A Proposal of A Case Study On Financial Performance Analysis of Standard Chartered Bank LTD
A Proposal of A Case Study On Financial Performance Analysis of Standard Chartered Bank LTD
A Proposal of A Case Study On Financial Performance Analysis of Standard Chartered Bank LTD
Submitted by:
Sangita Kumari
Submitted to:
Sarlahi Campus
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University
1.1 Context Information
Initially, base of the study of job satisfaction lies in the Hawthorne studies conducted during
19241933 and credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School. These studies culminated
into “Hawthorne Effect” which states that changes in work conditions temporarily increase
productivity. This marked the beginning to investigate factors of job satisfaction. In addition to
this, Taylorism of Frederick Taylor (1911) popularly known as ‘scientific management’ also
become the source of studies on job satisfaction. For the last two decades, the employees’ job
satisfaction has been a focus of research and practice. It is considered to be a critical issue in
organizational performance. It continues to be rhetoric in the minds of scholars and management
practitioners, because of two questions: first, to what extent, job satisfaction is determined by
personal and social variables? Second, to what extent organizational variables could be the
building -blocks of job satisfaction? Job satisfaction is generally, understood an attitude towards
one’s job. It simply indicates one’s contentment with the job. The most accepted meaning in
literature, according to Cranny et. al. (1992) is the degree to which one enjoys doing his /her job.
Abbas (2011) reported that financial factors, working conditions, supervision and advancement
opportunities are associated with the overall satisfaction of the banking professionals. Archana
Singh et al. (2011) reported that factors namely, pay, job interest, leadership, career growth,
working environment, job responsibility etc. serves as stimulators for employee satisfaction in
technology sector. Deshwal (2011) also found that the factors named as working conditions,
organizational policies, independence, promotion opportunities, work variety, creativity,
compensation, work itself, colleagues’ cooperation, responsibility, social status of job, job
security, achievement and students’ interaction were associated with job satisfaction.
Shallu Sehgal (2012) her study of private and public sector banks employees in Shimla district of
Himachal Pradesh indicated that socio-economic variable, such as, age, sex, and income were
significantly correlated with job satisfaction of employees. The researcher reported that
employees in old age group category were more satisfied than others. Aarti et al. (2013)
identified factors, namely: salary of employees, performance appraisal system, promotional
strategies, employee’s relationship with management and other co- employees, training and
development program, work burden and working hours important for improving job satisfaction
of the Canara Bank employees. Suman Devi and Suneja (2013) witnessed that significant
difference exists between employees of public and private sector banks in various aspects of job
satisfaction, pay and fringe benefits, supervision, training and development. But these differences
are not significant in case of the aspects, in relation to co-workers, employee’s empowerment,
supervision, performance appraisal and nature of job.
Job satisfaction is related with human resource management (HRM). Research has shown time
and again that HRM practices can make important and practical differences in terms of three key
organizational outcomes: productivity, quality of life and profit (Cascio, 2002). The level of job
satisfaction of the employees in the organization plays vital role for the retention and attraction
of the competent human capital in the organization. A satisfied worker tends to be less absent
from his or her job, contribute for the benefit of the company and would like to stay in the
organization (Adhikari, 2009). On the other hand, a dissatisfied worker has negative attitudes and
prefers to remain absent too often, always remains unhappy with the supervisor, tries to leave the
company once an opportunity is available, and remains in stress (Adhikari 2009). Therefore, it is
very essential for the organization to create a job satisfied environment within it.
The journal of Nepalese business studies (2015): Employees’ overall feelings towards the job is
influenced by job security, pay and benefits, training and career advancement opportunities,
opportunity to use skills and knowledge, relationship with immediate co-workers, supervisors
and managers, recognition of performance, job characteristics, working environment, autonomy
and independency, participation in decision making, corporate culture etc. Job satisfaction can be
an important indicator of how employees feel about their jobs and a predictor of work behaviors
such as absenteeism and turnover. It is common that employees who are satisfied with their jobs
are more likely to stay with their employers. Keeping a cadre of happy and motivated employees,
however, is often elusive as the expectations of employees’ shift. As life becomes more
challenging, employees may become more stressed. Therefore, the factors long thought to satisfy
employees may be shifting, depending on attributes such as the gender and age of employees. In
addition to demographic factors, the economic landscape in which most companies are operating
is of particular interest.
The employees of the Bank are valuable assets to the organization. If they are highly satisfied
with the job, they produce more which is profitable for the organization. So, in this competitive
environment, the essential thing is to know the views of employees toward their job and to
measure the level of satisfaction with various aspects of job satisfaction. Efficient human
resource management and maintaining higher job satisfaction level in Banks determine not only
the performance of the Bank but affect the growth and performance of the entire economy. So,
for the success of banking, to manage human resource effectively and to find whether its
employees are satisfied or not is very important, only if they are satisfied, they will work with
commitment and project a positive image of the organization.
Job satisfaction is an integral component for the environment of organization and an important
element for the relationship between management and employees. The term ‘job satisfaction’
means individuals emotional reaction to job. It is positive emotional state that occurs when a
person's job seems to fulfill important job values provided. The objective of my study is to
measure the level of satisfaction of employees of Rastriya Banijya Bank. There are different
methods of measuring the job satisfaction of employees such as surveys, interviewing employees
and monitoring performance targets. Surveys are a common method of measuring job
satisfaction. A survey can assess satisfaction in the areas of pay, promotion, Supervision, tasks
and co-workers. Interview of the employees as a method of measuring job satisfaction is mostly
useful in organizations that have positive relationships with employees and believe the problem
is too sophisticated to, he understood with a survey. If employees do not trust the organization or
interviewer, however, responses may not be entirely honest. Businesses with low job satisfaction
or employees who fear being let go may find the employees reluctant to discuss the situation
since they may fear it could negatively affect them in the future.
RBBL endured many stressful years of business and faced existential questions at some point of
time in the past. But learning the lessons from the events and craving towards the brighter
future, the Bank successfully implemented a restructuring plan; and now it stands as one of the
most preferred bank with the highest number of customers all 77 districts and 7 provinces of
the country. The Bank has been able to imprint its presence in national economy through
efficient allocation of resources in all sectors of economy thereby enhancing production and
generating employment opportunities within the country. The unflinching faith and goodwill
bestowed by our customers continued support from the Government, well wishers and general
public has been the reason for us to stand as the most trusted bank in the country.
• Nepal is rural country which is made up village. Rural area mostly and where there is
predominance of agriculture sector. It is difficult to solve and credit problems of the
country. The Rastriya Banijya Bank has mandated commercial bank to open the
branches in urban area. However, the challenge for country is to direct these Nepal
Bank to provide service to small and middle entrepreneur. The research seeks of
fitted out inefficiency and weakness and Nepal bank with the analysis of these banks
financial statement. Attempts are made shortly to answer the following questions:
• Management problems
• Banking technology problem
• Service quality problem
• Staff behavior problem
• Delay in work problem
• Political instability
Low job satisfaction is attributed to problematic interpersonal relationships and the autocratic
management style of supervisors. The purpose of this study is to find out the employee’s job
satisfaction level in Rastriya Banijya Bank. The general objective of this study is to understand
what effect does the Job satisfaction has made on the productivity or performance of the
• To identify the level of organizational factors contributing towards the job satisfaction of
employees RBB.
There are several possible limitations of job satisfaction in a bank in Nepal. Here are a few
• Limited Career Growth Opportunities: In Nepal, there may be limited opportunities for
career growth within banks, particularly in rural areas. This can lead to dissatisfaction
among employees who feel that they are not able to advance their careers as they would
• Inadequate Work-Life Balance: Many employees in Nepal's banking sector work
long hours, which can lead to a poor work-life balance. This can lead to stress and
burnout, which can affect job satisfaction.
• Lack of Recognition and Appreciation: Some employees may feel that their
contributions are not adequately recognized or appreciated by their superiors or
colleagues. This can lead to a lack of motivation and job satisfaction.
• Workload and Stress: The workload in Nepal's banking sector can be high,
particularly during peak seasons or when there is a backlog of work. This can lead to
stress and burnout among employees, which can affect their job satisfaction.
Since, the Hawthorne studies in early twentieth century (1924-1933), job satisfaction continues
to occupy the center stage of debate in academic circles and the world of work. In today’s
technologically dynamic world, it has acquired added significance, not only, due to newer and
multiple demands of the job, but also changing expectations of individuals from their job or
work. Retention, recruitment, training, growth and development of employees, all converge
directly or indirectly into the domain of job satisfaction hence, understanding job satisfaction is
crucial, for effective management of diverse human resource, in the private and the public sector.
Today's world of business is marked by a cut-throat competition in the market place. The market
situations, technology, labor, work environment, and work culture are changing very rapidly.
Hence, one’s survival in market may depend on skilled, knowledgeable, committed, hardworking
and satisfied employees. To retain existing and attracting potential candidates having high
dedication towards work is the key to success for any organization including the banking sector.
The need for such studies also stems from the fact that organizations try to devise effective
mechanisms to make work environment congenial for employees. Such studies help
organizations to devise ways to motivate employees to inculcate belongingness and improve
health of organization. Banks like many other organizations are also faced with resistance to
change, rewards, promotion policies, working conditions etc. Periodical agitations by banking
employees are indicative of the fact that understanding satisfaction of employees is very vital.
The scope of this extends to all aspects of working environment and across various categories of
employees within and outside banking organizations. Finally, the study is conducted to
understand the determinant affecting the job satisfaction of employees of RBB. Most of the job
satisfaction theories conclude on the major importance of its determinants. This research is
beneficial both academically and form the perspective of practical implications.
As per the requirement of the thesis for Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 4th year programme,
the study has three pillars supported by five years of data. Each chapter centers on specific
objectives. They are as follows:
Chapter- I: Introduction
This chapter describes the Context information of the study. It has served Orientation for readers
to know about the basic information of the research area, Information, Problem Statement,
Purpose , Significance and Organization of the Study.
This chapter analyzes the data related with study and presents the findings of the study and also
commend briefly on them. Data processing, data analysis and interpretation are given in this
chapter and there is use of diagrams and graphs . This chapter is devoted to the conclusion of the
research, conclusion derived on the basis of data analyzed.
Literature Survey
In business sector weather banking or non-banking sector, the job satisfaction occupies a major
role in many theories and models of individual attitudes and behaviors. The concept of job
satisfaction has been defined in many ways. A simple or general way to define it therefore is as
an attitudinal variable: Job satisfaction is simply how people feel about their jobs and different
aspects of their jobs. It is the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction)
their jobs.
Literature theories
The work performance of employees’ is affected by various factors. There have been various
studies made in the field of Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction theories attempt to create models to
understand what motivates people to push their performance at work. Savvy managers must
make familiarize themselves with a range of motivational theories at the time of employing a mix
of different types of employees and supervising them as well. The performance of employees in
an organization affected by various factors such factors are studies in different theories of
employee satisfaction. Number of theories has been made in the past such as Maslow’s
Here this study aims to explain Job satisfaction of employees in Rastriya Banijya Bank of
Nepal. It employs the various statistical tools and techniques like descriptive statistics as
well as inferential statistics to analyze the data. For this purpose, required primary data was
collected and analyzed in systematic way so as to derive the empirical finding and evidences
on the Job satisfaction of employees in Rastriya Banijya Bank of Nepal. This chapter
includes the presentation and analysis of these data. To make this study more systematic,
this chapter has been divided into several sections for the analysis of the primary data and to
respond the findings the concluded. The empirical investigation which was conducted in the
form of field survey of respondents through structured questionnaire distributed to the
samples selected by using non probabilistic procedures.
Questionnaire was developed and distributed to sample 100 respondents to get their opinions
on the job satisfaction criteria. However, due to the busy schedule and error only 50
participants actively participated in the survey with the response rate of 50 percent. The
responses received from these respondents have been arranged, tabulated and analyzed in
order to facilitate the descriptive analysis of the study. This chapter is all about the empirical
investigation during the study. In the survey questionnaire, the respondents were requested
to response in Likert scale option. In order to collect the perceived importance of
determinants, 5-point Likert scale has been used, where five being the most important
(strongly agree) and one being the least important (strongly disagree).
This research is done with the aim to access the level of importance and impact of the
independent variables: Salary, Job security, Promotions, Organization structure and Working
Conditions to the dependent variable: job satisfaction, the data has been collected through the
structured questionnaire that was personally administered to the respondents and the data are
collected from the employee of Rastriya Banijya bank in Teku Branch.
Among the total population of employees of bank 50 employees are taken as sample in
regard of assessing job satisfaction of employees of Rastriya Banijya Bank. Based on the
data analysis, we came to know that all of the independent factors like salary job security,
promotions, organization structure and working conditions are equally important for the job
satisfaction of employees. As per the result of section wise question, all of the variables are
found to be equally important for the result in job satisfaction of employees.