Air Force Weather Agency
AGL—Above Ground Level
AIREP—Air Report
AIRMET—Airman’s Meteorological Information (A NWS In-Flight Weather Advisory)
AMC—Air Mobility Command
ANG—Air National Guard
78 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

AOG—Air Operations Group

AOR—Area of Responsibility
AR—Air Refueling
ARC—Air Reserve Component
ASOG—Air Support Operations Group
ASOS—Automated Surface Observation System
ATC—Air Traffic Control
ATIS—Automated Terminal Information System
CAT—Clear Air Turbulence
CENTCOM—Central Command
CFP—Computer Flight Plan
CINC—Commander in Chief
CONUS—Continental United States
CWT—Combat Weather Team
DoD—Department of Defense
DTG—Date-Time Group
DZ—Drop Zone
FAA—Federal Aviation Administration
FDC—Flight Data Center
FIH—Flight Information Handbook
FLIP—Flight Information Publication
FSS—Flight Service Station
GPS—Global Positioning System
ICAO—International Civil Aviation Organization
IFR—Instrument Flight Rules
IPB—Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
IRC—Instrument Refresher Course
IRTSS—Infrared Target Scene Simulation System Software
IWEDA—Integrated Weather Environmental Aid
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 79

JAAWIN—Joint Air Force and Army Weather Information Network

LLWS—Low Level Wind Shear
MACOM—Major Command (Army)
MAJCOM—Major Command (Air Force)
MEF—Mission Execution Forecast
METSAT—Meteorological Satellite
METAR—Aviation Routine Weather Report
METWATCH—Meteorological Watch
MISSIONWATCH—Mission Meteorological Watch
MOAF—Military Operation Area Forecast
MPF—Mission Planning Forecast
MSL—Mean Sea Level
MWA—Military Weather Advisory
NAF—Numbered Air Force
NDB—Non-Directional Beam
NEXRAD—Next Generation Radar
NOAA—National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOTAM—Notice to Airmen
NOWS —NVG Operations Weather Software
NVG—Night Vision Goggles
NWS—National Weather Service
OCONUS—Outside Continental United States
OSS—Operations Support Squadron
OWS—Operational Weather Squadron
PACAF—Pacific Air Forces
PGM—Precision Guided Munitions
PGSS—Program Generation Scheduler/Server
PIREP—Pilot Weather Report
PMSV—Pilot-to-Metro Service Voice
RCR—Runway Condition Reading
RMS—Route Mean Square
RSC—Runway Surface Condition
80 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

RVR—Runway Visual Range

SAR—Support Assistance Request
SATCOM—Satellite Communications
SIGMET—Significant Meteorological Information (NWS In-flight Weather Advisory)
SOF—Supervisor of Flying
SOUTHCOM—Southern Command
SPECI—Aviation Selected Special Weather Report
SW—Space Weather
SWO—Staff Weather Officer
TACC—Tanker Airlift Control Center
TAF—Aerodrome Forecast
TAWS—Target Acquisition Weather Software
TDA—Tactical Decision Aid
UHF—Ultra High Frequency
UTC—Universal Time Coordinate
VAD—Velocity Azimuth Display
VFR—Visual Flight Rules
VHF—Very High Frequency
VOR—VHF Omni-directional Range
WA—Weather Advisory
WF—Weather Flight
WW—Weather Warning
XOW—DCS, Air and Space Operations, Director of Weather

Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA)—A strategic weather center at Offutt AFB NE, providing strategic
atmospheric data and strategic analysis/forecast products required by the regional Operational Weather
Squadrons and the Combat Weather Teams worldwide. AFWA provides the centralized repository for
global observations and forecasts that are data-based at AFWA and, in turn, disseminated to DoD weather
data users worldwide. In addition to global observations and forecasts collected from worldwide sources,
AFWA collects meteorological satellite data from multiple sources. Based on global analysis of available
data, AFWA creates global analysis and forecast products to meet the strategic forecast requirements of its
AIRMET—NWS in-flight weather advisories issued only to amend the area forecast concerning weather
phenomena which are of operational interest to all aircraft and potentially hazardous to aircraft having
limited capability because of lack of equipment, instrumentation, or pilot qualification. AIRMETs
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 81

concern weather of less severity than that covered by SIGMETs or convective SIGMETs.
Air Report—A pilot report made over areas where weather information is limited or nonexistent (e.g.,
over an ocean).
Amendment—Used as a message modifier when transmitting an aerodrome forecast amendment.
Combat Weather Team (CWT)—An umbrella term covering any military weather organization
providing direct operational support at the tactical level. In addition to designated weather units, (OSS
weather flights, Weather Detachments and Squadrons, ANG Weather Flights) specialized sections in an
OWS (flight briefing or contingency cell) and AFWA (Special Support Operations Branch) also operate
as CWTs.
Contour—Line drawn on a weather map connecting points of equal height.
ICAO Identifier—A specifically authorized 4-letter identifier assigned to a location and documented in
ICAO Document 7910.ICAO (used by NTFS).
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB)–—An analytical methodology employed to reduce
uncertainties concerning the enemy, environment, and terrain for all types of operations. IPB builds an
extensive database for each potential area in which a unit may be required to operate. The database is then
analyzed in detail to determine the impact of the enemy, environment, and terrain on operations and
presents it in graphic form.
Infrared Target Scene Simulation System Software (IRTSS)—A UNIX-server, (hosted by AFWA and
the OWSs) full-physics, tactical decision aid capability that illustrates the weapons-eye (sensor’s spectral
response) view of the target area.
Isobar—Line drawn on a weather map connecting points of equal barometric pressure.
Isodrosotherm—Line drawn on a weather map connecting points of equal dew point.
Isotach—Lines drawn on a weather map connecting points of equal wind speed.
Isotherm —Line drawn on a weather map connecting points of equal temperature.
METWATCH—Monitoring aerospace weather for a route, area, or terminal and advising concerned
organizations when phenomena that could effect their operations or pose a hazard to life or property are
observed or about to occur.
Military Operating Area Forecast (MOAF)—A forecast guidance product that provides the weather or
space environmental conditions for a specific area in which military operations are occurring.
Mission Execution Forecast (MEF) — MEF is a customized weather product providing terrestrial and
space weather data and forecasts for a specific mission, or set of missions. It fully integrates aerospace
weather with the customer’s tactics, weapon systems, environmental sensitivities of equipment, and other
operational requirements.
MISSIONWATCH—The monitoring of aerospace weather for a specific mission (i.e., ground, air or
space) and informing supported agencies when unforecasted mission-limiting phenomena could effect
Notice to Airmen—A notice containing information concerning the establishment, condition, or change
in any aeronautical facility, service, procedures, or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to
personnel concerned with flight operations.
82 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Operational Weather Squadron (OWS)—An organization comprised of management, technician, and

training personnel responsible for providing regional weather support. Their mission is to produce
fine-scale tailored weather forecast products and services to customers within their area of responsibility
Pilot Report—A report of in-flight weather provided by an aircrew member.
Severe Thunderstorm—A thunderstorm that produces hail greater than or equal to inch diameter and/or
surface wind greater than or equal to 50 knots.
Severe Weather—Any weather condition that poses a hazard to property or life.
SIGMET -—NWS in-flight weather advisories issued concerning weather significant to the safety of all
aircraft. There are convective and non-convective SIGMETs.
Support Assistance Request (SAR)—Used to request specialized weather, space environmental, or
climatological support from the Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA), AF Combat Climatology Center
(AFCCC), MAJCOMs, or Operational Weather Squadrons (OWS).
Weather Advisory—A special notice provided to a supported agency when an established weather
condition that could effect its operation is occurring or is expected to occur.
Weather Warning—A special notice provided to a supported agency when an established weather
condition of such intensity as to effect operations, pose a hazard to life or property, and requires protective
action, is occurring or is expected to occur.
Weather Watch—A special notice provided to supported customers that alerts them of a potential for
weather conditions of such intensity as to pose a hazard to life or property for which the customer must
take protective action.
Work Chart/Composite—A representation of meteorological elements or features and their variability
in space and time. Work charts/composites supplement or refine centralized products.
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 83

Attachment 2


Statute Miles to Meters

0 0000 1-1/2 2400 3 4800
1/16 0100 - 2500 - 4900
1/8 0200 1-5/8 2600 - 5000
3/16 0300 - 2700 4 6000
0400 1-3/4 2800 - 7000
5/16 0500 - 2900 5 8000
3/8 0600 1-7/8 3000 6 9000
- 0700 - 3100 7 9999
0800 2 3200 8 9999
- 0900 - 3300 9 9999
5/8 1000 - 3400 10 9999
- 1100 - 3500 11 9999
1200 2-1/4 3600 12 9999
- 1300 - 3700 13 9999
7/8 1400 - 3800 14 9999
- 1500 - 3900 15 9999
1 1600 2-1/2 4000 20 9999
- 1700 - 4100 25 9999
1-1/8 1800 - 4200
- 1900 - 4300
1-1/4 2000 2-3/4 4400
- 2100 - 4500
1-3/8 2200 - 4600
- 2300 - 4700
84 AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002

Attachment 3


Fahrenheit to Celsius
°F °C °F °C °F °C °F °C
From To From To From To From To
128.3 130.0 54 83.3 85.0 29 38.3 40.0 04 -4.8 -3.1 M20
126.5 128.2 53 81.5 83.2 28 36.3 38.2 03 -6.6 -4.9 M21
124.7 126.4 52 79.7 81.4 27 34.7 36.2 02 -8.4 -6.7 M22
122.9 124.6 51 77.9 79.6 26 32.9 34.6 01 -10.2 -8.5 M23
121.1 122.8 50 76.1 77.8 25 32.0 32.8 00 -12.0 -10.3 M24

119.3 121.0 49 74.3 76.0 24 31.2 31.9 M00 -13.8 -12.1 M25
117.5 119.2 48 72.5 74.2 23 29.4 31.1 M01 -15.6 -13.9 M26
115.7 117.4 47 70.7 72.4 22 27.6 29.3 M02 -17.4 -15.7 M27
113.9 115.6 46 68.9 70.6 21 25.8 27.5 M03 -19.2 -17.5 M28
112.1 113.8 45 67.1 68.8 20 24.0 25.7 M04 -21.0 -19.3 M29

110.3 112.0 44 65.3 67.0 19 22.2 23.9 M05 -22.8 -21.1 M30
108.5 110.2 43 63.5 65.2 18 20.4 22.1 M06 -24.6 -22.9 M31
106.7 108.4 42 61.7 63.4 17 18.6 20.3 M07 -26.4 -24.7 M32
104.9 106.6 41 59.9 61.6 16 16.8 18.5 M08 -28.2 -26.5 M33
103.1 104.8 40 58.1 59.8 15 15.0 16.7 M09 -30.0 -28.3 M34

101.3 103.0 39 56.3 58.0 14 13.2 14.9 M10 -31.8 -30.1 M35
99.5 101.2 38 54.5 56.2 13 11.4 13.1 M11 -33.6 -31.9 M36
97.7 99.4 37 52.7 54.4 12 9.6 11.3 M12 -35.4 -33.7 M37
95.9 97.6 36 50.9 52.6 11 7.8 9.5 M13 -37.2 -35.5 M38
94.1 95.8 35 49.1 50.8 10 6.0 7.7 M14 -39.0 -37.3 M39

92.3 94.0 34 47.3 49.0 09 4.2 5.9 M15 -40.8 -39.1 M40
90.5 92.2 33 45.5 47.2 08 2.4 4.1 M16 -42.6 -40.9 M41
88.7 90.4 32 43.7 45.4 07 0.6 2.3 M17 -44.4 -42.7 M42
86.9 88.6 31 41.9 43.6 06 -1.2 +0.5 M18 -46.2 -44.5 M43
85.1 86.8 30 40.1 41.8 05 -3.0 -1.3 M19 -48.0 -46.5 M44
AFH11-203V2 16 MAY 2002 85

Attachment 4


Millibars to Inches
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
MB Inches
940 27.76 27.79 27.82 27.84 27.88 27.91 27.94 27.96 27.99 28.02
950 28.05 28.08 28.11 28.14 28.17 28.20 28.23 28.26 28.29 28.32
960 28.35 28.38 28.41 28.44 28.47 28.50 28.53 28.56 28.59 28.61
970 28.64 28.67 28.70 28.73 28.76 28.79 28.82 28.85 28.88 28.91
980 28.94 28.97 29.00 29.03 29.06 29.09 29.12 29.15 29.18 29.21
990 29.23 29.26 29.29 29.32 29.35 29.28 29.41 29.44 29.47 29.50
1000 29.53 29.56 29.59 29.62 29.65 29.68 29.71 29.74 29.77 29.80
1010 29.83 29.85 29.88 29.91 29.94 29.97 30.00 30.03 30.06 30.09
1020 31.12 30.15 30.18 30.21 30.24 30.27 30.30 30.33 30.36 30.39
1030 30.42 30.45 30.47 30.50 30.53 30.56 30.59 30.62 30.65 30.68
1040 30.71 30.74 30.77 30.80 30.83 30.86 30.89 30.92 30.95 30.98
1050 31.01 31.04 31.07 31.10 31.12 31.15 31.18 31.12 31.24 31.27

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