Glucose Metabolism and Hyperglycemia
Glucose Metabolism and Hyperglycemia
Glucose Metabolism and Hyperglycemia
Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87(suppl):217S–22S. Printed in USA. © 2008 American Society for Nutrition 217S
by the liver (basal hyperglycemia), whereas the absolute de- GLYCATED HEMOGLOBIN AS A CARDIOVASCULAR
crease in plasma insulin concentration or action reduces glucose DISEASE RISK FACTOR
utilization in peripheral tissues (postprandial hyperglycemia). HbA1c is an easily measured biochemical marker that strongly
correlates with the level of ambient glycemia during a 2- to 3-mo
period. Tests for HbA1c are also inexpensive and can be done at
POSTPRANDIAL HYPERGLYCEMIA any time of day. The concentration of HbA1c strongly predicts the
risk of incident eye, kidney, and nerve disease in persons with
The profile of postprandial hyperglycemia is determined by type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Epidemiologic evidence also
many factors, including the timing, quantity, and composition of indicates that HbA1c is a progressive risk factor for cardiovas-
the meal; the carbohydrate content of the meal; and the resulting cular disease in both persons with diabetes and those without
secretion of insulin and inhibition of glucagon secretion. Be- diabetes. Selvin et al (18) performed a meta-analysis of 10 cohort
cause the absorption of food continues for 5 to 6 h after a meal in studies involving 7435 persons with type 2 diabetes and 3 cohort
persons with and without diabetes, the optimal time to measure studies involving 1688 persons with type 1 diabetes. For type 2
postprandial blood glucose concentrations remains an open diabetes, a 1–percentage point absolute increase in HbA1c was
question. Postchallenge hyperglycemia refers to the glucose associated with a significant 18% increase in the risk of coronary
peak after a predefined load of glucose, ie, during an oral glucose heart disease or stroke and a 28% increase in the risk of peripheral
tolerance test (OGTT). The 75-g OGTT was standardized by the vascular disease. Khaw et al (19) analyzed the relation of one
World Health Organization (5) and is now the reference test for HbA1c measurement to incident cardiovascular events in a 6-y
categorizing glucose tolerance. The relation between values of cohort study of 10 232 diabetic and nondiabetic men and women
postprandial and postchallenge hyperglycemia is poorly under- aged 45-79 y. After adjustment for other risk factors, there was a
stood, and differences depend in part on the ability of mixed significant 21% increase in cardiovascular events for every
1–percentage point increase in HbA1c concentration above 5%.
In one study involving patients with type 2 diabetes, Monnier value of the postmeal incremental glucose peak was 70 앐 42
et al (51) measured 24-h excretion of 8-iso-prostaglandin F2␣, an mg/dL. Most importantly, all patients had the glucose peak be-
indicator of free radical production, while patients used a con- tween 30 and 60 min after meal (Figure 1). Obviously, this
tinuous blood glucose monitoring system; fasting glucose con- contrasts with the current belief that the glucose peak occurs later
centrations and HbA1c also were determined. There was a linear after a meal and the recommendation of the American Diabetes
correlation between increased free radical production and the Association to measure blood glucose 2 h after a meal (55).
magnitude of glucose fluctuations, but not with the 24-h mean Therefore, it is not surprising that treatment with various dif-
glucose concentration, fasting plasma glucose concentrations, or ferent compounds that have specific effects on postprandial glu-
even the HbA1c concentration. 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2␣ concen- cose regulation, such as fast-acting insulin analogues, secreta-
trations were 4 times higher in patients with the greatest glycemic gogues acting on first-phase insulin secretion, amylin analogues,
variability than in patients having the lowest glycemic variabil- and acarbose, is accompanied by significant improvements, not
ity. We reported that exposure of lean nondiabetic subjects to the only in oxidative stress (56 –58) but also in endothelial dysfunc-
same magnitude of glycemic excursion reported by Monnier et al tion (59 – 61), myocardial blood flow (62), inflammation (37),
(51) doubled circulating nitrotyrosine concentrations (46). and nuclear factor-B activation (63).
Moreover, oscillatory hyperglycemia causes more acute incre- Evidence also suggests that both postprandial hypertriglycer-
ments in plasma concentrations of some proinflammatory cyto- idemia and hyperglycemia induce endothelial dysfunction,
kines, such as interleukin-6, interleukin-18, and tumor necrosis through induction of oxidative stress (47, 64). Studies show
factor-␣, than does chronic hyperglycemia in both healthy and independent but cumulative effects of postprandial hypertriglyc-
glucose-intolerant subjects (52). All this seems strictly related to eridemia and hyperglycemia on endothelial function, which sug-
the ability of hyperglycemic spikes to reduce the availability of gests oxidative stress as the common mediator (65). This sup-
nitric oxide (53). ports a specific and direct role of postprandial hyperglycemia,
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