Iso 21009-2-2015
Iso 21009-2-2015
Iso 21009-2-2015
STANDARD 21009-2
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 21009-2:2015(E)
© ISO 2015
ISO 21009-2:2015(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Personnel training .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
5 General safety requirements ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2 Sa fety considerations ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
6 Installation ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
6.1 General requirements ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.2 Outdoor installation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.3 Indoor installation ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.4 Sa fety distances ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7 Inspection .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.2 Inspection before putting into service ............................................................................................................................... 6
7.3 Marking and labelling ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.4 Handover documents ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
7.5 Equipment................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.6 Periodic inspection .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
7.6.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.6.2 Inspections ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
7.7 Inspection of pressure-relief devices................................................................................................................................... 7
7.7.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.7.2 Certificates and marking ........................................................................................................................................... 8
7.7.3 Visual inspection .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
7.7.4 Performance test.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
7.7.5 Changing bursting discs (inner vessel) ........................................................................................................ 9
8 Putting into service ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
9 Filling ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
10 Taking out of service ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
11 Maintenance and repair ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
12 Additional requirements for flammable gases .................................................................................................................. 11
12.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
12.2 Electrical equipment....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
1 2 .3 Grounding (earthing) system .................................................................................................................................................. 11
12.4 Installation ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
12.5 Filling............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
12.6 Maintenance, repair and taking out of service ......................................................................................................... 13
13 Emergency equipment/procedures .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Annex A (informative) Safety distances .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary in formation
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 220, Cryogenic vessels.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 21009-2:2006), which has been
technically revised.
ISO 21009 consists of the following parts, under the general title Cryogenic vessels — Static vacuum
insulated vessels
1 Scope
T h i s p ar t o f I S O 2 10 0 9 s p e c i fie s op erationa l re qui rements for s tatic vac uu m i n s u late d ve s s el s de s igne d
Static c r yo genic ve s s el s a re o ften p ar tly e qu ipp e d b y the manu fac turer, but may b e i n s ta l le d or re -
s p e c i fic r e g u l atio n s .
o cc up ation a l s a fe ty a nd he a lth . W here there i s a con fl ic t b e twe en the re qu i rements o f th i s I ntern ation a l Sta nd a rd
2 Normative references
T he fol lowi ng re ference d do c u ments , i n whole or i n p ar t, are normati vely re ference d i n th i s do c u ment
and are i nd i s p en s able for its appl ic ation . For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition c ite d appl ie s . For
u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d do c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s .
putting into service
op eration b y wh ich a vessel (3.8) is prepared to be used
N o te 1 to e ntr y: I t ap p l ie s to e i the r a ne w ve s s e l b e i n g u s e d fo r the fi r s t ti me o r a n e x i s ti n g ve s s e l b e i n g
returned to service.
o p e rati o n b y wh i ch a vessel (3.8 ) u nde r go e s a p re fi l l c he ck, fi l l i n g w i th a c r yo ge n ic flu i d a nd a n
a fte r- fi l l c he ck
op eration b y wh ich the pro duc t i s ta ken from a vessel (3.8 ) con ne c te d to the s upply s ys tem
outdoor location
location outside o f any building or structure and not enclosed by more than two walls
underground location
area or room whose ground or floor is on all sides significantly lower than the adjacent ground sur faces
Note 1 to entry: Installations are to be considered on an individual basis a fter a suitable and su fficient risk
assessment has been carried out.
safety distance
minimum distance separating a piece of equipment from its inherent hazard that will mitigate the effect
o f a likely foreseeable incident and prevent a minor incident escalating into a larger incident
Note 1 to entry: The sa fety distance will also be determined to provide protection from foreseeable external impact
(e.g. roadway, flare) or activities outside the control o f the operation (e.g. plant or customer station boundary).
gas release
escape o f gas due to operating conditions, or to mal functions that cannot be reasonably excluded
Note 1 to entry: Gas release for operating reasons can be produced, for example, on vent lines and pressure-
release lines.
Note 2 to entry: Gas escape due to mal functions which cannot be excluded can occur, for example, in the case o f
overfilling, failure o f fittings, loose connections, faulty operation, and leakages.
thermally insulated vessel intended for use with one or more cryogenic fluids in a stationary condition
[SOURCE: ISO 21009-1, 3.19, modified: Term changed to short form “vessel” for this document]
4 Personnel training
Only persons trained for the specific task shall be allowed to install, put into service, fill, handle, operate
or maintain the vessel and its equipment.
The training programme shall include
— normal operating procedures;
— product and hazard identification;
— sa fe operating limits;
— emergency procedures;
— physical and chemical properties o f the vessel’s contents and their e ffects on the human body;
— personnel protective equipment (e.g. sa fety boots, goggles, gloves).
Training shall be repeated as necessary to ensure that personnel remain competent. A training record
shall be maintained which details the information personnel have received.
5.1 General
In all operations and training, the following sa fety considerations shall be taken into account:
— Small amounts o f cryogenic fluids will produce large volumes o f vaporized gas. Spillage o f oxygen can
result in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere; spillage o f other cryogenic fluids can result in an oxygen-
deficient atmosphere. Provision is to be made for appropriate measures for this, e.g. ventilation.
— Due to the possibility o f cold embrittlement, cryogenic fluids shall not come in contact with materials
(metals or plastics) which are not suitable for low temperatures.
— Because o f their extremely low temperatures, cryogenic fluids will produce cold burns when
coming in contact with the skin. Cold burns can also be produced from contact with uninsulated
equipment and pipe.
— Oxygen enrichment due to lique faction o f ambient air can occur on the cold sur faces o f uninsulated
equipment which contain fluids with a boiling point lower than that o f oxygen.
6 Installation
Vessels shall be installed and operated in such a way, that employees or third parties are not endangered.
Necessary minimum sa fety distances shall be observed; see also Annex A.
Vessels shall be installed so that the name plate is easily readable.
The installation should allow inspection of vessels on all sides. All vessel controls shall be capable of
being operated sa fely.
Vessels shall be installed in such a way that their filling operation can be carried out sa fely and easily.
Vessels shall be erected in such a way that no inadmissible misalignment or inclination can occur due to
— the actual foundations;
— the inherent mass o f the vessel including its contents;
— external forces, e.g. seismic loads, wind loads.
© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 3
ISO 21009-2:2015(E)
If reasonable attempts to install the vessel outdoors fail, an indoor installation is permitted. Indoor
installation shall comply with the following sa fety precautions.
The entrance of rooms in which vessels are installed shall be labelled. Reference shall be made to the
relevant hazards of the gas.
Rooms shall:
— have sel f-closing doors, where these do not lead directly outside;
— consist o f materials which are fire resistant or non-combustible, with the exception o f windows and
other closures o f apertures in external walls;
— be separated from other rooms and have a fire resistance up to 30 min;
— be separated from rooms normally occupied by the public in a gas-tight manner and without
any apertures;
— have adequate ventilation — gas release from the trycock valve shall be taken into account when
assessing the ventilation requirements.
Precautions/procedures shall be implemented to ensure that personnel entering or within the rooms
are not exposed to hazardous atmospheres.
Rooms containing vessels shall not be used in any other way which may be a danger to the vessels due
to mechanical e ffects, fire or explosion.
All fill connections, hose drains, pressure gauges, liquid level gauges, and vents necessary to fill the
vessel sa fely shall be fixed piping to a sa fe outdoor location. All pressure-relie f devices shall be fixed
piping to a safe outdoor location. All piping shall be compatible for the appropriate liquid and gaseous
service and designed with no restrictions that affect the safe operation of the vessel.
All pressure-relief devices shall be designed for indoor service.
In rooms, there shall be no
— air intake openings for the ventilation o f other rooms;
— open ducts;
— duct inlets unprotected against the ingress o f gas;
— open sha fts;
— openings to lower rooms.
6.4 Safety distances
The minimum sa fety distances are not intended to provide protection against catastrophic events
or major releases, which should be addressed by other means to reduce their frequency and/or
consequences to an acceptable level.
Included in sa fety distances are:
— distance between the vessel and neighbouring installations, buildings or public roads, in order to
protect the vessel from any damage, such as heating as a result o f fire or mechanical damage;
— distance between the vessel and an object outside the installation which has to be protected from
the effects of a gas release arising from normal operation.
These distances are measured from those points on a vessel from which, in the normal course of operation,
a release of product can occur, e.g. vent point, fill connection, flanges and other mechanical joints.
The sa fety distance is the distance, outside o f which,
— in the case o f flammable gases, danger through formation o f an explosive atmosphere is eliminated,
i.e. the lower explosive limit (LEL) is not exceeded;
— in the case o f inert and oxidizing gases, danger from oxygen deficiency or enrichment is eliminated.
The sa fety distances may be reduced i f a suitable and su fficient risk assessment is completed and
documented by the owner/operator.
Recommended safety distances based on experience and calculation of minor release are given in Annex A.
7 Inspection
7.1 General
In addition to the manu facturer’s documentation, where necessary the vessel shall be accompanied by
vessel-specific documents and instructions for all items supplied, covering
— operations;
— auxiliary equipment;
— inspection records.
As appropriate, these documents shall be retained by the owner or user o f the vessel.
The user shall have appropriate operating instructions available. Such instructions may be attached to
the vessel in a permanent manner.
7.5 Equipment
Perform the following equipment checks, when related to safe operation of the vessel.
— Check devices against overpressure for availability, appropriate choice and setting, appropriate
arrangement, safe venting location and, in so far as possible, for performance/correct operation.
— Check measuring devices for their availability and appropriate choice in respect o f the suitability o f
the measuring range and, in so far as possible, for performance/correct operation.
— Check shut-o ff devices for availability, appropriate choice and arrangement in respect o f pressure
and temperature and, in so far as possible, for performance/correct operation.
— Check other fittings (e.g. fill couplings, gauges and controlling devices), in particular with regard to
the medium to be supplied and vented; and where these are automatically driven or controlled, also
their per formance in the event o f a power cut or loss o f pneumatic supply. As a minimum, coupling
types for oxidizing and non-oxidizing products should be di fferent.
The vessel’s connections shall be tested for leak-tightness before putting into service.
7.6.1 General
No ex terna l or i nterna l de grad ation me cha ni s m i s re a s onably fore s e e able on the i n ner ve s s el b e c au s e
o f the natu re o f c r yo gen ic flu id s , thei r temp erature s , the me ta l l ic materi a l s o f con s truc tion u s e d, a nd
the fac t that the i nner ve s s el i s i n s ide an evac uate d outer j acke t.
T here fore, no i n- s er vice i n s p e c tion o f the i nner ves s el or the i ns ide s u r face o f the outer j acke t i s re qui re d .
NO TE C or ro s ion a l lowa nce on s u r face s in contac t with the op erati ng flu id or exposed to the vac uu m
i nters p ace b e twe en the i n ner ve s s el a nd the outer j acke t a s wel l a s i n s p e c tio n o p en i n gs i s no t p rovide d i n the
7.6.2 Inspections
— a s s e s s ment o f any change s o f the op erationa l cond ition s o f the i n s ta l lation a nd its s urround i ngs;
Vac uu m me as u rement s hou ld on ly b e p er forme d when the therma l p er forma nce i s defic ient a s no te d
b y ve s s el o p eration .
regulations, the operating conditions and the recommendations of the manufacturer, but should
typic a l ly no t e xce e d five ye a rs . T he i n s p e c tion sh a l l b e re corde d .
7.7.1 General
T he exam i nation s and the i n s p e c tion i nter va l s s ha l l b e de term i ne d b y the authori z e d p ers on accord i ng
to the local regulations and operating conditions, taking into consideration the recommendations of the
manufacturer. Recommended inspection intervals are given in Table 1.
T a b l e 1 — E x a m i n a t i o n / i n s p e c t i o n i n t e r v a l s
10 years
Type of pressure-relief device Putting into service Yearly 5 years
Pilot operated 7.7.2 7.7.4 —
Reclosable 7.7.3 — 7.7.4
Thermal reclosable 7.7.2 — 7.7.3
Non-reclosable 7.7.2 — 7.7.3
M ateri a l prop er tie s , corro s ion by the me d iu m or from the outs ide, and p o s s ible pluggi ng s ha l l b e
considered. An alternative to the performance test of the pressure-relief devices is to replace them. The
in s p e c tion s s ha l l b e c a rrie d out b y an authori z e d p ers on .
I n s p e c tion i nter va l s may exce e d five ye ars i f s ys tem and e qu ipment p er formance te s ts demon s trate
Where re du nda nc y is provide d , the i n s p e c tion i nter va l s may be e xtende d in agre ement with an
authorized person.
7 . 7 . 2 C e r ti fi c a te s a n d m a r ki n g
T he cer ti fic ate s and marki ng or ma nu fac turer ’s de cla ration/data sh a l l b e e xa m i ne d b y an authori z e d
— s u itabi l ity (flu id s , s i ze, temp erature, pre s s u re, s e tti ng) .
T he vi s ua l i n s p e c tion s ha l l i nclude a che ck o f cer ti fic ate s and marki ngs i n accorda nce with 7.7.2.
Within the visual inspection, the following should be checked:
— genera l cond ition;
— i n s ta l lation/orientation;
— le a k tightne s s;
— vent lo c ation;
The performance test shall include a visual inspection in accordance with 7.7.3. In addition, reclosable
pressure relief devices shall either be replaced or undergo a functional test (lift or set pressure test)
either or off the vessel.
in situ
The per formance test may be made with the valve installed or on the test bench. The results o f the tests
shall be recorded and kept at least until the next inspection.
7 . 7 . 5 C h a n g i n g b u r s ti n g d i s c s ( i n n e r ve s s e l )
Non-reclosable pressure-relie f devices, where fitted, shall be replaced according to the instructions o f
the pressure relief device manufacturer
8 Putting into service
This operation shall follow a written procedure and the results of the steps involved shall be recorded
(e.g. in a check list). Such lists shall be retained by the operating company.
The vessel and accessories shall be checked in accordance with 7.2 and 7.5.
The vessel shall be purged with an appropriate gas until the gas emerging from the vessel is su fficiently
dry and pure.
The vessel shall be cooled down according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Steps shall be
taken to avoid uncontrolled pressure rise due to rapid liquid evaporation.
9 Filling
Prior to filling the condition o f the vessel shall be checked, especially the
— data plate/product identification label;
— correct coupling for the product; and
— condition o f coupling and hose (not damaged, dirty, excessively iced).
An external visual inspection of the vessel and equipment shall be performed, to ensure that the vacuum
between inner vessel and outer jacket remains intact (checking o f abnormal frosting on tank sur face;
gas venting from a vacuum protection device; relie f valves are continually venting). I f the vessel has lost
vacuum, the owner o f the vessel shall immediately investigate the cause o f the vacuum loss. Where a
vacuum loss is believed to be associated with an internal pipe failure, for example vapour escaping from
the vacuum relie f device(s), then the vessel shall be made sa fe by immediately reducing the pressure to
atmospheric and emptying all cryogenic liquid in a sa fe manner. The reduction o f pressure is the most
significant action to reduce the level o f hazard. For more in formation, in particular to di fferentiate
between loss o f vacuum and vacuum decay, see Appendix E o f EIGA IGC doc 115/12 or CGA SB-45.
The fill hose should be purged. Depending on the type o f vessel, it may be filled by volume or by mass
to the level the vessel is designed for, taking into account product density. The necessary measuring
equipment shall be in good working order and within the calibration period where required.
I f there is no residual pressure in the vessel prior to filling, it should be purged to remove possible
I f the vessel is warm, it should be cooled down gradually according to manu facturer’s recommendations.
Carbon dioxide vessels shall be pressurized to at least 0,7 MPa (7 bar) with gaseous carbon dioxide
be fore filling with liquid.
The purity o f the residual product in the vessel shall be analysed and recorded where required by
specification. Where the purity o f the residual product is outside specification, the vessel should be
purged until it meets specification.
A fter filling the vessel, mass or level o f contents and pressure shall be checked and, i f necessary, the
vessel should be vented to reach the level required by specification.
I f required by specification, the vessel contents shall be analysed and recorded.
It shall be checked that all filling valves are closed, that no cold spots have developed and that valves,
piping and fittings are free from leaks.
Modifications in design, materials and equipment or repairs shall be approved by an authorized person
and documentation updated accordingly (see also ISO 21009-1).
Hot work (welding, soldering, heat treatment and heating, etc.) shall be carried out to the same
procedures (fabrication, qualification o f personnel, testing, certification, etc.) as during manu facture.
I f at any time it is necessary to break the seal for adjustment o f a pressure-relie f valve, the valve shall be
removed from service until it has been reset and sealed. Any adjustment necessary shall be made by the
manu facturer or another company qualified by the manu facturer for the repair, adjustment and testing
of such valves.
The organization making such adjustment shall attach a permanent tag with the setting, capacity and
date to the pressure-relief valve.
Where repair or modification which may have a ffected the integrity o f the vessel has been carried out,
the vessel shall be inspected and tested in accordance with ISO 21009-1.
The test shall be carried out by an authorized person.
Vessels shall be internally clean, dry and free from particulate matter and contaminants; vessels for
oxidizing fluids shall be free from oil and grease.
Vessels containing CO2 shall be depressurized using a written procedure. Liquid-CO 2 vessels that have
lost pressure shall be repressurized using a written procedure. The material properties of the vessel
and applied stresses shall be considered.
NOTE For guidance, see IGC Doc. 164/10/e or CGA G-6.7.
12.1 General
Vessels shall be installed and operated in such a way that employees or third parties are not endangered.
Necessary sa fety distances shall be observed (see also Annex A).
Precautions shall be taken when approaching a leak as the product may ignite and produce a flame.
Products such as hydrogen require specific care as the flame is invisible.
Care shall be taken in the choice of personnel clothing, to protect as much as possible against static
charges and flames. Electrically conductive footwear shall be worn.
When under pressure, leaking valves or connections shall only be tightened using suitable tools (e.g.
non-sparking tools) and procedures.
12.2 Electrical equipment
All equipment used and installed within the boundary o f the installation shall be in accordance with
the requirements o f the hazardous area classification.
All electrical component installation and grounding shall be inspected by an authorized person to
ensure local regulations are satisfied.
In the classified areas, personnel shall not be permitted to carry sources o f flames or non-approved
electrical equipment. Consideration shall be given also to all electrical equipment, e.g. mobile phones,
12.3 Grounding (earthing) system
All parts o f the installation shall be bonded to ensure electrical continuity.
Major items o f equipment such as the tank and vent stack shall be bonded directly to the earth point
and not rely upon the piping as a means to earth.
Installations shall be earthed in accordance with national regulations. Consideration shall be given to
the need for lightning protection.
For transferring processes between several installations or between static vessels and transportable
vessels, equalizing o f the electrical potentials is necessary.
The electrical equalization shall be made in a non-flammable environment.
12.4 Installation
Vessels for flammable gases shall not be installed indoors unless permitted by national regulations.
Vessels for flammable gases shall have adequate distance between each other and any other vessels to
allow access for fire-fighting.
In the case o f cylindrical vessels, an adequate distance is hal f the diameter o f the vessel, but at least 1 m.
The ground in the area o f connections and fittings shall be such that escaping fluid cannot penetrate it,
or collect in dangerous quantities.
Special layout o f the ground is not required i f the connections including the fittings on the liquid phase —
with the exception of the process measuring and control lines — have no detachable connections.
All vent pipes, including pressure-relief devices and purging valves, shall be connected to a vent
line (stack).
The vent line shall ensure a sa fe venting. It may not issue at a point where a build-up o f gas might be
possible, for example under the eaves of buildings.
The collection of water, including condensate, in the vent line (stack) shall be prevented.
In explosion zones, there shall only be constructions and installations which serve for the operation
of the vessels.
Works and service roads and tracks are included in such installations.
Only vehicles which serve the operation o f the vessels shall travel on such tra ffic routes.
Vehicles with combustion engines or non-explosion-proof electrical equipment shall not travel in
explosion zones, unless a dangerous explosive atmosphere can reasonably be excluded.
The design o f the vessel support structure shall take into consideration the possibility o f fire
impingement. Appropriate precautions shall be taken, e.g. installation design, thermal insulation, fire-
fighting methods.
In the storage areas for flammable gases, there shall be systems for warning in case o f fire or risk
of explosion.
In the area o f storage tanks for flammable gases with a capacity o f more than 50 t, an easily visible
wind direction indicator should be installed, e.g. a wind sock. If due to the nature of the installation
a local wind direction indicator is not practical, the wind direction may be indicated centrally at the
appropriate point for the emergency service, e.g. the works fire brigade.
In installations where the storage capacity exceeds 50 t, which are not occupied by personnel during
operation or are not regularly checked, automatic systems shall be in use for detecting and signalling
fires or the risk o f explosion, e.g. gas warning systems connected to a permanently manned position,
e.g. control room.
In these areas, there shall be an emergency shut-down system, with easily accessible signalling to a
permanently manned position. With the emergency shut-down systems, it shall be possible to block o ff
the connecting pipes between vessels and other parts of the installation, so that no additional dangers
arise. On vessels with a capacity o f more than 5 t, a remote-controlled shut o ff valve shall be fitted before
or a fter the first manual shut o ff valve connected to the liquid phase o f the filling and supply pipes.
A non-return valve may be built in the filling line instead o f the remote-controlled shut o ff valve.
12.5 Filling
Be fore starting the trans fer, the earthing conductor shall be connected, the integrity o f the grounding
system shall be checked against obvious damage, and the filling hose(s) shall be purged free o f air
and impurities.
12.6 Maintenance, repair and taking out of service
Where maintenance and repair work requires the system to be inerted, as well as when taking out o f
service, a purging with inert gas shall be carried out until the concentration o f flammable gas is below
50 % of the lower explosive limit.
13 Emergency equipment/procedures
Emergency procedures shall be prepared to cover fire or any other hazardous events, e.g. spills, which
can occur. Emergency procedures should be prepared in conjunction with the emergency services and
local conditions should be considered.
The procedure should consider
— the properties o f the cryogenic fluids;
— the quantities involved;
— the local topography;
— the design and equipment of the vessel.
The procedure should include
— listing o f emergency equipment required;
— nomination of back-up personnel/organizations for managing emergencies, and procedures for
contacting them both during and outside working hours;
— immediate self-help actions required (shut down, sounding alarms, evacuation from the area,
summoning help, etc.) .
The procedures should be readily available to all personnel involved, regularly practised, and checked
periodically to ensure that they are up to date.
For oxidizing and flammable fluids, a fire-fighting system shall be provided. The type and quantity
o f the fire-fighting equipment, depending on the size o f the installation, should be discussed with the
fire authorities.
As a minimum, it shall consist o f one suitable fire extinguisher for the surroundings. I f water is used to
keep equipment cool in the event o f fire, it should not be sprayed near relie f-device vents because o f the
potential danger of plugging vents with ice.
NOTE For emergency procedure, see ERI-Cards, (Emergency Response Intervention Cards), TREMcards
(TRansport EMergency cards) and MSDS (Material Sa fety Data Sheet).
Annex A
Safety distances
Sa fety distances are subject to each country’s national regulations. Table A.1 shows recommended
sa fety distances based on experience and calculation o f minor release.
T a b l e A . 1 — S a f e t y d i s t a n c e s
I n e r t f l u i d s O x i d i z i n g f l u i d s F l a m m a b l e f l u i d s
Vessel capacity
≤ 1 7 5 m
3 ≤ 5 0 t ≤ 2 0 0 t ≤ 5 t ≤ 5 0 t
For larger volumes/masses o f products in the vessel, sa fety distances are determined by a specific
hazard study.
[1] CGA G-6.7, Safe Handling of Liquid Carbon Dioxide Containers That Have Lost Pressure. Compressed
Gas A ssociation , 2009 (Available from the Compressed Gas Association, 14501 George Carter
Way, Suite 103, Chantilly VA 20151-1788, USA)
[2] CGA SB-45, Proper Handling o f Insulated Tanks that are in Obvious Signs o f Loss o f Vacuum.
Compressed Gas Association , 2011 (Available from the Compressed Gas Association, 14501
George Carter Way, Suite 103, Chantilly VA 20151-1788, USA)
[3] IGC doc. 115/12/E, Storage of cryogenic air gases at users’ premises. European Industrial Gases
Association, 2012 (Available from the European Industrial Gases Association,
[4] IGC doc. 164/10/E, Safe handling of liquid carbon dioxide containers that have lost pressure.
European Industrial Gases Association, 2010 (Available from the European Industrial Gases
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