Aportes Actividad 1

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Diseño de cadenas logísticas


Tarea 2: Gestión en el diseño de cadenas logísticas

Jhon Jairo Torres Vinasco

Grupo: 43

Tutor Mauricio José Vargas Fernández

Escuela de Ciencias Básicas Tecnología e Ingeniería –

ECBTI Bogotá D.C.

Marzo 2023
Actividad 1

Ensayo, mapa mental, infografía y resumen sobre fases y operaciones en la cadena

1. Un ensayo en ingles que describa qué es el proceso de la cadena de suministros
o manejo de la cadena de suministro y cuáles son los agentes que intervienen, cuáles son
los factores y puntos críticos en el proceso logístico desde el punto de vista de la calidad,
que es la No calidad logística y como la podemos medir el costo generado por No calidad.

The supply chains aim to reduce the uncertainties and risk of these, in order to have
positive results in front of the levels of services, with the databases that are in place an
optimization system is projected that allows to set limits and guide them in inventory
development plans, this allows to have a workforce and team programs in a better way.
Supply chain management allows you to organize, plan and take control of activities
where the decisions made have an impact on the other nodes that make up the chain, you
must plan so that there is enough, materials, people and time available to meet the
Within the logistics activity and the supply chain (English: Supply-Chain) there are
definitions that are usually mentioned, and these are:
Outsourcing. This allows to describe that a company buys from external sources
material, assemblies and other services that were subsequently carried out in the company,
which means that outsourcing allows the company to focus on the activities represented by
its competition, this allows to create a competitive advantage and reduces costs.
Management of materials and logistics. This groups management functions which
consider the flow of purchase of materials and have control of the materials from
production and process planning until the purchase, dispatch, and distribution of the final
Logistics. The logistics plans, controls, operates, and detects the improvements of
the process of flow of materials (inputs, products), services, information and money, this
function allows to operate between the sources of supply and supplies, the distribution, or
the client, satisfying the demand in terms of quantity, opportunity, quality at the lowest cost
for the company.
Agents involved
The raw materials pass through a primary transport where it then arrives at the
production center and is transformed into a product, which then passes to distributors
(wholesalers and retailers) in points of sale that are available to customers.
This process is reflected in:
Suppliers: This initiates the process of the logistics chain; they are the ones who
extract and obtain the raw materials established by the production centers which are in the
next link of the chain.
Production centers: These centers are what transform the raw material and
elaboration of products and services, based on the requirements and specifications
established by customers to meet their needs, considering the quality of the product or
Distributors: This is responsible for distributing the finished products to the points
of sale of its customers with which they have contacts with consumers, during the transport
the transport of the product must be handled well since this depends on the quality process
carried out in the factory, delivery times are also considered avoiding delays and shortages
at points of sale.
1. Wholesale distributors: These are partially serving retailers, although these
also serve the end customer directly. These are what sell the products in large quantities.
2. Retail distributor: These are the ones who have direct contact with the client,
and therefore an optimal service and adequate service is provided to the product offered.
These are sold in small quantities.
Transporters: These are the ones who move the products from the point to the
origin to their place of destination, this agent is important since it costs the logistics process
and establishes a classification of transport by modalities which are: road transport, air
transport, maritime transport, rail transport and multimodal transport.
Customers or final consumers. These are the last in the link of the logistics chain,
they are of great importance since the satisfaction or dissatisfaction depends on the
profitability of the company, customers and other agents have evolved over time, which has
become a complex task due to the level of demand in satisfying their needs.
Logistics quality.
Rapid change and global competitiveness companies are in a different environment
today, this is characterized by economic globalization and is where the demand of
customers for quality is increasing, in products and services, reasonable prices and
excellence in service. Companies have developed new strategies to adapt to the competition
and be able to stay in the competition. One of the strategies is the total quality that is
projected as a new business management system, this refers to continuous improvement,
with the aim of achieving optimal quality in all areas of the company, offering the highest
degree of satisfaction to a customer through a good or service.
The costs to quality and non-quality are of four types:
1. Prevention costs. It is produced to prevent mistakes from being made, these
are those derived from the actions that help an organization, its employees, departments to
perform their work well. Prevention costs can be considered as quality costs since the
investment aims to reduce costs that are classified as non- quality.
2. Evaluation costs. These are the result of the evaluation that is carried out on
the finished product or service, this means that the result of the process is determined if it
conforms to the standards and the conformity of the specific quality. This has a reason that
evaluations are done to know that the organization is sure that the investment has been
3. Costs for internal failures. These incur errors made in the organization
during its processes and activities, but that have been detected before the product or service
is delivered to the customer. This cost refers to mistakes made before the product or service
is delivered, because not all staff performed their job well.
4. Costs for external failures. They are associated with the defects that are
found after the provision of the product or the service has been delivered to the client, the
organization bears these costs because the evaluation system did not detect.

2. Un mapa mental que describa que es el flujo de información en tiempo real

dentro de la cadena de suministro, a que se refiere, que tecnologías intervienen, cuáles
son los beneficios.
3. Un resumen en Ingles

A). cuáles son los objetivos de la cadena logística, como lograrlos, como se da la
integración de los actores y las sinergias a conseguir.
The objective is to satisfy the needs in goods and services of a client and that in turn
allows him to have competitive advantages and redesign business models in which they can
innovate and respond quickly to new product lines and at the same time can minimize costs
to achieve the desired service and meet the objective of:

1. quality
2. quantity
3. place
4. time
5. Customer satisfaction
6. Responsiveness

To achieve this, it must be considered Reduce transportation:

1. Distance of routes
2. Stages used
3. Groups to achieve criticism Reduce manipulations:
1. Fewer changes in place
2. Acquire in order to avoid unpacking and subsequent preparation Reduce
1. Minimize
2. Reduce volume and space Reduce variations
1. Classification in small groups
• Lowest number of warehouses

The actors and the synergy to achieve

The application in the business world refers to the ability of two or more units or
companies to generate greater value from working together, than a company that works
separately, a company is considered synergistic when the bodies that compose it can not
perform certain functions without depending on the rest of the members that make up the
This fulfills certain objectives which are:
1. The supply chain must be profitable, this allows operations to remain in line
with the budgeted cost and have sustainable savings in the long term.
2. Specialization must be sought, in this case it is important to have expert
personnel in the chain section, which allows strengthening the weak areas of the
3. The supply chain must be sensitive to the changes that occur in the market,
the moment is sought to satisfy the consumption of the demand for the products or services
that are acquired.
4. Its integrity of synergies must be sought, this allows to unify the entire
system of performance of the supply chain, and seeks the security of all correlated
processes, in quality and information that flows in all channels.
5. The chain must be sustainable, where it seeks to protect and conserve the
environment in which operations are developed, so actions that contribute to protecting the
environment must be proposed.

B). producción, almacenaje y distribución. Como interactúan, cuáles son las

relaciones entre estas tres áreas, de que es responsable cada una, como se configuran para
coexistir dentro de la gestión logística.
Production is the essential part to set the pace of the logistics chain, since the more
order you have, the more the investment in personnel and machinery will be to achieve the
objectives of the market and the customer, in the storage system there are no movements,
but they are important for the maintenance and the basis so that a storage can be made, and
the distribution is done before the storage activity, so it is important to carry out previous
studies of how the warehouse should be and which goods are going to be stored. The
rotation of merchandise must be fast, so it is important that the area is in optimal conditions
and has a good space and this allows to store a good volume of merchandise that allows to
be unloaded in a period of time, a good distribution allows the personnel and the loading
machines to maneuver inside warehouse, They make the entry and exit of merchandise
from the warehouse an easy process to be moved, it can be reviewed in quality and quantity
by cutting merchandise with an exit document and allows an exit referral note or an
4. Una infografía sobre que es el lead time y como se controla, cuáles son los
beneficios y perjuicios que se podrían ocasionar a causa de este.

Jhon Jairo Torres Vinasco

5. Un ensayo en ingles que describa que es el aprovisionamiento, que
comprende, cuáles son sus funciones, sus objetivos y cuáles son las situaciones que obligan
a aprovisionar el almacén.

The supply is the operation of the logistics chain that aims to provide raw materials
or general merchandise a warehouse, a factory, a store among others, in order that this
allows the development of business activity, this concept is also associated with the supply
or provision.
The supply includes all the operational parts from the moment the purchase is made
until the product is received and they vary according to whether the producing, industrial or
commercial company is treated.
The storage management functions are:
1. Acquire materials for the elaboration or commercialization of products.
2. Manages the storage of products, keeping material minimum (stock).
3. Control inventory and inventory costs.
Production and demand have had the need to supply according to the obligation of
the company, for example: when manufacturing is carried out in a chain and suppliers are
far away, another case is when the factory is seasonal and demand is constant, also when
the production centers are very far from the points of consumption.

When the company cannot avoid storing, it must try to minimize costs.

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