Monitoring Plan

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Enclosure 2




Chairperson Oversee and manage the conduct of Usec. Kristian R. Ablan
the Program Implementation Review
and Plan Adjustment in accordance
with the established standards. Also,
chair the culminating activity of PIR.

Co-chairperson Assist the chairperson in managing the Usec. Annalyn M. Sevilla

conduct of the Program Implementation
Review and provide recommendations
on financial matters to ensure strong
financial management on the
implementation of DepEd’s Programs,
Projects, and Activities (PPAs).

Also, in the absence of the chairperson,

assume its role.

Members Provide recommendations and Usec. Gloria Jumamil-

assistance to all concerns related to Mercado
human resources and organizational
development. Also, provide the
performance and standard Key Result
Areas of offices to ensure alignment of
offices’ outputs to their respective

Provide recommendations and Usec. Gerard L. Chan

assistance to any procurement-related
matters in the implementation of PPAs.
Also, provide the procurement status of Asec. Omar Alexander V.
all PPAs of DepEd with procurement Romero
Assist the chairperson in the conduct of Asec. Christopher Lawrence
the PIR and provide recommendations S. Arnuco
to all administrative-related concerns.


Planning Service Lead the conduct of the PIR by Dir. Roger B. Masapol
establishing the schedules of the Mary Jane B. Feliciano
preparatory meetings, briefing with
the PIR chair and co-chairpersons,
and the culminating activity. Also,
lead the assessment of all PPAs’
implementation and physical
accomplishments based on the
committed outputs indicated in the
approved Work and Financial Plan.

Finance Service Review the financial utilization of the Dir. Ana Marie C. Calapit
PPAs and provide Dir. Tara Triztina C. Rama
recommendations to the financial- Cholita F. Tiong
related issues and concerns of Ma. Rhunna L. Catalan
offices during the preparatory Adel Abaya
meetings. Also, create the quarterly
financial reports of the Department
of Education to assess the overall
financial utilization and serve as
basis of the management’s
recommendation and next steps.

Procurement Provide inputs and Dir. Rhoan L. Orebia

Management Service recommendations on procurement- Ma. Teresa S. Fulgar
related issues and concerns of James Ronald G. Ybiernas
program implementers. Also, Adonis R. Barraquias
provide the quarterly procurement
reports for transparency of all
procurement activities of the
Bureau of Human Assess the workforce-related and Dir. Resty C. Osias
Resource and training-and-development-related Cecille A. Anyayahan
Organizational concerns of DepEd offices and Charles Cedrick C.
Development review the alignment of all offices’ Maghirang
committed outputs to their
respective Key Result Areas or

Administration Service Provide recommendations and Albert C. Alano

inputs to all concerns related to
common-used supplies and
equipment relative to the
implementation of PPAs.
Project Management Assist in reviewing the development Dir. Susana S. Santiago
Service and implementation of projects,
especially those in partnership with
oversight and other agencies and
development partners.


Reporter/Presenter • Gather and validate data relevant to the
• PS-PPD (Physical Status and Updates) performance of the PPAs and concerns
• Budget Division & EPMO (Financial relevant to their office’s mandate.
Status and Updates) • Prepare Presentation materials and
• ProcMS (Procurement Status and submit a copy to the working committee
Updates) members.
• Program Proponents (Program • Present or report objectives, targets,
Implementation Report, Commitments, accomplishments, gaps, and
and Action Plan) adjustments as scheduled.
Technical Support • Gather presentation materials and
• John Carlo S. Astilla store them in the accessible cloud
• Perseveranda L. Gonzales drive.
• Jose Valerio S. Velasquez • Provide technical support to working
committee members.
Program Moderators • Facilitate the opening and closing parts
• Marlon B. Custodio of the program.
• Ramil D. Chua • Moderate program flow and ensure
• All PS-PPD Program Focal Persons active engagement of participants.
• Facilitate the Q&A
Documentation • Prepare written and photo
• Kaedean John C. Taton documentation of the activity.
• Esther A. Cruz • Prepare a summary of agreements and
• Education Program Management Office deliverables during the culminating
(EPMO) activity.
• Public Affairs Service- Communications • Disseminate minutes of the meeting to
and Publications Divisions the program teams and follow up with
them on the actions taken or action to
be taken to close the action points
concerning PPA or office.
Admin and Secretariat • Lead the financial administration of the
• Ruby Claudia Aquino expenses to be incurred in the PIR.
• Catherine J. Salcedo • Facilitate the liquidation of the
• Jubina A. Flores expenses in the PIR.
• Oversight of the logistics concerns of
the PIR
• Prepare and facilitate the distribution of
the meals for the conduct of the
meetings and various PIR activities.

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