Teaching Aids

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Teaching Aids

Teaching Aid

 An object (such as a book, picture, or map) or

device (such as a dvd or computer) used by a
teacher to enhance or enliven classroom
 A teaching aid is a tool used by teachers,
facilitators or tutors to help learners improve
reading and other skills, illustrate or reinforce a
skill, fact, or idea and relieve anxiety, fears, or
boredom since many teaching aids are like games.
Use of Teaching Aids
 Teaching/Instructional aids are useful to:
 Reinforce what the teacher is saying and
summarize key concepts,
 Ensure that the point is understood,
 To hint what is important/essential,
 Engage or stimulate students’ other senses in the
learning process,
 Facilitate different learning styles.
Importance of Teaching Aids
1) Proper use of teaching aids helps to retain more
concepts permanently.
2) Students can learn better when they are motivated
properly through different teaching aids.
3) Teaching aids develop the proper image when the
students see, hear taste and smell properly.
4) Teaching aids provide complete example for
conceptual thinking.
Teaching Aids
 Novelty
 Students love new things and innovation in the
classroom, teaching aids help to break the boring
routines and add a healthy life to the classes.
 Retain the information longer
 The effective use of teaching aids will help students
to better retain what they have been taught.
 Better understanding
 Teaching aids help to convey concepts in a better
manner and this way, the learners would
comprehend the lessons well.
Teaching Aids
 Better learning experience
 teaching aids generally helps to break down the
monotony in the classroom and makes classes
more happening and interesting.
 Increases conceptual thinking
 with examples and the environment that teaching
aids create, it is perfect for conceptual thinking
and helps students to expand their horizons.
Visual Aids
 As the name suggests teaching aids that include visuals
are called visual aids . Charts, diagrams, graphs, etc. are
effective visual aids that teachers use to convey concepts
and lessons with more clarity and effectiveness.
 Maths teachers often bring wooden models of pyramids
and large protractors to teach in a better fashion. Now
that classes have moved online, teachers use intercative
slides and presentations to covey concepts in a better
way. This is better than textbook images and visuals.
 Not to mention that visual aids appeal to the 
visual learners and helps them understand the lessons
better. Teachers also make use of videos that will be
discussing in the coming points.
Audio Aids
 Audio aids help to improve the listening and
communication skills. As mentioned, there are
different types of learners in a classroom and
auditory learners are a part of it.
 Using audio teaching aids will help that segment
to a great extent. The affect of music on the brain
has been proven. Hence, some teachers play music
in the classroom to distress their students and
increase their interest in the lessons
Audio-Visual Aids
 Videos and animations are used in the classroom to
explain concepts better. With the development of
technology, students have the opportunity to actually
see how digestion takes place, understand the water
cycle, can understand motion of vehicles, everything
can be explained in a much detailed and better manner.
Students understand new concepts better when they see
it and experience it firsthand.
Thank You

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