History of Nursing

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History of Nursing

Intuitive period of Nursing a patient's condition suddenly worsened.

Content outline One nurse who participated in the

interviews claimed that over time, her
 History/Evolution of Nursing attention span had developed and been
 Nurse intuition refined, enabling her to quickly assess the
 Period of Intuitive Nursing evidence.
 Belief and practices of prehistoric man
 Contribution of ancient civilization to Prognosis/outcome:
medicine and nursing The majority of nurses who were questioned
What is intuitive? stated that their gut instinct caused them to
double-check patient outlooks.
using or based on what one feels to be true
even without conscious reasoning; Period of Nursing Intuitive
instinctive.  "Untaught" and irrational. It was done
Nursing History out of sympathy for others and a desire
to assist them.
Nursing history gives us the  Work or duties that belonged to women.
information we need to comprehend our  Regarded as a natural role for women in
profession, generate knowledge from the nurturing.
past, and explain to patients and the general
 Expected to provide for the needs of the
public the important role that nurses play in
young, sick, and elderly
healthcare. Throughout history, the public's
perception of nurses has changed from one Belief and practices of prehistoric man.
of contempt for the profession to one of
 He thought that the victim's illness was
trust. The history of nursing introduces
the result of voodoo or black magic
students to the diversity of nursing practice.
being used to entice evil spirits into the
Nurse Intuition victim's body.
 He thought that the so-called "shaman"
Patient condition:
or the doctor had the ability to heal by
-- When nurses felt that a patient's clinical means of white magic. The shaman
symptoms did not correspond to what their employed a variety of methods to cure
gut was telling them about the patient's the victim's illness, including hypnosis,
actual condition, their intuition began to charms, dances, incantations, purgatives,
take over. massage, fire, water, and herbs.
 He also worked on "trephining." or
Nurse readiness:
"burr holing"
-- According to nurses, their sixth sense
influenced them to take precautions in case
Contribution of ancient civilization to GREECE
Medicine and Nursing
✓ The Greek God Asclepios was the chief
EGYPT healer (Asclepius was a hero and God of
• The art of embalming and preserving was medicine in ancient Greek religion and
developed by the Egyptians, who also had a mythology)
greater understanding of human anatomy. ✓ Hygeia, daughter of Asclepios, was
• They acquired the capacity for keen goddess of health and was revered/admire
observation and documented 250 recognized by some as the embodiment/qualities of the
diseases. nurse.

Take note the MUMMIFICATION ✓Hippocrates came to be known as the

father of medicine.
With the founding of the order of the
Apprentice and Educated period
deaconesses, the first formalized visiting of of Nursing
the sick started. They made an effort to Period of apprentice/Middle Ages
carry out the corporal acts of mercy:
Nursing care was performed without any
✓Feed the hungry, formal education and by people who were
directed by more experienced nurses.
✓ Give water to the thirsty,
✓Clothed the naked,

✓ Visit the imprisoned,

✓Shelter the homeless,

✓ Care of the sick,

✓ Bury the dead.

They were Holy Wars waged in an attempt
✓ Used massage, hydrotherapy, and
to recapture Holy Land from the Turks who
exercise as preventive health measures. denied Christ’s pilgrims permission to visit
✓ They also used many herbs, minerals and Holy Sepulcher.
heal the sick. They are very popular in the THEIR WORKS
so-called acupuncture -Knights of St. John of Jerusalem
-Teutonic Knights’
-Knight of St. Lazarus
Knights of St. John of Jerusalem The Knights Hospitaller kept a simple
appearance their robes had the dark colors
 A.K.A KNIGHTS OF HOSPITALLERS worn by the monks of the monastery but
 was founded to shelter Christian they also started to bear a white cross by
pilgrims in Jerusalem it was the 1136
Monastery of Saint John the Baptist to
alleviate the suffering of the city's sick a
hospital was built inside the monastery.
 The hospital was run by monks of the
order of St. Benedict. They wore dark
robes in their daily lives even with the
hospital helping in the public health of
the city it was not enough to treat the
Crusader soldiers who often left to fight
in territories far from Jerusalem.
 Blessed Gerard- one of the most
important members of the monastery of
St. John the Baptist, founded the
Sovereign Military Order of Malta also Teutonic Knights (German)
known as the order of the Knights
Hospitaller the monastery of St. John  The order of Teutonic Knights was
became the official headquarters of the founded during the Third Crusade
Knights Hospitaller there the young between 1189 and 1192.
recruits of the order studied and learned  Catholic religious institution founded as
not only the art of combat but also, the a military society c. 1190 in Acre,
art of medicine. Kingdom of Jerusalem.
 Was composed mostly of German
the order of the Knights Hospitaller had as Knights with knowledge of medicine
its main objective:
-to protect the monastery
-to protect the Christians of Jerusalem; and
-to treat the needy
-the motto of the Hospitaller was to defend
the faith and help the poor to reinforce the
ideal of humility
Pro Fide (For the Faith) and Pro
 established tent hospitals for the
Hominum (In the Service of Humanity).
 Order of Brothers of the German House
of Saint Mary in Jerusalem was formed
to aid Christians on their pilgrimages to
the Holy Land and to establish hospitals.
strictly military order with few religious
As a leper hospital in the kingdom of
 they followed the motto HELP, Jerusalem their original purpose was the
DEFEND, HEAL the Teutonic order protection and care of this hospital and by
had a humble origin depending on extension the medical and spiritual care of
donations of money and food to survive. the sick and wounded namely lepers
Hermann Von Salza- The fourth Teutonic a. established a standard among hospitals in
a Grand Master who fought to raise the Europe
status of the Teutonic order establishing
b. took care of clients with skin problems
new alliances with powerful kings and
like leprosy
An order of knights and nurses following
The motto of the Order was: "Helfen,
the Rule of St. Augustine, the Hospitallers
Wehren, Heilen" ("Help, Defend, Heal").
of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem was founded c.
Teutonic Knights stood out for the use of 1120 in Jerusalem.
white Robes with black crosses they quickly
Its functions were to:
gained a reputation for being great warriors
in battle operate hospitals, especially hospitals for
to spread the faith; and
to assist and protect pilgrims to the Holy

Knights of St. Lazarus

An order of knights that dedicated
themselves to the care of people with
leprosy, and chronic skin conditions.
The order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem
also known as the leper brothers of
Jerusalem or simply as Lazarus was a
catholic military order founded by the
crusaders around 1119
The Rise of Secular Order For the reasons listed below, they left the
Religious taboos and social restrictions
influenced nursing at the time of the 1. The masses of people huddled in slums
religious Nursing orders. as a result of famine, war,and the
introduction of machinery (the
Hospitals were poorly ventilated and the
industrial revolution).
beds were filthy. There was overcrowding
2. Living in blighted slum areas, the
of patients: Three or four patients regardless
people sank into a brutal and immoral
of diagnosis or whether they are alive or
way of life.
dead, may have shared one bed. Practice of
3. Ambition for power and the
environmental sanitation and asepsis were
antagonism resulting from attempts to
non-existent. Older nuns prayed with and
achieve this power replaced human
took good care of the sick; while the
younger nuns washed soiled linens usually
4. Class lines could be absent in some
in the rivers
parts of the world, and people
SECULAR ORDER FOUNDED DURING struggled against one another for
THE PERIOD OF CRUSADE power, wealth, and leisure.
5. was the result of political, intellectual,
1. Order of St. Francis of Assisi (1200- and ideological factors. Revolutions;
present). everything in life had to be based on
First Order scientific fact. Nothing else was true.

Second Order (Poor Clares) Dark Period of Nursing

Third Order (Tertiary Order) This era was on 17th century to 19th Century

2. The Beguines
3. The Oblates (12th Century)
4. Benedictines
5. Ursulines
6. Augustinians
St. Clare- Founder of second order of St.
Assisi What is nursing during the dark period

St. Catherine of Siena- “Little saint” and alsi  Patient care was often poor, leading to
called the lady with the lamp high mortality rates.
 Worked seven days a week.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary- Patroness of  Hospitals were overcrowded, unsanitary,
nurses she is a princess who feed the poor and underfunded.
the Reformation in the 16th century and  Nursing is the work that is least desired
the economic and political upheaval put by people.
an end to this advancement in nursing.
Several Leaders sought to brings about NIGHTINGALE ERA 19TH- 20TH
reforms among them CENTURY In 1860, The Nightingale
Training School of Nurses opened at ST.
John Howard is a former Australian Prime
Minister who served from 1996 to 2007.
During his time in office, he introduced a  Served as a model for other training
number of reforms related to nursing in schools
Australia.  1st school of nursing that provided both
theory-based knowledge and clinical
Mother Mary Aikenhead was an Irish nun
skill building
who founded the Religious Sisters of
Charity in 1815, and is considered to be one  Nursing evolved as an art of science
of the pioneers of modern nursing in  Formal nursing education service have
Ireland. begun

Pastor Theodor Fliedner and Frederika Factors that influenced the development of
Munster Fliedner were a German couple Nursing Education
who are known for their work in -Needs of Society
establishing the first Protestant deaconess
hospital and training school for nurses in -Philosophy of nursing
Kaiserswerth, Germany in 1836. -Clinical competency by students
Period of Educated Nursing -Critical thinking
(Nightingale Era 19th-20th
-Research Study
Contemporary Period of Nursing
The Development of nursing during this
period was strongly influenced by: What is it all about?
 Trends resulting from wars - crimean, Scientific and technological development as
civil war well as social changes marks this period.
 Arousal of social consciousness
•Licensure of nurses started
 Increased educational opportunities
offered to women •Training of Nurses in diploma program
 Florence nightingale was asked by sir
•Development of baccalaureate and advance
sidney herbert of the british war
degree programs
department to recruit female nurses to
provide care for the sick and injured in WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION
the crimean war
Establishment of the World Health
Organization by the UN to
assist in fighting disease by providing health
information and improving nutrition, living
standards and environmental condition of all
Objective of the WHO: - Is the attainment * Which radioactive atoms can be used in
of highest level of health by all people therapeutics
Origins of WHO: * Precautions necessary to protect the
general public from radiation
•Quarantine – 14th century
* Precautions necessary to minimize the
•International Sanitary Conferences- 1851
patient radiation
•Pan American Sanitary Bureau- 1902
* The type of shielding and other protective
•The league of Nations Health organization- measures necessary in the handling of
1923 certain radioactive products

•United Nations– 1945 * The proper disposal of radioactive

substances in the nuclear medicine
•WHO- 1948 department
Works of WHO:
Types of decay- Depending on the
•Prevention and control of specific disease imbalance between protons and neutrons,
•Development of health services different types of nuclear decay occur.
• Family health These include:

•Environmental health Beta positive decay- occurring with an

excess of protons.
•Maintenance of health statistics
Electron capture-results from the
•Promotion of biomedical research
•Maintenance of health literature and “capture” of a negatively charged electron.
information Beta minus decay- occurring with an
•Cooperation with other organization excess of neutrons.

Atomic/Nuclear Energy Alpha decay-occurring with atoms with

high atomic weights that are unstable.
Nuclear medicine uses radioactive materials
and their emitted radiation from the body to Utilization of Computers
diagnose and treat disease. Unstable atoms Collecting Data- Use the computer terminal
(radionuclides) are typically administered to record admission information. As you
orally or intravenously and, less commonly, collect data, enter further information as
intra-arterially, directly into the CSF spaces, prompted by the computer's software
peritoneum, or joint space. program. Enter data about the patient's
health status, history, chief complaint, and
other assessments.
In the field of medicine, nuclear physics
helps us understand: Teaching- Computers in nursing care are
used to manage information in patient care,
* Which atoms and their tagged molecules monitor the quality of care, and evaluate the
can be used in diagnostics. outcomes of care.
Diagnosis- Computers are used to influence to evaluate the patient internally. The doctor
diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. The or technician is looking for any
computer's information-handling abnormalities in the affected organs or parts
capabilities allow it to serve as a reliable of the body that are causing the symptoms
extension of the physician's memory and to be exhibited.
expander of the physician's information and
* Medical imaging machines – Medical
synthesized knowledge resources.
imaging is a type of technology that is used
Maintaining Inventory- From maintaining to create visual representations of the human
patient records to scheduling appointments, body’s interior. The visual image produced
computers help hospital staff work more by the equipment is used for clinical
efficiently and effectively. analysis and medical intervention. There are
many medical imaging equipment, such as
Payrolls- computerized payroll system
radiography (X-ray machine), computed
performs the same functions that manual
tomography (CT scan), magnetic resonance
methods of payroll do. It stores employee
imaging (MRI scan), ultrasound, and
data, such as names, addresses, social
echocardiography, to name a few.
security numbers, pay rates and withholding
allowances of each person. It calculates * Aside from medical imaging machines,
payroll taxes and deductions and keeps all there are other medical devices used for
data up-to-date after each pay period. diagnosing patients. Some examples include
patient scales, stethoscopes, dopplers, and
Record keeping- Using computers to store
pulse oximetry.
and manage documents, files and records
reduces the amount of physical storage a Treatment equipment is any type of medical
company needs and also allows managers to tool device or that is designed to treat a
have easy access to their files using simple specific condition. It utilizes modern
document search methods technology in order to
Billing- The application of computers address any abnormalities to restore
guarantees paperless billing that eradicates function in the
the necessity of managing huge levels of
affected organs or tissues within the body.
information in hard copy form. Computers
This can also include the surgical supplies
also enable automatic processes since when
designed to provide treatment for certain
data is recorded in them; it is automatically
conditions that require surgical intervention.
connected to the billing system.
Sophisticated Equipment
Lasik surgical Machines – The use of lasik
Diagnostic medical equipment is any type of
technology is used primarily for the
equipment or tools used in a hospital setting
treatment of eye conditions. It is designed
for the sole purpose of diagnosing a
for use on patients suffering from myopia,
patient’s condition. Based on the symptoms
hyperopia, or astigmatism
described by the patient, a diagnostic test is
performed using the appropriate equipment
Aerospace nursing Community Health Nursing (CHN)
A specialty that works with astronauts to Community health nurses fill health system
determine medical fitness for their missions, gaps for underserved populations. They go
equips NASA team members to handle to organizations, schools, and businesses to
emergencies in orbit and researches the offer health education, medical services, and
effects of space travel on the human body. rehabilitation.
nurses are trained to deal with the unique
What exactly does a community health
challenges of patient care in an unstable
nurse do?
setting with limited resources.
-Simply put, they aim to improve the health
Aerospace nurse duties typically include:
of community members. They do this in
-assessing patients upon arrival and many ways, including through:
throughout the flight;
-Medical treatment
- projecting possible complications and
being alert for those signs and symptoms; -
maintaining IVs and feeding tubes; -Health education
-medicating and managing dressings or -Advocacy
other accoutrements;
-and providing a comprehensive report to
the receiving medical facility. -Collaboration with other healthcare
workers and with government agencies
Rights in The Healthcare Settings
The responsibilities of these nurses differ in
each career path, but all community health
nurses promote healthy living, disease
Health is a fundamental human right.
prevention, and necessary medical
Everyone has the right to get the healthcare
treatment. Additionally, community health
they require when and when they need it,
nurses create programs that promote
without facing financial hardship. This is
community health and collect data to
known as the "right to health for all
identify community needs.
Technological Advances
“The enjoyment of the highest attainable
standard of health is one of the fundamental 1.Enhanced Communication
rights of every human being without
distinction of race, religion, political belief, Most hospitals have advanced healthcare
economic or social condition”. software to enable communication between
medical staff and patients. Using
These statements, which were incorporated smartphones and apps, nurses can receive
into the World Health Organization's text messages and receive alarms from their
Constitution nearly 70 years ago patients through their phones. The entire
nursing staff is more in touch with their
patients and with each other
2. Electronic Records Since the development of modern medicine,
nurses' roles have changed from being
Piles of endless paperwork consumed the
comforters to contemporary healthcare
nursing staff for decades. Physical paper
specialists that offer evidence-based
charts and faxing medical records is pretty
treatment and wellness education. As
much a thing of the past. Hospitals and
experts in holistic care, patient advocates,
medical care centers have switched to
specialists, and researchers, nurses play a
electronic records. This allows everyone in
variety of roles.
the hospital to access the patient’s
information with the touch of a button. THE EXPANDED ROLE OF NURSE
3. GPS tracking
• Advanced nurse practitioner
Hospital efficiency has been increased
through GPS tracking. Tagging and tracking • Clinical nurse specialist
medical equipment is much easier than it
• Nurse anesthetist
was before. Radio frequency identifications
tags help nurses find the nearest blood • Nurse researcher
pressure machine or another piece of
equipment. • Nurse educator

4. Enhanced Diagnostic Devices • Acute care nurse practitioner

Most of the technological advancements are • Nurse entrepreneur

to help doctors, nurses, and the patients. • Operating home nurse
Take for instance diagnostic exams. These
can now be performed non-invasively. Not • Hospice nurse
only does it improve the cost-effective
nature of testing, but it also lowers the risks
of infections
5. Drug Delivery
Numerous hospitals have implemented drug
delivery systems that come in an
implantable device form. These devices
release medication into the patients at the
required times
6. Smarter Alarm Systems
These beeps kept the nurses from running
from room to room trying to see what was
going on. These beeping devices take the
nurse’s attention away from important tasks
for things that are not of a trivial matter.

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