878 Saturday, 17 June 2017: Scientific Abstracts
878 Saturday, 17 June 2017: Scientific Abstracts
878 Saturday, 17 June 2017: Scientific Abstracts
Assessment (MOCA) and concluded that MOCA performs much better than PAPS. The coexistence of hypertension or other comorbidities may contribute to
MMSE for cognitive impairment correct diagnosis.4 the development of capillary abnormalities in PAPS patients.
Objectives: To determine the prevalence of CD in SLE patients and compare References:
MMSE and MOCA diagnosis effectiveness. [1] Cutolo M, Pizzorni C, Tuccio M et al. Rheumatology 2004;43:719–726.
Methods: All patients with at least 18 years old that met ACR/EULAR 2012 [2] Ingegnoli F, Gualtierotti R Lubatti C, et al. Microvasc Res 2013; 90:90–95.
SLE classification criteria were included. Patients with associated comorbidity, [3] Vaz JL, Dancour MA, Bottio DA et al. Rheumatology 2004;43:1025–7.
not SLE related, that could alter cognitive functions, were excluded. 55 patients Acknowledgements: We wish to thank the Mexican College of Rheumatology
that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were admitted to Hospital Docente Padre Billini’s for their support in the acquisition of the equipment used to perform this study.
rheumatology department from March to April 2016. After obtaining written Disclosure of Interest: None declared
consent, the psychology department applied both tests, MMSE and MOCA. A DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-eular.5663
standardized form registered demographic variables. Data was analyzed using
Microsoft Excel 2013.
Results: 94.5% of the patients were women, 53% were between 31–45 years old, SAT0279 ANTI-RO52 KDA AND ANTI-RO60 KDA ANALYSIS IN
52.7% were mulatto ethnic, 34.5% had at least a high school degree, 27.2% were SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOUS PATIENTS TO DETECT
diagnosed 1 year before enrollment, 60% had a low activity score using SLEDAI ANTI-RO FALSE-NEGATIVES
(<4), hypertension was the most common comorbidity with a 38.1%, 90.9% were
E. Grau Garcia 1 , I. Chalmeta Verdejo 1 , E. Labrador Sánchez 1 , M. Fernandez
taking corticoids, 80% were on antimalarial drugs (6 abandoned treatment, 2 by
Matilla 2 , F.M. Ortiz-Sanjuan 1 , C.M. Feced Olmos 1 , N. Fernandez-Llanio 2 ,
eye involvement, 1 allergic reaction, 2 were diagnosed with SLE the interview
K. Arévalo Ruales 1 , R. Negueroles Albuixech 1 , J. Ivorra Cortes 1 , J.J. Fragio
day), the most frequent neuropsychiatric symptom ever presented was convulsion
Gil 1 , I. Martínez Cordellat 1 , R. González Mazarío 1 , L. Gonzalez Puig 1 ,
(7.2%). Using MMSE 25.4% of the patients showed CD, however after adjusting
C. Alcañiz Escandell 1 , C. Nájera Herranz 1 , I. Cánovas Olmos 1 , E. Vicens
the results according to the educational level, the percentage increased to 41.8%.
Bernabeu 1 , J.E. Oller Rodriguez 1 , J.A. Castellano Cuesta 2 , V. Fornés Ferrer 3 ,
MOCA classified that 67.2% of the patients had CD, of which 13 patients were
D. Hervás Marín 3 , D. Gimenez Romero 4 , J.A. Román Ivorra 1 . 1 Rheumatology
MMSS positive, and finally, 22 classified after the score adjustment.
Department, HUP la Fe; 2 Rheumatology Section, Hospital Arnau de Vilanova;
Conclusions: MOCA is more effective than MMSE to detect CD. Nonetheless 3
Biostatistics Unit, IIS la Fe; 4 Physical-Chemistry Department, UV, Valencia,
the MMSE should be considered as an option for patients with low levels of
References: Background: Systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) is an autoimmune disease
[1] Nasswetter, G. Tratado de reumatología. AKADIA. 2014. Page 323. characterized by immune system disruption with autoantibodies production.
[2] Díaz-Cortés, D. Correa-González, N. Díaz, M. et al. Compromiso del sistema One of the upregulated autoantibodies is the specific to the Ro antigen, a
nervioso central en el lupus eritematoso sistémico. Rev colomb reumatol. ribonucleoprotein associated to a small RNA, constituted by the 52KDa and
2015; 22 (1): 16–30. 60 KDa polypeptides, whose epitopes are mainly conformational. The routine
[3] D’Amico et al. Estudio multicéntrico de deterioro cognitivo en lupus eritematoso detection method for anti-Ro is an enzyme immunoassay, however, is possible
sistémico: ECLES. Rev Arg Reumatol. 2015; 26 (2): 28–32. to obtain false-negatives for anti-Ro and this could be avoided by analyzing both
[4] Pedraza L.O. Sánchez, E. Plata, S. Montalvo, C. et al. Puntuaciones del subunits separately.
MOCA y el MMSE en pacientes con deterioro cognitivo leve y demencia en Objectives: To identify false-negatives for anti-Ro by analyzing both 52KDa and
una clínica de memoria en Bogotá. Acta Neurol Colomb. (Bog) 2014. 60 KDa subunits separately, as well as to characterize if there are clinical or
Acknowledgements:. molecular differences in this subgroup of patients compared to anti-Ro negative
Disclosure of Interest: None declared cases.
DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-eular.4279 Methods: A cross-sectional, observational study of patients diagnosed of SLE
according to SLICC 2012 criteria was performed. In these patients a complete
blood-test was made, and clinical data by personal interview was collected.
SAT0278 INCREASED FREQUENCY OF NAILFOLD INF1A, Anti-Ro, anti-Ro52KDa and anti-Ro60KDa levels where measured by
VIDEOCAPILLAROSCOPY ABNORMALITIES IN PRIMARY colorimetric methods. Biostatistical analysis was performed with R 3.3.2.
ANTIPHOSPOLIPID (PAPS) PATIENTS Results: We selected 69 SLE patients with negative results for anti-Ro (2.34±4.17
U/mL) out of 142 total SLE patients. A total of 51 patients were negative for both
E. Martin-Nares, G. Hernandez-Molina, P. Bermudez-Bermejo, V. Zamora-Legoff,
anti-Ro subunits and 18 cases presented positive results (up to 20 pg/mL) for at
T.S. Rodriguez-Reyna. Department of Immunology and Rheumatology, Instituto
least one of them. The subgroup of patients that exhibit simultaneously high levels
Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City,
of anti-Ro52KDa and anti-Ro60KDa have higher clinical activity compared to
negative anti-Ro cases (75% of active patients against 41.2% in anti-Ro negative
Background: Primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS) is characterized by patients). However, no differences in the accumulated damage evaluated by
venous and arterial thrombosis, obstetric morbidity and the presence of antiphos- SLICC score between negative anti-Ro cases and patients with at least one posi-
pholipid antibodies. The utility of nailfold videocapillaroscopy in conditions such as tive subunit were observed. We analyze serum levels of INF1A cytokine in the four
scleroderma (SSc) and primary Raynaud’s phenomenon is well known. Whether groups of patients, and anti-Ro and subunits negative cases showed significant
patients with PAPS have specific findings in nailfold videocapillaroscopy is not lower INF1A levels than the other patients (8.26±14.87 pg/mL and 26.62±40.71
well stablished. pg/mL respectively; P=0.04). In addition, patients with high levels of anti-
Objectives: To evaluate findings on nailfold videocapillaroscopy in patients with Ro52KDa subunit are those with the highest INF1A levels (anti-Ro 52+/anti-Ro60-
PAPS and their association with clinical and serological features. 23.5±47.6pg/mL of INF1A; anti-Ro 52+/anti-Ro60+ 36.4±37.9pg/mL of INF1A).
Methods: We prospectively included 26 PAPS patients according to the modified Conclusions: In our anti-Ro seronegative patients, a 26% of false-negative cases
Sidney criteria and the Alarcón-Segovia criteria for haematologic antiphospholipid were detected. These cases with high levels of almost one anti-Ro subunit showed
syndrome, who regularly attend a tertiary referral center in Mexico City, and significantly higher levels of INF1A in contrast to negative cases, supporting the
15 healthy controls. We performed nailfold videocapillaroscopy according to the fact that they are indeed a different group from the negative cases. Moreover, the
Cutolo technique (Optilia 200x) and obtained: capillary morphology, nonspecific high INF1A levels could be the reason of the observed differences in the clinical
abnormalities (tortuosity, crossed and dilated capillaries, capillary haemorrhages, activity measured by SLEDAI score in both groups.
neo-angiogenesis) and mean vascular density on 32 images per patient. Disclosure of Interest: None declared
We collected demographic, clinical (thrombosis, obstetric morbidity, non-criteria DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-eular.5758
manifestations and comorbidities), serological (anticardiolipin antibodies, anti-β2
glycoprotein 1 antibodies and lupus anticoagulant) and treatment information.
Analysis was performed used SSPS v.22, Chi square test was used to compare SAT0280 A TEN-YEAR SURVIVAL ANALYSIS OF FILIPINO PATIENTS
frequencies and Student’s t test was used to compare means. WITH SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS AT THE NATIONAL
Results: PAPS patients had higher frequency of at least 1 abnormal finding KIDNEY AND TRANSPLANT INSTITUTE (PHILIPPINES)
on videocapillaroscopy (77% vs 12%, p<0.009, OR=23, 95% CI=4–132), higher
E.M.L. Yap, C.C. Bermudez. Internal Medicine, National Kidney and Transplant
frequency of enlarged capillaries (69% vs 0%, p=0.0001, OR=33, 95% CI=3.8–
Institute, Quezon City, Philippines
295), lower frequency of “perfect normal” pattern (11.5% vs 56%, p=0.004,
OR=0.1, 95% CI=0.02–0.48) than controls, and 8 patients (31%) showed changes Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is increasingly being diag-
compatible with the “early” SSc Cutolo pattern (<4 dilated capillaries/mm, <4 nosed in our country. Despite the increasing number of patients, there are no
haemorrhages/mm, preserved architecture and no avascular areas). In PAPS studies describing their clinical profile at the time of diagnosis at the National
patients, capillary haemorrhages were associated to neurologic manifestations Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI). This study aims to describe patients’ initial
(75% vs 14%, p=0.02, OR=19, 95% CI=1.4–248) and to comorbidity with clinical presentations, outcomes, and their survival rate within ten years.
hypertension (75% vs 14%, p=0.02, OR=19, 95% CI=1.4–248). Objectives: To determine the ten-year survival rate and presenting clinical
Conclusions: PAPS patients frequently show at least one abnormality on manifestations of Filipino patients first diagnosed with SLE at the National Kidney
videocapillaroscopy. The most frequent abnormalities are enlarged capillaries, and Transplant Institute (NKTI)
microhaemorrhages and the presence of an “atypical normal” pattern. Capillary Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study using chart review of patients first
haemorrages are frequently found in patients with neurologic involvement of diagnosed with SLE in 2004 followed up in the next ten years.