Visual Materials As A Teaching Method Assignment

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Education is an integral part of the society.

Everyone must get an education and teaching

students is not an easy profession and even to get knowledge is not easy as it sounds. So,
teaching aids are necessary today. It promotes students to learn and engage them in learning in
various engaging ways. The meaning of teaching aids is a tool that helps to understand both are
them. For years, only textual structure had been followed to teach, but now different types of
teaching aids are available such as video audio, and others. These different types of teaching aids
require different tools such as computers and laptops to establish an interaction with students
with effectiveness. These teaching aids assist in faster learning, enhance students-teachers’
interaction, make students take active involvement etc. The importance of teaching aids are high
as it combines both textual material with visual matter, audio and videos to teach students and it
enhances the learning experience of students and teaching experience of teachers. Students tend
to learn fast when they are taught with visual representation. There are many types of teaching
educational aids available but only a teacher has to decide with their skills which tool will work
for their students

.Introduction to teaching and learning materials Instructional Materials or Teaching and Learning
Materials are resources that a teacher may use in teaching and learning situations to help achieve
desired learning objectives and to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Broadly, the term
refers to a spectrum of educational materials that teachers use in the classroom to achieve
specific learning objectives. These include the lectures, readings, textbooks, multimedia
components, and other resources. The best instructional materials are aligned with all other
elements in the course, including the learning objectives, assessments, and activities. Ideally, the
teaching and learning materials will be tailored to the content in which they are being used, to the
learners in whose class they are being used, and the teacher. Instructional materials can be
classified by type; including audio, visual and audio-visual resources.

Visual media these are materials that appeal to the sense of sight (eyes). For example: images,
real objects, charts, flip charts, chalk boards and whiteboard, projected aids, etc. What Are The
Need Of Teaching Aids Teachers use a variety of tools to make the process of teaching and
learning simple, interesting, and effective which makes it easier for the teacher to teach even the
most difficult subject. It also makes sense and saves time as students learn very quickly by
watching rather than reading. Therefore teachers use teaching aids. There are many students with
a tendency to forget easily. Such students can get benefits with teaching aids, teaching aids make
the subject interesting and encourage students to learn it in depth, teaching aids help to
understand the concept easily and grasp it completely, with teaching aids, students can
understand the concept by making the proper image of the topic, teaching aids enhance the
conceptual thinking of students, teaching aids do not make the concept boring instead it creates
the environment of interest and makes it interesting to learn, with the help of teaching aids,
students can learn with accuracy and even faster and it is proved that learning with visual
representation stays in memory for a longer time than textual representation. It impacts better
with direct experience.

Examples of teaching aids there are so many examples of teaching aids: Actual objects Flash
Cards Slides Charts Pictures Maps Bulletin Boards Models Thus, these are examples of teaching
aids, and it is very helpful for teachers and also students. Classification of teaching aids Different
list of teaching aids classified as follows: Traditional Teaching Aids: Traditional teaching aids
include learning through Books, Periodicals, and Blackboard etc. Visual Teaching Aids: Visual
Teaching aids include posters, model, figure, chart, graph etc. It also includes graphics such as
diagrams, cut-outs, globe, objects, cartoon, info-graphs, bulletin board, flannel board, picture,
map and others. Mechanical Teaching Aids: Mechanical teaching aids include an Audio teaching
machine, tape recorder, radio, motion picture, Projector, epidiascope, filmstrips. Audio-Visual
Teaching Aids: This type of teaching aid includes video, Cassettes, Films, television, and others.
Visual Material Teaching Aids: Outline charts, organization charts, tabular charts, flow charts
etc. are also used in visual Material Teaching aids.

Types of Teaching Aids Following are the different types of teaching aids: 1. Visual Aids
Teaching aids which include learning through visual representation is called visual aids. Visual
aids are the kind of material that we can see with our eyes. It is the most important teaching aid
that teachers always use in their teaching-learning process everyday like book, blackboard,
chalk, duster, indicator, picture, map, graphs, charts, posters, bulletin boards, museums,
projectors and also important visual aids.

Image: Pictures affect students very much. Students are lost in reality by seeing pictures, so
teachers also present any story or science or any other subject related picture to the students so
that they can be shown and explained. The things taught through the picture can be remembered
by the students for a long time, as well as the pictures can be easily shown in the classroom. The
use of images in the classroom is a pedagogical strategy aimed at engaging students who have
grown up in a media-rich environment. Digital technology has made images more readily
available and easier to incorporate into teaching and learning materials. (Marci Hall, Innovative
Instructor Series 2013)

Real objects are the things we come in contact with every day (Soulier, 1981:7). It means real
object is obviously real thing which is easy to find in daily life. In accordance with their idea,
Gairns and Redman (1998:73) say that real objects as kind of visual aids are extensively used for
conveying meaning and are particularly useful for teaching concrete items of vocabulary such as
food or furniture, and certain areas of vocabulary such as places, professions, descriptions of
people, actions and activities (such as sport and verbs of movement).Real objects or realia can
give an important stimulus to the students in learning the materials because it can make the
students use their five senses, especially sense of touch (Anderson, 1994:181).

A flipchart is a series of sheets of paper, fastened together at the top. When a sheet has been
used, it can be “flipped” over the top so that the next sheet can be used. A flipchart can be used
in two ways: with blank sheets of paper or newsprint, which the teacher or trainer writes on
during the session as a pre-prepared resource with pictures and or notes. To avoid having to write
while speaking, you can prepare texts and drawings before the lesson or session. Each sheet of a
flipchart should illustrate one message in a lecture, talk or training session. You should turn to
the next sheet when moving on to the next point. This helps students and learners to understand
and remember information. It also acts as an aid to you, reminding you of the structure of your
lesson or presentation Development workers find picture flipcharts particularly useful for
illustrating important points. Explanatory or additional notes can be written on the back of the
previous page to remind you of what you need to say or to provide information in case you are
asked detailed questions. This is particularly helpful if a flipchart is to be mass produced and
used by teachers and trainers who have not been involved in its design. If teachers are working
with several small groups, you can give each group a blank sheet and a pen. After their
discussions, the group can write their conclusions on the sheet. The conclusions of all the groups
can then be displayed for everyone to see. Suggestions and ideas from students or trainees can be
written blank sheets of a Flipchart to enable them to see their ideas, for example in a planning
workshop for teachers. The sheets can be taken away and used for future reference to draw up
detailed plans or as notes for a written report

Chalkboards are one of the first made oldest of the visual aids, one which is still in use today, is a
piece of chalk and blackboard. This combination is an ever-effective one and no school should
be without it. It has a multitude of uses--so many that teachers turn to the blackboard when they
wish to present to the class almost anything which appeals to the sense of sight. There are times
when the presentation of any subject can be most effectively achieved by means of a chalk talk
or blackboard demonstration. All work put on the blackboard should be done well. Whiteboards
as visual aids allow for endless possibilities to be presented, especially for visual learners.
Whiteboards allow for written information to be shared easily, illustrations to be drawn, and
color-coded information to be incorporated into the lesson. Whiteboard accessories such as
interactive magnets, calendars, and more can elevate children’s learning experience within the
classroom and create a better understanding of many topics.

In conclusion, using visual materials as a teaching method stimulates thinking and improves
learning environment in a classroom (Journal of education and practice volume 6 2015).

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