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The key takeaways are that the project involves developing two gabbro quarries and a jetty in Khatmat Malaha, Oman near the Fujairah border to supply rock materials for construction. Different rock classes will be used including quarry run, underlayer and armour rocks.

The project background provided is about Qatar Primary Material Company developing two gabbro quarry licenses and a jetty in Khatmat Malaha, Oman to supply rock materials for construction. The scope of work involves procurement of rock materials, construction of the causeway with different rock layers, and quality control of materials and construction.

Different rock classes will be used - quarry run material for bedding and core, rock underlayer, and armour rock layer. The specifications for each rock class in terms of source, grading, sampling, testing and certification are provided.




Al Mana Tower, 8th floor
Suhaim Bin Hamad St.
C-Ring Road
Bin Mahmoud Area
P.O.Box 23800
Doha - Qatar

TEL +974 4498 23 38/39/46/47

FAX +974 4498 23 36/37





A107295 A107295-PS-003


4.0 05 Feb 2019 Specification SIKI NDSA NDSA

3.0 29 Jan 2019 Specification BEHL SIKI NDSA

2.0 24 Jan 2019 Specification BEHL SIKI NDSA

1.0 23 Oct 2018 Specification BEHL SIKI NDSA


1 Introduction 6
1.1 Project Background 6
1.2 General 7
1.3 Scope of Works 7
1.4 Definitions 7
1.5 Abbreviations 8

2 Rock Works 9
2.1 Standards and Codes 9
2.2 Rock Materials 9
2.3 Quarry Operations 13
2.4 Transportation and Stockpiling 14
2.5 Rock Placement 15
2.6 Inspection 17

3 References 20 Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


1 Introduction

1.1 Project Background

Qatar Primary Material Company (hereafter referred to as QPMC), is planning to
develop its two Gabbro quarry licenses and Jetty in Khatmat Malaha in Oman,
near the Fujairah-Oman border. The Khatmat Malaha Project site is on the
Sohar-Fujairah highway in Oman. The Fujairah border is 4.5 Km northeast of the
Project site. The nearest port in Oman is Sohar and it lies approximately 80 km
from the Project site.

QPMC has engaged Al Sarh JV to design and construct all the facilities for quarry
development. Al Sarh JV (hereafter referred to as the Client) has appointed
COWI as the marine consultant for the Project, responsible for carrying out
engineering consultancy services related to the marine facilities.

The overall Master Plan of the project is shown in Figure 1-1 and the conceptual
layout of the marine facility is shown in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-1 Project Master Plan (Drawing No RE 9998/A/100, Rev 2 dated 30

September 2018) Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


Figure 1-2 Layout of Marine Facility (Ref (Al Sarh JV, 2018)).

1.2 General
This Specification addresses the rock works required for the construction of the
Solid Core Approach structure (Causeway) as part of the planned Gabbro Quarry
Development Project in Khatmat Malaha, near the Fujairah-Oman border in

The rock works shall include different classes of rock to form the following parts
of the Causeway:

› Quarry run fill material for bedding and core.

› Rock underlayer.

› Amour rock layer.

1.3 Scope of Works

The Scope of Works that this Specification applies to comprises:

› Procurement of rock material, which shall include selection of the quarry for
production of rock material required, quality control of quarry operations,
testing and certification of rock material, and transportation and stockpiling
of the rock material on Site.

› Construction of the causeway with quarry run core, under layer and
armoured side slopes.

The Scope of Work is detailed further in the Drawings.

1.4 Definitions
Definitions relevant to this document are listed here.

Company: Qatar Primary Materials Company (QMPC). Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


Engineer: The Company's representative on Site.

Contractor: Al Sarh JV.

Consultant: COWI A/S.

1.5 Abbreviations
Where used within, the following abbreviations, word foreshortenings and units
refer to the following:

BS British Standard

CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association

Dn50 Nominal Diameter (cube length of the median rock,

Dn50 =(M50 ⁄ρ)1⁄3 , where ρ is the density of the rock).

ELL Extreme Lower Limit (for heavy grading (HM) rocks: the mass
below which no more than 5% passing by mass is permitted; for
light grading (LM) rocks: the mass below which no more than 2%
passing by mass is permitted).

EN Eurocodes/norms

EUL Extreme Upper Limit (the mass below which no less than 97%
passing by mass is permitted).

HM Heavy Gradings (represent larger sized rocks appropriate for

armour layers – normally handled individually).

LM Light Gradings (represent smaller sized rocks appropriate for

armour layers, underlayers and filter layers – produced in bulk,
usually by crusher opening and grid bar separation).

Mem Effective Mean Mass (arithmetic average mass of all rocks in the
sample, excluding those which fall below the ELL for the grading

M50 Median Mass (the mass for which 50% of the material is lighter on
the cumulative weight distribution curve).

NLL Nominal Lower Limit (the mass below which no more than 10%
passing by mass is permitted).

NUL Nominal Upper Limit (the mass below which no less than 70%
passing by mass is permitted). Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


2 Rock Works

2.1 Standards and Codes

Except where other requirements are specifically stated in this Specification, all
material, workmanship, sampling and testing shall comply with
recommendations and guidelines given in "The Rock Manual: The use of rock in
hydraulic engineering (2nd Edition), C683, CIRIA, London (2007)".

Where the Specification refers to a particular standard or code, such standards

and codes shall be complied with, using their current issue. The following codes
and standards are referred in this Specification:

Reference Title Description

BS 6349 Code of Practice for Maritime Structures

BS 812-121: 1989 Testing aggregates. Method for determination of


CIRIA C683: 2007 Rock Manual – The use of rock in hydraulic


EN 13383-2:2002 Armour stone – Test Methods

EN 1926:1999 Natural stone test methods – Determination of

Compressive Strength

EN 1097-2:2010 Test for mechanical and physical properties of

aggregates. Methods for the determination of
resistance to fragmentation.

ISRM:1985 International Society for Rock Mechanics:

Suggested Methods for Determining Point Load

2.2 Rock Materials

2.2.1 Grading

Armour Rock, Under Layer and Quarry Run

The grading requirements of armour rock, under layer rock and quarry run rock
proposed to be used in the design of causeway is shown in Table 2-1.

The grading curve limits are defined based on Ref (CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF, 2007).
The grading curves of the selected materials shall be within the limits shown Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


Table 2-1 Rock grading class characteristics based on Ref (CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF,

Grading curve limits (kg) Mem (kg)

Rock class
ELL NLL NUL EUL Lower Upper Used for
(<5%) (<10%) (>70%) (>97%) limit limit

4000-7500* 2500 3600 7200 10500 5200 5600

3000-6000 2000 3000 6000 9000 4200 4800 Armour

1000-3000 700 1000 3000 4500 1700 2100

300-1000 200 300 1000 1500 540 690

0.1-500 0.1 Wide graded 500 - - Quarry Run

* Grading limits of non-standard rock is estimated based on the detailed approach

provided in Ref (CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF, 2007) (Section

2.2.2 Shape
All material for armour rock and underlayer shall not contain more than 50% by
weight of stone with a length to thickness ratio (L/d) greater than 2 and not
more than 5% of rocks shall have L/d greater than 3.

The length L is defined as the greatest distance between two points on the rock
(e.g. diametrically opposite corners of a cuboidal block) and the thickness d as
the minimum distance between two parallel straight lines through which the rock
can just pass. The sampling shall be undertaken in accordance with Section 3.8
of Ref (CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF, 2007) using at least 50 pieces taken at random
from stones greater in weight than the ELL.

Rock shall have high angularity and sharpness. Blocks showing clear signs of
significant edge or corner wear or severe rounding shall not be accepted.

2.2.3 Rock Quality

All rock material shall be durable, sound and of sufficient hardness to resist
weathering and shall be free of flaws, rifts, laminations, cracks, clay
components, seams, and other blemishes which may impair their strength,
durability or function. It should be sound enough not to fracture or disintegrate
from air-seawater action or handling and placing. Quarried rock shall be free
from visually observable cracks, veins, fissures, shale layers, styolite seams,
laminations, foliation planes, cleavage planes, unit contacts or other such flaws
which could lead to breakage during loading, unloading or placing. Use of porous
and soft rock shall not be allowed in any type of the construction work. Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


Rock Material
All rocks shall be naturally occurring, dense, sound material quarried from an
approved source. Depending on the ability to provide rock that meets or exceeds
all specified material requirements, and the rate of supply required to satisfy
programme requirements, rock may be obtained from either local quarries or
may be imported from other sources. There shall, however, be no mixing of
locally-obtained and imported material, unless approved by the Engineer.

Quality Control Tests

Quality control testing shall be carried out by the Contractor at the quarry, prior
to transportation to the Site, as evidence of compliance of the source of material
with the criteria specified in Table 2-2 and Table 2-3. Testing of the materials to
check fulfillment of these criteria shall be carried out throughout the production
period for the Project, at the frequencies indicated in these tables. Testing shall
be conducted by an independent testing laboratory, approved by the Engineer.

Table 2-2 Summary of rock property requirements and frequency of testing for
armour rocks and underlayer rocks based on Ref (CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF,

Property Test standard Requirement Minimum test

frequency (1)

Grading (mass EN13383-2: 2002 Table 2-1 Every 5000T of

distribution) production

Block integrity CIRIA C683 (Section Bn < 7% Armour: Every 5000T of

test (drop test) and Table 3.12) IM50 < 5% (Field production
test) Underlayer: Every
10,000T of production

Mass Density EN13383-2: 2002 Average apparent Armour: Every 5000T of

(saturated (Clause 8) mass density ≥ production
surface dry CIRIA C683 (Table 3.12 2650 kg/m3 Underlayer: Every
density) and Section 10,000T of production

Water EN 13383-2: 2002 Average water Armour: Every 5000T of

absorption (Clause 8) absorption production
CIRIA C683 (Table 3.12 ≤ 2.0% Underlayer: Every
and Section 10,000T of production

Weathering EN 1367-2: 2009, Max 10% loss at 5 Armour: Every 5000T of

resistance CIRIA C683 (Table cycles production
(MgSO4 3.12) Underlayer: Every
soundness) 10,000T of production (3)

Compressive EN 1926:1999 (Annex >100 N/mm2 Armour: Every 5000T of

strength A) production
or or or Underlayer: Every
Point load ISRM (1985) ≥4MPa 10,000T of production

Abrasion EN 1097-2:2010 Loss of material < Armour: Every 5000T of

Resistance 25% production
(Los Angeles) Underlayer: Every
10,000T of production
(1) Additional
or more frequent testing may be required if the material or source varies or the
quarry is worked inconsistently.
(2) Rocks shall be free from visually observable cracks, veins, fissures, shale layers, stylolite Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


seams, laminations, foliation planes, cleavage planes, unit contacts or other such flaws
which could lead to breakage during loading, unloading or placing.
Additional set of tests shall be taken if the density of rock as determined in density
and/or water absorption test varies outside the specified limits stated herein.

Tests for strength, soundness (resistance to weathering), abrasion, breakage

and crushability shall be repeated every time a non-compliant result is observed
for mass density or for water absorption.

Contractor shall submit test results from an independent laboratory to Engineer

for approval. All non-conformances and proposed corrective actions shall be
reported to the Engineer immediately.

Rock, if already delivered to Site, but failing to meet the acceptance criteria shall
be removed from the Site immediately and disposed of at Contractor’s expense,
unless an alternative use is agreed with the Engineer. Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


Table 2-3 Summary of rock property requirements and frequency of testing for
quarry run based on Ref (CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF, 2007).

Property Test standard Requirement Minimum test


Grading (mass EN13383-2: 2002 Grading within Every 20,000T of

distribution) limits shown in production
Table 2-1 (to be
confirmed upon
approval of detailed

Density EN13383-2: 2002 Average apparent Every 20,000T of

(Clause 8) mass density ≥ production
CIRIA C683 (Table 2600 kg/m3
3.12 and Section

Water EN 13383-2: 2002 Average water Every 20,000T of

absorption (Clause 8) absorption production
CIRIA C683 (Table ≤ 3.0%
3.12 and Section

Weathering EN 1367-2: 2009, Max 20% loss at 5 Every 20,000T of

resistance CIRIA C683 (Table cycles production
(MgSO4 3.12)

Compressive EN 1926:1999 > 70N/mm2 Every 20,000T of

strength (Annex A) or production
or or ≥ 4MPa
Point load ISRM (1985)

Los Angeles EN 1097-2:2010 Loss of material < Every 20,000T of

test 30% production

2.3 Quarry Operations

Prior to the agreement to the use of a proposed source, Contractor shall provide
evidence of rock selection quality control procedures in operation at the quarry,
which shall be approved by the Engineer.

Prior to delivery of any material to Site, the proposed quarry shall confirm they
can produce the required quantity and quality of material in compliance with this
Specification and the quarry shall be approved by the Engineer before producing
the rock material for this project.

2.3.1 Initial Approval Procedure

Prior to commencement of production of bulk quantities of rock, Contractor

› Submit to the Engineer for approval the methods to be used to quarry,

select, grade, handle, load, transport and place the rock and the quality Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


control procedures to be adopted at the quarry, both during delivery and on


› Arrange a meeting at the quarry in which the Engineer, Contractor and the
Quarry Managers shall be present to discuss and agree the methods to be
used, to inspect samples of the rock and to witness gradation and weight
tests on the samples.

Prior to first delivery is made to Site, for each of the different construction
materials, the following sampling is required:

› Provide at least 3 m3 samples of each grade of rock and in addition, five

armour stones indicative of the size range within the required grading The
quantity of rock in each sample shall be sufficient to define the grading and

› Representative samples of all material grading classes shall have been

tested and found compliant in every respect with the requirements of this
Specification. The samples shall be approved by the Engineer.

› Two complete sets of approved samples for each material type, grading and
source, shall be clearly identified by indelible markings stating designation
in terms of specified grading, mass and source. One set of approved
samples shall be kept for reference at the point of loading (e.g. quarry)
while the other set shall be kept for reference at the point of unloading (e.g.
construction site). Each sample is to allow visual comparison with the bulk

› Where materials are sourced from more than one location, the procedure
described above shall be applied to each source (e.g. each different

All sampling and testing shall be recorded in writing and shall have full
traceability so that test results will relate to material at specific locations in the
finished works.

2.4 Transportation and Stockpiling

Rock shall be transported to the Site of the permanent works along an approved
route in such a manner as to minimise segregation of the rock. Contractor shall:

› Obtain the approval of the Engineer and the appropriate Authorities, in case
special transportation or highway use is required.

› Avoid damage to public or private roads and shall repair any damage that
does occur during transportation.

› Trucks used to transport rock for this Contract shall be specifically prepared
for hauling rock and shall have tail boards or scow-ends. If transporting Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


armour stone on flat wagon, adequate chains and slings shall be used and
verified before it leaves the quarry ensuring optimum security. No other
mode of rock transportation may be employed unless approved by the

› If sea transportation is used, all barges shall be seaworthy and have the
necessary safety certificates and insurance issued by the relevant
authorities. Permission for safe mooring of sea transport vessels shall be
obtained from the Engineer and other relevant authorities. Contractor shall
have an emergency procedure in place should there be an imminent threat
of sea and wind conditions beyond the safe mooring design conditions.

Stockpiling procedures at Site shall be such that degradation or segregation of

the material and the introduction of foreign material into the stockpile is
prevented. Rocks of different class designation shall be stored in separate
stockpiles in the quarry, at Site and/or in barges at sea. The stockpiles shall be
formed so that they do not constitute a hazard; the locations, side slopes and
heights and other factors affecting safety shall be as approved. Stockpiles shall
not obstruct normal roadway, pedestrian and boat access or use. Special
attention shall be made to the materials at the bottom of the stock piles to avoid
mixing or contamination.

2.5 Rock Placement

Rock structures shall be built to the lines and levels according to the Drawings
and with method statement and sequence of construction, all approved by the

The placing of material shall ensure that none of the underlying layers (i.e.
quarry run) is left unprotected for a duration greater than agreed between the
Contractor and the Engineer. If the operation has to be interrupted for longer
periods, temporary protection of the underlying layers shall be provided with the
same material as to be used for the final construction.

2.5.1 Individually Placed Rock

Placing of armour rock shall comply with the following requirements:

› Armour layers shall have a minimum thickness equivalent to two stone


› Armour rocks defined in Table 2-1 shall be individually placed to achieve a

dense protection so that each armour stone is securely held in place by its
neighbours. Placing shall commence at the toe and proceed upwards
towards the crest.

› Individually placed rocks shall not be dropped or tipped into position, but
shall be placed piece by piece into the structure to achieve a minimum
"three-point support" and be stable to the lines and levels shown in the Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


Drawings. Any stone when placed must not be able to move/rock and its
stability must not depend on frictional resistance.

› Unless otherwise stated, the surface of the armoured slope shall present an
angular uneven face to the water to achieve the desired energy dissipation
of waves. Rocks shall generally be placed with their long axes normal to the
slope. Pieces of armour stone smaller than the equivalent of the ELL value
of the grading shall not be used to fill interstices in order to achieve the
required profile.

› Armour stone shall be placed in such a manner as to avoid the displacement

of the underlying subgrade.

› Any void below the finished profile level as shown in the drawings in excess
of 0.75Dn50 shall be filled with appropriate stone/stones.

› Armour rock broken during handling or placing shall be removed. Subject to

approval of the Engineer, broken armour rock may be included in smaller
rock grades.

Armour rocks shall be placed to the levels, dimensions and slopes shown on the
Drawings. The surface profile of rock placed as armour, when measured using
the techniques specified in Ref (CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF, 2007) (spherical probe),
shall comply with vertical tolerances presented in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4 Vertical tolerances for armour rock placement

Armour rock Armour rock individually placed with land

individually placed based equipment
with water-based Individual Design Profile to
equipment Measurements actual mean profile
Dry or Above low ± 0.3Dn50 +0.35 to -0.25 Dn50
water level
±0.8 Dn50
Below low water ± 0.5Dn50 +0.60 to -0.40 Dn50
placed using

Note: A positive (+) tolerance shall mean that the actual profile is above the design
profile, a negative (-) tolerance shall mean that the actual profile is below the design

Notwithstanding the point tolerances above, the following shall also apply:

› The tolerances on two consecutive mean actual profiles shall not be


› Notwithstanding any accumulation of positive tolerances on underlying

layers, the thickness of the layer shall not be less than 80% of the nominal
thickness when calculated using mean actual profiles. Where an
accumulation of positive tolerances arises and is acceptable to the ER, the
position of the design profiles will need to be adjusted to suit.

› Horizontal tolerance of profile relative to setting-out lines shall be 0.5 m. Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


2.5.2 Bulk Material

Placing of bulk material (quarry run) shall comply with the following

› Rock material shall be placed so as to achieve an even distribution of rock

sizes without concentration of smaller rock sizes.

› Placing core material with a split-hopper and a flat top barge is permitted
provided that the position of the vessel and the dumping can be controlled
in such a way that the materials are placed within required lines and levels.
The material may be placed by controlled side or other dumping procedure
provided that the requirements to tolerances are met.

› Rock material shall be placed to achieve a dense core but shall not be

› Rock material shall be placed carefully to avoid damage to the surface


Vertical placing tolerances for bulk placed material shall be in accordance with
the following:

Table 2-5 Vertical placing tolerances for bulk placed material in core (point

Bulk placed rock with land- Bulk placed rock with

based equipment water-based equipment
Dry or Above low water level ±0.2 m
+0.5 m to -0.3 m
Below low water placed using +0.5 m to -0.3 m

Note: A positive (+) tolerance shall mean that the actual profile is above the design
profile, a negative (-) tolerance shall mean that the actual profile is below the design

Horizontal tolerance of profile relative to setting-out lines shall be 0.5 m.

2.6 Inspection

2.6.1 Quality Control Data

Quality control for materials and workmanship shall be performed throughout
the Works, strictly following the requirements of this Specification.

2.6.2 Sampling
For each of the different construction materials, before the first delivery is made
to Site, the following sampling is required: Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


› Representative samples of all material grading classes shall have been

tested and found compliant in every respect with the requirements of this
Specification. The samples shall be approved by the Engineer.

› For each material type, grading and source, two complete sets of approved
samples shall be clearly identified by indelible markings stating designation
in terms of specified grading, mass and source. One set of approved
samples shall be kept for reference at the point of loading (e.g. quarry)
while the other set shall be kept for reference at the point of unloading (e.g.
construction site).

› Where materials are sourced from more than one location, the procedure
described above shall be applied to each source (e.g. each different

All sampling and testing shall be recorded in writing and shall have full
traceability so that test results will relate to material at specific locations in the
finished works.

2.6.3 Construction Surveys

The Contractor shall submit a detailed Method Statement for Inspection Test
Plan (ITPs) to the Engineer for approval prior to commencing construction
activities. The Engineer shall have full access to all survey results and their
interpretation and comparison with the levels as specified by the Drawings.
Independent checks and surveys may be carried out by the Engineer at any

Survey Methods
Before placing rock, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, details
of the survey methods to be adopted to ensure accurate setting out, alignment,
level and cross-sectional control during construction of all the layers of the rock

Notice of Surveys
Contractor shall give an agreed minimum period prior notice to the Engineer and
shall provide facilities for his attendance during surveys. The minimum period
shall take into account the working method, sea state and current conditions.

Prior to the commencement of the work, Contractor shall carry out a joint
bathymetric and topographic in-survey to survey the existing seabed and
immediate landside areas.

Test Panels
At the commencement of rock structure, Contractor shall construct a 10-15m
long part, designated as the test panel. The test panel shall demonstrate the
quality of placing of all layers including the core and armour rocks for approval Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


by the Engineer. The standard of rock placing below water should not be inferior
to that above water. Contractor shall obtain approval of each layer or element
prior to commencing the placement of the next and shall make any adjustments
necessary to obtain ER’s approval.

For each approved test panel, Contractor shall record accurately for agreement:
› The grading of each rock class.
› The quantity (tonnes) and volume (m3) of material used in each rock
› The slope/s.
› The levels of the crest/toe or change of slope.

During the progress of the Works, the Contractor may, from time to time, be
required to demonstrate that the rock placing density being achieved is in
accordance with the approved test panel for that particular section of Works.
The visual quality achieved in test panels shall be maintained throughout the
remainder of the Works. Areas of armour rock rejected on visual quality grounds
shall be reworked until test panel quality is achieved. Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx


3 References
Al Sarh JV. (2018). Tender Design Drawings. 1.2 General Plan Drawing, Sheet 2
of 8.
Al Sarh JV. (30 September 2018.). Overall Master Plan. Drawing No RE
9998/A/100, Rev 2.
CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF. (2007). The Rock Manual - The use of rock in hydraulic
engineering (2nd edition). C683, CIRIA, London. Project documents/03_Documents/12 Technical Specification/Rock Specifications/A107295-PS-003-4.0.docx

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