Thesequenceinwhichtheprojectreportmaterial Should Be Arranged and Bound Should Be As Follows

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Thesequenceinwhichtheprojectreportmaterial should be

arranged and bound should be as follows

1. Cover Page
2. Title Page
3. Declaration by the Candidate
4. Certificate
5. Certificate by External Guide (Applicable for students doing project outside VIT)
6. Abstract
7. Acknowledgement
8. Table of Contents
9. List of Tables
10.List of Figures
11.List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature
12. Chapters of the Report
13.Conclusion & Future Work
14.References-APA FORMAT

Page Dimension and Binding Specifications

The dimension of the project report should be in A4 size.

Page Specification
Left Margin : 3.81 cm

Right Margin : 2.54 cm

Top Margin : 2.54 cm

Bottom Margin : 2.54 cm

The project report should be bound using flexible cover with below mentioned
colored art paper. The cover should be printed in black letters and the text for
printing should be identical.

Color of Art Paper Total Number of Pages in the Report

White Mini. of 60 - Max of 100

Page numbers
All text pages as well as program source code listings should be numbered using
Arabic numerals at the bottom center of the pages.


Times New Roman 12

There are no sources in the current font should be used consistently
throughout the text. Captions for tables and figures can be in smaller fonts, but not
smaller than 10pt.

No paragraph should have its opening line at the bottom of a page. A clear,
consistent, but not too large a separation must be provided between the paragraphs
throughout the thesis.


Chapter Heading – Font Size: 16, Bold, Times New Roman

Section Heading – Font Size: 14, Times New Roman, CAPS

Subsection Heading – Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, CAPS

Line spacing
The line spacing used should be the same throughout the text, and can be chosen to
be between one and a half. The lines in captions for figures and tables, Table of
Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables can be single spaced, if desired.
A project report on
<Times New Roman, Font 12, Italic>


<Times New Roman, Font 20, Bold, CAPS>

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

<Times New Roman, Font 14, Italic>

Name of the degree

<Times New Roman, Font 22, Bold>


<Times New Roman, Font 14, Italic>


<Times New Roman, Font 16, Bold, CAPS>

Name of the school

<Times New Roman, Font 16, Bold, CAPS>


< Times New Roman ,Font size 12>

<Times New Roman, Font 20, Bold, CAPS>

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

<Times New Roman, Font 14, Italic>

Name of the degree

<Times New Roman, Font 22, Bold>


<Times New Roman, Font 14, Italic>


<Times New Roman, Font 16, Bold, CAPS>

Name of the school

<Times New Roman, Font 16, Bold, CAPS>

Month, Year

< Times New Roman ,Font size 12>

<Times New Roman, Font 14, Underlined, Bold, CAPS>

I here by declare that the thesis entitled “TITLE OF THE PROJECT ”

submitted by me, for the award of the degree of Specify the name of the degree
VIT is a record of bonafide work carried out by me under the supervision of Guide

I further declare that the work reported in this thesis has not been submitted
and will not be submitted, either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree
or diploma in this institute or any other institute or university.

<Times New Roman, Font 12 >

Place: Vellore

Date: Signature of the Candidate

<Times New Roman, Font 12, Bold >

Internship completion certificate
<Times New Roman, Font 14, Underlined, Bold, CAPS>

Electronic Business offers innovative ways of doing business through Internet.

Internet revolution has introduced number of advanced technologies to access
organizations all over the world in an efficient but simple manner. Internet traffic is
increasing exponentially as a result of wireless access, mobile computing and other innovative
communication technologies.

<Times New Roman, Font 12>


<Times New Roman, Font 14, Underlined, Bold, CAPS>

It is my pleasure to express with deep sense of gratitude to <Guide name>,

<Designation, School name, Vellore Institute of Technology>, for his/her constant
guidance, continual encouragement, understanding; more than all, he taught me
patience in my endeavor. My association with him / her is not confined to
academics only, but it is a great opportunity on my part of work with an
intellectual and expert in the field of <area>.

I would like to express my gratitude to <Chancellor>, <VPs>, <VC>, <PRO-VC>,

and <Dean Name>, <School Name>, for providing with an environment to work in
and for his inspiration during the tenure of the course.

In jubilant mood I express ingeniously my whole-hearted thanks to <Program char-

name>. <Program Chair and designation>, all teaching staff and members working
as limbs of our university for their not-self-centered enthusiasm coupled with
timely encouragements showered on me with zeal, which prompted the
acquirement of the requisite knowledge to finalize my course study successfully. I
would like to thank my parents for their support.

It is indeed a pleasure to thank my friends who persuaded and encouraged me to

take up and complete this task. At last but not least, I express my gratitude and
appreciation to all those who have helped me directly or indirectly toward the
successful completion of this project.

Place: Vellore

Date: Name of the student

<Times New Roman, Font 12, Bold >


LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................ix

LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................xi

LIST OF ACRONYMS.............................................................................xii



1.1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................1

1.2 OVERVIEW OF MANET NETWORK......................................................................2

1.3 CHALLENGES PRESENT IN MANET....................................................................6

1.4 PROJECT STATEMENT............................................................................................7

1.5 OBJECTIVES..............................................................................................................7

1.6 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT........................................................................................8



2.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................10

2.2 SURVEY ON MANETS...........................................................................................13





1.1 INFRA STRUCTURE BASED NETWORK..............................................................1

1.2 INFRA STRUCTURE LESS NETWORK..................................................................2

1.3 MOBILE AD-HOC NETWORK................................................................................4


2.1 MULTIPATH ROUTING PROTOCOLS IN AMNETS..........................................22

3.1 SIMULATION PARAMETERS...............................................................................48


MANET Mobile Ad hoc Network

WAP Wireless Access Point

Chapter n

< Times New Roman, Font 12, Bold>

Conclusion & Future Work

< Times New Roman, Font 16, Bold>

This chapter should summarize the key aspects of your project (failures as well as
successes) and should state the conclusions you have been able to draw. Outline what you would
do if given more time (future work). Try to pinpoint any insights your project uncovered that
might not have been obvious at the outset. Discuss the success of the approach you adopted and
the academic objectives you achieved. Avoid meaningless conclusions, [e.g. NOT “I learnt a lot
about C++ programming”]. Be realistic about potential future work. Avoid the dreaded: “All the
objectives have been met and the project has been a complete success”. You have to crisply state
the main take-away points from your work. Describe how your project is performed against
planned outputs and performance targets. Identify the benefits from the project. Be careful to
distinguish what you have done from what was there already. It is also a good idea to point out
how much more is waiting to be done in relation to a specific problem, or give suggestions for
improvement or extensions to what you have done.

Future scope of the work for improvement may also be included

< Times New Roman, Font 12, Bold>

Appendices are provided to give supplementary information, which is not included in the
main text may serve as a separate part contributing to main theme.

 Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2 etc.
 Appendices, tables and references appearing in appendices should be numbered and
referred to at appropriate places just as in the case of chapters.
 Appendices shall carry the title of the work reported in it and the same title shall be used
in the contents page also.


<Times New Roman, Font 16, Bold, CAPS>


Eckart, C. (1951). Surface waves on water of variable depth, Wave Rep.
100, Scripps Inst. of Oceanogr., Univ. of California, pp.99. <For referring

Hasselmann, K., W.H. Munk and G.J.F. MacDonald (1963). Bispectra of

Ocean Waves, In: M. Rosenblatt (ed.), Time Series Analysis, John Wiley
Sons, p. 125, NewYork. <For referring from books edited from a collection
of different papers>.

Stoker, J.J. (1957). Water Waves. Interscience, New York. p. 520.

<For referring book>

Tatavarti, Rao V.S.N. and D.A. Huntley (1987). Wave reflection at

Beaches. Proc. Canadian Coastal Conference, Quebec City, pp. 241-255,

<For referring conference proceedings>

Wallace, J.M. and R.E. Dickinson (1972). Empirical orthogonal

representation of time series in the frequency domain, Part I: Theoretical
considerations, J. App. Meteorology, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 887-892. <For
referring journals>

<Times New Roman, Font 12>

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