Cep Lesson Plan Quote Introductions

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ms. Meumann Date: 01/31/23

School: Colorado Early Colleges High School Grade Level: 9th grade (remedial) Content Area: English Language Arts

Title: Student Teacher Lesson #: _1_ of _4_

Lesson Idea/Topic and Lesson on how to integrate a quote paired with reading our whole class
Rational/Relevance: novel, Tears of a Tiger by Sharon M. Draper. Through the utilization of
student data, we have determined that the students are struggling with
Integrating quotes into their writing. The skill we have been working on in
class is choosing quotes from texts to back up our claims. Students seem to
struggle with introducing these quotes. This lesson will cover the formal way
to introduce a quote into your writing. Students will then attempt to
practice this skill as we read our whole class novel and they choose quotes
to incorporate into the thinking done in their reading journals.

Student Profile: Students often need reminders to put their devices away and to focus back
in. They are a high energy class coming in right after lunch periods and art
classes. They are a 9th grade remedial class so they may need reminders on
spelling as well as gentle pushes or explanations when reading difficult
portions of text. These students are also coming from backgrounds of being
told that they are not capable of meeting grade level standards. They may
need extra reassurance as well as reminders that they are capable of
learning and deep level thinking.

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)

a. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and
issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. (CCSS: SL.8.1)

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Use Key Ideas and Details to:

  i.    Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. (CCSS:

      ii.    Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters,
setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text. (CCSS: RL.8.2)

     iii.    Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
(CCSS: RL.8.3)

Understandings: (Big Ideas)

 Make connections as we read a whole class novel

 Learn how to introduce a quote formally in our writing

 Practice incorporating quotes as evidence for claims

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select applicable questions from standard)

Essential Question(s):

1. How can I fully support my claims with strong evidence?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets)

Every student will be able to: (Create your own lesson objectives from the standard using student voice)

I can: Identify a quote to back up my claim and formally include a quote in my writing.

SWBAT select relevant textual evidence to support a claim

This means: Including context, a lead in, and analysis when using a quote to back up my claim.

 Skill: Selecting relevant textual evidence

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List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning targets associated with each assessment)

Formative assessments:


 Students will be assessed on their introduction of quotes in their reading journals for our whole class novel.

 Exit Tickets

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Name: Introducing a Quote.

Purpose: To teach students how to formally introduce a quote in their writing. Students will learn how to use complete
sentences when introducing quotes as well as the skills needed to stop leaving free floating quotes in their writing.
Co-Teaching Which model(s) will be used?
Will co-teaching models be utilized in NA
this lesson? Yes ___ No _x__
Why did you choose this model(s) and what are the teachers’ roles?

Approx. Time and Materials 90 minutes

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KFv_Uj8_Ta54nhRsg56cSP-G1_1Yru-aOEXzgRHuVfg/edit?usp=sharing
Novel: Tears of a Tiger by Sharon M. Draper (pages 71-94)
Reading Journal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z3TVDhjdYk46XJOGY3gG9ky4w2qntjeTVPWEx2MqCS4/edit?

Anticipatory Set The strategy I intend to use is: Do Now Question (students will work alone before sharing out to the whole class)
I am using this strategy here because: These students need a few minutes at the beginning of class to regroup and focus
in. We begin each day with a Do Now question. First and foremost, this task is meant to be a low stakes assignment in
which students are beginning to think about the content. This question or task is often tied in with what we have read or
are reading in the text. These questions are also often aligned with a skill they are learning and their own life experience.
For today, students will be asked to find a quote from the text to back up a claim about a character. They will come back to
this question later after we go over how to formally introduce a quote.

DO NOW Question:

Write this in your DO NOW LOG. Use COMPLETE SENTENCES:

1. Think about how different people view Andy and how he is changing around his friends and around his
psychologist. Describe how Andy has changed around either his psychologist or his friends. Cite a quote to
back up your claim.

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Procedures The strategy I intend to use is direct instruction paired with whole class reading.
I am using this strategy here because: These students are attempting to build confidence in their reading specifically.
They may need the instructor to both read aloud for at least parts of the text. They may also need some sort of
integration of explanation at confusing pieces of the text, especially literary analysis. Students also need direct instruction
on integration of quotes before moving to their reading journals, which are heavily based on picking out quotes from the
text as evidence.

Teacher Actions Student Actions Data Collected

5 minutes before class: Teacher will 5 minutes before class-start of class: Before class: Assess individual moods
wait at the door and welcome Students will greet teacher at the and if any students may need extra care
students into the room door and and attention

5 minutes: Direct instruction. Teacher 5 minutes: Direct instruction. 5 minutes: Teacher will assess for
will introduce do now and will read Students will listen to teachers’ understanding of task.
the question/examples out loud for instruction and be welcomed into
auditory learners. Remind students to learning.
find their logs for the week if they do
not already have them

10 minutes: Silent Individual Work. 10 minutes: Students will silently 10 minutes: Teacher will assess for
Teacher will walk around the room work on their individual do-now logs. understanding and completion. Teacher
and help those who are still lost. Students will ask for help if needed will note skills of students and if this is a
Teacher will also check for completion skill, they will need more practice with.
before moving on.
20 minutes: Students will listen and 20 minutes: Teacher will assess for
20 minutes: Direct instruction. Teacher participate when necessary. Students understanding and collect any questions
will give a mini lesson on Introducing a will raise hands to answer whole or hardships presented by students
quote in our writing. class questions.

3 minutes: Teacher will assess if all

3 minutes: Students will find their students have materials.
3 minutes: Introduction of whole class materials at the back of the room.
group work. Teacher will ask students
to retrieve their reading journals and

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novels at the back of the room.

40 minutes: Whole class reading. 40 minutes: Teacher will assess for
Students will follow along in the text. understanding. Teacher will walk around
40 minutes: Whole class reading. Students will participate in the room and assess for completion of
Teacher will read whole class novel conversation on questions as well as their reading journals and the use of
out loud (pages 71-94), stopping to fill out their reading journals. quotes in their answers. Teacher will
check for understanding and to discuss correct any mistakes with quotes.
our journal questions.
10 minutes: Teacher will assess if
10 minutes: Students will pick out students are picking out relevant quotes
quotes with partners and share out to the exit ticket question.
10 minutes: Whole class instructions the quote that they came up with.
on exit ticket. Teacher will introduce
exit ticket. Students will pick out a
quote and we will write it correctly on 2 minutes: Goodbyes. Students will 2 minutes: Goodbyes. Teacher will
the board as a whole class. pack up their things, clean up the assess for any lingering questions or
room, and respectfully leave the concerns.
2 minutes: Goodbyes. Have students classroom for the day.
pack up their belongings, clean up the
room, and walk them out the door.
Closure The strategy I intend to use is Exit Ticket (think/pair/share)
I am using this strategy here because: we will assess reading comprehension as well as the skill we learned at the
beginning of class. I want students to pick out a quote as partners and share out the quotes they are finding to the whole
class. This is meant to be quick and

Differentiation Content Process Product Environment

Modifications: Students Students who need help Students who Students might need to
who need it will be given a step-by- have take a brain break or ask a
will be given step process on how to accommodations friend to explain quote
sentence integrate quotes in their for a scribe or integration to them.
stems to writing on a sticky note online typing for
write their or notecard. assessments will
quotes. They be given an
will also be online journal

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given typed option.

out notes on
the mini
Extensions: Students Students who are ready Students can Students who need to
who are will be able to stop using add analysis to work independently can do
ready for the sentence stems and be their DO NOW so if they are on task.
next step will more creative with their and exit ticket if
add analysis introduction of relevant they need
of the quote quotes. something to do.
to their

Assessment Reading Journals

Students will turn in reading journals where we are looking for the skill of formally integrating quotes.

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Lesson Plan Appendix

Lesson Idea/Topic and Rational/Relevance: What are you going to teach and why is this lesson of
importance to your students? How is it relevant to students of this age and background?

Student Profile: Write a narrative about your learners. What are their special needs? Exceptionalities?
Giftedness? Alternative ways of learning? Maturity? Engagement? Motivation?

Name and Purpose of Lesson: Should be a creative title for you and the students to associate with the
activity. Think of the purpose as the mini-rationale for what you are trying to accomplish through this

Co-Teaching: Models – One teach/One observe, One teach/One assist, Station teaching, Parallel
teaching, Alternative/Differentiated/Supplemental teaching, Team teaching.

Approx. Time and Materials: How long do you expect the activity to last and what materials will you

Anticipatory Set: The “hook” to grab students’ attention. These are actions and statements by the
teacher to relate the experiences of the students to the objectives of the lesson, To put students into a
receptive frame of mind.
 To focus student attention on the lesson.
 To create an organizing framework for the ideas, principles, or information that is to follow
(advanced organizers)
An anticipatory set is used any time a different activity or new concept is to be introduced.

Procedures: Include a play-by-play account of what students and teacher will do from the minute they
arrive to the minute they leave your classroom. Indicate the length of each segment of the lesson. List
actual minutes.
Indicate whether each is:
 teacher input
 modeling
 questioning strategies
 guided/unguided:
o whole-class practice
o group practice
o individual practice
 check for understanding
 other

Closure: Those actions or statements by a teacher that are designed to bring a lesson presentation to an
appropriate conclusion. Used to help students bring things together in their own minds, to make sense
out of what has just been taught. “Any Questions? No. OK, let’s move on” is not closure. Closure is used:
 To cue students to the fact that they have arrived at an important point in the lesson or the end
of a lesson.
 To help organize student learning
 To help form a coherent picture and to consolidate.

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Differentiation: To modify: If the activity is too advanced for a child, how will you modify it so that they
can be successful? To extend: If the activity is too easy for a child, how will you extend it to develop
their emerging skills? What observational assessment data did you collect to support differentiated

Assessment (data analysis): How will you know if students met the learning targets? Write a description
of what you were looking for in each assessment. How do you anticipate assessment data will inform
your instruction?

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