Quality Policy

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For over 40 years, we have provided innovative emergency Management and all staff accept responsibility for overall
and safety lighting for high levels of safety in buildings and quality and make this their number one priority.
are one of the leading manufacturers of emergency light-
ing systems in Germany. The RP Group currently employs The introduction and maintenance of an IM system (integ-
around 300 highly-qualified and committed members of staff rated management) in line with DIN EN ISO 9001 and based
at two production sites, with a production area of more than on DIN EN 14001, DIN EN ISO 45001 and DIN EN ISO 50001,
10,000 m², and at other sales outlets at home and abroad. which focuses on continually improving results by taking into
account the requirements of all interested parties, is a key
The Group’s products cover not just luminaires and emergen- factor for our success.
cy power systems but also series for general-purpose lighting
using smart control technologies and various batteries for
numerous applications. The performance and quality of our
products are our main priority so we develop and manufac-
ture our emergency and safety luminaires and power supply
systems exclusively in Germany.
We want to do more than meet the expectations of our custo- and manage them in a calculated manner. Should deviations
mers in terms of product quality and the professional nature arise, we implement effective measures to understand why
of our services. The preferences and requirements of our they have arisen and to remedy them.
partners, distributors and users for high-quality and safe-to-
use emergency and safety luminaires and power supply sys- ENVIRONMENTAL TARGETS
tems and reliable service determine how we work on a daily
basis. Customer satisfaction surveys into the quality of our We are particularly committed to conserving natural re-
products, processes and services help us to improve all the sources and taking a sustainable approach to all our business
time. activities. Our environmental targets include continually im-
proving our environmentally-friendly methods of production
OUR STAFF ARE OUR MAINSTAY and reducing waste.

We challenge the skills and abilities of our staff and promote Compliance
a culture of positive collaboration. They receive the appro-
priate training and support to be able to meet our exacting Compliance with all legislation, ordinances, guidelines and
quality standards. We encourage our staff to solve problems contractual obligations and entering into voluntary agree-
for themselves, to improve processes and we give them ments by choice form part of our quality management sys-
the responsibility and authority to do this. One of the many tem.
things we have done to ensure staff satisfaction is to make
measures for promoting health part and parcel of our HR ma- RP Group conducts itself in line with the principles recogni-
nagement system. We gauge staff satisfaction through staff sed in Germany for prudent business. The provisions of cri-
surveys and use the results as a basis for potential improve- minal law applicable to German companies, in particular the
ment measures. prohibition of corruption, money laundering and bribery, are
observed. As a company based in Germany, we confirm ack-
VISION OF THE FUTURE nowledgement, application and compliance with German and
European regulations concerning customs and foreign trade
Improvement, further development and innovation shape law.
our future. We develop, produce and market high-quality
and safe-to-use emergency and safety luminaires and power
supply systems using state-of-the-art technology and deliver
services which the customer has come to expect from us and
do all this at competitive prices. Using market analyses, we
want to serve the market with innovative products designed
to meet customers’ needs.
Management policy Implementation
QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and planning and operation

We maintain an effective quality management system. Both

Constant improvement
management and all staff are responsible for maintaining in the management
and continually improving our Quality Management System system
(QMS). We don’t just use quality management to improve pro-
cess quality, our services and products but also to economi-
cally and safely steer the company forwards. Our goal-orien- Management evaluation Verification
ted risk management system enables us to understand risks and correction and proof

RP-Technik GmbH

Hermann-Staudinger-Str. 10 – 16
63110 Rodgau


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