Appendix B - S00-ARW-PMC-SOW-00011 - 1.0 - Duleen Kupunn Scope Description

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Scope Description Note

Version 1.0

Released 22/03/2019

Document Owner Surat FEDM

Document Author Senior Development Planner IFL

Review Date

Document Status Issued for Use

Security Classification Restricted

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unless issued and stamped Controlled Copy.
Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description


1. Background and Objective 3

1.1 Tenement 4
1.2 Production of Gas and Water 4
2. Scope Details 5
2.1 Development Area 5
2.2 Other Scope Requiring Consideration 6
2.3 Well Type 7
2.4 Well Pads and Tracks 8
2.5 Right of Ways (ROW) 8
2.6 LPDs and HPVs 8
2.7 Wellpad Design and Power Supply 8
2.8 Design Specifications 8
2.9 Geocortex 9
3. Proposed Schedule 9
4. Regional Planning 10
5. Restricted Land Provisions 10
6. Third Party Infrastructure 10
7. Environmental Sensitive Areas and Watercourses 10
8. Document Administration 11
Appendix 1 – Duleen Kupunn Well List 12
Appendix 2 – IFAAS Checklist 14

Figure 1 Duleen-Kupunn Map ............................................................................................... 5

Figure 2 Duleen-Kupunn well locations ................................................................................. 6
Figure 3 Coal Depth .............................................................................................................. 7

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

1. Background and Objective

The David Development Plan is being revised. An objective of this revision is to supply gas
to David FCS from 100% Arrow tenure.

This scope outlines the Duleen Kupunn development area which will form the first part of the
southern development area of David. This scope also includes the redirection of some wells
that were/are to be drilled as part of the Daandine development plan to David. These wells,
the Titan and Daandine 15 (SGP Phase 1) wells, will provide a faster ramp.

This scope required to achieve this includes:

• Duleen-Kupunn area development which includes 82 wells on 23 well pads

• Stalk pipeline to David FCS and Pond including new trunkline from Stratheden PL
(aligned with the Lynwood to Jordan pipeline).
• Link from the Titan tie-in into Daandine gathering to the new trunkline to David FCS
and isolation of these wells from Daandine gathering

The project will mature this scope into work packs as it is defined during AWP and into
detailed design.

The objective is for the delivery of gas to the David Field Compression Station (FCS) through
the David Inlet Process Facility (IPF). The target for delivery of gas to the IPF is Q4 2021.
This target date is subject to confirmation of approvals timelines during AWP and achieving
FID. Refer to the Proposed Schedule (Section 3.0) for additional key milestones.

The latest version of the development layout is available in the Arrow Geocortex SME site.

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

1.1 Tenement

This scope is in PLs, 252 Stratheden, 260 Longswamp, and 230 Daandine.

The off tenure pipelines into the David facility will be constructed under PPL 2033. Note this
PPL 2033 will need to be amended to add a second water pipeline to deliver water from
these wells to the David Pond.

1.2 Production of Gas and Water

The area is being developed so that gas can potentially be shared between David and Harry
FCSs whilst early gas will be produced into Daandine from the Titan and Daandine 15 wells.

A low pressure header will be the backbone of the gathering for this area. The scope in this
area will be aligned with the Lynwood to Jordan MP ROW and connected these wells to
David FCS. Future scope will extend this header to link to Harry FCS, Tipton CGPF and
Lynwood FCS.

Note that the gas gathering in this scope will be isolated from the Daandine gathering as
these facilities operate at different pressures.

Water from this area will also be able to be directed to either the Daandine WTF, the David
Pond and/or the Broadwater Pond. How produced water is directed is not yet determined
and will depend on the water production forecast, operating pressures and water treatment
and receipt point capacities. Routing ROW options for water pipelines are included in this
scope description.

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

2. Scope Details
2.1 Development Area
The scope of the Duleen-Kupunn area has been determined by:

1. The number of wells expected to achieve gas production plateau in David FCS.
2. Gathering required to connect to the next phase of development e.g. Broadwater
Road area and Daandine Nandi area, and inclusive of pipelines, access tracks,
buried HV power and fibre optic where required. Pipeline sizes range from DN110 –
3. David Stalk pipelines from Arrow tenure to David FCS and David and/or Daandine
4. Interconnection pipelines from Titan wells and into the Daandine water gathering
5. Construction scope requirements including Laydowns and Mobile Drilling Camp –
Arrow’s Stratheden property has been identified as a location.
6. Communications towers – one or more towers to be advised.

The locations of wells pads and gathering will change once detailed planning commences,
including the incorporation of landholder constraints.

Figure 1 Duleen-Kupunn Map

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

Figure 2 Duleen-Kupunn well locations

2.2 Other Scope Requiring Consideration

To enable the support of the development the construction infrastructure and constraints are
required. An Infrastructure Locality Plan will be developed and will include details for:

1. HDPE Pipe Yards

2. Construction Laydowns
3. Mobile Drilling Camp Pads
4. Water Take-off points
5. Residual Drilling Material Spreading
6. Weed & Seed and biosecurity constraints that influence logistics
7. Upgrade of local roads
8. Construction Water from landholder sources
9. Turn-outs to council and state controlled roads into private properties
10. Geotech where required to engineer crossings

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

2.3 Well Type

The majority of wells are planned to be deviated wells on multi-well pads. Where surface
constraints allow (non IFL), it is anticipated that some vertical wells may be used to improve
subsurface drainage.

Note that the 450m contour marks the limit of where 8 well pads with more deviation can be
can be used with the coal depth area of 400 – 450 m only suitable for less deviated 4 well

Figure 3 Coal Depth

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

2.4 Well Pads and Tracks

Well Pads and Tracks should be constructed to minimise disturbance and construction.
Where possible, existing roads and landholder tracks should be utilised. These locations will
be determined during AWP and detailed design. Well pads and tracks will utilise the current
Arrow standard design catalogue.

Tracks should be assumed to follow the gathering ROW until they are further defined and
located during Area Wide Planning.

2.5 Right of Ways (ROW)

The gathering ROW has been placed based on known constraints and is expected to be
realigned during AWP as landholder and other constraints are better identified.

The gathering pipelines will be sized for the full development.

The ROWs required will range from 25m up to 40m (and in some cases wider for a large
number of pipelines, side slopes or crossings) The right of ways will be assigned as the
design progresses.

2.6 LPDs and HPVs

LPDs and HPVs are required in the gathering, indicative locations will be provided via
Geocortex when available but will be subject to change in detailed design.

2.7 Wellpad Design and Power Supply

Well pad sized will be 100m x 100m for single vertical wells and an additional 15m length for
multiwell pads up to a 100m x 200m for an 8 well pad.

The base case for well power will be either gensets on the well pad or reticulated power from
an FCS. Final determination will be dependent on factors including location, schedule, noise
performance, economics and project level decisions. At this time both options should be

2.8 Design Specifications

The design specifications for all infrastructure will be defined in the Basis for Design – Part I
and II, Design Basis and Requirements, Surat Gas Project (SGP) – David, Document
numbers S00-SPGO-PMC-MAN-00001 and S00-SPGO-PMC-MAN-00002.

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

2.9 Geocortex

The Arrow SGP Geocortex site is the current source for detailed mapping information. A
bookmark with the scope has been created in the SME site.

3. Proposed Schedule

The schedule key dates, as at the 20-Feb-19, are:

• Commence AWP in March 2019

• Achieve first disturbance in mid 2020
• Have first wells online from mid 2021
• Have wells producing into David FCS via the David IPF in Q4 2021.

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

4. Regional Planning

Regional Planning Act will apply to all of the scope required for the development area.

5. Restricted Land Provisions

Restricted land Provisions do not apply as superior tenure existed prior to MERCP Act
regulation was introduced.

6. Third Party Infrastructure

Third Party Infrastructure includes, Main Roads, Queensland Rail (Glenmorgan Line),
Landholders, Ergon and Powerlink lines as well as QCLNG infrastructure and the B1

Note that the Lynwood to Jordan pipeline will be collocated with some of the trunkline
including the Wilkie Creek crossing.

7. Environmental Sensitive Areas and Watercourses

The ESAs and water courses are shown in Geocortex, of note is Wilkie Creek, Long Swamp
and remnant Brigalow vegetation.

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

8. Document Administration
Revision history
Revision Revision Date Revision Summary Author

0.1 19/02/2019 Issued for Review Chris Wicks

0.2 04/03/2019 Issued for Review Chris Wicks

1.0 19/03/2019 Issued for use Chris Wicks

Acceptance and release

Position Incumbent

Senior Development Planner IFL Chris Wicks

Stakeholders and reviewers

Position Incumbent Review Date

Surat FEDM Nathan Blundell 14/03/2019

Development Planning Lead Taco Viets 27/02/2019

Community Engagement
Brydie Hedges 07/03/2019

Access Team Leader Surat Gary Lees 05/03/2019

Senior Project Engineer Troy Sara 21/02/2019

Regulatory Approvals Specialist Andrew Hall

Senior Project Engineer Ben Vella 20/02/2019

Produced Water Manager David Wigginton

Development Planner Josh Davies 05/03/2019

Area Lead Infrastructure Joseph Rasic 1/03/2019

Reservoir Engineering Manager Saikat Mazumder

Engineering Lead Roy Horsham

Surat Portfolio Lead Dan Crilly

Senior Project Engineer David Jackson

Senior Concept Engineer Harry Armstrong 22/02/2019

Project Controls Lead Grant Axman-Friend 28/02/2019

Position Incumbent

Surat FEDM Nathan Blundell 22/03/2019

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

Appendix 1 – Duleen Kupunn Well List

acQ_SHORTID acQ_HOLEID Acquire_Pad_Name
SE-71 Stratheden 71 SSE_PAD_WP070
SE-72 Stratheden 72 SSE_PAD_WP070
SE-73 Stratheden 73 SSE_PAD_WP070
SE-74 Stratheden 74 SSE_PAD_WP070
SE-75 Stratheden 75 SSE_PAD_WP070
SE-76 Stratheden 76 SSE_PAD_WP070
SE-77 Stratheden 77 SSE_PAD_WP070
SE-81 Stratheden 81 SSE_PAD_WP080
SE-82 Stratheden 82 SSE_PAD_WP080
SE-83 Stratheden 83 SSE_PAD_WP080
SE-84 Stratheden 84 SSE_PAD_WP080
SE-87 Stratheden 87 SSE_PAD_WP87
SE-88 Stratheden 88 SSE_PAD_WP88
SE-89 Stratheden 89 SSE_PAD_WP89
SE-91 Stratheden 91 SSE_PAD_WP090
SE-92 Stratheden 92 SSE_PAD_WP090
SE-93 Stratheden 93 SSE_PAD_WP090
SE-94 Stratheden 94 SSE_PAD_WP090
SE-95 Stratheden 95 SSE_PAD_WP090
SE-96 Stratheden 96 SSE_PAD_WP090
SE-119 Stratheden 119 SSE_PAD_WP119
SE-121 Stratheden 121 SSE_PAD_WP130
SE-122 Stratheden 122 SSE_PAD_WP130
SE-125 Stratheden 125 SSE_PAD_WP120
SE-126 Stratheden 126 SSE_PAD_WP120
SE-131 Stratheden 131 SSE_PAD_WP240
SE-132 Stratheden 132 SSE_PAD_WP240
SE-133 Stratheden 133 SSE_PAD_WP240
SE-134 Stratheden 134 SSE_PAD_WP240
SE-135 Stratheden 135 SSE_PAD_WP240
SE-138 Stratheden 138 SSE_PAD_WP240
SE-139 Stratheden 139 SSE_PAD_WP139
SE-141 Stratheden 141 SSE_PAD_WP140
SE-142 Stratheden 142 SSE_PAD_WP140
SE-143 Stratheden 143 SSE_PAD_WP140
SE-144 Stratheden 144 SSE_PAD_WP140
SE-151 Stratheden 151 SSE_PAD_WP150
SE-152 Stratheden 152 SSE_PAD_WP150
SE-153 Stratheden 153 SSE_PAD_WP150
SE-154 Stratheden 154 SSE_PAD_WP150
SE-155 Stratheden 155 SSE_PAD_WP150
SE-181 Stratheden 181 SSE_PAD_WP180
SE-182 Stratheden 182 SSE_PAD_WP180

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

acQ_SHORTID acQ_HOLEID Acquire_Pad_Name

SE-183 Stratheden 183 SSE_PAD_WP180
SE-184 Stratheden 184 SSE_PAD_WP180
SE-185 Stratheden 185 SSE_PAD_WP180
SE-186 Stratheden 186 SSE_PAD_WP180
SE-187 Stratheden 187 SSE_PAD_WP180
SE-188 Stratheden 188 SSE_PAD_WP180
SE-191 Stratheden 191 SSE_PAD_WP190
SE-192 Stratheden 192 SSE_PAD_WP190
SE-193 Stratheden 193 SSE_PAD_WP190
SE-194 Stratheden 194 SSE_PAD_WP190
SE-195 Stratheden 195 SSE_PAD_WP190
SE-196 Stratheden 196 SSE_PAD_WP190
SE-197 Stratheden 197 SSE_PAD_WP190
SE-198 Stratheden 198 SSE_PAD_WP190
SE-201 Stratheden 201 SSE_PAD_WP200
SE-202 Stratheden 202 SSE_PAD_WP200
SE-203 Stratheden 203 SSE_PAD_WP200
SE-204 Stratheden 204 SSE_PAD_WP200
SE-211 Stratheden 211 SSE_PAD_WP210
SE-212 Stratheden 212 SSE_PAD_WP210
SE-213 Stratheden 213 SSE_PAD_WP210
SE-214 Stratheden 214 SSE_PAD_WP210
SE-221 Stratheden 221 SSE_PAD_WP220
SE-222 Stratheden 222 SSE_PAD_WP220
SE-223 Stratheden 223 SSE_PAD_WP220
SE-224 Stratheden 224 SSE_PAD_WP220
SE-231 Stratheden 231 SSE_PAD_WP230
SE-232 Stratheden 232 SSE_PAD_WP230
SE-233 Stratheden 233 SSE_PAD_WP230
SE-234 Stratheden 234 SSE_PAD_WP230
LS-345 Longswamp 345 SLS_PAD_WP345
LS-346 Longswamp 346 SLS_PAD_WP346
LS-351 Longswamp 351 SLS_PAD_WP350
LS-352 Longswamp 352 SLS_PAD_WP350
LS-353 Longswamp 353 SLS_PAD_WP350
LS-354 Longswamp 354 SLS_PAD_WP350
LS-361 Longswamp 361 SLS_PAD_WP360
LS-362 Longswamp 362 SLS_PAD_WP360
LS-363 Longswamp 363 SLS_PAD_WP360

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Appendix 2 – IFAAS Checklist
Responsibl IFAAS
Item SGP Reference Acceptance Criteria Status Comment
e (Issued for AAS)
Review of line sizing if layouts
Standard width used for all
1 have changed from what was Developm Standard Basis of Line Sizing Not required
previously sized ent
Planning Sub-surface locations will
Team S00-ARW-PET-REP- Spacing as per well basis for
1.1 Well spacing checks L1 check require review once pads
00006 design
are located
Criteria as per BfD /
2.0 Flooding L1 check complete
Proposed BfD
Site Survey Procedure
Complete once AWP
2.1 Pipeline radiation distance (Doc No. S00-SPGO-ENG- Section 6.5.2 L1 check
PRO-00001_Rev 1)
2.2 Pressure testing exclusion zones APIA Code Section 8 & Appendix B2 Not required
2.3 ROW Width SGP Nominate width of each ROW Not required
Gathering Check for working area Standard crossing working
2.4 Major crossings Team requirement for Nominate working area in GIS L1 check areas applied once locations
HDD/Thrust Bore defined
Proximity to existing Arrow / QGC
Ensure planned infrastructure
2.5 infrastructure L1 check complete
is the required distance away
(wells/pipelines/wells etc.)
Is all planned infrastructure
ensure all planned to be undertaken during
2.6 accessible via existing or planned Not required
infrastructure has a track to it AWP
Pipe yard and construction Indicative location in
3 Nominate location in GIS Stratheden property
laydown GIS
3.1 Water Take off points SGP Nominate location in GIS Not required
Indicative location in Stratheden property
3.2 Mobile Drill Camps ure Team Nominate location in GIS
GIS to be confirmed
3.3 GeoTech Nominate location in GIS Not required Not required

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Duleen/Kupunn Field Phase 1 Scope Description

3.4 Access from public roads Nominate location in GIS Not required Not required
Indicative location in
3.5 Quarry locations Nominate location in GIS
Residual Drilling material
3.6 Specify for each pad Not required Not required
Weed & Seed Biosecurity
3.7 Specify for each landowner Not required Not required
Construction Water (landowner Indicative location in
3.8 Nominate location in GIS during AWP
sources) GIS
4 Specify type of Pad Not required
4.1 Specify type of tracks CET - Civil Not required
4.2 Specify type of Gates and Grids Not required
Overland water flow information Gather overland flow Gather information if
5 during AWP
from landowner information from landowner available
Proximity / alignment to property Confirm layout is correct in
5.1 L1 check complete
boundaries GIS
Complete Land Owner / Land ORG-ARW-PPL-PRO- Gather information if
5.2 Appendix C during AWP
User Questionnaire 00001 available
List all residential / Industrial
Land Team Only required for occupied
occupancy around the gathering Gather information if
5.3 dwellings 200m or less from during AWP
and provide occupancy rate for available
such sensitive receptors
List of Easement / Road Crossings Third party Crossing Confirm layout is correct in
5.4 L1 check Identified in AAS
alignments with crossing angle Requirement GIS
Noise (proximity of wells to
5.5 Section 6.5.1 L1 check during AWP
sensitive receptors)
6 Purge locations SGP ORA Nominate location in GIS Not required Not required
6.1 Potential Field Flare locations Team Nominate location in GIS Not required Not required
Nominate location in GIS. High level locations
7.0 Potential Telecoms Towers ICT Specify foot print requirement in GIS for LO Not available
and height of tower discussion

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