Ingles Medicina Parrafo 1
Ingles Medicina Parrafo 1
Ingles Medicina Parrafo 1
The major regulatory signals involved in transition between the fed and the
fasted state are insulin and glucagón. Insulin secreted from pancreatic beta
cells into the portal circulation in response to a meal, suppresses hepatic
glucose production and stimulates glucose utilization by insulin-sensitive
tissues. Glucagon stimulates hepatic glucose production by both
glycogenolysis and gluconcogenesis. Its secretion from pancreatic alpha cells
is suppressed after a carbohydrate meal which favors glucose conservation.
In the postabsorptivea state, insulin secretion is suppressed and glucagón
secretion increases.
This combination of low insulin and high glucagón hormonal signals resuts in
accelerated hepatic glucose production and diminished glucose utilitation, In
addition to glucagón , the hormone ephinephine, cortisol, and growth
hormone also promote glucose production and limit glucose utilization.
Glucagón, epinephrine, cortisol, and growth hoemone are often referred to
as glucose counterregulatory hormones.