Image Theory

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Image Theory

Image theory
Vertical dipole above ground plane

Etotal = Ed + Er
Horizontal dipole above ground plane
Monopole Antenna
1. Monopole of height h produces
the same field strength as does the
dipole of length 2h, when fed with
the same current.

2. But as it radiates only through the

hemispherical surface above the
plane, its radiated power is only
half that of corresponding dipole.

3. Radiation resistance is half of that

of corresponding dipole.
1.8 GHz 0.9 GHz
1.2 GHz
Dipole Design Monopole Design

𝑙 = 0.24 𝜆0 F
𝑙 = 0.48 𝜆0 F

1 + 𝑙/𝑎

a is the diameter of the wire

l- length of dipole
Folded Dipole: To match zin with the impedance of that of a 2 wire line of 300 - 600Ჲ

Transmission line mode Antenna Mode


Zt=jZo tan (βl/2)

Folded Dipole: To match zin with the impedance of that of a 2 wire line of 300 - 600Ჲ

One dipole Prad=( Io2/2) Rrad

Folded dipole Prad=( (Io/2)2/2) Rrad

(Rrad)folded = 4 (Rrad)dipole

For half wave dipole Rin = Rrad

For half wave 2 line folded dipole Rin = 4x73=292

(Rrad)folded = 9 (Rrad)dipole

For half wave 3 line folded dipole Rin = 9x73=657

Zin=n2 Zdipole
Bandwidth and Impedance Compensation

Series resonance Q <<

Q >>> Q= f0/BW
Q= f0/BW
The magnetic field strength of 5μA/mis required at a point on Ѳ = π/2, 2 Km from an antenna in air. Neglecting the ohmic losses,
How much power must the antenna transmit if it is

a) Infinitesimal dipole (b) A half wave dipole (c) A quarter wave monopole
• References
• C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design (3rd eds.), John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ,

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