EST Report (Environment Pollution and Waste Management)

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Micro-Project Report on
“Enviroment pollution and waste management”

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Diploma in Computer Engineering,


1) Magar Vikram Absaheb [2114660125]

2) Adhav Rushikesh Balasaheb [2114660127]

3) Jadhav Hrutik Sanjay [2114660120]

4) Lahakar Vinay Balasaheb [2114660146]

Guided By

Prof. Gund R.S

Shree Samarth Academy’s

Shree Samarth Polytechnic
Mhasane Phata, Ahmednagar
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
Shree Samarth Academy’s
Shree Samarth Polytechnic
Department of Computer Engineering

This is to certify that the project work entitled
“Enviroment pollution and waste management”

Submitted by

1) Magar Vikram Absaheb [2114660125]

2) Adhav Rushikesh Balasaheb [2114660127]

3) Jadhav Hrutik Sanjay [2114660120]

4) Lahakar Vinay Balasaheb [2114660146]

in the partial fulfillment of Diploma in computer Engineering has been Satisfactory carried
out under my guidance as per the requirement of Maharashtra State Board of Technical
Education, Mumbai during the academic year 2022-2023
date :



( Prof. Gund R.S ) ( Prof. Chaure S. M ) (Prof. ANARASE B.V)


An endeavor over long period can be succesysful only with advice and
guidance of many well-wishers.
My sincere thanks to the management and Prof. Anarase B.V sir
Principle of Shree Samarth Polytechnic, Mhasane phata , Ahemednagar for
providing me the opportunity to conduct my project work.
I am highely indebted to Prof. Chaure S.M. sir Head of Department of
Computer for his assistance and constant source of encouragement. I wish to
express my profound and deep sense of gratitude of Prof. Gund R.S sir project
coordinator for sparing her valuable time to extent helps in every step of my
project work.
I would also like to thank the staff of Computer Department for the
generous guidance . Last but not the least we would like to thank our friends
and for their help in every way for the success of this project report.

Name of student Signature

1) Magar Vikram Abasaheb ……………………
2) Adhav Rushikesh Sunil ……………………
3) Jadhv Hrutik Sanjay ……………………
4) Lahakar Vinay Balasaheb ……………………

The man, along with all other living beings from the beginning of its existence is
closely linked with the entire inanimate and living nature that surrounds it. This interaction is
the basis of the whole modern right of environmental protection. Through his own
development, the man developed his interest in the way and manner that would harmonize
with the nature that surrounds it, to ensure the conditions necessary for their survival. With
each new discovery (ranging from tools for tillage and wheel all the way to modern computer
technology) man makes bigger part of the eternal desire to reconcile nature and its needs.
Contemporary urban, industrial, economic and technological development has provided great
benefits to man, but the industrial air and water pollution, uncontrolled deforestation and their
conversion into agricultural land, destruction of the ozone layer and global warming of the
planet followed by climatic changes, the accumulation of various wastes, including
radioactive as well as the eradication of certain plant and animal species, are just some of the
negative consequences of human activities, which, however, seriously endangering his own

At present time, the protection of the environment is of great importance in the

prevention and elimination of these contradictions. The right to protect the environment today
should be seen as a unique supranational (international), national and local unit. Therefore, in
order for the normative framework to succeed, actions must be taken at the universal,
national, regional and local levels.
1) Environmental pollution:-

The result of deteriorating environmental situation in various countries and regions

where environmental pollution is the most intense climate is warming, ozone layer is
depleting, desertification. According to the definition adopted by the UN organization,
“pollution are exogenous chemical substances encountered on a suitable place, at the
appropriate time and in inadequate quantities.” According to the analysis (taken in early 20th
century), it is concluded that the most polluted spheres are atmosphere and hydrosphere.
Even the state of cosmic space around our planet raises serious concerns. In order to define
the concept of the environment, we must consider the basic ecological unit that has its own
laws, which is characterized by complex factors of animate and inanimate nature. This unit is
called an ecosystem. The man as a conscious being has a great influence on the environment.
According to the methodology of the World Health Organization, there are 26 risk factors to
health, some dating from the environment that are considered to cause many diseases in the
population of children aged 0 to 19 years.

The impact of economic and other activities on the environment may be different in
character: direct (immediate) and indirect synergy From the perspective of environmental
effects of pollution are usually described in terms of which we have already pointed out:
degradation, devastation, endangering the environment, in different time periods. It is
possible to perceive the effects of pollution in air, water, soil, wildlife, human health, and so
on. We can speak of long-termed and shorttermed effects of pollution. It can be very
important to understand the concept of the working environment, if it is connected with the
concept of environmental protection in the context of discussions on environmental
management. This can be done for many reasons. First, because of the connection of the
working environment as part of the environment, there are connections and processes related
to the operation and are of importance to the issue of the environment. There are several
provisions in the law on safety and health at work and other regulations governing this area,
which are directly relevant to the understanding of the relationship between the working
environment and the environment. It is necessary to know not only the notion of working

environment but also to bear in mind the definition of a number of other terms such as
“hazardous materials”, “danger”, “dangerous phenomenon”, “risk”, “risk assessment”, and so
on. According to this law work environment defines the working environment in which
thevwork is performed under specific operating conditions in the workplace, working
procedures and relationships in the work process.
2) Waste Management:-

In the Middle Ages, food waste was dumped on the streets, so the rodents and insects
transmitted many infectious diseases and dangerous epidemics. Today, because of inadequate
treatment of waste could be a higher number of infectious diseases. The general interest of
society in our country, governed by the Law on Waste Management is the management of
waste. The objective of this law is to provide and ensure the conditions for waste
management in a way that does not endanger human health and the environment.

Law relating to waste management, is based on the following principles:

1. The principle of optimal choice of options for the environment

2. The principle of proximity and regional approach to waste management
3. The principle of hierarchical waste management
4. The principle of accountability
5. The ‘Polluter Pays’ Principle.

The harmful and dangerous contaminants working environment includes the physical
(solid waste, dust, noise, vibrations), chemical (aerosols, gases, vapors, fumes, dust, waste),
radiation (ionizing, UV, oils, infrared, radar, laser , ultrasound, x-ray) and biological (viruses,
bacteria, mold, fungi, parasites, insects, rodents). Anthropogenic substances go into the
environment in different ways. Wastewater is discharged into surface and underground
waterways and basins. Solid waste is stored in special landfills, buried and deposited in
abandoned mines. Agriculture uses fertilizers and pesticides (about 70,000 different harmful
and hazardous substances, and the list is supplemented annually with new 900-1000 terms).

Prevention of waste, reuse of waste and recycling, separation of recyclable materials

from the waste and the use waste as an energy resource development processes and methods
of waste disposal, remediation of unregulated dumps, and developing awareness of waste
management involves waste management. The concept of waste management refers to the
activities of collecting, transporting, sorting, recycling, disposal, tracking and monitoring of
waste. The biggest problem is the collection of waste for recycling, i.e. waste sorting, because
some parts of the process must be performed manually, which increases the cost of recycling.
But there are problems with the categorization of garbage, so let’s say PET bottles are not the
same category of waste as PVC containers and cannot be recycled together. As the best
solution for the protection of the environment from waste, would be not to use products or
packaging that is biodegradable and does not release toxins into the atmosphere.

(Fig. Waste Management)

2.1) Industrial waste management:-

A huge number of waste is created by technological and technical activities, but
several types are re-used: metal, plastic, paper, glass. A number of issues from environmental
protection consider the re-use of materials: to reduce the need for primary raw materials,
reduce the pollution of water and soil. Industrial waste is divided into:
- Scrap,
- waste wood,
- waste plastics and other materials,
- industrial waste.

Ecologically beneficial and comprehensive technologies that reduce the amount of the
primary production are developing. Non-waste technology should provide:

- Development and production of new products, taking into account the possibility of re-use;
- processing of production and everyday waste into new products;
- The use of closed systems of industrial water supply.

2.3) Hazardous waste management:-

As defined by the United States Agency for Environmental Protection hazardous
waste is any waste that is flammable, corrosive, reactive or toxic. Hazardous waste today can
be found at every turn. Studies have shown that the main source of this type of waste are:

- Chemical industry, with about 60% of the total industrial hazardous waste
- metal industry, with about 20%
- military industry
- pharmaceutical industry
- clinical centers
- household and
- small businesses
3) Recycling:-
Re-use of materials and its separation from waste is called recycling. This involves
the collection, separation, processing and manufacture of new products from the used items
or materials. Everything that can be reused and not thrown away is recycling. Without the
introduction of recycling in daily school life it is impossible to imagine an integrated waste
management system. There are recycling centers in the world who exploit material from old
things to make new, but there are no such centers in our country. There are few centers such
as Paper service where they can take the old paper in exchange for coins. There are not any
centers for recycling glass and hundreds of glass bottles are thrown every year. Through
recycling following strategic objectives are achieved:

• Saving raw resources (all materials are sourced from nature and have them in limited
• Energy saving (no energy loss in the primary processes, as well as in transport and
processes which follow, and additional energy is obtained by burning materials that are not
• Environmental protection (waste materials degrade, and the recycling protects the
• Creation of new jobs (processes in the recycling of materials include investment knowledge
and work, which creates the need for jobs)”.
3.1) Recycling of plastic waste:-

Plastic waste is naturally very difficult to decompose. If you are re-using packaging
waste contributes to reducing the amount of waste and environmental pollution, saving raw
materials and energy. The big problem is caused by unlimited use of plastic products and
dumping their remains. There are many ways to recycle plastics, although essentially it all
boils down to the same operation. The technological process is composed of seven stages:

1. Waste collection
2. Identification and selection
3. Milling
4. Rinse
5. Spinning
6. Material drying an
7. Storage

3.2) Recycling of vehicles at the end of life:-

“The car is a product of high complexity. Parts of the car are made of different
materials but the most dominant is cast iron and steel. Approximately 80% of the weight of
the car. can be recycled in the current recycling plants The process of recycling the car is
complex because of the variety of materials that are part of the car. Glass, which is 3% of the
weight of the car, is not processed in factories for the manufacture of glass, because of its
complex chemical composition, but chipped used in construction as a concrete additive.
Fluids in cars (fuel, various types of oil and coolant) constitute2% of the weight of the car.
These fluids in the process of recycling the car significantly complicate the process itself,
because of its chemical composition and its toxicity.

Rubber, which makes 5% of the total weight of the car, goes further to industrial
processing and has found application for obtaining different products (flooring, protective
fencing, addition to asphalt).12 “A major threat to the environment are batteries of old cars,
then switch on the basis of living and different types of filters. The parts of the car should be
treated separately and with great care.
4) Waste Management Strategy:-

The collection, transport, storage and treatment of waste carry a number of risks to
safety and health of employees in the waste industry”. The system activities and activities
which include the prevention of waste by reducing packaging materials, waste reduction,
developing a habit of sorting waste in the population represents waste management. “Waste
Management Strategy provides us with the following activities:

- The introduction of formal legal mechanisms, such as the acquisition of knowledge in the
field of waste management.
- Acquisition and improvement of education and training of persons who manage waste
- Establishment of a national body responsible for the development of educational programs
and training in the field of waste management.

There are ways to intensify the use of waste, to improve the quality of the processed
raw materials and the number of participants in the recycling process which leads to greater
environmental protection. Most countries accept the strategy of the European Union relating

- Research and development of new technologies for recycling,

- optimization of the system of collecting and sorting waste,
- reduction of external costs of re-use of waste,
- computerized systems of waste management,
- exchange and sale of scrap material.
(Fig. Waste Management Strategy)


 Waste management is profitable deal

 Reduces environment pollution
  Biological reprocessing
 Good for environment


 Needs more global Buy-In.

 Pollution is harmful our body.
 Waste management can cause more problems.
 The sites are often dangerous.

The environment is changing through development of the industrial revolution and the
beginning of the use of fossil fuels. people are thinking about this problem more and more,
because it should not allow the industry to continue to develop and harm the environment.
This way of thinking has led to the emergence of the concept of sustainable development


3. https://environment pollution and waste

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