If Wants To Be The Same As Is
If Wants To Be The Same As Is
If Wants To Be The Same As Is
washing (his hands of their inordinate affairs) He still was a star
needs more work with these manipulations in my dream. Isnt that
in order to perfect control marvelous, he tells himself, A star
of the small muscle movements (presently among how many billion
lower colon) — Conscience terribl
is nostalgia grits fixt minds of restlessness,
the operator, well anyway, if the lab has a surprise, next week or ultimately, he turning suddenly wretched with the heat of his
cant say it hasnt been a full life. slumber, Why Goodness me
nobody likes to see violence, draw the blinds
No, I still tend to be disorganized in the way I set up & go about my work Sir Shitlips, the better to see the TV me
I need more time, though all that list, it must be true, I have to photograph the city with my small muscle movements, by my cock
once was a siphon to stick into the stewd tomaytoes of my lewder days &
How else should I know I’m waiting for you! by-blows Oh
For you I have labord with sensorial materials, glossy skins of various hues, now hallowd out, we’ll view
& cries extracted expressly for your benefit blue movies of the copulating galaxlies
colord so by the tears in my projection hall, a body
Fur yur Murther’s broken occasionally in straining to encompass
the man with the scalpel murmurs the suburbs,
lie beyond this cosmos, whose
to avoid whose close gaze focussing it seems not on him but some pit voters we could use in this constituency, they
where he should be had elected me, & up I lept, I kisst the set in the very spot that had put me
turns his eyes away, to where the pitted monumental marbl through
facades opposite are glimpst through lace college, & up I lept
curtains wavering over a troglodyte grotesque, protected from assassins, yet
this window, grace as Mr. Lackey inadvertently switcht channels, met
whose paradoxical association to such grossness we in midair by my own heart attacking me
men desire
he muses, lapsing into waking shaking wet with sweat but back in his own self, from Death
poesie, no to failure then. & the phone ringing! What
anesthetic telegram it never connected, last time together was
last time but for one letter
dust I had message units in your name, walking hand-in-socket up the lane
motes in the old gold continental sunlight circulate, like static, this is the red flowers on the leafless black
static, but I wet bush. Supposing I were never to see you again! Supposing
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