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S304 Abstract for poster sessions / European Psychiatry 22 (2007) S221eS341

The aim of the study was to answer the question whether peg- Conclusions: Our results suggest that anterior executive and pos-
IFNalpha/RBV-induced cognitive functions’ disturbances resolve terior automatic neuronal networks for attention are differentially vul-
eight weeks after treatment discontinuation. nerable to the effects of normal aging and neurodegenerative diseases,
26 CHC patients were consecutively enrolled in the study. They despite the fact that both normal aging and HD are characterized by
were given peg-IFNalpha/RBV treatment for 48 weeks in the standard decreased endogenous attention in situations of perceptual conflict.
doses recommended by manufacturers. Patients underwent neuropsy-
chological examination consisting of Stroop Color Word Test
(SCWT), Trail Marking Test (TMT), Auditory Verbal Learning Test
(AVLT), Attention d2 Test (d2) and Hooper Visual Organization Carotid doppler ultrasound modifications in alzheimer disease
Test (HVOT) three times: before the beginning (t¼0), after 12 weeks C. Radut, A. Tiugan, A. Andritoiu. Department of Psychiatry,
of medication (t¼1) and 8 weeks after treatment discontinuation Emergency Clinical Military Hospital, Craiova, Romania
Cognitive performance measured by means of all mentioned tests Objective: Triplex ultrasound evaluation of CCA in Alzheimer.
decreased significantly after 12 weeks of combination therapy. How- Methods and results: Our study group, consisted of 52 patients
ever, no significant differences in the results of TMT, AVLT, HVOT (32 male, mean age 68.2+/-2.2 yr), confirmed with Alzheimer demen-
and SCWT color words subtest between t¼0 and t¼2 were seen, sig- tia (AD) according to DSM IV-R criteria, was evaluated by triplex ul-
nificance between these two time points in d2 and SCWT colors and trasonography at the common carotid arteries (CCA) level and, also,
words subtests performance was observed. SCWT subtests results re- by a cerebral CT-scann. The results were compared with a controlled
vealed a trend towards normalization but d2 performance in t¼2 was matched group of similar age. In the AD group, 62.2% of patients
ever poorer comparing with t¼1. presented ultrasonographic modifications: a larger CCA diameter
The findings suggest that most cognitive disturbances observed (8.2+/-0.6 mm) and an increased arterial impedance (RI 0.82+/-
during peg-IFNalpha/RBV therapy in CHC patients resolve eight 0.05), significantly higher (p<0.001) compared with the values ob-
weeks after treatment discontinuation, but attention abnormalities tained from the controlled group (D 7.2+/-0.5 mm; RI 0.76+/-
may persist up to 8 weeks after treatment of discontinuation. The 0.02). Also, IMTh was more echogenous, diffuse or patchy thickened,
complete resolution of attention abnormalities observed during peg- with a mean maxIMTh 1.6 +/-0.02 mm in AD group, compared with
IFNalpha/RBV therapy may require longer period or may be the ef- 0.8+/-0.02 mm in the controlled group. We underline the absence of
fect of the permanent anterior cingulate cortex damage. arterial atherosclerotic plaques in the all length of CCAs in AD group.
The augmentation of arterial impedance correlated with the presence
of cortical atrophy releved by cerebral CT-scann. In the AD group
P294 with these ultrasonographic aspects, we recommended vasodilatator
Normal and pathological aging of attention in huntington’s disease drugs in association with cholinomimetics.
and normal elderly subjects Conclusion: The vascular modifications (increased resistivity and
C.S. Peretti 1, F. Ferreri 1,2, F. Blanchard 3, S. Bakchine 4, decreased regional cerebral blood flow) in AD, draw attention on the
A. Dobrescu 5, V.A. Chouinard 1,2, G. Chouinard 1,2,6. 1 Service de early Doppler evaluation of these cathegory of patients. The ultraso-
Psychiatrie, Universite Paris VI, Hopital Saint-Antoine, Paris, nografic CCAs modifications, even in the stage of minimal cognitive
France 2 Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit, McGill University, deficit (when the criteria for establishing the diagnosis of dementia
Montreal, QC, Canada 3 Service de Gerontologie, INSERM EA are not fulfilled), represent a factor of therapeutic indication for chol-
3797, Hopital Sebastopol, Universite de Reims Champagne- inomimetics, with a possible influence in the clinical and mental dis-
Ardenne, Reims, France 4 Service de Neurologie, INSERM EA ease prognosis.
3797, Hopital Maison-Blanche, Universite de Reims Champagne-
Ardenne, Reims, France 5 Service de Psychiatrie, Secteur 3, Groupe P296
Hospitalier Sud Reunion, Saint-Pierre de la Reunion, France
6 Spanish validation of the adult ADHD self-report scale-version 1.1
Fernand Seguin Research Center, University of Montreal,
Montreal, QC, Canada J.A. Ramos-Quiroga 1,2, R. Bosch 1, S. Valero 1, N. Saez 1,
M. Nogueira 1, N. Gómez 1, I. Martinez 1, M. Casas 1,2.
Background and aims: Recent attention models view exogenous and 1
Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron,
endogenous attention as separate components of attention. Exogenous Barcelona, Spain 2 Department of Psychiatry, Universitat Autònoma
attention is defined as automatic, involuntary, directed by external de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
stimulation and unaffected by memory load, while endogenous atten-
tion is defined as executive, voluntary, directed by voluntary acts and Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has a preva-
affected by memory load. Methods. Two studies were designed to ex- lence up to 4% of the general adult population, however in Spain
amine if decline in these two components of attention is similar in adult ADHD is underdiagnosed. Screening instruments can help cli-
normal aging and Huntington’s disease (HD). Standardized tests de- nicians to detect adult ADHD. The World Health Organization Adult
rived from Posner’s model of visuospatial attention were adminis- ADHD Self-Report Scale-Version 1.1 (ASRS v1.1) is a 6-question
tered to normal elderly subjects (n¼13), patients with HD (n ¼ 17) scale designed to screen for adult ADHD.
and matched control subjects (n ¼ 42). A validation of Spanish version of the ASRS v1.1 was performed.
Results: In healthy elderly subjects, both exogenous and endoge- A case control study was carry out (adult ADHD vs non ADHD)
nous attention were found to decline within normal limits, and the de- in the Adult ADHD Program of the Hospital Universitari Vall d’He-
crease was greater for endogenous attention, particularly in situations bron (Barcelona). ADHD evaluation was performed using Conners
of perceptual conflict. Patients with HD showed marked impairment Adult ADHD Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV (CAADID-Part II)
of endogenous or voluntary attention components, while exogenous and the diagnosis was compared with the ASRS v1.1 responses. Lo-
or automatic components were preserved. gistic regression study was made to evaluate the sensitivity,

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