3rd PT-SCI4

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Republic of the Philippines

Trinitas Learning Center

Moto Sur, Loon, Bohol


S. Y. 2022-2023

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Grade and Section: _________________________________________ Score:

Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space

______1. Which of the following is a producer?

a. rabbit b. rat c. rattlesnake d. rice
______2. At which level does the path of nutrients start?
a. Producer at the first trophic level c. Consumer at the topmost level
b. Consumer at the second trophic level d. Decomposer at the top most trophic level
______3. In the food chain: grass grasshopper frog snake eagle, what organism is the
primary consumer?
a. Frog b. grass c. grasshopper d. snake
______4. Which is true about organisms at the highest trophic level in an energy pyramid?
a. They are the producers. c. They have the least amount of energy.
b. They are the first order consumers. d. They have the greatest amount of energy.
______5. You love to eat meat, while your sibling loves to eat vegetables. Who would have more energy
acquired from the consumed food?
a. You, since meat is made of protein. c. It depends on the amount of food consumed.
b. My sibling because vegetables are producers. d. We gained equal energy from the same amount of
food that we ate.
______6. Which consumer in a trophic level can eat both plants and animals?
a. carnivores b. decomposers c. herbivores d. omnivores
______7. Which consumer helps the recycling of nutrients?
a. carnivore b. decomposer c. herbivore d. omnivore
______8. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. All magnets have two north poles. c. Magnets can attract an object made of paper.
b. All magnets have two south poles. d. Most objects with iron are attracted to magnets.
______9. What is the area around a magnet where a magnetic force is found?
a. north pole b. magnetic field c. south pole d. magnetic axis
______10. When the same pole of two magnets whether North or South are placed to each other, they _______.
a. do not move b. pull each other c. touch each other d. are not attracted to
each other
Directions: Read and understand each statement carefully. Write F on the line if it is a fact, or write B if it is a
________1. Force is a push or pull.
________2. Without force, a moving object will stop.
________3. Without force, an object at rest will not move.
________4. A force can change the size and shape of an object.
________5. Force can cause an object to move, stop, or to change direction.
________6. The amount of force does not affect how fast or slow the motion of the object is.
________7. The stronger the force applied, the farther the distance of the toy car traveled.
________8. Most objects made up of iron are attracted to magnets.
________9. Opposite poles of magnets will repel.
________10. The pulling or pushing force is strongest at the North pole of the magnet.

A. Directions: Identify what is being described in each item. Choose from the options below.

Producers Predation Intraspecific Competition Commensalism Interspecific

Mutualism Food web Ecosystem Consumers Food chain Parasitism

1. The interaction between living and nonliving things in an environment is called ____________________.
2. _________________ happens when one organism in the relationship benefits while the other neither
benefits nor harmed.
3. _________________ is the relationship between two different organisms where one benefits while the
other is harmed.
4. _________________ occurs when two organisms in the relationship benefit from each other.
5. _________________ is when an organism feeds on another organism.
6. _________________ is when two organisms compete or fight for the resources around them.
7. _________________ is a competition that is present when the competition is among the members of the
same organisms.
8. _________________ is a competition that occurs when two different organisms compete for a limited
9. _________________ are the organisms that can make their own food.
10. _________________ are organisms that cannot make their own food.
11. _________________ is a series of steps showing the process of energy transfer in the ecosystem.
12. A ________________ is a series of food chains connected to one another.
B. Directions: Identify and list six food chains that are found in the given food web.

Food Chain 1
Food Chain 2
Food Chain 3
Food Chain 4
Food Chain 5
Food Chain 6
Direction: Match the given situation in column A to the instrument in column B. Write the correct letter on the
space provided.


_______1. It is used to measure longer objects.

Direction: Answer the questions properly in 2-3 sentences. (4 points each)

1. How is the life cycle of a butterfly different from the life cycle of a human?


2. How are the life of frog and butterfly similar?


Rubric for the essay:

4 3 2 1
Includes a clear Includes a central Suggests a central Lacks a central idea
presented central idea with mostly idea with limited but may contain
idea with relevant relevant facts, facts, details, and/or marginally related
facts, details, and/or details, and/or explanations. facts, details, and/or
explanations. explanations. explanations.
Prepared by:

Science Teacher
Parent/Guardian’s Signature

“You don’t need to be a perfect student. Just do your best for now and believe you
can. Wish you all the luck my studz and God bless.”
- Cher Zhel 

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