2460121-TDC Homebrew Combat House Rules DMG
2460121-TDC Homebrew Combat House Rules DMG
2460121-TDC Homebrew Combat House Rules DMG
Table of Contents................................................................... 1
Credits .................................................................................... 1
Combat Homebrew Rules ..................................................... 2
Campaign Group Perks .......................................................... 2
Tandem Turns ......................................................................... 2
Held Turns ................................................................................ 2
Improved Advantage and Disadvantage Mechanics ....... 2
Modified “Help” Action ........................................................ 2
Easier Movement .................................................................... 2 YouTube - The Dungeon Coach YouTube Channel I create
The Interaction action ............................................................3 weekly videos every Saturday to help make your games more
Modified Flanking Rules ........................................................3
creative and more fun!
Targeted Attacks ......................................................................3
Modified Opportunity Attacks ..............................................3 DM’s Guild –Check out the other content I've published. I will
New Prone Condition ..............................................................3 keep making more and more of my documents available
Modified Standing up from Prone .......................................3 online from my large list of homebrew content!
Improved Critical Damage .....................................................3
Bloodied Conditions ............................................................... 4
Sentinel Feat Fix ..................................................................... 4 Patreon - If you like the stuff I have here as digital resources
Convert Movement to Action ............................................... 4 and want ALL of those and MORE, think about supporting me
over on Patreon!
I have many resources and more involvement with what I do
over on my YouTube Channel too! Including Multiple Reward
Tiers and a GREAT Community!
Author: The Dungeon Coach – Alan Bjorkgren
Layout and Editing: Mark MacPherson @trepidventuring
Graphics: AvalonInk avalonink.deviantart.com
Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by
Laura Hirsbrunner Copyright 2020, The Dungeon Coach, The Dungeon Coach, LLC
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike
Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt,
Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft,
Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product
names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and
other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors.
Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by The Dungeon Coach and
published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
RULES After initiative is rolled, you may hold your turn until after
a specific combatant’s turn (enemy or ally). This method is
less restrictive than taking the ready action and does not
Homebrew rules in Dungeons and Dragons are all about getting use your reaction.
the feel that you are looking for in your game. Do your players
want to play in hard mode? Do they want to feel epic? Are they This would be you waiting for the right time to act in
trying to make complicated battle plans and coordinated, combat. This can be handled in two ways:
dynamic movements? The 5e rules as written (RAW) will
sometimes need adjustments to get the perfect playstyle at your 1. You now permanently act at your lowered
table, and I’m here to help you do that! initiative position
CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO WHERE I SHOW YOU HOW I USE THESE 2. You keep your original spot in the initiative order
SYSTEMS AT MY TABLE ! HTTPS ://YOUTU.BE /M1JSQS_K VLO at the start of the next round as normal.
CAMPAIGN GROUP PERKS As the battle begins, your fighter’s honed abilities and
catlike reflexes allow her to go first, but she sees an
This is less of a rule and more of a method to opportunity to get a better angle on her attack if she waits
implement new house rules into your game. until after the paladin swings his battle axe. She finds the
perfect moment and then attacks twice with her
After your characters reach a certain level or story longsword, landing both blows while the enemy was
moment, give them new abilities or unlock new rules reeling from the paladin's attack.
for your game.
Players with the same initiative roll can choose to take
their turns at the same time, interacting with each other. Movement in any direction costs only 5 feet of movement
per square. This reduces the time tracking diagonals
*This is particularly effective when combined with the previous rule. during combat.
During a player’s turn, they can use the Interaction to Individuals can aim for a specific area on the enemy for a
perform one skill check for free. bonus effect upon success. Targeted attacks are made at
disadvantage. The bonus effect is in addition to the regular
This promotes player interaction with the environment damage of the attack.
during combat, without the fear of potentially wasting a
Eye Blinded
Wing Flying speed reduced to 0
Leg Movement speed is halved
Arm / Hand Drop items being carried
When a creature is engaged with a single opponent and a Optionally, apply a damage threshold to each effect. The
second opponent positions themselves directly behind, the effect will only take place if a certain threshold is reached.
creature is considered flanked. Attacks against a flanked The threshold value will vary widely depending on the type
creature receive a +2 modifier to their attack. If an of creature and the desired effect.
additional opponent positions themselves behind the
creature, the modifier increases by another +2. The
modifier increases by an additional +2 for every additional MODIFIED OPPORTUNITY ATTACKS
flanking opponent.
Any action or interaction that leaves you vulnerable to be
On their turn, the flanked creature can reposition attacked triggers an opportunity attack from enemies
themselves by moving or changing the direction they are within melee range.
facing to negate this condition.
When you make a critical hit, roll the damage dice for the You have mastered techniques to defeat a creature’s
attack and add bonuses as normal. Then add the maximum attempt to escape you, gaining the following benefits:
value of each damage die. This ensures all critical hits
deliver substantial damage. • Whenever you hit a creature with an opportunity
attack, its speed is reduced by 15ft until the end of that
EXAMPLE creature’s next turn. This stops any movement they
may have been taking.
A fighter is attacking a creature with a longsword and
scores a critical hit. The regular damage for their • Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you when
longsword is 1d8+5. To determine the Improved Critical attempting to leave your reach; even if they have an
Damage, roll 1d8 and add the +5 bonus as normal. Add 8 to ability that would normally allow them to ignore
the total (the max value from the d8). The total damage is opportunity attacks
1d8 +5 +8.
• When a creature within your reach makes an attack
against a target other than you (and that target
Optional Variants for Spells: doesn't have this feat), you can use your reaction to
make a melee weapon attack against the attacking
Variant 1: When casting a spell, follow the Improved Critical creature.
Damage method as outlined above, which will result in
potentially massive damage
Variant 2: When casting a spell, follow the regular rules for
critical hits, and not the Improved Critical Damage method
On your turn, you can spend 15ft of your available
mentioned above.
movement to complete a task. This could include tasks that
would normally take a Bonus Action or Action.
Variant 3: When casting a spell, allow players to re-roll any
one die from their damage roll when they score a critical hit.
Before you make an attack that you are proficient with, you
can choose subtract your proficiency bonus for the weapon
from the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add twice your
proficiency bonus to the attack’s damage.